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Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No.

1, 2011

Measurement of nanoparticles
by light-scattering techniques
Satinder K. Brar, M. Verma
Nanoparticles (NPs), due to their unique physical and chemical properties, especially their minute particle size (<100 nm), find
applications in numerous industrial, commercial and consumer products. After their end-user applications, these NPs find their
way into the environment and food products. The NPs so discharged need to be quantified accurately to determine their toxicity
and exposure levels.
At this time, there is a need to develop a unified method for their determination. There are plenty of techniques available in the
market that were initially used for colloidal particles (e.g., microscopy, spectroscopy and the recent addition of magnetic
resonance), but each of these techniques has a certain degree of uncertainty.
Further, sample homogeneity, sample preparation, instrument-operating procedures, and statistical practices are likely to add
to the complexity of the problem. In this context, this review attempts to understand the widely-used light-scattering techniques,
including their theory, practice and real-world use in determination of NPs in environmental and food applications.
ª 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Determination; Environment; Exposure; Food; Light scattering; Nanoparticle; Particle size; Sample homogeneity; Sample preparation;

Abbreviations: DLS, Dynamic light scattering; NP, Nanoparticle; PSD, Particle-size distribution; SLS, Static light scattering

1. Introduction impacts. An appropriate analytical meth-

Satinder K. Brar* od to measure NPs is the largest gap in NP
INRS-ETE, Université du
The extensive use of nanotechnology in research, more so at environmentally rel-
Québec, 490, Rue de la
Couronne, Québec, Canada
various spheres of science and technology evant concentrations. In this regard, this
G1K 9A9 has led to the release of nanoparticles review examines the possibility of using
(NPs) from various applications (e.g., dyes, light-scattering techniques as valuable
M. Verma cosmetics, catalysts, print materials, food, methods for measurement and analysis of
Centre de recherche industrielle
and lacquers). The most important physi- NPs.
du Québec (CRIQ), 333 rue
Franquet, Québec (Québec),
cal property of NPs is particle size, which Particle-size distribution (PSD) plays a
Canada G1C 4C7 needs to be estimated accurately, as it may fundamental role in controlling the prop-
also correspond to a particle-size distribu- erties of different nanomaterials. For
tion. Since the advent of interest in example, chemical reactivity of nanoma-
nanotechnology, NP measurements have terials, which mostly differs from that of
come a long way. Light scattering is one of macroscale or microscale materials, is
the most prevalent, commonly-used tech- usually affected by NP surface/volume
niques. ratio. Particle size also determines NP dif-
Elaborate laboratory studies have fusivity, and the ability of NPs to permeate
shown the potential of nanomaterials (e.g., cell membranes. PSD analysis thus allows
carbon nanotubes, metal NPs, and quan- monitoring of NP aggregation or release of
tum dots) to be transported in aquatic NP-surface modifiers. These modifications
systems, to interfere with biological sys- may be attributed to preservation condi-
tems and to lead to toxicity [1–3]. Further, tions, concentration effects or chemical
with the increased interest in studying the properties of the dispersing medium (pH,
fate of NPs in the environment and the ionic strength), and they alter NP proper-
food sector, there is a need to evolve ties. Size characterization is a key step in
analytical methods that can measure not only the quality control of NP syn-
* these NPs. This will lead to a clear thesis, but also proliferating application of
Corresponding author.
Tel.: +1 (418) 654 3116; understanding of their behavior and their NPs and their ultimate release into the
Fax: +1 (418) 654 2600; effects, two key factors to ascertain their environment.

4 0165-9936/$ - see front matter ª 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.trac.2010.08.008
Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011 Trends

NPs are characterized by a variety of techniques {e.g., nanomaterials. However, light scattering has been
electron microscopy (transmission, TEM, or scanning, employed on a large scale, as it is the most important,
SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Fourier-transform key technique in many environmental applications
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spec- [14–16].
troscopy (XPS), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), matrix- This review discusses the different light-scattering
assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass techniques, the logic behind their widespread use com-
spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS), nuclear magnetic reso- pared to other techniques as well as their pitfalls. To
nance (NMR) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) [4–13]}. begin, it is necessary to understand the theory of light
Evaluation of the particle size of NPs in numerous fields scattering.
involving environmental and food samples has mostly
been carried out by DLS, which is now considered an
established, traditional technique. However, the varia- 2. Principle of light scattering
tions in the types of DLS instrument and the analytical
procedures adopted may often limit accurate information Light scattering can be divided into three domains based
on the apparent sizes of particles, making it difficult to on a dimensionless size parameter, a, which is defined as:
understand the size dependence of the NPs. pDp
DLS measures the Brownian motion of NPs and relates a¼ ð1Þ
this movement to an equivalent hydrodynamic diameter,
with the motion of smaller particles being overestimated. where pDp = circumference of a particle, and k =
In reality, DLS measures the time-dependent fluctuations wavelength of incident radiation. Based on the value of
in scattering intensity caused by constructive and a, these domains are:
destructive interference resulting from the relative a > 1: Rayleigh scattering (small particle compared to
Brownian movements of the NPs within a sample. wavelength of light);
Through application of the autocorrelation function and a  1: Mie scattering (particle about the same size as
subsequent calculation of the exponential decay, average wavelength of light); and,
particle size can be calculated from time-dependent fluc- a  1: Geometric scattering (particle much larger
tuations in light intensity (see ISO 13321 for further de- than wavelength of light).
tails). The challenge with most of the nanomaterials in Particles in suspension are in constant random motion
natural environments is difficult because they exhibit a (Brownian motion) due to interaction with the molecules
duality of physical and chemical characteristics as they of the suspending fluid. According to the Stokes-Einstein
switch from hydrophobic to polar forms upon exposure to theory of Brownian motion [17], particle motion is
water. In aqueous environments, this is expressed as their determined by the suspending fluid viscosity, the tem-
initial tendency to: perature, electrical charge, electrical mobility and the
(1) self-assemble into aggregates of substantial size and size of the particle, as seen in Equations (2) and (3):
hydrophobicity; and, subsequently, kB T
(2) interact with the surrounding water molecules and D¼ ð2Þ
other chemical compounds in natural environment, lq kB T
thereby acquiring negative surface charge. D¼ ð3Þ
Thus, measurement of nanomaterials by one single
method is a daunting, irreproducible task. Table 1 sets where D = diffusion constant, q = electrical charge of a
out the different barriers to environmental analysis of particle, lq = electrical mobility of the charged particle

