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Chemical Geology 160 Ž1999.


Trace metals and organic geochemistry of the Machiques Member

žAptian–Albian / and La Luna Formation
žCenomanian–Campanian /, Venezuela
Margarita Alberdi-Genolet ) , Rafael Tocco
PDVSA-INTEVEP S.A. Apdo. 76343, Caracas, 1070 A, Venezuela
Received 14 January 1998; accepted 23 February 1999


Two proposed source-rock sequences in the Lower ŽAptian–Albian. and the Upper ŽCenomanian–Campanian. Creta-
ceous sediments of the Perija´ Range, Maracaibo Basin, were geochemically analyzed in order to find environmentally
controlled characteristic fingerprints. Trace metals and sulfur concentrations were found to be closely related with the
physicochemical conditions during deposition of the rocks. Based on trace metal analyses and sulfur relationships with TOC,
the Aptian–Albian sequence ŽMachiques Member. shows alternate oxic and anoxic episodes close to the bottom-water
surface where mixed marine and terrestrial organic matter were deposited. The Cenomanian–Campanian sequence ŽLa Luna
Formation. persistently shows anoxic–euxinic conditions that allowed the preservation of marine organic matter. Ratios of
trace metals ŽV, Mo and Zn. characterize both Cretaceous sedimentary columns, however, some limitations are visualized in
using trace metals as correlation tools in further geochemical studies. Biomarker ratios are related to the organic matter type
and lithology. Some specific ratios and individual compounds allow a clear differentiation between these two sequences and
offer, in the context of d13C, an excellent tool for further oil-source rock correlation studies. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: Apon formation; La Luna Formation; Machiques Member; Trace metals; Biomarkers; Cretaceous anoxic events; Maracaibo Lake

1. Introduction 1982; Dill et al., 1988; Telnaes et al., 1991;

Alberdi-Genolet and Lafargue, 1993; Mongenot et
Trace metals, especially the elements in the first al., 1996.. Trace metal concentrations, VrNi ratios
transition series ŽV, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn., and nickel and vanadyl porphyrins have been exten-
have been used as geochemical tools to understand sively used for oil–oil correlation studies ŽFilby,
anoxic deposition of recent sediments and ancient 1994.. A few studies on oil-source rock correlations
source rocks ŽErnst, 1970; Lewan and Maynard, have been made ŽFilby, 1994. and also a few de-
tailed analyses of trace metals on source rocks show
Corresponding author. M. Alberdi-Genolet, Ciencias de la
an integration with the biomarker compounds in the
Tierra, Edf. Sur-1, PDVSA-INTEVEP, Urb. El Tambor, Los bitumens ŽOdermatt and Curiale, 1991; Telnaes et
Teques, Edo. Miranda, Venezuela. al., 1991., whose significance is widely accepted to

0009-2541r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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20 M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38

assess paleoenvironmental information and oil-source 1931; Gonzalez de Juana et al., 1980; Blaser and
correlations ŽPeters and Moldowan, 1993.. White, 1984; Talukdar and Marcano, 1994; Talukdar
In the present work, a group of trace metals and et al., 1985; Perez et al., 1996..
biomarker compounds have been analyzed in two In the western limit of Maracaibo Basin, sec-
Cretaceous sedimentary sequences proposed as ondary volumes of hydrocarbons could have been
source rock of the Maracaibo Basin, the most impor- generated by the Lower Cretaceous sedimentary sec-
tant oil producing area of Venezuela which accounts tions outcropping in Perija area ŽFig. 1.. The
for about 76% of the cumulative production Ž48,625 Machiques Member ŽApon Formation. dated as Ap-
MMSTB, 1914–1996.. tian–Albian ŽGonzalez de Juana et al., 1980. is
Most of the oils analyzed in Maracaibo Basin can composed by limestones and shales with abundant
be correlated with the La Luna Formation based on organic matter and good potential for oil generation
biomarker fingerprints ŽTalukdar et al., 1986; Gal- ŽEscandon et al., 1993; Perez, 1996.. Nevertheless,
lango and Tocco, 1994.. La Luna Formation, dated no geochemical oil-source rock correlation has been
as Cenomanian–Campanian, composed of carbonate firmly established.
mudstones and cherts, has been recognized as the In the present work, a group of trace metals and
principal source rock of Maracaibo Basin ŽHedberg, traditional organic geochemical parameters ŽTOC,

Fig. 1. Geographical location of the sampling sites in Perija Range and generalized stratigraphic section.
M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38 21

