DOH PPT On Covid19 23 April 2020 PDF

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Guiding Principles

of COVID-19 Response
As approved in the 25th IATF

Department of Health, Philippines

Strategic Directions

National Action Plan GUIDING PRINCIPLES for “new normal”

1. Whole-of-government, whole-of-system, whole-of society
approach shall be espoused in the fight against COVID-19;
1. Science shall inform decision-making at the institutional and
individual level;

ISOLATE 1. Recognizing limited resources, response shall be guided by fair

and transparent priority setting;

1. In the event of any conflict of rules or guidelines, human

TREAT dignity and the safety and needs of the individual shall prevail.

Strategic Direction for “new normal”

National Government -enabled

Local Government Unit -led
People-centered COVID-19 Response

Department of Health, Philippines

Revisiting roles in NG-enabled, LGU-led approach to
people-centered COVID-19 response

● National Government
○ Assess landscape, develop national plans, policies & strategies,
set safety and efficacy standards, enable building capacity,
measure/monitor progress, evaluate effectiveness

● Local Government Unit

○ Stewards of local health systems, primary responders to the
public health emergency, implement calibrated and people-
centered response including primary to tertiary care in an
integrated and coordinated manner
Revisiting roles in NG-enabled, LGU-led approach to
patient-centered COVID-19 response

National government National government Local government

policy and strategy implementation and

Interagency Task National Task Force Local government

Force through NGAs through Task Groups units

Strategies Enforcement of strategies

Main Guidelines Roll out plans Implementation
accountabilities Standards Resource mobilization Service delivery
Impact monitoring Operations monitoring

Guidelines for the COVID-19
Response in LGUs
As of April 21, 2020

*Science is evolving for the novel coronavirus*

COVID-19 Must Know: Case Classification

With Exposure
No 1. With travel history from a place with local transmission
Exposure 2. Close contact with a probable or confirmed case

Suspect (to be tested/awaiting results)

Non-COVID Probable (inconclusive results/test can’t be done)
Confirmed (tested positive)

COVID-19 Must Know: Case Identification (RT-PCR)

Prioritization List
With Exposure
- Subgroup A: Patients or healthcare
With travel Close contact workers with severe/critical symptoms,
history from a relevant history of travel/contact
with a probable
place with local or confirmed - Subgroup B: Patients or healthcare
transmission workers with mild symptoms, relevant
history of travel/contact, and
considered vulnerable
- Subgroup C: Patients or healthcare
With Med workers with mild symptoms, relevant
symptoms High Priority High Priority
Priority history of travel/contact (once with
8000 capacity)
No Not
Low Priority Low Priority - Subgroup D: Patients or healthcare
symptoms Priority workers with no symptoms but
relevant history of travel/contact (once
> 8000 capacity) 8
COVID-19 Must Know: Case Identification

RT-PCR* Rapid Antibody Test Kit

Diagnosis ● Symptomatic Individuals (Due to limited ● Should NOT be used for diagnosis. Prone to
capacity and because viral load of false positive results because because
symptomatic patients are high enough to immunity may result from infection from a
render results accurate) non-COVID virus
● Subject to repeat testing if patient tests ● Can be used for subgroup D (least priority for
negative and results worsen (less priority RT-PCR test)
compared to those who have not been

Discharge ● No need ● May be discharged upon clearance by

attending physician, positive test to follow.

Determination of ● No need ● Can be used to determine full recovery if

full recovery asymptomatic patient tests positive for IgG
(regardless of IgM result)

*All RT-PCR tests regardless of result should undergo 14-day isolation upon testing

COVID-19 Must Know: Isolation & Quarantine

With Exposure
No 1. With travel history from a place with local transmission
Exposure 2. Close contact with a probable or confirmed case

Usual care Isolation: Needs medical attention/symptom management and
symptoms monitoring by a medical personnel

No Quarantine: Needs monitoring to (1) take action as needed for

N/A possible onset of symptoms, and (2) ensure restricted movement by a
non-medical personnel of the BHERT

(a) Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.
(b) Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.
COVID-19 Must Know: Case Management Principles

● First line of defense: individuals & households

○ Routine disinfection, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, social distancing

● Second line of defense: primary care providers (BHERTs, BHWs, GPs)

○ Whenever possible, minimize face-to-face contact (through TELEMEDICINE)
between the patient and the healthcare provider

