Department of Physics, IIT Madras

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Department of Physics, IIT Madras

PH1020 Physics II Take Home Quiz Start: 9:00am on 29.6.2020

End 5:00 pm on 3.7.2020 Answer all questions Max. marks: 20


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2. The question paper contains 5 questions appearing in 2 pages. Answer ques-

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1. Consider the following equations. All vector/scalar fields are assumed to de-
pend on space and in some cases (that you should know!) are time-dependent.
E1 ∇ · B = 0 and ∇ × B = µ0 J.
E2 ∇ · B = 0 and ∇ × H = Jf .
E3 ∇ · B = 0, ∇ × B = µ0 J + µ0 0 ∂E
∂t , ∇ · E = 0 and ∇ × E = − ∂B
∂t .
E4 ∇ · B = 0, ∇ × H = Jf + ∂t , ∇ · D = ρf and ∇ × E = − ∂B
∂t .
E5 B = µ0 (H + M).
E6 B = µ H.
E7 Bi = j=1 µij Hj for i = 1, 2, 3.
Consider the following problems and for each problem, separately identify the
equations from the above set are relevant to solving the problem. If multiple
equations are to be used, you should give all of them for full credit. A single
wrong choice leads to zero marks. [6 marks]
P1 A constant current I is passing through a thin wire located in free space.
Determine the magnetic field.
P2 A time-dependent current I(t) is passing through a thin wire located in
free space. Determine the magnetic field.
P3 A sphere of radius R carries magnetization M(r). Determind the mag-
netic field in the region outside the sphere.
P4 A linear homogeneous paramagnetic sphere is placed in a region with a
uniform magnetic field. Determine the magnetic field inside the sphere.
2. Let {|+i, |−i} be an orthonormal basis for a two-dimensional complex vector
space. The basis vectors are the eigenvectors of the operator σ3 :

σ3 |+i = |+i; σ3 |−i = −|−i,

Define two linear operators σ+ and σ− by their action on the basis elements

σ+ |+i = 0; σ+ |−i = |+i ,

σ− |+i = |−i; σ− |−i = 0.

If O,
b an operator acting on this 2D vector space, is defined as:

b = a σ3 + b σ+ + c σ− ,

where a, b and c ∈ C, obtain the matrix for O

b in the given basis. [2 marks]
3. Consider the electromagnetic field in the region between two perfectly con-
ducting walls at z = 0 and z = L planes. There are no sources in the cavity.
Let the electric field be given by:

E(r, t) = A q(t) sin(k z) êx ,

where A is a constant (of suitable dimensions) and q(t) is a dimensionless func-

tion of time. Impose the boundary condition that the electric field vanishes
on the conducting walls. [3 marks]
(a) Find all possible values of k implied by the boundary conditions?
(b) Find the equation satisfied by q(t) for t > 0 and solve it assuming that
q(0) = q0 (a non-zero constant) and q̇(0) = 0.


4. Let n̂ = (êx + êy + êz )/ 3. Consider a sequential Stern-Gerlach(SG) ex-
periment where the first SG setup is aligned along the z direction and the
|Sz , −i beam is blocked and the |Sz , +i beam is sent into a second SG setup
aligned along the n̂√direction. 1000 spins are prepared in the initial state
b = 1 (|Sz , +i + 3|Sz , −i) and sent through the sequential SG setup as
|ψi 2
shown in the figure below. [3 marks]

|n̂ · S, +i beam
b Sz n̂ · S

(a) Express the normalized state |n̂ · S, +i in the basis |Sz , ±i.
(b) On an average, how many spins will be observed in the |n̂ · S, +i beam.
Round your answer to the nearest integer.

5. Consider a region in space where z > 0 is a conductor (with conductivity

σ, permittivity  6= 0 and permeability µ0 ) and z < 0 is vacuum. A plane
electromagnetic wave whose electric field is given below is incident normally
on the metal.
Eincident = Re E0 êx eikz−iωt .

The total electric field will then take the form (For simplicity, we have not
indicated that the real part has to be taken but it is implicitly assumed to be
the case.)
E0 êx eikz−iωt + Er êx e−ikz−iωt z < 0 ,
E(x, t) = 0
Et êx eik z−iωt z>0.

and the magnetic field takes the form:

c êy e
+ Br e−ikz−iωt z<0,
B(x, t) = 0
Bt eik z−iωt z>0.

[6 marks]

(a) By considering Maxwell’s equations in the regions z > 0 and z < 0,

determine k 0 , Br and Bt in terms of Er , Et and other parameters.
(b) By imposing boundary conditions at z = 0. determine Er /E0 and Et /E0 .


Sample Page 1

1. P1




2. The matrix for Ô = .

3. (a) k =

(b) Equation:


4. |n̂ · S, +i =

The number of spins in the |n̂·S, +i beam =

Sample Page 2: Question 5 to be answered here.

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