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My name is Jo Ahmad, a handsome high school student (that's my mother's word), smart, famous and

famous for his hospitality and politeness. Not self-promotion, but that's how people judge me. In this
life other people's assessment of us is important to live a social life, even though sometimes a song
verse does not justify it. But all that has nothing to do with this storyline.

This is my story in approaching a woman who is quite coveted. After taking private lessons for the past
few weeks, I'm ready to take action. The first word to approach a woman is courage. Because in this
world rarely women who start an introduction. Most men who start first. The second word is secret. We
need to keep our approach process secret from others. Now I dare to start this process.

The first step, look for info about him as much as possible. With courage, I talked to him. I saw Rifa
sitting on a park bench. I approached him.

"I'm Jo, who are you?" I started with my cool style.

"I'm Somat."

Damn, I made small talk with Rifa, eh the one who answered was even the Somat. My first step failed
because of the Somat. It's my fault that I chose the seat in the middle, with the Somat. After I try again,
thank God we are acquainted too.

The second step is to get a cellphone number directly from him.

"Rifa, can I have your cellphone number?"

"What's up, Jo?"

"So I can teach you if there is a difficult homework."

"Oh, I see. Here! " (hand over a piece of paper)

This is the innocent nature of Rifa which makes me flap. I don't know if he is really innocent or
pretentious. As a Muslim, I am positive that he really is an innocent child.

Step three, give him attention, but don't overdo it. That's what is needed in this process. According to
the book I read, a woman was happy when someone noticed. But, a woman also doesn't like being too
excessive. This is the nature of women that is difficult to understand.

The fourth step is visiting his house. After thinking, calculating, evaluating, and studying, I decided to
visit his house.


"Wa'alaikumsalam, eh Sis Jo, what are the maghribs like here?"

"Want to ride the Fa prayers." Your Rifa is too plain or what? Not too sensitive, if tonight is Saturday
night, I scream inside. Unfortunately again, want to pray to be the ruler of the Rifa, he asked again
obstacle. So I prayed with my mother and younger brother Rifa.
"Son Jo, what are you doing at this time of night?" asked Rifa.

"This auntie, want to invite out the Rifa, can I not tente?"

"It's possible, but not at night, ehm the Rafa can come, son Jo?"

"Oh, yes, may be auntie."

Rifa is indeed the first child of two siblings. Moreover, she is a woman. So it's only natural that his
mother really likes him. The intention is together, eh it will be a T-junction. Recana tonight failed
miserably. I don't give up. The next day, I texted Rifa.

"Rifa, what are you doing? I want to play here. "

"I was alone, so I just came here."

Ulam shoots arrived, this is what I hope. I took my coolest clothes, then I went to the house of the Rifa.
Arriving at the road in front of Rifa's house, I swear, I'm really ashamed. It turns out that at Rifa's house
there is another women's event. I haven't met Rifa yet, I immediately turned my motorcycle back and
went home. I think this is no longer "The top of the beloved beloved arrived" but has changed to
"Beyond honey, inside like gall", it looks like a good thing, but it really isn't.

When I got home, I lay on the couch. I thought, should I give up after struggling all this time. Suddenly
my cellphone rang. I read the SMS from Rifa.

"So, do you play at home, Sis, Jo? I've been waiting for brother. "

"Sorry, Rifa, you suddenly have something to do, so you can't play at your house."

The next day at school, I decided to try the fifth step. I rushed to the Rifa class to meet him. With a
steady step like a prince, I arrived at the Rifa class. Unfortunately, it turns out that in the Rifa class there
are teachers who teach. Once again bad luck is present in my life. I thought all the classes held mass free
hours, apparently it was just my class. Accompanied by the sick song here and the sincerity there, I
returned to class.

Finally, I decided to try the final step in this process, which is to express love with courage and romance.
Once again I headed to the Rifa class. This time the time is right, the Rifa is alone.


"Wa'alaikumsalam, fell to Jo Jo to class. What is wrong?"

"Immediately, Fa. Rifa Anatasya would you like to be Jo Ahmad's girlfriend? "