● Third line of defense: facilities (TTMF, step-down care, hospitals)

● Referral network ties everything together

○ Organized by provinces and cities; linked to regional hospitals & SNLs
○ Maintain two pathways: COVID and non-COVID

COVID-19 Must Know: Facility Based I/Q

Facility-based quarantine and isolation shall be the first option

● General term: Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities (DOH DM2020-0123)
● Home-based quarantine and isolation can be done if with capacity for own bed and toilet

Types of Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities

Facility type Case type Accommodation arrangement

PUM, Suspect, For PUM/Suspect/Probable

Probable, ● Individual rooms with individual toilets and showers
CENTER (LGU) Confirmed ○ Especially for suspect and probable cases

MEGA LIGTAS COVID- Suspect, Probable, ● In cases where this arrangement is not feasible
19 CENTER (NG) Confirmed ○ Beds (3) feet or one (1) meter apart on all sides
○ Toilet/shower facilities disinfected after use
COVID-19 LEVEL 1/ Recovering
For Confirmed:
● Cohorting 12

COVID-19 Must Know: Contact Tracing

No Cases Sporadic Cases Clustered Cases
Implementation Preparation for Rigorous Contact Rigorous Contact Continued Contact
of Contact Contact Tracing Tracing Tracing Tracing
Tracing ● Assigning of ● Conduct active ● Conduct active ● Prioritize contact
contact tracing case finding and case finding and tracing in newly/
teams listing of close listing of close lesser affected areas
● Preparing contacts contacts ● Prioritize tracing of
necessary ● Trace, profile, ● Trace, profile, high risk close
resources assess all close assess all close contacts (high-risk
(transportation, contacts contacts exposure contacts,
medical and office ● Test high risk ● Test high risk health workers)
supplies, close contacts close contacts ● Synergize with other
communication measures such as
lines, etc.) physical distancing
Current vs Future Information Flow for Contact Tracing

Ladderized Webbed

COVID-19 Must-Know: Recovery


Clinically-resolved For reintegration to

Recovering Fully Recovered
symptoms the community

Can be discharged without Completed 14-day Secured a certification

Can be referred to a lower
IgG (sent to a TTMF, step- facility/home based from the CHO/MHO/
level facility upon
down facility, or home) isolation and, tested positive Quarantine Medical
clearance by the attending
upon clearance by the for validated IgG Officer facilitated by
attending physician. the BHERT

● Current policy: no need to test negative for RT-PCR prior to discharge

● RT-PCR is not the standard to determine recovery from the virus.
COVID-19 Must-Know: Financing


Only protocol-based testing (following prioritization) will
be covered by PhilHealth.
COVID-19 Testing Testing center Technical support
Test kits If testing was not paid for by DOH and the test kit used
CAPEX was not donated:
PPE Php 8,150.00/test
If testing was not paid for by DOH but the test kit used
was donated:
Php 5,450.00/test

If testing was paid for by DOH and the test kit used was
Php 2,710.00/test

Community-based CIUs Technical support Php 22,449.00/isolation cycle (min 14 days, unless
Management CAPEX otherwise indicated*)
COVID-19 Must-Know: Financing


Hospital-based COVID-19 Level Technical support If with mild pneumonia in elderly or with co-morbidities:
management 1/field hospital CAPEX Php 43,997.00
COVID-19 referral If with moderate pneumonia:
hospital Php 143,267.00

If with severe pneumonia:

Php 335,519.00

If with critical pneumonia:

Php 786,384.00
COVID-19 Must Know: Handling of Remains

For referral facility/hospital deaths Attending physician/ duly authorized personnel to tag cadaver
Tagging of cadaver For deaths outside of referral Local Health Office to tag cadaver

Designation of funeral service All LGUs to designate through MOA

providers/ crematorium
1. Surviving spouse
2. Nearest kin
Charging of expenses for 3. LGU of residence of deceased or next of kin
funeral services 4. LGU where patient expired
(in order or priority)
*if indigent or kin is classified as vulnerable, disadvantaged, or in crisis situation, LGU shall shoulder
expenses and DSWD to defray excess costs

If with living spouse/next of kin Spouse/next of kin to coordinate with funeral service provider to
transport from hospital to burial site/crematorium
Transport for burial
If unclaimed LGU to secure transportation, retrieval, and transfer to funeral
service provider

