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1. Pub]jshed in English as Bubbles, Spheres f- Microspherology, trans. Wieland Hoban

(Los Angeles: Semjocexc(e), 2011) and Globes, Spheres ll· Macrospherology, trans.
Wieland Hoban (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e), 2014).
2. Martin Heidegger, Gesamtausgabe, vol. 27: Einleü1111g in die Philosophie (Frankfurt:
Klostermaon, 2001), p. 138.
3. Not everyone admits chis. One contemporary auchor dedares: "A Mongolian
shaman cold me tbar a stone which is dug up from che eanh does not calm clown
for years. I consider thar likely." (Martín Mosebach, "Ewige Stcinzeit," in Kursbuch
149 [Seprember 2002]), p. 13.
4. Cf. Dierrich Malmke, Unendliche Sphare zmd Allmittelpunkt (Hall: Niemeyer,
1937) and Georges .Poulet, The Metamo1y1hom of the Circle, crans. Carley Dawson
and Elliott Coleman (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1966).
5. Jean Paul, "Des Geburtshelfers Walcher Vierncissel Naclugedanken über seine
verlornen Fotus-Tdeale, indem er nichts geworden als ei,n Mensch," in SamtLiche
Wérke, Section 2, vol. 2: Mitsi'um 1814) (Munich: Hanser, 1974), pp. 1005 & 1010.
6. Spheres JI, pp. 765-959. Since its original publicarion, the text has also appeared
on irs own in Iralian under che title l'ultima sfem: Bmie storitl fiLosofica della globalizzazione,
crans. B. Agnese (Rome: Carocci, 2002), and in considerably expaoded
fonn as In the World Interior of Capital, trans. Wieland Hobao (Cambridge: Policy,
2013; Germru1 e.dition published in 2005).
7. Albert Speer, lnside the Third Reich: Memoirs, crans. Richard & Clara Winston
(New York: Simon & Schuscer, 1970), p. 160.

8 . Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes, "What is che Third Estate?" in Política! Writings, ed.
1ichael Sonenscher (lndianapolis: Hackett, 2003), p. 156.
. The Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert (Collabomtive 7imulation Project),
rtide "Encyclopedia," ar lmp:// quod.lib. cgi/ e/ tes.e/ text-idx?c=did;
:=did;rgn=main;view=texc;idno=did2222.0000.004, accessed 12/2/ l 3.
O. Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Me: Lectures and lnterviews, ed.
1cLuhan & David Staines (Toronto: McCldland & Scewan, 2003), p. 194. Else
·here, McLuhan speaks in the same conrext abom che confüsion of Cat.holic
:nrralism througb the "resonanr space of the ocal church" (Marshall McLuhan &
arrington Nevitt, Ttzke Today: The E,;ecutive flJ Dropout [New Yock: Harcoun Brace
ivanovich, 1972], p. 191).
1. Deus est phaem infinita rni11s centmm est ubique, circumferentia nusquam: "God
the infinite sphere whose cenrer is every where and whose circumference is
owhere." The starement is given conrext and commenrary in Spheres JI, Chapter 5.
Deus sive sphaera, ar: The Exploding Universal One," pp. 441-563.
2. Marshall McLuhan, "Playboy Imerview: Marshall McLuhan-A Candid Conver-
1tion with the High Priest of Popcult and Metaphysician of Media," in Essential
fcluhan, ed. Eric McLuhan, Frank Zingrone (New York: Basic Books, 1995), p. 258.
3. Bruno Larour, Wé Have Never Been Nlodern, trans. Cathcrine Poner (Camridge,
MA: Harvard Universicy Press, 1993).
't. Cf. Roberto Esposito, lmmllnitflJ: The Protection and Negatio11 of Lije, trans.
akiya Hanafi (Cambridge: Policy, 2011) and Connnunitas: The Origin and Destiny
e Conmwnity, trans. Timothy Campbell (Scanford Universicy Press, 2010); also
hilippe Caspar, L' lndividuation des etres: Aristote, Leibniz et L'immzmologie contemmzine
(Paris: Lérhielleux, 1985).
5. Cf. Homi K. Bhabha, The location of Culture (London: Roudedge, 1994);
olker Demuch, Topische Ásthetik. Korpenuelten Kzmstwelten Cyherspace (Würzburg:
onigshausen & Neumann, 2002); and Hermann Schmirz, Adolf Hitler in der
'eschichte (Bo1111: Bouvier, 1999).
S. Cf Bruno Latour, "Gabriel Tarde and che End of the Social," in The Social in
'.uestion, ed. Patrick Joyce (London: Roucledge, 2002), pp. 117-132.

Friedricl1 Nierzsche, Thw Spoke Zamthwtm: A Book far Everyone and NobodJ•,
ans. Graham Parkes (Oxford & New York: Oxford Universiry Press, 2005), p. 36.
Heinrich Heine, ''From Old Fairy Tales," in Great German Poems of the Romantic
•w: A Dual-Language Book, ed. & trans. ScanJey Appelbaum (Mineola, NY: Dover,
)95), p. 139.

3. Cf Die Vorsolmztiker, ed. & trans. Jaap Mansfeld (Srurtgart: Reclam, 1987), pp.
244f, Fr. 3 .
4. A literal translation of 7iiimne sind Schiiume, whose more idiomatic cognate
would be "dreams are but shadows" or the like. The rhyme also appears in the
singular forms, Tmum and Schaum, in the next sencence (trans.).
5. The German word for "scum" (in the physical sense) is Abschaum, lirerally
meaning "waste foaro" (trans.).
6. Wittgenstein, in a very conventional rurn of phrase, said of language criticism thar
"what we are destroying are only houses of cards'' [Luftgebiiude, lirerally "buildings
made of air"); cf. Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical lnvestigations, ed. P. M. S.
Hacker & Joachim Schulte, rrans. G. E.M. Anscombe, P.M. S. Hacke1· &Joachim
Schulre (Oxford: Blackwell, 2009), p. 54e. In che same spirit, and without fear of
false picmres, Richard Saul Wurman spealcs of a "tidal wave of unrelated, growing
data formed in bits and bytes" coming over che denizens of the age of information
"in an uoorganized, unconrrolled, incoherent cacophony of foam" (Infomiation
Architects [Zurich: Graphis, 1996]. p. 15).
7. G. W. F. Hegel, Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, vol. 3: Comummate Religion,
ed. & crans. Pecer Crafrs Hodgson (Berkeley & Los Angeles: Universicy of California
Press, 1987), p. 233 (translarion modified).
8. Aristocle, Problemata Physica, XXX, 1.
9. fbid.
10. Here I am following the cheory of decorum as laid our by Heiner Mühlmann in
his book The Nature of Cultures: A Blueprint far a Theo,y of Culture Genetics,
rrans. R Payne (Vienna & New York: Springer, 1996), pp. 46-85. More on chis
below in Section 6, "The Ergorope." For a short version of che Brock/Mühlmann
approach, cf. Heiner Mühlmann, "Die Okologie der Kulturen" in Bazon Brock &
Gerlinde Koschick (eds.), Krieg imd Kzmst (Mwtlch: Fink, 2002), pp. 39-54.
11. Especially in che work of [he founder of neo-phenomenology, Hermann
Schmi[Z; cf., for example, leib rmd Gefiihl. Materialie11 zu einer philosophischen
Thempeutik (Paderborn: Junfcrmann, 1989), pp. l 35f.
12. Cf Barc Kosko, The Fuzzy Future: From Society and Science to Heaven in a Chip
(New York: Harmony Books, 1999).
13. Cf. GiUes Deleuze & Félix Guattari, A Thousand P!ateaus, trans. Brian Massumi
(London & New York: Conrinuum, 2004), Chapter 14, ''1440: The Smooch and
che Scriared," pp. 523-5 51.
14. Cf. Ernsr Bloch, Tiwces, trans. Anthony A. Nassar (Stanford Universicy Press,

1 5. Cf. Gerhard Gamm, Nicht nichts. Studien zu einer Semantik des Unbestimmten
(Fra n kfurt: Suhrkamp, 2000) and Flucht aw der Kategorie. Die
Positivierung des Unbestimmte.n als Awgang aw der IY[odeme (Fran kfurc:
Suhskamp, 1 994) .
1 6. Cf. Vladimir Jankéléviccb, Le Je-ne-sais-quoi et le Presque-rien (Paris: Édirions d u
Seuil, 1 980) .
1 7 . Cf. Yve-Alain Bois & Rosalind Kraus, Fonnlm: A User's Cuide (New York: Zone
Dooks, 1 997) .
1 8 . Fo r che source of chis pbrase, which Haas-Jürgen Heiruichs coined o n che spo L
in conversacion, cf. Hans-Jürgen Heinrichs & Pecer Slocerclijk, Neither Sun Nor
Death, crans. S ceve Corcaran ( Los Angeles: Semiocexc(e), 20 1 1 ) , p. 344.
1 9. Cf. Chapter 1 , "lnsu.lations: For a Theory of Capsules, ]slands and Hochouses,"
Section A, "Absoluce Islands."
20. Hesiod, Theogony, 1 54--1 82, in Theogony and Wórks and Days, trans. Cacheri ne
Schlegel & Henry Wei nneld (Ann A.rbor: Universiry ofMichigan Press, 2006) p. 29.
In che prececling, verses, rhe cüdactic poem describes how che primal motbcr eanh,
Gaia, tried to convince her children to cake revenge on her husband, rhe despot a.nd
child abuser-a task which 01tly one of che hesiranr offspring, che youngest Titan ,
Cronos, was willing to perform; he carried it our by using che "adamantine metal"
born by Gaia and forged into a spiked sick.le to castrare father as he lay dowo
wi ch che goddess in che da..rk.
2 1 . A.a a.nalogous morif ca..n be fol!.11d in Indian myrhs che god Shiva
Nata.raja; from che god's ecstacica..Uy sha..ken locks comes rhe waters oF rhe Heavenly
River, spraying out in foam. Wherever a dcop of foarn fe!!, a pLlgri m cenrer sprang
up. Cf. Helmuc Maassen, "Der ta..nzende Gon Shiva," ln Rolf ElberfeJd & Gümer
Wol farr, Komparative Asthetik. Kiinste 1112d ii.sthetische E1fohrungen zwfrchen Asien
und Europa (Cologne: Chora, 2000) , p. 1 1 3.
22. Heinrich Zi m m er provided a free rerelli ng and i n ce rprerarion of che various
tradjrions in his 1 936 book JvfaJ'ª· Der indische Mythos (Fran kfu rt: lnsel, 1 978)
under che heacling "Die Verquirlung des Milch meers," pp. 1 27- 1 47.
23 . Mahabhamta, rra.ns. Wi l liam Buck (Berkeley & Los Angeles: U n i versiry of
California Press, 1 9 8 1 ) , pp. 9f. The name of che poison, kalalmta, may mean "peak
(kuta) of dearh (ka/a)"; according to Heinrich Zinlller's inrerprerarion, ir symbolizes
"che quincessence of che world's lechal poison"; afrer Shiva drank ir kepc ic in his
cluoat, he received che epirher Nilakantha, "blue rhroar."
24. The Ramayana ofVaLmiki, An Epic of Ancient India. Vofume I: Balakanda, era.ns.
Roberr P. Goldman (Pri.nceton Universiry Press, 2006), p. 245 .

25. The Frend1 eclicion of d1e Ramayrma renders d1e Sanskric rerm for "ch urni ng"
(manthtl), nor without sorne justlficadon, as bamttage, "bu tteri ng." Cf. also Amritabi11d1t
Uprmishad, 20: "Like d1e burcer hidden in mLlk, rbe t'ure Consciousness
[vijmznmn] resides in cvery being. Thar oughc to be consra.n dy churnecl out by rhe
churning rod of che mind."
26. Charles Vemon Boys, Soap Bubbles, Their Colours and the Forces Which Muuld
Thern (New York: Dover, 1 959) .
27. Cf. Sidney t'erkowicz, Universal Foam: The Story of Bubbies ji'01n Cappucino to the
Cosmos (New Yo rk:, 2000) . For a rree diagram showing rhe d i fferent
branches of cosmic bubbles, see Spheres [!, p. 1 32.
28. Lynn Margu.lis, The Symb/otic Planet: A New Look At Evolwion (New York: Basic
Books, 1 998), Chapter 5, "Life from Scum," pp. 7 l f.
29. Concerning che emulsion/foam hypothesis o F zoogenesis, cf. Harold Morowicz,
Mayonnaise and the Origin of Lije: Thoughts of Minds and Molernles (New York:
Scribner, 1 985) . Conce.rning the role, only very cecencly undersrnod, of air bubbles
in che gas exchange between oceans a.nd che eanh's acmosphere, cf. the report by che
ocea.nographers Grane Deane and Dale Srokes in Nature 4 1 8 (2002) , pp. 839f. The
techn.ical appl ications of che foam princi ple are surprisi.ngly numerous: its mosc
popular manifesracions include ba..kery produces such as bread and cake, which
seldom rhoughc of as constiruting semi-sriff foams based on a heat-caused in.Bation
of air cells in che dough. The gesture of sci rring dough is rhe rrace of che mosc everyday
aphrogenia. The modernization of consrrucdon materials has produced a wealrh
of artificial foams excending from rhe familiar elascic PVC foa..m material to metal
foams a..nd other stiff foams based on glass, stone, ceramics a..nd the like. AJ1 elegam
innovacion i.n che fie.ld of foam rechnology rook place tluough d1e i nrroduction of
aerogel. k; far as modern a..rchitectme is concerned, it is insp i red in manifold ways
by rhe space-forming porency of foa..m scrucrures. Alongside che ge01nea·ism and
organomorphism of modemity, chesc couJd be described as a d1ird, nature-mimetic
pach in Modern Age a..rchirecture.
30. These are developed in Sphm:s [.
3 1 . The morif oí cell ular plurali cies is raken up again in Chaprer 2, " I ndoors,"
Seccion B, "Cell Building, Egospheres, Self-Concainers."
32. Cf. Georg Sin1mel, "Die GeseUschafr zu zweien" ( 1 908) in Aufiatze
1901-15)08, ed. Alessa..ndro Cavalli & Volkhard Krech vol. 2 ( Fra.nkfwr:
Suhrkamp, 1 993) , pp. 348 f.
33. Concerning che hearcl1 as a cransition poim from rhe almosr surreal space of
marital dynamics to che physically, socially and culcically concrete space of domestici
ry, cf. Spheres ll, Chapter 2, "Vascular Memories: On che Reason for Solidari cy
in Ics Inclusive Form," pp. 1 87-236.
34. Concerni ng the rad iocratic or imperial space, cf Spheres JI, Chapter 7, "How rhe
Spheric Cen ter Has Long-Distance Elfects through rhe Pure Medium: On rhe
Metaphysics o f Telecom m u n icarion," especially pp. 685 f.
3 5 . C f. Slavoj Zizek, Wí:lcome to the Desert of the Real: Five Essays o n September 1 1
and Re!ated Da tes (London & New York: Verso, 2002), p. 1 4; Erica Jong's refleccions
on che first anniversary o f September l l , 200 1 , whicb. revolve arotU1cl rhe claim that
che USA had never acrually been immune, and rbar the belief in their immuniry was
based on pure presumption, read like an echo of düs. In a related critical sense,
Vilém Flusser defines che concepr of heimat as residences cloaked in secrecy. Cf.
Vilém Flusser, The Freedom of the Migrant.· Objcctions to Ntttiontt!ism, trans. Kenneth
Kronenberg (Urbana & Chicago: Universiry of lllinois Press, 2003); pp. 1 - 1 5.
36. Peter Fuchs, Das se!tsrmze Prohlem der W'eitgesellschaft: t.'ine Neubmnden burger
Vorlesung (Opladen: Wescdeut.Scher Verlag, 1 997) .
37. CE che cransitional chaprer "Neirher Contraer Nor Growth:
Approaching Spacial Pluralicies, Wh..icb Are Regrerrably Termed Socie¡ies."
3 8 . Conceming this term, cf Gabrid Tarde, The Laws of lmitation, u-ans. Elsie
Clews Parsons (New York: Henry Holr and Company, 1 903); cf. there also cbe
cerms can be Found "ray of imitation" (rayomzernem imitative) and ''conragious
imi.tation" (contagion imit:ative) .
39. Cf Volker Grassmuck, '"A.llein-aber n icbc einsam' die ota/ut-Generation," i11
Norbert Bolz, Friedrich Kiccler & Ch riscoph Tholen (eds.), Computer a/.s Medium
(Munich; Fink, l 994), p. 283.
40 . can, as developed below, be enacced as sel f-coupling; cf. Chapcer 2,
" l ndoors: Archirecrures of Poam," Secrion B, pp. 529-563.
4 l. Jalcob von Uexküll, Kompositio11sleh1uler Natur (Berlí n : -Propylaen, 1 980), p. 355.
42. Johann Gottfried Herder, A uch eine Phi!osophie der Ceschichte zur Bildung der
/VIenschheit (Frankfurt: Suhrkam p, 1 967) , p. 44.
43 . Pierre Lévy, Collective hitelligence: Mankinds Einerging World in Cyberspace,
rrans. Roberr Bononno (Basic Books, 1 999) .
44. Quored in Maurice Bessec, Le Corbusier (London: The Arch.itectural Press,
1 987) , p. 98.
45. Cf. Marcio Heidegger, Being a n d Time, rrans. John Macquarrie & Edward
Robi nson (Oxford: Blackwell, 1 978) , pp. 1 72- 1 82.
46. Cf Schrnir.z, Adol
Hitler in der Geu:hichte, pp. 2 1 -3 1 & 377-404.
47. Conceming rhe necessicy of an incegral d.omestication of humans, cf. Hugh
Miller, I'rogress aud Decli?1e: The Gmup is in Evolution (Los Angeles: Anderson &

Rirchie, 1 963), pp. 1 73-2 1 3 , and Tilman Allert, Die F11.1nilie. Fa!lstudien ;;cui·
áner Lebemform (Berhn & New York: ele Gruyter, 1 998) .
48 . Cf .Spheres ll, pp. 795-799, and also Hei n richs & Sloterdij k, Neither Sun Nor
Death, pp. 220f.
49. Johann Wolfgang Goeche, Maximen imd Reflektionen, No. 50 1 .
50. Cf. Roben B . Brandom, Making It Explicit: Reasoning, Representing, & Disrnrsi11e
Commit:ment (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Universiry Press, 1 994) .
5 1 . One of tb.e few aurhors wh.o mole chis inro account was Karl Rahner, SJ, who
wrore in his essay "Experiment Mensch. Theologisches über die Selbscman ipulacion
des Menschen" : "Man musr want to be operable man, even if rhe s€ale and
just manner of rhis self"m,rnipulation are scill largely unknown .'' fn Die Frage nach
dem Ñfemchen. A ufriss einer philosaphischen Anthmpologie. Festschrift fi:ir Max
Miiller znm 60. Gebu1'tstag, ed. Heinrich Rombach (Freiburg & Munich: Alber,
1 966) , p. 5 3 .
5 2 . C f. below, "Parenthetic Observation: Forced Light an d the Advance t o the Arriculated
World," especially che references ro Bruno Lamur's concepc of arriculation.
53 . .Eric Alliez formulaces a clear-headed retrospecrive of che phenomenological
conscellation and its d..issolution fa his book De l tmpossihilité de la. phénoméuologie:
Sur fa philosophie ji-an¡:aise contempomine (Paris: Vrin, 1 995) .
54. /Vfonadology, Section 6 1 : "Bur a soul can read in icself only chat which is representecl
disrinctly rhere; ir cannor tmfold alJ ac once ali of its complications, because
chey excend to infinicy." lf che pleacing of what is implicidy or darl<ly cognized by
the sou.l excends ro infinicy, chere is no prospecc of atcaining complerely explicit
knowledge; this is reserved far God, while rhe hwnan intellecr is gran red progress in
its awareness of ir1creasing, yet always insufficienr explicimess.
5 5 . One can crace rbe modem defense of che primacy of perception at least as far
back a s Goeche's critique of the narural science worldview; cf Albrecht Schone,
Goethes Farbentheologie (Mun ich : C. H . Beck, 1 987) and Ursula Schuh, "Die Sinne
trügen nicht ": Goethes K,·itik der Wt1hrnehmung a/.s Antwart aiif virtu.e!!e "We!ten
(Sturtgarc & Berlín: Mayer, 2000) .
56. Heidegger's concepr of "enfrarning" [ Ge-stel􀌃 captures somed1ing of rhe abnorrnalicy
of facrs which are forced to appear, but do not appea.r of their own accord. It
bespealcs a sensitivit:y to t:he monstrous Ü1 the newly unconcealed, and hence to the
violacion of the concealed which is forced by research to show itself and, as soon as
ir comes under pressure to become visible, or under t:he pubhc eye, means sometl1ing
entirely differenr from che presence of a natural "thing" in rhe closer vicinity,
or rhe openness of a convenrional la.ndscape for sweeping ci rcumspectíons.

