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Primary Science

© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Chapter 2 Animals
Lesson 16
What animals give birth
to their babies? (B)
Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Teaching Outline
1. The time is for each page. Don’t spend too much time on any particular part.
2. Please pay attention to the “TI” at the bottom of each page.

Part A. Brain Storm (2mins) Part B. Let’s Review (7mins)

Part C. Let’s Practice (4mins) Part D. Activities (10mins)

Part E. Sum it Up (2mins)

Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Part A. Brain Storm (2mins)

What animals look like their mothers

when they are born?
Can you name five of them?

TI: T asks S to answer the questions. 01

Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Part B. Let’s Review (2mins)

give birth to look after

生育 照顾

alike born feed

相似的 出生 喂食

TI: T goes through the words with S. 02

Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Part B. Let’s Review (5mins)

What animals give birth to their babies?

Humans, cats, dogs, tigers, lions, cows and horses give birth to their babies.
Animals that give birth to their babies are called mammals.
These animals and their babies look alike. The babies are formed inside
the body of the mothers. They grow inside their mothers until they are born.
Mammals take care of their babies. They protect them until they learn to
look after themselves. They feed their babies with their own milk.

TI: T goes through the passage with S. Make sure S understands the main points. 03
Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Part C. Let’s Practice (2mins)

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

give birth to look after feed alike born

1) Mammals ______ their babies.

2) These animals and their babies look ______.
3) They ______ their babies with their milk.
4) She was ____ in 1994.

TI: T asks S to finish the exercises. Keys are on the next page. 04
Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Part C. Let’s Practice (2mins)

2. Draw lines.

give birth to born look after alike

(1) (2) (3) (4)

TI: T asks S to finish the exercises. 1. give birth to/look after; 2. alike; 3. feed; 4. born 05
Part D. Activities (3mins) Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

1. Let’s match.
Can you find their babies?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

TI: T asks S to finish the exercises. Keys are on the next page. 06
Part D. Activities (2mins) Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

1. Let’s match.
What are the animals doing?

1. It is feeding its babies. (a)

2. She is looking after her baby. (b)

3. It is playing with its baby. (c)

TI: T asks S to finish the exercises. Keys are on the next page. (a)-(3); (b)-(4); (c)-(2); (d)-(1)
Part D. Activities (3mins) Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

2. Let’s find.
Can you find out the animals that
give birth to their babies and name them?

(1) (2)
(5) (7)

(4) (6)
TI: T asks S to finish the exercises according to the guidance. 1-(c); 2-(a); 3-(b)
Part D. Activities (2mins) Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

3. Circle the correct one.


(a) Which one is the baby dog? (a) Which one is the baby horse?

TI: T asks S to finish the exercises according to the guidance. 09

Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Part E. Sum it Up

What do we learn in this lesson?


Words 单词 A passage 小短文

give birth to look after

What animals give
alike born feed birth to their babies?

TI: T quickly goes through the words with S. 10

Primary Science
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited


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