COVID-19 Must Know: Handling of Remains

Disposal Upon the discretion of the spouse or next of kin whether the remains are
For Claimed
(shall be done buried or cremated. No public viewing of the deceased shall be allowed.
within 12 hours of
death) Method of disposal by priority:
1. Cremation
For Unclaimed 2. Double-sealed casket burial
3. Double bag burial
4. Freezer (for temporary storage)

1. Hygiene preparations of body (e.g. cleaning of body, trimming,
For those with Islamic Faith
shaving, embalming) shall not be allowed
2. Wrap in tightly sealed cloth with double bag for burial

COVID-19 Must Know: Ensuring Data Privacy

Access Level Data that may be shared Scope Purpose

- Trends For health education

Public National
- Aggregates and promotion

Implementers - Individual-level data For local operations

Within jurisdiction
(facilities, LGUs) (internal) planning

- Individual-level data
National National For national planning

Re: concerns on contact tracing,

1. Patient reporting of all fields is mandatory to implementers and national agencies
2. Non-patient identifier information may be used such as location, movement, places
3. Patient identifiers are name, address, and birthday. The main patient identifier shall be the
PhilHealth Identification number and the name.
4. Releasing patient identifiers to public for contact tracing is option of last resort and should 21
OBJECTIVE Four Point Strategies
Provide an operational framework
for Local Government Units (LGUs)
to execute their public health

functions in accordance with the

four (4) point strategies of the DOH
to fight COVID-19 and in relation to

the implementation of ECQ.



Department of Health, Philippines


The overall objective of the ECQ from a

public health perspective is to reduce
human-to-human transmission of the
COVID-19 virus such that case
numbers decrease over time.
Given that a vaccine or a cure for the virus has not
yet been discovered, the main challenge is to
ensure that transmission rates are consistently
decreased through NON-PHARMACEUTICAL

Department of Health, Philippines

The four major strategies are a. Increase resilience
targeted to address the overall i. Promote healthy lifestyle
objective of ECQ: ii. Take care of vulnerable population
b. Stop transmission
i. Wear mask
ii. Practice handwashing
iii. Risk-based travel restriction from areas
with transmission
c. Reduce contact rate
i. Physical distancing is enforced in all
LGUs to make sure that infected people
do not spread the virus to uninfected

Department of Health, Philippines


The four major strategies are 2. DETECT and 3. ISOLATE

targeted to address the overall a. Contact tracing allows LGUs without
objective of ECQ: sustained community transmission to
maximize containment of the virus without
massive disruption to essential economic
b. Enhancing testing capacity enables LGUs to
accurately identify infected people, allowing
them to conduct contact tracing, physical
distancing, and triaging;
c. Enhancing isolation capacity enables LGUs
to isolate those with symptoms to ensure no to
minimal exposure to other non- COVID-
exposed individuals

Department of Health, Philippines


The four major strategies are 4. TREAT

targeted to address the overall a. Enhancing Medical Management capacity
objective of ECQ: allows LGUs to manage cases appropriately,
reducing infectivity and mortality.

Department of Health, Philippines


LGU Epidemic
by the SubTWG on Data
Analytics - EpiMetrics

Epidemic Phase Recognition Initiation Acceleration Deceleration Preparation

Risk Level Low Moderate High High Low

Indicator > 30 day CDT and 7-30 day CDT or < 7 day CDT or 7-30 day CDT and > 30 day CDT and
< 30% Critical care 30-70% CUR > 70% CUR 30-70% CUR < 30% CUR
Utilization Rate following
(CUR) Deceleration

Department of Health, Philippines

Critical care Utilization Rate

<30% 30-70% >70%

>30 days Initiation Acceleration
Case Initiation
Doubling 7-30 days Initiation Acceleration
Time Deceleration

<7 days Acceleration Acceleration Acceleration

Department of Health, Philippines

Each LGU (Province or City (HUC, ICC) level) shall be able to:
* Universal Health Care network classification

a. Determine the risk level and recommended action

■ Cases doubling time
■ Critical care utilization rate
■ Risk classification determines aggressiveness of response

a. Determine needs for health system capacity and preparedness

■ Interventions to be delivered for the local health system

a. Monitor short-term performance and long-term planning


Department of Health, Philippines

ECQ Decision Tool Components
Component Category Indicator/s

Epidemiological Cases 1) Absolute number

classification 2) Trends

Testing capacity 1) Tests per day

Health system Infrastructure and 1) Isolation beds, ICU beds

capacity equipment 2) Ventilators: Availability, utilization, % of max capacity

(vs projected need, Community quarantine 1) Availability

vs max capacity) and isolation facilities 2) utilization, % of max capacity

Human Resources 1) Availability, 2) distribution

Socio-economic 1) Local government funding requirements

Level of
2) Available funds for COVID response
preparedness of
LGU to implement Level of Security 1) Personnel ; 2) Quarantine Control Points/ popn
lockdown 3) Number of violations/ incidents

