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Project: EcuTalk2
Module: Relase Notes
Description: This module contains the main changes between the releases.


Copyright 2008 Knorr-Bremse SfN

All rights reserved.

EcuTalk2 platform uses some free external libraries.

- XercesC (XML parser,

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

- CInt (Free C/C++ interpreter,

- STLPort (Free portable STL implementation,

- ZLib (Free Zip library,


- Added RP1210ProtocolParams to device params of RP1210.CDD. (DR195139/DR195222)

- Fixed creation of EDF index file.

- Fixed Online, Offline commands in demo mode (DR177093)

- Added dll name checking to GDS3500_Server.EXE, GDS3500.DLL and GNA2200.DLL are
allowed for interface dll name.

- Added more languages to install.

- Fixed packing progress of KBPAcker.EXE.
- Added examples to help of KBPacker.EXE.

- Added pcLogPassword to SInit struct for log encryption. (DR170221) See help for
more information.
- Replaced EdfPacker.EXE with KBPacker.EXE.
- Added log file pack/unpack feature to KBPacker.EXE.
- Fixed help section of EncryptData, DecryptData.
- Fixed Test section of TestEcuTalk.EXE.
- Added EnableUDSKeepGoing protocol parameter to OverCAN. See help for more

- Added GetEdfNodeXml to EcuTalk.DLL interface. (DR169780)

- Fixed default "DriverPath" of TestEcuTalk.EXE.

- Fixed reinserting synchronization byte in UDIF.CDD.

- Modified TestEcuTalk.EXE according to new DiagPlatform interface.
- Fixed cached result handling in GetEdfNodeElements, GetEdfNodeAttributes.

- Changed parameters of CmdDetectComponent (eOption is eliminated, pnDetectedByCom

and pnDetectedByMeas replaced with pnDetected).
- Renamed Edf parser methods, new methods: GetEdfNodeElements,
GetEdfNodeAttributes, GetEdfNodeText
- Eliminated methods from EcuTalk.DLL interface:
- GetChannelDevices
- GetLoginCount, GetLoginName
- GetStringTableCount, GetStringTableName, GetStringTableItemCount,
- GetComponentCount, GetComponentName, GetComponentPartCount, GetComponentPart,
- CmdDetectComponentPart
Use GetEdfNodeElements, GetEdfNodeAttributes, GetEdfNodeText instead.
- Added range support to StringTable in EDF and EDF2. (DR163443)
- Set CAP_MANAGE_TIMEOUTS capabilty if protocol is cpOverCAN in GNA2200.CDD and

- Implemented long ECU answer handling in GNA2200.CDD and GDS3500.CDD. (DR133504)

- Added GetNodeElements, GetNodeAttributes, GetNodeText EDF parsing methods to

EcuTalk.dll interface. (DR162745)

- Added EDF2 reference to EcuTalk2 API help.

- Replaced ECUTalk2 texts with DiagPlatform in install. (DR154509)
- Added chance to set protocol parameters by comm. device (ProtocolParams).
- Fixed cdd close progress after calling of Offline. (DR152455)
- Fixed OverCAN.CPD according to UDS standard (Sending a TesterPresent request if
the client is waiting for a response to a previous request). (DR154453)
- Added SeparationTime argument to OverCAN protocol.

- Eliminated deadlock in EdfProxy. (DR148589)

- Added OnOpenProgress event to GDS3500.CDD and GNA2200.CDD.

- Fixed special character (&, <, >, ", ') handling problem in demo mode (DR145960).
- Rewritten INI file handling. It greatly improved updating EDF index file.
So, opening platform is much faster.

- Fixed initstring parameter checking in MeasIniPlugin.MDDP. (DR145765)

- Eliminated UDSoverJ1587 request filter from EcuTalk.DLL.
It's not available from EDF files via RequestFilter any more.
- Added eDevice parameter to CmdOnline and CmdOffline.
eDevice defines which device will be sent into online/offline.
See EDeviceType for more information in help.
- Added device connection checking in the main functions of GNA2200.MDD and
- Fixed MddOnline and MddOffline calling in CmdOnline and CmdOffline. (DR145380)
- Fixed extended frame handlig in KWP2000.CPD according LKN specification.
- Fixed help according to default value of protocol retry count of J1587.CPD.

