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Spatiotemporal soliton supported by parity-time symmetric potential with competing


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2016 EPL 115 14006


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July 2016
EPL, 115 (2016) 14006
doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/115/14006

Spatiotemporal soliton supported by parity-time symmetric

potential with competing nonlinearities
Si-Liu Xu1(a) , Yuan Zhao2 , Nikola Z. Petrović3 and Milivoj R. Belić4
The School of Electronic and Information Engineering, HuBei University of Science and Technology
Xianning 437100, China
School of Biomedical Engineering, Hubei University of Science and Technology - Xianning 437100, China
Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade - P.O. Box 68, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia
Science Program, Texas A&M University at Qatar - P.O. Box 23874 Doha, Qatar

received 22 February 2016; accepted in final form 8 July 2016

published online 10 August 2016

PACS 42.65.Tg – Optical solitons; nonlinear guided waves

PACS 05.45.Yv – Solitons

Abstract – We construct explicit spatiotemporal or light bullet (LB) solutions to the (3 + 1)-
dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) with inhomogeneous diffraction/dispersion
and nonlinearity in the presence of parity-time (PT) symmetric potential with competing nonlin-
earities. The solution is based on the similarity transformation, by which the initial inhomogeneous
problem is reduced to the standard NLSE with constant coefficients but with redefined variables
and potential. Transmission characteristics of LB solutions, such as the phase change, half width
and chirp, are studied in the media with exponentially decreasing diffraction/dispersion and with
periodic modulation. Our outcomes demonstrate that diffraction/dispersion and nonlinearity
management can prolong the stability of LBs in a PT potential.

c EPLA, 2016

Introduction. – Solitons are formed by an exact bal- theoretical works [12,13] stimulated recent experimental
ance of dispersion, diffraction, and nonlinearity. In nonlin- studies and led to the observation of PT symmetry break-
ear science, one of the most essential tasks is constructing ing in both active [14] and passive [15] optically coupled
exact soliton solutions to a large variety of nonlinear par- systems.
tial differential equations, describing diverse systems such Spatiotemporal solitons, also called “light bullets”
as shallow water waves, DNA excitations, matter waves (LBs), originate from the simultaneous balance of diffrac-
in Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), and laser beams in tion and dispersion by the nonlinear self-focusing [16].
nonlinear optics [1,2]. They have flourished into a separate research area of great
The PT symmetry was introduced in quantum me- importance and broad interest in various fields, from op-
chanics in 1998 [3], when Bender and Boettcher offered tics, plasma physics to BECs [17–19].
the first indication that a class of non-Hermitian but LBs are described by the spatiotemporal (3+1)D parax-
parity and time-reversed (PT) symmetric Hamiltonians ial wave equation or the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
may possess a real bound-state spectrum. It was soon (NLSE) [20,21]. It is long known that multi-dimensional
reported that balancing gain and loss is an interesting solitons in Kerr media are unstable against wave collapse.
possibility for experimental realization of PT-symmetric Therefore, the search for suitable media for the genera-
Hamiltonians in arrays of waveguides [4,5]. Against the tion of stable 3D LBs remains a viable topic [22]. The
background of experimental findings, various types of sta- same stability problem impedes the creation of multi-
ble spatial solitons in PT-symmetric potentials have been dimensional solitons in self-attractive BECs. Different
reported [6–11]. In optics, the complex PT-symmetric po- schemes to stabilize solitons in BECs and cubic media have
tentials can be realized in the most straightforward way been proposed in refs. [23–30]. However, spatiotemporal
by combining the spatial modulation of the refractive in- localized structures in PT-symmetric potentials with com-
dex with properly placed gain and loss [12]. Pioneering peting nonlinearities are less often reported [31].
In this paper, we go beyond previous work on the
(a) E-mail: (corresponding author) NLSE and study spatiotemporal solitons supported by

Si-Liu Xu et al.

a PT-symmetric potential with competing nonlinearities. with two constant coefficients χ10 and χ20 :
We utilize the similarity transformation to transform this  
∂U 1 ∂2U ∂2U ∂2U
model into the standard NLS equation with constant co- i + + + + χ10 |U |U
efficients and a PT-symmetric potential, and find exact ∂Z 2 ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ∂T 2 (3)
solutions. +χ20 |U | U + [V (X, Y, T ) + iW (X, Y, T )]U = 0.

