References For Morning Meditation

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Morning Meditation – References

Talk to yogis (Hindi). Mumbay (India), 25 January 1975

“Mataji, I don’t get time to sit for meditation.” What do you mean that you get no time? What is time
meant for? Who has given you this time? If you have no time for yourself then how will you get time for
God? How do you get no time? You should wake up at 4am. You have seen your Mother. How many
hours does She sleep? Wake up at 4 in the morning. Tell yourself. You have to go into meditation from 4
to 5 am. Throw away your sleep! Give up keeping awake in the night. Stop talking with useless people.
Stop these useless associations, these relatives, all these useless people. All these are bhoots. Have we
come here to waste our time on these people? I don’t spend even one moment on telling you about Sahaja
Yoga. Not even one moment.

Dhyan Kaise Karein, How To Meditate, Mumbai, 1976

We must also get up early in the morning. Our Sahaj Yoga is a daytime activity, not of night. So one
must sleep early at night. I am not asking you to sleep at 6pm, but by 10pm all must go to sleep. You
should not stay awake after 10.
You must get up early in the morning. In the morning, after getting up early and taking your bath, one
must sit for meditation. In the morning one must sit for meditation. Like, in our country, we have been
getting up early in the morning and washing our mouths since ages and have been doing it all our lives.
In the same way all Sahaj Yogis must get up early and meditate in the morning. It is a question forming a
But I have seen that, for many, it is very difficult to get up early at 4am. There is reason for that. I have
done in-depth study about human beings. It is very joyful to study them. It is very interesting to see how
a human being runs away from himself and argues against himself. It is quite interesting to see how he
gives explanations about himself and makes himself an object of ridicule.
Some people tell me, “Mother we cannot get up early in the morning.” I say, “When did you go to sleep
last night?” “at midnight. But I had decided Mother, that I would get up at 4 o’clock.” That is impossible!
You must somehow sleep early one day to get up early next morning. Then you will also fall asleep early
that day, you will not be able to keep awake. You do that for two or three days and your body will get
used to it.
When you get up early in the morning your receptivity is more. Not only that, at that early hour in the
world also extremely beautiful….(sound of the tape recorder – So Mother says in Marathi « This is a
machine so it is normal. But it happens sometimes to human beings also. Suddenly he gets flare up
without any reason »)…So from the point of view of the body I have told you. And also that one must
meditate in the morning.
Morning Meditation – References
Now how to meditate? Think about it. How to meditate early in the morning?
First, bow down in your heart; humble down yourself. If someone thinks that he has achieved a lot or, “I
am a very big saint,” then know that he is a gone case; he is about to go out of Sahaj Yoga.
One should ask permission and sit peacefully before the photograph with palms spread out and with great
humility one must bow towards one’s heart. One has to ask for forgiveness repeatedly. So, even at that
time, one must ask for forgiveness that, “O God, if we have committed any mistake, please forgive us and
take us into meditation.” Then we pray. We should forgive all those who have done any harm to us and if
we had harmed anyone then, “Please forgive us Lord.”
At this point bring very holy feelings in your heart and then go into meditation and meditate with your
eyes closed. Now, one should not ask, “For how many minutes?” It is very wrong to ask such questions.
Whether you meditate for five minutes or ten minutes, for those five or ten minutes one must meditate
with complete concentration. Humbly bow down and meditate. But before meditation, try to understand it
very carefully.
Before meditating give a bandhan to the place where you are going to sit for meditation. Give yourself a
bandhan. Give your body a bandhan. Seven times give your body a bandhan. Give that place a bandhan.
Give bandhan to my photograph. This is not be done in a mechanical way, like many people do, but with
full concentration and shraddha (faith) one must give bandhan in complete silence, as if one is doing a
puja. It should not happen like in a puja where people say « bring this, bring that….. »
After that, give your mana (mind) a bandhan. Now where is the mana? You have never asked me,
“Mother, where is the mana?” Mana is here, it starts from here. Meaning you must give a good bandhan
to Vishuddhi and Agnya chakras. Mana has to be given a bandhan. While giving bandhan one must have
this thought that, “O Lord, let us remain in your bandhan and nothing untoward may happen to us.” Bow
down with great humility. At that time, just assume that you are in the witness state and detached from
everything. We are Nirmal pure (Nirmal). Just make yourself detached from everything and meditate.
If you try this daily, it will become a habit. With deep faith one must meditate early in the morning:
maybe for ten minutes or half an hour, it does not matter. While meditating, do not move your hands. Just
watch the photograph and slowly close your eyes while meditating, and do not move your hands or feet.
At that time, whichever chakra is having an imbalance, it can be corrected by just watching it because, as
I have said, Divine vibrations are more in the morning.
Now, after having purified your chakras, meditate on your Atma tattwa (essence of spirit). Take your
attention to your Spirit.
Nobody has ever asked me, “Mother where is Atma ?” Atma is in our heart but its seat is on our
Sahasrara. That is why I had said that: bow down to your heart and take your attention to your Sahasrara
and be surrendered to your Spirit.
While meditating do not get stuck into any one thought. But now you can say that, “I am that Prem
tattwa. I am that Atma tattwa. I am that power of God Almighty.” You can say like that. This way, by
just saying two or three times you will feel blessed. Because you are saying the Truth, vibrations start
flowing from your being with great force.
Morning Meditation – References