- Set the default value of protocol retry count to 0 in J1587.CPD.

- Extended protocol retry for devices with CAP_MANAGE_TIMEOUTS capability (eg.
when communication is timed out. (DR141313)
- Added CmdOnline and CmdOffline to EcuTalk.DLL interface.
See help for more information. (DR141280)
- Added Online and Offline to communication, measurement, protocol drivers
interface. (DR141280)
- Modified test applications according to new online and offline features of
- Check free disk space before logging.
- Fixed ACK sending in OverTP20.CPD.

- Fixed getting EcuID.

- Fixed GetChannelInfo in EcuTalk.DLL. (DR141013)
- Eliminate confusing error code display when request exception arise. (DR140981)
- Modified ping message (0E 01) in OverTP20.CPD (embended KWP).
- Fixed multisection frame handling in KWP2000.CPD (DC customization).
- Fixed log losing bug.

- Fixed CalculateCrc, and DecryptData interface methods.

- Eliminate dll dependency from EdfPacker.exe, IniFileGenerator.exe,

- Eliminate EdfPath, EdfRecursive, EdfIndex global options.

- Eliminate pcEdfPassword, bEdfRecursive members from SInit struct.
- Added InitEdfFiles to interface of EcuTalk.DLL. It's mandatory to call it after
See help for more information.
- Fixed error handling of MddObject during loading process.
- Allowed relative path for log file (pcLogFile) in SInit struct.

- Added EdfRecursive, EdfIndex to global options. Options can handle with

SetOptions and GetOptions.
See help for more information.
- Fixed comm. interrupt detection with USB-RS232 converter (DR135366).
- Fixed special character caused error in demo mode read/write. (DR46844)
- Added CalculateCrc method to EcuTalk.dll interface.
- Modified encrypted EDF file header. New header contains four CRC bytes of
- Adde -pw commandline parameter to IniFileGenerator.exe.
- Removed EcuTalk.ini. Logging is enabled if SInit->pcLogFile is not empty
otherwise disabled.
See help for more information.
- Modified interface of Initialize method of EcuTalk.DLL. Initialize has a new
parameter list,
It expects SInit struct. See help for more information.
- Added pcEdfPassword member to SOpen struct. See help for more information.
- Added -pw commandline parameter to EdfPacker.exe to identify password
for EDF file packing/unpacking.
- Added EncryptData, DecryptData, FreeData methods to EcuTalk.dll interface.
- Fixed "case sensitive" bug in sorting of filtered EDFs at opening.
- Fixed crc calculation of EDFs.
- Fixed comments of SOpen struct in API doc.
- Fixed stop comm process in GDS3500.CDD and GNA2200.CDD.
- Added GDS3500/GNA2200 RTL initialization failed log to GDS3500.CDD

- Added WM_CLOSE message handling to GDS3500 server.

- Increase DisconnectTimer according to retrycount of protocol driver.
- Fixed GDS3500_server.exe to disconnect from GNA/GDS automatically
even if application is crashed.
- Fixed group opening feature of EDF2.
- Fixed OpenProgress event.

- Fixed fire of process events (OnOpenProcess/OnOpenFailure) during group opening

of EDF2.
- Fixed group opening feature of EDF2 when communication device is not defined at
- Fixed 5 baud reset in UDIF.CDD. It was called to late.
- Fixed handling of KWPDC extended frames in KWP2000.CPD.

- Fixed group opening feature of Edf2 files.

- Fixed MddGetConnectorStatus in GDS3500.MDD and GNA2200.MDD.
Adding interval for checking resistance value.
- Fixed UDIF detection in GDS3500 server.
Running UDIF detection when VIA is not in the system caused problems in VCL
Now detection runs only when VIA is there.
- Fixed EDF file opening order. EDF files will be open in order that given in
- Removed ClearSignalTimeout from JED677.CPD.

- Set default value of RoundTripTimer to 1000ms in KWP2000.CPD.

- Set ClearSignalTimeout to 12ms in JED677.CPD.

- Fixed log of channel information.