57. Cf. Marko Zlokarnik, Scale-up in ChemicalEngineering(Weinl1eim: Wiley, 2002).

58. Cf. Perer Galison, lmage and logic. A Material Culture of Microphysics (Chicago
& London: University of Chicago Press, 1997).
59. The strongesr form to date of a theory of culmre rornred in chis manner can, I
would argue, be found in Mühlma.nn, The Naturr: ofCultures.
1. Hermann Broch, The Death of Vi,gil, rrans. Jean Starr Unrermeyer (New York:
Random House, 1972), p. 109.
2. These figures are raken from che description in Dierer Maninetz, Der Gas-Krieg
1914-1918. Entwicklung, Einsatz und HmteLlung chemischer Kampfito.ffe. Das
Zusamrnenwirken von militiirischer Fiihmng, Wissemchaft tmd Industrie (Bonn:
Bernard & Graefe, 1996); chere are slighr deviations in the decails of locations, time
and the amounr of gas in Olivier Lepick's monograph La gmnde guerre chimique
1914-1918 (París: Presses universitaires de France, 1998).
3. Jean-Jules Henry Mordacq, Le drarne de l'Yser: la sm-prise des gaz (avril 1915)
(Paris: Edirions de Portiques, 1933), quored in Rudolf Hansüan (ed.), Der chemische
Krieg, rhird edition (Berün: Mircler, 1935), pp. l 23f.
4. Cf. Marcinerz, Der Gas-Krieg 1914-1918, pp. 23f.
5. During cl1e war, Fritz Haber (1868-1934) was also düector of a department for
"gas warfare marrers" ar che war miniscry. As a Jew, he had ro leave Germany in
1933, and that same summer supposedly still gave advice to che leaders of rhe
German Reichswehr on reintroducing a gas weapon. Afrer a sray in England he died
on January 29, l934 in Basel, on his way to Palestine. A number of his relatives died
ar Auschwirz. The memory of Haber's Todlichkeitsprodukt [lerhaliry produce], which
resulrs from mulriplying rhe concentradon of poison by che duration of exposure (e
x t), has survived in modern chemisrry as Haber's Law. The awarding of ilie 1918
Nobe.l Prize in Chemiscry co Haber for his discovery of ammorúa syncl1esis triggered
vigorous protests in England and France, where his name was primarily associared
wi.rh the organizacion of chemica.l wa.rfare.
6. Quored in Marcinerz, Der Gas-Kiieg 1914-1918, p. 24.
7. William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Acr 4, Scene l.
8. Cf. G. W F. Hege.l, Phenornenology of Spirit, era.ns. A. V. Miller (Oxford & New
York: Oxford Universiry Press, 1977), pp. 355ff. According ro Hegel, whar realizes
itself in terror is ilie "discrete, absolure hard rigidicy and self-willed aromism of actual
se.lf-consciousness. [ ... ] The sale work and deed of universal freedom is rherefore
death, a death roo which has no inner significance or filling, for whar is negated is
ilie empty poinr of che absolurely free self. Ir is chus che coldesr and meanesr of ali
dearhs, wirh no more significance rhan curring off the head of a cabbage or swallowing
a mouthful of water." (lbid., pp. 359f.)
9. Cf. the German idea.liscic anarchist Johann Most, who invenred che idea of che
!ercer bomb, as well as Albert Camus, The Rebel, rrans. Anthony Bower (New York:
Vinrage, 1991 ), especially pp. 149-245, wich an emphasis on the discincrion
between individual and scare rerrorism.
1 O. Cf. Joachim C. Fcst, Hitler, trans. Richard & Clara Winsron (New York: Harcoun:
Bracc Jovanovich, 1974), pp. 128[
11. As both sides were aware of breaking che laws of war, they refrained from
objecring to che use of poison gases by enemy governments. Haber's misraken argumenr
rhar chlorine is nora poison gas, orrly an irritant one, and hence noc aifecced
by rhe prohibition in che Hague Convencion, survived into recent German
nationalisr apologetics.
12. Cf. Jiirg Friedrich, Das Cesetz des Krieges: CÚts deutsche Heer inRussland 1941-1945.
Der Prozess gegen das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Munich: Piper, 1993).
13. This effecc was anticipared by me large-scale use of high explosive shells. Cf.
Nial) Ferguson, The Pity ofWár (London: Penguin, 1999), p. 308:"Weighr of shell
was now supposed ro mal<e up far any lack in accuracy."
14. I shall explain below why I consider cl1e mass delusion rheory ofHermann Broch
ro have been rhe second new science of che cenrury.
15. Richard Hamblyn's monograph. The lnvention of Clouds: How mz Amateur
Meteorologist F01ged the La11guage of the Skies (London: Picador, 2002) describes the
emergence of a cheerfül nephology (or, ro paraphrase Thoma.s Mann, a cheory of
"upper movements") at the scarr of rhe ninereench cencury. The mosr
deducrions in ilie human sciences from rhe phenomenon of war propaganda, and
che larrer's sublarion inro noxious mass communicacion, can be found in ilie mass
delusion rheory of Hermann Broch.
16. Cf. Martinerz, Der Gas-Krieg 1914-1918, p. 93.
17. Frirz Haber named it rhus after che responsible scientisrs Dr. Lommel (Bayer,
Leverkusen) and Prof. Sceinkopf {a staff member at Haber's OaliJem Kaiser Wilhelm
lnsciruce of Pbysical Chemiscry and Elecrrochemisny, lmown in warcime as che
Prussian Military Tnstiture). This war gas was also known as musrard gas for its
smdl, as well as "Hun Scuff" (a popular British derogarory term for rhe Germans
was "che Hun") and Ypérite, the locacion of irs !irse deploymenr.
18. Concerning che non-use of che gas weapon in rhe Second World War, cf. Günrher
Gellermann, Der Krieg, der nicht statrfand. Moglichkeiten, Überlegungen und
Entscheidrmgen der deutsche11 Obersten Führung zur Verwendung chemischer Kampsto.ffe
im Zweiten Weltkrieg (Koblenz: Bernard & Graefe, 1986).
19. Cf. Maninetz, Der Gas-Krieg 191 4--1918, p. 70.
20. Concerniug che term "s tress shadow," cf. Mü hlmann, The Na ture of Cultu res.
21. Whar is by no means nonsensical, on rhe ocher ha nd, is rh e organ izacion of
pol ice or, if necessary, milicary measures againsr defined groups dedicared ro rh e use
of violence agains r instirurions, persons and sym bols.
22. The chlorine. atrack was nor an absolme prem iere in che gas war far rhe German
side eirher; they had already rested rhe so-cal led TI2 gas grenades on rhe Eas rern Fro nr
in Ja nuary 1915 befare deploy ing them ar Nieuwpoorr on rhe We stern Fro nr in March.
23. Exrerminism constiru res a simpli.ficacion of sadism as dassically described by
Sartre; ir is no longer concerned wich ap propriating che freedom of rhe other, bu e
racher wi rh freeing one's own environmcn r from che freedom of che orher.
24. Poisoning, in both che literal and rhe meraphorical sense: on August 4, 2002,
the lace nigh t edicion of che ARD news program "Tagesrhemen" fe arured an inrerview
wirh a yo ung woman on the beach in Te l Aviv who, afrer a Pales rinian suicide
bombing on an lsradi bus, asked: "Should we stop bre ath ing?"
25. Quoted in Jürgen Kal rhoff & Marrin We mer, Die Ha ndler des Zyklon B. Tesch
& Stabenow. Eine Fir menges chichte zwischen Ha mburg 11.nd Auschwitz (Hambmg:
VSA, 1998) , p. 24.
26. !bid., p. 25.
27. Because a suppleme.n c of chis kind would have been co unterproductive far purposes
of human e.xtermi narion, the hygiene de pa nmenrs of Ausch witz, Oranienburg
and other camps were supplied wirh an irrirant-free version of Zy kJon B. Cf
Kal choff & Werner, Die Hii ndler des Zyklon B, pp. 162f.
28. Cf. ibid., pp 56F. & 241 .
29. Ibid., pp. 45-102.
30. Jbid., p. 109.
31. The combar agen t sarin (T 144) was synrhesiied in 1938 ar rh e l. G. Farben
Research Deparrmenr, rlirecred by Dr. Gerhard Schrader. les roxiciry is over th irry
rimes grea rer than rhat of hydtogen cyanide; witb sufficiently ex tended exposure,
one gram of sarin would be suHicient ro kili up to one thousand peo ple.
32. Cf. Haruki Mu ralcam i, Un derground· Th e Tok)'o Gas Attack & the Japanese Psyche,
rcans. Alfr ed Birn bawn & Philip Gabriel (New Yo rk: Random House, 200 1).
The wrirer Josef Haslinger has offered an Austro-rerrorisr variacion on these eve nrs:
in his crime novel Op ernball (Fran.kfun: Suhrkamp, 1995), he imagi nes a building
ch.e size of che Vienna Scare Opera being re mpararily co nverced into a large-scale gas
chamber by a gro up of criminals.
33. Elias Canerti, The Conscience of Wo rds , trans. Joach im Neugroschel (New Yo rk:
Seabury; 1979) , p. 13.
34. The ron. e oF Schiidling is slighcly ambiguous, as it is the commonplace (nonpolemical)
rerm far "pes e, vermin" but lirerally means Nharmful enri ry," the larrer more condemnato ry and milican r in irs implications-ex panded into Volksschridling,
it denotes a rhrear ro rhe peo ple (crans.).
35. Cf. Gocz Aly, Fi nal Solution: Na zi Population Po lhy and the Murder of the
muis. BdiuJ« Cuuper &Allison D,own (Lo ndon: Arnold, 1999), p. 245 .
Hace speech of chis kind has only recently been analy-led in a. linguiscically and
moral-phi losophically adeq uate manner. Cf Judith Butler, facitable Sp eech: A Politics
of the Pe,fonnative (London: Ro utledge , 1997) .
36. J. G. Herder, Oittli11es of a Philosophy of the History of Ma n, rrans. T Churchill,
vo l. 1 (London: J. Johnso a, 1803) , pp. 24F.
37. Cf. Chapter 3, "Upswing and Pampering: On t.he Critique of Pure Whim,"
Section 2, "The Fiction of DeJicienr Beings."
38. Cf. Friedrich Nietzsche, Sii mtliche Briefi, Kr itische Studienausgabe, vol. 6
(M unicb : drv & Berlin: de Gruyrer, 2003), p. 140, letrer ro Franz Overbeck of
November 14, 1881: "chis medica! meceorology [ ... ] is unfarrunately a science in
irs infancy, and far my own affliction it merely raises a dozen new questions.
Perhaps we lmow more now--l should have been ar che dectricit:y exhibition in
Pa rís, partly ro learn tl1e newest rh.iags and parrly as an exhibir: far as a de tecto r
of electrical changes and so ca lled 'weacl1er propher,' I am a match far rhe apes and
probably a 'spec ialry."'
39. The German wo rd Lufiwaffi lirerally means "a. ir weapon" (era.ns .).
40. Cf. Rudiben Kunz & Rolf-Diecer Müller, Giftgas gege n Abd el Krim. Deutschland,
Sp anien une/ dt'I' Ga skrieg in Sp @irch-Morokko 1.922- 1 927 (Freibw·g:
Ro mbach, 199 0); cl1 is concains exrensive decails on tl-1.e panicipati on of German
fmns and war chemisrs in che Rrst example of aeroc he m ical warfare, in which
flghcers on horseback fro m che mounrain people of rl1e Rif region were ove rpowered
with Losr and gasoline bombs.
41. As early as 1950, Carl Schmicr spoke oF modern aerial wárfare as "purely a
war of destruction"; cf. Th e No mos of the Earth in the In ternatio nal law of the ]us
Publirnm Europaeum, rrans. G. L. Ulmen (New Yo rk: Te las, 2003), p. 317.
42. One indicarían of düs among many is che deploymenr of ma.nifesr terror
agenrs such as napalm by cl1e U.S. Ai r Force in che Viemam Wa. r, as we ll as the
dtopping of rhe notoríous lung-breaking bomb BLU-82B Commando Va ult, also
known as Daisy Curter (a 5.7-ton am monium nitrare bomb), 011 fraqi infanuy
and Afghan fighrers.
¡ 43. Cf. Ji:i rg Friedrich, The Pire: The Bom bing of Germany 1340-1345, rrans. Allis01,
Brown (New York: Colum bia Uníversiry Press, 2008) ,
44. lbid, , p. 3 1 0.
4 5 . For a detailed recelling of die evenrs between February 1 3 and 1 5 , 1 945, cf. Gi:irz
Ber.gander, Dresden im Luftkrieg, Vorgeschichte, Zerstomng, Fo/gen (Vienna: Bi:ihlau,
1 994), especially pp. 1 1 2-23 1 , and also Friedrich, The Pire, pp. 358f.
46, For che Hamburg inferno, however, rhe number of dead is already given as
4 1 ,000, To an eye\vitness Like Gi:icz Berg-ander, che "official" number of vicrims of
Dresden in.rnitively seems too low; as a historian, however, he ad.mits thar there is
insufficienc proof for the higher numbers, however plausible rhey may seem subjecdvely
and in relacion to the dynamics of exaggeracion.
47. If one includes ali rhose who d.ied of radiacion sickness by the end of 1 945 or by
che firsr ann i versary of tbe bombing, the final death toli was 1 5 1 ,000 in Hirosh.ima
and 70,000 in Nagasalci.
48. At the commemorative peace ceremon.ies in Hiroshima on Augusc 6 , 200 1 che
complete dearh rn!J, including rhose who died later due to che radiacion (an assertion
rhar loses irs plausibiliry over ha!F a cencury larer) was given as 22 1 ,893, of
which roughly 1 23,000 were men and 98,500 women.
49, Andrew S. Cave, Only the P,mz1wid Surviue: How to Expfoit the Crisis Points that
Chatle,ige Every Company and Career (New York: Doubleday, 1 996) .
50 . Ken Alibek & Scephen Handelman, Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the
Largest Covert Biological Vv'et1pons Progmm in the World- To!d from the lnside by the
Man Who Ran lt (New York: Random House, 1 999) pp. 25-2 8 .
5 1 . CF. Werner Marx, "Dcr 'Ore' fü r das Mass-die Verwind ung des Subjektivismus,"
in Gibt es aufE1den ein ]1/Íf/ss? Gnmdbestímmungen einer nichtmetaphysischen
Ethik (Hamburg: Meiner, 1 983) , pp. 63-85.
52. Martín Heidegger, Cimntry Path Conuersatiom, trans. Bree W Davis (Bloomingcon:
Indiana Universi ry Press, 20 1 0) , p. 74.
53. Herman n Schm.irz foUowed on from che posi cive contenc of ''dweLling"
[ Wohnen] in l1 is doctrine of "embedding sicuarions"; cf. Adolf 1--litler in der
54. TJ,e paper is available as a PDF file ac hrrp:/ /
vol3ch l 5 . pd.f (accessed 3/4/ 1 4) ,
5 5 . [bid., p. vi,
56. Cf. John Berger, The Sense of Sight (New York: Ran.dom House, 1 9 8 5) , p. 293.
57. Cf. Jeane Man.ning & Nick Begich, A ngel.r Don 't P/,ay This HAARP: Advances in
Tesla Technology (Ancho1·age: Earthpulse, 1 995) .
58, lbid,, p. 1 36.
59. Cf. The Umperzkable Confessions of Salvador Dalí As Told to André Przrinrmd,
crans. Harold J. Salemson (New York: WiJliam Morrow aml Company, 1976), p. 1 82.
60. lbid.
6 1 . Salvador Dalí, Conquest of the hmtionaL, trans. David Gascoyne (New York:
Julien Levy, 1 935) ,
62. Marshall McLuhan, Undmtanding Media: The E,ctensions of Mt1n (Coree
Madera, CA: Gingko, 2003), p. 304.
6.3 . André Breton, Manifestoes of Sun-ealism, tmns. Richard Seaver & Hden R. Lwe
(Ann .Arbor: Universiry of Michigan Press, 1 969) , p. 1 2 5 .
6 4 . A remark b y Gabriel Tarde indjcaces rhat ch. i s is connected r o t h e "mental
revolution" usually misdescribed as Enlightenmen t: "The habit of taking on faich one:'s
priescs an.d one's ancestors is superseded by the habic of repeating che words of
contemporary innovators." (Tarde, The Laws of lmitation, p. 245)
6 5 , The philosophical sources of the concepc of che unconscious are discussed
primarily in the. foUowing scudies: Odo Marquard, Ti'anszendentaler ldealirmus.
Romantische Naiu1philosophie. Psychoana!,yse (Cologne: J . Dimer, 1 9 8 7) and JeanMarie
Vaysse, L'inconscient des rnodems. Essai sur !'origine métt1physique de la
prychrznagise (Paris: GaUimard, 1 999) .
66. Dalí, Conquest of the lrrationrzf.
67. Cf. Tbomas E. Graecle.l & Paul J. Crurzen, Atmospheric Change: An Earth System
Perspective (New York: W H. Freeman, 1 995), p. 3.
68 . Cf Günrer Barudio, Triinen des Teufels. Eine V(leftgeschichte des Erdols (Scuttgarr:
Klm-Cotta, 200 1 ) .
69. Cf Heinrichs & Slorerdijk, Neither Sim Nor Dettth, pp. 330-336.
70, Cf. Rolf Peter Sieferle, Der unte,-JrdisG·he lVa!d. Energiekt-ise u11d ind11.strieL/e
Revolntion (Munich: Beck, 1 9 8 2) .
71 . Cf Sylvie Joussaume, Climat d'hier lt demain (Paris: CNRS éditions) .
72. Car! Amery and Hermann Schecr discuss che technical and mental precond.iúons
for che cransirion co a post-fossil energy civilization-and even more about rhe
political and ideological resistance to rhe same-i.n their book Klimawechsel. ¼n der
fossilen zur solaren Kit!tur (Mun i ch: Künstmann, 200 1 ) .
l73 . Cf che excursus "Merdocracy: The Imm une Paradox of Se crled Cultu res" in
Sphem JI, pp. 32 1 -333.
74. Cf Cl audia BóUi o g & Rol f Horsr, Schirme. Der HimmeL auf Erden (Berl í n : Tra n s
i r , 1 99 5 ) .
7 5 . Cf. Erich H eck, Indoo r Air Qw:dity am A1·bátsp!11tz. "Sick Building Syndrome"
and "Building-Relatul 1/Lness ''.· Ein dmtsch-amerikanischer Rechtsvergfeich (BadenBáden
: Lów & Vo rderwülbecke, 1 994).
76. Luce Irigaray, The Forgetting of Air in Martin Heidegger, trans. Mary Bech Mader
(Londo n : ArhJone, 1 99 9 ) , p. 1 66 .
77 . C f. Anj a S ci:i h r, Air-Design als E1folgsfakto r im Handel. Mode!Lgestützte
E,fo!gsbem•teilimg imd strategische Errpfeh!ung (Wi esbaden : Deu rsch e r Universira
rsve rlag, 1 9 9 8 ) .
78 . Cf Dioci rna von Kempski, Ra11mluft-.Essenze11 Ein kleiner Leitfoden über
GnmdLagen tmd Anwe1uLungsmógLichkeiten (Karlsruhe: Pro motor, 1 999) .
79. Cf. Ged.ard Schulze, Die Erlebnisgesetlschaft: KultimozioÚJgie der Gegenwart, second
ediri o n (Frankfu rt: Campus, 2005), Chaprer 1 0, "Theorie der Szene," pp. 459f
8 0 . Walter Ben jamín, The Arcades Pmject, ed. RolfTiedemann, t[ans. Howard Eiland
& Kevi n McLaughJjn (Can1bridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1 999) , p . 22 1 .
8 1 . Concerning rhe concepr of rhe colJecro r, cf Chapter 2, "lndoors: Arch i.tectnres
of Foam."
82. El ias Can mi . "Herman n B roch: Speecli fo r His Fifti e rh B i nhday," i n The
Conscience of Wo,ds, p . .1 l .
83. I b id., p. 8 .
8 4 . Ibid. , p . 1 0 .
8 5 . Ibid . , p . 1 3 .
86. Cf. "Pau l Mich,1el Li.irzeler, Hermmin Broch. Eine Biographie (FrankflLI'r:
S uhrkamp, 1 9 8 5 ) , p. 209; r h e word "gassing" [ Ve,;gmung] ::ippea[s in a le[ce.r ro Ernst
Schónwiese fro m October 3 , 1 9 36. I r is unk.nown whether Broch was aware of che
developmertt o f che new, extremely coxic combar agenrs rabun ( 1 934) and sarin
( 1 938) ar an I . G . Facben research labor::trory. A nu01ber of co ntemporaneous
au chors had likewise made gri.m precücarions based on memo ries of gas warfare, fo r
example Erich Kastner i n his poem "Das leczre Kapirel" [Th e Last Chap rer] fro m
his 1 930 collecr.ion Ein 1\lfan n gibt Auskunft [A Mm Gives InformacionJ ; one <lay in
2003, one ch o usand a i rp lanes set off from Boston carrying gas and bacteria and kili
che whole of mankfod, which can only artain its goal of world peace. in rbis manner
With peculiar co n creteness, Kastner gives rhis dearb d.rive saci re the date July 1 3, rhe
eve of che hol iday commemorating the of che Bas cille; cf. Erich Kastner,
Kiistner fiir Erll!achsene, A 11sgeU1ahlte Schriften, vol . 1 (Zurich: Atrium, l 983), pp.
2 1 9 f.
87. Karl Kraus, Briefe an Sido1zie Nadherny von Borut-in 1913-1936, vol . l ( :
Wallsrei n, 1 974) , p. 1 67 .
8 8 . Karl Kraus, Die Fackel, Reprint (Fran kfurc: Zwe i cause ndei.ns, 1 977) , issue
26 1 -2 , 1 90 8 , p. L
8 9 . Hermann Broch , Massemut1hntheorie. Beürdge zu einer Psychologie der Politik
(; Suhrkam p, 1 979), p. 454.
9 0 . Tarde, The Lmus of lmitation, p. 76.
9 1. Elias Canerti , Crowds dntl Pozuer, cram . CaroL S rewarr (New York: Seabury Press,
1 97 8 ) , p. 8 6 .
92. Broch, Massenwahnrheorie, pp. 306f.
93. Ibid. , p. 334.
94. Broch formu.lared che lesson as follows: "che figh r is agai nsr che obsessio n wirh
victory as such, and if it proves successfol, rhis 'victory over viccory' will no longe r
be a vicrory i n the time-honored sense [ . . . ] one could alm.ost say chat rhe usual (and
chus very h u man) rejoici n g ar victo í)' sho uld henceforrh be replaced by momning
over vicrory [ . . . ] ." (lbid., p. 344) . As Paul Valéry formulacecl from a relared perspeccive
in 1 9 27: 'ºEurope. is s crewn wi ch sim u l can eously erecced arches of crium ph
whose stun is zero." ( Ctthien JI [ Pa rís: Galli mard, 1 974] , p. 1 47 8 ) Furrh ermore,
Broch's rheses on polirical som nambuUsm, o rgan ized selt:deceptio n and scaces of
mass delusion have been indirecdy confirmed by recen t American strategic science;
ir has p roduced an explicaroiy fo rm of pro paganda by defining rhe. larrer as a way
for rhe ro "co n rrol public opinion," an indispensable too! ro ensme American
hegem ony. Wi rh che o u rbrealc of th.e Second Gulf War in March 2003, ch is hypersophis
ric cyber-war coocepc was resced wo rldwide in a large-scale med ia experi men r .
Cf. J o h n Arquilla & D a v i d Ro n feldt, The Emergence of Noopolitik: Toward 1111
America n I1formatiorz Strategy (Santa Monica: RAN O Corporacion, l 999) .
9 5 . Cf Calvi.n Tornkins, Duchamp: A Biography (New Yo rk: Henry HoL r and Company,
1 9 98), pp. 223 & 374.
96. ! bi d . , p. 408. The conversarion parmer is Calvin Tomkins.
97. Co ncerning the i nvestment of immunicary e n ergies in habi tacion co ndicions,
which is co-conditioned by chis, cf. Cha.peer 2, "l ndoors ," Secrio n A, "Where We
Live, Move and Have Om Bei ng," as well a.1 Section B , "Cel l Building, Egospheres,
Self-Con cainers ."
9 8 . Cf. Jakob vo n U exkül l , Umwelt und Innenwelt dei· Tiere (Berl i n : Sp ri n ger, 1 9 09;
second edicion 1 92 1 ) .
9 9 . C f. Es posito, lmrnunitas.
1 00 . Concerning the individualistic cendency, cf. No rbert Bolz, Die Konfonnisten des
Andmseíns. Ende der Kritile (Mu.nich: Fin k, 1 999); Tilman Habermas, Geliebte
Objekte: Symbo!e rmd Instrumente der Idemitatsbildung (Fra.nkfun: Suhrkamp, 1 999);