Rock–Eval, biomarkers. have been analyzed in these ija area, were gathered in order to corroborate the
two Cretaceous sections, outcropping in the Perija interpretations drawn up of inorganic and organic
area. The information derived from inorganic and parameters ŽFig. 1, Table 1..
organic analyses has been compared in order to The samples were dried and pulverized. The total
search for diagnostic fingerprints, environmentally organic carbon ŽTOC. was determined in fifty-two
controlled, which can be used for oil–oil and oil- samples from the Machiques Member and fifty-three
source rock correlations. samples from the La Luna Formation to determine
the quantity of organic matter in each sample. The
TOC was determined in carbonate-free samples, pre-
2. Geological setting viously treated with HCl Ž2 N., using a LECO
CS-244 instrument.
Deposition of the La Luna Formation under
The quality of the organic matter in all the sam-
anoxic–euxinic conditions was recognized by Hed-
ples Ž105. was evaluated using a common pro-
berg Ž1931. and Galea Ž1989.. Macellari and De
grammed temperature pyrolysis method, called
Vries Ž1987. recognized that the La Luna Formation
Rock–Eval pyrolysis. The Rock–Eval pyrolysis was
in Colombia and Venezuela near the Colombian
developed in each sample using an instrument
border, contains numerous chert and phosphorite
Rock–Eval II-Delsi. A flame ionization detector
horizons, which were attributed to the existence of
ŽFID. measures organic compounds generated during
upwelling conditions at the time of deposition. More-
pyrolysis. The first peak Ž S1 . represents hydrocar-
over, combinations of an oceanic anoxic event ŽOAE.
bons that can be thermally distilled from a rock. The
with geographically migrating upwelling, have been
second peak Ž S2 . represents hydrocarbons generated
proposed by Perez et al., 1996. Recently, Erlich et
by pyrolytic degradation of the kerogen in the rock.
al., 1997 concluded that restricted circulation and
The third peak Ž S3 . detects carbon dioxide generated
stagnation of bottom waters were the reason for the
during temperature programming up to 3908C, and it
anoxic condition prevailing during deposition of the
is analyzed using a thermal conductivity detector
La Luna Formation. A widely accepted model for the
ŽTCD.. The hydrogen index ŽHI. corresponds to the
origin of the La Luna Formation, therefore, does not
quantity of pyrolyzable organic compounds from S2
relative to the TOC in the samples Žmg HCrg TOC.
The Machiques Member is considered the sedi-
and it can be successfully used to assess the oil
mentological response to a transgressive pulse
ŽMendez, 1989. correlated with a maximum flooding generation potential of the rock and the type of the
organic matter. The oxygen index ŽOI. is indirectly
surface dated around 111 m.a. ŽCanache et al., 1994..
related to the quantity of terrestrial organic matter in
It shows a very variable thickness around the Perijá
the sample.
and Lake Maracaibo areas. The variable thickness
The temperature at which the maximum amount
has been explained as a differential sedimentation
of S2 hydrocarbons is generated is called Tmax . It is a
between these two areas, where a peneplaned-graben
rough measurement of the thermal maturity of the
of Jurassic age, controlled sedimentation by in-
organic matter because of its dependency on the type
creased subsidence in the Perija´ area ŽMendez, 1989..
of organic matter. Thus, conclusions regarding ther-
There are very few sedimentary studies about
mal maturity should be supported by other geochem-
Machiques Member, however, Canache et al. Ž1994.
ical measurements such as vitrinite reflectance and
proposed a shallow water Ž1–60 m. depositional
biomarker parameters. In general terms, the begin-
ning of the oil window is located between 430 and
3. Methodology Selected samples of the Machiques Member and
the La Luna Formation were extracted with
The La Luna Formation and the Machiques Mem- dichloromethane in a soxhlet extractor for 72 h. The
ber sediments were sampled at Maraca creek, Perija bitumen extract was quantified and separated by
Range. Complementary core samples, also from Per- silica–alumina column chromatography. Sequential
Table 1
Biomarker ratios for the Machiques Member and La Luna Formation bitumens by GC–MS
Sample Formation %C 27 %C 28 %C 29 %20S %bb %22S TsrŽTsqTm. C 29TsrC 29 ab CU30 Diasteranes PrrPh C 29 ab rC 30 ab
Ž1. Ž1. Ž1. Ž2. Ž3. Ž4. Ž5. norhop Ž6. Ž7. Ž8.
MA-24 Machiques M. 37.2 20 42.8 50.9 63.4 53.5 0.93 0.38 1.40 1.30

M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38

MA-32 Machiques M. 35.7 26.2 38.1 55.9 56.6 n.d. 0.99 0.53 1.00 0.82
MA-50 Machiques M. 38.3 24.8 36.9 59.0 49.8 56 0.85 0.93 0.50 0.98
MA-65 Machiques M. 40.2 27 32.8 50.1 56.4 n.d. 0.99 0.72 0.80 0.57
MA-71 Machiques M. 37.7 28.2 34.1 51.9 59.9 56.9 0.99 0.7 0.70 0.58
MA-82 Machiques M. 41.4 30.5 28.1 53.3 58.9 n.d. 0.99 1.17 0.60 0.40
core sample Machiques M. 41 29 30 56 58 58 0.8 0.30 1.10 0.40
LU-100 La Luna 30 35.8 34.2 46.5 46.1 59.2 0.26 C 29 Ts not present not present 1.08
LU-106 La Luna 37.7 35.5 26.8 47.2 59.6 59.6 0.28 C 29 Ts not present not present 1.00 0.76
LU-124 La Luna 39.6 26.9 33.5 49.5 n.d. 48.7 0.26 C 29 Ts not present not present 0.94
LU-139 La Luna n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 49.5 0.17 C 29 Ts not present not present 0.80
LU-142 La Luna 41.1 29.7 29.2 49.8 46.9 57.2 0.29 C 29 Ts not present not present 0.96
LU-147 La Luna 37.4 28.2 34.4 n.d. 47.8 55.8 0.21 C 29 Ts not present not present 0.80
LU-154 La Luna 42.1 24 33.9 42.3 51.1 45.6 0.26 C 29 Ts not present not present 0.94
core sample La Luna 34 34 32 56 52 58 0.17 C 29 Ts not present not present 0.70 0.95
Low concentration.
Middle concentration.
High concentration.
n.d.: Not determinate.
Ž1. %C 27 , %C 28 , %C 29 -steranes Ž m r z s 218. taking into account 5a Ž H ., 14bŽ H .,17bŽ H ., 20Sq20R.
Ž2. %20Ss 20SrŽ20Sq20R.=100 Ž m r z s 217., isomerization at C-20 in the C 29 5a Ž H ., 14a Ž H ., 17a Ž H .-steranes.
Ž3. %bbsbb rŽbbq a a ., m r z s 217, isomerization at the C-14 and C-17 positions in the 20S and 20R regular steranes.
Ž4. %22Ss 22SrŽ22Sq22R.=100 Ž m r z s191., isomerization at C-22 position in the C 31 17a Ž H .-hopane.
Ž5. TsrŽTsqTm. s18a Ž H .-22, 29, 30 Trisnorneohopaner18a Ž H .-22, 29, 30 Trisnorneohopaneq17a Ž H .-22, 29, 39-trisnorhopane.
Ž6. C 29 ab rC 29Ts sC 29 17a Ž H .-hopaner18a Ž H .-30-norneohopane.
Ž7.17a Ž H .diahopane.
Ž8.C 29 ab-30-nor-hopanerC 30 ab hopane.
M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38 23

