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8-PAGE AQUAFORCE BRO tg 3 4/4/01 2:37 pm Page 1

Wavin Aquaforce
Wavin Ireland specialises in designing and
manufacturing complete plastic systems for the
building / construction industry, local authorities,
Programming Aquaforce In-line Socket Machine
utilities, statutory authorities & the agriculture
sector. Range of Sizes
In Ireland,Wavin operates from three locations
Wavin Aquaforce is manufactured in the
and employs 130 people. The main manufacturing
following sizes: 110mm, 160mm, 200mm, 250mm
and distribution operation is in Balbriggan with
and 315mm. All sizes are available in 8, 10, 12.5
additional sales and distribution centres in Lisburn
and 16 bar pressure ratings (excluding 110mm @
and Cork.
8 bar). Wavin Aquaforce pipe is complimented by
Wavin’s success in Ireland has been achieved by
a complete range of bends and fittings.
paying close attention to product quality,
innovation and development and by creating a Size Min OD Max OD Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
special relationship with suppliers and (mm) (mm) (mm)
8 bar 10 bar 12.5 bar 16 bar
customers. 110 110.0 110.3 - - 3.1 3.6 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.5
Ongoing investment in plant and tooling 160 160.0 160.5 3.6 4.1 4.5 5.1 5.6 6.2 7.0 7.8
200 200.0 200.6 4.5 5.1 5.6 6.3 6.9 7.7 8.8 9.8
underlies the confidence Wavin places in its 250 250.0 250.8 5.6 6.3 7.0 7.8 8.7 9.7 11.0 12.2
future as Ireland’s leading plastics pipe and 315 315.0 315.9 7.1 8.0 8.8 9.8 10.9 12.1 13.8 15.3
fittings manufacturer.
Pipe Sockets
Wavin Aquaforce Wavin Aquaforce uses EPDM rubber rings
manufactured and tested to BS EN 681-1 and
It is manufactured using CPE (Chlorinated
complying with WRc requirements. The EPDM
polyethylene) impact modifier with PVC. This
Comparatively Large Bore Area rubber used is tough, durable and has excellent
unique combination guarantees a pipe that is
chemical resistance. It is resistant to
strong, tough and ductile with a wall thickness
compression pressure, vacuum, deflation and
approximately 30% less than that of conventional
shear loads.
PVC-U pipe.
Manufactured to British Standard PAS 27,Wavin
Aquaforce is installed by several major water Fittings
utilities as well as a host of other end users. Wavin Aquaforce offers a complete range
of bends for all manufactured sizes (excluding
Wavin Aquaforce offers the user 110mm @ 8 bar). The centre-line bending radius
significant advantages: of the bends is on average equal to 3 times the
• Complete pipe system – five pipe diameters, pipe OD.
four pressure ratings and a full range of Fittings for all pipe diameters and bar ratings
bends & fittings (excluding 110mm @ 8 bar) are available in
• High quality product, accredited to BS PAS 27 • 111/4°
• Comparatively large bore area ensuring • 221/2°
superior performance • 45° and
• Excellent chemical resistance • 90° angles
• Extensively developed and tested
Full Bend Range Available
• High impact resistance, even at low Principle of Wavin
• Ease of jointing – low insertion force,
displacement impossible Today, PVC-U materials are greatly improved due
• Ease of installation using push sockets to advances in material quality and processing.
• Suitable for irrigation & dirty water Always at the forefront of product innovation
and development,Wavin leads the way with
Wavin Aquaforce – a product that is strong, AQUAFORCE QUALITY
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Where: The
Long Term Toughness
Purpose Result
1. To test the prediction of Wavin Aquaforce material
Wavin Aquaforce Testing V = velocity (m/s)
Test (C-Ring test) the 50-year material possesses excellent uniformity
failure stress. and quality. Wavin Ireland is committed to producing g = gravitational acceleration = 9.81m/s2
2. To test the type of
failure surface.
Wavin Aquaforce is highly resistant
to shattering even with the presence
quality products. All products are tested in a i = hydraulic gradient
Hydrostatic Pressure
of surface notches. well equipped mechanical test laboratory to
verify conformance to standards or customer
v = kinematic viscosity of fluid (a value of 1.411
x 10-6 has been assumed for water at 15°C)
1. Notched Pressure Testing To test the affect of the
presence of a notch on the
Wavin Aquaforce was only marginally
affected by the presence of the notch.
specification. Quality testing is carried out by Linear measure of effective roughness PERFORMER
pipe. skilled inspectors in line with the agreed quality Ks = 0.01mm up to 200mm diameter pipe
2. Diurnal (Cyclic) Pressure To test the affect of diurnal Wavin Aquaforce was completely
Fluctuations pressure fluctuations. unaffected by diurnal pressure plan which ensures a high degree of consistency Ks = 0.05mm above 200mm diameter pipe
Insertion Forces To test the level of insertion Insertion forces in Wavin Aquaforce and confidence in the product. D = mean internal diameter of pipe
force for pipes. are approximately 5 times less than
that of conventional pressure seals. Numerous tests have been successfully carried
Water Quality Testing To test the product against
the water quality standards*.
Wavin Aquaforce successfully meets all
of the required standards. out on Wavin Aquaforce in order to meet the EQUATION
Weathering Resistance To test the reaction of Wavin The effect of weathering on Wavin
Aquaforce pipe to UV Aquaforce samples was negligible.
approval requirements. All tests passed the The frictional loses caused by fittings can also
radiation. minimum requirements of the manufacturing be determined and are approximately proportional
* The pipe is tested for effects on water to BS 6920, Part 1: 1990.
specification comfortably.The purpose and result to the square of the fluid velocity. Loss of head may
of the most important tests are outlined below. be calculated using the following formula:

