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Research of Cement mixtures with Additions of Industrial By-Products

This research is made by R. Papesch, L. Klus, J. Svoboda and R. Zajac, the main goal of their
research is the use of secondary energy products. The research use fly ashes, respectively steel
dusts as an additives for cement mixes. The researchers focused on physico-mechanical
characteristics of the fresh and solid mixture. Finding an appropriate formulations for grouting
works, highway construction feasibly rehabilitation of underground spaces or holes due to
mining activities. The main reason of the authors to this research is to find a way to use industrial
by-products in more creative and conservative way of using them, and also using this materials
can become a solution of reduce the use of natural resources such as aggregate and limestone.
The aim of this research is to verify the influence of secondary energy products and the relative
proportion of granular fly ashes, fluid fly ashes from the production of power plants and steel
plant dust, to the resulting rheological properties of the mixture. It was observed that the effect of
development of tensile strength and compressive strength in different times and after freeze-thaw
cycles. By relying on the acquired results, stating that it doesn’t required rapid increase of initial
strengths is possible to make cement mixes with up to 20% compensation of fine cement by a
suitable type of secondary energy products, also the compressive strength and tensile strength in
bending is not affected. Being this as substitute is possible to assume cost reduction in
comparison with reference mixture. Use of mixtures with high mentioned additions should
always be considered, especially according to place of use, conditions which affect location and
with properties wanted to be achieve.

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