and Detlef Ax, " Váwundete Miinner ''.· zu vaterloser .Kultur imd mannlicher Identitdt in
den westlichen Industriestaate,, (Stuttgart: Ibídem , 2000) ; on the colleccivist:ic renden
cy, cf Alois Mosser (ed.) , "Gottes auserwdhlte Volker􀍃· Erwiihlung,vorstellungen und
ka/1.ektive Selústji.nd1mg in der Gerchichte (Frnnkfu rc, Be.d i n , Bern & New York: Peter
Lang, 200 1 } ; l in Emcke, Kollektive Identitdten: sozialphilosophische Grundlagen
(Frankfurc: Cam.p us, 2000); Ni kolaus Busse, Die Entstehtmg von ko/lektiven ldentitdten:
das Beispiel der ASEAN-Staaten (Badcn-Baden: Nomos, 2000) ; and Gümher
Schl ee (ed . ) , Imagined Differences: Htttred ttud the Constrnction ofldentity (Münster,
Harnburg & New York: LIT, 2002) .
1 0 1 . Cf. Gerr Matrenklo ct, "Sood ierw1gen. Das Ve rblassen der Charaktere," 1 n
Blindgii.nge1'. Physiognornische Essa)'S (Fran kfort: Suh.rkamp, 1 986) , pp. 7--40.
1 02. Cf. Donna J . Haraway, "The Biopoli tics of Postmodem B odies : Dererm i nacio
ns of Self in lmmune Syscem Discourse;" in Dijfarences I/I ( 1 989) .
1 03 . Certe ignortttia fi1turorwn malomm utiLior est quam scientia, .in De diviruitione
n , 23,
1 04 . Borho Srrauss, Die Fehfer des f(opisten (Munich : dtv, 1 9 99), p. 1 0 2 .
1 0 5 . C E Sven S pieker, "Die Ablagekul mr, oder: 'Wo E s war, soll Archiv werden.'
Die historische Avancgarde jrn Zei tal ter des Büros," in Ihzjel,te, Newsletter des Zentmms
far Literatwforschu ng Berlín 5, vol . 3, Seprembe r 2002, p p . 23􀮢28.
1 06 . I n Mess ina, as early as 1 8 83, Ilya Mecsch nilmw had a l ready described the füncrion
of ''devou.ring ceUs" (p h agocytes) i n warding o ff infil cracions o f ch e organism.
1 07 . Friedrich Nieczsche, Beyond Good and E11il: Prelude to a Philosophy ofthe Future,
ed . Rolf-Perer Horsrmann & trans. Judicl1 Norm a n ( Cambridge Uiüversi ry Press,
2002) , pp. 1 2 l f
1 0 8 . This view was p refígured i n che worlc o f Joha n n_ G o ctfried Herder, whose
work Aud1 eiue Philosophie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menschheit co n cains th e
rem arlc: "l envy everyching that is of the same kind as my narure a n d can b e
assimilated b y ir, I strive fo r i t and make i t my own ; fitrthermore, lú nd n a c u re has
armed me wi th emotion lessness, coldness and blintLness; it can even beco m e cor1-
tempt and disgust [ . . . ] ." ( p . 45)l 09 . Philosophy ,md Truth: SeLections from Ni11tzscht!s
Notebvoks of the Early 1 870s, ed.
& tram. Daniel B rea.zeale (New Jersey: H u mani ties Press, 1 979), pp. 79-9 7 .
1 1 0 . Cf. The Gay Science, rrans. Josefi ne Naucld1off & Adrian Del Caro (Cam b ridge
lJn ivers i ry Press, 200 1 ) , §344, "'lo whar way we, roo , are s t i ll p ious" (pp, 200f.) A
more moderare version of ch is insigh t imo che an cirh elics of life and knowledge can
be found in Helmu.cb Plessner's theo ry of rhe "eccen tric pos i tional i ty" of humans.
Cf. Joachim Fischer, "Androiden-Menschen-Prima ten . Phi losophische Anthropologie
als Placzhalrerin des Hurnanismus," in Huma¡zismus in Geschichte und
Gegenwart, ed. Richard Faber & Enno Rudolph (Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2002),
pp. 229-239. Ar che sarne time as Nietzsche, Gabriel Tarde pointed o ut che p robabiliry
of a "sacrifice of [che] free and individualistic worship of ho peless truth to che
social need far sorne comJno·n -and, perhaps, state-imposed co nsoling and
illusio n." ( Th1: Laws of Imitation, p. 1 2 5 )
1 1 1 . Phitosophy and T,􀍄1th, p . 5 7 .
1 1 2 . Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, p. 1 22.
1 1 3 . Cf. Emst Ben:i:, Theologie der Efe/mizitdt: Zur Begegmeng u. Auseirumdei,etzung
IIO/l Theologie und Natwwissenschaft im 17. zmd 1 8. Jahrhundert (Mainz & Wiesbaden:
Sreiner, 1 97 1- ) .
1 1 4. C f. "Die elekcrilizierte Gesellschafi:," exhibition catalogue o f the Bade n S tate
Museum (Karlsruh e, 1 996) .
l 1 5 . Concerning the way i n wh ich Pasteu r's discoveries con tri b u ted to shaping che
sol idariscic and socio-hygien i c cho ught of tbe late oj nereemh cencury, cf. Franc;;ois
Ewald, L 'Etat providence (Paris : Gasset, 1 9 8 6) .
1 1 6. C f. Jacques P0 tJain, L age pragmatique o u L'expérimentrrtion tota!e (Paris: I..:H
1 9 9 1 ) . It is probably a meaningful coinc.idence thar che most pe rceplive
analys t of modern scien tific cul ture, B runo Latour, holds a professo rship for che
"soci ology of innovation" ar th e Ecole des Mi nes in París.
1 1 7. Boris Grays, "Wetbung für den Kornmwúsmus. 50 Jahi·e nach Stalins Tod:
warum scho n damals die Ktmst nur Lifesryle sein wollte," in Die Zeit ] 0/ 2003, p. 38.
1 1 8 . Cf. McLuhan , Understanding Medirr, Chapter 1 8 , "The Pri n ted Word: Architect
ofNa tionalis m ," pp. 233-244, and far a class ic source , l<ad Kraus , " Umergang
der Welt durch schwarze Magie" (December 1 9 1 2) , in Die Fackel, Rep1int, pp. 424f.
1 1 9 . Tarde, The Lawr of lmitatian, p. 364.
l 2 0. Cf. Bruno Lacour, Pandom's Hope: l:.ssays on the Reality of Science Studies {Cambridge
, MA: Harva.rd Universiry Press, 1 9 99) , Chapter 5, "The Hisco riciry of
Thi ngs: Where Were Microbes Befare Pastem?,» pp. 1 4 5- 1 73 .
1 2 1 . Cf Pete.r Fabian, Leben im Treibhaus: Uwer Klimasystem-imd wrts wir damus
machen (Berli.i1 & .Heidelberg: Springer, 2002) .
1 2 2 . Cf concerning chis Bmno Larour, "Do SciemiAc Objects Have. a Histo ry?
Pas ceu r and \Vh icehead .in a Bach of Lactic Acid," in Common Knowledge 5, l
( 1 996), pp. 76-9 1 . Regarding che cerm "propositions," cf. Alfred N. Whirehead,
Advem-ures o/ ideas (New York: Simon & Schuscer, 1 967) , pp. 244f
123. Lacour, Pandom.'s Hope, p. 1 43.
1 24. Ibid., p. J 44.
1 25 . Amold Gehlen, Urmensch und Spii.tkulh-11: Philosophirche Ergebnisse zmd Aussagen
(Bo1m: Athenaum, 1 956) , p. 26.
1 26. lbid . , p. 7 1 .
1 27. C f. Larour, 􀯀\'le Have Never Bee/1 Jviodern.
128. Cf. Al fred N. Whitehead, Process and Reality, ed. David Ra.y Griffin & DonaJd
W. Sherburne (New York Simon & Schuscer, 20 1 0), p. 25 9.
1 29. Theodor W Adorno, Mínima Momlia, trans. E. F. N. Je.phcort (London &
New York: Verso, 2005), p. _50 {trans.).
1 3 0 . Cf. Ernst Tugendhat, Der Wahrheitsbegr;Jfbei Husserl und Heidegger (Berlin: de
Grnyrer, 1 967); chis study, wbich · at a negative resulr with regard m Heidegger's
concepr of rrurh [ Wt1h11m'tJbegrifJJ, is a clear example of how tbe ricuaJs of tboroughness
can serve to preven t che better insight through the worse. Hermann Schmitz, in cri tica! p roxim ity to Husserl Heidegger, has more adequarely
reformulaced rhe overly monolirhic tbesis of "forgerfu l n ess of being" [Seinsvergessenheit]
i n ro a discrete list of fundamental "transgresSLons" by tbe occidental spirit. Unlike
Husserl, who named two large-scale aberrations in The Crisis of European Sciences
arid Han.scendental Phenomenology-------tra..nscenden ral subjectivism and objectivist
physical is m-he arrives at the number four: psycl10logistic-reducrionisr, dynamist,
iron isc and autisric uansgression. For each of, che aurhor outlines a
culrnrerherapeutic correction from che spiri t of renewed phenomenology,
1 3 l . Elias Canetti, The Human Province, crans. Joachim Neugroschel (New York:
Seabury, 1 978), p. 67 (translation modified).
1 32 . Cf Martín Heidegger, "Alecheja (Heraclirus, Fragmenr B 1 6),'' in Ear/y- Greek
Thinking, rrans. Frank A. Capuzzi (New York: Harper & Row, 1 975), pp. 1 02-1 23.
1 3. A reference to Martín Luther's hy1u n "Ein fesre Burg ist u.nser Goce" [A. Mighcy
Fortress 1s Our God] (crans.) .
1 34 . The collog uial ph.rase Gott und die Wélt is used rn mean "all and sundry" or
"anyrhing ami everytb i ng" (rrans.) .
3 5 . Hora.ce, Odes 1.22, in Odes and Epodes, rráns. Nial] Rndd [Cambridge, MA:
Harvard Universi cy Press, 2004] , p. 67)
1 36. The quoted poem speaks firsr of che immutabiliry of poeric love., wh.id1
responds ro che cli mace-indepe.ndenr magic o f che beloved.
[ 37. Plato, Timaeus, 33 a-e, in Timaeus and CritiflS, ua.11s. Julian Waterfield (Oxford
& New York: Oxford Universicy Press, 2008) , p. 2 1 .
1 38. Concerning tbe origins, development and disaste.r of the meraphysics of the
encompassing, cf. Spheres Ji, Chapter 5, "Deus sive sphaera, ot: The Explod i ng
Universal One."
1 39. Plaro, Phaedo, 61 cl-69 e5.
1 40. Hegel- The Lettm, trans. Clark Bucler & Christine Seiler (Bloom.ington: Indiana
Un.iversicy Press, 1 984) , p. 1 1 4.
14L The magneropachic and proto-psycboanalytical wing of these tendencie.s is
recalled in Spheres I, Chapter 3, "Humans in che Magit Cirde: On rhe Incelleccual
History of tbe Fascinacion wich Closeness." A comprehensive descriprion of rhe movement
as a whole can be found in Be.manci Méheusr, Somnmnbttlisme et médiumnité
(1 784-1 330), vols . 1 ( L e défi du magnétisme animal ) & 2 (Le choc des scien ces
psychiques) (París: Insritur Symhélabo pour le progres de la connaissance, 1 999) .
1 42. Cf. Walter Weiss, Enttauschter Pantheismus. Zur Weltgestcdtung der Dichtung in
der Restauratiomzeit (Dornbirn: Voralberger Verlagsanstalr, 1 962) .
1 43. Cf. che outstanding study by Wolfgang Riedel, "Horno 11at1tra. '' Literarische
Anthropologie um 1 900 (l3erlin & New York: de Gruyter, 1 996) .
1 44. Cf Karl Joel, Seele ,md Vemtch einer organischen A1if{-assimg 0ena: Eugen
Diederichs, 1 923) .
1 45 . Cf. Helrnut Leche n , Verhaltens!ehrm der Kii.lte. Lebemversuche z:wischeu den
Kriegen (Frankfurc: Sul1rkamp, 1 9 94) .
.1 46 . C. P. Snow, The Two Cultures and che Scien tific Revo!ution (Cambridge U n ive
rsi ry Pcess, 1 959) . Sigmund l3onk's srndy Abschied von da anima r mmcli. Die
britische Philosophie im Vorj-i:ld der Industri.ellen Revolutio n (Freiburg & Munich:
Alber, 1 999), which is instcuccive for the hisrnry of eighreenth-century thought in
England, focuses on a petiod char is too shorr ro convey d1e long-rerm opposition
berween mechanistics and world soul belief -Furd1ermore, the rwo-cuJture view ourlined
here is itself lacking a d.imension, as modern neo-gnosis, as a form of chird
culture, rejecred boch mecha.11.icism and pan-psycbism in order to brealt huma.11s out
of che world conrexr alrogetber and direct them rnwards che encirely orher. This tende.
ncy culminated in che work ofKarl Barth, wh.o could admittedly onJy arrive ar
rnraliter alicer tbeology through a one-sided rreatmen c of cradition, not leasc by
;noring cosmotheistic inclusions in the doctrine o.f rhe Holy Spirit-rhough it is
runisrakable thar a di rece equation of che world souJ wic:h c:he rbird person in the
·iniry was unaccep table for orchodoxy (see c:he cha.rges leveled ac Ciordano Bruno
uring bis i:.riaJ) ; cf Henning Zieb.rirLki, Heiliger Geist und Weltseele, Dm Problem der
rittm Hypostase bei Origines, Plotin imd ihmi Vorlii.ufarn (Tübingen: Mohr, 1 994 ) .
4 7 . Uex.küll, Kompositicmslehre de Natur, p. 3 5 5 .
4 8 . C f below, "Transicion: Neither Con traer N o r Growth-Approaching Spacial
luraHries, Which Are Regrettably Termed Socieries."
49. Jacques Poulain shares che concern abom chis separarion with Amold Gehlen;
''. Jacques Poulain, De t'hormne: E!éments danthropobiologie philosophique du langage
)a.ris: Cerf, 100 1 ) .
S O . Cf. Cehlen, Urmen.sch und Spatkultur, p. 13.
51 . CF. Tarde, The Lazos ofimitation.
52. Ibid. , p. 34.
53. The "or" betv,een "mochers" and "fathers" rem i nds us t.har in che rnajoriry of
uly syscems, children were only assigned in kinship to one half of che
1arical alliance-yery much in contrast ro the logic of kinship caken for gramed
iday, .in which every child is bilineaJJy considered rhe kin o f both parems.
54. Concerning rhe proto- i nstitudonaJ and highly artificial character of unilineal
i nship syscerns, cf. Geh len, Umiensch und Spatkultur, §37, "Blutsverband-O rdungen"
& §38, "To remismus," pp. 2 1 7-230.
5 5 . Aristode, Nichomachea11 Ethics, ed. & rrans. Robert Crisp (Cambridge Univerty
Press, 2000) , Book IX, 1 1 70 b 1 0 ( p. 1 79) .
56. Cf Spheres !I, Chapter 4, "The Oncological Proof of che Orb," pp. 335---439.
57. Cf Jean-Pierre Vernant, The Origim of Greek Thought (Irhaca: CorneU Univerry
Press, 1 982) .
58. Plato, The Lazos, rrans. Trevor J. Saunders (londo n: Pengu.i.n, 1 970) , Book rv;
78 e (p. 77) .
59. C f. Pecer Slocerdijk, "Scimmen fiir Tiere. Phantasi.e über animal ische ReprasenLtion,"
in HerrtuJjindemng Tier. \íon Bmys bis Ivibakov, ed. Regina Hasli.n ger
vlunidt, London & New York: PresreJ, 2000), pp. 1 28- b3 .
60. Cf. Wilhelm EmiJ Mühlmann, "Colluvies gen tiLun. Volksenrscehung aus
sylen," in Hamo tTeator. Abhandlungen zttr Soziologie, Anthropologie u.nd Ethno!ogie
w'iesbaden: Harrassowirz, 1 962), pp. 303f. Mühlmann poinrs, among oc.her
üngs, to c:he example of the Crimean Tartars, a new erh nic formarion from che
most va.ried "ruins of peoplcs," a "mixrure of genuine Tarars and Ort0man Tw-ks,
Genoese, remainders of rhc Crimean Gochs, che Pomic Greeks, and probably aJso
fragments of rbe ancient lranian t:ribes of southern Russia ('Scythians')." (Ibid., p.
306) One source of rhe roLLuvies gentiwr¡ was the sysrem of cliencs and metics in rhe
Hellenic polis, who sougbr to increase c:heir followings rhrough acrive asylum policies;
here lies one origin of che cliencelist-mafiotic "state,'' which can be underscood
as rhe dark double of the feudal and t.he post-democracic mue. Mühlmann emphasizes
rhac che cotlitvies gentittm era is by no means over: he sees starcing poincs for
nt:w furrm uf eLhnu􀻣enetic drama in rhe rdu􀻤ee. waves in mt secoml haJf uf rhe
twen tieth cen tury. The " i magi ned communities" approaches of recem po l i r i cal
sociology can be i n fo rmally connecred to these reflec.cions.
1 6 1 . Gilles Deleuze, Desert fslands and Other Texts, 1953-1974 (Los Angeles: Semiorexc(
e), 2004), pp. 9f.
1 62. Building blocks for a critique of genealogicaJ reason can be found in Thomas
Macho, "So vide Menschen. Jenseirs des genealogischen Prinúps," in Vor der
Jahrtau.sendwende. Berichte zu.r Lage der Zukimft, ed. Peccr Slorerdijk (Fran.kfurt:
Suhrkamp, l 990) , pp. 29-64; by the same author also "Stammbaume, Freihei tsbaume
und Geniereligiou. Anmerkungen zur Gesch.ichre genealogischer Sysreme,"
in Genenlogie und Genetik. Schnimtellen zwisG·hen Biologie und Kítlturgeschichte, ed.
Sigrid Weigel (Berlin: Akademie, 2002) , pp. 1 5-43; Klaus Heinrich, "Die Funktion
der Genealogie im Myclms," in Vemurifi· imd Mythos. Ausgewii.hlte Texte (Frankfurt:
Srroemfeld/Rocer Srern, 1 992), pp. l l -26; Pierre Legendre, L'inestimab!e objet de la
trrmsmission: Etude rnr le príncipe génértlogique en occident (Pa.ris, 1 985).
163. The idea of commun.ization through a quaJiratively new form of assernbly was
already aniculared by Cícero: "Bur a public is noc every kind ofhurnan gathering,
in a.ny manner, bm a numerous gathering bro ughc rogerhe.r by legaJ consenr
and communiry of inrerest." ( The Republic, Book 1 , 39, i n 77ie Republic and The Laws,
trans. Nial! Rudd [Oxford & New York: Oniversiry Press, 1 998] , p. 22).
1 64. Thomas Hobbes, Levíathan, ed. Richard Tuck (Cambridge University Press,
1 9 9 6) , p. 1 20.
1 6 5 . Placo, The Laws, 903 b, c & 904 b (pp. 364 & 365).
l 66. eiidalmona theán, in Tipiaem, 34 b.
167. zoon aidion on, ibid. , 37 d.
1 68. Marcus Aureliu.s, Meclitatiom, trans. Martín Hammond (London: Penguin,
2006), p. 29.
1 69. !bid. , p. 1 0.
1 70. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contrnct and Other Later Political Writings,
ed. & rrans. Vicror Gomevicch (Cambridge University Press, 1 997) , p. 1 23.
7 1 . Livy, The Histmy ofRome, Books 1-5, trans. Valerie M. Warrior (Indianapolis:
Hackecr, 2006) , Book II, 32, pp. 1 22f.
1 7 2 . Plato , The Rep u bLic, ed. G. R. E Ferra.ri, trans. Tom Gri ffich (Camb ridge
Univers i ty Press, 2000). Book III, 41 4b-4 1 5 d (pp. 1 07F.) . The curren mess of chis
argumenc is eviden c in che strong i nfl u e 11ce of the political Platonist Leo Srrauss on
che Ameri can neoco nservarives , who follow their master in declari ng rhe necessicy of
democra tic ill usion-managemenr by el ites with 110 illusions .
1 73. John Rawls, A Theory ofjustice, revised ed i cion (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univers
i cy Press, 2009) .
1 74. Ibid., p. 1 1 8 .
1 7 5 . Cf. Garbis Korcian, "Une phllosophie premiere pour le dern ier homme?," in
Critique, January 1 98 1 , 110. 404, pp . 3f. Thac a renaissance of co nnactualisr cheories
could occur in recem runes is, as exponems of ch.e rendency concede, due not to the
con rract metaphor's richness in content bur to theory-pol i r ica J motives, more precisely
che interese in suppressing syscemic approaches in sociology and revealing a
model capable of carryi ng a not ovedy illusory rheory of co llective action. Neo-
is rhe supply wich which a cerrai n "social phi lasaphy" responds ro rhe
demand far an edifying rheo ry for associ ari on functionaries and educaco rs. Thac chis
is a theory of edilication is evidenr in, among other rhings, rhe facr that n1embers of
negaciaci ng p ro fessions (l awyers, dipl omacs, crade uruonists in bargaining rounds,
mediato rs, social workers, comman ders af peacekeeping troops and so forrh) can
ba.rely recogn ize rheir straregica.lly determi ned practice in che speculations af
contract theorists. Cf. Klaus Eder, "Der permanente Gesellscha.ftsverrrag. Zur
kollekriven Ko n s rmktion einer sozia.len Ordn ung," in Ludan Kern & Hans-Peter
Müller (eds.), Gerechtigkeit, Diskurs oder Markt? Die neuen Amiitze in der Vertrag.rtheorie
(Opladen: Wes tdeu tscher Verlag, 1 986) , pp. 67f.
1 76. A.nocher way to stop using the word "sodal" in che rheory of saciecy is suggested
by acto r-network rheary (ANT) , which claims to deal only wi th associations .
Cf Laroμr, "Gabriel Tarde a.nd rhe End of the Social ."
1 77. Cf. Geo rg Simmel, Socio!ogy: lnquiries lnto the Comtruction ofSociaL Forms, ed.
& crans. An thony J . Blas.i, Amon K. Jacobs & Matbew J . Kan j i rach i n l<al (Lei de n :
BriU, 2009) , "Excursus o n che Prob lem: How Is- Society Passible?," pp. 40-52.
1 78. Ihid . . p. 43.
1 79. Ibid. , p. 50. This ''as though" (italidzed in che arigi 11aJ) ensures tbat the aurbor
does not genuinely regress to che socio-holistic pasirian, even if he occas ionally falls
back on rhe language game chat che "unique namre" af che professianal inclividuaJ
"will be rhat af playing a necessary patt in che life. af the whole" (jb id. , p. 52) .
1 80. Ibid ., p. 4 5 .
1 8 1 . lbid., p. 47.
1 82. Ibid. A more radical formulatíon of chis idea can be fow1 d in Gabriel Tarde's
essay MonadoLogy and Sociology ( 1 893) , ed. & trans. Theo Larenc (Melboume:, 2 0 1 2), p. 47 : "their co nsti rutive elernems [i.e. chose of all greac regular
rnechanisms] [ . . . ] always belong only by ane aspecc of their being to the world they
constiruce, and by arher aspeccs escape it. world would not exist wichour chein;
wirhaut che world, ca nve.rsely, rhe elements would still be someth ing."
1 83. Simmel, Sociology, p. 47 .
1 84. Tarde, lvfonr1do!ogy and Sociology, p. 2 8 . With mm of phrase, Tarde
anticipares that oFWhi rehead, who, in Process and Reality, unders tancls "sociecy" as
a self-supponing nexus becween "actual emi ries"; rhus he can speak of a "sociei:y of
electro magnetic occasians"; cf. Whicehead, Process tmd ReaLity, pp . 89f. & 92.
1 8 5. Tarde, Monr1dnlogy and Sociology, p. 28.
J 86. Conce rning my reservations abour rhe necwo rk meraphor, see pp. 235 .
1 87. lbid., p. 3 1 . Let LLS note tbat in his thoughc experi roent abam the vertical
nadan, Tarde abandons che l1ypothesis of suspended gravicy agaiJ1 (atherwise the
mateTials for building the vertical ciry co uld not be posrulaced as parricularly salid) .
1 88. Vilém Fl usser, "Ri.ume," in Heidemarie Sebl atn i g (ed.), mwen rii1tme irmen
rii.ume. Der Wanclel des &umbegriffi im Zeitafter der elehtronischen Medien (Vie nna:
WlN-Universi carsverlag, 1 99 1 ) , p. 78.
1 89. Cf. Spheres l, Chapcer 5, "The Primal Companion: Requiem for a Discarded
Organ," especially pp. 349F.
1 90. Cf. Sphem I, Introduccian, especially pp. 45 & 6 1 .
1 9 1 . The origi 11al word Gesellschaft can re.ter eicher to society a.s a. whole or to
in smaller groups, indudjng pairs (u-a.ns . ) .
1 92. René Crevel, L e bien du siede, quoted i n L a ré110Lution surréaliste. Eí n Lesebuch,
ed. Una Pfau (Munich: cltv, 1 997) , p. 55 .
1 93 . Uwe San der, Die Bind1mg der Unver6indlichkeit. Jvfediatisierte Ko mmuniliation
in modernen Gesellschaften (Frankfürt: Suhrkamp, 1 9 98) .
1 9 4 . Georg Simmel, "The Sociology of Space," in Simmd on Cult11re: SeLected
W'ritings, ed. David Risby & Mike Feathersrone (London: SAG E, 1997) , p. 1 43.
195. Cf. Immanud Kant, The Metaphysics of Mordls, ed. & crans. Mary Grego r
(Cambridge Uruversicy Press, 1 996) .
1 9 6. Novalis, Bliithenstaub, no. 13 1 .