solvent changes Ž n-hexane, toluene and methanol. presence of Na, Al, Si, Ca, S, K, Ti, Fe, Sr, Zn, V,
allow separation of saturate, aromatic and polar frac- Ni, Cr, Mo, As, U, Co and Ba, and allowed the
tions. quantitation of Al Žaluminium. and Fe Žiron.. Trace
Gas chromatographic analyses of the saturated metals in low concentration Žppm. were analyzed by
C15 q hydrocarbons were carried out with a HP- ICP-OES Žoptical emission spectrometry coupled
5880 gas chromatograph using a 25 m-crosslinked with inductive coupled plasma.. Details of the
methylsilicone column. Temperature was program- methodology have been published previously
med from 115 to 2758C at 88Crmin. ŽGonzalez et al., 1994..
Gas chromatographic–mass spectrometry analy- Kerogen is a good substrate for analysis of vana-
ses were performed with a HP-5971 mass selective dium and nickel contents where these elements are in
detector ŽMSD., a quadrupole mass spectrometer, high concentration, the samples have low pyrite con-
coupled directly to a HP-5890 series II gas chro- centration and the only sulfide mineral is pyrite Že.g.,
matograph. The GC–MS was equipped with DB-1 carbonate-siliceous mudstones of Querecual Forma-
columns for saturated fractions analyses. The GC tion, Alberdi-Genolet and Lafargue, 1993.. However,
temperature was kept at 1008C for 2 min then in- in clastic rocks with a large amount of pyrite, it is
creased from 100 to 2808C at 48Crmin and main- difficult to obtain pure kerogens by flotation meth-
tained at 2808C for 30 min. All biomarkers were ods. In addition, the existence of pyrite and other
analyzed in a MID Žmultiple ion detection. mode for sulfide minerals, in the same sample, made it diffi-
MS data acquisition. cult to develop corrections of contaminant trace met-
Biological markers or biomarkers are molecular als on pyrite ŽHuerta Diaz and Morse, 1990; Oder-
fossils, meaning that these compounds are chemical matt and Curiale, 1991..
fossils derived from former living organisms. The use of chromium reduction for the selective
Biomarkers are complex organic compounds com- removal of sulfur species ŽCanfield et al., 1986. has
posed of carbon, hydrogen, and other elements. They proved to have a high degree of specificity. Unfortu-
are found in source rocks and oils with modest to nately, in our experiments, available commercial
strong structural change from their parent organic reagents showed low concentrations of all the ele-
molecules in living organisms. Many biomarkers are ments in the first transition series, which represent a
useful for establishing oil–oil relationships, oil- methodological difficulty. In consequence, trace met-
source rock correlations and source rock depositional als were analyzed in whole rocks Žbitumen-free.. In
environment. Other biomarkers allow us to differen- this paper, the relation of trace metals with organic
tiate marine and terrestrial organic matter input. Ra- matter content ŽTOC. was searched in order to iden-
tios of certain biomarkers are commonly applied as tify possible inorganic elements associated with or-
thermal maturity indicators. The two most commonly ganic matter. On the other hand, trace metals in rock
used ratios are those involving carbon atoms at the samples have been extensively used as environmen-
C-22 position in the hopanes Ž%22S. and the C-20 tal indexes ŽBrumsack, 1980; Calvert and Price,
position in the steranes Ž%20S.. 1983; Ten Haven et al., 1987; Leventhal, 1988;
Several specific biomarkers related with the type Jones and Manning, 1994; Mongenot et al., 1996.
of organic matter in the rocks were analyzed by with very good results.
monitoring metastable reaction–gas chromatogra-
phy–mass spectrometry ŽMRM–GC–MS.. This spe-
cific analysis was developed by Moldowan Ž1997. 4. Results and discussion
on two selected saturate fractions, coming from ex- 4.1. Organic geochemistry of Machiques Member
tracts of MA-32 rock sample ŽMachiques Member. (Aptian–Albian)
and LU-124 rock sample ŽLa Luna Formation..
Trace metal analysis was done on previously ex- The TOC Žtotal organic carbon. in Maraca Ravine
tracted whole rock samples to avoid migrated bitu- outcrops of the Machiques Member is good to excel-
men. A qualitative sweep, using X-ray fluorescence lent Ž1–5.5%. in most samples ŽFig. 2.. The organic
ŽPhilips instrument, Rhodium anode. showed the matter is mature as shown by the Tmax Ž4458C of the
24 M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38

Ž5a , 17bŽ H ., 20S q 20R. in most of the samples

ŽMA-50, 65, 71, 41, Table 1. indicates marine or-
ganic matter during sedimentation ŽHuang and Mein-
schein, 1979.. This deduction is proved by the pres-
ence of C 30 -steranes, immediate indicators of plank-
tonic Žalgal. contributions to the organic matter
ŽMoldowan et al., 1990, Table 2..
The oleanane index Ž17%., a pentacyclic triter-
pane derived from angiosperms ŽMoldowan et al.,
1994., indicates secondary inputs of plant debris in
the organic matter ŽTables 1 and 2., which is also
supported by isotopic analyses results.
The ratio 13 Cr12 C, in selected kerogens ŽMA-24,
MA-38, MA-65 and MA-82., was measured by mass
Fig. 2. TOC distribution for the Machiques Member and La Luna spectrometry after converting the carbon to CO 2 .
Formation. Distinctive values of d13 C were found in the

Rock–Eval pyrolysis. and 1.0–1.08% R o Žreflec-

tance of vitrinite..
Maturity parameters from biomarker ratios as
%20S Ž%20Sr20S q 20R in the C 29 5a ,14a ,
17a Ž H .-steranes. with values ranging from 50 to
59% and %22S Žisomerization at the C-22 position
in the C 31 17a Ž H .-hopanes. with values of 53–56%,
show, in both cases, values very close to the equilib-
rium Ž%20S s 52–55%, %22Ss 55–62%, Peters
and Moldowan, 1993..
The values for the % bb as maturity parameter
Žisomerization at the C-14 and C-17 positions in the
20S and 20R C 29 regular steranes., measured by
GC–MS, are lower Ž50–63%. with respect to equi-
librium values Ž71%, Peters and Moldowan, 1993..
However, more selective analyses ŽMRM–GC–MS.
can eliminate most interference by coeluting GC
peaks, showing a bb percentage of 72%.
A plot of S2 Žhydrocarbons generated in Rock–
Eval pyrolysis. vs. TOC shows a predominantly type
II kerogen ŽFig. 3.. Petrographic analysis of the
kerogens shows undifferentiated amorphous material
Ž57%. with a mixture of herbaceous Ž13%. and
woody Ž15%. macerals. Biomarker analyses Žsee be-
low. allow us to infer a relationship between amor-
phous material in the petrographic analyses of kero-
gens and residual marine organic matter of bacterial
and algal origin.
The relative abundance of C 27 regular sterane Fig. 3. S 2 vs. TOC plots for the Machiques Member and La Luna
Ž5a , 17 = Ž H ., 20S q 20R. over C 29 regular sterane Formation.
M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38 25

