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What is Hyperacidity?

Hyperacidity (definition): Hyperacidity is a medical condition that is caused by an increase in the

quantum of acid excretion from your gastric glands - usually caused by excessive consumption
of cigarettes, alcohol, spicy food, unhealthy food, carbonated drinks, caffeine products, and is
also induced by anxiety, stress, eating habits, and absence of physical activity (Pillai 2020,
medically reviewed by Sindhu Vas).

Pointers of the Main dish:

Q1: Is it okay to use other ingredients that may induce hyperacidity such as pepper or meat?

- “Trigger foods” can vary from person to person, however if these food does not improve
symptoms, they can be incorporated back into a person’s diet. To be cautious, it is highly
advisable to avoid consumption of these foods as much as possible.

Q2: Why do we use fish instead of meat?

- A study published in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics explored the

relationship between cholesterol and GERD indicated that people who consumed more
cholesterol and saturated fatty acids and a higher percentage of calories from fat were
more likely to experience GERD symptoms. Tilapia has 57mg of cholesterol and 2.7g of
fat compared to meat products that has 73mg of average cholesterol and 3.5g of average

Q3: Is it okay to season the fish with salt and pepper?

- Do take not that upon seasoning the main dish, a heavily seasoned a dish will more likely
to cause heartburn. Thus it is advisable to reduce amount of strong spices to be used to
the dish.

Q4: Is it okay to use Calamnsi in sawsawan or lemon in seasoning?

- A common Filipino (local or Asian) tradition is to have soy sauce with lemon or
calamansi. Citrus fruits are highly acidic, increasing your chance of stomach trouble.
They especially put you at risk when eaten on an empty stomach. Minimal amount
Regular Soy sauce is advisable.

Q4: Why did you use brown rice instead or regular rice?

- A journal published in World Journal of Gastroenterology concludes that diets which are
fiber-enriched can increase the chances minimal esophageal sphincter resting pressure,
decrease gastroesophageal refluxes, and heartburn. Brown rice is much higher in
nutrients than white rice. This includes fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
Q5: Why did you use Honey?

- Reflux may be caused in part by free radicals that damage cells lining the digestive tract –
honey is both antioxidant and free radical scavenging. The ingredient will prevent
damage by removing free radicals, reduce inflammation in the esophagus, and Honey’s
texture allows it to better coat the mucous membrane of the esophagus. This can
contribute to longer-lasting relief.

Q6: Why did you use Ginger?

- Small regulated amount of ginger can act as an anti-inflammatory in your system and
reduce the likelihood of stomach acid flowing up into the esophagus. However there is no
scientific research has been conducted; ginger is already a central ingredient in Chinese
medicine as well as medicinal root for other Asian countries.

Q7: Why did we use Olive oil?

- Olive oil reduce bad cholesterol levels and help lower the risk for heart disease and
stroke, however According to Dr. V. John Bagnato on the Georgia Reflux Surgery
website, the type of olive oil you use may make a difference. Refined olive oils are highly
acidic, whereas extra virgin olive oils have a lower acidity level. Long-term treatment for
acid reflux is not achieved by a spoonful of olive oil but a combination of dietary and
lifestyle changes. Coconut oil can be utilized instead of olive oil since it kills some of the
bad bacteria in your stomach, aids the body in the production of chloride (which balances
stomach acids) and it relieves some of the damage done to the esophagus by the acid it’s
constantly exposed to.

Q8: How did you come up with your main dish?

- This question is rather dependent on how you understand the essential purpose of the
individual ingredients of the dish. At this rate, I suggest you read religiously the
additional information and come up with a concise defense for the question.

Other information you might want to look into is “sautéing”. Healthy Sauté is a cooking method
that allows you to have the flavor of sautéed vegetables without using heated oils. Studies have
found that exposing oils to high heat can result in the production of oxidized compounds and free
radicals detrimental to your health.

Pointers of the Dessert:

Q1: Why did you use Watermelons?

- Watermelon is a low-acid fruit that won’t trigger your symptoms. It is high on

antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A and amino acids. Due to its high water content, it
helps in digestion and keeping the body hydrated. It neutralizes the acid in the stomach,
reducing the reflux.

Q2: Why did you use Yogurt?

- Yogurt that is not too sour is also excellent for acid reflux, because of the probiotics that
can be a good option whether or not you are lactose intolerant from other dairy foods.
Yogurt also provides protein, and soothes stomach discomfort, often providing a cooling

Q3: Why did you use sugar? Is it not dangerous to consume when you have acid reflux?

- Consuming sugar in small amounts and without added trigger ingredients generally won’t
affect your acid reflux but it should not make up more than 10 percent of your daily
calories. For example, pure honeys, jams, and maple syrup typically won’t trigger your
symptoms. If you feel that sugar is affecting your acid reflux symptoms, you should
consult with your doctor.

Note: This is for personal consumption and dissemination of information within the group only.
Questions and queries are to be addressed immediately.

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