1 97. C[ Heiner Müh.lmann's ropo logicaJ elucidations in h is cheory of i nstinctive

archirecrure, i.a which he distingu.ishes between rhe biological syscems of space and
che spa es of artifaccs or 􀮄ymbols, in The Nature o/ Cultures, pp. 47f.

Chapter 1
l . Deleuze, Desert lslands, p. l l .
2. Si mmel, "The Sociology of Space," p . l 4 1 . Cf. aJso Georg Simmel, 'The Picrure
Fra111e; AJ, Aesthetic Study/' i n Theo1Jr, Culture & Society, 1 1 , l (1994), pp. 1 1-1 8 .
3. Roberc G raves, The Greek Myths (London: Pengu i n, 1 992), p. 1 32.
4. Cf Ernsc Messerschmídc & Rei nhold Bercrand, Space Stations: Systems and Utilization,
crans. Tanja Freyer (Berlin & Heidelberg: Springer, 1 999), p. 142. The Salad is a more developed version of d1e Svet culcivacor resced aboard A1ir from
1 990 onwards. Growd1 experiments in weighdessness showed chat rhe Svet plants
inícially o nly .reached half che heighc of plams grown under comparable condirions 011
earth; tests with wheat yielcled seeds that were ed.ible, yet sterile-because of overly
b.igh erhylem: concemrarions, as was díscovered in follow-up examinarions. A
was made in che field of space plamarion biology in che summer of 1 997, wirh
tbe first successfu l cultivacion of germíoable muscard p.lams in space; 1 999 saw
successful experi.ments with a second generarion of space whear. Cf. Marsha Freeman,
Chnllenges o/Human Space &:ploration (Chichescer: Praxis, 2000), pp. 74-79.
5 . lbid. , pp. 1 09-148.
6. For a description of policicians as containers of collective sraces, cf. Thomas
Macho, " Container der Aufmerksamkeic. Re8e.xionen übec Aufrichrigkeit in der
Politik," in Opfor der Macht. .Müssen Politiker ehrlich sein?, ed. Peter Kemper (Frankfu
rr & Leipzig: [nsel. 1 993), pp. l 94f.
7. Friedrich Nieczsche, The Gay Science, § 1 24, "[n tbe Horizon of the Infinire": '"We
have forsaken che land and gone w sea! We have desuoyed che bridge behind us-
1nore so, we have demolished the land behind us! [ . . .] Woe, when hornesickness for
che land overcomes you, as if there had been more fteedoin rhere-and there is no
more 'land'!" ( p. 1 1 9)
8 . The cosmonaut Sergei Kri kalev in conversarion wüh AJ,drei Uj ica: ''Schwerelos
um Hei mat Erde. Da.s Leben .i m AH-Das Ali irn Leben," in Lett;-e internationaf 53
(Summer 200 1 ) , p. 75 .
9. Ibid. , p. 74.
1 0 . Thus Barbara Ward's parapluase in her Fuller-i nAuenced book Spaceship Earth
(New York: Col umbia University Press, J 966), p. 1 5-the holisric basic reachings of
rhe ingenious engi neer.
Mü.Uer, 2008), p. 60.
1 2 . Ibid., p. 6 1 .
1 3 . Olafur Eliasson, Su1T011ndings Surrounded. Essays on Space and Science, ed. Pecer
Weibel (Graz & Karlsruhe: ZKM, 200 1 ) . Cf. Also Olafur Eliasson, The Weather
Project, ed. Susan May (London : Tate, 2003) .
1 4. Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the Wést, trans. Charles Francis Arkinson, vol.
2: Perspectives o/ World Hirt01y (New Yock: Knopf. 1 9 6 1 ) , p. l 02.
1 5. One specimen is che cameLl ia house built in 1 823 at Wollaton Hall, Notti ngham,
which .is also one of rhe oldesc surviving greenhouses made of prefabricaced
1 6 . Georg Kohlmaiet & Barna von Sarwry, Ho11Ses aj Glr1ss: A Nineteemh-Century
Building Type, rrans. John C. Harvey (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1 9 9 1 ) , p. 3 1 7.
1 7 . Ibid., p. 3 14.
1 8. Cf. Chapcer 2, "Indoors: Arch.itectures of Foam."
1 9. Gerald Scanhill & Herbert Zvi Eooch (eds.), Greenhouse Ecosystems (funsterdam:
Elsevier, 1 999), pp. 9-1 1 .
20. Bernd Zabel, technical d.irecror of Biosphere 2, i11 convecsadon wirh Fiarían
Rot:zer on Sepcember 25, 1 9 96.
2 1 . This scenario has, at least, been rehearsed since rhe 1 920s in borh mass cul rure
and bigh culrure; cf. E. M. Forster, The Machine Stops (1928), Arna Sch m idr, Ku.jf
auch Mare G·isium ( 1 960) or Philip K, Dick, Total Recaí! ( 1 965) .
22 . A neologism combining che G reek words dnthropos, "human" ancl nésos,
" island" (trans.) .
23 . One could also cal] it nine-layered, except rhat the image of che layers would
suggest a superimposicion of levels withour any 1..ero poi nc; l have chose.n the rerm
"dimension" because it pe.rmirs rhe norion rhar ali dimensions branch ouc from a
shared imersection or 1.ero poinc (a here-now-we nerwork) .
24. Cf. .Edua.rd Kii·schmann, Das Zeitalter der We,ftr--eine neue Sicht des Menschen.
Das Schirnpansen- Wérfer-Aasfresser-Krieger-Nlode!L der menschlichen Evolutio n
(Hanover: Edua.rd Kirschmarm, 1 999) ancl Alfred W. Crosby, Throwing Fire: Projr:ctde
Technology Through Histmy (Cambridge Universiry Press, 2002) .
2 5 . Paul Alsberg, Das Menschheitsrritsel ( 1 922), newly edired wich a foreword by
Dieter Claessens under rhe title Der A usbruch aus dem Geflingnú-Zu den Entstehungshedingrmgen
des Nlewchm (Giessen: Focus, 1 975) .
:6. Michel Serres, Hominescence ( Paris : le Pommjer, 2 00 1 ) .
:7. G. W F. Hegel, Elements ofthe Philosophy o/Right, ed. Allen W. \'*'ood, trans. H .
l . Nisber (Cambridge Univmity Press, 1 9 9 1 ) . § 1 87, addition (p. 226) .
:8. Cf. Amold Gehlen , Der Memch. Seine Natur und seine Ste!lung in del' \Velt
Frankfurc: Kloscerman n , 1 993), p. 1 5 4.
:9. The motif of relief i's developed in greacer depth bdow, in an examinacion with
\ rnold Ceh len's i n terp rera rion o f humans as defici e n r hei n g.s.
,O. Quoted in Fcank R. Wilson , The Hand: How lts Use Shapes the Bmin, Languttge,
·nd Hl-lman Cultiere (New York: Ra n d o m House, 1 998), p. 1 7 1 .
, l . Cf. Wilson, The Hcmd, Cha peer 9, " Bad Boys, Po lylirhs, and che Heterotechnic
levolution ," pp . 1 64- 1 8 1 .
,2 . Hegel, Elements of the Philosophy of Right, § I 89, add ition (p. 228 ) .
,3. C f Gehlen, Ui-mensch und Spiitkultur, p. 26.
,4. Cf Charles Malamoud, " Path o f che Knife : Carving up the Vi ctim in Vedic
:acri.fice," u1 Jndian Ritual and it, Exegesis, ed. Richard Francis Gom b rich (Delhi :
)xford Un iversity Press, 1 9 88), pp. 1 􀫯 1 4.
, 5 . Cf. McLuhan's media- c h eosop h ical scarement, q u o ced o n p . 22, abour rhe
udios p here wh ose cen ce r is everywhere and whose circu m ference is nowhere;
h e p achos of chis chesis lies in che facr rhac (rh anks ro electric a.nd elecrro n i c
nedia) i r is no longer mean t to ap p ly cribe-soci o l ogically, b u e racher wo rldociological
,6. Alongside rural cradfrions such as march music, che word Volksmusik i J1 con :
mpo cary Germany refers lacgely t o a more commercialized, pop-inAuenced variecy
, i th a subscan rial celev ision p resente ( tran s .) .
• 7 . McLuhan serio usly believed thac we were experiencing the rebinh o f a global,
,aradoxically re-tribalized "closed sociecy" cha e consti rured icself as a "produce of lan;
uage, drumming and technologies chat speak to che ear."
, 8 . Cf Adolf Ponman n , "Um eine basale Amhopologie," in Biologie und Geist (Giiri
ngen : Burgdorf, 2000) , pp. 256f
,9. lbid., p. 257.
,O. Ibid. , p. 261 .
- 1 . Fried üch Ni emche, The Anti-Christ, in The Anti-Christ, Ecce homo, Twilight of
l1e idols, and Other Vv"ritings, trans. Judith Norman (Cam bridge Universi ty Press,
. 005), p. 1 3 .
42. '1n che imward man dwells truth." Sr. Auguscine, O/ Ii·ue Religion., ed. Lou is O . & rrans. J o h n H . S . Burleigh (Was h i n gton, D C : Regnery Gateway, 1 9 9 1 ) ,
XXXIX, 7 2 (p. 69) .
43. Charles Baudelaire, "One O'Clock in che Moming," in Pm-is Spleen, trans.
Lotúse Varese (New York: New Direccions, 1 970), p p. 1 5f
44. Cf. Pe tet S lo terdijlc, Das soziale Band und die Audiophonie. Anmerku ngen zu r
Anthropologie im teclmischen Zátalter, ed. S tephan Krass (Wiesbaden : ZFS, 1 994) .
Concerni ng che acousrics of che p romise, cE also Bubbles, Chaprer 7, ''The Siren
Scage: On The First Sonospheric Alliance," pp. 477-520.
45. Concern ing the establ ish ment of i ndividual phono copes by rhe alliance of apartmenc
dwel l i ng and sound technology; cf. the seccion on acous tic se!F-augmentation
in Chapter 2, 'Tndoors: Archi tecrures o f foam."
46 . Cf. Sa rah Blaffer Hrdy, Mother Nature: A History of Mothm, !nfants, and
Nat1tral Selection (New York: Pamheon, 1 999), especially Chap cer 6, "The Mi lky
Way," pp. 1 2 1 f., and Sphem !, Excursus 3, "The Egg Principie: Incernal izacion and
Encasemenc," pp . 323-33 1 .
47. John Bowl by, Attachment, second edition (New Yo rk: Basic, 200 8 ) .
48. O n e manifestation of this, among others, is the resistance of dogmatic feminists ro
cheories tbac realistically describe che macemally focused needs of i n. fa.ncs. Concerning
che incidenc at the awarding of an honora[' doctorare ro John Bowlby by che University
of Cambridge in 1 977, cf. Hrdy, Mother Nature, p . 489. Furthermore, che thesis
of che occultation of early cbild abandonmenr ( the "dran1a of che gifced child") must
be qualified by observations chat testify ro an alrnost neo-Paleolithically intense
mothering and pamperi ng of infants in che First World. Cf. pp. 7 1 5-720.
4 9 . G . W E Hegel , Lect11res on the Philorophy of Sph·it 1 827-8, crans . Roben R.
Willi ams (Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), p . 1 26.
50. Cf. fa r ex-a mple E11rotaismur. Zur Kritik der politischen Kinetik (Fran kfurc:
Sulu-kamp, 1 989) , pp. 1 74-2 1 0, and Nicht gerettet. Versuche nach Heidegger (Fraokfun:
Suhrkamp, 200 1 ) , especi ally pp. 1 42-234 .
5 1 . Placo, The Republic, Book !Il, 4 1 4b-4 1 5 d (pp. 1 0 7f ) .
52. Friedrich Heiler, Die Religionen der .Menschheit, ed. Kurt Goldammer (Stuttgarr:
Recla.m, 1 999) , p. 3 1 .
5 3 . Cf. che similar theses of che epistemo-irenicist Michel Serres: " Does ali evil in
che world come from belonging? Yes. Ali evil in the wo rld comes from comparison .
And from che wretched glory bestowed by entry into a noble collective elevated
above che sbared conditio n." Cf. Michel Serres, Atlas (París: J ulliard , 1 994) , p. 2 1 3 .
54. 1 shall refrain from explainjng rbis perspecrive with possible scenarios from the
.currenr rhree-way int:ra-mouotheistic struggle.
55. "Where ir is well, rhere is the fatherland" (trans.).
56. Marcin Walser, Ohne einande1· (Frankfurt: Suhrka111p, 1 993), p. 80.
57. Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, Al! Too Human: A Book far Free Spirits, rrans. R. J .
Hollingdale (Cambridge University Press, 1 996), p. 1 98.
58. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, 7.
59. Cf. Spheres JI, Chaprer 2, "Vascular Memories: On rhe Rea.son for Solidarity in
Irs Indusive Form."
60. Charles Malamoud, Cooking the V7orld: Ritual and Thought in Andem India,
crans. David Wh.ire (Oxford & New York: Oxford Universiry Press, 1 996).
61 . Gast0n Bachela.rd, The Psychoanafysis of Pire, uans. Alan C. M. Ross (Bosron:
Beacon, 1 964), p. 40. Bachelard speaks (referring ro Novalis' praise of o.ighr) abour
rhe foUowing duaJism.: light and public-superficia.1 disrriburion on rhe one hand, and
darkness and intimare-exclusive dedication on rhe ar.her hand.
62. Cf Emmanuel Todd, Afi:er the Empire: The Breakdoum ofthe Ameritan 01der,
rrans. C. Jon Delogu (New York: Columbia Universit:y Press, 2003.
63. . Cf. Franz Xaver Bai.r, "Wirmesinn und \Varrneorganismus. Enrwurf einer thermi
chen AsrhetUc," in Feue1: Iúmst- und .1-lusstellungsha!le der Bundesrepublik
Deutschlttnd (Cologne: Wienand, 2001 ), pp. 463-470,
64. Cf. René Gira.rd, Deceit, Desire & the Novel: Selfand Other in Litera1y Structure,
trans. Yvonne Freccero (Balrimore: Job.ns Hopkins, 1 966).
65. Cf. Spheres JI, Chaprer 1 , "Dawn of Long-Disrance Closeness: T.he Thanarological
Space, Paranoia and rhe Peace of rhe Realm," especially pp. 176-1 86.
66. Friedrich Nieczsche, The Birth of 1i-agec61 and Other Writings, trnns. Roaald
Spcirs (Cambridge University Press, 1999), p. 20.
67, The concepr of the tie11 gam.nt comes from Pierre Legendre, who places rhe idea
ar rhe cenrer of a reflecrion on rhe necessiry of a positive passing on of norms---and
preseJJts ir as a dogmaric anrhropology. Legendre's heavily "occid nralist" and pacricentric
theory of insticutioos and norms, which can be read ai; a Lacaiüan response
ro Gehlen, narurally leads inro a critique of his time that takes issue with rhe
weakening of rhe funcrions of che farher, che Iegislaror, the superego, che symbolic
arder, rhe general oberuence co norms ai1d rhe guarancee-providing rhird parries in
modern civilizarion. This corresponds ro the w,trning abouc the omnipresem communicarive-
consumprive subjecc rhar is allowed ro do anything and "knows no
bow1dary.u Cf. Pierre Legendre, Sur la question dogmatique en occident (Paris: Fayard,
1999). Consistently enougb., Legendre charges prevailing communicacion rheories
with squandering rhe "sym.bolic capital of humaniry" (p. 72).
68 . C( René Girard, I See Stttlln Fall Like Lightning, trans. James G. Williams
(Leominscer: Gracewing, 2001).
69. Girard comes clase with a substanrial rribure co Nieczsche as rhe diagnosrician
of consürutive jealousy, bur rnrns back befare reaching che spirirnal nub of N.ieczsche's
eth.ics of che gift and faUs back on che usual rheologians' clichés of
"neopaganism"; cf ibid., Chapter 14, "The Twofold Nierzscbean He.r.icage," pp.
170- 1 8 1 . One has ro admit chat rhe immanent gamble of Nieczsche's ediical
project, namely che combinacion of disinrerescing and re-interesting wichin a polyvalenc
type of moraliry, has yet ro be adequarely reconsrrucrecl
70. Cf. René Girard, A Thetttre of Em')': William Shakespeare (Leominster:
Gracewing, 2000).
7 1 . WilJiam H. McNeill, Keeping Together in Time: Dance ancl Dril! in Human Hist01y
(Cambridge, MA: Harvai·d Un.iversiry Press, 1995).
72. Cf. the misinterpretacion of drill in Siegfried Kracauer, The Nfass Omament, rrans. Thomas Y. Levin (Cambridge, MA:
Harva.rd University Press, 1 995). Kracauer's "critical theory" of modern ballet as an emanation of capiralisr conformiry displays
thac school's cypical cornbination oF historical-anrhropological ignorance and deprh-hermeneutical pretension.
73. Cf. lngoinat Weiler, Der Sport bei den Volkem der Alten Wélt (Dacmsradt: Wissenschafcliche
Buchgesellschaft, 1 981).
74. Conceming the conscruction forms of the mass-culrural renaissance, cf. Chapcer
2 "Indoors: Archirectures of Foarn," Secrion C, ".Foam City: Macro-Inreriors
and Urban Assembly Buildings Explicare the Symbiotic Sirnacions of d1.e Masses"
75. Cf Miihlmaon, The Nature of Ctdtures, p. 34.
76. I wiJJ only oudine rhe nrsc chree of Mühlmann's five phases: local rules, stress
and relaxacion. Mühlmairn's fourth and fi.frh pluses are itera.don and degeneradon;
his crearmen.r of rhe Jarrer featu.res an inrerestirrg reinrerprerarion of rhe fascism effecr
as an encroacbment of booliganism on the stare.
77. Heiner MühJmann, "Die Ókologie dec KuJruren," in f6mst und Krieg, ed. Bazon
