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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna with

Specific Structure i.e. Circular Patch with

Multiple Fused Rectangular Slot
Himanshu Kumar1, Amitesh Ranjan2, Shailendra Pawar3
1, 2
Scholar (M. Tech, Digital Communication), 3Asst. Professor, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, ALL SAINTS’ College of Technology Bhopal India

Abstract: The accessibility and enlargement in development of economical, less weight, highly reliable
antennas are required for wireless communication, it poses new challenges for the design of antenna in
wireless communication. The micro strip patch antenna (MPA) used for these communications, because
they will provide high frequency and less bandwidth. This paper presents a design and simulation of
Microstrip patch antenna with specific structure i.e. circular patch with multiple fused rectangular slot.
We will also analyse comparison over conventional circular patch antenna near resonance frequency at
2.4 GHz.
Keywords: Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA), specific structure, Patch

A Microstrip patch antenna consists of a very thin patch that is very small fraction of a wavelength fabricated
over conducting ground plane. There is dielectric between the patch and the ground plane. The patch
conductor is generally made up with copper and can be of any shape but for simplification of the analysis, in
this project circular patch will be used. One of the important parameters is relative permittivity of the substrate
that is used. It is so because the relative permittivity is used to enhance the fringing fields. Microstrip patch
antennas primarily radiates because of the fringing fields, this is the field between the edges of the patch and
the ground plane. For better antenna performance, a thick dielectric substrate with a low dielectric constant is
preferred since it provides better efficiency, larger bandwidth, and good radiation. However, the drawback is
a larger antenna size. Thus, design and simulation of Microstrip patch antenna with specific structure i.e.
circular patch with multiple fused rectangular slot, substrate with large dielectric constants is used that is less
efficient and also have narrower bandwidth. Hence a compromise must be reached between antenna
performance and antenna dimension. Here I am presenting the optimized structure of circular patch with
multiple fused rectangular slot which performance will be compared with general circular shape structure.


Fig 1. Microstrip patch antenna with specific structure i.e. circular patch with multiple fused
rectangular slot

Fig 1a. Microstrip patch antenna substrate with dimensional specification

Fig 1b. Microstrip patch antenna upper copper patch with dimensional specification
III. Procedure to obtain proposed Microstrip Antenna
A single element of rectangular patch antenna, as shown in Figure 3, can be designed
for the 2.4 GHz.

Figure 2. Typical Rectangular Patch Antenna

In the typical design procedure of the Microstrip antenna, the desired resonant
frequency, thickness and dielectric constant of the substrate are known or selected initially. In
this design of rectangular Microstrip antenna, a RT Duriod (ɛ r=2.4) dielectric material (with
dielectric loss tangent tanδ of 0.001 is selected as the substrate with 1.6 mm height. Then, a
patch antenna that operates at the specified operating frequency f0 = 2.4 GHz can be designed
by the following steps using transmission line model equations. The Proposed antenna is
quite different to this basic model because the design by the calculated parameters does not
gives satisfactory bandwidth thus to increase bandwidth some slots are cut in the rectangular
patch thus forming different shapes.
Table 1 Design parameter specifications of microstrip antenna.

S. Antenna Parameter Data


1. Desired Resonant frequency (fr) 2.4GHz

2. Substrate thickness (h) 1.6mm

3. Dielectric constant of substrate (ɛr) 4.4

4. Loss Tangent (tan δ) .0013

5. Feeding method Microstrip line feeding

6. Beamwidth Azimuth <100

Beamwidth Zenith <100

7. Polarization Linear

Steps required for calculating width (W) and Length (L) of microstrip antenna with
the help of parameter provided in table above
Step 1. Initially, select the desired resonant frequency, thickness and dielectric constant of the
Step 2. Obtain width(W) of the patch by inserting
Step 3. Obtain Length (L) of the patch after determining.
Figure 3: Calculation of parameter specification of specific structure rectangular patch

With the help of above formulas, we can calculate width W and length L of the
rectangular patch. Now to make this patch of specific shape having different rectangular slot
cut are made in the patch. The microstrip line feeding is used to feed the antenna to provide
Table 3: Parameter for this specific patch antenna

Superstrate Glass proxy (ε r=4.4, H=1.6mm)

Rectangular substrate (Ground) Relative permittivity Width and Length (ε r,W g, Lg

)=(1,28,23) mm
Dimensions of Rectangular patch As shown in figure 1a and figure 1b

Rectangular Shape Slot Parameters As shown in figure 1a and figure 1b

Feed line Parameter As shown in figure 1a and figure 1b

Feed coordinate (0,W 1/2)

