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Zhen Qi Yung Xing

Quotes and Paraphrasing:

For objective conditions, we should make full use of this condition to maximize our subjective
abilities. According to records, there are 10 to 15 billion nerve cells in the human brain, and from
these 10 to 15 billion nerve cells often only but only a few billion are active. That is to say, about
80 ~ 90% of nerve cells are in a relatively static state and do not participate in activities. If there are
tens of thousands of faults, the entire nervous system can still work as usual, and it is not affected.
There are about 2000 capillaries in the human body's 1 square millimeter of muscle cross-section.
In normal quiet state, only 5 of them There is blood passing through the left and right capillaries.
When participating in sports, there are 200 open to use, which means that 90% of the capillaries are
often dormant in the human body. A person weighing 70 kg has capillaries all over his body, which
are about 150,000 kilometers long. Such a dense blood net is just like millions of tiny hearts
(peripheral heart). If they are opened and closed rhythmically according to a certain period, and
alternately interact with the central heart, this will have a huge effect on life. Another example is a
person ’s alveoli, with an estimated 750 million, the total area of breathing It is about 130 square
meters. But the average person does not take advantage of so many alveoli, especially those who
do not exercise

We know that the human body is made up of hundreds of billions of cells. The body's growth and
development, aging, and death are all formed on the basis of cell metabolism, so what is the driving
force for cell metabolism? It is the continuous supply of nutrients (absorption from the digestive
system) and oxygen (uptake by the respiratory system) from the circulatory system, and the energy
produced by the metabolic changes of the cells (that is, “combustion”)...

Paying attention to exhalation can achieve the purpose of sinking (Qi to the) Dantian as planned

(Lower) Dantian is a very important part of the human body. It is located just behind the bladder
and in front of the rectum (Note: This is where the prostate gland and Seminal vesicles are located)

It also takes a long time to practice

you must build unwavering confidence, persevere, don’t ask for quick success, and don’t shrink

When Dantian Zhen-qi is enriched to a certain level (at the middle dantian), it will naturally follow
the meridian (downwards to the lower dantian). The power of this operation is determined based on
the strength (fullness) of (the middle) Dantian.

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