Table 1. Environmental barriers for analysis of nanomaterials

Environmental barriers Responses

Trace levels Often difficult to measure with good reproducibility by single
method; often requires several methods in tandem
Other particles not of interest also present Segregation difficult leading to ambiguous results
Particle-size changes (aggregation, agglomeration, condensation) Often leads to composite data making characterization difficult
Volatilization of organics during sample preparation Loss of sample in conjunction with lower quantities leads to
erroneous measuring
Static charges -
Extraction efficiency weak Leads to underestimated concentration levels
Aquatic stability due to formation of colloids Nanoparticles lose their individual characteristics
Absence of quality-control materials (references/surrogates) Non-comparable results across global laboratories
Laboratory background levels Contamination of samples demanding several replicates; often
precious samples are lost 5
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011

(i.e. the ratio of the particleÕs terminal drift velocity to an sionless size parameter is estimated as a function of
applied electric field), kB = BoltzmannÕs constant, particle diameter and refractive index.
T = absolute temperature, g = viscosity, and r = radius Ultimately, random particle motion forms a complete
of the spherical particle. Equation (3) is also known as distribution of optical frequency shifts measured over
the electrical mobility equation, which defines the dif- time. There is an effect of NP interaction and gravity on
fusion of charged particles in a given medium. NP measurement by light-scattering techniques, as
The particle motion in a fluid of known temperature and shown in Fig. 1. Light-scattering techniques are of two
viscosity can finally lead to the determination of particle principal types: classical and dynamic.
size. The DLS technique measures optical motion [18,19].
The suspended particles are illuminated with a coherent 2.1. Classical
light source. The time-dependent position or velocity of Classical light scattering (also known as static, Rayleigh
the suspended particles imparts frequency shifts due to the or multi-angle light scattering) provides a direct measure
light scattered from the suspended particles. of particle size and can be often used for the measurement
Theoretically, the scattering pattern produced by a of molecular mass, which is an important application in
single spherical particle comprises a series of light and food with respect to proteins. It is therefore very useful for
dark concentric bands that decrease in intensity with determining whether the native state of a particle is
increasing radial position. The principal optical model simple or complex, and for measuring the masses of
applied in laser-light scattering (LLS) is Mie scattering. aggregates or other non-native species. It also can be
The Mie model takes into account both diffraction and used for measuring the stoichiometry of complexes be-
scattering (absorption, refraction and reflection) of the tween different particles (e.g., colloidal, larger particle
light around the particle in its medium. The dimen- complexes or particle-organic matter complexes). Like-

Figure 1. Nanoparticle interaction and gravity as two major factors affecting the stability of nanoparticles (NPs) and hence measurement by light-
scattering techniques.

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011 Trends

wise, it can give information on particle structure and, in where n0 = refractive index of the solvent, k = wave-
combination with DLS or field-flow fractionation (FFF), length of the light source, dn/dc = refractive index
particle shape can be also determined. increment of the solution, NA = AvogadroÕs number
The most common equation used for determination of (6.023 · 1023), and c = solution concentration. The
average molecular weight, Mw, by static light scattering intensity of the analyte, A, is measured at an angle IA(h).
(SLS) is the Zimm Equation as explained below in The subscript, T, is for toluene with the Rayleigh Ratio of
Equations (4)–(8): toluene, RT, being 1.35 · 105/cm for an HeNe laser. As
described above, the radius of gyration, Rg, and the
Kc 1
¼ þ 2A2 c second virial coefficient, A2, are also calculated from
DRðh; cÞ M W PðhÞ the Zimm Equation. A simple SLS experiment entails the
1 average intensity of the sample that is corrected for the
¼ RZ
þ 2A2 C ð4Þ
M w f1 þ qz ð Ng Þg scattering of the solvent and yields the Rayleigh ratio, R,
as a function of the angle or the wave vector, q, as
where: mentioned in Equation (7). Thus, by using the Zimm
K ¼ 4p2 n20 ðdn=dcÞ =N A k4
ð5Þ Equation, molecular mass of particles, such as proteins,
can be determined.
DRðh; cÞ ¼ RA ðhÞ  R0 ðhÞ ð6Þ 2.2. Dynamic
DLS [also known as photon correlation spectroscopy
with: (PCS) or quasi-elastic light scattering (QELS)] uses scat-
I A ðhÞn20 RT tered light to measure the rate of diffusion of the parti-
RðhÞ ¼ ð7Þ cles. This motion data is simply processed to derive a size
I T ðhÞn2T NðhÞ
distribution for the sample, where the size is given by the
and the scattering vector for vertically polarized light Stokes radius or hydrodynamic radius of the particle.
is: This hydrodynamic size depends on both mass and shape
h (conformation). For food applications, DLS is particularly
q ¼ 4pn0 sin =k ð8Þ good at sensing the presence of very small amounts of