- Fixed error code handling of ReceiveData in GDS3500.CDD and GNA2200.CDD.
- Changed default time interval of RoundTripTimer from 1000 to 2000 in
- Fixed message resending if RetryCount parameter of protocol is greater than 0.
- Fixed handling of KWPDC extended frames in KWP2000.CPD.

- Improved start/stop of GDS3500 server. Reload settings ini file at start,

release GDS3500.DLL/GNA2200.DLL at stop.
- Added Windows Installer 2.0 redistributeable into setup.
vc_redist.exe requires Windows Installer 2.0 but it is only available on XP or
This installer will run on Windows 9x,ME,NT4,2000

- Fixed GetBugReport contents "multiplying" bug in EcuTalk.DLL.

- Added bytecode compiler limitations of CInt to "CINT Limitation" in EcuTalk2
- Extended log of ServGetParam, ServGetParamByName, ServGetParamId with values of
- Fixed Xerces fatal error (UTFDataFormatException) caused by special characters
in a string parameter.

- Fixed serial port opening error during communication device autodetection

- Fixed handling of stuck messages in J1587.CPD.
- Added RetryCount parameter to protocol drivers.
- Enhanced KWP2000.CPD with handling of "Routine Busy" ECU response.
- Modified JED677.CPD according to UDIF Wabco communication.
- Fixed delete method of temporary dll files (CInt, EdfProxy).
- Fixed component detection error when P_CommDetection attribute is empty in EDF2.
- Fixed PingInterval setting in ISO9141_1.CPD, ISO9141_2.CPD, ISO9141_3.CPD.

- Fixed synchronization in C++ script executing.

- Implemented interval change of RoundTripTimer when ECU response is pending in

- Fixed temporary copy creation of EdfProxy.dll.

- Fixed handling of service sent via EdfProxy.

- Enhanced EdfProxy interface with ExecuteViaQueue for service execution via
service queue.
- Implemented ISO9141_KB91.CPD for KB91A ECU
- Updated error code table of GDS3500 server.
- Fixed twice firing OnMeasEvent
- Extended GDS3500/GNA2200 capability according to used VCL driver.
- Fixed GDS3500/GNA2200 frame handling bug in OverCAN.CPD (EmbeddedIES).
- Improved device capability handling.

- Added MergeCddInitString and MergeMddInitString to supported options of

ChannelOptions in SOpen struct.
The aim of these options is enable/disable initstring merging.
- Fixed restarting RoundTrip timer if ECU respond consists of multi-frame
when protocol is KWP2000 DC.
- Fixed handling timing parameters response in KWP2000.CPD when timing value is
- Modified click actions of tray icon of GDS3500 server.
- Fixed avoiding multiple instance of property window of GDS3500 server.
- Fixed tray icon popup menu problem of GDS3500 server.

- Fixed bug in advanced log of RP1210.CDD.

- Fixed avoiding multiple instance of GDS3500 server.

- Fixed VIA detection problem in GDS3500 and GNA2000 drivers.

- Fixed disconnection problem when PingInterval=0 on a protocol.
DisconnectTimer will not start when parameter PingInterval=0.
This change will effect for ALL protocols.
- Properties window of GDS3500 server is redesigned.
- Advanced log is implemented for GDS3500 server.
- Reduced roundtrip timer to 500 ms in KWP2000.CPD.

- Added version information in EdfPacker.exe and IniFileGenerator.exe

- Fixed ISO9141_3.CPD. TesterAddress is used as TypeId.
- Added newly implemented protocols into protocol list of UDIF.CDD (ISO9141/3 and
- Final solving VIA detection problem. GDS3500 and GNA2000 drivers.

- Greatly optimized UDIF detection (no UdifType=CableUDIF required for quick


- Speedup UDIF detection when UdifType=CableUDIF parameter is given.

- Extended SChannelInfo with pcEcuID and pcCableName.Release version chagned to
- Increased roundtrip timer to 1000 ms in KWP2000.CPD because of the slow GDS3500.