City COVID-19
Tactical Groups
All Tactical Groups must be
chaired by the Local Chief
Executive and shall have at
the minimum:

Department of Health, Philippines

Dashboard with the ff.
Information will be
developed: Indicators
● LGU risk classification
● Number of suspect/probable/confirmed cases, and
growth rate of cases over time
● Incidence rate
● Case fatality rate

Should the data become available, the ff. will also be

● Case clusters
● Number of tests conducted

Department of Health, Philippines

Dashboard with the ff.
Information will be
Health System
developed: Indicators
● Name, location, contact numbers, occupancy status
of COVID-19-designated referral hospitals
● Community isolation units, emergency transport
services, and telemedicine apps
● Total number and occupancy rate for the ff
○ ICU beds with and without negative pressure
○ Isolation rooms
○ Ward beds for COVID patients
○ Mechanical ventilators

Department of Health, Philippines

Dashboard with the ff.
Information will be
Supply Chain
developed: Indicators
Total number on hand and projected need for
PPE equipment
● Face shields
● Gowns
● Goggles
● Gloves
● Shoe covers
● N95 and surgical masks
● Head covers

Department of Health, Philippines

Dashboard with the ff.
Information will be
HRH Indicators
developed: Total number of HRH dedicated for COVID-19 patients
● Medical doctors
● Nurses
● Respiratory therapists
● Mechvent operators
● Clinical laboratory scientists

Department of Health, Philippines

“New Normal”
What’s Inside
Premise 1
Principles 2
Key Components 3
Settings 4

Department of Health, Philippines

Premise of the “New Normal”
1. ECQ prolongs the peak and stalls the increase of
COVID-19 cases in our country.
2. ECQ buys time for the health system to prepare and
respond appropriately to the COVID-19 health situation.
3. Estimated infection rate (R0) decreases from 2 (1 person
infects 2 other people) to 1.5 with the implementation of
the ECQ. Lifting the ECQ may mean more infected
4. Lifting the ECQ is inevitable but must be done
gradually as not to strain our health system.

Department of Health, Philippines

Key Components of the “New Normal”

1. Reduce Vulnerability: Healthy lifestyle

2. Reduce Transmission: Handwashing
and proper hygiene, cough etiquette,
regular disinfection, and use of
appropriate personal protective

Department of Health, Philippines

Key Components of the “New Normal”

3. Reduce Contact: Physical distancing, reducing

personnel, reducing face-to-face contact and limiting
travel to essential activities
4. Reduce Duration of Infection: Early identification,
referral, and management mechanisms
5. Governance and Accountability: Organizational
policies and investments

Department of Health, Philippines

Setting: Home
Obj 1: Reduce Obj 2: Reduce Obj 3: Reduce Obj 4: Reduce Obj 5:
Vulnerability Transmission Contact Duration of Governance and
Transmission Accountability
• Healthy diet • Hand hygiene • Stay at home • Manage mild • Head of household
• Hydrate • Disinfection • Practice physical symptoms at home to set up house
• Exercise • Extra caution for old distancing • Call BHERT for rules (handwashing,
• Talk to friends and and with comorbids severe symptoms cleaning and
peers • Proper ventilation disinfection, etc)

Department of Health, Philippines

Setting: Offices/Workplace
Obj 1: Obj 2: Reduce Obj 3: Reduce Obj 4: Reduce Obj 5:
Reduce Transmission Contact Duration of Governance &
Vulnerability Transmission Accountability
For employees: For employees: For employees: For employees: For employers:
• Healthy diet • Practice hand hygiene and • Work from Home • Subject to physical • Adopt WFH policy
• Hydrate cough etiquette (WFH) arrangement examination • Adopt policy for
• Exercise • Ensure use of face mask and • Practice physical • Manage mild healthy lifestyle at
• Talk to friends PPEs (when necessary) distancing symptoms at home work
and peers • Encourage use of personal • Call BHERT for severe • Provide necessary
office items and avoid sharing symptoms PPEs and health
• Providing
For employers: For employers: For employers:
temporary housing
• Disinfect rooms and facilities • Offer WFH • Employees with
• Make hygiene facilities arrangements symptoms should stay if possible
available • Avoid mass at home • Ensuring
• Maintaining proper ventilation gatherings • Isolate and Refer effectiveness of
medical team
• PPEs (when necessary) employee exhibiting