Table 2. Dynamic light-scattering technique – advantages and disadvantages

Characteristics Advantages Disadvantages Remarks

Size range (nm) 2–3000 Other methods (e.g., tracking analysis)
can have a larger size-range analysis
Size resolution 1:3 in theory, 1:4 in practice* - Relatively higher than other known
Measurement of NPs in Average particle size, which is Other approaches can have particle-by-
polydispersions intensity biased towards the larger or particle approach enhancing resolution
contaminant particles within a
Measurement of NPs in Slightly more reproducible than Other methods look at fewer NPs, hence
monodispersions other methods due to average decreasing reproducibility
particle size from many more
Refractive index Requires solvent refractive index. In Other methods may not need this
samples with NP mixture, analysis is information, causing no interference
weighted towards the more refractile
Size distribution Intensity distribution which can It is equivalent to other methods where
be converted into a volume particle distribution is possible and
distribution. No accurate volume distribution is not. Often in liquid
information about particle environmental and food samples, volume
concentration can be calculated. is more important
Dilution Lower dilution Less compromise on particle aggregation,
a major factor in NP measurement

Advantages correspond to the positive points of light scattering versus negative points correspond to disadvantages, as per the analysis; DLS is a
win-win situation on many accounts.
1:3 means 100-nm particles can be resolved from 300-nm particles; and, 1:4 means 100-nm particles can be resolved from 400-nm particles. 7
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011

aggregated protein (<0.01% by weight) and studying Nonetheless, DLS can be a very good technique for rel-
samples containing a very large range of masses. It can ative comparisons, such as indicating which formulation,
be quite valuable for comparing stability of different sample treatment, or purification process produces more
formulations, including real-time monitoring of changes aggregates, especially in food applications. The application
at elevated temperatures. of DLS and its sensitivity are also dictated by the protocol
The three key strengths of DLS are: used for sample preparation, as this entire procedure can
(1) analysis of samples containing very broad distribu- lead to underestimation or overestimation of results.
tions of species of widely differing molecular masses
(e.g., a native particle and various sizes of large
aggregates) can also be carried out; 3. Sample-preparation techniques
(2) it can detect very small amounts of the higher mass
species (<0.01% in many cases); and, Experimental conditions (e.g., light scattering detected
(3) as it is a batch-mode measurement, there will be no off-line or in combination with fractionation or any
chromatographic separation or dilution involved; other technique) and sample parameters (e.g., amount,
moreover, there is no precaution to be taken on the temperature, pressure, and viscosity) determine the
molecule aggregates, as they are not affected within choice of sample cells. When light-scattering detectors
a chromatographic column or dissociated by dilution. are to be used in combination with chromatography or
Table 2 sets out the major advantages and disadvan- FFF, special, commercially-available flow cells have to be
tages of DLS technique. The primary limitation of DLS is used. For most off-line measurements of aqueous or non-
that it is often difficult to quantify accurately the aqueous solutions of the scattering NPs or polymers,
amounts of any aggregates that may be present, so the cylindrical quartz-glass cuvettes are used. Table 3 rep-
size fractions cannot be correlated with a specific com- resents the key sample parameters and characteristics
position [20]. For example, interferences can be caused that need to be measured to analyze the samples.
by a range of possible artifacts (e.g., dust particles), As light-scattering techniques usually involve single-
which influence the scattering intensity compared to particle measurements, they entail dilution of the sample
smaller particles, so that they influence the sizing result. as far as possible to suppress interparticle interactions,
Moreover, the particles are considered spherical by DLS which may lead to interparticle interferences. If the
techniques, so that the actual size of the particles in the dilution factor is not respected, the Stokes–Einstein
dispersion can be underestimated. Also, data obtained equation (Equation (1)) is no longer valid, and diffusion
from samples containing particles with heterogeneous coefficients determined by DLS yield wrong hydrody-
size distributions are difficult to interpret, as is often the namic radii and lead to erratic measurements. However,
case in environmental applications. Fig. 2 is a repre- the concentration of scattering particles within the
sentation of a typical set-up for measurement of NPs by solution and/or suspension has to be large enough to
light-scattering techniques. create sufficient scattered intensity at all scattering an-

Figure 2. Typical light-scattering technique set-up for measuring size of nanoparticles (NPs).