Table 2 Machiques Member ŽMA-24, 42, 71. show, respec-

Specific biomarker analyses of LU-124 and MA-32 bitumens by tively, 52, 22 and 25% of clays in the lithology,
which support the relationship between a clastic
MA-32 LU-124
component in the rocks Žshales. and diasteranes
Diterpane peak measurements by abundance. Nevertheless, diasteranersterane ratios
MRM – GC – MS (ppm) of compounds
increase with the maturity of the samples, then other
Rimuane 0.114 0.0685
Isopimarane 0.0944 0.178 biomarkers have been used to support this interpreta-
Beyerane 0.0322 0.0349 tion, such as, the presence of C 29 Ts.
Norisopimarene-1 1.14 3.85 The C 29 Ts Ž18a Ž H .-30-noneohopane. as well as
Norisopimarene-2 0.864 0.552 C30 ŽU .-17a Ž H .-diahopane were only registered in
Labdane-1 0.334 0.441
the Machiques Member samples. They have been
Labdane-2 0.302 1.53
used as organic indicators of oxic–suboxic condi-
Sterane ratios by MRM – GC – MS tions during sedimentation of clastic rocks. C 29 Ts is
4a Methylstigmastaner 0.214 0.425 supposed to be related to bacterial hopanoids precur-
sors that have undergone oxidation by clay-mediated
C 30 rC 27 qC 28 qC 29 q 0.04 0.07
C 30 -steranes acidic catalysis ŽPeters and Moldowan, 1993..
20SrŽ20Sq20R. C 29 Ž%. 58% 59% The isoprenoid ratio PrrPh, defined as redox
21-rŽ21-q27-. 41% 25% index ŽDidyk et al., 1978. shows similar values close
norcholestane Ž%. to units ŽTable 1. and more specific information
Triterpane ratio by MRM – GC – MS from sulfur content and trace metal was obtained to
Oleananeroleananeqhopane Ž%. 17% 1.5% understand the physicochemical conditions of depo-

Machiques Member Žy21.7 to y24.5‰ PDB. in 4.2. Inorganic geochemistry of Machiques Member
comparison to La Luna Formation kerogens Žy26.3
to y27.1‰ PDB.. Similar values to those observed At least three populations of samples could be
in the Machiques Member have been found in the differentiated in analyses of %S vs. TOC for
AptianrAlbian source rocks from the Sergipe Basin Machiques Member. One population shows a
in Brazil Žy23 to y27‰ PDB, Mello et al., 1988. pseudo-linear relationship between %S and TOC, the
and other Aptian–Albian sequences ŽHofmann et al., second group is impoverished in sulfur content and
1997.. The most accepted explanation for the enrich- the third group of samples shows a clear enrichment
ments of values in the Lower Cretaceous sequences in sulfur content ŽFig. 5..
with respect to Upper Cretaceous sequences is re- In the first population, the samples show a propor-
lated to increased input of terrestrial organic matter tionality of %S vs. TOC with Y-axis intercepts be-
ŽArthur et al., 1985; Dean et al., 1986.. tween 0 and 0,27. Linear relationships between these
Rock lithology can be directly determined by two parameters have been used to identify sediments
sedimentological description or indirectly inferred by deposited under oxygenated environments Ž Y-axis
biomarkers rearrangements. An important contribu- intercept around 0%, Berner, 1970; Berner and
tion of diasteranes is characteristic of the Machiques Raiswell, 1984. or euxinic conditions of sedimenta-
Member ŽTable 1, Fig. 4.. Diasteranersterane ratios, tion Ž Y-axis intercept around 1% to 2%, Leventhal,
measured on the saturated fraction of bitumens and 1983.. When a comparison is done between Y-axis
rock extracts, may be used to distinguish the intercept of the Machiques Member Ž0–0.27%. and
petroleum generated from carbonate as opposed to the intercept values reported for Black Sea sediments
clastic source rocks. The conversion of sterols to Ž1% to 2%; in Leventhal, 1983., it is possible to
diasteranes during diagenesis is believed to be cat- infer very weak euxinic conditions for the Machiques
alyzed by acidic sites of clays ŽSieskind et al., 1979.. Member. Perhaps anoxic conditions were established
A mineralogical analysis ŽX-RD. of three samples of in some episodes ŽwO 2 x - 0 mlrl H 2 O, Wignall,
M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38
Fig. 4. Biomarker distribution for the Machiques Member and La Luna Formation bitumens.
M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38 27

Fig. 5. %Sulphur vs. TOC plot for the Machiques Member.

1994., but with only a weak concentration of free The absolute concentrations of major, minor and
H 2 S Žeuxinic, Wignall, 1994.. trace elements is shown in Table 3, whereas normal-
Pyrite formation during early diagenesis is con- ized concentrations of these elements, using Al as
trolled by pore-water concentration of sulfide, Eh, detritus index and the standard black-shale, are shown
availability of reactive iron and organic matter avail- in Table 4 and Fig. 6 ŽVine and Tourtelot, 1970;
able in the environment. Other factors like sedimen- Mongenot et al., 1996..
tation rate, bioturbation and reactivity of the organic
matter are considered by Hieshima Ž1992.. Pyrite Shale normalized trace-elements contents
formation during early diagenesis in some sampling
sites ŽFig. 5, group II. seems to be restricted. Avail- Ž Trace-element contentrAl content. sample
ability of reactive iron seems to be a good reason for s
Ž Trace-element contentrAl content. shales
the limestone samples with low TOC Ž25, 46. but
Ž 1.
some other geological controls could be important
during sedimentation in sampling site 35 and 53.
Meanwhile, the third group of samples ŽFig. 5, Mo normalized concentrations reveal major en-
III. has enrichment in %S, indicating sulfide fixation richments in the trace metal distribution ŽFig. 6.. The
without a corresponding residual organic component. oceanic behavior of Mo in recent sediments has
This has been interpreted by Berner Ž1985. and Van potential as a proxy indicator of physicochemical
der Weijden Ž1993. as related to sedimentation under conditions ŽEmerson and Huested, 1991.. Concentra-
euxinic conditions. Trace metal distribution supports tions of Mo increase with increasing anoxic condi-
this kind of interpretation for the samples MA-79, tions at the water-bottom surface. Several workers
39, and 72. However, in oxygenated environments reported Mo associated with humic acids in the
similar distributions have been found when pyrite organic matter ŽNissebaum and Swaine, 1976; Calvert
formation continues during the diagenetic step, in and Price, 1983.. Other authors have reported associ-
closed-pores with the abundance of Fe and carbon ations with sulfur ŽGlikson et al., 1985. and they
being limited ŽCalvert and Karlin, 1991.. Trace metal consider a selective removal in solution as thyo-
analyses support this conclusion for samples MA-29, molybdate during FeS precipitation ŽKorolev, 1958;
31, 28. Bertine, 1972..
Table 3
Concentration of trace, minor, major elements and interelementalic ratios for selected rock samples
Sample Zn Žppm. Ba Žppm. Mo Žppm. Cu Žppm. Ni Žppm. V Žppm. Co Žppm. %Al %Fe VrNi VrMo VrZn MorNi MorCu ZnrMo
MA-24 1400 n.d. 95 77 141 152 -1 6.9 3.00 1.08 1.60 0.11 0.67 1.23 14.74
MA-26 909 922 186 121 228 318 -1 2.87 1.28 1.39 1.71 0.35 0.82 1.54 4.89
MA-31 66 203 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. -1 1.4 1.2 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
MA-32 3300 n.d. 828 108 810 1135 -1 3.7 1.9 1.40 1.37 0.34 1.02 7.67 3.99
MA-39 870 579 240 127 288 459 -1 6.34 3.04 1.59 1.91 0.53 0.83 1.89 3.63
MA-42 392 n.d. 47 19 79 469 -1 3.7 0.9 5.94 9.98 1.20 0.59 2.47 8.34