The paper is organized as follows. In the second sec-

Requiring that
tion, we introduce the model and obtain different types
of spatio-temporal soliton solutions. In the third section, A2 χ (z)
the transmission characteristics of the LBs found, such χ10 ≡  0 1 z , (4a)
β(z) 1 − s0 0 β(z)dz
as the phase change, the half width and the chirp are
0 χ2 (z)
studied in media with periodic modulation and with ex- χ20 ≡  z 3k−2 , (4b)
ponentially decreasing diffraction/dispersion. Numerical β(z) 1 − s0 0 β(z)dz
simulations and comparison with analytical results are also  z 2
1 − s0 0 β(z)dz v(X, Y, T )
performed. In the last section, our conclusions are briefly V (X, Y, T ) ≡ , (4c)
outlined. β(z)
 z 2
1 − s0 0 β(z)dz w(X, Y, T )
The model and the soliton solutions. – We W (X, Y, T ) ≡ , (4d)
consider propagation of a light beam along the z-axis
in paraxial approximation, in the presence of a PT- after some algebra one obtains the following expressions
symmetric potential with competing nonlinearities. In for the self-similar variables and the amplitude and phase:
this case the beam dynamics is governed by a generalized
(3 + 1)D nonlinear Schrödinger model: x y
X(z, x) ≡ z , Y (z, y) ≡ z ,
1−s0 0 β(z)dz 1−s0 0 β(z)dz
β(z) (5a)
i∂z u + (∇⊥ u + ∂t2 u) + χ1 (z)|u|2 u z
2 β(z)dz
+χ2 (z)|u|2k u + [v(z, r) + iw(z, r)]u = 0, (1) T (z, t) ≡ z , Z(z) ≡ 0 
z ,
1−s0 0 β(z)dz 1−s0 0 β(z)dz
where ∇⊥ = ∂ 2 /∂x2 + ∂ 2 /∂y 2 is the transverse Lapla- (5b)
cian, r ≡ (x, y, t) is the spatiotemporal “transverse” po- A0
A(z) ≡  z −3/2 ,
sition vector, and the complex envelope of the electrical 1 − s0 β(z)dz
field u(z, r) is normalized by (k0 w0 )−1 (n2 /n0 )−1/2 . The   (5c)
s0 x2 + y 2 + t2
longitudinal coordinate z, transverse coordinates x, y and ϕ(z, x, y, t) = −  z ,
the co-moving time t are scaled to the diffraction length 2 1 − s0 0 β(z)dz
LD ≡ k0 w02 (with the wave number k0 ≡ 2πn0 /λ and √ the where s0 is an arbitrary real constant. Solutions of eq. (3)
input wavelength λ), the input beam width w0 , and LD ,
can be used as seeds for the generation of various solutions
respectively. Function β(z) is the diffraction/dispersion
of eq. (1) via relations (4), under conditions (5). There-
coefficient, and χ1 (z) and χ2 (z) are the cubic and (k + 1)-
fore, substituting solutions of eq. (3) into (2) will lead to
th–order nonlinearity coefficients, respectively. Thus, the
the nonautonomous solitons of eq. (1).
model contains competing cubic and higher-order power
We seek the solution of 3D NLSE (3) in the form
nonlinearity. The power k is any real number larger
than 1. An even function v(z, r) ≡ k02 w02 nR (z, r) and an U (Z, X, Y, T ) = ψ(X, Y, T )ei[δZ+θ(X,Y,T )] , (6)
odd function w(z, r) ≡ k02 w02 nI (z, r) are the real and imag-
inary components of the complex PT-symmetric potential where, δ is an arbitrary constant. Here, the real-valued
that is considered in this paper; they correspond to the in- amplitude ψ(X, Y, T ) and the phase θ(X, Y, T ) satisfy the
dex guiding and the gain or loss distribution of the optical following differential equations:
potential, respectively. Their form will be specified later.
∇2 ψ − |∇θ|2 ψ + V ψ + χ10 ψ 3 + χ20 ψ 2k+1 = δψ, (7a)
To find analytical solutions of eq. (1), we write the field 2
ψ∇ θ + 2∇θ∇ψ + W ψ = 0, (7b)
as [13,31]:
The model admits different solutions, provided the above-
u(z, r) = A(z)U [X(z, x), Y (z, y), T (z, t), Z(z)]eiϕ(z,r) , mentioned conditions are met. Here, we are interested in
(2) two distinct types of soliton solutions, denoted as Case 1
where A(z) is the amplitude, X = X(x, z), Y = Y (z, y), and Case 2 solutions, arrived at by suitable chooses of
T = T (z, t) are the self-similar variables, Z = Z(z) is an V (X, Y, T ) and W (X, Y, T ). It follows that for an arbi-
effective propagation distance, and ϕ(z, r) is the phase of trary even function ψ and odd function θ, there is an even
the wave, all assumed to be real functions. Substituting potential V and an odd potential W for which eqs. (7) are
eq. (2) into eq. (1), we aim to obtain the standard NLSE satisfied.