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011 Trends

Table 3. Sample characteristics required for data analysis using light-scattering techniques

Parameter Static light Dynamic light Remarks

scattering scattering
Solvent viscosity, g NO YES Determines the magnitude of scattering vector q according to
Equation (6) (which can be obtained from physical chemistry
Solvent refractive index, nD YES YES Can be obtained from physical chemistry handbook
Sample concentration in g/L YES NO Known for the specific sample
Sample temperature NO YES Known for the specific sample
Refractive index increment, dnD/dc YES NO Has to be measured using standard interferometers, especially for
the environmental samples, which are mixtures of different components

gles of interest. The scattered intensity depends on the membrane-equilibrium conditions to determine accu-
following parameters: rately the true particle molar mass, Mw. Thus, various
(1) mass or size of the scattering particles, which can- artifacts encountered during light-scattering techniques
not be adjusted at all to experimental needs; (e.g., aggregate formation, presence of dust, and
(2) solute-particle concentration, which should be as absorption of the incident laser light) must be taken into
small as possible; and, consideration while measuring the particle size of NPs.
(3) refractive-index difference of solvent and solute par- Samples with heterogeneous size distribution and of di-
ticles or, more accurately, refractive-index incre- verse composition are hard to interpret, and, unless the
ment dnD/dc, which can be adjusted by choosing sample content is known, size fractions cannot be related
an appropriate solvent. to particles of a specific composition [22,23].
Often, certain samples containing polyelectrolytes Despite the artifacts, careful sample preparation makes
cannot be handled in water and organic solvents, due to the light-scattering techniques simple and robust
the long-range Coulombic interactions between the methods, which find wide application in the environ-
scattering solute particles. In environmental applications, mental and food sectors.
this can be a big hurdle and a challenge, due to the
presence of certain polyelectrolyte-modified NPs for
potential application. Salts can help overcome the 4. Environmental applications
Coulombic interactions, but their concentration has to
be limited to reduce the possibility of affecting the NPs entering the environment may not initially be toxic
refractive index. A comprehensive review on polyelec- to the living organisms in the environment, but, during
trolytes has been already published [21]. the course of their life cycle, they may become toxic. NPs
The changes in refractive index have to be determined could react with other substances in the environment,
under Donnan equilibrium conditions, which correspond break down in the environment, provide a catalyst
to chemical potential and not constant salt concentra- (speeding up) for the reactions already taking place, or
tion. The theory of Donnan equilibrium can be elaborated inhibit essential reactions taking place and even mimic
by adopting the partitioned chamber concept. Consider certain metabolic pathways resulting in identical natural
two chambers partitioned by a semi-permeable mem- products.
brane. In the initial phase, the left chamber contains an In order to understand the mechanism of NPs in the
aqueous solution of negatively-charged NPs and positive environment and their various interactions, an effective
counterions only, whereas the right chamber contains an measuring tool is key. For example, waste NPs from a
aqueous salt solution (e.g., NaCl). The membrane is manufacturing plant could alter the pH of the river,
permeable to the small ions (Na+, Cl) only, and imper- which lead to dissolution of metals that normally do not
meable to the larger, negatively-charged NPs. To estab- dissolve (e.g., aluminum). In turn, aluminum in the
lish the electrochemical equilibrium, Cl ions start to flow water supply would be toxic to the inhabiting living
through the membrane from the right chamber into the organisms. In order to carry out the complete analysis of
left chamber, leading to an electric membrane potential the NPs, consideration needs to be given to the size, the
also attracting the Na+ ions from right to left. Thus, an shape, the surface and the bulk of the particles [24–28].
equilibrium is established, as seen in Fig. 3, referred to as All these parameters could influence the properties of
the ‘‘Donnan equilibrium’’, when the electrochemical NPs, and, in turn, their behavior and eventual risks in
potential of the left chamber matches that of the right the environment. Thus, unintended (e.g., waste, waste-
chamber. Both refractive-index increments and average water, and sludge) and intended (e.g., groundwater
scattered intensities have to be determined under these remediation) release of NPs into the environment may 9
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011

Figure 3. Donnan equilibrium with charged nanoparticles (NPs) and salt solution.

