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Mechanica Simulation


Creo Elements/pro 5.0

Volume -1

1. The Pro/Engineer Mechanica Process

1.1 Mechanica Process Overview
1.2 Building the Analysis Model
1.3 Running the Analysis
1.4 Reviewing Analysis Results
1.5 Improving the Design
1.6 Process Exercise
2. Theory and Mechanica Model Topics
2.1 Finite Element Analysis Overview
2.2 FEA Convergence
2.3 Using units in Mechanica
2.4 Understanding Model Types
2.5 Element Types Overview
2.6 Understanding Measures
2.7 Controlling the Display of Simulation Entities
2.8 Understanding Meshes
2.9 Understanding AutoGEM controls
2.10 Understanding AutoGEM Limits and Settings
2.11 Understanding Mechanica Coordinate Systems
2.12 Understanding Surface Regions
2.13 Understanding Volume Regions
3. Results
3.1 Understanding Results Files
3.2 Results Interface
3.3 Results File Operations
3.4 Inserting Results
3.5 Formatting Results
3.6 Performing Basic View Operations
3.7 Hiding and Un hiding Results
3.8 Editing, Copying, Deleting, Swapping and Reordering
Result Windows
3.9 Using Results Templates
3.10 Using Annotations
3.11 Creating Fringe Results
3.12 Creating vector Results
3.13 Creating Graph Results
3.14 Creating A Graph Preference File
3.15 Creating Model Results
3.16 Using Cutting and Capping Surfaces
3.17 Using Results Mode Info/Query
3.18 Trying and Untying Results
3.19 Controlling Animations
3.20 Exporting Animations
4. Materials and Material Properties
4.1 Understanding Material Properties
4.2 Using Materials
4.3 Understanding Failure Criteria
4.4 Creating Materials
4.5 Using Material Libraries
4.6 Assigning Materials
4.7 Using 3D Material Orientations
4.8 Using 2D Material Orientations
5. Idealizations
5.1 Model Type Overview
5.2 Using 3D Models
5.3 Using 2D Plane Stress Models
5.4 Using 2D Place Strain Models
5.5 Using 2D Axisymmetric Models
5.6 Understanding Beam Idealizations
5.7 Creating and Using Beam Sections
5.8 Using Beam Orientations
5.9 Using beam Releases
5.10 Understanding Shell Idealizations
5.11 Creating Midsurface Shell Idealizations
5.12 Creating Standard shell Idealizations
5.13 Understanding Mass Idealizations
5.14 Understanding Spring Idealizations
5.15 Other Techniques for simplifying Models
6. Structural
6.1 Understanding Structural Loads
6.2 Creating Force/Moment Loads
6.3 Creating Bearing Loads
6.4 Creating Centrifugal Loads
6.5 Creating Gravity Loads
6.6 Creating Pressure Loads
6.7 Creating Temperature Loads
6.8 Creating Mechanism Loads
7. Structural Constraints
7.1 Understanding displacement Constraints
7.2 Planar, Pin and Ball Constraints
7.3 Understanding Mirror Symmetry Constraints
7.4 Understanding Cyclic Symmetry constraints
Volume 1

Course Overview

This course is designed for new users who want to test, validate, and optimize product
designs with the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 Mechanica module. Mechanica enables you to
simulate structural and thermal loads on product designs. In this course, you will complete
comprehensive, hands-on lab exercises that simulate realistic analysis and design
optimization activities. You will also learn about advanced topics such as dynamic analyses,
combined mechanical and thermal analyses, and Fatigue Studies. A module on
Mechanica Best Practices is also included to help users avoid some of the more common
problems that new users encounter. After completing the course, you will be able to run
engineering analyses and optimizations on your product design models. At the end of each
module, you will find a set of review questions to reinforce critical topics from that module.
Your instructor will discuss these with the class. At the end of the course, you will find a
course assessment in Pro/FICIENCY intended to evaluate your understanding of the course
as a whole. After completing the course you will be well prepared to complete
Pro/MECHANICA analyses on product design projects in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0.

Course Objective

 Learning the basic Pro/MECHANICA Analysis Process

 Theory and Mechanica Model Topics
 Exploring Results
 Materials and Material Properties
 Understanding and Using Pro/MECHANICA idealizations
 Understanding and Using Structural Loads
 Understanding and Using Structural Constraints
 Running Structural Analyses
 Running Thermal Analyses
 Convergence
 Analyzing Assemblies with Pro/MECHANICA
 Completing Design and Sensitivity Studies
 Running Optimization Studies
 Advanced Topics
 Analysis Best Practices
 Analysis Projects

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How to use this course

The information in this Web based course is organized into modules which are
comprised of topics. Each topic is divided into one or more of the following

 Lecture - The lecture portion is comprised of the following:

o Concept - This section contains the initial introduction to the topic
and is presented in the form of a slide with audio.
o Theory - This section provides detailed information introduced in the
 Demonstration - This is a recorded video that demonstrates the procedure
 Labs - There two different types of labs that you will use in this course:
o Procedure - Procedures provide step-by-step instructions on how to
complete the topic within Pro/ENGINEER. Procedures are short,
focused, and simple labs that cover the specific topics to which they
apply. Not every topic has a Procedure as there are knowledge
topics that can not be exercised.
o Exercise - Exercises are longer than procedures and are typically
more involved and use more complicated models. Exercises may be
specific to a topic or may cover multiple topics, so not every topic
will have an associated exercise. You may also have Challenge
exercises and Project exercises, which are more involved and are
used to review a broader range of information.

The first module is typically a process module. In the process module, you are
introduced to the generic high-level processes used during the course and after
the course is completed. This module also typically contains an exercise.

Most courses also have a project module, which encapsulates the knowledge
gained in the course. The project will contain one or more exercises that provide
the process steps, but remove much of the detail from the procedure, task, and
detailed step levels. Thus students are encouraged to remember or reuse the
information provided in the course.

Note that not all courses have process or project modules.

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Running the Procedures and Exercises

To make the labs as concise as possible, each begins with a header. The header
lists the name of the lab and a brief scenario. The header lists the working
directory, the file you are to open, and the initial datum display.

An example of a Procedure is shown below, but Exercises follow the same general

The following gives a brief description of the items highlighted above:

1. Procedure/Exercise Name - This is the name of the lab.

2. Scenario - This briefly describes what will be done in the lab.
3. Close Windows/Erase Not Displayed - This indicates that you should close
any open files and erase them from memory. Click the Close Window icon

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until the icon is disabled and then click the Erase Not Displayed icon and
click OK. These icons have been added to the left side of the main toolbar.
4. Folder Name - This is the working directory for the lab. Lab files are stored on
a module by module basis. Within each module, you will find subdirectories
for each lab. In this example, Extrude_Features is the working directory. To
set the working directory, select the folder from the browser, right-click and
select Set Working Directory
5. Model to Open - This is the file to be opened from the working directory
(extrude.prt for example). In the browser, right-click on the file and select
Open. The model could be a part, drawing, assembly, etc. Also, if you are
expected to create a model, you will see Create New here.
6. Datum Display Setting - The initial datum display is shown here. For example,
Graphic means that you should display datum planes but not display
datum axes, datum points and datum coordinate systems. Before
beginning the lab, set the icons in the datum display toolbar to match
those shown in the header.
7. Task Name - Labs are broken into distinct tasks. There may be one or more
tasks within a lab.
8. Lab Steps - These are the individual steps required to complete a task.