Diwali Talk, Lakshmi Principle – 27th Oct 1981

Your Mother gets up at four-thirty whatever may happen. You have to change your habits. You have to!
Get up in the morning. You know, by getting up in the morning you finish off so much of work because
in the night what do you do? Lay, gossip, waste your time! But if you say that, “Tonight let me sleep late
and tomorrow I’ll get up early.” You’ll never. First get up early and then you will sleep early. The other
way round! You see, you have to see your mind how it works.
So, get up in the morning, have your bath then sit down for meditation. It’s quite a warm room. Have
your nice hot bath; sit down for your meditation for about an hour or so. Meditate. You will feel so nice,
after sometime you cannot sleep after four-thirty.
Now, look at My system. I mean, whether I am in America or whether I am in India, and when I get up at
four-thirty. How do I manage? I’ve no watch, nothing like that. I just get up at four-thirty. I’ve tuned
Myself to the sun. You are tuned more to the moon. I have tuned Myself to the sun.
When the sun comes at this angle I have to get up because that is the time vibrations have to flow. All
over the world, at four-thirty in the morning all the vibrations, the best time, flow in the purest form.
That’s why all the seers, get up very early in the morning, have their baths and sit down for meditation.
It’s too much I know, especially for English men but you have to train up yourself. You will do it; you
will like it if you do it like a festival. See today is a festival day, let us get up and have a nice bath and
have a nice soap, you see, perfumed one and nice things. You will enjoy, you see. Bath should be a ritual.
But should not be all the time because I see Reg is sitting there quite happy. [laughter]
I could get this place lighted in the morning, you come here, you will be amazed that if you develop this
habit you can do such a lot. Because in the evening you are tired and you cannot do many things and you
are absolutely fagged out, you see, so you will sleep early.
And this is English saying: “Early to bed and early to rise”. Not Indian, is it? [laughter]
And, that’s what we have to do. And, you will be amazed you’ll do thousand and one things, thousand
and one things if you get up early in the morning. So, we are going to try that after Diwali. I’m going to
announce those who can try with Me can do it. And, I used to sleep sometimes at two o’clock, two-thirty,
mostly at two. And, get up at four-thirty, finish My bath. Everybody was still sleeping and I didn’t want
to disturb them.
And, they all got up. Ask him. And, it’s very easy to do it, you see. It’s very easy. You need not keep like
Me till two o’clock. Then but if I keep awake then in the daytime I sleep for an hour or so. I make up. But
then you will feel sleepy, go off to sleep. In the night, it’s a waste of time to keep awake. It’s really
Morning Meditation – References
What do you see these dirty pictures in the TV? After nine o’clock, is there anything worth seeing? Nine-
thirty, ten at the most! Then all filth is there. You’ll feel healthier, you’ll be much better off.
Harry has improved very much with this kind of thing. And, morning time you don’t think much, you
really meditate. It’s a very good thing. So just I’m giving one thing for your understanding that let us
work it out something or towards self-discipline. Very important.