M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38

MA-46 79 227 n.d. n.d. n.d. 21 -1 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
MA-48 63 123 n.d. n.d. n.d. 5.5 -1 0.3 1.9 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
MA-53 161 136 1 64 60 151 50 1.00 0.34 2.52 n.d 0.94 n.d n.d n.d.
MA-61 73 292 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. -1 0.3 1.7 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
MA-65 816 n.d. 136 52 238 892 -1 5.9 0.31 3.75 6.56 1.09 0.57 2.62 6.00
MA-68 730 493 72 76 247 300 -1 4.7 1.8 1.21 4.17 0.41 0.29 0.95 10.14
MA-72 1586 191 224 73 316 930 200 3.82 1.06 2.94 4.15 0.59 0.71 3.07 7.08
MA-79 835 240 194 118 532 1496 -1 9.4 493.00 2.81 7.71 1.79 0.36 1.64 4.30
LU-98 327 293 73 73 683 281 42 1.58 0.83 0.41 3.85 0.86 0.11 1.00 4.48
LU-100 33 n.d. 19 24 36 48 n.d 0.64 0.69 1.33 2.53 1.45 0.53 0.79 1.74
LU-106 880 n.d. 82 32 196 958 n.d 1.3 1.7 4.89 11.68 1.09 0.42 2.56 10.73
LU-108 1176 260 218 59 262 1765 n.d 3.5 1.12 6.74 8.1 1.5 0.83 3.69 5.39
LU-115 1313 201 89 44 185 1525 n.d 1.22 0.35 8.24 17.13 1.16 0.48 2.02 14.75
LU-119 1454 217 177 65 292 2112 n.d 1.13 0.43 7.23 11.93 1.45 0.61 2.72 8.21
LU-121 1573 297 126 128 425 4065 1 3.8 1.22 9.56 32.26 2.58 0.3 0.98 12.48
LU-125 1115 694 45 45 176 1497 119 3.1 0.84 8.51 33.27 1.34 0.26 1.00 24.78
LU-128 83 n.d. 44 28 60 232 n.d 1.3 0.66 3.87 5.27 2.8 0.73 1.57 1.89
LU-138 312 266 42 80 120 683 50 0.62 0.3 5.69 16.26 2.19 0.35 0.53 7.43
LU-141 1400 n.d. 126 42 209 1401 n.d 1.7 0.65 6.7 11.12 1.00 0.6 3.00 11.11
LU-145 360 238 30 38 109 462 n.d 1.23 0.43 4.24 15.4 1.28 0.28 0.79 12.00
LU-147 1910 775 62 100 393 1389 110 1.91 0.65 3.53 22.4 0.73 0.16 0.62 30.81
LU-151 974 654 192 57 174 1433 n.d 3.07 1.07 8.24 7.46 1.47 1.1 3.37 5.07
LU-153 590 940 56 100 1593 1085 n.d 2.61 0.97 0.68 19.38 1.84 0.04 0.56 10.54
9989 1118 2114 103 136 342 1108 27 1.98 0.79 3.24 10.76 0.99 0.3 0.76 10.85
10019 3085 309 127 109 303 1982 36 0.98 0.37 6.54 15.61 0.64 0.42 1.17 24.29
10049 679 386 83 64 204 1110 27 3.1 1.01 5.44 13.37 1.63 0.41 1.3 8.18
10100 97 190 -1 60 115 310 1093 1.07 0.21 2.7 n.d 3.2 n.d n.d n.d.
10128 296 325 42 67 1211 3899 n.d 0.31 0.32 3.22 92.83 13.17 0.03 0.63 7.05
10221 718 348 39 106 2137 1179 21 1.36 0.62 0.55 30.23 1.64 0.02 0.37 18.41

n.d.s No determination.
M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38 29