lead to indirect human exposure (e.g., via drinking (1) use of NPs to measure other contaminants precisely
water, and the food chain), which needs to be quantified. – which also incorporates their determination; and,
While considering environmental samples for detec- (2) measurement of engineered NPs released into the
tion and analysis of NPs, different environments and environment.
ecosystems need to be considered. The different ecosys- Both these aspects are discussed in this section.
tems comprise different media, mainly, solid, liquid or Localized surface-plasmon resonance (LSPR) applies
gas with constituent variations (e.g., plant tissue and surface-enhanced spectroscopic processes of metallic
cells, and soil types), which provide challenges to NPs, so LSPR spectroscopy has become a powerful
methods of detection and analysis. technique for chemical and biological analysis. In the
NPs could also be present within consumer products environment, a recent homogeneous of Hg2+ assay was
and nanocomposites, which also provide challenges to performed by measuring enhanced LSPR scattering sig-
detection and analysis. Light-scattering techniques are nals resulted from Hg2+-DNA complex-induced aggre-
mostly applicable to NPs in the liquid phase. Drawbacks gation of gold NPs (AuNPs). These light-scattering
of these techniques are that, often, frequent sampling is signals can therefore be observed by dark-field micros-
required, and samples need to be treated before their copy and measured by spectrofluorometer [30]. Com-
analysis. These not only increase error in quantitative pared to colorimetry, this technique was highly sensitive.
analysis but also prevent in situ analysis of the NPs in the DLS has been used to determine the amount of arsenic
environment resulting in unrealistic analysis of NPs. in Bangladeshi well water, bottled drinking water and
A recent study by Domingos et al. [29] used a multi- Mississippi tap water. Label-free AuNPs are used in a
method for characterizing manufactured NPs in selective colorimetric assay and a highly-sensitive DLS
suspension. The authors used different techniques [e.g., assay for the detection of arsenic in concentrations as
transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force low as 3 ppt [31].
microscopy (AFM), DLS, fluorescence correlation spec- Another aquatic environment study confirmed that
troscopy, NP-tracking analysis, and FFF]. Their study DLS offered good advantages as a technique to analyze
demonstrated that none of the methods was ideal and NPs. Miglietta et al. [32] studied the dispersion of
that each method had inherent advantages and limita- carbon black and carbon nanotubes in the aquatic
tions, so characterization of NPs involves a combination environment. The study also considered the influence
of methods rather than a single method. of mechanical agitation (e.g., sonication and stirring)
There are two aspects to measuring NPs in the envi- on the agglomeration state and particle-size distribu-
ronment: tion. The authors reported that such processes seemed

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011 Trends

to have little or no effect as far as agglomeration was concentrations detected were about 20 times lower than
concerned. But, it depended on the sonication fre- for spectrophotometry studied at the second-order lines.
quency and stirring speed, as a high rate of stirring Likewise, a recent study investigated the possibility of
along with high sonication frequency can cause dis- adding guar gum to stabilize sterically zero-valent iron
persion as well as agglomeration by increasing particle NPs, which are widely used in remediation of contami-
density and hence enhancing inter-particle interac- nated groundwater. Tiraferri et al. [46] found that the
tions. sedimentation profiles of the different iron-NP suspen-
The toxicity of copper NPs against Escherichia coli was sions confirmed the improved stability of the iron NPs in
studied using a centroid mixture design of experiment the presence of guar gum. Thus, this strategy can also be
that adopted DLS so that a correlation was obtained used to measure these NPs by DLS techniques as, often,
between toxicity and particle size [33]. DLS techniques their aggregation limits precise measurement.
require information on viscosity and refractive index, Titanium dioxide (TiO2) NP suspensions were recently
which is often not available or difficult to find in envi- determined for their particle size using DLS techniques to
ronmental samples that are highly complex, thus mak- establish a reliable method for in vitro toxicology
ing the overall estimate quite difficult, unless the sample assessment of these NPs [47]. It was established that the
is spiked. This necessitates further development of these NP sizes were comparable with values determined using
simple methods in order to adapt them to the real other analytical procedures and other instruments, thus
environmental situations. confirming the accuracy of these techniques.
C60 fullerenes comprise a class of nanomaterials that In recent years, the resonance light-scattering (RLS)
are gaining immense popularity due to their applica- technique has also gained importance as a valid technique
tions, so that novel analytical methods are required for for analysis of NPs in the environment [48–51]. For spe-
their quantification with high sensitivity. Although the cies that aggregate, enhancements in light scattering of
fullerenes are insoluble in water, colloidal suspensions of several orders of magnitude, efficiently carried out by RLS
stable C60 NPs can be formed in high concentrations techniques, can be observed at wavelengths characteristic
and transported in water between biological networks of these species. RLS is characterized by high sensitivity
[34]. The high chemical stability of C60, even in the [52,53], ease of performance and simplicity in equipment
presence of acids or bases [35], indicated that its bio- (usually a common spectrofluorometer).
degradation is difficult in biological and environmental The RLS technique has been widely used in determi-
systems, though their functional groups, in fullerene nation of proteins and some metal ions, due to the
derivatives, may be lost. Most methods of fullerene strongly-enhanced RLS signals of the bindings of dye-
analysis in the literature involve extraction of fullerenes proteins or dye-metal-ion complexes [54–57].
by organic solvents combined with ultraviolet-visible Recently, a study reported the use of RLS where the
(UV-vis) spectrophotometry [36] and other expensive signal of CdS NPs was strongly enhanced by the silver
techniques {e.g., high-performance liquid chromatogra- ion, and the response signal was linearly proportional to
phy (HPLC) [37–41] and high-performance thin layer the concentration of the silver ion [58]. This technique
chromatography (HPTLC) [42]}, both using MS or UV- can therefore be adopted for determination of environ-
vis for detection. However, direct quantification of ful- mental pollutants, most commonly in surface waters.
lerenes in water by spectrophotometry is limited for Most of the research studies pertaining to the use of
higher concentrations of NPs in suspension. A simple light-scattering techniques in literature are linked to
alternative for direct quantification of C60 in water waters with none conducted on soils. Soils pose a dif-
would be scattering techniques (e.g., nephelometry or ferent set of problems, due to their complexity and the
turbidimetry), extensively used for quantification of sol- possibility of NP-organic-matter speciation and other
ids in suspension [43], or spectrofluorimetry, which is interactive effects.
often limited by the lack of strong fluorescence bands, as Even wastewater is a domain that is yet to be inves-
is the case in most C60 molecules and C60 NPs [44]. For tigated, due to the complexity of the systems and myriad
nephelometry, the intensity of the scattered radiation is possible interactions in this milieu. We found in the lit-
greatest if the particles are small enough so that Ray- erature one reported study on the presence and the
leigh scattering occurs. For larger particles, the scatter- measurement of NPs in wastewater, which we discuss
ing intensity decreases at 90 so that turbidimetry is below, as it is the principal sink for the NPs and hence
more suitable [43]. A study by Sene et al. [45], who the major route of exposure.
employed nephelometry to measure n-C60 concentra- The most important aspect is that nano-structured
tions, found that the detection limit of the proposed components are intrinsically less stable than their
method was about 0.0090 ± 0.0008 mg/L, in a linear microstructured counterparts, so that there is loss of
concentration range of 0.007–0.360 mg/L. A compari- structural stability in nano-structured components,
son of this nephelometric technique with spectropho- which is a difficult parameter to analyze by existing
tometry showed that, for nephelometry, the threshold light-scattering techniques. 11
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011

