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Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________ Score: _________

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the answer that best corresponds to the given question. Write your answer in capital letter
before the number.

1. A scalar quantity that refers to the magnitude of a certain object is called ________.
a. acceleration c. displacement
b. distance d. velocity
2. Complete the Law of Conservation of Energy. “Energy can neither be created nor _______, it will only changes to another
a. destroyed c. transformed
b. changed d. transferred
3. Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. What is the standard unit for acceleration?
a. m/s c. km/min2
b. km/hr d. m/s2
4. Free falling bodies have acceleration due to gravity which is equals to _______ according to Isaac Newton.
a. 0 m/s c.9.8 m/s2
b. 9 m/s d. 10 m/s2
5. Thurston walks 5 m East, he took a rest and walks again 10 m West. What is the total distance of Thurston?
a. – 5 m c. -15 m
b. 5 m d. 15 m
6. The rate of change in Velocity is _____.
a. Final Velocity c. Acceleration
b. Initial Velocity d. Momentum
7. The average speed during the course of a motion is computed using the formula _____.
a. V= d/t c. V= t/d
b. V= dt d. none of the above
8. What is the standard unit of the speed?
a. m/s2 c. kg.m/s2
b. N.m d. m/s
9. P= mv, p in the formula is _____.
a. Impulse c. Projectile
b. Momentum d. Collision
10. The path of the trajectory follows is called _____.
a. Distance c. Range
b. Parabola d. Height
11. Two identical cars are travelling along EDSA. Which of the two cars would have a greater momentum?
a. The slower car c. Both
b. The faster car d. Cannot be determined
12. The constant value of Acceleration due to gravity.
a. 32 ft/s2 c. 9.8 m/s2
b. 10 m/s d. 9.8 m/s
13. When you threw something upward, the maximum height of the thing has a velocity equal to _____.
a. 9.8 m/s c. 0 m/s
b. 9.8 m/s2 d. 0 m/s2
14. Having a two-dimensional motion (horizontal and vertical) of an object is called _____.
a. Circular Motion c. Centripetal Motion
b. Rectilinear Motion d. Projectile Motion
15. The speed of an object in a certain direction.
a. Velocity c. Speed
b. Acceleration d. Displacement

For Items 16-25.

a. Always True b. Sometimes True c. Never True d. True
1. Projectiles always experience a constant-vertical acceleration of 9.8 m/s 2 downward.
2. Vectors are quantities with magnitude only.
3. The greater the inertia in motion, the greater the momentum.
4. Mass and velocity affects momentum.
5. Projectile always maintain a changing horizontal velocity.
6. At the top of the projectile’s flight, there is no gravity that’s why projectile starts to fall.
7. In horizontal dimension, Vx is constant and acceleration is zero.
8. The unit of momentum is N.
9. The standard unit of distance is ft.
10. Kg is the standard unit of mass.

III. Problem Solving. Analyze and solve the following problems and provide your complete solution on the space provided or in a
separate sheet if needed. Choose the correct answer.

1. A car is moving with an average speed of 150 m/s and a total time of 5 minutes, how far does the car travelled? (3 pts)
a.750 m b. 12.5 m/s c. 750 m/s2 d. 12.5 m
2. A biker has an initial velocity of 5 m/s and has a final velocity of 10 m/s in 3 seconds. Determine his acceleration. (3 pts)
a. 1.67 m/s b. 1.67 m.s2 c. 1.67 m/s2 d. 1.67 s
3. A bowling ball has a mass of 5.0 kg and is rolling at a rate of 1.5 m/s. Determine the ball’s momentum. (3 pts)
a. 7.5 kg.m/s b. 7.5 kg.m/s2- c. 7.5 N d. 7.5 Hp
4. A ball is thrown horizontally from a height of 5.0 m with an initial speed of 30 m/s.
a. How long will it take the ball to reach the ground? (3pts)
a. 1 s b. 1.1 s c. 1.010 s d. 1.001 s
b. What horizontal distance from the point of release will it strike the ground? (3pts)
a. 30.3 m b. 303 m c. 3.03 m d. 0.303m
c. What will be the magnitude of its velocity when it strike the ground? (4pts)
a. 31.6 m2/s b. 31.6 m/s2 c. 31.6 m2/2 d. 31.6 m/s
d. At what degree of direction will it strikes the ground? (3pts)
a. 20.21 degree b. 0.33 degree c. 20.21 tan d. 0.33 tan
5. A skateboard is rolling at a velocity of 5.5 m/s with a momentum of 8.5 N.s. Find its mass. (3 pts)
a. 15.45 kg b. 1.545 kg c. 15.45 g d. 1.545 g
6. A motorcycle increases from 12 m/s to 32 m/s. Find the total time travelled if the acceleration is 2.7m/s 2. (3pts)
a. 7.4 min b. 7.4 s c. 0.74 s d. 0.74 min

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