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Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory

Prof. Thomas Lux

Bifurcation Theory
Bifurcation: qualitative change in the nature of the solution occurs if a parameter passes through
a critical point (bifurcation or branch value).

Local Bifurcation Theory: Continuous Time Systems

Consider the system:

y′ = ϕ ( y, α ) , (1)
where α is a parameter. The equilibrium point ye of this system is given by solving

ϕ ( y e ,α ) = 0 . (2)

Note: the equilibrium point ye , a stationary point, depends on the value of α . At certain values

of α the characteristics of the system changes, sometimes quite dramatically.

By the implicit function theorem the equilibria are continuously differentiable functions of α :
ye = y e (α ) . (3)
Some definitions:
(a) If, at an equilibrium point ( y e ,0 ,α 0 ) the Jacobian is zero and several branches of

equilibria come together, one says that ( ye,0 ,α 0 ) is a point of bifurcation.

(b) Alternative definition: let N α denote the number of equilibrium values of the system

when the parameter is equal to α , then, if for any interval, (α 0 − ε ,α 0 + ε ) , N α is not

constant, α 0 is called a bifurcation value, and the system is said to undergo a bifurcation

as α passes through α 0 .

(c) Another definition: a value α 0 of equation (1) for which the solution of (1) is not

structurally stable is a bifurcation value of α .

(d) An equilibrium point at which no bifurcation occurs is called a hyperbolic fixed point.
(e) The bifurcation diagram is a diagram in which the branches of equilibria are shown in
( ye ,α ) space.

Note: in the case of codimension one bifurcations1 the conditions on the Jacobian and its roots
can be replaced with single partial derivatives.

1. Saddle-node (fold) bifurcation (prototype function: y ′ = α − y 2 )

Consider the one parameter first-order differential equation
y ′ = f ( y,α ) (4)
and assume that when α = α 0 there is an equilibrium ye, 0 for which the following assumptions

are satisfied:
∂f ( y e , 0 , α 0 )
= 0 , [ f ( y,α ) has a stationary point with respect to y at ( ye,0 ,α 0 ) ] (5.a)

∂ 2 f ( y e , 0 ,α 0 )
≠ 0 , [ ( y e,0 ,α 0 ) is an extremum] (5.b)
∂y 2
∂f ( ye, 0 ,α 0 )
≠ 0 . [ f ( y,α ) is not stationary with respect to α at ( ye,0 ,α 0 ) ] (5.c)
Then, depending on the signs of the expression (5.b) and (5.c), there are
(i) no equilibria near ( ye, 0 ,α 0 ) when

α < α 0 ( α > α 0 );
(ii) two equilibria near ( ye, 0 ,α 0 ) for

each parameter value α > α 0

( α < α 0 ). These equilibria are

hyperbolic; one of them is stable
and the other unstable.
Example: y ′ = α − y 2

2. Transcritical bifurcation (prototype function: y ′ = αy − y 2 )

Consider the one parameter first-order differential equation
y ′ = f ( y,α ) (6)

and assume that when α = α 0 there is an equilibrium ye, 0 for which the following assumptions

One-dimensional systems.

are satisfied:
∂f ( ye, 0 ,α 0 )
= 0 , [ f ( y,α ) has a stationary point with respect to y at ( ye,0 ,α 0 ) ] (7.a)

∂ 2 f ( y e , 0 ,α 0 )
≠ 0 , [ ( ye,0 ,α 0 ) is an extremum] (7.b)
∂y 2

∂ 2 f ( y e , 0 ,α 0 )
≠ 0 . [Change in α shifts the phase curve] (7.c)
Then, depending on the signs of the expression (7.b) and (7.c)
(i) the equilibrium y e,0 is stable (unstable) when α < α 0

( α > α 0 );

(ii) the equilibrium y e,0 becomes unstable (stable) for each

parameter value α > α 0 ( α < α 0 ), and a branch of

additional stable (unstable) equilibria ye (α ) emerges.

