Bullying by MERY JANE

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A concept paper

Presented to Mrs. Bernadette L. Besande

English Academic and Professional Purposes
Senior High School Department
Divisoria National High School

In partial Fulfillment of
The requirement in SHS Curriculum
Table of Content
Chapter I. Rational
Chapter II. Discussion
Impact of Example Bullying
Chapter III. Conclusion
Chapter IV. References………………………………………………………………………….
Bullying refers to aggressive behavior that is repetitive and intentional in
which a power differential exists between the victim and bully. The negative effects of
bullying on an individual's mental and physical health are substantial and in line with
other major forms of child maltreatment. Efforts to increase detection of bullying are
indicated, especially among youth presenting with school phobia, depression, anxiety,
and declining school performance. Several anti-bullying efforts have been developed
and promoted at the school and community level. Research indicates that many of
these programs are effective and share some common elements that can help reduce
the prevalence and impact of bullying.

It seems like everybody is worried about bullying. The media is replete with
stories about bullying and the negative effects it has on its victims — effects that include
anxiety and decreased self-worth. It has been suggested that victimization by bullies
has led to self-harm, suicide and even school shootings. Often, bullying is treated as
pathological. The bully has a disease that needs to be cured. According to this view, the
way to stop bullying is to discover the cause of the bully’s “sickness” and then eliminate
this cause. Perhaps this is the wrong approach.
Bullying can make you feel small and weak. It can be physical, verbal or
can even happen online! It also exists at home and in our wider communities. It doesn’t
just happen to children, adults can also be bullied or be bullies themselves. The result
being a constant, and unrelenting attack. Research shows that bullying can have long-
lasting and devastating effects.

Impact of Ex. Bullying

A. Bullying is not a harmless part of growing up. The most obvious and
immediate effect is reducing students' participation, learning and enjoyment of school
.Feeling unsafe or being unable to focus on learning at school can have its own long
term impacts. Staying away from school to avoid being bullied can lead to additional
problems. Other impacts include physical health complaints and fatigue, mental health
impacts such as depression and anxiety, and social implications including self-doubt
and reluctance to participate in group activities.

B. Students who persistently bully others have been found to have later issues in
mental health and educational outcomes, as well as showing criminal and anti-social
behavior.These outcomes do not necessarily mean their bullying behavior results in the
later outcomes and the criminal behavior. It is possible something else in the child's
attributes, environment or experience contributes to both. However, these later
outcomes suggest that persistent bullying is an important warning sign of ongoing
problems. Schools and parent /carers need to support those who bully others to learn
more appropriate ways to get on with others and deal with conflict and social

Bullying among school children is a very old phenomenon though many
are acquainted with the problem, it was not until fairly recently that the phenomenon
was made the object of more systematic research. Most children that bully others do it
because their victim is scared. The bullies usually pick out the children that are weaker
than them. Bullying causes children to have self-esteem issues and this can lead to
depression. Some children do not like to come to school because of the bullying. Most
children that bully others are dealing with problems at home. They pick on others to
make themselves feel good. If bullying does not decrease, more children will have
suicide thoughts, because they will not be able to handle the pressure and anxiety.
Bullying is most frequently the cause of a lot of problems in school. Even though
bullying is reported to teachers they usually are not able to get the situation under

Developing an understanding of bullying and the facts and myths that
surround it is critical to dealing effectively with bullying behaviors. Creating an
emotionally and physically safe environment requires a coordinated effort among staff,
family, the organization, and the community.

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