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1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer

Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of


Do Ngoc Diep

November 28, 2019

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Representation of numbers on a computer
Review of Calculus

F =
cos θ + µ sin θ
F = Newton force, µ = coefficient of static friction, m =
mass of the block, g = gravitational constant,

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Representation of numbers on a computer
Review of Calculus

Example 1.1. pendulum

P Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Representation of numbers on a computer
Review of Calculus

Setting: P¯ 2
1. Governing equation: F = −cL dθ dt
− mg sin θ = mL ddt 2θ
Initial condition θ(0) = θ0 and dθ |
dt t=0
= 0.
d 2θ dθ
2. Method of solution. ML dt 2 + cL dt + mg θ = 0.
θ0 = 5o , sin θ ≈ θ + some error.

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Representation of numbers on a computer
Review of Calculus

decimal number: 60, 724.3125 = 6 × 104 + 7 × 102 + 2 ×

101 + 4 × 100 + 3 × 10−1 + 1 × 10−2 + 2 × 10−3 + 5 × 10−4 .
Example 1.4

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Representation of numbers on a computer
Review of Calculus

Example 1.5.

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Representation of numbers on a computer
Review of Calculus

Underesflow and Overflow

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions Round-Off Errors
Computers and Programming Trancation Errors
Review of Calculus Total Errors

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions Round-Off Errors
Computers and Programming Trancation Errors
Review of Calculus Total Errors

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions Round-Off Errors
Computers and Programming Trancation Errors
Review of Calculus Total Errors

Taylor’s series expansion:

x3 x5 x7
sin(x) = x − + − + ...
3! 5! 7!
x3 x5 x7
sin(x) = x − , E TR = − + ...
3! 5! 7!
Remainder formula
f (x2 ) − f (x1 ) = f (k+1) (ξ)(x2 − x1 ).
(k + 1)!

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions Round-Off Errors
Computers and Programming Trancation Errors
Review of Calculus Total Errors

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Write a computer program in C,C++, Pascal, MATLAB,

Python to compute the value of π up to n term. Example:
X 1 1 1 1 1 1
π=4 (−1)n−1 =4 1− + − + − + ...
2n − 1 3 5 7 9 11

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Limit of a function at a point limx→x0 f (x) = L

Continuous function on a set X

limx→x0 f (x) = f (x0 ), ∀x0 ∈ X
Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors
1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Convergent Sequence
limn→∞ xn = x ⇐⇒ ∀ε > 0, ∃N = N(ε); ∀n ≥ N, |xn − x| < ε.
If f is a function defined on a set X of real numbers, x0 ∈ X ,
then the following statement are equivalent:
a. f is continuous at x0
b. For any sequence xn → x0 in X , lim f (xn ) = f (x0 ).

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

If the function f is differentiable at x0 then f is continuous at
x0 .

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Geometric meaning of derivative.

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Rolle’s Theorem

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Intermediate Value Theorem

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Riemann Integral

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

An Example of Pseudo-code

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

1.1 Presentation of Numbers on a Computer
Errors in Numerical Solutions
Computers and Programming
Review of Calculus

Home Works

1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.10, 1.18, 1.19, 1.21, 1.30

Do Ngoc Diep Topic 1. Introduction in the theory of errors

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