Example: y ′ = αy − y 2

3. Pitchfork bifurcation (prototype function: y ′ = αy − y 3 )

Consider the one parameter first-order differential equation
y ′ = f ( y,α ) (8)
and assume that when α = α 0 there is an equilibrium y e, 0 for which the following assumptions

are satisfied:
∂f ( ye, 0 ,α 0 )
= 0 , [ f ( y,α ) has a stationary point with respect to y at ( ye,0 ,α 0 ) ] (9.a)

∂ 3 f ( y e , 0 ,α 0 )
≠ 0 , [Excluding the presence of a horizontal inflection at ye,0 ] (9.b)
∂y 3

∂ 2 f ( y e , 0 ,α 0 )
≠ 0 . [Shift of the phase curve] (9.c)
Then, depending on the signs of the expression (9.b) and (9.c)
(iii) the equilibrium y e,0 is stable (unstable) when α < α 0 ( α > α 0 );

(iv) the equilibrium y e,0 becomes unstable (stable) for each parameter value α > α 0

( α < α 0 ), and two branches of additional stable (unstable) equilibria ye (α ) emerge2.

Example: y ′ = αy − y 3

The Hopf bifurcations in continuous time

Note: the Hopf bifurcation requires at least a 2× 2 system to appear.

Consider the 2× 2 system of first-order difference equations
y1′ = ϕ 1 ( y1 , y 2 ,α ),
y 2′ = ϕ 2 ( y1 , y 2 ,α ),
and assume that for each α in the relevant range this system has an isolated equilibrium point
ye = ( y1e , y 2e ) obtained by solving the system

ϕ1 ( y1 , y 2 ,α ) = 0,
ϕ 2 ( y1 , y 2 ,α ) = 0.
The solution to (11) will give y1e , y 2e as continuously differentiable functions of the parameter,
namely (3), if the following Jacobian matrix of (11) is non singular at the equilibrium point
 ∂ϕ1 ( y1 , y 2 ,α ) ∂ϕ 1 ( y1 , y 2 ,α ) 
 ∂y1 ∂y 2 
J (α ) =  , (12)
 2 1 , y 2 ,α )
∂ϕ ( y ∂ϕ 2 ( y1 , y 2 ,α ) 
 ∂y1 ∂y 2 

The case in which the two additional equilibria were stable is called supercritical pitchfork. The case in which the
two additional equilibria were unstable is called subcritical pitchfork.

Hopf bifurcation theorem

Assume that Jacobian matrix (12) evaluated at ( ye, 0 (α 0 ),α 0 ) has the following properties:

(i) it possesses a pair of simple complex conjugate eigenvalues θ (α ) ± iω (α ) that

become pure imaginary at the critical value α 0 of the parameter – i.e., θ (α 0 ) = 0 ,

while ω (α 0 ) ≠ 0 ;

dθ (α )
(ii) ≠ 0;
dα α =α 0

THEN system (3) has a family of periodic solutions.

Note: the critical value α 0 is called Hopf bifurcation
point of system (10).
When a stable cycle emerges, we have supercritical
Hopf bifurcation (see fig. i), otherwise it is
subcritical (see fig. ii).
(1) Conditions for determining the type of Hopf bifurcation (supercritical or subcritical) do
exist, but involve the coefficients of third-order approximation to the nonlinear terms,
which are typically undetermined in economic models (Perko L.: Differential Equation
and Dynamical Systems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991. Chapter 4).
(2) Conditions (i) and (ii) can also be applied to more general n × n systems of differential
equations. In the case n ≥ 3 , the Hopf bifurcation theorem requires all remaining roots
(except for the pair of complex conjugate roots under investigation) to have a negative
real part as otherwise the system would be unstable anyway.

Local Bifurcation Theory: Discrete Time Systems

Note: in discrete time systems the root with unit modulus takes the place of the zero-real-part
root of the Jacobian matrix.
1. Saddle-node (fold) bifurcation (prototype functions: yt +1 = α − yt2 , yt +1 = yt + α − yt2 ).
Consider the one parameter first-order difference equation
yt +1 = f ( yt ,α ) (13)

and assume that when α = α 0 there is an equilibrium ye, 0 . We have fold bifurcation if the

following hypotheses are satisfied:

∂f ( ye ,0 ,α 0 )
=1, (14.a)