Brock & Gerlinde Koschig (Munich: Fink, 2002), p. 52,
78. Heinrich Meier, Car/ Schmitt and Leo St¡-auss: The Hidden Dialogue, uans. J .
Harvey lomax (Cbicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1 995), p. 70.
79. Cf. Immanuel Kant, Critique of the Power ofj udgment, rrans. Paul Guyer & Eric
Marthews (Cambridge Universicy Press, 2000), §22 (p. 123). This leads to a systemic
def:inicio n of pro paganda: it is a p rocedme to e.reare rhe displeasure-based para n oia
req uired for rhe scabilization ofwar c.ooperation groups, and chis also supplies the definition
of srraregic. adviser functions: they consricure a rneta- paranoid service p rovided
by embedded imeL iectuals to produce war-assisting p aranoia oF the fust order.
80. Fo r a rece nr neo-Ho bbesian declarario n of fai th in war, cf. Ro berc D. Kaplan ,
rrlan-ior PoLitics: \Vhj Leadersh,:p Demand¡ 11 Pagan Ethos (New Yo rk: Random House,
2002 ).
81 . -whe.n the imperarive of discreer rulership beco mes ripe for exp licaüon, the concepr
of "sofr power" appears; cf Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Bound co Lead· The Changing
Na ture of American Power (New Yo rk: Basic, 1990) . Ir is th us noc a marrer of universal
incl usion, bur of rh e will. ing and suirable. Conceming che phenome.non of
imperial parcial un iversal ism, cf. also below, Chap rer 3, Section 9, "The Emp ire-or:
The Comforr Horhouse; che Upwardly Open Scale of Pampering."
82. Cf. Franz Josep h We rz, Die Ku nst cler Resignation (Munich: drv, 2003); dsewhe
re, in Daniel Bcnsaid, Le pari melancoLique: Métmnorphoses de la politique,
politique de.1 metamorphoses (París: Fayard, 1997) , p . 236, che "charnber music of
resignacion" and micronwmles are discussed .
83. Far ouclines of a p lülosop hical critiq ue of che srandard discourses on global ization.
cf. Jacq ues Derrida, Sp ecters aj .Nla rx, u·a ns . Peggy Kamuf (Londo n:
Roudcdgc:, 1994) : Jean-Luc Nancy, Th e Creatio11 of the World, 01; Globalizatio11 ,
trans. Frarn;ois Raffoul & David Pettigrew (Al bany: SUNY Press, 2007) ; Kosras
Axel os, "La quesrion de la rech nique pla.n érai re ,'' in Ce questionnement.
Approche-éloign ement (Paris: Ed icions de Minui t , 2001), pp. 15-3 5; and Slorerdij
k, fo the \Kíorld In terior of Cap ital
84. Tbere are clear p axalleJs with che "conservacive revolucion" of che l 920s and 30s
in Gerrnany; ir roo was based, an10ng other rhings, on the poli cical rhoughr fig ure
of a "self-abol.icion of liheralism" in cl1e face of rhe state of ernergency forced u pon
ic by rhe enemy. Cf. [an Buruma, "Revolution fro m Above" (review of Paul Berma.n ,
Terror a,,tl Libem.Lism ), Ne w York Review of Books, Ap ril 26, 2003.
85. Nierzsche, The Birth of Ti -agecly, p . 75.
86. Hans Kelsen, V(lh11t ls justice? jw tice. Law, and Politics in the Mi rror of Sci ence
(Berkeley & Los Angeles : Un iversity of California Press, 1957), p . 24.
87. Cf. Fri tz K. Ringer, Th e Decline of the German /Vl andarins: Th e Germ an Academic
Co m11mnit:;1, 1890-1933 (Cambridge, MA: Harvarcl Universiry Press, 1967) .
88. B. F. Skinner, 􀐸f/a lden Iiva (India11apolis: Hackett, J 974), p . 25 L
89. Cf. Gemnr Bohme, Am Ende tles Baconschen Zeitalten Studien zur Wissenschaftsentwicldimg
(Frankfun: Suh rkamp , 1993).
1 f--oarns
90. Cf Bruno Larnur, Polir.ics of Na ture, rrans. Carherine Po rcer (Can,bridge, MA:
Harvard Universir y Press, 2009), es pecially Chapter 3, "A New Sep ararion of
Powe rs ," pp. 9 lf., and Chapter 4, " Skills far the Collecrive,'' pp . 128f.
91. The plural of i111ago (u·an s.).
92. Excep rions to rule can be observed in the ancestor culcs of em.igran rs, which
demonsnates the possibil.i ty of :i decerricorialized .imeraccion wirh che ancestors.
93. Émi.le Durkh ei m, The Elementd1y Fa nm of Religi. 011s Life, trnns. Josiep h Wa rrl
Swain (Mi..neola, NY: Dover, 20 1 2), p . 305.
94. Conceming a cornplex irnage of cl1e Olcl Testamenr God, cf. Bernhard Lang , The
Hebrew God: Portrait of an Ancient Deity (New Haven : Ya le Universiry Press, 2002);
on the hermeneutics of the embarrassing OJd Te scamenc psalms on enemies and
revenge, cf. Erich Zenger, A God of Vengeance? Understanding the Psalms of Divine
Wrath, crans. (Louisvi!Je: We stmi nster John K.nox, 1996) . like the relared monorheistic
books, the Quran also reads prima vista like a litany on the exrermination of cl,e
infidels, deniers and skept:ics ; like rheir Christian and Jewish colleagues, the Quran
l1 ermeneucicists have thei r hancls Full rrying to ex plain thar ir is not meant che way
ic is written.
95. Hence there are many indications char what would larer be called superstition is
one of the basic forms of rhe rdigious rnentality: among the Romans, superstitio
meanc somerhing along the lines of "fearful acttentiveness in religious matte rs"-ir
could be called the neurotic variant of che scrupulous conscientiousness (religio)
wth which che signs, prodigies and omens, as well as che rirual reg ulacions,
musc be observed. Cf. Diecer Harmenning, Superstitio. ÜberLiefem ngs- und theoriegeschichtLiche
Un tem1chungen zur kirchLich-theoLog ischen Abergla ubewlitemtur des
Mittelalters (Berlin: Erich Schmidr, 1979), p. 21.
96. Cf. Johann Jako b Bachofen, Dns Mu tterrecht: Eine Untersuchimg iiber die
Gynaiko kratie der aLten Welt nach ihrer religiiim·i 1md rechtLichen Na tta;· eine
Awwahl (Fra nkfun: Suhrkam p , 1975), and also Míe.bel Serres, Statues (París:
Flammario11, 1987).
97. Cf. Martín Buber, Eclipse of God: Studies in the Relation Between Religion and
Philosophy (New Yo rk: Humani ty Books, 1988); Raimundo P,u,ikkar, The SiLence of
God: The AllSwer ofthe Buddha, era.n s. Ro ben B. Barr (Marylrno!J, NY: Orbis, 1989);
and Klaus Sdmeicler, Die schweigenden Giitter: Eine Stttdie zur GottesvorsteLL11ng des
reLigiiisen Platonismw (Hi ldesheim: Georg Olms, 1966) .
98. Cf. Tarde, The Laws of lmitation, pp . 276-279 .
99. Cf. Elisaberh von Sarnsonow, "Was isc der Sex-A ppeal des An organ.ischen wi rkUch?
Theorie und kurze Gesch ichce der hypaogenen Subj ekte trnd Objekce," Vilém
Fl usser lecture ar che Cologne Academy of Media, 2002.
1 00. Cf. Fred Hoyle., The Origin of the Univem ,md the Origin ofReLigion (Walce-
6eld, RJ : Moyer BeU, l 997) .
1 0 1 . Cf. Tarde, The Laws of Imitation, p. 278 .
1 02. "Fear made che gods" ( rra.ns.).
l 03. In the case of popular religious culmre, 011 the ha.nd, one can observe rhat it
has retained che traits of a pan ic culture ro chis day; cf. Alphoose Dupront, Du sacré:
r:roisades et ¡,ili!rinage.r-lmage< et l,mgu.ages (París: Gallima,d, 1 987) , p. 462.
1 04. Cf Heinrich Meier, "Dearh .As God: A Note on Marci n Heidegger,'' in Leo
Strauss and the The.ologico-Politü:al Prob!em, era.ns. Ma.rcus Bra.inard (Cambridge
Universicy Press, 2006), pp. 45-5 1 .
l 05 . M ax Horkheimer & Theodor W Adorno, DiaLectic of Enlightemnent: PhiLasaphicllL
Fmgments, trans. Edmund Jephco tt (Stanford University Press, 2002),
pp. 35-62 .
1 06. Cf. 1 Corinthians l 2: 1 - l 1 & 28-3 1 .
l 07. Cf. Tobie Nathan & Taoufik Adohane, L'Enfant ancetre (París: Pensée sauvage,
2000) .
1 08. The Jleneid, Book VI, 85 1 -8 5 3 . Unfommately, Anch.ises says nothing about
what the Romans should do if their allies do nor in turn show consideration for che
hegemon's feelings in conremious matters of foreign policy.
l 09. Thac there are excepcions co chis rule is shown by, among ot.her things, the circumscances
of che ca.nonizarion of Sor Angela de la Cruz (1 846-1 932) in early May
2003 in Sevill e by Pope John. -Paul ll : her body was displayed i n che cathedral for
severaJ days and drew an immense o·owd of people.-as if che saines süll had che power
to stand up ro che heroes ofWestern culmre, in chis case as dassics of brotbedy !ove.
1 1 0. Cf. Eric Voegel i n , Das Vaik Grmes. Sektenb8wegungen und der Geist der Moderne
(Munich: Fiak, 1 994) .
1 1 1 . For one of che mosc sign i atternpts ar a xenoropic erhics, cf. Ha.nd-Diecer
Bahr, Die Spmche des Gastes. Eine ll1etaethik (Sturrgarc: Recla.m, 1 994) . For a cri cique
of philosophica.l xenobiology, cf. Fra.n􀮃ois Laruelle, Théorie des étmngers: Science des
hammes, démocratie, non-psychana61se (Paris: Kimé, 1 995) .
1 1 2. Nieczsche, Thus Spoke Zamthustra, p. 53 . Cf. Axe! Honnech, Kampf um
Anerkenmmg. Zur mamlischen Grammatili saziaLer Kanfl.ikte (Frankfurc: Suhrkamp,
1 994) , also Ludwig Klages, Die psychologischen Errungemchafien Nictzsdm, second
edicion (Bonn: Bouvier, 1 958) . While che philosophers of che Thou (l i ke rhe hol isrs)
claim rhac the L is bli ndly in power everywhere and has yer ro learn che lesson of die
ocher d1at would enable it to see, Nietzsche d1e thesis dut che I is a late
and improbable achieve.mem thac must be claimed from che primacy of che od1er,
which has always been dominanc-more still, that beings which could authentically
say "f" have not yet appeare.d. What ha􀮄 been and still is called egorism was always
rl-te egocism of che ocher in me.
] 1 3 . Max Schde.r, Díe Wissensformen und die Gcsellschaft (Bern: francke, 1 960), p. 57.
1 1 4. Alphonso Lingis, The Impemtiue (Bloo m i ngcon: I Universicy Press,
1 998), p. 16 1 .
1 1 5. Ibid., p. 1 92.
1 16. Yi lém FlLL􀮅ser, "Motive und Grenzen der Kommunikation," in Kmmmmikologie
(Mannheim: Bollmann, l 996) , p. 26 1 .
l 1 7- There are numbers fo r righc-wing extecminism, bue none for rha r of che !efe.
ln Harunuc Bi:ibme's essay "Genozid im 20. Jahrhu.nderr. Perspekciven der UNKonvention
van 1 948 gegen Vi:ilkermord," .in Pamgrana. lnternationt1Le ZeitJch1·ift
fiir Historische .Aiithropologie, vol. 1 0 (Berl i n : Forschungszencrum für Hiscorisch.e
Anchropologie, 200 1 ) pp. 1 24- 1 48, the author ci tes che results of qua.ntltative and
comparative genocide research showing char in che course of die cwencieth cenrury,
over 1 6 1 mili ion people died as vicci ms of terror, mosdy as a resulr of extermination
policies agai.J1sr populations by rheir own regimes; the re.laüng to rocalicarian
leftisr regi mes are h igher by far.
1 1 8. Ludwig Wittgenstein, Culture rmd Vtdue, ed. G. H. von Wrigh r, trans. Peter
Winch (Oxford: Blackwe.U, 1 980) , p. 83e (cranslation modiG.ed). Note d1at
Wictgenstein's aphorism aUudes to che. Gnostic-homop h i l i c dream of a society without
reproduccion, for can only en ter a monastic order, not be born inro i r.
1 1 9. Cf. Günrher Omnann, RegeL und Ausnahme. Pamdoxien sozialer Ordinmg
(Frankfurc: Suhrkan1p, 2003) .
) 20. Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybrealt, era.ns. R. J . Hol l i ngdale (Cambridge University
Press, 1 997) , p. 1 0 .
1 2 1 . Tarde, Thc Laws oflmitation, p . 322.
1 22. Cícero, The Laws, Book [, 28, in The RepubLic arui The Laws, p. 8 8 .
1 23. Cf: Marc Augé, An Anthrapalogyfor Contt?nporaneous W'orLds, o-a.ns. An1y Jacobs
(Sta.nford Universicy Press, 1 999), pp. 7 1 f.
1 24. Pierre Legendre, "Ce que nous appelons le droit," in Sur la question dogmatique
en accident, pp. 1 23-1 5 2 .
1 2 5 . T h e German term for "srrucrural engineering" i s Statik (trans.) .
126. Cf. Orunann, RegeL imdAusnahme, p. 33 .
1 27. Edward N. Luttwak, Strategy: The Logic of W'ar and Peace (Camb ridge, MA:
Harvard Un iversi ty Press, 1 9 87) , Chapter 1 3 , "Armed Suasion," pp. l 90f.
1 28 . Cf. Hans-Georg Gadamer, The Enigma of Hertlth ( University Press,
1 9 96) .
1 2 9 . Cf. Paul Lafargue, The Right to be Lazy, tra n s . Charles Kerr (Auckland: The
Floatiog Press , 20 1 2) .
1 30. Gehlen, Umiensch und Spiitkultur, pp. 88f.
1 3 l. Cf. Hans Uts von Balthasar, The Gl01y of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics, 7
vols. (Ed i n burgh: T&T Clark, 1 982-9 1 ) .
1 32 . C f Rid1ard vo n Dül.rnen, Theater des Schreckens. Gerichtspmxis und Strafiituafe
derfühen Neuzeit (Mun.ich: C. H . Beck, 1 9 85).
1 33. Nietzsche, Daybreak, p. 1 9 .
1 34. Dieter Thoma, U11ter Amerikanem: Eine Lebensart wird besichtigt (Mu nich: C.
H. Beck, 2000), p. 7 5 .
1 35 . Francis F ukuyama, Th e Great Disrttption: Human Nature rtnd th e Reconstitution
of Social Order (New Yo rk: Touchsto ne, 2 0 00), es pecia l l y Part Two, " O n the
Genealogy of Morals" (pp. 1 43-245) .
136. Thomas Jdfe.rson's well-k.nown statement on che occasiooal character of the Declaratioo
of I.ndependence on July 4, 1 776 shows that chis can be literally true: "Neither
aiming a.e original.ity of principie or senti ment, nor yet copied from any particular and
previous writi ng, it was imended co be an expression of the American mind, and to
give co chat exp ression tbe proper tone and spiri t called for by the occasion."
1 37. Hegel, Efements of the Philosophy of Right, §§ 1 8 9-208 (pp. 227-239) .
1 38. Cf. Michad Ignatieff, The Needs ofStrangers (New York: Penguin , 1 984) .
1 39 . Cf. Diecer Claessens, Das Konkrete und das Abstralete. Soziologische Skizzen zur
Authropo!ogie (Fran kfurt: Suhrkamp, 1 980) .
1 40 . Cf. Arnaud Spi re, Servitudes et grandeurs du cynisme: de L'impossibilité des príncipes
et de l'impossibilité de s'en passer (Sain t-Law-enc, Quebec: Fides, 1 997), p. 2 1 8 .
1 4 1 . Michel Serres, The Parasite, rrans . Lawrence R. Schehr (Minneapo Lis: Universiry
of M i n neso ta Press, 2007); befo re Serres, Gabriel Tarde spo ke of che parasi tes of
parasi tes (Monadology ancl Sociology, p. 7).
1 42 . C f. Giorgio Agam ben, The Open: Jvfa n rmd Animal, rrans. Kev i n Atcell
(Sca n fo rd Un.iversity Press, 2004). Geh.len too understood tbe of rhe anthroposph
e re out of the s u rround i ng element as che genuine cul
mechanism: "chere, natw-e still has .m uch of the anrhropologically fundamen ta.!
quality of a ' field of surprise' i n to wh ich successfu.l p raci:ice has b u i l t, as ir were, neucral.ized
a.nd bab i t-secured islands." ( Unnensch und Spiitkultur, p. 1 1 2)
1 43 . Co.ncerning chis term [Pjlanzengenossenschaften] cf. Friedrich Schnack, Der
Trttum vom Para.d.ies. Eine Krtfturgeschichte des Gartens (H amburg: Rürten & Loen i ng,
1 962) , p. 33 1 .
1 44 . Thus che title of a 1 9 5 0 text by Buckm ins ter Fuller on the co n s truction o f
geodes i c domes. Facsimile reproduction in Your Prívate Sky : Discourse-R. Buckminster
Fulle1􀎶 ed. Joachin Krausse & Claude Lichtenstei n (Zurich : Lars Müller,
200 1 ) , pp. 1 77-226.
1 45 . One should n ote rhat Bruno Larour's lmowledge-sociological critique of rhe
e.,"'<dusion of the expert ar an omological leve! a co mplemenrary critique of
the exclusion of namre.
146. Hegel, Elements of the Philosophy of Right, § 1 9 6, addition (p. 232) ,
1 47 . Cf. Edward W. Said, Culture anti Imperialism (New Yo rk: Knopf, 1 993) .
1 4 8 . Kidtur hat weder Kern noch Schale I alles ist sie mit einem Nfale (trans . ) .