Spatiotemporal soliton supported by PT symmetric potential with competing nonlinearities

Case 1 solution. If the PT-symmetric potential is cho- where X, Y , T , ϕ(z, r) and θ(X, Y, T ) satisfy
sen in the following form: eqs. (5a)–(5c) and (9b), respectively. Here the phase is
  made up of the phase θ(X, Y, T ) in solution (9b) and the
V (X, Y, T ) = δ − 3 + 2 + chirped phase ϕ(z, r), expressed by eq. (5c).

Case 2 solution. If instead, the PT potential is
× sec h2 (X) + sec h2 (Y ) + sec h2 (T )
chosen as
− ψ02 χ10 sec h2 (X) sec h2 (Y ) sec h2 (T )
− ψ02k χ20 sec h2k (X) sec h2k (Y ) sec h2k (T ), (8a) 3 1+k k 2 W02
V (X, Y, T ) = δ − 2 + + 2
W (X, Y, T ) = W0 sec h(X) tanh(X) k k2 (k + 2)

+ sec h(Y ) tanh(Y ) + sec h(T ) tanh(T ), (8b) × sec h2 (X) + sec h2 (Y ) + sec h2 (T )
the potential obviously satisfies the properties of a PT- − ψ02 χ10 sec h2/k (X) sec h2/k (Y ) sec h2/k (T )
symmetric potential: V (X, Y, T ) = V (−X, −Y, −T ) − ψ02k χ20 sec h2 (X) sec h2 (Y ) sec h2 (T ), (12)
and W (X, Y, T ) = −W (−X, −Y, −T ), and we obtain a
closed-form localized solution (that satisfies the condition leaving W equal to eq. (8b), one obtains the following
ψ(X, Y, T ) → 0 as X, Y, T → ±∞): amplitude:
ψ(X, Y, T ) = ψ0 sec h(X) sec h(Y ) sec h(T ), (9a) ψ(X, Y, T ) = ψ0 sec h1/k (X) sec h1/k (Y ) sec h1/k (T ), (13a)
with the phase given by
with the phase given by
θ(X, Y, T ) = [arctan(sinh X) + arctan(sinh Y )
3 kW0
θ(X, Y, T ) = [arctan(sinh X) + arctan(sinh Y )
+ arctan(sinh T )], (9b) k+2
and two arbitrary constants W0 and ψ0 . Note that this + arctan(sinh T )], (13b)
soliton solution is valid irrespective of whether χ10 and/or
From eqs. (4), the complex PT potential is of the form
χ20 are positive or negative.
The potentials in eqs. (8) resemble the Scarff II potential β(z)
commonly used in the study of PT potentials [11]. The vII (X, Y, T ) =  z 2
only additional terms are the two terms with products 1 − s0 0 β(z)dz