4.1. Case of wastewater-treatment plant potentially benefit from the introduction of nano-based
An increasing number of consumer products, including detectors, sensors and labeling [48]. In some countries,
cosmetics, medicines, cleaners and even food, use various nanomaterials are already used in food supplements and
types of NPs as active or inert ingredients, so wastewater- food packaging, with nanoclays as diffusion barriers and
treatment plants (WWTPs) (the treated effluent as well as nano-silver as antimicrobial agents [60–62]. The prin-
the wastewater sludge) have become a major pathway for cipal NPs in food applications comprise TiO2, silicates
NPs entering the environment. Although there is no evi- and aluminosilicates. TiO2 (designated E171 in Europe)
dence that such NPs pose an environmental threat, their is used for whitening and brightening foods, especially
ultimate fate is an enigma, as determination of their for confectionary, white sauces and dressings, and cer-
presence in WWTPs has not so far been successful. tain powdered foods [63,64]. Particulate silicates and
A recently reported study by Jarvie et al. [59] conducted aluminosilicates (E554, E556 and E559 in Europe) are
a study using neutron-scattering techniques and stated used in the food industry as anti-caking agents and to
that the bare NPs remained suspended in simulated study, allow the flow of powders, and some are present in
and coated NPs tended to aggregate in sediment, which cheeses, sugars and powdered milks [63]. The major five
was explained by interactions of NPs with organic matter food sources of particulate silicates are salt, drinking
and surfactant molecules. By contrast, long-term elec- powders, chewing gum, instant pot savory snacks and
trolyte effects were not so prominent. Apparently, poly- icing sugar. Pharmaceuticals or nutraceuticals and
electrolyte effects may be predominant, due to the toothpaste are also major sources of particulate silicate
possibility of Coulombic interactions, as discussed earlier. and aluminosilicate intake [63].
Nanotechnology can certainly be used in a positive Limited work has been reported to date on detection
manner in the environment (e.g., for remediation of and characterization of engineered NPs in food, based on
contaminated groundwater and soils). However, the searching the databases of Science Direct and ISI Web of
risks of NPs throughout their life cycles in the environ- Science, so we have drawn a simile from natural NPs.
ment must be established, and that needs an integrated Moreover, with existing techniques, it is difficult to dis-
platform of precise measurement techniques. When tinguish between natural and engineered NPs. Thus,
considering environmental samples, they can be distin- isotopic labeling techniques must be designed to perform
guished as simple (monodispersions) or complex the same with both natural and engineered NPs. Fur-
(polydispersions). Hence, for less complex environmental ther, analysis of engineered NPs in food has mostly been
media (e.g., water-only ecotoxicity studies and studies on performed by microscopy techniques, rather than light-
aggregation in water), it may be possible to use some of scattering techniques, and a review has been already
the simpler, faster analytical approaches (e.g., DLS) published on this aspect [65].
along with centrifugation and/or microscopy to cover As discussed in the case of environmental applications,
the entire range of space and time for manufactured NPs. determination of NPs in food samples requires informa-
However, in complex media (e.g., sorption and persis- tion on not only concentration, but also size distribution
tence studies in sludge, soils and sediment/water and other properties that influence their presence and
systems, water-sediment ecotoxicity studies, or bio- distribution in the food samples. The physico-chemical
availability studies), analysis becomes significantly more properties of NPs that would play an important role in
challenging, and some techniques (e.g., DLS and electron their overall assessment for potential risks include: par-
microscopy) apparently fail to distinguish between the ticle size; particle distribution; surface area; surface
engineered NPs to be tested and naturally-occurring charge and topography; composition and purity;
nanomaterials as well as between dissolved and partic- hydrophobicity and solubility; chemical reactivity and
ulate forms. Ideally, under these conditions, more bioactivity; and, dispersion or aggregation state.
sophisticated methods of separation, further coupled Moreover, on one side, application of NPs in food is
with MS, can take over. To date, no single protocol exists thought to ensure food safety, and, on the other side, the
that can precisely characterize NPs in situ, or in general NPs themselves incur toxicity. Given the huge diversity
in complex media (e.g., water, sediment and soil). Sep- of engineered NPs for use in the food sector (e.g.,
arating a wide range of particle sizes (1–1000 nm) in chemical composition, size, size distribution, and surface
physico-chemically diverse, polydispersed samples at low activity or modification) and potential interaction with
concentrations is a major bottleneck. food-matrix components (e.g., proteins), measurement of
NPs is a challenging task requiring tailored solutions
[66–70]. The processes affecting two or more particles in
5. Food applications food will depend heavily on environmental factors (e.g.,
concentration, pH, ionic strength, and temperature). As
The uses of nanotechnology-derived food ingredients, a result, when investigating the physico-chemical prop-
additives, supplements and contact materials are ex- erties of a food product, it is very important to maintain
pected to grow rapidly in future. Food safety will also the study system in an environment as close as possible

