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S.Y. 2016-2017

Name: _____________________ Grade and Section: _____________ Date:_________ Score: ________

Directions: Read the statements or questions carefully and then shade the letter of the correct answer
from the choices given before each number.

1. Which of the following statements about species diversity is TRUE?

A. It is the number of species and individuals of each species in a given area.
B. It includes only the number of individuals of each species on Earth.
C. It is the number of organisms that become extinct each year.
D. It is only the number of species that live in an area.
2. Knowing how each organism transfers its hereditary information from parents to their
offspring can be classified into what level of biodiversity.
A. Ecosystem B. Extinction C. Genetic D. Species
3. If you were to take a count of the different kinds of places where organisms live in your
community, as well as the interconnections that bind these organisms, what diversity
would you be measuring?
A. Ecosystem B. Extinction C. Genetic D. Species
4. Organisms are named based on their characteristics. This is known as their common name.
Which of the given names below is NOT a common name?
A. Cocos nucifera B. Milkfish C. Seahorse D. Starfish
5. Which is the largest category wherein an organism can be classified?
A. Animalia B. Archaea C. Hominidae D. Homo
6. In giving scientific names, the name of the organism is derived from what categories?
A. Class and order C. Genus and species
B. Domain and kingdom D. Phylum and family
7. Which is the scientific name of rice plant?
A. Allium cepa B. Allium sativum C. Oryza sativa D. Zea mays
8. Archaea domain consists of species that possesses important characteristic because they
produce methane gas. This is already utilized in some communities and industries because
it is a______.
A. Source of iodized salt C. Solution to oil spills
B. Cheap source of alternative energy/fuel D. Cheap source of medicines
9. Leptospirosis which is a bacterial infection is caused by Leptospira interrogans present in
the urine and tissues of rats and other animals. How do the bacteria enter the body?
A. By eating contaminated food and water C. Through contamination in air
B. Through cuts in the skin and body surface D. By inhaling spores
10. Bacteria is not always harmful. It has variety of uses for the environment and for humans.
Which group of bacteria is involved in making sour milk or yogurt?
A. Cyanobacteria C. Lactobacillus bulgaricus
B. Escherichia coli D. Rhizobium bacterium

11. Which of the following is unicellular and heterotrophic?

A. Algae C. Paramecium
B. Amoeba D. Both amoeba and paramecium
12. How can you describe the characteristic of most protists?
A. They lack a nucleus and many other cell structures.
B. They can be seen with the unaided eye.
C. They are unable to move on their own.
D. They are unicellular.
13. Malaria is caused by a type of _____.
A. Dinoflagellate B. Sarcodine C. Sporozoan D. Zooflagellate
14. Which of the following lists contain a locomotor mechanism not possessed by protists?
A. Cilia, pseudopodia, and flagella C. Flagella, axopodia, and pseudopodia
B. Cilia, pseudopodia, and spores D. Flagella, pseudopodia, and tube feet
15. Which group of algae contains agar and carageenan which has many economic and
industrial uses?
A. Brown B. Golden C. Green D. Red
16. The poisonous “red tides” result from blooms of ______.
A. Diatoms B. Dinoflagellates C. Euglenoids D. Red algae
17. You found the stinking, rotting body of a rat with long, hail-like structure growing on it.
What is happening on the organism?
A. A fungi is chewing it. C. It is having a bad hair day.
B. A fungi is decomposing it. D. A plant is decomposing it.
18. Which fungi are associated with bread?
A. Aspergillus and mold C. Penicillium and yeast
B. Mushroom and molds D. Molds and yeast
19. Which part of the plant makes food?
A. Flower B. Fruits C. Leaves D. Roots
20. The structure that transports water and minerals up the stem is ______.
A. Phloem B. Cambium C. Pith D. Xylem

For questions 21, refer to the pictures below.



21. Which set of characteristics can be used to describe dicot plants?


22. Invertebrates are animals without backbones. Which of the animals below is NOT an
A. Cnidarians B. Fishes C. Roundworms D. Sponges
23. Humans are classified under what class of vertebrates?
A. Amphibians B. Aves C. Fishes D. Mammals
24. Why do natural ecosystems have high biological diversity?
A. They provide more shelter, water, and food for the survival of species.
B. Greater energy inputs are needed to maintain their productivity.
C. They needed high labor inputs to maintain their productivity.
D. They are labor-intensive.
25. Living things and nonliving things in the ecosystems are interdependent with each other
for the survival and harmonious existence of living organisms. How can you protect and
conserve biodiversity?
A. Converting forests into commercial resorts and recreation sites
B. Exporting wildlife for industrial and commercial purposes
C. Plant more trees to protect and conserve wildlife habitats
D. Collecting and overharvesting of endangered species
For items # 26-28, refer to the food chain below.

