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Exposed by Rick Heizman, July, 2020

Mehndi and its Beautiful Colors

[basically saying the beauty of
[Menhdi means henna, which is a dye from a
plant that women from India to Arabia use to
paint non-permanent designs on their skin, but
it is a code word among militant terrorist
groups for ‘explosives’]

Mehndi is such a chemical substance that in a

matter of thousandths of a second it
transforms itself into 15 thousands times its
own size.

Two things are important in this regard:

Manufacturing: Making Mehndi

1) Employing ways and methods to use Mehndi

There are types of Mehndi manufacturing

1) Compound: This is the Mehndi which is

manufactured chemically. It is difficult, costly,
and time consuming, but it’s more fun.

2) Amezah [means humorous, but in this context

may be a code word]: It is easy to make, it
can be made in less time. There are more
than 500 different formulae to prepare this but
we will only write only the most successful
and experienced formula.

Types of compounds:

1) Mercury filament 2) Hexamine Peroxide

3) Acetone Peroxide 4) Lead Azide

5) RDX 6) C4, C3 7) Nitro Celulose 100

8) Nitro Cellulose Nitric Acid 9) P.E.T. 10) T.N.T.

Use two important things in the
1) Oxidizing Agent

2) Arguing Agent

1) Oxidizing Agent (Oxidant

source) has large amount of
oxygen and emits large amount of
oxygen when it burns.

For example:

1) Potassium Chlorate 2) Ammonium Nitrate

3) Potassium Permanganate

(Potassium Nitrate)

4) Sodium Nitrate 5) Urea Nitrate

6) Hydrogen Peroxide 7) Hydrazine

8) Hydride

2) Arguing Agent (the burning

substance) which contains
carbon and nitrogen.
For example:

1) Sulphur 2) Aluminum powder

3) Diesel 4) Petrol 5) Nitro Benzene

6) Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline)

7) Mobil Oil 8) Wax 9) Clongi

10) Sugar 11) Wood pieces

12) Kerosene Oil 13) Boot Polish

14) Cotten 15) Nitro Cellulose

16) Coal 17) Alucose

18) Glycerine 19) Sand Sulfur

20) Besan 21) Hard Magnet

22) Real Mehndi 23) Samad Bone

24) Ghee (clarified butter) 25) Gadh

26) Honey, and so on, are the arguing agents

Mixture related issues - some

important points:

Note 1) Oxidizing agent and arguing agent

should be mixed in the mixture stepwise or
it will fail.

Note 2) Amount of oxidizing agent should

always be more, and arguing agent less in
the mixture.

Note 3) Do not mix reaction objects in the


Note 4) Urea nitrate should always be used

alone because it reacts with some items in
the mixture and is dangerous.

Note 5) The things that are not arguing

agents should not be put in the mixture as
they are non-burning items and make the
mixture weak. For example: salt, sand, etc.

Note 6) Alcohol, Acetone, Spirit are strong

arguing agents but they fly.

10) Booby traps ie, adapting various ways

of exploding or tearing the infidels such
as when opening doors, applying the
brakes of a car, turning on a light switch,
etc. in which case the explosive will

Mehndi related important points:

1) Sensitivity in explosions of Mehndi due
to any effect. There are different levels of
sensitivity of Mehndi from putting 10 kilo
weight of cement, friction, etc. with some
being very sensitive while some are like
TNT Mehndi which is zero in terms of
sensitivity but is very powerful.

The sensitive and non-sensitive Mehndi


The more sensitive the Mehndi, the less

powerful it will be, and the more powerful
it is, the less sensitive it will be. The
sensitive and the non-sensitive should be
kept separate from each other just like

electrical firecrackers/explosives should be kept away from Sangola [meaning unknown]

2) Mehndi’s Wave
The first realm of Mehndi’s power is called
the Wave.

The laws of Wave:

1) The wave rises at 95 degrees from the

surface of the Mehndi.

2) The angle at which the wave strikes, it

reflects at the same angle. If the wave is
powerful it destroys the object. If it is
weak then it only pushes it or bruises it.

If the object is very hard then the wave

comes back. So if there is a need to destroy a vehicle the landmine has to fit on the part where
the engines is, and if the intention is to kill soldiers then the mine has to fit under the seat.

Here are some more examples of mine


The shape of a mine:

Round shaped mine:

The second shape of a mine:

Thick sheet wall Mehndi

tough wall

If you have to blow up a bridge

long wall

to break

fit mine like this

3) Speed of explosion:

Remarks Explosion Types of Mehndi Serial

speed per No.

8387 metre RDX 1

8387 metre PETN 2

7500 metre Dynamite strong 3

7500 metre Dynamite 4

7700 metre Nitro Glycerine 5

7650 metre ______ acid 6

7630 metre C4 7

7625 metre C3 8

7000 metre TNT 9

5327 metre Lead Azide 10

5032 metre Mercury filament 11

5300 metre Acetone Peroxide 12

4100 metre Hexamine Peroxide 13

optional 4000 metre Black Powder 14

8600 metre Acid violet 15

7800 metre Acid violet 15A 16

6300 metre Nitration 17

And you should know that the more Mehndi one adds the more powerful it becomes.

4) weight, volume, density, element, compound, cube

- Weight: how much force an object is pulled due to gravity is called weight

- Volume: the amount of space an object is is its volume

- Density: the ratio of weight to volume is called density. Being dense means to be compressed.
Weight is measured using a weight scale while liquid volume is measured in litres.

Exposed by Rick Heizman, July 2020


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