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011 Trends

to the original conditions. In a food product, the major particle moves in the applied voltage gradient, the rela-
constituents (e.g., proteins, polysaccharides, lipids and tive phase will shift, and can be detected by a phase
flavors) are in dynamic, and often weak, equilibrium comparator. This method was principally used in the
with themselves as well as the environment, making the determination of isolelectric point and elctrophoretic
analysis further challenging. mobility of whey-protein-isolate solution, and provided
Conventional light-scattering techniques often require better reproducibility [84]. The electrical properties of
the sample to be diluted, so that that they cannot globular proteins in solution cannot easily be charac-
maintain the original conditions of the sample. This re- terized by light scattering, as they are relatively weakly
stricts their application in the industrial environment scattered, and have, at certain pH values, very low
[71]. However, often the backscattering benefits of re- charge. In this context, PALS has certainly given a more
cent advances in DLS techniques can help overcome this sensitive, reproducible analysis of such proteins.
limitation, as shown in Fig. 4, as recent advancements in Recently, diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) has been
DLS techniques can improve performance by enhancing used to overcome the disadvantages of conventional
sensitivity and covering a larger NP-size range for dilute, light-scattering techniques, as it can operate in a very
low-molecular-weight samples. Likewise, the technique turbid medium (or ÔÔmultiple scatteringÕÕ regime). DWS
is able to measure higher concentrations with better has proved to measure coagulation times accurately and
reproducibility for concentrated high-molecular-weight it is also possible to correlate qualitatively the intensity of
samples. the scattered light to the elasticity of the structures
The SLS technique has been generally described as a formed in the gelation of milk via rennet [85–87]. The
rapid, reproducible technique that covers a broad parti- combination of back and transmission DWS was used to
cle size range (0.05–2000 lm). SLS has been used to monitor the stability of sodium caseinate-stabilized
measure the size of dairy components in suspension – emulsions in the presence of excess sodium caseinate
individually fat globules [72], lactose crystals [73], or [88]. By studying the oil-droplet dynamics, flocculation
casein micelles [74] – and in composite media {e.g., and/or creaming was correlated as a function of oil-
skimmed milk [75] or whole milk [76,77]}. DLS tech- volume fraction when sodium caseinate was present in
niques have been mostly restricted to milk and to simple excess in solution. Other authors [89–91] monitored the
emulsions, together with model systems. Many factors early stages of droplet kinematics to detect the differences
contribute to this: between aggregation leading to creaming or to gel for-
(1) milk is a liquid containing colloidal particles; mation by presence of extracellular polysaccharide in
(2) these particles scatter light well, and they may be emulsions stabilized with whey-protein isolate. Although
diluted with proper care; and, these studies did not supply precise quantitative infor-
(3) dilution does not disrupt the texture that is natural mation, their interesting point was the clear indication of
to the food, as would be the case for preparations the mechanism of interactions of proteins and polysac-
(e.g., sauces and mayonnaises). charides with different food systems, and that too under
It is evident that DLS experiments can provide some realistic concentrations. The DWS system is still in its
information on the surface structures of the casein mi- formative stage with regard to its use in food, particu-
celle NPs by relatively simple, rapid experiments [78– larly in emulsion systems. Nevertheless, it will prove a
80]. The major concern in these studies is whether or valuable tool, more particularly in the case of complex
not the micelles preserve their original state when they interactions in food systems, where more than one
are diluted into buffer, so methods need to be devised to scattering element is always present. For toxicity tests of
take the utmost care to avoid premature dissociation of NPs in food samples, a separate dispersion experiment
these micelle molecules. Although DLS is very sensitive can be conducted under optimum conditions to compare
to changes in shape and size of the particles observed, with the dispersion behavior in the affecting media and
detection of the structural changes taking place in small during the course of the affecting experiment. This
globular proteins prior to denaturation is very difficult. comparison experiment with maximum dispersion may
However, the processes of aggregation or nucleation or include surfactants, co-solvents, pH changes, certain
transitions to the denatured form can easily be detected ionic strength and sonication. Comparing the results in
[81–83]. the realistic effect/exposure experiments with those from
A technique that is also catching on in the field of food this comparative experiment can give valuable infor-
colloids, and hence NPs, is phase-analysis light scatter- mation on the degree of aggregation.
ing (PALS), which was developed to measure the elec- Further, analysis requires knowledge of the type of
trophoretic mobility of charged particles, and it offers medium (i.e. whether it is a pure medium or a complex
enhanced sensitivity at the low mobilities. In PALS, laser mixture comprising heterogeneous systems). Another
light is split, a frequency modulation is applied to one aspect to be considered is the characterization of the NPs
portion of the light, which is then used to generate a under a range of relevant biological conditions (e.g.,
scattering pattern from a suspension of particles. If the complex food products, where they can interact with 13
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011