Department of Health, Philippines

Obj 1:
Obj 2: Reduce
Obj 3: Reduce
Obj 4: Reduce
Duration of
Obj 5:
Governance &
Vulnerability Transmission Accountability
For teachers, For teachers, students & other staff: For teachers, For teachers, students, For employers:
students & other • Avoid borrowing items students & other and other staff: • Adopt SFH policy
staff: • Hand hygiene staff: • Physical examination • Adopt policy for
• Healthy diet • Face mask • Study from Home • Manage mild healthy lifestyle in
• Hydrate • Stay at home if experiencing (SFH) symptoms at home school
• Exercise symptoms arrangement • Call BHERT for • Implement sick
• Talk to friends • Practice physical severe symptoms leave policies
and peers distancing • Consider lifting
perfect attendance
For school administrators: For school For school
• Teach preventive measures administrators: administrators:
• Include handwashing in schedules • Offer SFH • Individuals with • Cross-train staff
• Make hygiene facilities available arrangements symptoms should • Providing
• Maintain proper ventilation • Provide learning stay at home temporary housing
if possible
• Disinfection opportunities with • Refer individuals
• Ensuring
• Maintain clean environment less contact exhibiting symptom
• PPEs (when necessary) • No mass effectiveness of
gatherings medical team

Department of Health, Philippines

Setting: Places of Worship
Obj 1: Obj 2: Reduce Transmission Obj 3: Obj 4: Reduce Obj 5:
Reduce Reduce Duration of Governance &
Vulnerability Contact Transmission Accountability
For all: For religious followers, volunteers and For religious For religious For employers:
• Healthy diet staff: followers, organizations and • Adopt policies
• Hydrate • Do not share religious items and food volunteers, and followers: encouraging
• Avoid physical contact and wiping of staff: • For severe preventive
relics • Attend services symptoms, contact measures
online BHERT • Create patient
• Maintain 1 meter • Offer alternatives referral plans
distance for high-risk • Ensure medical
populations personnel
For religious leaders and organizations: For religious
• Communicate risk of attending leaders and
• Encourage use of face mask organizations:
• Make hygiene facilities available • Encourage
• Maintain proper ventilation online mass
• Disinfection attendance
• PPEs (when necessary) • Minimize
• Modify practices (communion, hugging, physical
offertory, etc) interactions

Department of Health, Philippines

Setting: Transportation
Obj 1: Obj 2: Reduce Transmission Obj 3: Reduce Obj 4: Reduce Obj 5:
Reduce Contact Duration of Governance &
Vulnerability Transmission Accountability
For all: For commuters: For commuters: For commuters and For employers:
• Healthy diet • Use sanitizer • Do not travel if staff: • Adopt WFH
• Hydrate • Use face mask unwell • Manage mild policies (when
• Exercise • Avoid touching face • Practice physical symptoms at possible)
• Use tissue distancing home • Set up flexible
• Report overcrowding • Call BHERT for work hours
For drivers/transport operators: For transport severe • Implement flexible
• Disinfect operators: symptoms leave policies
• Maintain good ventilation • Use floor/seat • Provide PPEs
• Provide hygiene products and markings
equipment • Limit passengers
• Use face mask • Manage
• Use payment boxes passenger

