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1. Open oss terminal through ica client.

2. Type shmgui and then enter.

3. Below SHM windown will be open
4. Go to backup
5. Select the lte node .

6. go for create backup and click on start button present at right side.
4. We can select immediate or scheduled backup , perform click OK.

5. to export backup
6.backup file store in below path at OSSadmin or master oss server

7. For scheduling and export the backup , you can select below option . Backup will be scheduled
on daily basis and will be export
to /var/opt/ericsson/smrsstore/CORE/CommonPersistent/Backup/RadioNode/CGBYZ05L in
master OSS path.
8 for backup restoration. login BB node in MASTER/Admin OSS and import the backup by command ,
ftput filepath/filename
9. Now you can reload the node on imported CV by command “cvre cvname”

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