Figure 4. Backscattering benefits of recent development in light dynamic scattering techniques: (a) for dilute low-molecular-weight samples (en-
hanced sensitivity and larger size range); and, (b) concentrated high-molecular-weight samples (higher concentrations and better reproducibility).

proteins, lipids, sugars or other biomolecules). This may 6. Future research and challenges
have consequences for the surface composition of the
NPs and their aggregation behavior, as the adsorbed Particle-analysis techniques can generally be classified as
proteins and biomolecules may result in totally different ensemble or single-particle techniques. With ensemble
hydrophobicity, charge and charge distribution than techniques, individual particles cannot be isolated. In-
synthesized NPs. The adsorbed proteins and other bio- stead, ensemble techniques measure the response from
molecules thus confer what is called a ‘‘biological statistically significant numbers of particles simulta-
identity’’ (the biomolecule corona) [92,93] to the NPs. neously. Laser-light diffraction is a commonly employed
NPs can also alter the functioning of the adsorbed bio- ensemble technique. Obviously, there is not one single
logical molecules (e.g., enzyme activity, degradation and ‘‘best technique’’ for all situations. Determining the best
other properties), making them more or less active than technique for a particular situation requires knowledge
the unbound form [94]. of the particles being analyzed, the ultimate application
While the light-scattering techniques may be applied of the particles, and the limitations of techniques being
to carry out measurements of NPs in the pristine form, considered. There are plenty of techniques available in
the measurement and the quantification of NPs in the literature covering specific ranges of NP-size distri-
food, biological tissues and other biological matrices bution, as shown in Fig. 5.
presents considerable challenges, since suitable equip- Depending on the application of interest, a number of
ment and measurement strategies are not yet available techniques can be used to analyze and to characterize
[95,96]. Many food products also contain considerable NPs. In industries where aerosols play an important role,
amounts of naturally-occurring NPs (e.g., proteins, some tools [e.g., the Differential Mobility Analyzer
silica or traces of TiO2), which makes detection of (DMA)] are commonplace. With fine powders, light-
added NPs difficult, as it rules out techniques (e.g., scattering techniques are common. A prerequisite for
elemental mapping), where there are already signifi- toxicological, toxicokinetic, migration and exposure
cant background levels. Further, light-scattering tech- assessment is development of analytical tools for the
niques are mostly destructive, and often the samples detection and the characterization of NPs in complex
are precious, so this is another aspect that needs to be matrices (e.g., food and environment). We can therefore
investigated and improved, especially for environmen- conclude that nanotechnology research in the environ-
tal and food applications. ment will principally be governed by newer, simpler,

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011 Trends

Figure 5. Performance of different particle-size-measurement techniques (Note: only a few techniques can measure particles in the nanoscale

faster and more efficient characterization techniques for The use of the light-scattering techniques is a further aid
nanomaterials. This particle-by-particle approach avoids to NP-size determination and characterization, which
the ensemble assumptions of DLS and provides a unique have obviously become important aspects in future food
approach, going beyond light scattering in assessing applications, more so with respect to exposure and toxic-
polydisperse systems and providing insight into aggre- ity. In 2007, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on
gation. Moreover, when the same analysis has been Food Additives (JECFA) affirmed that specifications and
carried out using different methods, we need to adopt a acceptable daily intakes for food additives that have been
caveat, as particle-size distributions reported in terms of evaluated in other forms are not intended to apply to NP
volume, number or scattering intensity usually produce materials [97]. These considerations have led food com-
vastly differing results, despite the data coming for the panies to focus attention on pre-market approval, trace-
same physical material. Another fundamental particle ability and other regulatory aspects related to the risk
characteristic, zeta potential, must also be measured management of these materials. In the case of food and
rapidly using light-scattering techniques. This effectively environmental samples, characterizations of the param-
quantifies the parameter controlling electrostatic stabil- eters of NPs are made at different times, and can also be
ization, and can be used in precise NP analysis to avoid additional uncontrollable variables of the physical prop-
the instability that can result from particle-particle erties. All these limitations make the development of a
attraction, further leading to aggregation (which is a characterization tool desirable that can accomplish its
major pitfall of conventional light-scattering techniques). functions in the same ambient conditions, in real-time, 15
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2011

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