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Brachistochrone Problem and it’s real-

life application on architecture

Khola Khan

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The brachistochrone problem, which Galileo hypothesized first and was rediscovered by Johann

Bernoulli in 1697, was among the most important mathematics problems resolved. The word

brachistochrone, which comes from brachistos as a root, means shortest and time chrone, is

the least time curve. This problem is beautiful not only because of its simplicity, but also

because of its many solutions. We see some of the largest mathematical minds striving to learn

more skills for all through this issue. The problem of brachistochrone simply requires that A

reader finds a two-point line. The first postulate of Euclid says that there are two possible joints

always in the straight segment. This section of the line is of course the shortest path on the

Euclidean surface or the shortest distance between two points. What if we want the shortest

path, but the shortest time between the two?

Point A

Point B

Figure 1: Shortest distance between point A & B

Assume it was a perforated line which was able to fly free by negative friction and drag forces

between point A and point B. What curve is such a string to limit the bead journey time with a

steady downward acceleration of force g?

Point A

Point B

Figure 2: The last path of time?

Initially, this question may seem like a simple reduction issue for the reader. Through this way,

all students of calculus understand the influence of calculus. Where a function must be kept to

a minimumf ( x ), the f ( x ) or f ' ( x ) derivative will gives the maximum and minimum points on

f ( x ) when f ' ( x )=0.

Figure 3: Standard usage for identifying min / max points of the first derivative

We first create a formula that uses this logic when a bead goes from A to B.

Traveling time between two points

Enter the entire time travel of the bead

T = ∫ dt

For certain curve y(x), the ball rate could be set instantaneously

Where is the difference in time and distance? Leaving the rearrangement of terms



By the Pythagorean Theorem, for any curved s 2=d x 2+ d y 2, so that

d s 2=√ dx 2 +d y 2

Figure 4: A Tangent Sample Curve

Rearrangement of these terms:

ds=√ d x2 ¿ ¿

ds=dx . √1−¿ ¿

ds=√ 1++ y ' 2 . dx

Next, the bead has to obey the energy legislation. We therefore realize that by contrasting the

bead's kinetic energy with the gravitational potential energy:

U =m. gh

KE= m v 2

U =KE ∴ m. gh= . m. v 2

2 gh=v2

v=√ 2 gh

The distance above x axis is defined as,

v=√ 2 gh

T = ∫ √ 1+¿ ¿ ¿

.∫ √
1+ ( y ' )
√2 g √y
It is obvious that conventional methods of calculations don't apply here when we look at

this equation. It's not only a single point that we want to reduce but a whole family of curves.

The Euler's Method - Calculus of Variations

Although Newton's response to the challenge of Bernoulli was brilliant, the problem became

common by Euler who one night wrote evidence of the problem buildings. This problem led him

to research the determination of variations in Lagrange which is now known as a calculus, to

determine the maximum and minimum functions based on another function or curve. We use

the Euler-Lagrange Equation to resolve their basic Brachistochrone curve in this region. This is

what it says

∂F d ∂F

[ ]
∂ y dx ∂ y '

We replace F with time when applying our equation

√1+( y ' )

So we would assess

∂F d ∂F
∂ y dx ∂ y[ ]
Where P= y '. By assessing partial derivatives, we allow a constant evaluation of the derivative

by the not derived variable. Let's be a constant in our work.

The Cycloid

Bernoulli, Newton, Lagrange and Euler must have shocked them when they come up with the

parametric equations. The cycloid is such a curve that mathematicians spoke fiercely of in the

18th century it was also known as the "Geometer Helen" and it is also described in the curve of

the Moby Dick.

Figure 5: The Cycloid

The cycloid is formed when a pen is connected to the edge of a circle as the circle is moved

forward in an x direction. Therefore, by studying a circle only, for such a curve we are able to

build parameter balances. During the regular cycles equations are x=r cos θ , y=r sin θ , If we

allow the circle to rotate at the bottom of the circle from a clockwise angle t, then for the

change of position, the following equations shall be used:

x=−r sin t , y =r cos t

As the cycloid process shifts into a positive x direction, the motion must be added to the

cycloid's parametric existence. So "t" can specify the number of radians that move around,

∆ x=2 πr .
2 πr

x=−r sin t+ rt

x=r ( t−sin t )

The only correction to be made is in this case, the central portion of the case is believed to be

not at (0, 0) but at (r, r) so that the bottom of the cycloid is located at the x axis. Hence So

y=r−r cos t

y=r (1−cos t )

This equation's similarity to the brachistochrone curve equation is confusing prior to

continuation. The two curves are the identical, and there is no error.