of hyperbolic secants: sec h2 (X) sec h2 (Y ) sec h2 (T ) and 3 1+k k 2 W0
sec h2k (X) sec h2k (Y ) sec h2k (T ), which decay much faster ∗ δ− 2 + + 2
2 2 2
k k2 (1 + k)
than sec h (X) + sec h (Y ) + sec h (T ) far from the origin.  
Therefore, it remains plausible that such PT potentials × sec h2 (X) + sec h2 (Y ) + sec h2 (T )
can be experimentally realized. − ψ02 χ10 sec h2/k (X) sec h2/k (Y ) sec h2/k (T )
From eqs. (4), under the given PT potential, one obtains
− ψ02k χ20 sec h2 (X) sec h2 (Y ) sec h2 (T ) , (14)
vI (X, Y, T ) =  z 2
1 − s0 0 β(z)dz whereas w is of the same form as in eq. (10b). Finally, u
W0   is equal to
∗ δ−3+ 2 + sec h2 (X)+sec h2 (Y )+sec h2 (T )
A0 ψ0
−ψ02 χ10 sec h2 (X) sec h2 (Y ) sec h2 (T ) u(z, x, y, t) = ±  z 3/2
 1 − s0 0 β(z)dz
−ψ02k χ20 sec h2k (X) sec h2k (Y ) sec h2k (T ) (10a) 
∗ sec h1/k (X) sec h1/k (Y ) sec h1/k (T )
and × ei[θ(X,Y,T )+δz+ϕ(z,x,y,t)] , (15)
W0 β(z)
w(X, Y, T ) =  z 2 [sec h(X) tan h(X)
1 − s0 0 β(z)dz where X, Y , T satisfy eqs. (5a)–(5c), respectively. Here,
again, the phase is made up of the phase θ(X, Y, T ) in
+ sec h(Y ) tan h(Y ) + sec h(T ) tan h(T )]. (10b) solution (13b) and the chirped phase ϕ(z, r) expressed by
The soliton solution of eq. (1) is thus given by eq. (5c). Note that the solutions found depend in a crucial
way on the diffraction/dispersion coefficient β(z). In the
A0 ψ0
u(z, x, y, t) = ±  z 3/2 next section we make specific choices for the function β(z)
1 − s0 0 β(z)dz and discuss the properties of the corresponding solutions.
× [sec h(X) sec h(Y ) sec h(T )] ei[θ(X,Y,T )+δz+ϕ(z,x,y,t)] . Characteristic distributions of solitons. – We next
(11) discuss dynamics of LBs found for the two special cases

Si-Liu Xu et al.

Fig. 4: (Colour online) |u|2 , v and w as functions of x and z

in a DDM for Case 1 without chirp. We have y = t = 0 and
ρ0 = −0.1. Other parameters are the same as in fig. 1.

Fig. 1: (Colour online) |u|2 , v and w in a PMS for Case 1.

(a)–(c) Plots as functions of x and z for y = t = 0. (d)–(f) Plots
as functions of x and y for z = t = 0. Other parameters are
ω = 1, s0 = 0, A0 = 1, k = 2, χ10 = 1, χ20 = 1, β0 = 1,
W0 = 3, δ = 3 and ψ0 = 1.
Fig. 5: (Colour online) |u|2 , v and w as functions of x and z in
a DDM for Case 1, with chirp. Parameters are the same as in
fig. 4, except s0 = −0.5.

Fig. 2: (Colour online) |u|2 , v and w in a PMS with chirp as a

function of x and z for y = t = 0. Parameters are the same as
in fig. 1, except for s0 = 0.5.

Fig. 6: (Colour online) v in a PMS for different values of χ10 .

Parameters are the same as in fig. 1(e), except for (a) χ10 = 3
and (b) χ10 = 10.

