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Sports Training Principles

Korey Kasper, MD
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Training means engaging in activity to improve performance Example: A weight lifter can comfortably lift a weight that
and/or fitness; this is best accomplished by understanding used to be a challenge, so she must now lift heavier weights to
general sports training principles: overload, reversibility, pro- continue gaining strength.
gression, individualization, periodization, and specificity.
Description: The modification of training to account for an
Description: The exposure of tissues to greater than accustomed-
athlete’s unique capacity for and response to training (2,3).
to training stress (1,2).
Concept: A training program should acknowledge differ-
Concept: Challenging current fitness/performance levels
ences in an athlete’s capacity for adaptation from that of their
induces compensatory improvements (1). However, excessive
teammates, in order to ensure adherence to training princi-
overload and/or inadequate rest can result in overtraining,
ples for that individual; this capacity is affected by physio-
injury, and performance decrements (2).
logic (e.g., age, current fitness, training history), psychologic
Example: A jogger runs faster than her normal pace with
(e.g., effort, confidence), environmental (e.g., nutrition, life-
hopes of improving endurance.
style habits), and genetic factors (2,3).
Example: The workout program for a freshman quarter-
Reversibility back differs necessarily from that of a senior lineman on his
Description: The observation that withdrawal of tissue football team, based on individual differences.
loading results in loss of beneficial fitness/performance
adaptations (1).
Concept: The body adapts to cessation of a specific ac- Periodization
tivity and inadequate training load with atrophy and fitness/ Description: The planned systematic and structural vari-
performance decrements (1). ation of a training program over time (1,4,5).
Example: A body builder laments his loss of muscular gains Concept: Constant cycling of training variables (activity,
after taking a 2-wk vacation. rest, frequency, intensity, duration) within a training program
each day, week, and month aims to maintain optimal training
Progression stimulus, address changing goals and individual variability,
Description: The gradual and systematic increases in train- and avoid overtraining, injury, and burnout; this is often
ing stress to maintain tissue overload and, thus, provoke con- implemented using microcycles, mesocycles, and macrocycles
tinued training adaptation (2). (training cycles within training cycles of increasing duration)
Concept: As fitness/performance improves with training, as a framework (1,4,5).
training variables (i.e., frequency, intensity, volume) must Example: A lacrosse team’s training program is altered across
be increased to induce further adaptation. Rate of pro- macrocycles to keep adaptations aligned with the varying goals
gression is important; progressing too rapidly can result in of the preseason, in-season, and off-season (2,3).
injury while progressing too slowly will delay goal at-
tainment (2).
Description: The observation that fitness/performance
improves through training movement patterns and intensi-
NCC Military Sports Medicine Fellow, Uniformed Services University, ties of a specific task and fitness type (strength, power, en-
Bethesda, MD durance, or flexibility) (2).
Concept: Incorporating specific tasks of a sport will
Address for correspondence: Korey Kasper, MD, NCC Military Sports
Medicine Fellow, Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, MD 20814; induce neuromuscular and metabolic adaptations to im-
E-mail: prove specific structure, fitness, and exercise economy of
Column Editor: Nailah Coleman, MD, FACSM; E-mail: the overloaded muscle groups (4). Training should be direct- ed at improving the fitness/performance of a sport’s distinct
key components.
Current Sports Medicine Reports Example: While power athletes should train power and
Copyright * 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine endurance athletes should train endurance (e.g., swimmers Current Sports Medicine Reports 95

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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96 Volume 18 & Number 4 & April 2019 CAQ Review

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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