Bhavasagara Puja: Meditation Will Protect You, Brisbane

(Australia) – 6th Apr 1991

So, for the “antar mana”, it is important that you all should meditate, morning and evening, every day. Is
all right even if you do not brush your teeth, but you must meditate is an important thing. That is the
reason I find that in the West people go on catching, again cleaning, again catching. Every time I come…
find somebody is suffering from either… for some sort of a conditioning, or say, some sort of a badha, or
sometimes it’s ego or something. It comes and goes. It is not something that is detached permanently. As
we have to take our bath every day, we have to wash ourselves every day, in the same way we have to
wash ourselves within. So meditation is the “antar mana tapaha”, as you can call it, but it’s not such a
“tapaha” [pain] even. You don’t have to go to Himalayas and sit there. You have to just do this
meditation early in the morning.
Invariably, in all these ashrams, I’ve seen people get up at four o’clock. I also get up every day at four.
Then I may sleep later on, but at four o’clock I am up. They take their baths, get ready for the pujas, and
then sit down and do about five, ten minutes puja of the photograph, and then meditate. Then they go and
have some breakfast or something. Then when they come home from work, also they sit down together to
meditate, that’s the collective part of it, or discuss whatever is to be done, what, how are we to propagate
Sahaja Yoga. They just talk about Sahaja Yoga, or they decide what should be done, what is the best way
to solve the problems of Sahaja Yoga. And then in the night, before sleeping, invariably all of them, all of
them, one and all, even children before sleeping, soak their feet in the water, sit for meditation, and sleep.
That’s why I find Austria has come up so well, and Germans.
once you start getting up in the morning, you’ll get the habit, and then you’ll sleep early. Then you can
sleep early. Getting up in the morning, really, will help you for the whole day. So start this kind of a
Morning Meditation – References
Birthday Puja: Guarding Against Slothfulness, London – 23rd
Mar 1980

Sloth is the curse of this country I feel. It’s the curse of the Sahaja Yoga also. I do not know if it is the
curse of the Western World but Sloth is something, is like a devil that can keep you very much glued to
your own positions and will not allow you to move out. For example in the morning you get up and you
think that, “Oh, it’s all right, what’s the need to get up early in the morning? There is no need to do any
meditation. I’ll do it tomorrow”. Otherwise you start thinking that, “It can be done after a month, doesn’t
matter, Mataji is here, everything will be all right.” But you must know that there are so many
imperfections within you, and if you do not meditate now, seriously, take it up as a very serious thing,
you may lag behind so much that you may be dropped out.
Meditation is very important after Sahaja Yoga. You have slept and slept all your life. Sleeping is not so
important. You have to today promise Me that, from tomorrow, you all are going to get up in
the morning and meditate. I was suggesting that if you take your baths in the morning would be better, so
that you won’t have your sleepy condition. Sloth is such a devious thing that you do not see it. It explains
everything. If you say, “Oh I am sick” it will say, “Oh you are so sick you should go to the hospital”. If
you say, “I’m tired” it will say, “You are extremely tired”. Why should you be so tired? It is nothing but
your Sloth is telling you that, “You are extremely tired, you better not do meditation now you are
extremely tired. You better take some rest, is important”.

