Philippine Politics and Governance Summative Test No. 1

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Cuyapo National High School

Senior High School Curriculum



Summative Test No. 1
Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Grade & Section: _______________________________________ Score: ________________

Part I. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. Choose the letter of your answers from the box. All answers
should be in capital letters. No erasures.

A. Politics F. Participation K. Modern Stage

B. Political Science G. Accountability L. Transparency
C. Governance H. Manual of Political Ethics M. Niccolo Machiavelli
D. Government I. Effective and Efficiency N. Metaphysical Stage
E. Ideology J. Teodoro M. Kalaw O. The Prince

____________1. It is the crucial requirement of good governance.

____________2. It means that information is freely available and directly accessible to those who will be
affected by such decisions and their enforcement.
____________3. It is a cornerstone of good governance.
____________4. The state was considered as a human institution and it is therefore absolute (can’t be changed).
____________5. The state was deemed capable of being improved by rulers and subjects according to certain
principles and laws.
____________6. The father of modern political science.
____________7. The first Filipino student of politics.
____________8. It is a handbook for rulers in the art of government.
____________9. It covers the sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of he environment.
____________10. The first systematic treatise in political science that give as well thorough understanding.
____________11. The exercise of power, the science of government, the making of collective decisions, the
allocations of scarce resources the practice of deception and manipulation.
____________12. It is defined as the systematic study of political and governmental institutions and process.
____________13. It is basically defined as political statements that aim to call upon massive mass or government
action to achieve a relatively better political and economic condition.
____________14. The instrument for the purpose of governance.
____________15. It is the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or
not implemented)

II. Classify the following Ideologies with their perspectives stated on each item A for Anarchism, S for
Socialism, L for Liberalism C for Conservatism and F for Fascism.

_________16.As the state is inherently evil and oppressive, all states have the same essential character.
_________17. This ideology has contrasting views of the state.
_________18. It rejects the state outright, believing it to an unnecessary evil.
_________19. Sees the state as a neutral arbiter among competing interests and groups in society, a vital
guarantee of social order.
________20. Links the state to the need to provide authority and discipline and o protect society from
chaos and disorder, hence their traditional preference for strong state.
_________21.An ideology that sees the state as a supreme ethical ideal, reflecting the under differentiated
interests of the national community, hence their belief in totalitarianism.
_________22. This kind of ideology links the state to the need to provide authority and discipline and to protect
society from chaos and disorder.
_________23.An ideology that saw the state more as vessel that contains, or tools that serves, the race or nation.
________24.Regard the state as an embodiment of the common good and thus approve of
interventionism in either is social – democratic or state collectivist form
___________ 25. This ideology stressed the link between the state and the class system, seeing as an instrument
of class rule as a means of ameliorating class tensions.

III. True or false.

___________26. Political Science is the study of power and government system.

___________27. Power is not a central concept in political science.
___________28. The study of politics involves a complex process of quantitative and qualitative interpretations
based on available data.
___________29. Aristotle defined political science as the study of people.
___________30. Politics is generally defined as the activity that influences an individual or group of people.
___________ 31. Only government officials have the right to study politics.
___________ 32. The knowledge of politics and governance therefore is a critical attribute of belonging to a certain
___________ 33. Politics is associated with an arena or place, in which case behavior becomes political because of
where it takes place.
___________ 34. Values are people’s assessment of reality and what they hold to be true.
___________ 35. Beliefs are people’s ideas about what and wrong.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure.” ~
General Colin Powell
Good luck!!!!!

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Teacher II (SHS) ASP – II School Principal IV

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