"Hmmm. Actually ... actually, I can't date sister. So I'm sorry sis, I can't accept this. "
Nama gue Jo Ahmad, seorang siswa SMA yang ganteng (itu kata emak gue), smart, tenar dan
terkenal akan keramahan serta kesopanannya. Bukannya promosi diri sendiri, tapi itulah penilaian
orang terhadap gue. Dalam hidup ini penilaian orang lain terhadap kita itu penting untuk menjalani
hidup bermasyarakat, walau terkadang sebuah syair lagu tidak membenarkannya. Tapi itu semua
tidak ada kaitannya dengan alur cerita ini.
Ini cerita gue dalam mendekati seorang wanita yang cukup diidam-idamkan. Setelah mengikuti les
privat selama beberapa minggu ini, gue siap untuk beraksi. Kata pertama untuk mendekati seorang
wanita itu adalah berani. Karena di dunia ini jarang sekali wanita yang memulai sebuah perkenalan.
Kebanyakan pria yang memulai duluan. Kata kedua adalah rahasia. Kita perlu merahasiakan proses
pendekatan kita dari orang lain. Sekarang gue berani untuk memulai proses ini.
Langkah pertama, carilah info tentang dia sebanyak-banyaknya. Dengan berani, gue ajak ngobrol dia.
Gue lihat Rifa lagi duduk di bangku taman. Gue deketin dia.
“Gue Jo, loe siapa?” Gue mulai dengan gaya cool gue.
“Gue Somat.”
Sialan, gue basa-basi sama Rifa, eh yang jawab malah si Somat. Langkah pertama gue gagal gara-
gara si Somat. Salah gue juga sih milih tempat duduk yang di tengah-tenghnya ada si Somat. Setelah
gue coba lagi, alhamdulillah kita kenalan juga.
Langkah kedua minta nomor HP langsung dari dia.
“Rifa, boleh minta nomor HP kamu ga?”
“Buat apa kak Jo?”
“Biar aku bisa ngajarin kamu kalau ada PR yang susah.”
“Oh, gitu ya. Nih!” (menyerahkan selembar kertas)
Ini nih, sifat polos Rifa yang bikin gue klepek-klepek. Gue ga tahu dia benar-benar polos atau sok
polos. Sebagai seorang muslim, gue positif thingking kalau dia benar-benar anak yang polos.
Langkah ketiga, berilah dia perhatian, tapi jangan terlalu berlebihan. Itu hal yang  diperlukan dalam
proses ini. Menurut buku yang gue baca, seorang wanita itu senang bila ada yang memperhatikannya.
Tapi, seorang wanita juga tidak suka bila terlalu berlebihan. Inilah, sifat wanita yang sulit untuk
Langkah keempat yaitu berkunjung kerumahnya. Setelah berpikir, menghitung, menilai, dan
menelaah, gue putuskan untuk berkunjung ke rumahnya.
“Wa’alaikumsalam, eh kak Jo, ada apa maghrib-maghrib gini ke sini?”
“Mau numpang sholat Fa.” Rifa kamu itu terlalu polos atau gimana sih? Ga peka pula, kalau malam
ini malam minggu, dalam hati gue berteriak. Sialnya lagi, mau sholat jadi imamnya si Rifa, eh dianya
lagi halangan. Jadi gue sholatnya sama ibu dan adiknya Rifa doang.
“Nak Jo, ada apa malam-malam gini main ke sini?” tanya ibu Rifa.
“Ini tante, mau ngajak keluar si Rifa, boleh ga tente?”
“Boleh, tapi jangan malam-malam, ehm si Rafa boleh ikut kan nak Jo?”
“Oh, iya boleh tante.”
Rifa memang anak pertama dari dua bersaudara. Apalagi dia seorang wanita. Jadi wajar saja kalau
ibunya sangat menyanginya. Niatnya berduaan, eh jadinya bertigaan. Recana malam ini gagal total.
Gue ga pantang menyerah. Keesokan harinya, gue sms si Rifa.
“Rifa, lagi ngapain? Aku mau main nih.”
“Lagi sendiri nih, ya udah ke sini  aja.”
Pucuk dicinta ulam tiba, ini nih yang gue harapin. Gue ambil baju terkeren gue, lalu gue berangkat ke
rumah si Rifa. Sesampainya di jalan depan rumah Rifa, sumpah gue malu banget. Ternyata di rumah
Rifa lagi ada acara ibu-ibu gitu. Belum sempet ketemu Rifa, gue langsung putar balik motor gue dan
pulang. Gue rasa ini bukan lagi “Pucuk dicinta ulam tiba” tapi sudah berubah menjadi “Di luar madu,
di dalam bagai empedu”, kelihatannya hal yang bagus, tetapi sebenarnya tidak demikian halnya.
Sesampainya di rumah, gue tiduran di sofa. Gue berpikir, haruskah gue nyerah setelah berjuang
selama ini. Tiba-tiba HP gue berbunyi. Gue baca sms dari Rifa.
“Jadi main ke rumah ga kak Jo? Aku udah nungguin kakak.”
“Maaf ya Rifa, kakak mendadak ada urusan, jadi ga bisa main ke rumahmu.”
Keesokan harinya di sekolah, gue putuskan untuk mencoba langkah kelima. Gue bergegas menuju
kelas Rifa untuk menemuinya. Dengan langkah tegap bagai seorang pangeran, gue tiba di kelas Rifa.
Sialnya, ternyata di kelas Rifa ada guru yang mengajar. Sekali lagi kesialan hadir dalam hidup gue.
Gue kira semua kelas mengadakan jam kosong massal, ternyata cuma kelas gue doang. Dengan
diiringi lagu sakitnya tuh di sini dan ikhlasnya tuh di sana, gue kembali ke kelas.
Akhirnya, gue putuskan untuk mencoba langkah terakhir dalam proses ini, yaitu nyatakan cinta
dengan berani dan romantis. Sekali lagi gue menuju ke kelas Rifa. Kali ini waktunya sangat tepat, si
Rifa lagi sendirian.
“Wa’alaikumsalam, tumben kak Jo ke kelas. Ada apa?”
“Langsung aja ya Fa. Rifa Anatasya maukah kamu  jadi pacar seorang Jo Ahmad?”
“Hmm. Sebenarnya… sebenarnya, aku belum boleh pacaran kak. Jadi mohon maaf ya kak, aku ga
bisa terima ini.”

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