Talk in ashram, Bonfire Night with Mother at Diwali. Surbiton

(UK), 5 November 1983.
your Mother sleeps the same time and I am marathon race runner, every night whenever, I mean you have
only one program, but then I go to Italy, I go to any place, I have regularly, the whole year I am doing
this. Still I get up early in the morning then why can’t you get up? All excuses are there, this is an excuse
another is an excuse and then I have told so many people that just get up at about four o’clock in
the morning. Just get up, try and see and do it. It’s very good, four o’clock I’ve been saying for the last
ten years now. I don’t how many of you have tried that. Have your bath, get ready, have your bath and
then sit down for meditation. The whole day will pass out very well and sleep at about 8 o’clock. It is
English saying that ‘early to bed and early to rise’. But I have never seen any Englishman like that so far.
It is the other way round. They’ll keep awake till one o’clock and get up at about eleven o’clock or ten
o’clock; will not even brush their teeth and walk out. These habits you have to change, we are yogis and
we have to worship the Sun. So we have to get up much before the Sun rise. That is very important. But I
find that is not here. People don’t understand. They want to take Sahaja Yoga in a very slow way and you
will move very slowly and so many of you will drop out I tell you. One must understand! Today is a new
year’s day and we must understand what are we doing. This is a real warning to all of you. You just try,
this is not a very big thing; you will be amazed now. CP is having a conference for twenty days, every
day he gets up at four thirty, every day, sleeps at twelve o’clock, every day the whole day he is working.
Morning Meditation – References
Twenty days after all he says “once in a while I have to work hard”. Our servant gets up at five thirty
every day, who works very hard. Why can’t you get up? You people think that you are the mostunhealthy
people or what is the reason? Every time [you say] ‘haaah’. What’s wrong with you? Nothing is wrong,
you are lazy lumps that’s all, you should understand.

Conversation With Sahaja Yogis About Politics, Canberra

Ashram, Australia – 12th Feb 1992

In the beginning to get up in the morning was a very difficult task for the Western people. To get up in
the morning, have baths, do meditation, is too much! It’s a punishment sort of thing. But you’re not
forced. I mean if you can’t get up it’s all right. But some started getting up, putting their effort. Previous
night they would decide, “Now tomorrow whatever may happen I’ll get up.” Try! What’s the harm? Let’s
see if it helps you. Also they see somebody getting up in the morning meditating, [who is] so different:
then they start doing.
if you have to go for an interview people will get up at four o’clock in the morning! Then they get up.
But if you have to meditate they don’t: then it’s a punishment to them. Especially in England it’s very
much worse. But now gradually they have understood the value of it: how it helps you, to do meditation
in the morning, and in the night. It’s only five minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening
[needed]. Not much.
So we should know the principle of Sahaj Yoga. And one of the principles of Sahaj Yoga is that we have
to meditate if we have to grow.
Meditation means at that time we are in thoughtless awareness: that time, neither future nor past. So we
open out ourselves to the Primal Force, to this All-pervading Power, to fill us up with inspiration, with
beautiful ideas. Actually like the nourishment of the tree which is achieved by the sap of the tree. And to
feel the love of God. To feel how we are instruments of that love and how the love can flow through us.
So in the morning I have told them to meditate [for] about five minutes or for say ten minutes. But you
shouldn’t put the watch: “Now five minutes!” And a bell rings. “Oh, finished!” (Laughter) That’s not the
[way]. You should enjoy. I have told some people five minutes [but] they go on sitting for one hour in
joy. It’s an enjoyment. It’s the inner enjoyment of the inner beauty of your Self, the inner glory of your
Self. Watching yourself within is beautiful.
Morning Meditation – References
About the different Chakras and their Deities. Delhi, (India), 22
February 1977.
You should fast on only one day, definitely you must. That is Naraka Chaturdeshi. That day they will eat.
Because that day Narakasura was killed and he was put in the “Naraka”, means the Hell. He was put
down there. And the gates of the hell were opened for him, and all such people are put on that day into
the hell. So, that day you should not get up early in the morning, sleep in your bed.

