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Lamia Anzum
Assistant Consultant, PPCG
What is operation bulletin?
• The method of preparing operation list in a
sequence is called as operation bulletin or
operation breakdown.
• The sheet of listed operations of a style is also
known as operation bulletin.
• This sheet contains operations names,
machines name to use for doing specific
operation and estimated time to do each
operation for one unit.
Why operation bulletin is important?
• An operation bulletin is one of the primary IE
tools. An OB helps to set a production line
with correct number of machines and
• Operation bulletin is a vital tool of industrial
engineering which is used to machine layout
planning, line balancing, remove the
bottleneck and the total number of worker
and helper needed for garment production.
What is Operation Breakdown in
Garment Industry
• Each garment is constructed by number of
stitching jobs and non-sewing jobs. Jobs or
activity involved in making a garment is known as
operations. In industrial garment manufacturing,
prior to making the garments, the sample is
studied and list of required operations for making
the approved design are made. The operations
are written in a sequence of actual process flow
to be followed while making the garment in the
shop floor.
Benefits of making an operation bulletin

• We get a daily production target.

• We reduce bottleneck from the sewing line.
• We get the exact machine number that required for
• We get the total number of worker and helper for
garment production.
• We do line balancing from the operation bulletin.
• We do machine layout from the operation bulletin.
• The operation bulletin also helps to remove the
bottleneck of the production line.
• Because we get the proper idea about the machine and
worker needed for every operation of a garment.
How to make operation breakdown for
garment industry?
Operation breakdown is a primary tool of industrial
engineering .It helps to set a production line with correct
number of machines and manpower. For making operation
breakdown in apparel industry below steps have to follow :
• Step 1: Preparing an OB format.
• Step 2: Collection of correct Sample
• Step 3: Making operation breakdown for the sample
• Step 4: Define machine for each operation
• Step 5: Enter SMVs for each operation
• Step 6: Calculate production per hour
• Step 7: Calculate number of machines
• Step 8: Calculate theoretical manning
• Step 9: Calculate machine summary
Step 1: Preparing an OB format.

• You need a computer with a spreadsheet

(Excel sheet) to make this format and to do
calculations quickly.
• On the header add details like style, Buyer,
Order Qty. etc
Which type of work and information
are recorded in an operation bulletin?
• Target production daily or hourly.
• Overall SMV (Sewing SMV and non-SMV).
• Engineer Name who prepared Operation Bulletin.
• Description of procedure.
• Description of the machine.
• Overall SMV at 100% Efficiency.
• No. of machines calculated.
• Production estimated per hour per unit.
• All comments on making the garment.
• Summary list of machines.
• No of operators and helpers
Step 2: Collection of correct Sample
• Once you have OB format ready collect your
style (reference sample). When you collect a
sample from sampling room or merchants
make sure that you got approved sample, or
you have to do rework later.
Step 3: Making operation breakdown
for the sample
• Look into garment construction in details. To have
better understanding first break garment into
parts (like a collar, front, back etc.). Then list
down operations in your notebook according to
the section you made. Once you have listed all
operations cross-check with garment again and
visualize that if all operations are done as per
your list you will get an exactly complete garment
as per your sample garment. Now enter
operations in your format (computer
spreadsheet) as per sequence to be performed in
Step 4: Define machine for each
• Based on seam type used in a style you may
need to use different types of sewing
machines for different operations and manual
workstations. Select one machine and enter
into the sheet against each operation. Also,
enter name and description of attachments or
folder or guides if needed for an operation.
Step 5: Enter SMV for each operation

• This step is the most critical in term to get

accurate SMV. You have to find SMVs by
conducting time study or existing database.
Step 6: Calculate production per hour
• Calculate production per hour at target
• Formula used for calculating production per
• Calculated Production/Hour @ target
efficiency = 60/Operation SMV @ target
Efficiency .
Step 7: Calculate number of machines
• To make a garment as per your target you
need to install a sufficient number of sewing
• Calculated Machine number =operation SMV /
Step 8: Theoretical manning
• THI is calculated to find out the no of worker
required for operating the process.
• THI formula =(process S.M.V X total
manpower)/total S.M.V
• You will get fraction number of required
manpower (with decimal) in this calculation.
So, add a number of manpower manually
round figure for no. of manpower.
Step 9: Calculate machine summary

• At the bottom of the OB add one table for

machine summary. This table will help you to
quickly find how many actual machines are
required for each machine types. In this table
add formula to calculate machine summary
automatically when you enter the number of
Important formula required for making
operation bulletin

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