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Module 1

The Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica Process

Module Overview

In this module, you will learn about the Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica process used to
analyze Pro/ENGINEER models. Understanding this process is important because it
will be followed every time you want to perform an analysis on a model. You will
learn a generic process that can be used to analyze most models in Pro/ENGINEER

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1.1 Mechanica Process Overview

Building the Analysis model

Building the analysis model consists of a number of required and optional

elements. It includes the creation or import of the geometry to be analyzed as well
as a number of other features necessary for a usable Mechanica Analysis model.

The type of analysis desired in the next step (Running the Analysis)
often dictates what the required and optional elements are for this

Running the Analysis

Running the analysis requires the selection of the type of analysis to be performed,
the boundary conditions to use, and analysis specific settings for topics such as
convergence and memory usage.

Reviewing the Analysis

Reviewing the analysis enables you to recover the results of an analysis. You can
then make design decisions based on insights gained from the results.

Improving the design

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You can explore different ways of making the model better by varying aspects of
the design while still fulfilling any necessary design requirements.

Improving the design is an optional step. Often, only the first three
steps are employed if you only want to determine whether a given
design meets the specification requirements.

1.2 Building the Analysis Model

Pro/ENGINEER Geometry Creation

Creation of geometry to analyze can go well beyond the simple creation of

shapes. Consider the following to help establish the design intent for your analysis
or design study models:

 Coordinate System and Units Setup

 Dimensions
 Relations
 Parent/Child relationships
 Model "Defeaturing"

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Material Assignment

The assignment of a material can incorporate a number of different elements such


 Material location: New or reused (from standard library or Custom libraries)

 Material Type: Isotropic (Linear or Hyperelastic), Orthotropic, or Transversely
 Material Application: Components or Volumes
 Material Orientation

Required Analysis Model Features

Certain features are required for Mechanica analysis models:

 Loads: Required for most analyses.

 Constraints: Required for all analyses unless inertial relief is applied.
 Mesh Generation: Required, although if not complete prior to running an
analysis, the mesh will be automatically generated as part of the analysis.

Optional Analysis Model Features

Some features are optional but often very useful in ensuring that the design model
mirrors the real-world conditions of the model:

 Regions: Can be used to segregate areas of a model to which you wish to

apply Materials, Loads, Constraints, or Mesh controls that differ from the rest
of the model's geometry.

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 Interface, Connections, and Contacts: These features influence how

different components in an assembly interact with one another during an
 Idealizations: Simplifications from the fully detailed 3-D geometry that
include Shells, Beam, Springs, and Masses.

1.3 Running the Analysis

Selecting the Analysis Type

Selecting the type of analysis is the first step in running the analysis. Different types
of analyses require different things from the
analysis model. For instance, many analysis
types require a load set to be specified but
some do not. The different types of
analyses are:

 Static or Pre-Stress Static

 Modal or Pre-Stress Modal
 Contact
 Buckling
 Large Deformation
 Fatigue
 Vibration (Time, Frequency, Shock,
and Random)
 Thermal (Steady State and Transient)

Analysis Specific Setup

Each different type of analysis has different requirements for its setup. These items
can include:

 Memory allocation.
 Mesh usage characteristics.
 Boundary conditions (loads and constraints).
 Convergence methods and criteria.
 Outputs.
 Excluded elements.
 Mode information.
 Previous analysis results.
 Loading and damping conditions.

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Analysis Execution

During and immediately following an analysis

execution, the follow activities can be completed:

 Run status monitoring.

 Convergence verification .
 Examination of numeric results for measures.

1.4 Reviewing Analysis Results

Fringe plots

Fringe plots enable you to recover scalar analysis results in the form of filled color
regions. There are many options for this result type including:

 Deformed results
 Animated deformation
 Contour and Isosurface plots

Vector Plots

Vector plots enable you to recover not only scalar values for analysis results, but
also the vectors associated with them. The vectors at each node are displayed as
an arrow pointing in the vectoral direction. In addition, the arrows are colored in
the same fashion as a fringe plot (thus showing scalar magnitude) and are sized to
show the magnitude of the vectors relative to each other. Like fringe plots, vector
results can be shown in the deformed state and animated.


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Graphs enable you to plot analysis measures on an Y axis against other measures
on the X axis. They can be geometry dependent (based on an edge or path in the
analysis model) or independent.

Model Results Plots

You can use model results plots to display the analysis model geometry in its
original or deformed state and are useful for showing simple animations of model
deformation or an optimized model shape.

1.5 Improving the Design

Standard Design Studies

A standard design study enables you to vary design variables (dimensions and
parameters) in your model and to calculate the results of an existing analysis after
they have been changed. You can specify different design variable settings for
the analysis. You can create a Standard design study from the Analyses and
Design Studies dialog box.

Sensitivity Studies

Sensitivity studies enable you explore how changes in design variables affect
measures in analyses. There are two different types of sensitivity studies:

 Local: Returns the derivatives of measures from an existing analysis at the

current or an assigned design point. It does so by calculating all of the
measures at the starting point and then changes the value(s) of the
selected design variable(s) a very small amount. The derivative is then

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calculated as the difference between the measure values divided by the

change in the design values.
 Global: Returns the values of measures from an existing analysis throughout
a range of values that the user specifies.

Feasibility Studies

Feasibility studies enable you to determine whether the design requirements for a
particular design can be fulfilled. The following are applied to feasibility studies:

 Design limits (constraints): Examples of design limits might include maximum

acceptable von Mises stresses or maximum allowable displacements.
 Design variable(s) and their permissible ranges.
The Mechanica engine then attempts to find a design condition that satisfies all of
the design limits by changing the design variables within their allowed ranges. If
the engine finds a single design condition that satisfies all of the design limits, it
considers the solution feasible and stops running.

Optimization Studies
Optimization studies are closely related to feasibility studies. In addition to the
design limits and variables in a feasibility study, the optimization study has a goal
function. During the initial execution of an optimization study, the optimization
engine behaves exactly as it does during an feasibility design study; that is, it
searches for a design that satisfies all of the design limits. Once such a feasible
design is found, the optimization engine then attempts to minimize or maximize the
goal function to finish with an optimal model.

1.6 Process Exercise


After successfully completing this exercise, you will be able to:

 Understand the basic process used to analyze models with Pro/ENGINEER


In this exercise, you will run a static analysis on a flag pole base. (BASE.PRT)

mechanica_process base.prt

Step 1. Enter Mechanica mode and select the Default Orientation.