New Year Puja: Who Is A Sahaja Yogi? New Delhi, India – 3rd Jan
In this regard, I say that people from Maharashtra work very hard, they are very hard-working. That is the
reason their progress in Sahaja yoga is very deep. It is becoming deeper. That is the reason, you should
take care of getting up daily, early in the morning. Now in England, it is so cold, and it is the biggest sin
for the Britishers, if you want, kill them, you murder them, they will not say anything. But, if you wake
them up in the morning, then the person is gone, finished. There is no other sin greater than this in
England. If you wake up anybody before 9 o’clock in the morning, there is no bigger sinner, wicked,
demon, other than you. In such a country they get up in the morning at 4 o’clock and have bath, at 4
o’clock. Their efforts. Reason being, whatever discipline they had before, now they have put it in Sahaja
yoga. We people were never disciplined. We are all liberated people. We have all become Shri Bramha
and sitting. When they have done so much of hard work, can we not do? “Now Shri Mataji do not ask us
to get up at 4 o’clock in the morning, it will become too much”. I will not say. But you only think when
do you have time? They get up in the morning and sit for meditation, in the cold of London. And with
that hardwork only, they got realisation. It is hell there. In that hell they have created heaven, then it is
not difficult to light a small lamp in the heaven. This is heaven only. Leave alone other matters. This is a
big thing. This country is a great country. To do this work in this country, is not a hard task.

Virata Puja: Appreciation Should Be Practiced And Informal

Talk, Australia – 10th Apr 1991

I have seen that, if you do not meditate, then you start catching things. Morning and evening very humbly
you must meditate.
Morning Meditation – References
Morning you can meditate just before your [day’s] programme. Before sleeping you must use water
treatment and then get into your beds with the attention on your Sahasrara. That’s very important,
otherwise the growth will not be there and slowly you’ll find [that] you are slipping back.
So to keep your hold properly on Sahaj Yoga it’s best that you must try to make it a point – like just like
just like brushing your teeth, even more than that – to do this meditation every day. You need hardly ten,
fifteen minutes in the night and about five, ten minutes in the morning time, not much. It’s a very
important point is.
That is for individual [meditation]. And then also mass, there should be also mass meditation. Whenever
you get a time, now it’s like a temple here, you must meditate in the morning time, then only there is fun
in everything, otherwise if you have no depth there is no fun.

Dyan Ki Avashakta, On Meditation, New Delhi, India – 27th Nov


So, we have to purify our nerves. In that, morning meditation is a must. If you are unable to meditate in
the morning then you should understand that somehow, impurity has come within you. Some problem is
there inside
Those people who don’t meditate in the morning cannot progress, no matter how much they work for
Sahaja Yoga, whatever they do but they can’t reach to the depth of it. In your depth lies all the happiness,
joy, bliss, contentment, wealth and fame… everything is there in your depth
Only we have to give little time to ourselves. Whole time we spent on stupid things, but little time we
should give to ourselves too. Every day we must meditate in the morning and evening

The priorities are to be changed, 44 Chelsham Rd, Clapham

London (UK), 6 August 1985.
Now, in the ashrams whatever I have heard about England: that it’s the greatest place where one can
become absolutely lost! If you want to lose your vibration, go to an English ashram! Especially in
London. The vibrations in the ashram are the worst of all. Can you imagine such a thing? I mean. Why it
happens? One lazybones comes in the ashram. He’s got a bhoot in him. He’s a lazy person. Normally a
person should be active! So what he does? He does not want to get up in the morning. Another one tries
to follow him. How are you going to ascend? Let us think about this. This lecture should not be just
listened to, is to be practiced, is to be understood, you have to be serious about it. How are we going to
ascend? Are we going to ascend by reading the book ‘Ascent’ or by listening to Mother’s tapes, which is
very interesting? How are we going to improve? By taking the medicine. What is the medicine? Is
Morning Meditation – References
nothing but meditation itself is the medicine. Now when do you do meditation? You have to do
meditation in the morning time; that’s the best time, because you are not yet busy. Early in
the morning you get up and do it. But you just can’t get up! “I can’t get up.” Why not? That day you just
don’t eat your food the whole day. Next day you’ll get up!

Talk To Sahaja Yogis:Why We Are Not Growing? France – 23rd

Apr 1985

So you have to discipline yourself, first of all, in Sahaja Yoga. That is, you must get up in the morning,
meditate in the morning time, pay full attention to your Sahaja Yoga thinking that you relate every thing
to Sahaja Yoga. You should not be complaisant, only worried about your comforts and your food, but
more worried about your meditation.