- Fixed VIA detection in GDS3500.cdd and GNA2200.cdd

- Fixed message length customization of KWPDC protocol.
Removed ConstMsgDataSize protocol parameter. Use Customization=DC instead.
- Fixed StartComm message handling timeout.
- Fixed StartComm message processing of ISO9141-KB protocol.
- Tester present timing reduced by 20% for all protocols.
- SensorCAN.CPD driver implemented (beta version)

- Support of LogAPI parameter, now it can be added to InitString of RP1210 and

drivers to log every call of functions that are provided by underlying native
driver. Default
value is false, in this case only the errors are logged.
- RP1210 driver was enhanced to support J1939 transport protocol.
- The platform user is now able to initiate abort more frequently during the
opening process.
The progress notifications also come more often.
- KWP2000 protocol driver fixed, StartComm and upcoming Access Timing Parameters
request are
now separated correctly.
- CSimpleXml and CStringList classes were added, they are available from script
(EDF V2 only).
- Fixed UDIF detection for older UDIFs where ping command has not implemented yet.
Before Sw versions 1.10q.

- Reading hardware and software numbers has to succeed! Implement those EDF
procedures carefully and check the older implementations as well! (EDF V1 only).
- Important change (V1 only):
If the current access mode does not match any of required modes for a request,
the platform tries to change to the first mode only! Further access modes in the
list of "needed access modes" are ignored! This means that the head element of
the list
has to be carefully selected for every request! Some existing EDF files might not
with this release none the less it work with previous releases.
- CAP_MANAGE_EXECUTION and CAP_SYNC_WORKING unused capabilities were eliminated.
- Getting values of read parameters, that have default value, was not working
and it was fixed.
- ERR_ECU_ABORT error code returned whenever the ECU aborts the communication.
- PingInterval and Timeout have become initialization parameters of all protocol
- Fixed COM port timeout handling in UDIF.CDD. It could freeze the platform when
is suspended during sending.
- CEdfProxy was extended with Natural to Native conversion capability (EDF V2
- Changed naming in the classes used in script like: CByteArray, CString. (EDF V2
Method names now start with capital letter, as it is prescribed by the Coding
Review EDF V2 files !!!
- JED677 protocol finalized.

- From among the consecutive error frames VectorCanCardX driver logs only the first

and the last frame that let it avoid the uncontrolled growth of the log file.
- Collective opening functionality added (EDF V2 only).
- Fixed missing error codes in error table
- UDSoverJ1587 filter will not send tester present messages in demo mode.
- Log lines have been extended with channel identifier.
Changed Log callback method. So, release no. increased.
- Message validation fixed in KWP2000 (Nobody used that message format till now
- CString has been enhanced with numeric conversions (EDF V2 only).

- Introduced JED677 protocol (still beta)

- Fixed dimension factor of LowPassFilter in GDS3500 and GNA2200 measuring driver
- Smarter message handling in SAE driver for better handling of fast "response
messages. (EDF V1 only)
- UDS over SAE patch: if abort response received then the whole sending process is
repeated (max. 3 times). (EDF V1 only)
- Changed EDF and EDF2 schema to except not custom measurent units

- ExecuteRequest method of CEdfProxy has changed in order to simplify the

processing of
the returned result (EDF V2 only).
- CEdfProxy fires events whenever the status of communication changes. Only one
at a time is supported (EDF V2 only).
- Proc_OnScriptLoaded() optional callback can be added to script (EDF V2 only).
- CTimer class added, available from script (EDF V2 only).

- New log levels were introduced in ELogLevel enumeration: llScript and

llDebugger (EDF V2 only).

- Script debugger is improved with protection against re-entrancy (EDF V2 only).

- P_MeasDetection attribute of ComponentPart nodes is now functioning (EDF V2
- CMeasPoint class provided to implement measuring related functions in EDF script
(EDF V2 only).

- Detection of components by communication was implemented in EDF V2.

- CString, CByteArray, CService and CContext provide much more reasonable
about their content (EDF V2 debugger).

- Demo driver fixed to support multiple responses with the same message identifier.
- Script engine notifies about any script error through debugger interface (EDF V2
Added SEvents.pOnDbgCommandError.
- Ping message of J1587.CPD protocol driver becomes optional.

- BDS 2006 compatibility revised and updated.

- Further improvements in EDF v2.

- EDF2 faq improved (but not yet finished).

- Code forced to become ANSI C/C++ compatible (except of external libraries and
Win32 part of CommonLib)
- Support of Borland compiler is discontinued.
- Pending request handling corrected in UDSoverJ1587 filter.