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1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Named View List and select Default Orientation.

Step 2. Begin the process of setting up the model for a Mechanica analysis.

1. Apply a material to BASE.PRT.

 Click Material Assignment and click More... next to the Material field.
 Select steel.mtl from the Materials dialog box and click >>>. Click OK from
the Materials dialog box and OK from the Material Assignment dialog box.

2. Apply a constraint on the bottom surface to constrain translation in the X, Y and

Z directions.

 Click Displacement Constraint .

 Select the bottom surface of BASE.PRT.
 Verify the X, Y and Z translations are set to Fixed Translation .
 Set the X, Y and Z rotations to Free Rotation .
 Click OK from the Constraints dialog box.

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3. Begin the creation of a Force/Moment load.

 Click Force/ Moment Load .

 Select the cylindrical surface inside the model as shown.
 Click Named View List and select Standard Orientation.
 Click Advanced>> and select Total Load at Point from the Distribution field.
 Select PNT0 from the display area.

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4. Finish creating the Force/Moment load.

 Type -600 for the Force Z component and click OK.

 Click Named View List and select Default Orientation.

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Step 3. Set up and run the analysis and examine the results.

1. Click Mechanica Analyses/Studies .

2. Click File > New Static....

3. Type Base_Static in the Name field.

4. Verify that ConstraintSet1 and LoadSet1 are selected.

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5. Click OK.

6. Click Run Settings from the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box. Type 512
in the Memory Allocation (MB) field, as shown, and click OK.

7. Click Start Run > Yes to start the analysis.

8. Click Display Study Status once the analysis is started.

9. Wait for the analysis to complete before continuing.

10. Click Close to close the Diagnostics dialog box.

11. Click Close to close the Run Status window.

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The analysis should complete in less than one minute.

Step 4. Examine the results of the analysis.

1. Inspect the results of the analysis.

 Click Results from the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.
 Verify that Stress, von Mises, and MPa are selected in the fields on the
Quantity tab.
 Select the Display Options tab and select Deformed.
 Click OK and Show and examine the von Mises stress results.
 After noting the results, click File > Exit Results > No to close the Results

Step 5. Create an Optimization Design Study to use less material without

exceeding 63 MPa von Mises stress.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica, if necessary.

2. Create an Optimization Design Study named Base_Optimization.

 If necessary, click Mechanica Analyses/Studies to display the Analyses

and Design Studies dialog box.
 Click File > New Optimization Design Study....
 Type Base_Optimization in the Name field.
 Verify that the Goal is already set to Minimize and total_mass.
 Click Add Row and select max_stress_vm > OK from the Measures dialog
 Type 63.0 in the Value field for max_stress_vm and verify that the Units field
lists N/mm^2.

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 Verify that the logical operator is set to <.

3. Add the gusset thickness dimension as a design variable.

 Click Select Dimension , select an extrusion from the Pattern 1 of Extrude

3 , and select the 12mm dimension as shown.

4. Add the cylinder width dimension as a design variable.

 Click Select Dimension , select the cylindrical extrusion, and select the
12mm dimension as shown.

5. Set the maximum and minimum values for the design variables. For both design
variables, set the minimum values to 4 and the maximum values to 12 as shown.

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6. Click Options... and select the Remesh after each shape update check box.

7. Type 5.0 in the Optimization Convergence field.

8. The dialog box should appear as shown. Click Close > OK to return to the
Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.

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Step 6. Review the Optimization results, save the model, and erase it from memory.

1. Create a fringe plot of the Base_Optimization_Complete von Mises stress results.

The Base_Optimization design study requires approximately 10 to 20

minutes to complete. As a time saving alternative for this exercise,
you will review the results from the Base_Optimization_Complete
design study instead.

 Click Results from the main toolbar.

 Click Result Window from the Results Window main toolbar.
 Select Base_Optimization_Complete and click Open.
 Verify Display type is set to Fringe, Quantity is set to Stress, and Component
is set tovon Mises. Click OK and Show.

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Note how the model features that you controlled with design
variables look thinner and the stress values are higher but within the
specified 5% optimization convergence of 63.0 N/mm^2 that you
prescribed as a design constraint. This indicates that less material is
being used more efficiently without exceeding allowable stress limits.

2. Create a graph of the Base_Optimization_Complete total_mass measure.

 Click Copy from the Results Window main toolbar.

 Change the Display type to Graph, change the Graph Ordinate (Vertical)
Axis to Measure and click Define Measure .
 Select total_mass from the Measures dialog box and click OK. Click OK and

As an optional step, consider relating the max_stress_vm (in MPa)

versus Optimization pass with the total_mass versus Optimization
pass. Doing so enables you to see the relationship between the
decrease in mass of the model as the materials are thinned, which in
turn causes von Mises stress to rise.

3. When you are through reviewing the results, click File > Exit Results > No to close
the Results window.

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4. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

5. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

6. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

7. If necessary, close any windows that remain open.

This completes the procedure.

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Check Your Knowledge

1. True or False? The four basic elements in the Mechanica process are building
the analysis model, running the Mechanica analysis, reviewing the analysis results,
and improving the design.

A - True

B - False

2. Idealizations is the term used to designate ____________ in Pro/MECHANICA.

A - elements

B - loads and constraints

C - material properties

D - design parameters

3. In an Optimization Study, the _____ can NOT be violated.

A - goal

B - parameters

C - maximum number of iterations

D - design constraints

4. A design variable...

A - allows you to run a static analysis successfully.

B - allows you to vary a dimension between a range of values.

C - determines where the results will be calculated.

5. _______ studies adjust one or more parameters to best achieve a specified goal
or to test feasibility of a design, while respecting specified limits.

A - Sensitivity

B - Optimization

C - Standard design

D - Local sensitivity

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Module 2

Theory and Mechanica Model Topics

Module Overview

In this module, you will be introduced to some of the theory behind Finite Element
Analysis and how it applies to analyzing your models in Pro/Mechanica.

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2.1 Finite Element Analysis Overview

Closed Form Solutions

When designing mechanical components, users frequently desire to know what

stresses, strains, and displacements will be encountered when the design is
subjected to its design condition. Exact solutions to the differential equations for
stresses and strains are only known for basic geometries and boundary conditions
such as those found in simply supported beams and cylindrical tensile test
specimens. While these solutions can be applied to many design problems by
making idealizations and assumptions, they often fall short of predicting the true
nature of stresses and strains at critical areas in a design. It is in these critical areas
where Finite Element Analysis (FEA) can be helpful.

Finite Element Analysis

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is process wherein a model is broken down from its
original full size to smaller and simpler discrete "blocks" of material for which the
closed form solutions are known. The block with the hole through it shown above
serves as a good example. Each individual block is joined to the blocks adjacent
to it by using simultaneous linear equations. A computer is then used to solve all of
the equations. From these solutions, the behavior of each individual element can
be extracted and users can obtain the stress and displacement at all locations of
the structure. Once these stresses and displacements are known, decisions
pertaining to the validity of the design can be made by comparing them to
allowable stress values and other design requirements.