Table 4
Normalized concentrations of trace metals for selected rock samples
Sample %TOC %Cmin %S Zn Ba Mo Cu Ni V Fe
MA-24 6.1 14 1.95 9.6 1 19.6 1 1.3 0.7 0.18
MA-26 5.7 46 1.52 15 2.45 93 4 4.9 3.7 0.18
MA-31 0.2 75 1.72 2.3 1.2 n.d. n.d. n.d 0.5 1.19
MA-32 10 57 2.88 42 1 320 2.9 14 10 0.21
MA-39 3.8 69 2.89 6.5 1 13 2 2.8 2.4 0.2
MA-42 2.6 79 1.01 5.04 1 18 0.5 1.3 4.2 0.1
MA-46 0.5 83 0.22 14 6.6 n.d. n.d. n.d 0.7 ) 1.19
MA-48 0.6 84 0.15 11 3.6 n.d. n.d. n.d 0.7 1.9
MA-61 0.7 88 0.3 11.7 7.6 n.d. n.d. n.d. 1.8 ) 1.7
MA-53 2.8 39 0.44 7.6 1 0.2 6.4 3.75 5 1.41
MA-65 5.4 33 1.86 6.6 1 32 0.8 2.5 5 0.02
MA-68 3.6 30 1.81 7.3 1.2 5.4 1.6 3.3 2.1 0.16
MA-72 4.2 31 1.24 19.7 0.6 20 1.9 5.2 8.1 0.11
MA-79 2.9 13 3.21 4.2 0.3 7 1.2 3.5 5.3 0.22
LU-98 3.8 49 1.07 9.8 1.4 6.8 4.6 27.8 5.9 0.21
LU-100 1.5 83 n.d 2.5 n.d. 44 3.7 3.6 2.5 0.44
LU-106 5.2 64 n.d 32 n.d. 93 2.5 9.7 25 0.5
LU-108 5.3 68 0.93 16 0.6 91 2 5 17 0.5
LU-115 5 54 0.54 51 1.2 107 3.6 9.7 42.4 0.5
LU-119 6.5 46 n.d 61 2 229 6 17 63 0.7
LU-121 4.5 55 0.82 20 0.6 49 3.4 7.2 36 0.13
LU-125 3.4 33 1.04 17 1.7 21 1.5 3.7 1.6 0.01
LU-128 1.3 73 n.d. 3 n.d. 50 2.2 2.98 6 0.21
LU-138 3.6 62 0.46 24 3.3 100 13 12.5 37 0.2
LU-141 5.1 59 1.17 39 n.d. 109 2.5 7.9 28 0.16
LU-145 5.4 41 n.d. 14 2 1 3 6 13 0.63
LU-147 7.2 51 0.53 48 3.1 48 5.2 13.2 25 0.14
LU-151 5.6 34 n.d. 15 2 94 2 4 16 0.61
LU-153 3.1 41 0.89 11 2.8 32 3.8 39.4 14 0.15
9989 6.3 62 1.3 27 8.2 77 6.9 11.1 19 0.17
10019 7.5 63 1.17 149 2.4 190 11.1 19.9 69 0.16
10049 5.3 44 n.d. 149 0.95 39 2 4.2 12 0.13
10221 2.53 77 1.01 25 1.9 42 7.8 101 29.3 0.19
10341 6.8 72 n.d. 37 3.9 146 14.2 28 39 0.002

Enhanced Mo and Zn enrichments in the thiosulfate, following Eq. Ž2. ŽKorolev, 1958;
Machiques Formation samples ŽFig. 6. are related to Bertine, 1972..
TOC ŽFig. 7.. However, logarithmic relationships
were found for the Machiques Member rather than FeS q MoO 2 S 2yq H 2 S q 2H q
linear as previously reported ŽNissebaum and Swaine,
1976; Leventhal, 1988.. A possible explanation is ™ FeS P Mo P S 3 Ž amorphous. q 2H 2 O
related to fixation mechanisms. At lower TOC under
suboxic–anoxic conditions and absence of H 2 S, Mo FeS P MoS 3 Ž amorphous. ™ FeS Ž tetr . q MoS 3 Ž 2.
and Zn, are weakly fixed by organic matter. Under
enhanced reducing conditions, with some H 2 S devel- Maximum enrichments of Mo and V in the MA-
opment close to surface, organic matter is better 32, 63–65 and 71–72 sampling sites coincide with
preserved. Mo and Zn are fixed onto organic matter the highest TOC values ŽFig. 8. although vanadium
and, complementarily, Zn can form sulfur com- normalized contents Žas well as nickel. show a rough
pounds and Mo can be removed from solution as relationship with TOC. Some intervals in the section
30 M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38

Fig. 6. Normalized concentrations of the trace metals and minor elements in the Machiques Member and La Luna Formation.

seem to have had anoxic Žeuxinic?. conditions dur- suggested based on TOC, HI, Mo and V normalized
ing their sedimentation ŽFig. 8. and cyclic events of distribution ŽFig. 8.. Previous geochemical studies
preservation of hydrogen-rich organic matter can be by Perez Ž1996., proposed a global OAE controlling
M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38 31

Fig. 7. TOC vs. normalized concentrations of Mo and Zn in the Machiques Member.

Fig. 8. Vertical trends of Total Organic Carbon, Hydrogen Index, Mo and V over lithological section of the Machiques Member.
32 M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38

the d13 C distributions on kerogens in the lower part Low enrichments in Cu and a rough direct corre-
of this sequence. lation with the Machiques Member sulfur content
Mo and V normalized concentrations correlate could be interpreted as a replacement of this element
with enrichment of organic matter, but lower enrich- by iron within the pyrite structure or the co-precipita-
ments of Mo are observed in comparison with V, tion of other sulfide species.
possibly related with a thin layer of H 2 S ŽEq. Ž2.. Cobalt ŽCo. shows very low values in both the
and poor removal from sea water during sedimenta- Machiques Member and La Luna Formation ŽTable
tion. 4.. Co is easily solubilized during weathering and
In contrast, V ŽIV. could be incorporated into the unlike Ni does not form residual silicate minerals
sediments following two path ways: Ža. by reduction ŽWedepohl, 1969.. Otherwise, restricted mobility for
with H 2 S in euxinic environments ŽEq. Ž3.., or Žb. Cu, Zn, Mo and V is reported in weathering situa-
by absorption to organic particles in anoxic sedi- tions ŽWedepohl, 1969.. The similarity in the distri-
ments following Eq. Ž4. ŽBreint and Wanty, 1991.. bution of these elements for outcrops and core sam-
ples from the La Luna Formation ŽTables 3 and 4.
H 2VO4y1 q H 2 S™VOq2
confirm this conclusion.
™ organic complexes Ž euxinic sediments.
VOq2 q H 2 S™V Ž OH . 3
™ clays Ž euxinic sediments. Ž 3. 4.3. Organic geochemistry in the La Luna Formation