- Fixed access violation with invalid EDF

- Improved EDF2 documentation
- Added CmdDetectECU method into EcuTalk.dll
- Fixed EDF2.xsd

- Introduced EDF2 support (beta stage)

- Changed EcuTalk interface.
- Added SetOptions/GetOptions and SetChannelOptions/GetChannelOptions
- Changed SOpen and SEvent structures
- Handling response pending replies in UDS over SAE filter. (EDF1 only)
- UDS over SAE filter sends ping messages to keep alive the embedded UDS
session. (EDF1 only)
- Binary field type introduced in EDF. The value is formatted as hexa string,
like: "FE00AC".
- Added 50 baud initialization in UDIF.CDD. This resets UDIF before opening.

- Demo mode of UDS over J1587 corrected.

- Delay after startcomm increased in RP1210 driver. Issue is still under
- Parametrization of demo drivers changed. They are not compatible with
previous EcuTalk.dll-s, but these changes do not affect EDF files.
- From now on dynamically linked C Runtime libraries are used.
- Added vcredist_x86 setup into platform setup.

- Values of parameters specified by user won't be overridden during service

execution. (Bug introduced with version
- pcCableName member of SOpen has been removed. From now on a single cable
specification is allowed.
- J1587 protocol driver improved to support PingInterval parameter.

- OverTP20 protocol driver created

- EdfLib refactored, in order to support the next generation of EDF schema.
- pcVendors member of SOpen structure was removed.

- Multisession message handling bug fixed in J1587.cpd.

- Device driver level ping messages introduced in RP1210.cdd

- Changed enum ECommProtocol (caused increasing release number)

- Increased in buffer size of UDIF.CDD
- RP1210 driver was enhanced to support PLC transport protocol.
- RP1210 driver was enhanced to support CAN transport protocol.
- Message filtering capability added to requests. UDS over J1587 message
filter created, to support North-American version of TEBS6.
- Several unnecessary platform warnings were eliminated.

- Changed message block response handling in all protocol.

(This fixed handling invalid startcomm responses)

- GNA2200/GDS3500 harmonization to VETxxx drivers

- New functions (EDF_ExecCommProc and EDF_SetParameter) are now available
from EDF script.
- Improved message sending in protocol drivers. Messages without response
and standalone responses are now supported.
- KWP DC supports extended answer string reading DTCs.
- Protocol drivers can report the response to Start Communication.
- Support responses without message id

- Value checking bug fixed, that caused communication error in demo mode
(bug occured in version only).
- CRT memory manager configured differently to reduce heap fragmentation.
- Optimized CIni class

- Improved OverCAN.cpd to support IES over CAN.

- Correction on parameter handling. Now a named parameter within context of a
service always reflects the latest value, even if both read and write parameters
were specified with the same name.
- Positive and negative responses with the same message id are now supported.

- Aware usage of some Xerces methods to avoid excessive memory allocations.

- VectorCANCard driver is logging error frames.
- Fixed problem when crypted edf content is passed in SOpen.pcEdfData.
Added new member of SOpen.nEdfDataLen which gives the size of pcEdfData.

- Fixed Option.SampleRate range problem in GDS3500.mdd and GNA2200.mdd

- Bug report extended with ECU hw. and sw. version info.
- GetBugReport can retrieve information about all opened channels, if it is
called with channel handle set to null.

- Forced deleting parameters from memory after open or close method in

- Setting FIFO buffers to low(1) in UDIF.CDD.
This setting solves some serial communication problems with UDIF.
- Reduced open retry count in UDIF.CDD for faster detection.

- Added new PingInterval parameter for OverCan.CPD protocol driver

which can overwrite the default tester present timing.
- Fixed cable line name/mpin resolving issue
- Removed EVoltageType param from GetVoltages
- Fixed GetVoltages measurement.
- Added automatic cable selection when cable is not defined in EDF.
Cable selection will work only when one cable defined for the MDD in EDF.

- Fixed frequency measurent in GNA2200.MDD and GDS3500.MDD

- Fixed strtol conversion issue (0xxx was coverted as octal number)
- Fixed open problem on GNA2200.CDD and GNA2200.MDD

- More precise timing between consecutive CAN frames in OverCAN protocol

- Fixed UDIF.CDD reconnection problem.