26. The main source of energy in the food chain above is the _______.
A. Crickets B. Frog C. Green plants D. Sun
27. Among the organisms in the food chain which is the producer?
A. Crickets B. Frog C. Green plants D. Snake
28. Which is the 1 order consumer ?
A. Crickets B. Frog C. Green plants D. Snake
29. What is the missing organism in the food web on the
right? Write name of the organism in the box to
complete the diagram.
A. Bacteria C. Hawk
B. Grass D. Sun

For question # 30, refer to the energy pyramid.

30. If the producers absorb 10 000 kilocalories (kcal) of energy from the sun, how many
kilocalories of energy is transferred to the primary consumers?
A. 10 000 kcal B. 1 000 kcal C. 100 kcal D. 10 kcal
31. In the food pyramid, what happens to the amount of energy in each trophic level to next
from producers to the top consumers?
A. The energy decreases by 90% C. The energy increases by 90%
B. The energy increases by 10% D. The energy decreases by 50%
32. Of the total energy absorbed by the producers such as plants and phytoplanktons, how
many percent (%) will be passed on from one trophic level to next?
A. 10% B. 50% C. 90% D. 100%
33. Which trophic level absorbs the greatest amount of energy?
A. Producers B. Primary consumers C. Secondary consumers D. Top consumers
34. In a food pyramid, rice plant has a total biomass of 5 ,000 kg. If human occupies the second trophic
level, approximately, how many 50-kg humans can be supported by the biomass of rice?
A. 10 B. 20 C. 25 D. 30
35. In the pyramid of biomass, how much biomass of humans can 10 000 kg of rice can support?
A. 1 000 kg B. 100 kg C. 10 kg D. 1 kg
For test item # 36-37, refer to the diagram .
36. How much biomass of worms can 2 000 kg
of grass can support? chicke
A. 2 kg C. 200 kg n
B. 20 kg D. 2, 000 kg

2 000 kg
37. If the chicken eats the worm, how much biomass will be consumed by the chicken?
A. 2 kg B. 20 kg C. 200 kg D. 2, 000 kg
38. Which gas in the atmosphere is needed for photosynthesis?
A. Carbon dioxide B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Water vapor
39. In the oxygen cycle, which group of organisms replenishes a large portion of the
atmospheric oxygen supply?
A. Fungi B. Insects C. Mammals D. Plants
40. What happens when clouds get too heavy to hold water in the atmosphere?
A. The water evaporates C. The clouds get very large
B. Water falls to the earth D. Another cloud forms
41. On which process does the cycling of water through the hydrologic cycle depends
on _____.
A. Evaporation from the soil & plants C. Precipitation to the ocean
B. Condensation of water vapor to form clouds D. All of these processes
42. Air is made up of many gases. Which of the gases is found in the greatest amount?
A. Carbon dioxide B. Hydrogen C. Nitrogen D. Oxygen
43. In what ways can nitrogen gas be broken down into nutrients for plants?
A. Lightning and special bacteria C. They absorb it through their leaves and roots
B. By being dissolved in water D. Through photosynthesis
44. Planting large numbers of trees results in _______.
A. an increase in carbon dioxide production
B. a decrease in oxygen production
C. a decrease in carbon dioxide production
D. an increase in oxygen production
45., Which gas in the environment will most likely decrease if there is a fire in the forest?
A. Carbon dioxide B. Nitrogen C. Oxygen D. Water vapor
46. During spring, snow melts and flows into a creek. In turn, the creek flows into a river,
which eventually reaches the ocean. Which part of the water cycle is represented by the
process described?
A. Condensation B. Evaporation C. Precipitation D. Run off
47. Which of the following arbors nitrogen fixing bacteria in their root nodules?
A. Beans B. Cabbage C. Mango D. Tomatoes
48. Which activity does NOT constitute habitat loss?
A. Highway construction
B. Converting wetland into housing areas
C. Forest fragmentation as new towns are built
D. Support reforestation projects of the government and NGOs
49. Humans have introduced alien species into the environment in all these ways EXCEPT____.
A. Genetic engineering C. Human colonization of new areas
B. Horticulture and agriculture D. Strict laws on importation of animals
50. How do humans conserve food chains or food webs?
A. Planting single crop only.
B. Use chemical pesticides as possible.
C. Use large amounts of chemical fertilizers
D. Use natural fertilizers like compost and animal manure.

1. A 26. D

2. C 27. C

3. A 28. A

4. A 29. B

5. B 30. B

6. C 31. A

7. C 32. C

8. B 33. D

9. B 34. A

10. C 35. A

11. D 36. C

12. D 37. B

13. C 38. A

14. D 39. D

15. D 40. B

16. B 41. D

17. B 42. C

18. D 43. A

19. C 44. D

20. D 45. C

21. D 46. D

22. B 47. A

23. D 48. D

24. A 49. D

25. C 50. D

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