∂ 2 f ( ye , 0 , α 0 )
≠ 0, (14.b)
∂y 2
∂f ( ye, 0 ,α 0 )
≠ 0. (14.c)

2. Transcritical bifurcation (prototype functions: yt +1 = αyt − yt2 , yt +1 = yt + αyt − yt2 ).

Consider the one parameter first-order difference equation
yt +1 = f ( yt ,α ) (15)

and assume that when α = α 0 there is an equilibrium ye, 0 . We have a transcritical bifurcation if

the following hypotheses are satisfied:

∂f ( ye ,0 ,α 0 )
∂y (16.a)
∂ 2 f ( ye , 0 , α 0 )
≠ 0, (16.b)
∂y 2

∂ 2 f ( ye , 0 , α 0 )
≠ 0. (16.c)

3. Pitchfork bifurcation (prototype functions: yt +1 = αyt − yt3 , yt +1 = yt + αyt − yt3 ).
Consider the one parameter first-order difference equation
yt +1 = f ( yt ,α ) (17)

and assume that when α = α 0 there is an equilibrium ye, 0 . We have pitchfork bifurcation if the

following hypotheses are satisfied:

∂f ( ye ,0 ,α 0 )
∂y (18.a)
∂ 3 f ( ye , 0 , α 0 )
≠ 0, (18.b)
∂y 3

∂ 2 f ( ye , 0 ,α 0 )
≠ 0. (18.c)

4. Flip (period doubling) bifurcation (prototype functions: yt +1 = αyt − αyt2 ,

yt +1 = − yt − αyt − αyt3 ).

Note: flip bifurcation can only arise in discrete dynamical systems.

Consider the one parameter first-order difference equation
yt +1 = f ( yt ,α ) (19)

and assume that when α = α 0 there is an equilibrium ye, 0 for which the following hypotheses

are satisfied:
∂f ( ye,0 ,α 0 )
= −1 , (20.a)

 ∂f ( ye,0 ,α 0 ) ∂ 2 f ( ye,0 ,α 0 ) ∂ 2 f ( ye , 0 , α 0 ) 
 +2  ≠ 0, (20.b)
 ∂ α ∂ y 2
∂ α y 
 

  ∂ 2 f ( y ,α )  2 ∂ 3 f ( ye ,0 ,α 0 ) 
 
a ≡ 3   ≠ 0.
 +2
e,0 0
  ∂y 2  ∂ y 3

 
Then, depending of the signs of the expressions (20.b) and (20.c),
(i) the equilibrium y e, 0 is stable (unstable) when α < α 0 ( α > α 0 );

(ii) the equilibrium ye,0 becomes unstable (stable) for each parameter value α > α 0

( α < α 0 ), and a branch of additional stable (unstable) equilibria ye (α ) of order 2
emerges (two-cycle).
Note: an equilibrium point (or fixed point) of order 2 is an equilibrium point of the
following difference equitation3:
yt +2 = f ( yt +1 ,α ) = f ( f ( yt ,α ),α ) ≡ f ( 2) ( yt ,α ) . (21)

When a in (20.c) is positive (negative), the emerging equilibrium points of order 2 are stable
(unstable), and the flip bifurcation is said to be supercritical (subcritical) respectively.

Hopf bifurcation theorem for discrete-time systems

Note: unlike with the continuous time case the Hopf bifurcation theorem exists only for 2× 2
discrete time systems.
Consider a 2× 2 non-linear difference system with one parameter
y t +1 = ϕ (y t ,α ) , (22)

and suppose that for each α it has a smooth family of equilibrium points y e = y e (α ) at which

the eigenvalues are complex conjugate, λ1, 2 = θ (α ) ± iω (α ) . If there is a critical value α 0 of the

parameter such that

(i) λ1, 2 (α 0 ) = + θ 2 + ω 2 = 1 , λ1j, 2 (α 0 ) ≠ 1 for j = 1,2,3,4 ;

d λ1, 2 (α 0 )
(ii) ≠ 0;

α =α 0

THEN there is an invariant closed curve bifurcating from α 0 .

An equilibrium point of order 2 is a point that repeats itself every two periods, i.e. a constant-amplitude alternation.

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