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I know Its been a tough start to 2020 for most of you.

It’s been a year full of uncertainty and

now it’s time to bring some certainty back to your life.

It’s time to put together our Game Plan for the next 90 days! Let’s Get to Work!

The Objective: The goal is to ensure you achieve your goals within the next 90 days and
prepare yourself for a successful second half of 2020.

Step 1: The first thing I want you to do is break down all your key goals for the year. I want
you to select the 3 goals and targets that will make the biggest impact in your life - right

These are the 3 targets we are going to hit and execute on over the next 90 days. Don’t
worry about trying to achieve everything or having another overwhelming list of useless
things to do. The 3rd Quarter of 2020 is your chance to focus your energy and get some
significant results.

Step 2: Once you have identified the 3 key targets you are aiming for, you can pull out your
90 Day Game plan which is on page 21 of your Blueprint work book.

I want you to list your top three goals you are committed to achieving and then come up
with the 2 key actions you need to accomplish to make those goals a reality.

If your goal is to get into shape or reach a sales or income target, then you need to develop a
daily task or objective to aim for that will push you towards your desired outcome. I want
you to keep it simple, executable and commit to following through on that task or activity
every day.

Step 3: Now I want you to understand your goals and your objectives and know everything
there is to know about achieving your desired goals. Then I want you to find a way to
implement those goals and their required actions into your daily & weekly game plan! It’s
got to be part of your lifestyle!

Step 4: You have 90 days to achieve your goals or move significantly closer to your target.
But in order to do that you need to measure and track your performance every single day.

Be your own coach! Use your daily action plan to keep you on track and be tough on
yourself. Commit to pushing yourself these next 90 days, this is your chance to take things
to the next level and build some momentum.

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