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Self-Evaluation Rubric My

Model Answers to Daniel Kraft’s Speech Analysis Assignment score

Compare your answer to the answers in this rubric. 1-5
Self-evaluate your answers on a scale 1-5.
1 – I missed a lot of important insights
5 – I exceeded expectations in this analysis
Your answers do not have to be identical to the answers in this
rubric, but they should be similar.
Question Possible Answer
Who is the speaker? Why do you He introduces himself as a medical
find him credible? doctor and a researcher at Stanford.
His explanations are very clear,
which makes him sound credible.
Who is the audience? What kind His audience is mixed. He needs to
of language, evidence, or assume they don’t know much
organization might they need to about his topic. He explains all
be convinced? medical terms and processes to
make his topic easy to understand.
Consider the beginning of the Bringing a bag of bone marrow is
speech. Does the speaker use a supposed to get audience’s
hook? Is it interesting? attention. Yes, it is engaging.
Is the key message of the Yes, but it comes a little late. He is
speech easily identifiable? arguing benefits of the device he
designed, but an earlier preview
that his speech is about something
making a difficult medical procedure
easier would give us more context
when we listen to the first half of his
Describe the transitions the Questions, for example:
speaker uses. “How do we harvest this bone
marrow?” “So, why should you
Connecting previous statements
with what is coming next, for
“I am thinking this procedure did not
change… so there is a better way to
do this… so, we came with a new
How does he make the He explains how his device can
conclusion clear and save my life, and how it can help
memorable? more people to survive cancer. He
makes it real and personal.
Try if you can map this speech Main massage: We have a new
as a pyramid of arguments that procedure that significantly
logically follow from one to the improves bone marrow harvesting.
other. (This will be challenging, Point one: Old procedures were
but there is a definite content painful for the patient and difficult
logic in this speech.) for the doctor – Bob’s story
Point two: We have a better tool
and let me explain how it works.
Point three: Why should you care?
Evidence: He supports all three of
his points with examples and
What techniques does the Stories, demonstrations, props,
speaker use to captivate, video, simulations, diagrams
engage, and persuade his
What types of evidence does the Ethos: I am…. a doctor…a
speaker offer? Can you find researcher….
examples of the speaker using Logos: description of the old
logic (logos), emotion (pathos), procedure, description of the new
or credibility (ethos) to procedure
persuade? Pathos: How Bob feels after the old
procedure. New procedure allows
us to save more lives.
Do you find the speaker’s It is very clear. It uses interesting
message convincing? Why or and relevant stories. It is well
why not? organized, and easy to follow. It
makes a difficult topic accessible.
Think about your own Using…. ……..
presentation when you had to
demonstrate your design, a
product, or research results.
What presentation elements would let me …..
used in this presentation could
have helped you to better
convince your listeners that they
should pay attention to you and
your project?
TOTAL POINTS (out of 55 points)

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