Department of Health, Philippines

Setting: Food and Dining
Obj 1: Reduce Obj 2: Reduce Obj 3: Reduce Obj 4: Reduce Obj 5:
Vulnerability Transmission Contact Duration of Governance &
Transmission Accountability
For customers: For customers: For customers: ● Temperature For employers:
• Opt for meals with ● Use sanitizer ● Plan orders to minimize checks ● Work from home
variety: Go, Grow & ● Physical distancing: when exposure ● Check policy
Glow! ordering food or dining-in ● Mind the cue inside employees for ● Flexible work
• Less sugar, salt and ● Do not remove your mask ● Opt for take-out or symptoms hours and
fatty orders when ordering. Make deliveries if possible ● Staff who are schedules
• Water > Sweetened yourself audible. ● If dining-in, finish meal sick should ● Limit number of
beverages ● Sanitize table immediately stay home employees in a
● Avoid touching public ● Avoid sharing meals, ● Assist shift
spaces dips, and eating utensils employees and ● Provide home
● CLAYGO customers on arrangements
getting medical ● Provide PPE to
help if needed staff at work
For management: For Management: For Management:
● Provide healthy ● Availability of ● Take-outs or deliveries
options handwashing stations and ● Limit people inside the
sanitizers establishment
● Physical distancing ● Physical distancing for
● Disinfection people dining in
● Discontinue salad bars,
buffets and the like
● PPE for crew
Department of Health, Philippines
Setting: Grocery/Market/Food Retail
Obj 1: Obj 2: Reduce Obj 3: Reduce Obj 4: Reduce Obj 5:
Reduce Transmission Contact Duration of Governance &
Vulnerability Transmission Accountability
For management: For customers: For customers: ● Temperature For employers:
• Provide healthy • Use sanitizer • Plan your shopping list checks and • Adopt WFH policies
options • Use face mask and avoid • Maintain physical assessment of (when possible)
touching face distancing (Follow symptoms • Set up flexible work
• Practice cough etiquette marks on the floor) ● Restriction on hours
• Avoid touching items • Postpone shopping if symptomatic • Implement flexible
• Disinfect bought items establishment is customers and leave policies
• Wash reusable bags crowded employees • Provide PPEs
● Provide • Providing
instructions on temporary housing
For management: For management:
• Ensure availability of • Regulate the number where to get if possible
handwashing stations of people medical attention • Ensuring
• Disinfection of store • Minimize quantities of effectiveness of
• Discontinue self-service of foods put on display medical team
ready-to-eat foods • Provide large visible
• Air PSAs signages
• Use of PPEs for employees

Department of Health, Philippines

Setting: Hotels, Inns, and
Obj 1: Obj 2: Reduce Obj 3: Reduce Obj 4: Reduce Obj 5:
Reduce Transmission Contact Duration of Governance &
Vulnerability Transmission Accountability
For all: For guests: For guests: For all: For employers:
• Healthy diet • Apply sanitizer • Limit outside • Physical exam • Adopt WFH policies
• Hydrate • Wear mask travel before entering (when possible)
• Exercise • Avoid touching fixtures • Practice • be truthful about • Set up flexible work
• Talk to friends • Practice hand hygiene physical history of hours
and peers distancing travel/exposure • Implement flexible
• Avoid crowds • Do not allow leave policies
symptomatic • Provide staff training
For the management: For the
• Provide hygiene products and management: guests • Provide PPEs
equipment • Regulate guests • Provide referral • Providing temporary
• Wash linens, blankets, etc. • Remind guests instructions for housing if possible
• Disinfect on physical staff/guests with • Ensuring
symptoms effectiveness of
• Put up signages distancing
• Train housekeepers • Remind guest to medical team
stay in room

Department of Health, Philippines

Setting: Parks and Recreational Places
Obj 1: Obj 2: Reduce Transmission Obj 3: Reduce Obj 4: Reduce Obj 5:
Reduce Contact Duration of Governance &
Vulnerability Transmission Accountability
For management: For guests: For guests: For management: For management:
● Provide ● Use alcohol or sanitizer ● Practice physical ● Temperature ● Work from home
healthy meal ● Wear mask in public/communal distancing checks and policy (if possible)
options for places ● Avoid crowds assessment of ● Flexible work
both guests ● Avoid touching public spaces and ● Build signages symptoms hours and
and objects or provide a map ● Restriction on schedules
employees ● Practice cough etiquette of amenities for symptomatic ● Limit number of
● Wash hands easy access customers and employees in a
employees shift
● Provide ● Provide home
For management: For the
● Availability of alcohol and/or management: instructions on arrangements
handwashing stations in strategic ● Regulate guests where to get ● Provide PPE to
locations ● Remind guests medical attention staff at work
● Regular disinfection of facilities, on physical
receiving areas and counters distancing
frequented by guests
● PPE for all staff and personnel
● Signages and reminders of
preventive measures
Department of Health, Philippines
Thank you!

Department of Health, Philippines

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