Taller 2 - Presente Perfecto-Blog

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Nombre del estudiante: _______________________Grado: Noveno Curso __ Área: Inglés

Qué voy a aprender Cómo voy a aprender Para qué voy a aprender
-Estructuras del presente perfecto y verbos -Ejercicios de comprensión de lectura. - Hablar de situaciones y experiencias que
- Talleres escritos.
en participio. empezaron en el pasado y continuan en el presente.
- Actividades lúdicas aprendizaje de los
-Extraer ideas principales de un texto escrito.

Competencia(s) Derecho básico de aprendizaje

-En mis redacciones uso el vocabulario y la gramática que conozco con . Identifica el propósito, las partes y tipo de textos en una lectura o
cierta precisión, pero cuando trato temas que no conozco o expreso audio cortos y los comparte con sus compañeros
ideas complejas, cometo errores.
-Leo y comprendo textos narrativos y descriptivos o narraciones y -Expresa su opinión sobre un tema discutido en clase y relacionado con
descripciones de diferentes fuentes sobre temas que me son familiares, su entorno académico.
y comprendo textos argumentativos cortos y sencillos.

1- Read the following text and answer the question

My name’s Albert and I’m a lifeguard. I’ve Answer the questions about the text:
worked here for 4 years and I really love my What’s Albert’s job?
job. I’ve saved some lives and that’s really ______________________________
rewarding. It’s nice to know that my job is
important to keep people safe while they’re Does he like his job? What does he say about it?
resting and having fun at the beach. ______________________________
I also like to know that my advice is useful
to keep people free from being assaulted, How long has he been a lifeguard?
injured or even sunburned. I work from ______________________________
Tuesday to Saturday, from 9 to 5 and rest
two Sundays a month. Twice a month I work What are his work hours?
from 9 to noon because while people rest I ______________________________
have to do my job.
My friends think I should quit and have the Does he work only during the week?
opportunity to rest and go out during the ______________________________
weekend, but I can’t imagine doing anything
else. How many Sundays a month does he work?
Verbs meaning: ______________________________
What are his duties at work?
What do people do while Albert is doing his job?
What does that mean?
What do Albert’s friends think of his job?
Do you know your present perfect time words ?
Fill in ever, never, already
1. Have you ________ seen a ghost? No, I have
_______ seen a ghost.

2. Ghosts and goblins have _________ flown on a

broomstick, because they don’t need one.

3. Has Winnie the Witch ________ cast a spell on you?

4. Winnie has ___________ completed her magic potion

for today- now she is putting it in bottles.

5. The black cat has __________ scared 50 people


6. Has your brother ________ been scared of black

cats. No, __________. He doesn’t think they are bad Fill in for or since
Fill in just or yet 1. Winnie, How long have you been a witch?
7. Hurry up! The Halloween parade has _________
1. Don’t bother me! I haven’t finished creating my new Oh, ever________ I was born – a _________
potion _________. at least 30 years.
8. Have you ________ been late for parade? No, I have
________ been late because I love parades! 2. How long have you know how to cast spells?
2. I have ___________ added frogs’ eyes and bats’
_______ a long time/_______ I was a child
wings to the cauldron.

3. How long have you had a black cat for a pet

3. Look out! I see that the ghosts and goblins have
and a helper?
________ arrived at the haunted house.
_________ many years ________ 1990
4. Are you ready for the Halloween parade ______?
4. How long have you lived in a haunted house?
5. Yes! I have _________ put on my vampire costume. Let’s see- I think _______ I was a baby-
Let’s go! probably ________ many, many moons.

6. Have the spiders finished spinning their webs 5. How long have you been able to fly on a
broomstick? Hmmmm. Oh- I know _______ I was
________ for the Halloween party.
five years old, so that is ________ 25 years.

7. It looks like they have _________ finished spinning 6. How long have you been afraid of bats?
50 webs in all the corners.
Always. Definitely _______ years and years, and
certainly ________ I was a little witch.
8. Frankenstein is here! He has _________ arrived from
the laboratory. Have you seen him _________?
B) Make these sentences negative C) Answer these questions
1.She has prepared for the exam for two 1.Have you ever been to a foreign country?
years. ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... 2Have you ever talked to a tourist?
2. The president has left for Britain.
......................................................................... ……………………………………………….
3.He has gone to the cinema. 3.Have you ever swum across a river?
......................................................................... .........................................................................
4.We have worked on this job for three hours. 4.Have you ever been to the South East of
......................................................................... Turkey?
5.They have done very little work recently. ..........................................................................
......................................................................... 5. Have you ever drunk whisky?
6.The baby has slept for one hour. .........................................................................
......................................................................... 6.Have you ever been late for the classes?
7.I have taught English for thirteen years. ..........................................................................
.......................................................................... 7. Have you ever travelled by plane?
8. It has snowed all day. .........................................................................
......................................................................... 8.Have you ever helped someone?
9.We have lived in Ankara since 1985. ..........................................................................
......................................................................... 9. Have you ever taken a photograph?
10.The boy has brought his ball to school. .........................................................................
.......................................................................... 10.Have you ever eaten chicken for breakfast?

4. Fill in the blanks supplying the present perfect tense form of the
verbs in the brackets

1.I ....................(speak) to her about it several times.

2.We ...............(finish) all our work.
3.He ................(visit) her many times.
4.We ................(see) that film before.
5.They ............................(learn) many new words in this course.
6.I ...................................(be) to Istanbul many times.
7.She ..............................(lose) her dictionary.
8.My cousin .................................(go) to Russia for work.
9.I ......................................(move) into my new flat at last.
10.We ................................(live) in this flat for ten years.

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