Types of Finite Element Analysis

There are two general classes of Finite Element Analysis:

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 Traditional Finite Element Analysis: This type of FEA was the first type of
analysis available and as such is sometimes referred to as Traditional Finite
Element Analysis. This type of analysis uses elements called h-elements.
Simply stated, h-elements are elements comprised of straight edged linear
elements. The math used to represent their shape is traditionally limited to a
linear shape function. When simulated loads or displacements are applied
to these elements, their flexibility is quite limited due to their linear shape

 Geometric Element Analysis (GEA): This type of Finite Element Analysis, often
referred to as GEA, use a completely different element type, the p-element.
Instead of being limited to linear shape functions as h-elements are, the p-
element uses polynomial shape functions. As a result, these elements are
much more flexible than h-elements and fewer of them can be used to
mesh a given model. Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica uses Geometric Elements
with up to ninth order polynomials.

2.2 FEA Convergence

Convergence as it relates to Finite Element Analysis is a process of running an

analysis to a solution two or more times and tracking the difference between key
measures in each solution. When these differences drop below a certain user
defined value, the analysis is considered converged. The methods by which
convergence is obtained differs between traditional FEA (h-elements) and
Geometric Element Analysis (p-elements). For traditional FEA, an initial mesh is
created, an analysis is run, and the results are recorded. Next, the model is
remeshed. This process of remeshing may be as simple as making the mesh smaller
throughout the whole model, or it may use more complex algorithms that
selectively grow or shrink the mesh in different areas of the model. Once the
model is remeshed, the analysis is run again, and its results are compared to the
results from the previous analysis. This process is repeated until the difference
between the two sets of results changes by less than a user-specified percentage.

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Once the change falls under this value, the model is considered converged. The
figure on the lower left shows an example of increasing the number of mesh

GEA Convergence
For GEA, the convergence process starts out the same as for FEA: an initial mesh is
created, an analysis is run, and the results are recorded. This first analysis is run with
all of the polynomial orders of the shape equations set to a certain order. Instead
of remeshing, as is the case with FEA, the polynomial order of the shape equations
is increased. This increase can be done uniformly throughout all of the elements in
the model, or it can be done selectively by algorithms where only certain edges
have their polynomial order increased. At this point, the process is similar to the FEA
process: the analysis is rerun and results are compared. This process continues until
convergence is reached. The figure on the lower right shows the deformed state
of an element that was calculated with first order (yellow), second order (green),
and third order (red) polynomials.

2.3 Using Units in Mechanica

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Unit Systems

A unit system is made up four separate basic units for a structural system: force,
mass, length, and time. Defining any three of these units will define the fourth unit
according to Newton's law, F = ma. For thermal systems, the unit for temperature
must be defined.

Establishing Unit Systems

When creating models in Pro/ENGINEER, there are several methods that can be
used to establish the unit system that will be assigned to the model.

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 Use of templates: When using templates for the creation of part or assembly
files, the unit system in the model will be established by the unit system in the
 User defined: The user can select from one of seven unit systems included
with Pro/ENGINEER , or he or she can create a custom unit system.
 Software default: In the absence of any guidance from a template or the
user, Pro/ENGINEER will default to the IPS (inch, pound mass, second) unit

Mechanica and Unit Systems

The principle unit system of a model being analyzed is important because it

determines the default units in which the analysis results are calculated and
reported. You can override these default units when you are creating loads,
constraints, and defining results windows. In the case of results windows, it is a
simple as selecting the units you want to use from the Units drop-down menu in the
Result Window Definition dialog box.

You can set the units for loads and constraints independent of the default unit
system of the simulation model by selecting the units from a drop-down menu in
the Load or Constraint dialog box. You can also convert a value from one unit
system to another by right-clicking the field and selecting Convert to Unit.

Procedure: Using Units in Mechanica

Change the default units of a pressure load, run an analysis, and view its results in
different units.

ChangingUnits pressure_vessel.asm

Task 1. Start the Mechanica application and edit the pressure load.

The default unit system for this model is IPS (inch-pound-seconds). As

a result, the default units for loads, constraints, and all measures will
be in this unit system.

1. 1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. 2. Click + next to Loads/Constraints in the model tree to expand the section.

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3. 3. Click + next to Load Set LoadSet1 in the model tree to expand the
4. 4. Right-click the Gas_Pressure load and select Edit Definition.

Note that the current pressure is 100 psi.

Task 2. Convert the 100 psi pressure load to kPa and run the analysis.

1. Right-click in the Value field (on the 100) and click Convert to Unit > kPa.

Note that the conversion to kPa has been done automatically (1 psi
= 6.89476 kPa).

2. Click OK to close the Pressure Load dialog box.

3. Click Mechanica Analyses/Studies .

4. If necessary, select Static_Analysis from the Analyses and Design Studies field.

5. Click Start Run > Yes to start the analysis.

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6. Click Display Study Status once the analysis is started.

7. Wait for the analysis to complete before continuing.

The analysis should complete in 1 to 2 minutes.

8. Click Close from the Run Status dialog box to close it.

Task 3. Review the analysis results using different units.

1. Click Results from the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.

2. Verify that Stress, von Mises, and psi are selected in the fields on the Quantity

3. Select the Display Options tab, select Deformed and type 5 in the Scaling field.

4. Click OK and Show and examine the von Mises stress results.

5. Click Copy from the results window toolbar.

6. Select the Quantity tab, then select MPa from the Units drop-down menu.

7. Click OK and Show and compare the two results windows.

Note that in terms of the fringe plots, there is no difference between

the two results. The differences appear in the text and legend values
accompanying each window that state the units in which each is
being presented.

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8. When you are through examining the results, click File > Exit Results > No to close
the Results window.

9. Click File > Close Window > File > Erase > Not Displayed > OK from the main
menu to close the window and erase all of the models from memory.

This completes the procedure.

2.4 Understanding Model Types

Model Types

There are four model types available in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Mechanica

 3-D: The 3-D model is used when none of the other idealized model types
can be used. It consists of three-dimensional elements and represents the
most complex model type available. Because it makes no assumptions, it
can be used to represent all types of design models.