Quality Control Testing Kv2

The following Quality Control tests are
carried out during production: Where:
• Impact Resistance at 0°C. The pipe is H =loss of head (m)
tested every 8 hours for a TIR of greater v = fluid velocity (m/s)
than 95%. g = gravitational acceleration = 9.89m/s2
• C-Ring Toughness Test. This test is k = coefficient (dependant upon type of fitting)
performed every eight hours on extruded The hydraulic chart at the back of the brochure Checking and Fitting Aquaforce end caps
pipe to check the ductile properties of the may be used to calculate water flow through a
pipe. pipeline.
• Short Term Hydrostatic Pressure
Resistance at 20°C. This test is Various values for k are:
performed to ISO 1167. Pipe = 0.01mm up to 200mm diameter pipe
• Delamination Test. This test is carried out 0.05mm above 200mm diameter pipe
to ensure that there are no cracks, cavities or Bends: 111/4°= 0.025
inclusions in the pipe wall. 221/2°= 0.05
45° = 0.1
Wavin Hydraulics 90° = 0.2
Flow Data Handling and Storage
Wavin Aquaforce has a greater internal pipe
Care should be exercised at all times in
diameter than pipes made from concrete,
handling pipes to avoid damage to the pipe
polyethylene or PVC-U, due to the relatively
surface or to the integral socket and sealing
low value of wall thickness. The wall thickness
area. The recommended maximum stacking
is approximately 30% less than that of
height is two metres.
conventional PVC-U pipes which means that
the pipe is also 30% lighter.
All pipes are supplied with end caps in order
Due to it’s smooth bore,Wavin Aquaforce to prevent the pipe bore from becoming
possess excellent flow characteristics, even contaminated. The end caps should be kept on
decades after installation.The Colebrook-White until the pipe is ready for jointing.
equation should be used to calculate the
velocity of water flowing through the pipe. The The handling and storage procedures
equation is as follows: recommended by Wavin are in accordance with
Ductile ballooning of pressurised test Code of Practice CP312, Part 2:1973, Section 7,
samples. for PVC-U pipes and general guidance as per the
procedure detailed in the WRc ‘Manual for AQUAFORCE QUALITY
PVC-U Pressure Pipe Systems’, Section 4. HIGH IMPACT WATERMAIN ASSURED
Wavin Aquaforce Pressure Pipe-Hydraulic Flow Chart
2:38 pm
Page 5

Chemical Resistance
Please refer to the Chemical Resistance Table below. Should you require further information please contact
our Technical Department.

Aquaforce Chemical Resistance Table:

20°C 60°C 20°C 60°C 20°C 60°C 20°C 60°C
70°F 140°F 70°F 140°F 70°F 140°F 70°F 140°F
Acetic Acid 20% R R Chromic Acid 30% R NR Mineral Oils R R Sodium Ferrocyanide R R
Acetic Acid 60% R R Citric Acid R R Mixed Acids R R Sodium Hydroxide 50% R R
Acetone NR NR Copper Cyanide R R Nickel Chloride R R Sodium Hypochlorite R R
Alcohol, Ethyl R R Copper Sulphate R R Nickel Sulphate R R Sodium Sulphate R R
Alcohol, Methyl R R Cottonseed Oil R R Nitric Acid anhydrous NR NR Sodium Sulphite R R
Aluminium Chloride R R Cresol NR NR Nitric Acid 10% R R Sodium Thiosulphate R R
Aluminium Sulphate R R Cyclohexanol NR NR Nitric Acid 68% R R Sour Crude Oil R R
Alums R R Cyclohexanone NR NR Nitrous Oxide R R Stannic Chloride R R
Ammonia Gas R R Dimethylamine NR NR Oils and Fats R R Stannous Chloride R R
Ammonium Chloride R R Dioctylphthalate NR NR Oleic Acid R R Stearic Acid R R
Ammonium Hydroxide R R Disodium Phosphate R R Oleum NR NR Sulphur R NR
Ammonium Sulphate R R Distilled water R R Oxalic Acid R R Sulphur Dioxide (dry) R R
Amyl Chloride NR NR Ethers NR NR Palmitic Acid 10% R R Sulphur Dioxide (wet) R NR
Aniline NR NR Ethylene Glycol R R Perchloric Acid 10% R R Sulphuric Acid 10% R R
Aqua Regia R R Fatty Acids R R Perchloric Acid 70% R NR Sulphuric Acid 75% R R
Barium Hydroxide 10% R R Ferric Chloride R R Petroleum Oils (sour) R NR Sulphuric Acid 90% R NR
Barium Sulphate R R Ferrous Sulphate R R Phenol R NR Sulphorous Acid R R
Barium Sulphide R R Fluorine (gas-wet) R R Photographic Solutions R R Sulphur Trioxide R R
Beer R R Fluosilicic Acid R R Phosgene, Gas R R Tannic Acid R R
Beet Sugar Liquors R R Formaldehyde R R Phosphoric Acid 25% R R Tanning Liquors R R
Benzene NR NR Formic Acid R NR Phosphoric Acid 50% R R Tartaric Acid R R
Benzoic Acid R R Fruit Juices and Pulp R R Phosphorous Trichloride NR NR Tetrahydrofuran NR NR
Bleach 12.5% active Cl2 R R Furfural NR NR Pig Slurry R - Toluene NR NR
Boric Acid R R Gasoline (refined) R NR Plating Solutions R R Trichloroethylene NR NR
Bromic Acid R R Glucose R R Potassium Chloride R R Triethanolamine R NR
Bromine Water R R Glycerine R NR Potassium Cyanide R R Trisodium Phosphate R R
Calcium Carbonate R R Hydrochloric Acid 10% R R Potassium Dichromate R R Turpentine R R
Calcium Chloride R R Hydrocyanic Acid 10% R R Potassium Hydroxide 50% R R Urea R R
Calcium Hydroxide R R Hydrofluoric Acid 10% R NR Potassium Urine R -
Cane Sugar Liquors R R Hydrogen Sulphide (dry) R R Permanganate 10% R R Vinegar R R
Carbon Bisulphide NR NR Hydroquinone R R Propyl Alcohol R R Water (acid mine water) R R
Carbon Monoxide R R Hypochlorous Acid R R Propylene Dichloride NR NR Water (fresh) R R
Carbon Tetrachloride R NR Iodine NR NR Sea Water R R Water (salt) R R
Carbonic Acid R R Kerosene R R Silver Cyanide R R Whiskey R R
Cattle Slurry R - Linseed Oil R R Silver Plating Solutions R R White Liquor R R
Caustic Soda R R Liqueurs R R Silver Nitrate R R Wines R R
Caustic Potash R R Magnesium Chloride R R Soaps R R Xylene NR NR
Chlorine (wet) NR NR Maleic Acid R R Sodium Bicarbonate R R Zinc Chloride R R
Chlorine Water R R Methyl Chloride NR NR Sodium Bisulphite R R Zinc Sulphate R R

Chlorobenzine NR NR Methyl Ethyl Ketone NR NR Sodium Chloride R R

Chromic Acid 10% R R Milk R R Sodium Cyanide R R

R = recommended
NR = not recommended

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Wavin acknowledges that different
specifiers and contractors have different preferred
requirements for the installation of watermains.
It is acceptable to follow individual requirements
providing they offer performance similar to the PERFORMER
requirements of CP 312, Part 1:1973, Section 15
or the requirements of the WRc ‘Manual for
PVC-U Pressure Pipe Systems’, Section 5.

Irrespective of particular installation requirements
the following should be adhered to:
• The trench width should not be less than the
pipe width plus 300mm
• All stone particles used as a pipe surround or
bedding should be less than 20mm in size and
be of a non-angular nature.
• Wavin Aquaforce pipes should be jointed at
angles of not more than 3°
Easy Push Socket Installation

Testing andCommissioning
Pressure testing of Wavin Aquaforce should
be based upon the requirements of the WRc
Type 2 recommendations for PE. Pressure testing
of the pipeline should not be undertaken against
closed valves. Instead, suitable blank ends should
be adequately strutted to resist the massive
forces that occur during mains testing.
Also, the test pressure should not exceed 1.5
times the nominal design pressure for the lowest
rated component of the system.

The pipeline should undergo the usual

requirements of disinfection, bacteriological
sampling and approved certification before
introduction of the mains into service.

Wavin is registered to IS/ISO 9002: 1994.

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