- More robust service handling. You can free a service even if it is still under
because the ServFree() cancels the execution automatically. The ServCancel()
synchronized, so it returns only when the cancelling is completed.
- Fixed CommDemo.cdd problem that caused occurence of invalid parameters after

- Fixed UDIF.CDD problem that caused invalid message response

- Adding extra logs in EdfObject
- FriendlyName attribute of requests introduced.
- OverCAN protocol driver can handle TimeBetweenFrames parameter received in
initstring. Negative values of this parameter are ignored. The 0 or positive
values set the time between two consecutive frames sent, regardless of timing
prescribed by flowcontrol message.
- Added GetChannelDevices for getting devices section in EDF file
- Added GetComponentPart for getting information about component parts in EDF
- Elliminated GetComponentPartName. Part name now returns in GetComponentPart.
- Default enum value is supported now. When undefined value is received
from then ECU then the default value is used instead of error.
- Now platform supports multiple positive resoponses. So, you can define more
positive responses in EDF file.
- ThreadTimer supports small (even 0) intervals in CommonLib.

- Added WaitAfterInit parameter for UDIF driver.

- Fixed OverCAN.CPD. It stopped communication at multiframed messages.

- Fixed UDIF driver. Now, "B00 ALIVE" message is accepted.

- Added pcFriendlyName in SParam. FriendlyName also added in the schema of EDF

- Autodetection sends OnOpenFailure event when autodection process returns with
- Added ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_ECU error code. It returns whe autodection process returns
with failure.

- EDF files are removed for DiagPlatform release. EDF files will come with
- IniFileGenerator tool added (SDK only).
- GDS3500 handles CAN with built-in UDIF only.

- calculator now supports @ and $ characters in variable names.

- Yet another fix of multisection messages in OverCan.cpd

- Fixed UDIF.cdd synchronization problem

- Fixed multisection messages in OverCan.cpd

- EcuTalk interface was extended with GetVariable() method.

- A new function become available in EDF scripting, that provides logging service.
To use it, add the following line to script, inside of extern "EcuTalk.dll" {...}
void EDF_Log(const char* pcLogData);
- From now on CpdStartComm is declared successfull only if the first ping message
returns with success.
- Signed/Unsigned problem at Variables solved.
- Fixed UDIF reconnecting problem

- New subnode type CommCondition is added to CommProcedure node. From now on

several CommCondition
and CommCommand nodes can be added in any order to a CommProcedure node.

The Condition attribute of the new node must contain a logical expression. This
expression may refer
to variables and context parameters using their name prefixed with $ character.
Any constant used in
expression must be enclosed in double quotes. Example: $SEED!="0"

Evaluating the condition the execution is continued on either Then or Else

subtree. Both of these
nodes may contain a subtree similar to CommProcedure node.

- New attribute called Script was added to CommCommand node. If the Request
is empty then the value of this new attribute is treated as a function call.

- Added cpTransparent in UDIF.CDD

- Ecutalk interface was enhanced with AddEvents/DelEvents funtion pair to provide

for more than one listeners to platform events.

- CDll wrapper class extended with a new Setup function for initializing the class
with a dll handle.

- New functions become available in EDF scripting, that provide access to global
and context parameters. To use them, add the following entry to script:

extern "EcuTalk.dll" {
int EDF_SetVariable(const char* pcVarName, const char* pcVarValue);
int EDF_GetVariable(const char* pcVarName, char* pcVarValue, int*
int EDF_GetParameter(const char* pcPrmName, char* pcPrmValue, int*
pnPrmValueSize, int* pnPrmValueStatus);

- if VAR_SENT_DATA and VAR_RECV_DATA variables exists then they are automatically

updated with adequate hexastrings (e.g. FAC1330A)

- Bug fixed related to negative number handling in EDF fields of integer type.

- Another bug with nested records was fixed.

- Demo mode: INI plugin now adds entries to INI file for requests without
parameters too.

- 32 bit sized Integer fields caused 'division by 0' during INI file generation.
- Improved TEBS6_UDSoverCAN.edf
- Nested records problem fixed.