 2-D Plane Stress: The 2-D Plane Stress model is a two-dimensional idealized
model that is much thinner in one coordinate direction as compared to the
other two coordinate directions. To use this type of model in Mechanica,
the user must specify a coordinate system and a surface that lies in the XY
plane of the selected coordinate system. The Mechanica analysis proceeds
by creating a two-dimensional analysis model that assumes no stresses in
the Z direction. Models that lend themselves well to this type of analysis are
thin plates that are subjected to in-plane loads (loads in the X and Y
directions only).
 2-D Plane Strain: The 2-D Plane Strain model is a two-dimensional idealized
model that is much thicker in one coordinate direction as compared to the
other two coordinate directions. To use this type of model in Mechanica,
the user must specify a coordinate system and a surface (in the case of

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solid model) or edges/curves (in the case of shell models) that lie in the XY
plane of the selected coordinate system. The Mechanica analysis proceeds
by creating a two-dimensional analysis model that assumes no strains in the
Z direction. Models that lend themselves well to this type of analysis are
prismatic shapes like beams or pressure vessels that are long in the Z
direction and have a cross section that does not vary appreciably in the Z

 2-D Axisymmetric: The 2-D Axisymmetric model can be used for models that
are symmetric about an axis. This model type requires all aspects of the
analysis model (loads, constraints, and geometry) to be symmetric about
the axis. To use this type of model in Mechanica, the user must specify a
coordinate system and a surface (in the case of a solid model) or
edges/curves (in the case of a shell model) that lie in the XY plane of the
selected coordinate system. All of the geometry must be in the X >= 0
section of the plane, and all of the loads and constraints must be specified
in the XY plane. Models that lend themselves well to this type of analysis are
tanks, flanges, and hubs.

2.5 Element Types Overview


Mechanica uses the Automatic Geometric Element Mesher, known as AutoGEM,

for the creation of meshes for analyses. AutoGEM is capable of generating
elements that fall into four basic categories: Solid elements, Shell elements, 2-D
elements, and Idealization elements that include mass, spring, and beam
analytical representations.

Solid Elements

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There are basically three solid element types that can be created by AutoGEM.

 Tetrahedron element: The tetrahedron element is a four-sided element.

Each side is triangular and can be planar or curved. Tetrahedrons are the
most widely used of the solid element types.
 Brick element: A brick element has two opposite quadrilateral faces and
four faces between the two opposite faces. They are useful in models that
have volumes with two opposing faces with similar shapes. The brick can
represent planar volumes as well as curved volumes. To connect a brick
element to a tetrahedron element, AutoGEM must create links so triangular
faces of two tetrahedrons can interface with a single quadrilateral brick

 Wedge element: A wedge element has two opposite triangular faces and
three quadrilateral faces between them. Similar to the brick element,
wedges are useful in models that have volumes with two opposing faces
with similar shapes, and can represent planar volumes as well as curved
volumes. Wedge elements are more versatile than brick elements because
AutoGEM can connect wedges to both tetrahedrons and bricks without
needing to create links.

Shell Elements (3-D)

A shell element can be effectively used in structures with a constant thickness that
is relatively small compared to the length and width. AutoGEM can create two
types of shell elements:

 Triangles: A triangular element is a three-sided element. Unlike geometric

triangles, each side of the element can be curved.
 Quadrilaterals: A quadrilateral element is a four-sided element. Unlike
geometric quadrilaterals, each side of the element can be curved.

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2-D Elements

AutoGEM can create three types of 2-D elements, but it will only create those that
are applicable to the type of 2-D model being analyzed. 2-D elements lay entirely
in the XY plane of a specified coordinate system. The three element types are:

 2-D Shell: The 2-D shell element is actually a 1 dimensional element; it is a

curve in the XY plane that has a thickness associated with it. 2-D shell
elements can be used in 2-D plane strain or 2-D axisymmetric models.
 2-D Solid: The 2-D solid element is a used to represent a thin slice of solid in
2-D plane strain or 2-D axisymmetric models. 2-D solid elements are
quadrilateral or triangular is shape, similar to 3-D shell elements.
 2-D Plate: The 2-D plate element is used to represent a solid in 2-D plane
stress models only. Although they are two dimensional in representation,
they do have a thickness associated with them in the Z direction (the
thickness of the thin plate they are being used to represent).

Idealization Elements: Beams, Springs, and Masses

 Beams: A beam idealization is a one-dimensional idealization that can

follow a curve in three dimensions. Beams are created by specifying a
cross-section, and degrees of freedom at the beam ends.
 Springs: A spring idealization connects two points or a point to ground in a
model and provides a user-specified translational force or rotational torque.
Spring rates are linear only.
 Masses: A mass idealization enables the placement of a user-specifiable
mass at a point. It is useful in representing the mass of an object, that when
in a model, will be analyzed without having to model geometry.

Best Practices
For 3-D shell elements, 2-D shell elements, and 2-D plate elements, the ratio of the
length and width dimensions compared to the thickness of the element should fall
somewhere in the range of greater than 10 but less than 1000.

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2.6 Understanding Measures

Predefined Measures

During a Mechanica analysis, the system tracks a number of predefined measures

at each node. Examples of these values during a structural analysis include:

 Stress matrix values (XX, XY, XZ, YY, YZ, & ZZ)
 Displacement in each direction (X, Y, & Z)
 Strain energy
 Maximum and Minimum principal stresses.
 von Mises Stress

User defined Measures

User defined Measures (from here forward referred to simply as measures) enable
the user to calculate scalar values that are not part of the predefined measures
that might be of great use to a specific analyses.

The following is a list of some potential uses for measures:

 Monitor specific aspects of your model's performance (stress/strain at a

point and/or in a particular direction).
 Convergence criteria for an analysis.
 Goals or a limits in a design study.
 Determine how shape changes affect a particular quantity in your model.
 Monitor model performance in dynamic situations: measures can be taken
at a particular point on the model and measure acceleration, velocity,
and/or position at that point during a dynamic analysis.

Creating Measures

Measures are created by specifying the following information for each measure:

 Name: The name of the measure cannot match a Pro/ENGINEER

parameter name or any other Mechanica measure name.
 Domain: The scalar value resulting from a measure can be obtained from a
specified domain. The domain can be specified as the entire model, a
specific component, idealization, layer, or piece of geometry (within
specified distance from a user specified point), or a specific point.
 Measure type:
o All predefined values (a domain other than the whole model can be

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o Displacement, velocity, and acceleration (both rotational and

o Force and Moments
o Driven Pro/ENGINEER parameters
o Calculated measures
 Value sought: Maximum, minimum, or exact value (only at a point).

Available Measures Results

Results for measures are only calculated for certain types of analyses and design

 Scalar quantities: available in the summary file

 Graphs: available for the following
o Multi Pass Adaptive (MPA) analyses: Graph of measure values for
each p-level pass
o Dynamic Time/Frequency, transient thermal, or random analyses:
Graph of measure values at each time/frequency interval
o Large deformation analyses: Graph of measure values at each load
o Optimization design studies: Graph of measure values at each
optimization step
o Local/global sensitivity studies: Graph of measure values at each
design variable value

Procedure: Creating Measures

Create a measure in a simple part.

Measures measure_example.prt

Task 1. Open the Measures dialog box and explore the predefined measures.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica > OK.

2. Click Simulation Measure and select the Show Predefined Measures check

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Note the default measures already defined for the entire model.

Task 2. Create a new measure, save the model, and erase it from memory.

