ChE Laws II and III PDF

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II. Enumeration (20 Pts.

) (In Any Order)

1 – 3: The 3R’s of the Waste Management

 Reuse
 Recycle
 Reduce
4 – 6: Example of Philippine Environmental Laws
 R.A. 8749
 R.A. 9003
 R.A. 9275
7 – 15: Examples of Government Agencies Involved in the National Solid Waste
Management Commission
16 – 18: Examples of Private Sectors Involved in the National Solid Waste
Management Commission
 Representative from Non- Government Organization
 Epresentative from Manufacturing or Packaging Industry
 Representative from Recycling Industry
19 – 20: Examples of Hazardous Waste Substances
 Pesticides
 Solvent

III. Essay (20 Pts. Each): Answer the following in your own words.

1. Explain in your words the current situation of the implementation of the

Philippine Environmental Laws. (20 Pts.)
- The current situation of the implementation of the Philippine Environmental
Laws are average because as you can see specially in Manila the water, solid
and air pollution are generally contributing to the inconvenience of every
Filipino. Some people all over the country doesn’t see what they are doing to
our environment due to their personal interest/s, Philippine Environmental
Laws should be implemented for every Filipino citizen, because it is the law
for the future. Future that the world will face if the traditional practices will
not be reduced.

2. As a future Chemical Engineer, what can you contribute to the Chemical

Engineering profession for the 21st century? (20 Pts.)
- As a future Chemical Engineer what I can contribute to the Chemical
Engineering profession for the 21st century is to do a research about renewable
energy that’s what I have been doing since I enter 2nd Year college, I want to
contribute in the field of energy because high percentage of the pollution is
came from burning of fossil fuel or using the commercial source of energy.
That’s my goal to provide affordable renewable energy.

3. How can you contribute to the implementation of the Philippine Environmental

Laws? (20 Pts.)
- I can contribute to the implementation of the Philippine Environmental Laws
by encouraging or explaining why this law is very important and how to help
even the smallest way possible. Educating yourself and other regarding this
law is very important, I believe environmental laws all over the world is the
law for the future of the Earth/environment. We should do our best to
maintain the cleanliness of our environment and act accordingly to the

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