- Fixed OverCAN.cpd timing problem

- Changed behaviour of using Open->pcEdfData. When it is not NULL and not equal ""
then EdfData is used.
- Fixed GetChannelInfo always returns EdfName if it is given in Open.
It returns the full path of the openned EDF file.
When EdfData is used in SOpen then content of EdfName is stored but not used.

- Discontinued Visual Studio 6.0 support

- Added ABS8_UDSoverCAN.edf
- Added GNA2200.CDD and GNA2200.MDD drivers
- EDF variable handling bug fixed.
- SParam structure is extended with nValueErrCode field. Whenever the SParam
is updated with ServGetParam then the new field indicates the validity of
- Demo driver: If a request does not have adequate INI section, then it is routed
to raw messages section.

- Automatic string padding (you can specify values for string typed
fields with length shorter than prescribed one) in following cases:
- write parameters
- read parameters in INI file:
- GetParamById inteface method added.
- Getting request feature added.
- GetErrorText new method added.
- Negative response status forwarded to upper levels.
- Escape sequence support added to string typed fields.
The following escape sequences are supported:
- \n = new line,
- \r = carriage return,
- \t = tab
- \\ = backslash

- Resolution of DateBin and TimeBin mask is changed from bytes to bits.

- Capability to get available access modes is added.
- Demo driver crash on invalid field values of type record or array fixed.
- TestData section added to EDF files of Gamma ECUs.
- Some minor bugs fixed in EDF files of EBS ECUs.

- At EDF conversion you can pass EDF variables to script functions. For example:
ToNative="@Compute_Keyword(X, $VAR_MESSAGE_SIZE)"
- EDF validation performed only at first time when the Platform meets that file.
This leads to 3-5 times faster Open process.
- Several bugs fixed in CommDemo driver.
- Reduced memory consumption of CommDemo driver. The demo driver does not build
the DOM tree any more, because it is initialized with a pointer to the DOM tree
built by the Platform.

- Fixed minor promblem in access mode changer

- Allows formula in Field/Value
- Added Field/Group handling
- New event in SEvent (OnEdfFailure)
- New extended SParam structure
- Extended SParam structure
- Added VAR_DATE and VAR_TIME variables maintained by the platform.

- CmdMessage bug fixed.

- Added Public property to requests and fields of request data and positive
Default value of this property is true. Name of public entities must be unique.
unique names are logged. SParam is extended with Public field as well.
- Binary date and time issues fixed.
- TEBS6 and C Interpreter conflict fixed.
- Fixed UDIF.CDD timeout problem
- Added Group property for fields. So, SParam is extended with the Group as well.
- Fixed demo mode problems
- Fixed returning field unit value

- Add dynamic validity check of EDF. It is called after a successfull

Open, but only it logs the detected issues. It checks field name dupplications
- Changed CommDemoPlugin intreface for supporting native messages.
Changed IniPlugin to support native messages. (see section [Raw messages])
- Fixed HiBitFirst and HiByteFirst in all ABS6 Edf files.
- Changed documentation.
- Introduced functions for accessing StringTables.
- Introduced EAC1_J1587_RVI.edf with basic functionality.
- Added CmdMessage for supporting native message sending.
- Added support of default values of response fields.
- Wait for StopComm response removed, due to lack of response in ISO 9141-2.
- Better handling of message counter in ISO 9141-1.
- Enhanced reponse detection in SAE J1587. From now on the protocol driver does not
examine the content of proprietary messages, the first proprietary message
received from ECU is accepted as reponse of last sent proprietary message.

- Protocol SAE J1587: Less severe control on proprietary messages that query a

- Updated EDF files: Gamma2E, Gamma2P, Gamma3E

- Exception eliminiated in CommDemo, that was thrown if size of a parameter depends
- Protocol SAE J1587: Correction of code that handles proprietary messages.
- Protocol SAE J1587: Now any response unblocks the message queue if the underlying
driver has CAP_MANAGE_TIMEOUTS capability.

- XML creation is changed to use Xerces.