Time to travel resolution

We want to solve the time a cycloid takes to fly at this point, as defined in the above equation.

This shows the rest is here:

1 1+ y '2
T= .∫
√2 g 0 y √ dx

And since the equation changes state:

dy 2 r− y
√ y
Replacing this with the equation for travel time

x1 1+ (√ y ). 1
√2 g 0 y 2r − y
√ y

y=2 r− y

y ( x1 )
1 y
¿ . ∫ . dy
√2 g 2 r− y

y ( x1 )
1 2r 1
√2 g
. ∫
0 √ .
y 2 r− y

y (x1 )
1 2r
√2 g
. ∫
0 √ y (r − y)

Notice that we learn this by the above equation

y=r ( 1−cos t )

This can reorganize the equation for travel time

y (x1 )
1 2r
√2 g
. ∫
0 √ 2 2
−1.[ ( r− y ) −r ]

We understand that by concentrating our attention on the bottom of the fraction:

(r − y)2−r 2=( r−r +r . cos t)2−r 2

¿( r .(1−1+cos t))2−r 2

¿ r 2 cos2 t−r 2

¿ r 2 (cos 2 t−1)

¿−r 2 sin2 t

The integral is therefore simplified

y (x1 )
1 2r
√2 g
. ∫
0 √ −1.−r 2 sin 2 t

y ( x1 )
1 √ 2 r dy
√2 g
. ∫
0 √ r . sint

This equation is replaced with r, t results in

dy =r sint dt

Such that

t ( y ( x1 ) )
1 √ 2 r .r sin t dt
√2 g
. ∫
0 √ r . sin t

t ( y ( x1 ) )
T= . ∫ √ 2r dt
√2 g 0

√ g

Since "t" and "r" are variables for a Brachistochrone curve parametric equation, we can

measure any equation and acceleration as soon as possible for traveling.


Any debate about the importance of mathematical computer technology should possess the

capacity to address more practical applications. We are firmly in agreement and yet a question

is valid only when performed in a vacuum and when we don't know how friction it is! It is

important for students not to leave our classes wrongly due to the situation in which we apply.

Is that an important problem for this? What happens if the Brachistochrone model has kinetic

friction or air resistance? The simulation of Mathematica allows the user to use a frictional

coefficient and see its effect on every curve during the descent period. A typical friction

coefficient is less than or equal to 0,1 and should be denoted as "u." A cycloid ending on (r, 2)

with an average of 3% is slower than a friction-free cycloid. Although kinetic friction seems to

have little influence on travel, the question is still how the form of the fastest curve affects the

friction of the Brachistochrone problem model. Is the cycloid the fastest possible curve? If a

new quickest curve is present, is it the first time steeper or less than the cycloid below or

above? Physical intuition alone can play a key role in answering certain qualitative questions.

The solution used in the kinetic friction has substantial graphic characteristics and a fascinating

cycloid generalization. It is useful to begin by motivating the effects of including friction that

graphical and physical insight suggests. The solution can be derived or simply graphically

presented in the comparison with other curves, depending on the distance level.
The friction force should be proportionate to the normal part and act in the negative tangential

direction of the bead weight. The regular accelerator component also contributes with the

curvature of the path to the frictional force. We usually ignore that part of the friction in our

first discussions and derivative work with students on a differential equation course. Students

know the weight of inclined physical aircraft more and usually this is challenging enough. The

more realistic solution, however, can be graphically displayed and the reason why differs from

the cycloid or the new Brachistochrone by using a simpler friction model can be interesting

discussions. A simplified model introduces some important methodological improvements and

has the added advantage that a solution is found in a preliminary differential equation while the

motion equation remains complete. Let us develop qualitative insight in simple physical

analysis, before proceeding with the solution derivation, that is to say, let us compares the

friction forces against no friction, when we know that the solution shape is a cycloid. The

friction force is less in the steep points of a curve with a negative curvature of zero, with a
vertical tangent to a horizontal tangent of full weight. Since, heuristically speaking, the lessons

learned from the classical Brachistochrone problem are that steepness is primarily important,

this suggests that steepness (versus the length of the path) is given more weight now, and the

optimal curve that still has to have a vertical tangent is little steeper or under the cycloid.