Input Resistance of the Patch 50ῼ

IV. Geometry of Proposed Antenna

Figure 3: Geometry of Proposed Antenna

From the table 3 it is possible to obtain the shape of rectangular patch with multiple
fused structure as shown in above figure.
V. Simulation Setup, Result and Discussion

a. Simulation Setup
HFSS 13.0 is the software that is used to model and simulate the designed of
Microstrip patch antenna with specific structure i.e. circular patch with multiple fused rectangular
slot. HFSS 13.0 is an electromagnetic full-wave simulator based on the method of moments.
It analyzes 3D and multilayer structures of general shapes. It has been widely used in the
design of RF/wireless antennas, patch antennas, MICs, RFICs and wire antennas. It can be
used to calculate and Return loss plot, VSWR, current distributions, radiation patterns etc.
For design simplicity of the conventional MSA, the patch’s length and width are shows in the
table 3.

b. HFSS 13.0 simulation procedures:

(1) You create a geometry model and define the appropriate ports.
(2) You run the simulation setup procedure to define the frequency ranges.
(3) HFSS invokes the simulation engine to perform the EM simulation.
(4) After simulation .HFSS file will invoke geometry model to display the resulting s-
parameters, another .EXE as post processor to display the current distribution on the
structure, and PATTERNVIEW.EXE to display the radiation patterns

c. Radiation Pattern Plot

A Microstrip patch antenna radiates normal to its patch surface. The elevation pattern
for Φ=0 and Φ=90 degrees would be important. Figure 4 and 5 below show the 2D radiation
pattern of the antenna at the designed frequency for Φ=0 and Φ=90 degrees.
Figure 4: Radiation Pattern Φ=0 Figure 5: Radiation Pattern Φ=90

In conclusion, it can be seen from the simulation results that, the antenna performs
well at the operating frequency. There is also some deviation from the theoretically expected
operating frequency, the main reason for this is the discretization applied during simulation.
Also from the radiation pattern seen above, maximum of the energy radiated is away from the
user’s head, which guarantees that an acceptable level for the specific absorption rate by the
user’s head can be maintained. But as can be seen from the return loss snap taken from the
simulation, one can see that the whole of the 2.4 GHz band is not covered by the antenna
bandwidth, therefore some work is needed to be done to tackle this.

d. Gain vs. Frequency Plot

In Microstrip patch antenna the gain is between 5-8 dB. In the figure 6 gain versus
frequency graph, at the resonating frequency 2.112 GHz the gain is maximum that is near
about 2.5 dB. At the desired resonating frequency 2 GHz the gain is reduced, and it is 2dB.
Figure 6: Gain versus frequency curve

e. Antenna and Radiation Efficiency

The graph shows the antenna and radiating efficiency in the same plot. At the
resonating frequency 2.214 GHz both the efficiency is very near to 88% that is quite good for
the practical implementation of the antenna.

Figure 7: Graph of Efficiency versus Frequency

f. VSWR Plot

With the help of this the input and output of the signal source are calculated
conveniently. By Maximum Power Transfer Theorem if the load impedance is mismatched to
the input impedance the whole power is not delivered to the load and this is cause of return of
the power in the form of loss and this loss is called the ‘Return loss’. This Return loss
determined in dB as follow
RL = -20 log dB


= =

= Is the reflection coefficient

V0+= Is the incident voltage

V0- = Is the reflected voltage
Zl and Z0 are the load and characteristic impedance respectively.
Fig 8: Gain Versus Frequency Curve
In the process of the designing the rectangular patch with specific patch structure
antenna, there is a response that is taken from the magnitude versus frequency (this graph is
the return loss graph), as shown in figure below.

Figure 9: Return Loss curve

g. Return Loss and Antenna bandwidth calculations:

The results below are obtained after varying the feed location along the length of the
patch from the origin (center of patch) to its right most edge.
A frequency range of 1.0 - 3.0 GHz is selected and 1000 frequency points are selected
over this range to obtain accurate results.
The % bandwidth is given as


We obtained the lower and higher frequencies as given below:

fl =1.598 GHz
fh=2.304 GHz
fr=1.957 GHz
Putting the above values in the equation we get
%BW = 26.186 %
The Return loss can be obtained directly from figure. From Figure 9 the return loss is -31.75.

VI. Conclusion

In this project, work is completed in two parts. In first part a Microstrip antennas will be designed
using HFSS simulation with conventional circular patch structure. After that Microstrip patch antenna
with specific structure i.e. circular patch with multiple fused rectangular slot is simulated.
Performance characteristics of both the shape is analyzed carefully. Initially, microstrip patch antenna
is designed to operate at resonance frequency. After that in second part a simple and efficient
technique of feeding microstrip line feed is used for an impedance matching for improve performance
of the antennas. In third part using different methodology /technique Microstrip patch antenna with
specific structure (circular patch with multiple fused rectangular slot) dimension and parameter is
enhanced without impacting the performance.

In this work we have optimized the basic characteristic of microstrip patch antenna using different
technique in design, different shape of patch, different feeding technique and different type of
substrate use in the design for reducing size and weight and increasing bandwidth, gain etc. Microstrip
antenna is useful in wireless communication, RADAR, WLAN etc. due to their small size, weight,
specific structural compatibility and flexibility. Number of parameters such as bandwidth, return loss,
VSWR, Radiation pattern, can be improved by changing the parameters such as operating frequency,
type of substrate dimensions, feeding techniques etc.


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