1. Click New to access the Measure Definition dialog box.

2. Type Point_Accel in the Name field and select Acceleration from the Quantity
drop-down menu.

3. Verify that the Component field is set to Magnitude and select At Point from the
Spatial Evaluation drop-down menu.

4. Click Select Reference , select PNT0 from the model and click OK in the select
dialog box.

5. Verify that the dialog box appears as shown and click OK.

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6. Click Close to close the Measures dialog box.

7. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

8. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

9. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

2.7 Controlling the Display of Simulation Entities

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The Simulation Display Dialog Box

There are five tabs in the Simulation Display dialog box that are used to control the
display properties of items in the Mechanica model.

 Settings: The settings tab contains three areas that are used to manage the
display of various items.
o Common Settings: Options in this area enable you to control some
generic display settings. Two of the most useful items here are:
 Z-buffer Icons: This option enables the model geometry to
block icons. It is very useful in that it reduces the clutter on a
simulation model by enabling you to see only the icons that
are visible from the
―front‖ of the
model as it is
currently oriented.
 Display Current
Csys Triad: This
option places a
coordinate system
triad in the lower
right corner of the
display area that is
in the current
orientation of the
model. This is useful
in discerning the
vectorial directions
of the model while
applying loads and
constraints, without
having to turn on
the display of
datum coordinate systems.
o Load/Constraint Display: Options in this area enable you to control
the display of items related to loads and constraints. The options here
control the display of each item as a whole as opposed to by type
as is the case on the Loads / Constraints tab. Specific items include
the display of names and values, as well as the scale and density of
the icons displayed on the model.
o AutoGEM Control Display: Options in this area can be used to turn
the display of AutoGEM controls as a whole on or off (that is, icons,
names, and values), or it can be used to turn AutoGEM names and
AutoGEM values on and off independent of each other and the their

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 Modeling Entities: This tab can be used to control the display of specific
types of idealizations and connections. For instance, you can use this tab to
turn off the display of spring and mass idealizations along with weld
connections, while leaving shell idealizations and rigid link connections
turned on.
 Loads / Constraints: This tab can be used to turn the display of specific
types of loads and constraints on and off by their type. For instance, you
could turn off the display of all pressure loads and displacement constraints,
while leaving force/moment loads and symmetry constraints displayed.
 Set Visibilities: This tab can be used to turn the display of entire load sets and
constraint sets on and off. It is analogous to adding load sets and constraint
sets to a layer and then hiding or showing the layer.
 Mesh: This tab is used to manage the display of mesh elements. The display
of specific mesh entities (such as beams, solids, and shells) can be turned
on and off. The display quality (fine, medium, or coarse) of the mesh
elements can be controlled on this tab as well. Another particularly useful
option in this tab is the Shrink Elements option. This option is extremely useful
for visualizing the mesh, particularly inside the model.

Overriding Default Load and Constraint Colors

When you are creating a load or constraint, you can override the default color of
the load or constraint by clicking the Edit Color icon. This opens the
Pro/ENGINEER color editor window, enabling you to change the color of the
entities associated with the load or constraint.

Moving Tags
To make models easier to view it is possible to move the name and value tags
associated with a load or constraint to a new location. This is done by selecting
the load or constraint, right-clicking and selecting Move Tag. You can then click a
new location where you want to move the tag. The tag will move to that location
and a leader will connect to the reference it was originally attached to.

Procedure: Controlling the Display of Simulation Entities

Control the display of simulation entities.

DisplayControl eng_block_rear.prt

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Task 1. Start the Mechanica application. Move and change the color of the
existing constraint tags.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Select the Bolt constraint as shown. Right-click and select Move Tag.

3. Click approximately where shown in the figure to move the tag to a new

Note that in place of 6 individual tags, there now is a single tag in the
new location with leader lines connecting to the references for the

4. Click Named View List and select 3D_BACK.

5. Select the Surface_Thrust constraint as shown. Right-click and select Move Tag.

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6. Click approximately where shown in the figure to move the tag to a new

7. Click Named View List and select Standard Orientation.

8. If necessary, select the Surface_Thrust constraint again. Right-click and select

Edit Definition.

9. Click Edit Color from the Constraint dialog box.

10. Type 255 in the R field, 127 in the G field and 0 in the B field to create an
orange color. When the dialog box appears as shown, click Close > OK.

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Task 2. Modify some of the simulation display settings.

1. Click Simulation Display from the main toolbar.

2. If necessary, select the Settings tab.

3. Select the Display Current Csys Triad check box.

4. Select the Modeling Entities tab and clear the Material Assignments check box.

5. Select the Loads / Constraints tab and clear the Force/Moment Loads check

6. Click OK to close the Simulation Display dialog box.

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Task 3. Mesh the model and modify the display settings of the mesh.

1. Click Create from the main toolbar. Click Create in the AutoGEM dialog box
to mesh the model.

Note that the mesh process will take about 30–60 seconds to

2. When the mesh is complete, click Close in the Diagnostics dialog box to close it.

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3. Click Simulation Display from the main toolbar.

4. Select the Mesh tab and clear the Mesh Points check box.

5. Select the Shrink Elements check box and type 30 in the percentage field as

6. Click OK to close the Simulation Display dialog box and view the changes.

Note how shrinking the elements enables you to better see the mesh
elements that make up the structure, especially those on the internal
portions of the model.

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7. Click Close from the AutoGEM Summary dialog box, followed by Close from the
AutoGEM dialog box. When you are prompted to save the mesh, click No.

8. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

9. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

10. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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2.8 Understanding Meshes

Mesh creation and storage

Meshes can be created before an analysis is run or at the time an analysis is run. If
a mesh isn't present when an analysis is run, Mechanica will automatically use the
current AutoGEM settings and controls to create one.

Meshes can be created, loaded, copied from a design study, and saved. Meshes
are saved in a file with the same name as the Pro/ENGINEER model with a .mmp
extension added.

Model Preparation

Before generating a mesh, consider completing the following steps as necessary:

 If more elements are desired in a particular area of interest, add geometry

(such as points, datum curves, or datum surfaces), or simulation features
(such as surface or volume regions) to increase the element density.
 Assign beam idealizations before meshing to avoid errors.
 Assign shell (simple or advanced) idealizations.
 Define 2D model idealizations (plane strain, plane stress, and axisymmetric).
 Ensure that the Insert Points and Move Or Delete Existing Points options are
set in the AutoGEM Settings dialog box. (In almost all cases, having these
options selected will result in a more optimal set of mesh elements).
 Assign materials wherever necessary (solids, shell, and other idealizations).

Generating Meshes

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Once the model has been prepared, the process of actually generating a mesh is
usually quite simple. Once the AutoGEM dialog box is open, the default option of
All with Properties is usually accepted. Alternatively, AutoGEM can be restricted to
create meshes only in a Component, Volume, Region, or Curve that the user

Reviewing and Refining Meshes

Anytime AutoGEM finishes creating a mesh, the results are posted in the AutoGEM
Summary dialog box and may be reviewed. The mesh can also be saved at this
point, enabling the user to leave the mesh creation mode. At this point, the user
may opt to make some changes to the AutoGEM settings and/or controls. The user
can then return to the mesh creation mode, load the existing mesh, and further
refine the mesh for the analysis model. This process can be repeated until the
desired set of mesh elements has been generated.

