Analysis and Interpretation

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In this section, the researcher presents the demographic details of working women in Gautam Buddha University. In order to describe the
Demographic and occupational details, the researcher has used simple percentage analysis and the results are presented below.

Frequency of Demographic Profile of the Respondents.

Particulars No. of Percentage

Respondents (%)
Below 30 Year 3 7.5
30-40 20 50
AGE 41-50 13 32.5
Above 50 Years 4 10
Total 40 100
Yes 35 87.5
MARITAL No 5 12.5
STATUS Total 40 100
1-10 12 30
YEARS 11-20 16 40
OF Above 20 12 30
EXPERIENCE Total 40 100
Less than 20000 6 15
MONTHLY 20001-30000 0 0
SALARY 30001-40000 3 7.5
More than 40001 31 77.5
Total 40 100


It is evident from the above table that the majority of the respondents are in the age group of 30-40 years (50% of respondents), marital status
shows that 96.8% of the respondents are married. With regard to years of service, 40% of the respondents are having work experience of more than
10years (11-20 years) and 77.5% of the respondent's monthly income is above Rs.40001.

The opinion of working women about work and personal life expectation and satisfaction reveals the fact that there exists a conflict between work
and life balance.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Always 2 5
Often 17 42.5
Do you work more than 12 Sometimes 12 30
hours in a day? Rarely 2 5
Never 7 17.5
Total 40 100
Always 6 15
How often do you think or Often 13 32.5
worry about work (when you Sometimes 19 47.5
are not actually at work or Rarely 0 0
traveling to work)?
Never 2 5
Total 40 100
Always 3 7.5
Often 13 32.5
Do you ever feel tired or Sometimes 20 50
depressed because of work? Rarely 4 10
Never 0 0
Total 40 100
How do you feel about the HAPPY 38 95
amount of time you spend at UNHAPPY 2 5
work? Total 40 100
Always 3 7.5
Often 0 0
Do you feel you are not able Sometimes 14 35
to balance your work life Rarely 11 27.5
Never 12 30
Total 40 100
Yes 12 30
No 25 62.5
Does your company have a Not Aware 3 7.5
separate policy for work-life Total 40 100
How do you manage stress Yoga 10 25
arising from your work? Music 17 42.5
Other 13 32.5
Total 40 100
Always 0 0
Do you find yourself unable Often 4 10
to spend enough time with Sometimes 27 67.5
your life? Rarely 9 22.5
Never 0 0
Total 40 100


It is clear from the above table that 12 respondents say that sometimes they will work 12 hours, 13 out of the total respondents felt that often they
will worry about the work even when they are at home. Majority of the respondents (20 respondents, 50%) has the opinion that, working women
feel much of tired or stress in their work. It is also found that the majority of the respondents (42.5%) have manage their stress through music and
other yoga. It is also revealed that 67.5% of the respondents expressed that sometimes they having enough time to spend with family due to work
pressure. Another 35% of respondents accepted that sometimes they are not able to balance the work life.


 Majority of the respondents are in the age group of 30-40 years; majority are married and are having work experience of 11-20 years.
 The average monthly income earned by majority of respondents is above Rs40001.
 Women felt pressure when they work for more than 12 hours in a day.
 It is evidence that working women have worries about the job and also getting tired due to work.
 The result revealed that working women are unable to spend quality time for their personal and family life.
 Working women who are above 50 years have more work load and having more experience.

Varible Varible Varible Varible Varible Varible Varible Varible Varible Varible Varible Varible Varible
9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14
Varible 1 Pearson Correlation .342 -.107 .732** .286 .313 -.043 .075 -.156 .046 .071 .080 -.187 -.343
Sig. (2-tailed) .179 .683 .001 .266 .222 .870 .775 .550 .860 .786 .762 .471 .177
N 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Varible 9 Pearson Correlation .207 -.079 .058 .066 .271 .558* .188 .041 .086 -.049 -.254 -.076
Sig. (2-tailed) .426 .764 .825 .802 .293 .020 .471 .876 .742 .851 .326 .772
N 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Varible 2 Pearson Correlation -.226 -.239 -.197 .239 .190 .540 -.132 -.220 -.142 .225 -.109
Sig. (2-tailed) .382 .356 .449 .356 .464 .025 .612 .395 .588 .386 .677
N 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Varible 3 Pearson Correlation .155 .173 -.219 -.226 -.330 .098 -.016 .168 -.137 -.311
Sig. (2-tailed) .552 .508 .398 .382 .196 .709 .950 .519 .599 .224
N 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Varible 4 Pearson Correlation .096 -.096 -.306 -.129 -.148 -.115 -.225 -.099 -.073
Sig. (2-tailed) .714 .715 .232 .622 .572 .660 .386 .705 .781
N 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Varible 5 Pearson Correlation .076 .061 .172 -.360 -.070 .337 -.275 .416
Sig. (2-tailed) .772 .818 .510 .156 .789 .185 .285 .097
N 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Varible 6 Pearson Correlation .171 .129 .231 -.041 -.278 -.220 -.073
Sig. (2-tailed) .511 .622 .372 .875 .280 .397 .781
N 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Varible 7 Pearson Correlation .212 -.383 -.279 -.142 -.321 .164
Sig. (2-tailed) .414 .130 .278 .588 .209 .530
N 17 17 17 17 17 17
Varible 8 Pearson Correlation -.477 -.245 .086 -.026 .177
Sig. (2-tailed) .053 .342 .743 .921 .497
N 17 17 17 17 17
Varible 10 Pearson Correlation .732 .098 .223 -.270
Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .707 .389 .295
N 17 17 17 17
Varible 11 Pearson Correlation .338 .016 -.347
Sig. (2-tailed) .185 .951 .172
N 17 17 17
Varible 12 Pearson Correlation .036 .081
Sig. (2-tailed) .892 .757
N 17 17
Varible 13 Pearson Correlation .257
Sig. (2-tailed) .319
N 17
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

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