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Serial No.
of CRS
Authorisati Description Compliance
on notes
1.0 Having inspected the newly constructed BG main line (Doubling) on Noted
UP/ DOWN line between Maltekdi and Mugat stations Ch:
351636.03m to Ch:362144.15m (from Km 351.636 to Km. 362.144) of
Parbhani - Mudkhed Non electrified section, in Nanded Division of
South Central Railway including various sub-grade and
accommodation works pertaining thereto, by motor trolley on 20th
september, 2019 followed by a speed trial hauled by diesel loco
(maximum speed of 110 kmph was touched during speed trial) in the
CE/CON/V/SC, CEE/C/SC, CSTE/C/SC, DRM/Hyderabad division (in
place of DRM/Nanded) and other Headquarter and Divisional officers,
from Maltekdi station to Mugat station; and on Having satisfied that
the provision of section 22(1) of the Railways act, 1989 have now
been generally complied within its constructrion, I, under the powers
delegated to me vide rule 22(1) of the railways (opening for public
carriage of passengers) rules, 2000, railway board's notification no.
G.S.R. 625(e) dated 21.07.2000, notification no. G.S.R.762(e) dated:
08.10.2001 & notification no. G.S.R. 44(e) dated: 27.01.2005, hereby
authorise opening of the aforesaid new BG main line (doubling) from
Maltekdi station (Km.351.363) to Mugat station (Km.362.144) of
Parbhani - Mudkhed non electrified section in Nanded division of
South Central Railway for public carriage of passengers at a
maximum permissible speed of 75 kmph .

2.0 The Authorisation is further subject to following stipulations.

A) All temporary and permanent speed restrictions in force or as may be Noted
imposed from time to time on account of Signalling & interlocking,
Track, Bridges etc. shall be observed. 

B) The cut and connections after completion of track work shall be Noted
opened for public carriage of passenger and goods traffic at a
maximum speed not exceeding 20 kmph . The first train shall be
passed at speed not exceeding 20kmph in presence of an officer not
below the rank of JAG.

Sanction and deployment of adequate trained maintenance staff for

permanent way and S&T department from the date of opening to
C) Noted
passenger traffic. The section should not be commissioned without
ensuring adequate & trained maintenance staff.

D) All SEJs are laid as per LWR plan. All SEJs are laid as per the approved LWR Plan.
SR of 30 kmph at Km.351/6-7 on up main line till gap in fish plated
E) Attended on 30.9.2019
joints are ensured within permissible limit.

All gaps on the rail joints shall be brought down with in permissible All gaps on the rail joints are attended and are with in permissible
limit as per IRPWM and LWR manual. limit as per IRPWM and LWR manual.

SR of 50 kmph on approach of the bridge No.361 due to caked Undersized bolts at fish plated joints on the bridge No.361 are
G) ballast, clean ballast cushion of 150mm and undersized bolts at fish replaced with 60Kg bolts. Ballast defifiency on approach of Br.361
plated joints on the bridge. recouped and ensured clean cushion of 350mm
H) SWR and SWRD shall be corrected at all the stations. Pertains to S&T Dept.

All LC gate works shall be completed in all respects as per the There are Two LC gates in this section One is Engg. Gate No.LC
relevant provisions of IRPWM before opening the section for public 153 for which road warning bell is to provided TDC: 31.5.2020 and
carriage of passengers. Road warning bell to warn road users shall other one is LC 150 interlocked gate which is already provided with
be provided at all LC gates between Maltekdi and Mugat stations. road warning bell before CRS inspection.

All the curves in the new line shall be attended and provided with full
ballast cushion and profile as per para 263 Annex-2/11 of IRPWM and Ballast cushion and profile is provided as per para 263 Annex-2/11
shall be tamped in design mode to achieve the tolerances prescribed of IRPWM. Design mode tamping is planned, TDC: 31.5.2020
for laying.
Provision of adequate ballast on the track at locations where it is
For LWR Profile ballast deficient locations are attended. Final
deficient to provide LWR profile & carrying out one more round of
tamping in design mode is planned, TDC: 31.5.2020. Missing
K) tamping in design mode. it shall be ensured that there are zero
fittings are provided. A pair of Emergency joggle Fishplates are
missing fittings in the section. Emergency joggle fishplates shall be
provided at every kilometers.
provided at every kilometer.
Welding of rails as per Railway Board letter
L) AT weld of rails are done with the approval of PCE/SC.
No.Track/21/2009/0110/17 Dt.03.12.2014

Serial No.
of CRS
Authorisati Description Compliance
on notes

All the welds in the section are painted, numbered with welder
All the welds in the section shall be painted and numbered and shall
code and date. All welds are ultrasonically checked and found no
be checked ultrasonically for any defect and for correct geometry
defects. The geometry of the welds are jointly inspected by open
M) jointly be open line and construction organization and the defective
line and construction organization. Some welds defective are
welds noticed if any, shall be replaced. Their proper records shall be
noticed the same are attended and rectified. Proper records are

There is no cutting in the Section, but between Km 354/5-8 Black

N) Provision of proper side drains in cuttings. cotton soil dumped. Removal of dumped BC soil completed on
30.11.2019. For Drain Agreement is under finalisation

All remnant engineering and Signalling & interlocking works at

stations and dead end are completed as per sanctions accorded by
O) the Commissioner of railway safety South central circle and safety
certificates signed and issued by officers concerned. It shall be
ensured that
One RH trap for stabling line and one RH trap for shunting neck at
All newly laid points & crossings are checked for proper assembly &
MTDI are laid. Their assembly & layout for proper squaring,
A) layout and proper squaring, housing & opening of the switches is
housing & opening of the switches are checked and standard
norms ensured.

