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June, 2020

“Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you
yourselves were suffering.” Hebrews 13:3

Dear Friends,

The last few months have been particularly trying in the United States due to the corona virus
pandemic and then the killing of George Floyd and subsequent protests and violence. These are clear
reminders that we live in a fallen world that is in need of healing. The Lord taught us to pray, “Thy
Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Our challenge as Christians is to be people
who act with justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. By doing so we can take part in
healing the world. In this newsletter I want to share with you a report from our prison team on how
they are working with prisoners in Moldova to heal and transform broken people and relationships.

Sergei Bolgar the leader of our prison ministry shares the notes below:
I thank the Lord for giving us the opportunity to continue serving in prisons and beyond during the
period of quarantine as a result of the corona virus pandemic. The post office has remained open in
Moldova and we have been able to continue correspondence with disciples we have made in the
prisons. I thank God for blessing our team throughout the past year. I thank Him for our entire team
and for all our students. I especially thank Him for the 69 new disciples who believed in Christ and
began to study the scriptures.

Prison Ministry Team - Sergei, Irina and Snejana holding gospel based calendars in Russian and
Romanian that they were able to broadly distribute through the Moldovan Prisons
I thank God that the administration of prisons is allowing our students to gather together for prayer,
fellowship, and Bible study. For example, in the city of Soroca, about ten believers are gathering in a
small group inside the prison. God gave us the opportunity to send them lessons, Christian literature,
and literature for their children. We also have had the opportunity to communicate with them over the

Let me share the testimonies of some women from prison who believed in Christ. Anna Gustan was on
the wrong track and ended up in prison. As a result of studying the Bible and going through
discipleship training Anna now believes in God and gave her life to Christ. She testifies that Jesus gives
her joy and peace that she did not have previously and she now constantly thanks God for what he is
doing in her life. She also testifies to others about what Christ did for her at every opportunity.
Another testimony is not of a prisoner but a family member of one of the prisoners that became a
believer as a result of our ministry. Valentina Dvornikova is a relative of one of our disciples in prison.
Her relative shared what she was learning about Christ and Valentina wanted to find out more. She
started studying Bible lessons and reading through our discipleship material also. As a result, she gave
her life to Christ. She was baptized and now attends a local church in the south of Moldova.

Let me also share the testimonies of men from prison. While Jacob Savin was in prison, he began to
read the Bible. He learned that he had gone astray and the Lord revealed a lot of other things to him
through the Word. Jacob used to live without faith, and he testified that there was nothing good in his
life as everything looked scary and sad. But when he knew the truth and entrusted his life to Jesus, he
had a kinship and peace in his soul. He considers himself dead to sin, alive in Christ and thanks God for
the change. Another one of our disciples is Nikolai Malyarchuk. Nikolay is married, and both he and his
wife have become Christians as a result of his conversion while in prison. Nicholas testifies that the
Lord delivered him from anger, rage, deception, and hypocrisy. Nikolay came to God as a result of
Christian fellowship and Bible study while in prison.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I thank each of you who support our ministry prayerfully and
financially. We encourage you to continue to support us. After all, what could be more important than
saving people and their relationship with God. This is precisely the purpose of our ministry!

I hope this report encourages you concerning the work God is doing in Moldova to call new believers to
Himself. It is our great joy to take part in the healing work of Christ and to celebrate with Sergei and
the team on their new disciples. Please continue to pray for us so that we can be used by God to serve
others and be a light in times of darkness. Thank you for your continued support.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Ganaway
Gospel of John Board Member

Phone 817-507-8339

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