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Narciso, Noralyn S.

Carnate, Samantha Cheska

Cariaga, Sherna Mae
Echanique, Stephanie


Background of the Study

Tracing Northwestern University’s Growth and Development Way back in 1932, an

enterprising group of educators composed of Angel Albano, Cresencio Barangan, Maximo

Caday, Manuela Romero, Rufina Mariano and Nicolas Nicolas pooled their hard-earned savings

to put up and incorporate the first private non-sectarian educational institution in Ilocos Norte

known as the Northwestern Academy.

The operation of the school was interrupted in 1945-1948 with the outbreak of World

War II. Upon resumption, a 12-room building, the first it can call its own was constructed to

accommodate the influx of students. In 1949, the academy became Northwestern College with

Apolinario Aquino as President. Opening of new courses followed namely Associate in

Surveying, Bachelor of Laws, BS Commerce, Technical Engineering, Industrial Education,

Master of Arts in Education, BS Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Quite simply, universities simply cannot afford to ignore the impact of their auxiliary

services. It’s not simply a matter of losing customers to off-campus vendors and service

providers. It’s an issue of retention.

Increasingly, student satisfaction hinges upon the perceived quality of auxiliary services.

Sadly, dissatisfied students tend to drop out at higher rates, tearing at the fabric of the campus

community and further decreasing revenue.

Narciso, Noralyn S.
Carnate, Samantha Cheska
Cariaga, Sherna Mae
Echanique, Stephanie
Auxiliary Services supply the ‘necessary extras’ that universities offer students to fulfill

their non-academic needs on campus. They provide support for campus communities in a variety

of important ways. Auxiliary services help transform campuses into actual communities and can

help foster a more student-friendly environment. When successful, they generate repeat

customers and decrease the costs of core academic programs.

The auxiliary services that tend to generate the most profit include the following:

 Campus Bookstores

 Groceries

 Campus Uniforms

These services are wide-ranging and significant. The significance stems from at least two

reasons. First, they offer opportunities for profit that supplement revenues generated by a

university’s core academic programs.

Second, they go a long way toward defining students’ college experience and can either

improve or damage a university’s reputation.

The Auxiliary of the University maintains a small staff or employees as compared to its

growing production. Counting all the stocks manually will cause lengthy time. The employees

and staff of the company are still using manual system in their department. Using record books

that may be prone to errors and may cause loss of information. And by using manual way of

computing and storing data, being susceptible to miscalculation is possible and just by single

mistake, repeating the process may be required.

Narciso, Noralyn S.
Carnate, Samantha Cheska
Cariaga, Sherna Mae
Echanique, Stephanie
Manual System to Computerize System

Everything now is becoming high technology, from manual system to computerization

system. In Computerization System, it easy to document and secure data, especially in terms of

Sales and Inventory Management System, in everyday you are counting products then reconcile

it with your sale while when you use the computerized system you can save more time because it

is automatically count and total the remaining items.


As we know the manual processing is quite tedious, time consuming, less accurate in

comparison to computerized processing. Obviously, the present system is not is exception

consultant encountering all the above problems.

1. Time consuming.

2. It is very tedious.

3. All information is not placed separately.

4. Lot of paper work.

5. Slow data processing.

6. Not user-friendly environment.

7. It is difficult to found records due file management system.


In new computerized system I tried to give these facilities.

1. Manually system changes into computerized system

2. Friendly user interface.

3. Time saving.
Narciso, Noralyn S.
Carnate, Samantha Cheska
Cariaga, Sherna Mae
Echanique, Stephanie
4. Save paper work.

5. Connecting to database so we use different type of queries, data report.

6. Give facility of different type of inquiry.

7. Formatted data.

8. Data’s are easily approachable.



Developing a Sales and Inventory System of the Auxiliary of the School would make a

mark improvement to the company and will make the task of the employees and staff easier and

protected. This will not only benefit the department but also benefit other of the University

because of the precision and accuracy of calculations within the department.

The proposed computerized Sales and Inventory System enables the Auxiliary control the

asset tracking needs and fixed assets. This kind of sales and Inventory system monitors the

products of the company to gain visibility and control the inventory, stock levels, customers

payment and sales of the product. It also reduces time spent searching for inventory, eliminate

stock outs, and improve customer service. Sales and inventory levels will ow be easy to manage,

track, and control. Innovation from manual to computerized will greatly benefit the Auxiliary of

the University.

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