10th Day Of Navaratri, The Deities Are Watching You, Geneva –

23rd Sept 1990

All lethargic people, lazy lumps, always do that way. Now somebody is told that “You have to get up in
the morning.” They feel terrible about it, “Oh, how to get up?” But if you go back into your own
background, you’ll say you must have taken drugs, you must have taken alcohols, you must have taken
all these left-sided things, that’s why you cannot get up in the morning. Now, how will you finish or
neutralize those bad habits that you had, how will you do it? If you start getting up early in the morning,
slowly the habit will be formed, and you can get rid of it. It’s just to make yourself available when
the morning sun is about to come.

Makar Sankranti Puja 14 Jan 1996, Pune, India

I had told that you people to get up at 4 am in the morning, and the Sun rays at 4 am are very peaceful
and beautiful. In their ashram everybody gets up at 4 am. After having bath, they sit for meditation
(‘Dhyan’). But this is not so in India. For people in India, getting up at 4 am is sinful. How to get up at 4
Morning Meditation – References
am? In India, people do not have that quality, which I have seen in these people from abroad. Especially
in our Maharashtra, it is really very bad. I don’t know how suitable Maharashtrians are for Sahaja yoga,
because their inner strength is quite low. Those who have Bhakti, can get up at 4 am, or even earlier, and
can work out (put effort) at any time. Any time, they can involve for the sake of their progress. The
surprising thing is in Maharashtra, so many sadhu and saints have been there. From childhood, we have
been learning that one has to acquire one’s salvation (‘moksha’). We have to get our param chaitanya and
we have to acquire everything in Sahaja yoga.

Talk to yogis on Shudy Camp Ashram Inauguration. Shudy

Camps (England), 2 August 1986.
I hope now, today you will all promise Me that every morning you’re going to meditate, every morning,
everyone, no excuses, you’re not going to excuse yourself. Unless and until you meditate I cannot do
what I want to do in Shoody Camp. No laziness, no excuses, no telling lies, not deceiving yourself; all of
you are going to meditate, that is one promise. And the rest I’ll look after, the rest I will look after. You’ll
just decide to meditate everyday, everyday.

1st Day Of Navaratri, The Discipline – 23rd Sept 1984

So everyone should meditate everyday. That is a very important thing, which people are doing in all the
countries where I am not. Because I am in England, people take Me for granted: “Mother is doing
everything.” So I get up at 4 O’clock, take My bath, meditate for you all. I better start doing that again.
Otherwise you have no time to meditate. So at least let Me meditate for your sake.
So everyone must today promise to Me that they will meditate everyday. Get up in the morning. “We
can’t get up in the morning.” The whole world can get up, why not the English? But when it was the war
of Waterloo, they were the first to arrive there. They won the war because they were so punctual. What
has happened to their punctuality today? We are not drinking, we do not have hangovers, we don’t sleep
late, so why shouldn’t we decide today that: “Every morning I’ll get up and do my meditation. And while
meditating I must concentrate on myself and not on others. And see for myself what is catching, where
am I catching, which chakra I am catching, what have I to do?”
Morning Meditation – References
“You have to grow vertically,” Easter Puja, Eastbourne (UK), 22
April 1990.
in the morning, when you get up in your ashrams or anywhere, what do you think? If it was Christ, He
would say, “I am sleeping still? I have to meditate! I have to be one with the Divine!” He would not say,
“No, no, the Divine will look after, it’s all right. The Divine will meditate for me!” “After all,
Paramchaitanya, it has to meditate. Why should we meditate? We are all Sahaj Yogis.” “Everything is
sahaj, so let the Divine meditate for us!” “We can’t get up in the morning. It’s difficult. We can’t,  you
see, just can’t.” But then you can’t be a Sahaj Yogi! You are supposed to be connected with all the
deities, not only Christ, and here you can’t even get out of your bed to meditate; while all the deities are
already up there, waiting for you to get up, that’s all. And they can’t understand what’s happening to
these Sahaj Yogis. “How can they be so low? After all, Mother must have given them Realisation
thinking them to be something great. How did they get Realisation? They’re so ordinary, so mundane, so

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