Because the normal speed part is proportional to the square, the opposite would be expected if

the friction model includes the acceleration part. If the steeper starts, the latter part of the path

would have to be curved more quickly.

Example of real life problem on application d solving the area bounded by two curves

Let A and B are two cars on race track.

Let VA(t) and VB(t) is velocity of car A and B respectively.


Area under the curve of VA(t) and VB(t) gives distance between A and b at time t



Distance=∫ ¿¿

The Brachistochrone Problem or Roller Coaster

A rolling coaster ride starts with a motor that carries a train up a steep grade and releases it.

During this stage only gravity is used by the train and the fact that its potential energy is

transformed to film energy when the train drops to a height can be analyzed.

A formula for a trip along any curve y = y(x) which is taken on the rolling coaster track should

not be too hard to extract.

1+( y ' (x))2

√ 2 gy (x )
. dx
Once the y (x) curve is given to the rolling coaster tracks, it can be replaced and its y'(x)

derivative will (hopefully) be combined with this formula. In the absence of theoretical

integration, it can at least be achieved numerically.

Roller coaster Example

The intersection of vertical cylinder x 2+ y 2=4 with the hyperbolic paraboloid

f ( x , y , z )=xy−z =0 may remind you of a roller coaster. ) Create a parametrization r (t ) for the

roller coaster and show that r '(t ) is orthogonal to ∇ . f for all values t.

Given that cylinder x 2+ y 2=4

So x=2 cos t , y =2sin t ,0 ≤ t ≤ 2 π

f ( x , y , z )=xy−z =0


(2 cos t)(2 sin t)

2 sin 2t

Hence parametrization of the intersection part is

r ( t )=¿

r ' ( t )=(−2 sin t , 2 cos t , 4 cos 2 t)

∂ ∂ ∂
∇f= ( xy−z ) i+ ( xy−z ) j+ ( xy −z ) k
∂x ∂x ∂x
∇ f =( y ) i + ( x ) j+ (−1 ) k

¿ ( 2 sin t ) i+ (2 cos t ) j+ (−1 ) k

¿ ( 2 sin t , 2cos t−1 )

r ' ( t ) . ∇ f =(−2 sin t , 2 cos t , 4 cos 2t ) . ( 2 sin t , 2 cos t−1 )

¿−4 sin2 t +4 cos2 t−4 cos 2t

4 ( cos 2 t−cos 2 t )−4 cos 2 t

4 ( cos 2 t ) −4 cos 2t


Hence r ' ( t ) is orthogonal to ∇ f .


Scientists who sit around, seek to think of something to find, are not exploring simple facts.

Instead, new lands of knowledge are created by using challenges and interesting problems.

Some mathematicians find it worth to explore individual fields in full, such as Hilbert, who

mentions the 23rd as "Future creation of calculus of variations" in his 23 namesake problems.

Nevertheless, I must say: more mathematics will be detected by a persistent desire for

curiosity, which is not due to a proverbial discipline student. What taught me the essence of

mathematics during this investigation? I shouldn't focus absolutely on what a textbook feeding

on sponge tells me but rather look at problems to develop my skills elsewhere. During my

"easy" search of Wikipedia one night, I found a range of posting, books, lectures, applications
for the physical world, and other non-traditional information sources, including my father's

commitment to my mathematical teacher, and the determination to create an excellent

project. By this discovery, I understand not nor, but now, more about the parametric equation's

component derivatives and the interconnection analysis computation and geometry. I also

know how to measure the variations in this area. I am not just a university student. During this

research Jarringly, I noticed that a whole week of frustrated head scratching and confusion in

my notes lead to my own deficiencies during conventional compute, misunderstanding of

commodity law and the coordinating law and the chain rule. In fact, when I want to improve my

skills, I will definitely turn to my trustworthy mathematics workbooks, but I will know

something that is one of the honeycombs of the cycloid, and satisfies the curve of tautochrone

too. Does with me want to explore?


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