H 2VO4y1 q Corg™VOq2
The TOC of outcrop samples ŽMaraca creek. from
™ organic complexes Ž anoxic sediments. Ž 4. the La Luna Formation, is good to excellent, ranging
No detection of Mo, Cu, V and Ni, coupled with from 0.5 to 8.5% ŽFig. 2.. The samples contain
an enrichment in Fe, are observed in the samples mature organic matter with an average Tmax of 4408C
MA-46, MA-61, MA-48 and MA-31 ŽFig. 6. as a and vitrinite reflectance measurements of 0.95% to
typical trace metal distribution of oxic intervals. The 1.04% R o .
massive carbonates beds Ž46, 61, 48, 31, Fig. 8. Maturity parameters from biomarker ratios as
analyzed in this work show depleted contents of %20S Žin the C 29 steranes. with values ranging from
trace metals and low concentrations of TOC. Thus, 42% to 49% ŽGC–MS. and 59% in the sample
spatial shifts in bottom water chemistry from anoxic LU-124 ŽMRM–GC–MS, Table 2. suggest mature
to oxic environments are possible. Behaviors like organic matter. %22S Žisomerization in the C-22
that favor trace metal accumulation and organic mat- position in the C 31 hopanes. with values ranging
ter preservation only during anoxic episodes of sedi- from 45% to 59% ŽTables 1 and 2. corroborate that
mentation. the organic matter of the La Luna Formation, in this
The nickel and vanadium content, VrNi ratios sequence, has reached the oil window of hydrocar-
and the relative abundance of the nickel and vanadyl bon generation.
porphyrins have been applied as anoxic indicators in S2 vs. TOC plot ŽFig. 3. shows a type II kerogen.
ancient sediments, and have been used for oil–oil S2 values Žpotential for hydrocarbon generation. con-
and oil-source rock correlation studies ŽLewan and spicuously higher in the La Luna Formation than for
Maynard, 1982; Lewan, 1984; Filby, 1994.. The the Machiques Member corroborate a better oil-gen-
ratio VrNi shows an increase with increasing reduc- eration capacity for the Upper Cretaceous section.
ing conditions. The analysis of VrNi in whole sam- Petrographic analysis shows 90% to 100% of
ples Žboth metals roughly related to TOC. from amorphous marine organic matter, in agreement with
Machiques Member show relatively low values previous studies ŽTalukdar et al., 1985.. Biomarker
Ž1.2–3.0. in comparison to the La Luna Formation analyses show a relative abundance of C 27 over C 29
Žsee Section 4.3.. These differences could be inter- abbŽ5a , 14b, 17bŽ H ., 20S q 20R. regular steranes
preted as corresponding to conditions that are more and abundance of tricyclic terpanes, which is consis-
oxic. tent with marine Žalgal. organic matter content.
M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38 33

The C 30 steranes Ž4-desmethyl, C 30 sterane index, 4.4. Inorganic geochemistry of La Luna Formation
Table 2., as straightforward indicators of marine
organic matter ŽMoldowan et al., 1990., show higher No samples show a positive correlation between
values for the La Luna sample ŽLU-124. in compari- TOC and low sulfur percentages on a whole rock
son to the Machiques Member sample ŽMA-32.. basis. The scarcity of Fe, in calcareous muds, is a
These ratios indicate high chrysophyte algae input limiting factor for pyrite formation. The scarcity of
during sedimentation of the Upper Cretaceous se- clastic input as a source of Fe could be a conse-
quence. quence of sedimentation associated with a maximum
Higher values of 4a-methylstigmastane for the La transgressive event on a platform far from the coast
Luna Formation sample than Machiques Member ŽCanache et al., 1994..
sample ŽTable 2. also support a clear contribution of Since Hedberg Ž1931., paleoecological studies
algae in the Upper Cretaceous. 4a-Methylstigmas- recognize only planktonic fauna in the La Luna
tane has a possible relationship to dinoesterol as Formation. Absence of benthic fauna in most of the
precursor molecule ŽRubinstein and Albrecht, 1975. samples is interpreted as a consequence of anoxic
and dinoflagellates are the only proven major source conditions at the bottom waters. Euxinic conditions
of dinoesterol ŽSummons et al., 1992.. Žfree H 2 S. were inferred by Mongenot et al. Ž1996.
Ratios of TsrTsq Tm Ž18a Ž H .trisnorneohopane on the base of sulfur in kerogens and DOP index.
and 17a Ž H . trisnorhopane. between 0.17 and 0.29 Biomarker distributions ŽFig. 4. indicate a slight
for the La Luna Formation are characteristic of predominance of C 35 homohopanes over C 34 homo-
organic matter in carbonate muds ŽMcKirdy et al., hopanes, which is an indication of euxinic conditions
1983.; these ratios are very different from the ratio ŽPeters and Moldowan, 1993..
found in the Machiques Member, very close to the The scarcity of Fe helps to promote an excess of
unit ŽTable 1, Fig. 4.. Certainly, TsrTsq Tm ratio HS-rH 2 S in the bottom-water sediment interface. In
could be dependent on maturity and it could be such an environment aliphatic organic matter begins
controversial to characterize both Cretaceous se- to react with free H 2 S forming inter-molecular links
quences, moreover, the concentration of diasteranes which generate macromolecules more stable than
and the sedimentological descriptions are in agree- their precursors ŽSinninghe Damste´ and Leeuw,
ment with a lithological interpretation. 1989.. These macromolecules protect the hydrogen
Additional differences can be addressed by means rich lipid compounds from microbacterial activity
of diterpane and C21-norcholestane ratios ŽTable 2.. and consequently increase the preservation factor.
Diterpane compounds, derived from diterpenoids, are Trace metals, minor and major element concentra-
widely distributed in the plant kingdom ŽNoble et al., tions are shown in Table 3. The normalized concen-
1986, Table 2.. They show clear differences in both trations using Eq. Ž1. with the standard black shale
Cretaceous samples because the La Luna Formation ŽVine and Tourtelot, 1970; Mongenot et al., 1996.,
Žalthough it has marine organic matter. show more allow calculating of enrichment factors which are
Labdane and Isopimarane. The C21-norcholestane is shown in Table 4 and Fig. 6.
a C 26 -sterane previously identified by Moldowan et In general terms, the trace metal distribution of V,
al. Ž1991.. Ni, Zn ŽFig. 6. in the La Luna Formation show
Stable carbon isotope ratios in selected kerogens higher enrichments than the Machiques Member.
ŽLU-98, 106, 124, 142 and 147. are very similar Interestingly, the La Luna Formation and the
Ž d13 C s y27‰ y26.3‰, PDB.. Systematic records Machiques Member show similar Mo enrichments
in the same section of Maraca Ravine ŽPerez et al., although the environment during the La Luna sedi-
1996. show isotopic values around y27‰ with an mentation was principally euxinic.
isotopic excursion to heavier values around y25‰. Experiments by Korolev Ž1958. demonstrated that
Again, the differences between the La Luna Forma- Mo fixation in sediments required formation of thy-
tion and the Machiques Member isotope ratios sup- omolybdate species ŽEq. Ž2... Direct fixation of Mo
port the interpretations based on biomarker ratios as onto organic matter could be carried out as an ineffi-
indicators of organic matter type. cient mechanism, but in euxinic conditions, Mo could
34 M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38