B) Three rounds of tamping of turnouts laid during commissioning. There is no Turnouts in this section

OEM certification for proper installation, testing and commissioning of

all the S&T equipment, like IPS, data logger etc. provided at the
C) stations, has been obtained and pre-commissioning checks as per Pertains to S&T Dept.
RDSO check list have been conducted duly witnessed by officers of
open line.
Proper testing of interlocking is done with table of control. After
connecting all field functions ensuring proper correspondence of all
D) Pertains to S&T Dept.
points/signals etc. with VDU/Relay room indications and recording in
joint observation register of stations
Double locking is provided in the relay room. The opening and closing
e) of relay room shall be monitored by data logger and networked to test Pertains to S&T Dept.

Day and night visibility of the signals in the section shall be checked
by properly constituted signal sighting committee of inspectors in long
f) hood leading condition at maximum permissible speed of the section Pertains to S&T Dept.
and it shall be ensured that the signals are properly focused and are
visible from adequate distance to the train driving crew.

Maintaining all track parameters as per laying standards prescribed in

g) Noted.

Ensuring completion of all residual engineering, electrical and

h) signaling & telecommunication works including rectification of defects Noted
and strict compliance to all the provisions of codes and manuals.

All concerned train passing staff having duly signed the assurance
register in token of having understood station working rules/special
i) instructions of the stations and level crossing gates and their Pertains to Operating Deptt.
knowledge being tested by open line operating, S&T and safety
officers of the division.
Locos and rolling stocks already running on adjacent existing line,
being permitted at their respective
j) Pertains to Operating Deptt.
maximum permissible speed or sectional speed whichever is less.

Further increase of speed in this section of up to 100 kmph can be

3 Noted
authorised by PCE/ SCR after
Removal /Rectification of all welds having surface finish beyond the
i) No defective welds in the section .
laiddown tolerances.
Ensuring USFD testing of welds and rails removal of all DFWO&
ii) DFWR welds and ensuring all precautions as laid down in USFD All welds are USFD tested, found no defective welds.
Destressing of all LWRs and ensuring all precautions as laid down in
iii) Destressing was done before CRS.
the LWR manual.
welding of rails as per Railway Board letter No.Track/21/2009/0110/17
iv) AT weld of rails are done with prior approval of PCE/SC.
One more round of tamping in design mode. Consolidation by DGS
v) Planned to attend in May-2020.
and tamping of all turnouts by UNIMAT
Ensuring ballast cushion of 350 mm as per para 263 of IRPWM at all Recoupment of 350mm ballast cushion at all deficient locations
deficient locations and LWR ballast profile including cess. planned, TDC:31.5.2020

Serial No.
of CRS
Authorisati Description Compliance
on notes

Inspection of the section by SAG officer, to be nominated by PCE, &

CE/CON and certification after inspection and conducting an OMS
vii) Noted
2000 trail by a special train at a speed of Minimum 10% higher than
the proposed speed and satisfying himself of running quality of line.

satisfactory compliaince of the stipulations in the authorisation letter

viii) Noted
and Inspection Report.
Para wise compliance of the authorization letter may be submitted in
4 duplicate early . The compliance and comments should be completed Noted
in all respect.
The authorisation will be valid for a period three months from the date
5 of issue. Incase regular train services are not started with in three Noted
month time fresh authorisation will be required from CRS.
The Railway administration is not expected to dilute any of the
stipulations given in the authorisation suo-moto. any dilution without
6 Noted
the consultation and concurrence of the commission shall
automatically invalidate this authorisation.
PHOD shall ensure the compliance of stipulations before running of
7 Noted
the passenger services.
DRM of the division shall ensure the compliance of stipulations before
8 Noted
permitting the running of passengers services in the section.
Date of introduction of passenger services on the line shall be advised
9 Pertains to Operating Deptt.
to the commissioner in due course.
10 Immediate intimation shall be given to commission for :
Compliance of stipulations of this authorisation prior to introduction of
i) Pertains to Operating Deptt.
the passenger services.
Date of introduction of passenger services in the newly constructed
ii) Pertains to Operating Deptt.
List of permanent and temporary speed restrictions imposed in the
iii) newly constructed line on the date of introduction of passenger Pertains to Operating Deptt.


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