Chapter 2
1 . Paul Valé.ry, Dialogues, u-ans. William McCausland Srewarc (Princemn University
Press, 1 97 ) ) , p. 1 09 .
2 . C f. Hans van der Laan, Architectonic Space: Fifteen Lessom o n the Disposition of the
H1unan Habitat, trans. (Leiden : B rill , l 983 ) , p . l .
3 . Cf. Christopher Al exander, Sara Ishikawa & Mu rray Silverstein, A Pattem Language:
Towns, Bzúldings, Comtntction (Oxford & New York: Oxford Un iversiry Press,
1 977) .
4. Cf In troduction above, and also Peter Sloterdijk, Terrorfom the Air, uans. Sreve
Co rcoran & Amy Patron (Los Angeles: Semiotext(e), 2009) .
5. E. M. Forster, The lvfachine Stops and Other Stories (London: A.ndré Deutsch,
1 997) , p. 1 OO.
6. Cf. Bernhard Waldenfels, ''Leibl iches Wohnen im Raum," i n Gerhart Schroder & Breun inger (eds. ) , Kulturtheorien der Gegenwart. Ansiitze 1wd Postionen
(Frank:furt: Campus, 200 1 ) , pp. 1 79- 1 82 .
7_ Michel Foucault, "Of Other Spaces," in Diacritics, Spring 1 9 86, p. 22.
8 . The word B,wer more commo n ly means "farmer" ( era.ns. ) .
9 . Marón Heidegger, The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: Vv'orld, Finitude,
Solitude, trans. Will iam McNeill & Nich o las Walker ( B loom i n gto n : f nd.iana
Universicy Press, J 996) , p, 1 53. lo u nderstand what is meant by the length of the
while, one must that the German word far '' bo redom" is Langeweile, lüerally
"long while"-a reference ro the feeling of time passing slowl y. Sim ihrly, the adjeccive
kurzweilig, licerally "shorr-whiled," refers to a11 evem or acrivi cy that seems ro
pass quickly becau􀪇e i t is enjoyable racher chan boring (traos.) .
1 O. Cf. Vilém Flusser, "·Wohnwagen," in Vtm der Freiheit des Migranten. Eimprüche
gegen den Nation.almrius (Bensheirn: Boll m a n n, 1 994), pp. 45--49 (thi section is noc
con ta i n ed in thc English edirinn retrrf'nc.f'd above)_
1 1 . Cf. Manfred Som mer, Sammeln. Ein philosophischer Vermch (Frankfurt:
Suh.rbmp, 1 999) and Thornas Sch loz, Die Geste des Smnmelm. Eine Pimdementalspeku!
ation, Umgriff, Anthropologie, Etymogrrphie, Entlass (Hamburg: Libri Books on
Demand, 2000) .
1 2. Marrin Heidegger, "Building Dwelling Thínki ng," in Poetry, Language, Thought,
eran . Alben Hofstadter (New York: Ha.rper and Row, 1 97 1 ), p. 1 49.
1 3. Ibid. , p. 1 50.
1 4 . Cf. Hans-Diecer Bah r, Die Sprnche des Gtistes. Eine .Metaethik (leipzig: Reclam,
1 994 ) .
1 5 . Flusser, '' The Challenge of che Migram," ih The Freedom of the Migntnt, p. 1 2 .
1 6 . This i s mosc explicit in the biza.rre book AdoLf Hitler in der Geschichte (Bonn:
Bouvier, 1 999) , in whicb. Hitler is porcrayed as an i nstallation arcist and communirarhm
lirector whose rn.lent lay in scaging (deceprive) embedding sicuacions of an
erh n o -communal nar u re. Schmitz employs the r.enu "embeddi ng si ruacion" as a
co rrecci ve for what he considers Husserl's and Heidegger's inadequate analyses of
the sojourn in rbe ''lüeworld" or dweUing.
1 7. Ilya Kabakov & Boris G roys, Die Kimst der Instaf!ation (Municl1 & Vienna:
Hanse t, 1 996) .
1 8. llya Kabakov & Bori Grays, Die Kunst des Fliehens. Dittloge über Angst; da.s
heilige \.Veijr1md den sowjetischen Müll (Mun.ich & Vienna: Hanser, 1 99 1 ) , p. 6 1 . Cf
Durs Grünbei n's counterargument in Salzburg speech: "caprivicy shared is by no
mea.ns cap tivi ry· halved; on che con trary, ir is rnultiplied." (Du rs Grünbein, Warum
schrijlos leben. Aufiritzl' (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2003) , p. 1 9,
1 9. That tl1e zoological exhibition could lead ro anthropozoological "human zoos"
is hown in Nicola.s Bancel, Pascal Blanchard, GWes Boetsch, Eric Deroo & Sand.rine
Lemaire (eds.), Zoos h11mains1 XJXe et XXe siecles: De la venus hottentote aux
reality shows (Pa[is: Ecl.i cíons .la Découverce, 2002) .
20. Kabakov & Grays, Die Kimst cler Imtal!ation, p. 137.
2 1 . Boris Grays, Politik der Unsterblichkeit. Vier Gespriiche mit Thomm Knoe.feL
(Munich & Vienna: Hanser, 2002) , p. 22.
22. Valéry. "Eupalinos, Or The Architect," pp. 93f
23. Cf Acts 1 7:28.
24. Valéry, «Eupalinos, Or The Archirecr," p. 94.
25. Ibid. , pp. 94f.
26. Ibid, p. 96.
27. Cf Boris Grnys, Gesamtkumtwerle Stalin. Die gespaltene K:ultut in der Sowjetu-
11ion (Munich & Vienna: Hanser, 1 988).
28. Gastan Bad1elard, T11e Poerics of Space, rrans. Maria Jalas (Boston: Beacon Pmss,
1 994), p. 1 04.
29. Cf Spheres II, Chapter 8, Section 27, "Thc Great In1munological Transformation:
On the Way to Thln-WalJed Societies," pp. 95 1-959.
30. CF. Hans Hatcenhauer, Eumpaischc Rechtsgeschichte (Heidelberg: C. E Müller,
1 994) , p. 7-
3 L CF. Esposito, lmmwzitas.
32. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, p. 24.
33.. Ibid., p. 1 66,
34. McLuhan, Understanding Media, p. 1 24 .
35. This i s what rhe young Le Corbusier had in mind when lie wrote l n Toward An
Architectw-e that "the man of initiative. [ . . .] de.mands that his medirarion be sheltered
in a space that is serene and salid, a matter essen.tial to rhe healch of dices." Le Corbusier,
TowaidAn Architecture, trans. Jolrn Goodman (Los Angeles: Getry, 2007) , p. 98.
36. Cf. Walrer Benjamin's 􀪈 (yet also hisroricizing) deducrion of the
interior from che im.rauterine pri mal scene, in The Amides Project, p. 220.
37. D. H. Lawrence's morif of tbe umbreUa which humans spread out
-a.hove ch m for their pro tection, and i.n which artists cut holes and slirs ro ler in a
"draught from cbaos," cf. GiUes Deleuze & Féli􀪉 Guactari, Whr11 Is Philosophy', trans.
Hugh Tom l i nson & Grahan1 Burch i.U (London & New York: Verso, 1 994) , pp. 203f.
38. On the phenomenology of the nest, cf Bachelard, The Poetics ofSprtce, pp. 90- l 04.
39. Cf Ma.rkus Grob, Tim der A1·chitekt1tr (Stu ttgatt: Edition Solicude, 1 997) , and
also Scephan Isphording, Das kleine Ha:w Singles, Paare und dltere Menschen
(Snmgart & Mu n.ich: Deutsche, 2002) .
40. Vilém Flusser carried out chis analysis in one of his most active texcs: "Das
Bett," in Dinge und Uizdinge. Phiinommologische Skizzen (Munich: Hanset:, 1993),
pp. 89-109.
41. Ernst Bloch, The Ptinciple of Hope, vol. 2, r.rans. NevilJe Plaice, Stephen Plaice
& Paul Knighc (Oxford: Blackwell, 1986), p. 722. According ro Bloch, che cwo
types crysraJ of death ( a.nd tree of life (Gothic cathedral) constitute r.he
extreme poles of "archüecrural utopías."
42. Ibid., p. 726.
43. Manhew 8:20.
44. John .16:32. "Yer I am noc aJone, for rny Facher is wirh me:'
45. Cf. Perer Slmerd.ijk, "Wie rühren wir an deo Schlaf der Welt? Vermucungen über
das Erwachen," in WeLtfremdheit (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2002), pp. 326-38 l; also
Ernst Bloch, Viele Kmnmern im V(lefthaus, ed. Friedrid, Dieckrnann &Jürgen Teller
(Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1994).
46. Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustm, p. 166.
47. Le Corbusier, Tóward anArchitectttre, p. 254.
48. Ibid., p. 262.
49. Ibid., p. 266.
50. Edgar Wedepohl, "Die WeissenhofsiedJung der Werkbundausstellung 'Die
Wohnung' i.n Sturtgarc 1927," ii1 Wrmnuths Jvíonatshefte fúr BaukumtXI (1927), pp.
396f. The concemporaneous press's reaction co che Stuttgarr exhibition was, incidenraJly,
aJmosc encirely positive; denunciacions only began to gacher momentum in
1933, and their effects rema.ined palpable well inm che post-war era.
51. Rudolf Arnheim, The Dynamics oJA rchitecturaL Fonn: Based on the 1975 Nlary
Duke Biddle Lectum at the Cooper Union (Berkeley & Los Angeles: U11iversiL)' of
California Press, 1977) p. 146.
52. Bloch, The Principie of Hope, vol. 2, p. 734.
53. Georg Slmmel, The Phil.osophy of Money, u-ans. lom Borromore & David Prisby
(London: Routledge, 2004), p. 517 (translation rnodified).
54. El Lissiczky, Russia: An Architecture far 'World Revolution, trans. Eric Dluhosch
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984), pp. 64 & 66.
55. !bid., p, 65.
56. Cf. Ulf Poschardr, Über Sportwagen (Berlín: Merve, 2002), pp. 29f.
57. Cf. Amhony Vidler, The ArchitectumL Uncanny: Esrays in the Modem Unhome.l:y
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992).
58. Cf. Roben Kronenburg, "Moderne Architekrur für variables Wohnen.," in
Living in Motion. Design und Architelitur fürjlexibles Wo/men, exlúbirion catalogue
of che Viera Design Musellln (Weil am Rhein, 2002).
59. Fuller, "Dyrnaxion House: Meeting Archirecrural League, New York, Tuesday;
July 9, 1929," in Yrmr Priuate Sky, p. 84.
60. Ibid.
61.Ibid., p. 85.
62. van der Laa.n, Architectonic Space, p, 2.
63. Fuller:, Your Prívate Sky, p. 86.
64. !bid., p. 92.
65. Cf. Adolf Max: Vogr, Le Corbusie1; the Noble Savage: Toward an Archaeokgy of
Modernism, trans. Radka Donnell (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000), p. 11.
66. Coller:ted W'orks o/Velimir Khlebnikov, vol. l: Letters and TheoreticrtL Writings, ed.
Charlotee Douglas & crans. Paul Schmidr (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1987), p. 359.
67. Fuller, J0ur Prívate Slry, p. 96.
68. Jbid., p. 98.
69. Jbid., p. 99 ..
70. Jade Kerouac, On the Road (London: Penguin, 2011), p. 121.
71. Véronique Pacteeuw, "The Conspiracy Againsr the City: Lieven de Camer in
Conversation wich,ard Plunz," i.n Ee r z Stad in Beweging / Une vil/e en movement
I A Moving City (Brussels: Scudio Open Ciry, 1998), p. 230.
72. The conscrucdon cype known as r:he ''porcable conage" or colonial hur developed
i.n England around 1830; cf. Matthias Ludwig, Mobile Architektw: Geschichte und
Entwickltmg tramportabla und modularer Bauten (Sturrgart: Deursche VerlagsAnstalt,
1998), pp. 20f.
73. Cf. David Weinberger, Smaff Pieces looselyJoined: A Unifted Theory of the 􀢅b
(Cambddge, MA: Perseus, 2002), Cbapter 5, "Togetherness," pp. 95-120.
74. Cf. Jeremy Rifkin, The Age of Access: The New Culture of Hypercapitalism, \Vhere
AJ,t of Life is a Paid-far Experience (New York: J.P. Tarcher/Putnam, 2000), Chapter
7, "Access As aWayofLife,'' pp. 114-135.
75. Cf. Perer Schefe, "Prolegomena zu e i ner Agenrologie. Magie, Merapher oder
Mache?," in HyperKult. Geschichte, Theorie und Kontext digitaler Medien, ed. Wo lfgang
Coy, Chrisroph Tholen & Ma.rrin Wa.rnke (Base! & Frankfurt: Srroemfeld,
1 997), pp. 4 1 1--432.
76. Bill Gares, The Road Ahend, second edition (New York: Penguin, 1 996) , Chapter
1 0, "Plugged In ar Home," pp. 236-258.
77. Rifkin , The Age of .Access, p. 1 2 1 .
78 . Reinhold Grethe1􀦏 "Sehnsuchr nach WelrkuJcur. Grenzüberschreirung und
Nichrung im zweiren iilcumenischen Zeiralrer"(PhD r.hesis, Universiry of Constance,
1 994) , p. 1 00.
79. Cf. rhis volume, Chaprer l , "Insularions: For a Theory of CapsuJes, Islands and
Hochouses," Section B,
80. David S . Landes, The Wealth and Poveny of Nationr: Why Some Are So Rich and
Some So Poor (New York: W. W. Norton, 1 999), p. 7.
8 1. CE. p. 836n8 above.
82. Cf. Sigfried Giedion, Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth ofa New 7i"(Jdition
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard Universiry Press, 1 94 1 ).
83. Where rhe word "aparrment" stands on its own in rhis secrion, ir reflecrs Slorerdijk's
use of che Engl ish word ; cliougb ir is generally undersrood in modem German
usage, rh is sets ir aparr from the usual narive cerm Wohnzmg (which, more o ften chan
not, has been rra.nslared in chis volun,e as "dwelling") . Compound rerms such as
"one-room aparrmenr," on che orber hand, are derived from lflohmmg (in chis case
Einzimmerwohmmg) (crans.) .
8 4 . Cf. Doris Weigel, Die Ein raumwohnung als riimnliches Manifest der Moderne.
Untemtclnmgen zum Innenraum der dreissiger ]ahre (Schliengen: Edition Argus,
1 996) .
85. Tarde, The Laws oflmitation, p. 63.
86. Concerning the shared hiscory of serialism, srandardization, engineering science
and n1odern war, cf. Pecer Berz, 08/15. Ein Stanclmd 20. Jahrhunderts (Munich:
Fink, 200 1).
'87. His original statement was: "Proun is an inrerchange sration berween painting
andarchi tecture."
88. Gorrfi:ied Semper, K!eine Schriften, ed. Manfred and Hans Seiuper (Berlin &
Smrcgarr: W. Spemann, 1 884; reprint, Mi nenwald: Maander Kunsrverlag, 1 979),
p. 422. 􀀊

89. The delinition of che elementary archirectural w-ür as a ceU or habirat atom has,
from a consrructivisc perspective, more potencial for development than che arrempts
of semioticians to LL11dersrand the smallest unir ln rhe built text as a room wh ich,
like a noun, would have ro be placed inro a complete arch i cectural semence, rhar is
to say a building. See Fcederic Jameson , Postmoclernisrn, oi; The CultwaL Logic of Late
Capitalism (Durhani, NC: Duke Universily Press, 1 99 1 ), pp. 1 05 f
9 0 . C f. Spheres I, p p . 6 l f
9 1 . Karl Marx, F he J:.'ighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, trans. D. D. L . (New
York & BeJl i n : Moudial, 2005), p. 83.
92. ]bid .. p. 84-.
93. lbid.
94. [bid., p. 87.
9 5 . Hermann Broch, The Guiltless, trans. Ralph Manheim (Evanston: Northwesrern
Univer iry Press, 2000) . The analognus sratemenr: "rogether rhey played a game of
fading away" (p. 247) is equally applicable ro couples and larger social units,
extending to rhe fonnat of narions and alliances of nations.
96. "Un homme seuJ esr roujours en mauvaise compagn ie." }Jaul Valéry, Jdée Pixe,
trans. D. Paul (Prioceroo Universiry Press, 1 97 1 ) , p. l 08.
97. Cf Spheres I, Chapter 2: "Berween faces: rhe Emergence of che Inrerfacial Intimare
Sphcrc," especially pp. 1 92-205 ; rhe term "faciali ry" is a rranslarion ofDeleuze
and Guattari's rerm visagéité (as used in Mili.e Plateaux) .
98. lbid., p. 203 .
99. Canerri, The Human Pro11ince.
1 OO. Vogr, Le Corbmie1; the Noble Savage, p. 23 .
1 O l .Regarding merabol i c nil1ilism, see Reinhold Grether, "Sebnsuchr nach WelckuJtur,"
pp. 98f.
1 02. Aphorisms from Hegel's wasrebook ( 1 803- 1 8 06) in G. W F. Hegel, Werke
in 20 Biinden, vol 2: Jenaer Schriftm 1 801-1 807 (Frankfun: Subrkamp, 1 970) ,
p. 547.
1 03 . Concerning rhe connecrion berween original h..igh-cul tural individualization
and silenrium, see pp. 357-36 1 above, and also Spheres J, Excursus 1 , "Thoughr
Transm ission," pp. 263-268 .
l 04. This formulacion wouJd appear ro srem from Ariel Wizman, a Frencb filmmaker
influenced by Lévinas; he uses it ro arriculate his expcriences as a DJ ,
1 lc,

143. Cf. Elisaber.h von Samsonow, «Touch Down. and Off Enc:v,rurf eine.r
Philosophie vom (Bau)Grund," i naugural lecture at r.he Vienna Academy of Fine
Arn (Vienna, 1 996), in Archirekrur und Bau Forum 1 / 1 997.
1 44. "Anor:her ciry for another life" (rrans.) .
1 45 . Cf. Guy Debord, "Reporr on che Conmuccion o f Siruarions," io Guy Debord
,znd the Situationist lnternatiorut!: Texts and Documents, ed. Tom McDonough (Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 2004), pp. 44f.
1 46. Mark Wigley, Constant's New Bab)llon: The Hyper-A rchitecture of Desire (Rotterdam:
0 1 0 Publishers, 1 998), p. 1 3 .
1 47. Georg Simmel, "The Concept and Tragedy o f Culture." i n Simrnel o n Culture,
pp. 5 5-75.
1 48 . Guy Debord wrore in 1 957: "The most general aim muse be to broaden the
no11mediocre portion of life, to reduce i rs empry momenrs as much as possible. I r
may th us be spoken o f as an enterprise o f human life's quantirarive increase, more
serious che bio!ogical processes cw-rently being srudied." (Cuy Debord and the
Situíltionist lritemationíll, p. 45)
1 49. Concerning chis triad, cf. Chaprer 1 , "L1sulatio ns: for a Theory of Capsules,
Islands and Hothouses."
1 50. Lieven de Cauter, "The Capsular Ci cy," in NeiJ Leach (ed.), The Hierog9rphin
o/Space (London: Routledge, 2002) , pp. 27 1-280.