- Introduced new EDF files:
EU12, EBS 2.1, EBS 2.2, Gamma 2E, Gamma 2P, Gamma 2M, Gamma 3E
- Changed setup
- Changed schema: HiByteFirst=True by default

- Fixed CommDemo.cdd GetInfo issue

- Updated TEBS6_UDSoverCAN.edf
- Fixed misspelling in the document

- Added variable bit order handling of protocol (HiBitFirst)

- Made HiByteFirst global for the whole protocol section
- Increased EDF format version to
- Added EDF format version by the schema.
- Updated A18,ABS2x,BOSCH1,KB92 EDF files for the new schema.
- Fixed instability of ISO9141.cpd and GDS3500.cdd

- Fixed log
- Improved KB92 EDF files
- Added ISO9141/2 and ISO9141/KB support of UDIF.CDD

- Fixed the syntax of XML samples in EDF FAQ

- Fixed EDF schema max occurence of Document and TestData
- Fixed ServGetParamID
- Imporved ABS6 EDF files

- Compiled with MS VS 2005

- Improved documentation
- Fixed 4 byte integer problem in EDF
- Better parameter checking on EcuTalk.dll interface
- Improved TEBS6_UDSoverCAN.edf

- Harmonized GDS3500.cdd to reconstructed VCL driver

- Request filtering bugs were eliminated
- Every module uses statically linked CRT.
- Optimizations to eliminate references to unnecessary system dll-s
- Added C/C++ scripting support to EDF processor.
- Fixed GDS3500 server problems
- Changed EDF schema. <script> <documents> <testdata> added
- Buggy behavior of EdfObject due to misspelled variable name was corrected.
- Improved ABS6 EDF files
- Improved TEBS6_UDSoverCAN.edf
- Added new member pcEdfData in SOpen struct of EcuTalk.h
- Added new member MddOpenParams in SOpen struct of EcuTalk.h
- Changed demo dirvers to get XML and XSD data instead of file names

- Freeing pending services at closing channel

- Fixed AV when closing channel and pending services exist
- Fixed returned error code values
- Fixed CommDemo for requests were no fiels are defined
- Fixed CommDemo driver bug
- Fixed connection monitoring
- Changed interface of CddRecvDataFunc to better error handling

- Fixed retry handling

- Added safety guard around notification calls. The guard traps and logs any
exception thrown by listener application.
- Extended OnServiceCompletition by a new argument, that contains an error
code if status indicates failure. If the error code is ERR_OK, then the
failure is caused by a negative response.
- Added ServGetStatus interface method. The status and error code of an
executed service is available through it.

- Added Protocol\RequestFilters section in EDF.XSD

- Fixed GDS3500 server problems
- Fixed CommProc parameter handling
- Added param conversion routines (NativeToNatural and NaturalToNative)
- New OpenParam for UDIF (UdifType) to force opening specific type of UDIF.
- Fixed message splitting in KWP2000
- Added pOnOpenFailure to SEvent structure in EcuTalk.h
- Added new rewritten protocols (All protocols are rewritten now)
- OverCAN which supports KWP over CAN and UDS over CAN.
- ISO 9141/2
- ISO 9141/3
- ISO 9141/KB

- Finished EDF documents

- Fixed NULL pointer exception in protocols
- Added new rewritten protocols
- Transparent
- ISO 9141/1

- Fixed EcuTalkApp to use static RTL.

- First step of protocol reconstruction. The following protocol drivers were

rewritten and now they base on the new architecture:
- KWP2000
- KWP over CAN
- SAE J1587

- Limited log lines to 1000 in GetBugReport

- Access mode changing bug fixed.

- No Xerces.dll is used. It is statically linked into the modules.

- Fixed UDIF version checking problem

- Fixed memory reading problem in KWP2000 that caused exceptions.

- Added Exception.log file for getting information about crashed threads.
- Fixed ping timer to be stopped before calling stop communication (All protocol)
- Fixed SAE J1587 packed message handling

- Fixed new versioning in release compilation.

- Added new versioning.

- Fixed minor bugs in drivers.

- Minor issue in EcuTalk.dll fixed.

- Release section of MSVC project files updated.

- Fixed UDIF that reponse DXX is also accepted, not only D00.
- Fixed ECU response medley.

- Fixed string comparision in EcuTalk.dll

- Fixed message validation in J1587 protocol.
- Added file logging capability (configurable from EcuTalk.ini)
- Fixed RES file problem during batch build

- Added bug report feature

- Appling code review

- First beta release

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