Figure 2 displays the same plots as in 1(a), (b) and (c),

with the addition of chirp. Hence, one can see that the
Fig. 3: (Colour online) |u| as a function of x and y in Case 2,
chirp modulates the intensity of our solution in fig. 2(a).
for various values of k: (a) k = 2, (b) k = 3 and (c) k = 5.
Somewhat surprisingly, the chirp produces only a rela-
Here, z = t = 0. The remaining parameters are the same as in
fig. 1. tively modest effect on the PT potential, as can be seen if
we compare figs. 2(a) and (b) with figs. 1(a) and (b). This
is because the modulation is already present in v and w
of the diffraction/dispersion coefficient β(z): the periodi- via the parameter β.
cally modulated system (PMS) β(z) = β0 cos(ωz) [32,33], Figures 3(a)–(c) show the effect of changing k for Case 2.
and the diffraction/dispersion-decreasing medium (DDM) We find that the increase in parameter k broadens our
β(z) = β0 eρz [32], where β0 is the initial diffraction, ω solution, as can be expected from eq. (13a).
is the frequency of modulation in the PMS case, and ρ Figures 4 and 5 give the results for Case 1 in DDM. In
is the exponential rate of growth/decay in the DDM case. fig. 5 there is the addition of chirp. A negative number was
One can obtain increased modulation stability of solutions chosen for s0 , given that the chirp blows up for positive
using such distributed coefficients [33,34]. s0 at some point. One can see from fig. 4(a) that funda-
In fig. 1, we display the basic results for the PMS sys- mentally the solution without chirp is the same, however
tem without chirp. We see in fig. 1(a) that the basic sech with the addition of chirp in fig. 5(a), an exponential de-
profile propagates in the z direction without change. From cay of the solution is observed, down to some small value.
eqs. (10a), (10b), and (14), it is seen that the complex PT- From figs. 4(b), (c) and figs. 5(b), (c) one can see that the
symmetric potential satisfies v(x, y, t) = v(−x, −y, −t) potentials also ultimately decay to 0.
and w(x, y, t) = −w(−x, −y, −t). Thus, the index guiding In fig. 6 we display the effect of increasing the terms
and the gain or loss distribution are respectively even and associated with χ10 . Given a large enough value, they
odd functions with regards to x, y, and t. We observe this produce a potential well in the center of v. A similar
in figs. 1(b) and (c). In fig. 1(d), we see that the solution effect can be found if instead, one increases χ20 .
is localized in all transverse dimensions, while figs. 1(e) In fig. 7 we observe the effect of an increase in k on the
and (f) again confirm the PT symmetry. potential, for both the PMS (a) and the DDM (b). One

Spatiotemporal soliton supported by PT symmetric potential with competing nonlinearities

larger the instabilities. Thus, as it is seen, the diffraction

management of the type considered here can prolong the
life of these LBs significantly.

Conclusion. – In summary, we have found light bullets

supported by specific parity-time symmetric potentials
with competing nonlinearities and have analyzed their
Fig. 7: (Colour online) v in a PMS (a) and DDM (b) for various properties. We established that the dynamic character-
values of k. The remaining parameters are the same as in figs. 1 istics of LBs, such as the intensity, phase, and chirp, can
and 4. be modified by the variation of the diffraction/dispersion
parameter and the strength of nonlinearities. These re-
sults may provide additional potential applications in the
field of PT-symmetric systems.


This work is supported in China by Natural Sci-

ence Foundation of Hubei Province (2015CFC779
and 2013CFC011), and by the Natural Science
Foundation of Guangdong Province, under Grant
No. 1015283001000000. The work in Qatar is supported
by the NPRP6-021-1-005 project with the Qatar National
Research Fund, a member of the Qatar Foundation. The
Fig. 8: (Colour online) The total phase Φ in PMS as a function work in Serbia is supported by the Serbian Ministry of
of x and z for y = t = 0 in (a) and (c) and of x and y for Education and Science, under project OI 171006.
z = t = 0 in (b) and (d). In (a) and (b) s0 = 0, whereas in (c)
and (d) s0 = 0.1. Other parameters are the same as in fig. 1.
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