Procedure: Creating Meshes

Create a mesh in a simple part.

Creating_Meshes simple_block.prt

Task 1. Create a mesh in the SIMPLE_BLOCK.PRT part.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Create and click Create from the AutoGEM dialog box to create a
mesh using the default settings.

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3. After examining the resulting mesh, click Close from the AutoGEM Summary
dialog box then Close from the AutoGEM dialog box. Click Yes to save the mesh
and leave the AutoGEM mode.

Task 2. Note the creation of new files in the working directory, save the model and
erase it from memory.

1. Click Folder Browser > Working Directory .

2. Note the creation of the following files: simple_block.agm, simple_block.mmp,

and simple_block.usr.

Mesh information is stored in .mmp files. The other files are log files.

3. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

4. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

5. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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2.9 Understanding AutoGEM Controls

AutoGEM controls

AutoGEM controls enable you to exert additional influence beyond the software
defaults. Specific controls include:

 Edge Distribution: Specifies the number of nodes and placements along

curves or surface edges.
 Minimum Edge Length: Ignores edges and datum curves with lengths
smaller than or equal to a specified length.
 Isolate for Exclusion: Enables manual exclusion or automatic detection and
isolation of singularities in a model. Elements that are excluded are ignored
for the purposes of calculating convergence and measures.
 Maximum Element Size: Controls the maximum size of the elements created
by the mesh generator.
 Edge Length by Curvature: Creates relatively smaller elements adjacent to
curved surfaces.
 Hard Points: Enables selection of points on the model to guide the mesh
creation process. AutoGEM creates an element node at each of the
selected points.
 Hard Curves: Enables selection of datum curves on the model to guide the
mesh creation process. AutoGEM creates element edges along each of the
selected curves.

In the figure shown, AutoGEM controls have been used to increase the total
element count in strategic areas, as well as to exclude some elements considered

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unimportant for analysis convergence. This was done using Maximum Element Size
for the entire component, Edge Length by Curvature for the hole, and Isolate for
Exclusion on a Volume Region at the bottom of the model. The excluded elements
are shown in red.

Procedure: Understanding AutoGEM Controls

Create various different AutoGEM controls.

AutoGEM_Controls plate_w_hole.prt

Task 1. Create a Maximum Element Size Mesh control.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Control from the Mechanica toolbar to activate the AutoGEM Control
dialog box.

3. Verify that the Type field is set to Maximum Element Size. Select Components
from the References drop-down menu.

4. Type 30 in the Element Size field and click OK to complete the AutoGEM control

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Task 2. Create an Edge Length by Curvature control.

1. Click Control to activate the AutoGEM Control dialog box.

2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Edge Length by Curvature. Select
Surfaces from the References drop-down menu and select the cylindrical surface
inside the hole as shown.

3. Type 1 in the Edge Length / Radius of Curvature ratio field and click OK to
complete the AutoGEM control definition.

Task 3. Create an Isolate for Exclusion Mesh control.

1. Click Control to activate the AutoGEM Control dialog box.

2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Isolate for Exclusion and select the
volume region as shown.

3. Click OK to complete the AutoGEM control definition.

Task 4. Create an Edge Distribution Mesh control, save the model, and erase it
from memory.

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1. Click Control to activate the AutoGEM Control dialog box.

2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Edge Distribution and select the edge as

3. Type 10 in the Number of Nodes field and click OK to complete the AutoGEM
control definition.

4. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

5. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

6. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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2.10 Understanding AutoGEM Limits and Settings

AutoGEM Limits

AutoGEM limits enable you to customize which limit settings are permitted during
the creation of mesh elements. The limit settings are:

 Allowable Angles (Refer to the figure on the upper left for an example of
Edge and Face angles).
o Max/Min Edge Angles: Edge angles are the angles formed at the
vertices of the edges of single facets.
o Max/Min Face Angles: Face angles are the angles formed between
adjacent facets.
 Max Aspect Ratio: The aspect ratio is the ratio between the longest and
shortest leg lengths of a facet. The example shown on the upper right side
of this slide shows a ratio of 4:2 or 2.0.
 Max Edge Turn: The edge turn angle is the maximum angle subtended by
an edge that is permitted. The two figures on the bottom of the slide (shown
in green) show examples of a model that was meshed with the Max Edge
Turn limit set to 90 degrees (on the left) and 30 degrees (on the right). In
simple terms, it is the maximum number of degrees that the normal to a
given edge of a facet can turn from its start to its end.

AutoGEM Settings

AutoGEM settings enable you to customize the parameters that determine how
mesh elements are created. Settings include:

 Insert Points: Enables the addition of points to create a valid mesh.

 Move or Delete Existing Points: Enables the relocation/removal of existing
points for optimal element configuration.
 Modify or Delete Existing Elements: Permits modification/deletion of existing
elements to optimize/complete element creation.

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 Automatic Interrupt: Stops AutoGEM automatically after it creates a

specified percentage of elements.
 Ignore Unpaired Surfaces: Unpaired surfaces are excluded from the mesh.
 Remove Unopposed Surfaces: Unopposed surfaces are excluded from the
 Create Links Where Needed: Enables the creation of links when needed to
connect shell/solid elements or solid quadrilateral/solid triangular faces.
 Create Bonding Elements: Permits creation of bonding elements that link
parts in assemblies.
 Detailed Fillet Modeling: Creates more elements near fillets for smoother
fringe plots.
 Display AutoGEM Prompts: Display the prompts or message boxes which
require action/confirmation to continue meshing.
 Element Types: Direct AutoGEM to allow the creation of certain element
types for shells and solids. For shell elements, the default setting is to have
AutoGEM create quadrilateral and triangular elements but you can also
restrict AutoGEM to the creation of triangular elements only. For solid
elements, the default setting is to have AutoGEM create only tetrahedral
elements, but you could also allow AutoGEM to create tetrahedral and
wedge type elements, or tetrahedral, wedge, and brick type elements.

Best Practices

For solids and shells, the software default limits work well for most scenarios.
However, better shell model results are often obtained when the following limits
are used: Edge Max and Face Max= 165; Edge Min and Face Min= 15; Max Aspect
Ratio= 5; Max Edge Turn= 85.

Additionally, AutoGEM can be directed to create nodes where datum points are
encountered. This method can be used to force nodes into specific areas of an
analysis model.

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Procedure: Understanding AutoGEM Limits and Settings

Apply different AutoGEM limits to a model.

AutoGEM_limits limits_example.prt

Task 1. Create a P-mesh using AutoGEM default limits.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Create and click Create from the AutoGEM dialog box to create a
mesh using the default settings.