Chapter 3
l . John Kernmh Galbraich , The Ajflumt Society (Basta n : Hough ron MifAin, 1 958) ,
pp. 2 & 5.
2. Ale.'<is de Tocqueville, Dmwmzty in Americíl, trans. Arthur Goldharumer (New
York: Library af America, 2004 ) .
3 . Cf. Alfred Weber, Kultwgeschichte als Iúiltur.soziologie (Munid1: Piper, 1 960) ,
p. 4 1 5 .
4. The phrase -appears in the narorious ''Occasional Discourse on che Negro
Question," published in Frazer's Magílzine ( 1 849), which provoked opposition
from botl1 Uberals and Ch ristian abo.lirianists and cose Ca.rlyle b is friendship with
John Srnan Mili.
5. Or rhose who cotJd o n ly be helped in che comext af Ch ristian cha.rity or civil
philanth ropy; cf. Bronislaw Geremek, Pove-rty: A History, trans. Agnreszka
Kolalrowska (New York: Wiley, 1 99 1 )
6. Cf. Adorno, lvíinimíl Mmitlia, p. 1 5 : "The mela.ncholy science from which I malee
chis offeri ng ro my friend relates to a region rhat from time immemorial was
regarded as the true field of philosophy [ . . . ] : che reaching of r:he good Life."
7. Eric Habsbawrn, The Age of E-.:tre11m; The Sh011 Iiventieth Cen tury, 1314-1991
(London: Michael Joseph, 1 994) . One should nor to men.tion char rhe success
of rhe cacchphrnse "age of extremes" stems primaril:y from its neurralizing tende11cy:
ir is amactive because of irs utiliry for rhe self-amnesry of the left, which, afrer
subjecting che extreme right to a just, harsh r rial, forgives i cs own excesses without
a.ny rrial􀷅in me name of rhe "age af extremes."
8. me jargon of disconrin uicy rheorisrs, Daniel Bell calls this the "revolutio.n
of rising e.ntidements," wh ich is embedded in che "revo!ucion of expectations";
cf. The GtLturaL Contmdictions of Ct1pitaLism (New York: Basic, 1 976), p. 233 .
9. In che !ase hundred male lite expecrancy has increased from an average of
44. 1 ro 75 . 1 years, and fe.rnale Life expectancy from 47 .6 to 80.0 years. Concerning
the social implicatians of falli ng birth races, cf. Francis Fukuyama, The Great Disntp tion:
Hnman Nature and the Reconstitution of Social 01der (New York: l"ouchscane,
2000), pp. 1 12-1 26; Emmanud Todd elucidates che conneccion berween falling
birch rares, aJpJ1abetization and democratiiarion i n Afier the Empire.
1 0. Cf. che a.mbivalent key work of neo-miserablism: Pierre Bourdieu et al., The
Wéight ofthe \:(lorld: SaciílÍ Sziffering in Contempom1y Society, crans. Priscilla Parkhursr
Ferguson, Susa.n EmanuaJ, Joe Johnson & Shoggy T. Waryn (Stan ford University
Press, 1 999) . On che source of medieval Christian rni.scrablism, cf. Larario dei Segni
(Pope l nnocent III) , On the Nfise,y of the Human Condition: De miseria humane conditionis,
trans. R. Donald Howa.rcl & Margarec Mary Dierz (India.napolis:
Bobbs-MerriJJ, 1 969) .
1 1 . Cf. Galbraith, The Ajfluent Society.
12. German Goverrunent Poverty a.nd Wealth Report for 200 1 , Appendix 1 . 1 3 . For
the 25-54 age group che figure is 9.6 percent, for che 7-1 3 age group 1 5 .3% (!) . Cf.
also Ra.i.ner Geissler, Die Sozialstruktw· Detttsch!ands (Opladen: Westdeucscher Verlag,
1 992) . In Austria, the average savings per household in 2002 were c. €85 ,000.
For che USA, rhe U.S. Bureau of Census srates rhat che poverry cace has never
exceeded 1 5% s.ince 1 967. The concepr of poverry among nat.ional economists re.fers
to che situation of people i n an affiuent conn.rry whose in come is 50% or less of me
average per capi ca .i.ncome. ln Stephan Leibfticd, Lutz Leisering ec al., Zeit der Armut
(Frankfurc: Suhrkamp, 1 995) , consider povert:y in Germany a tempora.ry aspect of
people's em ploymem histories: "We are noc l ivi ng in a rwo-mirds soc.iety, bur rather
a 70-20- 1 0 society of 70% who are never poor, 20% who are occasianally
poor, and 1 0% who are mo re ofren poor. 'Only' 1 .3% of che populacion
were consiscently poor during che sample periad ( 1 984-1 992) .' (p. 306)
3. The linguist:ic rrace of [hi nking in rntios appears in phrases suc.h as "fou r-hlths
,ociety," "three-quarte[ socierf or "rwo-th i rds sociecy."
14. Simon Schama, The Ernbarmssment of Riches: An lnterpretation of Dutch Culture
i11 the Golden Agl' (Berkeley & Los Angeles: Universiry of California Press, 1 988) .
1 5. Jolrn K. Galbra i cli , The Culture of Contentment (London : Si nclai r-Stevenson,
1 992) , p. 1 2. An co n i .o Gramsci addressed some[hing si111 i lar in his con cept of rhe
"hisco rical block"; rh is was defined as a syndrome emailing a mil i rant prorecrion of
Jne's vesced rights and an aggressÍve, ami-political rejecnon of ''general interests." In
posc-polkical "society," rhe sum of particularisms is a conce n t resentmenc among
majori ties in che stams quo.
1 6. I have tried dsewhere ro show thac philosophy developed more from the gesrures
Jf showing off knowlcdge, and from the competitive exaggerarion of che srriving ro
;ubscanciare assertions, tha.n from amazement; cf. Spheres ll pp. 1 3--43 and Nicht
5erettet, pp. 2 5 5 f.
17. I n 1 9 5 8 , against che background of i ncipien t aucomatization, Hairna:h Arend[
prefaced her book The Human Condition (second edicfon, Chicago & London: Universiry
of Chicago Press, 20 1 3) wi th. che following diagnosis: 􀺚What we are
:onfromed wich is cbe prospect of a sociery of labo rers wi thouc labor, thar is, withJut
tbe only accivicy lefr ro them. Surely, 110thing could be worse." (p. 5) This
rad ically snobbish sracement-which describes working humans as superfluous,
rragic philistines-remains trapped in the conservative syndrome because ic does noc
urive at a positive concepr of abundance, mass buying power, leisure and opcional
lile praxis. The 1 950 book The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman e[ al. (New Ha.ven.:
Yak Un.iversiry Press, 200 1 ), anricipaces in passing che epochal subjecc of "uneasirress
caused by che newly Jiberaced" (p. 280) .
1 8. In chis con rexr, one shm1ld acknowledge the devasrnti. ng cririque to which
Deleuze and Guattari subj ected familialist psychoanal ys is in rhei r work A n tiOedipus:
by rejecting th.e convencional interpretations of desi re based 011 rhe drive
mucrure of che poor and discipUned, che aurhors revea! che premises for a redefined
unconscious rhat is productive, non-poor and nor crippled by trauma.
1 9 . When i [ is atrempred, íc is with a na·ive culrure-reformi ng focus, fo r example in
)ohn de Graa.f, David Wann & Thomas H. Naylor, Affiuenza: The Al!-Comliming
Epidemic (Sai1 Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2002) , in which che auchors reco m m.end
1 life as moderare as clie Franciscans and as conten.r as me prairie Indians.
20. Concern i ng cerrain 111ocifs in t b e misconcepcions of personal aff!uence a.nd the
::lissatisfoction of the sacuraced, cf. Gerhard Schulze, "Soziologie eles Widerstands,"
in Emsc-Ul rich Huscer (ed.), Reich1111n in Deutschland. Die Gewinna in der soziitlen
Polm-isienmg (faa.nkfurt & New York: Campus, 1 997) , pp. 26 1 -285 .
2 1 . Das Unbehagen in der I<ttltur [Unease in Culture] is rhe original cid ofSigmund
Freud's Cnlture and Its Discontents (uans.) .
22. Cf. H. Kaelble (ed.), Der Boom. 1948-1973. Gesellschaftliche und wirscheftliche
Fo/gen in der Bundesrepublik De-utschl.tmd und in Europa (Opladen: Westdeutscher
Verlag, 1 992) .
23. Cf. Gregg Easterbrook, "Axle of Evil: America's Twisted Love Affa i r wirb Sodopach
ic Cars," in The New Repu.blic, January 2003.
24. Midiael Harrison, The Other Ame1-ica: Poverty in the United States (New York:
MacmiUan, 1 962).
25 . In 1 923, Marce! .Mauss spoke i n h is smdy on rhe gifc cl1at the French social securiry
laws enrailed an "a.lready real ized srace social ism." In 1 924, in his text "The
Limits of Com m u n i ty," Plessner had uncovered che illusion managemen c in radicalisrn
and criticized its basis in a misguided idea of comnrnne.
26. 1 Thessalonians 5 :2.
27. W,1l cer Beníamin, "On che Concepc of Hiscory," i n Selected Wí,·iti ngs, vol. 4:
7938-1940 (Cambridge, MA: Harva.rd Univers i cy l>ress, 2003) , pp. 389-400 .
28 . Cf. Pascal Bruckner, The Téars of the 􀺛'(/hite Man: Compassion as Contempt (New
York: Free Press, 1 986) .
29. Raymond Tallis, a defender of racionalist utopianism, nores in his atrack on [he
foshionable pessi mism of the contemporary inrelligentsia: "Cricics need ro borrow
grievances since, if che world realJy is unprecede.nredly horrid, ir would be morally
unco111 forrable ro be as com forrable as che historical recoi-d woulcl
seem ro suggest." (Enemies of Hope: A Critique of Contempomry Pessimism [London:
Macrnillan, 1 997] , p. 209)
30. Louis Bolk, "On rhe Problem of Amhropógenesis," in Proc. Section Sciences Kon.
Akad. W'ctens, Amsterdam 29 ( l 926), pp. 465-75 .
3 1 . Tbis complex is che focu of che firsc part of Gehlen's cenrral work Der Memch,
,vhicb deals with the special morphological scams of humans (pp. 86- 1 30) .
32. Gehlcn, Der /Vlen¡ch, p. 34.
33. Ibid . , p. 37.
34. [bid ., p. 45 .
35. Ibid. , p. 6 1 .
36. Ibid., p . 83.
37. Cf. Terrence W. Deacon, The SymboLic Species: The Co-E11olr1tion oflanguage and
the Brain (New York: W. W. Norton, 1 997).
38. Gehlen, Der Jvfensch, p. 36.
39. Ibid.
40. Concerning Gehl.en's pessimism and i ts parallels to that of Adorno, cf. Christian
Thies, Die ]frise des lndividuums: ziir Kritik der Nfodenze bei Adorno u nd Gehfen
(Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1 997), pp. 275􀫮285.
4 1 . Friedrich Sch iUer, ''A Walk Among che Linden Trees," in The German Novelists:
Tales SeLected from Anci.ent and Nlodern Authors in that Language: from the Earliest
Period Down to the Glose of the Eighteenth Century, vol. 3, ed. & rrnns. Thomas
Roscoe (London: Henry Colburn, 1 826), pp. 370f
42. Ir ueats rhe sraremencs of commirred facili rnrnrs wi rh distrust; one can understand
why. Was i r nor Stalin who declared: "Cheerfulness is the mosc striking
characteristic of rhe Soviet Union?" The CPSU, rhe epirnme of fun parties? Nor
guite; for che Nazi Parcy also ics debe to rhe power thar comes from joy.
43. Hegel, Phenomeno!ogy of Spirit, pp. Gf. (rranslation modified).
44. Cf. Richard Alewyn, Das grosse Welttheate1: Die Epoche der hofischen Feste
(Munich: Beck, 1 989), p. 67.
45. "Light" is used here as rhe opposice of "heavy" (trans.).
4G. Hegel, Phenornenology of Spirit, p. 1 0.
47. Ibid., p. 1 2.
48. Novalis, Philosophical Writings, ed. & crans. Margarer Mahony Scoljar (Albany:
SUNY Press, 1 9 97) , p. 33.
49. fbid.
50. Cf. Daniele DeU'Agli, ''Abendlandische Teleologie. Kricik einer Obsession" (MA
chesis, Be.rlin, 1 993).
5 1 . The End of Gmvity, film scri.p c by Dan Simrnons and Andrei Ujicá, i n Wo,{ds and Time-Five Tales of Spernlative Piction (New York: Tandern, 2002) .
52. Even che emergency industry i n the rrue sense oF the word has been fumiliar wi rh
the primacy of supply for sorne time: i n congested urban cenrers in Germany, there
are far too few accidenrs rn make ful) llSe of accrediced rescue services like rhe Red
Cross, Arbeicer-Samariter-Btu1d [Workers-Samaricans Associacion] or Promedie.
The srare of che garbage economy is eve.n more characcerisric: as rhere is not nearly
enough wasce. produced by German households and facrories ro malee recycling
profi rable for rhe exiscing companies, rhe barde for rhe dirry gold has broken out
berween rhe moscly communally funded waste disposal firms. Meanwhile, initiarives
by good cirizens sciU look for ways of reducing rhe amoun c of waste.
53. Thus Rudolf Borchardr (according to Theodor's accounr) said after cl,e
Firsc World War: "This war was necessary ro prove char l am noc a coward." Cf.
Theodor Lessing, Einrnal und nie wiede1: Lebenserirmenmgen (Gürersloh: Bertelsmann,
1 969), p. 3 1 9.
54. Simone \Veil, The Need far RootJ: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties Towards
Mankind, era.ns. Arrhur \'v'ilJs (London: RuuJeJg;e, 2002), p. 292.
5 5 . Cf. Also Roben Pfaller, On The PLearnre Princpi ie In Culture: Illusions Withoitt
Owners, crans. Lisa Rosenblact (London & New York: Verso, 20 1 4) .
5 6 . Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human, p. 7 4 (rranslarion modifüd).
57. To in cerprer che phenomenon of hwnans devoting chemselves seriously to che
unserious, one should mak.e use of Huizinga's remarks on rhe absorprion of players
by che game. A psychological cheory of che. fanatical posicion as an overcompensared
decision ism m igh e also have to say on cl1e maccer.
58. Conceroing che reAex agai nst these observarions in posrmodernized psychoana lysis,
cf. Charles Melman & Jean-Pierre Lebrun, L 'homme sam gmvité:]ottir a tout
prix (Paris: Denoel, 2002) . L1 diagnoses of our rime by younger aurhors, one is
struck by anri-ironism and che search for scahiliry through one's own heaviness and
densiry. Cf. Jedediah Purdy, Far Common Things: lrony, Trust, and Commitmem
in An1erica Toda.y (New York: Vinrage, 2000); Camille de Toledo, Superhip Jolipunk:
Confessiom OfA Young Man Out Of ]oint (New York: Sofc Skull Press, 2007)􀫯an
aucobiographical book in which the search far new poinrs of reference passes first
chrough rhe ironic space-rime of mass dandyism, chen rhe schizoid space-time of
Deleuzian liquefoction, befo re anchoring itself in a.n era of "new incarnacions" ("l
am beavy, I am dense") .
59. Max Frisch, Die Schwierigen oder]'adore ce q,ú me brúle (Zurich : Arlanris, 1 957),
p. 269.
GO. Pecer Handke, "Leben obne Poesie" ( 1 972), in Alr das W'ünschen noch geho/fen
hat (Frankfurr: SuJukamp, 1 974), p. 1 5 .
61 . The dosest analogy rn rh is exercise i s found i n rhe chaprer about the conscience,
the beauriful soul, evil and che forgiveness cl,ereof in Hegel's PhenomenoLogy of Spirit.
Here, evil must stand up as che self-knowing ourrage of che individual befare God
can declare hi mself or che cncrance of che subjecc inco che service of che universally
shared can cake place. Hegel's great didacticism dares rn assert che educational
meaning of evil, and e.en to capture despair in a currículum. Cf. Ernsc Behler,
Klassische Ironie, Romantische Ironie, TJ·agische Ironie. Zum Ursprzmg dieser Beg
(Darmscadt: Wisseoschafcliche Buchgesellschaft, 1 972), pp. 1 1 3􀫰1 1 5.
62. Bembard Porksen, Abschied vom Abso!uten. Gesprriche zttrn Konstruktivismus
(Heidelberg: Carl-Auer-Systeme, 200 L ) , p. 40.
63. Concern i ng chis forrn ularion, cf. Ni klas Luhrnann , 'The Modern Sciences and
Phenorne nology," in Theories of Distinction: Redescribing the Descriptions of Modernity,
ed. W Rasch (Stanford Un iversity Press, 2002), pp. 52f : "The tests of [reason's]
va.lidity are found in tl-terapy, which attemprs to arrai n less painful solutio ns and
itself maimains a disengagement in matters of reali ry."
54. Ibid. , p. 53.
55 . lbid. , p. 52.
56. Ro bbie Willian1s, Escr1pologJ1 (2002) .
'57. Cf J aroslav Hasek, The Good Soldíer Suejk, trans. Cecil Parrott (London : Heine:
nann , 1 973) .
58. Cf Fuller, Your Private Sky.
59 . Cf. Bolling & Ho rst, Schirme.
70. Jurek Becker, Jacob the Liar, trans. LeiJa Veru1ewirz (New York: Plume, 1 997) .
7 1 . C f. Rei nharr G . E . Lem pp, Das Kind i m Nlenschen. Nebem·ealitriten und Regres
"ion-oder: \,l'1uwn wir nie erwachsen werden (Smngart: I<Jecc-Cotta, 2003) and
ohn S. Kafka, Mu/tiple Realities in Clinicrtl Pmctice (New Haven: Ya.le Un iversity
'ress, 1 9 8 9 ) .
72 . [ n May 2003, c h e li rst inflarab le PVC ch urch, with a capacit)' o f 6 0 visi rors, was
:o nsecrated in Esher, near Londo n-based on an idea (inspired by bouncy cascles at
a.irs) by rhe enrrepreneur Michael Gill from 1 998 thar enabled che practica[ implenemarion
of pneurnarology (Ya.1100 News , 05 / 1 4/2003) , One hears th at rbe
lentagon is currenrly worlcing on an in Aarable parliamem building cliar can be ser
1p in liberared rogue srares as soon as the figh ri ng is over, and can be filled by up ro
wen ry-om: rapidJy appoi nred local rep resentarives with d iscussions abo u r demo:
ra r.ic constimtions.
'3. Sylvia P larh, "Three Women : A Poem for Th ree Voices ," in Collected Poems
London: Faber & Faber, 1 9 8 1 ) , ¡ip. 1 76- 1 8 7.
'4. The German word far ''in fa n c," Siiugling, l i tera.lJy rn eans "suckling ( babe) ," and
har for " in fancy" is acco rdingly Siiuglings1Zfter, "suckling age" (era.ns.).
' 5 . Hrdy, Mother Nature, pp. 1 2 1 ff
"6. Concern ing tbe fimccion of pacro nage in die civil ization p rocess, cf Claessens,
)f/S Konkrete und das Abstrnkte, pp. 61 & 64f.
77. Cf. Spheres I, C hapre r 7, ''The Siren Stage," p. 5 0 9 .
78. [ refer die rcader once again to Heiner Müh.lrnan n's work The Nature af Cult11res,
as well as Kunst und K,ieg, one should also note thar che "affiuem sociecy" crea ces noc
only an unease about weal th, bur also an unease in peace, accompan ied by bel l i cist
romancicisrn and a nosralgic longing for 1-tarsl-tness Qulieu Benda aJ ready said whar
was necessary abo u r i n l. 9 27, in his book The Treason of the lntelfectuals) .
79. In the impo rtant Chapter 22 of Mother Natttre, "Of Human Bondage" (pp.
485-5 1 0) , Sarah Blaffer H rdy poims our cbe scarciry uf allon\od1eri11g rc:su urccs in
concemporary "society," which, from chis perspecri ve, would have ro be described as
aa era of conrinuous, perhaps even growing poverty. [ will raJ<e a different view
below, excending the concept of die allomorher beyond che phenomena of concrete
childcare and using ic ca encompass all fo rms of care iliro ugh srate inscirucions or
social services. In mis eJucidation, current "sacie[)'" will appear as a comprehensive