be better fixed as thyomolibdate ŽMoS 3 . by means of La Luna Formation source, suggest V and Ni associ-
FeS P MoS 3 ŽEq. Ž2... It is proposed that the scarcity ation with organic matter in the kerogen. It is not
of Fe in the La Luna Formation inhibit FeS forma- possible to discard fixation on clays during sedimen-
tion and MoS 3 . tation, but considering the low clastic content of La
Mo and Zn show logarithmic correlation with Luna Formation, this may not be a consistent expla-
TOC ŽFig. 9., similar to the Machiques Member. nation. Rather, the authors believe that low rates of
These results could also be explained by taking into sedimentation could be a crucial factor to the vana-
account two types of fixation mechanisms during the dium enrichment found in the La Luna Formation in
sedimentation. association with abundant organic matter and high
The enrichment in V for some samples of the La levels of H 2 S.
Luna Formation is significant ŽFig. 6.. Some samples One of the characteristics of the La Luna Forma-
of La Luna bitumens show a six order of magnitude tion, when compared with Machiques Member, is the
increase in vanadium over the normal sea concentra- general relation between TOC and absolute concen-
tion of this metal ŽPremovic et al., 1986.. High trations of V and Cu ŽTable 4.. This tendency could
VrNi ratios are characteristic of La Luna Formation indicate that the two trace metals were fixed to
rocks. The sample LU-121 shows the highest ratio organic matter directly or the accumulation of or-
ŽVrNi s 9.6.. ganic matter and trace metals was controlled by the
Fixation of V ŽIII. in clays could help to explain same mechanism Že.g., fixation by means of H 2 S..
high concentrations of vanadium in black shales, Cu fixation requires the formation of polysulfur
however, high ratios of VrNi Ž6–11. in oils of compounds, beginning with H 2 S as the starting com-
Maracaibo reservoirs, being well correlated with a pound ŽCalvert and Pedersen, 1993., and vanadium

Fig. 9. TOC vs. normalized concentrations of Mo and Zn in the La Luna Formation.

M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38 35

was most likely incorporated into the sediments us- creases in reducing conditions.. Trace metals could
ing H 2 S as a reducing agent according to the reac- be sensitive to specific shifts from anoxic to euxinic
tions shown in Eq. Ž4. ŽBreint and Wanty, 1991.. conditions. Otherwise, systematic high values of
The relationship between TOC, V and Cu suggest a TOCrHI are recorded and they do not seem to
similar control of fixationrpreservation by means of respond in the specific way as trace metals do. This
intermediate sulfur compounds. behavior can be explained by taking into account the
On the other hand, the stratigraphic distribution of persistent reducing conditions during the whole sedi-
trace metals in the La Luna Formation shows inter- mentation, where organic matter is always well pre-
esting cyclic trends that should be discussed ŽFig. served and the bacterial population in the sediments
10.. Enrichments in Mo, V and Zn are particularly selectively degrade specific compounds ŽKrumbein,
on LU-115 and LU-119 samples, over the middle 1983..
part of the section. These enrichments in Mo and V, With the trace metal distribution being indepen-
which suggest a maximum development of reducing dent of the maturity level of the La Luna Formation
conditions at this point, are in agreement with the ŽMongenot et al., 1996., and being some of the trace
beginning of an isotopic excursion Ž d13 C. previously metals related with TOC of the source rock, the
reported by Perez et al. Ž1996.. Perez et al. Ž1996. differences in trace metal ratios and their enrich-
correlated this isotopic excursion with an OAE ments between the La Luna Formation and the
ŽArthur and Schlanger, 1979.. Machiques Member are a potential tool for source-
Furthermore, trace metals show cyclic excursions rock correlation purposes. Ratios of VrMo, MorZn,
in several parts of the sequence ŽFig. 10., likely VrZn, VrNi most likely associated with the organic
related to periodic decreases in the Eh values Žin- matter show different values for each sequence ŽTa-

Fig. 10. Vertical trends of Total Organic Carbon, Hydrogen Index, Mo and V over lithological section of the La Luna Formation.
36 M. Alberdi-Genolet, R. Toccor Chemical Geology 160 (1999) 19–38

bles 3 and 4.. They would be analyzed in oils in with biomarker ratios could be useful for oil–oil and
order to discriminate families that might show oil-source rock correlation purposes. However, the
source-related genetic characteristics. However, the ratios of this paper have been determined in whole
following essential points should be addressed. source rocks and their values could be different in
Ø The ratios of this paper have been determined the bitumens and oils. Inorganic values change dur-
in whole source-rocks. Their specific values should ing sedimentation and these changing values could
be different in the kerogens and oils. be a limitation when they are intended as oil-source
Ø Trace metal concentrations are strongly con- and oil–oil correlation parameters.
trolled by the environmental conditions of sedimen- Inorganic parameters are an excellent tool for
tation. Their sensitive concentrations to physico- following physicochemical changes during sedimen-
chemical conditions support their applicability to tation of organic matter. On the other hand, biomarker
paleoenvironmental studies. However, there is a high parameters and d13 C values are more consistent
variability in the trace metal ratios for each sequence within each sequence to be applied in further oil-
in contrast to the stability of biomarker ratios, and source rock and oil–oil correlation studies.
the latter are more suitable for oil–oil and oil-source
rock correlations.
5. Conclusions
We are indebted to J. Burwood, A. Borrego and
Biomarker parameters allow differentiation be- R. Sassen for their reviews and constructive criti-
tween the mixed organic matter of the Machiques cisms of the manuscript, and to Andres ´ Pilloud,
Member ŽAptian–Albian. and the marine organic Oswaldo Gallango and Julio Perez for field assis-
matter of the La Luna Formation ŽCenomanian– tance and stimulating discussion. We are also grate-
Campanian.. These biomarker parameters are con- ful to J. Leigh and J. Cheatelier for assistance and to
trolled by the type of organic matter plus the litho- T. Drever and T. Horscroft. We appreciate the assis-
logical composition of the source rock. Most of the tance of the laboratory staff at Intevep: Ana Picon,´
biomarker parameters do not show significant varia- Simon´ Gonzalez, Angel Fraile, Claudio Ceccarelli,
tions along the sedimentary sequences. Heavier d13 C Carmen Rodriguez, Irenio Berrios and Carmen Toro.
values for Machiques Member with respect to the La The management of PDVSA-Intevep is thanked for
Luna Formation are also notable and offer an addi- granting the permission to publish.
tional tool for correlation studies.
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