experimen[ abour the prosdieticiza rion of macerna.l izing functions .
80. Gyéirgy Ko nrád: "What use is rhe weaJth of me weaJ chy? Jr allows rhem ca
help, in their way, rhose who depen d on ir and deserve s upporr. The prorecrion
of che chi ld is a co ncen rraced form of cl1e defense o f human righ rs. " (Gyéirgy
Ko nrácl, \for den. Toren des Reichs, rrans. Ha ns-Hen n i ng Paetzke [Frankfurt:
S uh rkam p , 1 9 97] , p . 87)
8 1 . Concerning che dyna.mics of such standardizarions, cf the seccion "The Nomotope-
Firsr Conscimtiona.l Doctri n e'' above.
82. Cf. Hel m u r Sch u lze, Der progressiu domestizierte Mensch nnd sehze Neurosen.
Die Rolle 7JOI! Emlmtung und Be!rtstung füt· Arrmkheit und Heilung (Mu n ich:
Lehmaan., 1 964 ) .
8 3 . Tbe German far "there is," es gibt, LteraJly rneans " i r gives" (era.ns. ) .
84. Genesis 3 : 1 6.
85. Bloch, The Principie of Hope, vol . l , p. 23 8 .
86. Quoced i n Raphael Parai, The Nlessiah Texts: ]ewish Legends of Three Thousttnd
Years (Derroi r: Wayoe Srare Univecsi ty Press, 1 988), p. 232.
87. Ir is augmemed by c h ose of safery wicliour srcuggl e and immuniry withouc
88. Cf. Ben j an1 i n , "On the Con epc of Hismry," Il: '1f chis is so, rhen diere is a
secret agreemenr berween pasr generations and die presen. r one. Tben our coming
was expecced on earth. Then, like every generarion cl1ar preceded us, we have been
endowed wicl1 a weak messia n i c power, on which the pase has a claim. Sud, a clai m
can not be settled dieap ly. The h istoricaJ materiaJist knows" (pp. 389f.)
8 9 . Maimonides' Commentary on the /lllishnah, tmctttte Snnhed1-in, c.ran s . Fred Rosner
(New York: epher-Hermon Press , 1 9 8 ! ) .
90. Irer1aeus, Agniust Hemies, 5 . 33.3, i n Roberc M . Grant, lrenaeus of Lyons (London:
Roucledge, 1 997) , pp. 1 78f.
91 . From a philological perspecdve, however (and a.J I ch e more &om a religion-psychological
o ne) , there is cvery indication cl1 ac rhe remencioned paradisiacal-erotic
faatasies simply resulred from mistranslacions of obscure passages in che Qurnn, fo r
cxample su.ras 4 4 a11d 52; au.:orJiu􀯜 Lu Clu-i,wpl1 Luxenberg in The Syro-Ammaic
Reading of the Koran: A Contribution to the Decoding o/ the Language of the Koran
(Berl ín : Hans Schiler, 2007) , rhe ofr-cired huris (virgins) are actual!y merely white
grapes-an image rhar makes far more sense in che context of tbe presem interpretation
of' the oral-homeostatic dynamic of images of paradise. The grape awairing
cl1 e beüever, as co uched on above, is a common topos i n Christian and Jewish afrerl
i fe l i terarure cl1ac mighc also have been known to rhe au chors of the Quran.
92. Fa r example loan P. C o u l i ano , Out of this V<1orLd: Otherworldl:J Joumeys .from
GiLgarnesh to Albert finstein ( Boston and Lonclo n : Shambh ala, 1 99 1 ) : PierreAmoine
Bernheim & Guy Scavrides , Weü der Paradiese--Paradiese der Wélt (Zu rich :
Wissehschaftliche Buchgesellschafr, 1 9 92); Friedrich Heer, Abschied von Hallen 1md
Hirmneln. Umz Ende des religiosen Tertidr (Frankfurr & Berlín: Ullscein, 1 990); and
Bemhard Lang & Calleen McDannelJ, Heaven: A Histo1J1 (New Have n : Vale Un.ivers
i ty Press, 1 9 88) .
93. Deleuze & G uacta ri, V(lhttt Is Phi!osophy?, p. 97.
94. Cf Gortha.rd Günther, "Sel bscdarscel l u ng i m Spiegel Amerikas," i n Pongracz,
Ludwig J. (ed. ) , Philosophie in Selbstdttmellungen (Hamburg: Meiner, J 975 ) , p. 30.
9 5 . "The Histo ry of Doctor Johan n Fausrns," crans. H . G . H aile, in Gennan
Medieval Tales, ed. Francis C. Gentcy (New York: Con rin u um, 1 9 83), pp. 1 5 6'f
96. Concerning w cal parnpering as the res u l c of the o:iad comprising income withour
work, security wi chour srruggle and i m m u n i ty wicl10ur sufferi ng, cf pp. 776ff.
97. Cf Spheres JI, Chaprer 8 , ''The Lasr Orb: O n a Philosophical H isrory ofTe rresrrial
G l o bal ization," pp. 765-9 5 9 , especially pp. 842f.
98. Pascal Bruckn er, The Temptation of lnnocence: Living in the Age .of Entltfemem
(New York: Algara, 2000), p. 86.
99. Quo red in Thomas Kursch & Gün rer Wiswede, Wirtschnfirsoziologie: Gnmdle
gung, Hauptgebiete, Zusammemchau (Scurcgarr: Enke, 1 986), p. 2 1 3 .
1 00. Bernard Mandeville, The Fnble oj the Bees and Other Wi-itings, ed. E . J . Hunderc
(Indianapolis: H ackerr, 1 99 7 ) , p. 34.
1 0 1 . Werner Sombarc, Luxwy and Capitnlisrn, rrans. W. R. Dircm a r (Ann A rbor:
University of M ichiga n Press, 1 967) , p. xxi.
1 02 . This rradi cion of a.rgwnencacion is still u pheld by che p remi u.m brand cheorisr
Wol fgang Reirzle ("only winners sell premÍLLm brands"), in Liixus schnfft Wohlstand.
Die Zulmn.ft der glabalm Whtscha.ft (Reinbek: Rowoh.l c, 200 .1 ) .
1 03 . Cf Anna Pavoi:d, The Tulip (Londo n : Bloo msbury, 1 9 99) , pp. 1 29- 1 6 1 .
l 04. This phenomenon has a con remporary ana.Iogy in che authoritarian capicalisr
councries of Easc Asia, most of ali Singapore and China, whose state-loyal i n telligemsia
constanrly warn nouveatt riche "sociery" about che clangers of "excessive
individualism"-embodied by rhe "decadenr Wesc"-chac are imma.n e n t i n affiuence.
1 0 5 . The r e r m goes b adc to adverrising rexrs for produces of the p o rcelain and
cemmics mamJaccui:er Josiah Wedgewood in tbe 1 8th century; cf Neil McKendrick,
"Inrroduction: The Bircl1 of a Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-
Cencu1y England," in NeiJ McKend rick, Joh n Brewer & J- H. Plumb, The
Birth of a Consmner Society: The Comnzercittlization of Eighteenth-Century England
(Bloo m i ngton: I ndian a Unive.rsi ty Press, 1 9 82), pp . 1 -8 . The verbal image of i n fection
wi ch new needs proves cl1ac a hundred years· befare Gabriel Tarde, cl1 ere had
al reacly been efforts towards a menral epidemiology. Even then, che actors in cl1e
modern enrichmen c game knew thac cl1e m imesis of!uxury begi ns at che rop. Hence,
tmder mercan rile prem ises, Col ben was righr to encournge "cl1e manufacture of silks
and ocher aris crocraci c jndustries" (Ta.rde, The Laws oflmitation, p. 335) . Thar che
critique of l uxury can also be used far an ourward cul rural struggle is demonstrared
by the En l i gh tenmenr to pos of che debauched Tu rkish sultan. Thus one reads in the
historico-philosophical srudy by Consranri n Frarn;:ois de Volney, The Rnins, 01;
Jvfeditatio11 on the Revalutions o/ Empires; a11d The Lnw of Natttre (Paris, 1 792;
rep rim, Balrimore: B lack Classics Press, 1 99 1 ) , p. 49: "He has surro unded himself
wirh an army of women, eunuchs and sarelli res. [ . . . ] In .i.mi carion of meir master,
his sei-vanrs musr also have splendid houses [ . . . ] and aU che riches of the empire have
been swallowed up in che Serai."
1 06. Surrealist Paintm and Poets: An A11thalogy, ed. Mary Ano Caws (Cambridge,
MA: M IT Press, 2002), p. 46 .
l 07. Hermano Bu rger, Die kiimtliche Mutter (Frankfu.rr: Fisd1er, 1 982) .
1 0 8 . The cerm in Lionel Tiger, The Decline of Males (New Yo rk: Golden
Books, 1 999) .
1 09 . James L. Nolan , J r. , The Therapeutic State: ]ustif¡ing Govermnent at Century's
End (New Yo rk: NYU Press, 1 99 8 ) .
1 1 O . T h e decl i n e of inrellecrnals i n posrrnodern cul r ure can be explai ned i n chis
comex c. The rradicional imellectual can only exisc as long as chey speak ouc as a
pokesperson for real hardshi p or the real as such, which is almost che same thing.
,ince hardsh ip beca me exotic, rhe imelleccuaJ is under suspicion of wanting to
ive off jmporting distanr problerns. The gesru re of pol i rjcaJ whar were
,reviously pre-pol itical hardships and scan dals is past frs heyday in rhe We st; ic
:o uld only signi ficance i.f che sicuarion of che boctom qua rrer i.nsidc thc
ux ury sys rem approached a poliricizable degree of i.mpoveris hmen t (Bourrueu bec
m this effect with his research into che mute misfo rcune of the Frcnch in The Weight
{ the \,Vo rid) and iF, in addition to prorest energies, new visions for rhe politics of
edisrribucion were also available. At pres ent, and in che foreseeable fucure, both of
hese exist only in wealc and confused forms; bence therc were, w1 dersra11dably, no
:onsequcnces when Bo urd ieu arre.mpted ro rename the mothering srare of affiuenr
ociety che "state of misery" (Etat de misere, in Exp ress, March 16, 1993).
11. These are augrnenred by che soóaUy narcissistic dimension of pampering in che
ra r sysrem of "mass" culrure, where rhe Ionging for celebriry status wi thour any
vorks or achievemenrs is rehearsed.
12. ln "Selten e Erfolge, viele Fehlschlage und aufhalrsame Forrscbrirte. Reflexionen
u David Landes' opus magnum The Wealth and Póverry of Nations," in Leviatha12
/200 1, pp. 142f., Dieter Senghaas points out che paradoxes, or rather che self-saboaging
muccure, of che "develo pmen r policies" with which developing nations are
i.multaneously called upan to join che compecition and prevemed from doing so.
13. "You have made us far yo urself," words originally addressed by Saine Augu stinc
o God in bis Confossions (rrans.).
14. Cf. Chapter l, "lnsulations: For a Theo ry ofCapsules , [slands and Horhouses."
15. Cf Annerte Hünnekens, E->cpa nded Museum. !<:u lturelfe Ei·innerung zmd 11irtuelle
leaiitiiten (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2002) .
16. Cf. the notes on OJafur El iasson on pp. 853f. above, as well as che conunems
n che insralia6on tbeory of Ilya Kabalcov and Boris Grays on pp. 864ff. under che
.irection of Perer Weibel, che Karlsruhe Cemer of Art and Merua Technology
ZKM) has become an emborumen c, un igue in the world, of a new rype of insri cuion:
che museum as a. syscems knowledge mach ine. With rheir projecr for a duaJ
rr/war museum, Heiner Mühlmann and Bazon Brock have presenred a conrroverial
concepr. 'The double musewn has che didactic pu rpose of prod uóng cultural
1eca-k.nowledge wich che help of exhibiti ons 011 the connections between war,
nrertainmenr comairung war, and entertainment witb culmral knowledgc in wlúch
,a r is forbidden ." (Heiner Mühlmann, "Kunsr und/oder Kri eg􀰎Das Doppelmu
􀰏wn," in Brock & Koschig (eds.) , J<u nst imd Krieg, p. 189.
17. Conccrning che theo ry of immersion, cf. rhe elaboratio ns on the third srep in
.1e ex plication of dwelJing tbrough cl:ie insrallarion and che Gesamtlwn.stwerk on pp .
88-4 98.
118. Conce rning che rerm "collecror," cf. pp. 584f.
119. Cf. Gerhard Schulze, Die friebnisgesefischaft. Ku ltu rsoziologie der Gegenwart
(Frankfun: Campus, 1992) .
120. Tar de, The Laws of lmitation, p. 174.
121. Cf Burkhard Scherer, A,if den ln seln des Eigeminns. Eine ldeine Ethnologie der
Hobbywelt (Munidl: C. H. Beck, 1995).
122. Cf. Jcan de Mail lard, Le nutrché fait sa Loi: De l'usage dzt crimc par fa mondia/
isation (Paris: Mi lle et une nuirs, 2001).
123. Giorgio Agamben, Ho mo Sacer: Sovereign Po zuer rtnd Bare Life, crans. Daniel
Heller-Roazen (Scanford Uruversity Press, 1998).
124. Compare the statement by Imre Kerrész: ''The Wesr is a camp for inmates who
are spared. This cam p musr be defen ded ... " (Die Zeit 43/2002. p. 43)
125. Concerrung the rufference becwecn che view of imagined globes an d ci rcumspection
in the .sphere of che cominuous One (and rhe deriva6ons from chis far
recenr im mersion are, far example spheric cinema), e( Sp hem [J, Imtoduction, Seccion
II, "The Parmenidean Momem," pp. 70-90.
126, Cf. Benjamín R. Barber, Ji had Vs Mc U½irld (New Yo rk: Rando m House, 1995).
J 27. Norberc Bah., Das konsmnistische Manifest (Munich: Fink, 2002) , p. 90.
128. Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri, Empire (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Universiry
Press, 2000) .
129. Ibid., p. 211 .
130. Ibid., p. 212.
131. This finding applies borh to che Promechean-Franciscan escalarían in Negri
and che radicaJ izar ioo of pure milirance in Alain Bad. iou's para-atheist essay Saint
Pauf: The Foundation of Universaiism, rrans. Ray Brassier (Stanford Ur uvers iry Press,
2003) . Daniel Bensaid argues in favor of a meland1oly-reaJjsr appropriation of the
"legacy of proph tic reason" in his book Le pari mélanchofique. The mecaphys ical
line of defense of the principie of rhe left is shown in philosoph ical and religionhisro
rical rerms in Pe ter Sloterdijk & Thomas H. Mache (eds.), Weitrevolution der
Seeie. Ein Lese- und Arbeitsbuch der Gnosis van der Spii. tantike bis zur Gegenwart
(Zurich : Ane mis & Wi.nkler, 1991); those wish ing ro go back ro the sources in the
twenriech cemury will reread Paul Tillich , The Socialist Decisio n, trans. Franklin
Sherman (New Yo rk: Harper & Row, 1977) and Hermann Cohen, Refigion of Reason:
Om of the Sources of Judaism, trans. Si mon Kaplan (Atlanta: Scholars Press,
1995), as well as the writings of Charles Péguy.
32. At most, it can reduce itself to an o pposicional ideo logy based on misunder:
anclings and simp lilicacions, as evidem in recent contr.ibucions ca the pure between
1e poor world aod the rich world in which one sp eaks of "confronting the Emp ire."
33. According to the Fis cher Weltalmanach 2003 ( -t: Fischer, 2002) .
34. Cf. Emmanuel To dd, L'ill usion econorniq ue (París: Gallimard, 1998).
35. Hobsbawm, The Age o/ Ewrem es, pp. 289[
36. ln this conrext cf again Schulzc, "Soziologíc des Widerstands."
37. Fyodo r Dostoyevsky, Notes from Un dergro und and The Dou ble, rra ns. Jesse
:oulson (London: Penguin, 197 2 ) , p. 41.
38. In the book Un gewollte Ki11de1: Amúihemngen, Beipiele, Hi lfan (Reinbek:
. owohlr, 1994) , the ed.itors He.lga Hasing and Ludwig Janus scart from the "co n:
rvacive estimare" thac even roday, one in three children are unwanced ar binh. The
gme is probably too h.i gh, bur wo uld nonetheless, if correct, p oint to a h.istori cal
rsr: a majority of rwo thirds are wanred.
39. Peter Handke, "Essay on Tiredness," in The Júkebo.,; and Other 1:.s sttys on Sto rylling,
rrans . Ral ph Manhei m (Ncw Yo rk: Macmillan, 1994), p. 28.
40. "I move, tlm·efore I am" (trans. ).
41. In Germany in 2002, wir.h rough.l y 39 m.iWon jobs (in a pop LJation of 82 m.i.1-
Jn) and 9 days of skk leavc p er emp loyee per year (a n unusually low quora due to
·isis) , mere were sorn e 350 mi.Ilion days of p aid sick leave. does nor cake into
:coum the invisible weekend morbidiry (wh ich can spread ro over 4 billion d ays
􀳒r year) and bielden holiday morbidiry (vi rrually 1 billion days), or indeed che iU".S
s-relared behavior in the p opulatio n segmenr thar is not directly integ rated into
te wo rking world.
12 . Honoré de Balzac, Th e Magic Skin ( 1831).
B. Cf. Cynch.ia Fleury, Pretium doloris: l'accident comme so uci de soi (Paris: PouTt,
2002) .
14 . Cf. Wa lcher K. L1. n g, Gmusmne Bikler: Sadim ius in der Nettp olitanischen M alerei
•n Ca ravaggio bis Giordano (Berliri: Reimer, 2001).
í5. Cf. Charles T. Sykes , A Na tion of Victims: The Decay o/ the American Ch mrzcter
􀳓ew Yo rk: Sr. Martin's Press, 1992).
l6. Cf. Lorenzo Pi rma, Fünf Hyp othesen zum U1 2te1gang der Vvélt(Muaich: d rv, 1996) .
ll. Cf. Ju.l ía Krisreva, Ti me and Sense: Proust and the E'C}Jerience of Literature, era.ns.
Jss Guberman (New Yo rk: Columbia Universiry Press, 1998).
148. The mosr masrerful early monograp h on luxury in a single cu.Irme, Chaprer 11
of Ludwig Fried.linder's monwnental moraliry hisro ry of 1928 Roman Li{e and lvla nners
[J nder the Ea rly Empire (New Yo rk: Amo Press, 1979), divides the phenomena
into the luxwy of fe asting, tl1e luxury of dress and jewe l ry, die luxury of buildings,
the luxury of do mescic conditions, the luxury of burial and ch e lllXlt.ry of slaves.
149. Cf. Norbert Bolz, Das komumistische Mani{est, pp. 102f.
150. Cf. Jonarhan Crary, Su sp ensions of Pm: eption: Attention, Spettttcle, and Modern
Culture (Cambridge, MA: MIT Prcss , 2001) and Wa lter Benjam ín, "The Work of
Arr in che Age of les Te ch nological Reproducibiliry,'' in Sehted Wri ti 11gs vol. 3:
1935-1938 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Uo.iversity Press, 2002), pp. 101- 133.
151. Concern ing rhe derivarion of 1-eligi o from a verb from [he uis legendi, cd .
Cicero, de nattmt deomm, U, 28 .
152. Cf. Gün ther Ohloff; Earth Ly Scents-Hea venh, Plea sures: A Cult ural Histmy of
Scents (Weinheim: Wiley􀳔VC H, 2006). We learn that Jac ques Guerlain, who possessed
a p erfecr sense of smel l, could sup posedly disti n guish with no con text
berween 3,000 olfacrory qual i ties, "a.n achievemen t thar is only poss ible throu gh
inrensive daUy trai ning ."
153. Cf. Franz Sales Me.yer (ed.), Hmulbook of Omament (New Yo rk : Dover, 1957) .
154. Concern i ng che snake motif. cf. the section "The Mole and che" in Negri
& Hardt, finpire, pp. 52-5 9.
l55. Karl Marx & Fried. rich Engels, The Co mmunist Nfanifesro, rrans. Samuel Moore
(Londo n: Pen guin, 2002), p . 223 .
156. l.n "So ciety ''.']eu investigatif et auentnrier sur kt conmnmau.té désavouable (Paris: Tr istra.m,
2001), pp. 239f., es pecially pp. 258-262, Mehdi Belhaj Kacem imerp rets the
hecerosexual-pornogra phic p roduccion ofimages in che era ofliberalizacion in terms of
me "hypervisibili ry"' of fe male organs, as well as the p erformance of ma.le aro usa.1.
157. Carl Djerass i, The Pi //, Pygmy Chimps and D egas' Horse (New Yo rk: Basic
Books, 1992), pp. 49-65.
158. Ibid., p. 64.
159. Cf. Carl Chris tian Bry, Ve rlmpp te Religionen. Kr itik des lwllektiven Wla hns
(1924), ed. Martin Gregor-Dellin (Mun.ich: Eh.renwi rth, 1979) , p p. 150 & 154.

1. "(Speak) bm good oí che wo dd and God" (tra.ns.).
2. "(Speak) nothing bur the besr" (era.ns.).

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