Note that the current mesh contains a total of 41 elements.

3. After examining the resulting mesh, click Close > Close > No to leave the
AutoGEM mode. You can click Close to close the Diagnostics dialog box if

Task 2. Modify the default AutoGEM limits.

1. Click AutoGem > Settings... and select the Limits tab.

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2. Verify that the Limits for field are set to Creating and type the following values in
the fields specified:

Field Value

Edge Max 165

Edge Min 15

Face Max 165

Face Min 15

Max Aspect Ratio 5

Max Edge Turn 85

3. Click OK in the AutoGEM Settings dialog box.

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4. After reviewing the warning, click OK to close the Information dialog box.

Task 3. Create a P-mesh using the modified AutoGEM limits.

1. Click Create and select Create from the AutoGEM dialog box to create a
mesh using the modified settings.

Note the change in the general shape of each element and the
increase in the total number of elements from 41 to 137.

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2. After examining the resulting mesh, click Close > Close > No to leave the
AutoGEM mode. You can click Close to close the Diagnostics dialog box if

3. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

4. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

5. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

2.11 Understanding Mechanica Coordinate Systems

Coordinate System Types

There are two different types of coordinate systems present in an Integrated

Mechanica Analysis Model:

 WCS (world coordinate system): The default Mechanica coordinate system.

It is a Cartesian coordinate system at 0, 0, 0. An example of a WCS is shown
in the center of the top figure above.
 UCS (user coordinate system): A user created coordinate system that can
be Cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical. A UCS can be set at the current
coordinate system in place of the WCS.
o Cartesian: coordinates are measured in X, Y, and Z directions. An
example of a Cartesian UCS is shown on the upper-left side of the
top figure above (Coordinate system CS0).

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o Cylindrical: coordinates are measured in R, Θ, and Z directions. An

example of a cylindrical UCS is shown on the right side of the top
figure above (Coordinate system CS1).
o Spherical: coordinates are measured in R, θ, and Φ directions. An
example of a spherical UCS is shown on the lower-right side of the
top figure above (Coordinate system CS2).

Coordinate System Uses

Coordinate systems can be used for several different activities in Mechanica.

 Location: Unless otherwise noted, Mechanica will always return the location
of a queried item in terms of the current coordinate system.
 Loads: Loads can be applied relative to the WCS or a UCS designated in
the Loads dialog box. Consider the difference between the loads shown
applied to the two holes shown in the figure labelled Loads above. A load
of X = 1 is applied relative to a Cartesian coordinate system placed at the
center of the left hole, whereas a load of R = 1 is applied relative to a
cylindrical coordinate system placed at the center of the hole on the right.
 Constraints: Like loads, constraints can be applied relative to the WCS or a
UCS designated in the constraints dialog box. Consider a hole that needs to
be constrained such that the sides of the hole must be fixed radially, but
allowed to translate axially. A Cartesian coordinate system, like the one
shown in the figure labelled Constraints above, would need fixed X and Y
translation. The same hole with a cylindrical coordinate system would only
need fixed R translation.

Procedure: Creating Mechanica Coordinate Systems

Create a Mechanica coordinate system in a simple part.

MechanicaCsys coord_sys.prt

Task 1. Create a coordinate system in the COORD_SYS.PRT part, save the model,
and erase it from memory.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Datum Coordinate System Tool and select the vertex shown in the figure.

3. Select Cylindrical from the Type drop-down menu.

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4. Select the Orientation tab and click in the first Use field to enable the selection
of a reference. Select the surface on the right side of the model as shown.

5. Verify that the To Determine field is set to T=0.

6. Select the top surface of the model to populate the second use field. Select Z
from the to Project drop-down menu. The model should appear as shown.

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7. Click OK to create the coordinate system and close the dialog box. The model
should now appear as shown.

8. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

9. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

10. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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2.12 Understanding Surface Regions

Optimizing Models for Analysis using Surface Regions

You use regions to apply loads and constraints to particular ―footprints‖ on a

model. You can create surface regions in Mechanica to apply loads and
constraints to specific localized surface areas. Surface region creation is a two-
step process:

 Defining the region boundary – is accomplished by sketching a datum

curve feature to represent the boundary. You can create a separate
datum curve feature for each region that you need to define. You cannot
define multiple region boundaries with only one datum curve feature.
 Creating the region – consists of splitting a model surface into smaller
surfaces, or regions, using the datum curve as a boundary.

You must define regions before mid-surfaces for shell modeling because creating
regions can invalidate existing shell pairs.

Best Practices
You should define regions before mid-surfaces for shell modeling because creating
regions can invalidate existing shell pairs.

Procedure: Creating Surface Regions

Create surface regions by selecting existing datum curves and sketching new

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SurfaceRegions surface_region.prt

Task 1. Open Mechanica and create a sketched Surface Region.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Surface Region .

3. Right-click in the display area and select Define Internal Sketch....

4. Select the top surface as shown as the sketching plane reference. Click Sketch
from the Sketch dialog box to accept the defaults and start Sketch mode.

5. Sketch a rectangle as shown.

6. Click Done Section to exit Sketcher mode.

7. Click Named View List and select Default Orientation.

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8. Select the same surface of the model (top) that you selected as the sketching
plane reference in the steps above as the surfaces to split reference.

9. Click Complete Feature .

10. Cursor over the top surface of the model and note that the newly created
surface region can be selected.

If the surface region had not been created, only the entire top
surface could be selected instead of the smaller surface region.

Task 2. Create a surface region by selecting a datum curve, save the model, and
erase it from memory.

1. Click Surface Region .

2. Select the circular datum curve shown in the figure.

3. Select the same surface that the sketch was sketched on as shown.

4. Click Complete Feature .

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5. Move the mouse over the right surface of the model and note that the newly
created surface region can be selected.

6. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

7. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

8. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

2.13 Understanding Volume Regions

Optimizing Models for Analysis using Volume Regions

While you can create surface regions in Mechanica to apply loads and constraints
to specific localized surface areas, you can use similar functionality to split solids
into three-dimensional regions. You accomplish this by creating Volume Regions.

Creation of volume regions is similar to that of the cut feature in Pro/ENGINEER. You
can create them in parts or assembly models and they inherit the material
properties from the solid geometry within which they are created. Since you can
view results by volume, these regions are beneficial in preparing a model for post-
processing, making it easier to view internal stresses, strains, and so on. Since you
must create elements within a volume region, you can also use them as an
effective means of increasing mesh density when required.

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Mechanica uses the Pro/ENGINEER dashboard user interface to create volume

regions. To create a volume region select one of the following creation methods
from the flyout toolbar (or select Insert > Volume Region ) and select one of the

Extrude Tool Extrudes a single section. *

Revolve Tool Revolves a single section. *

Sweep Tool Sweeps a section along a trajectory.

Blend Tool Blends two or more sections.

Use Quilt Uses quilt surfaces as the boundaries of a volume region. This
option is not active if your model contains no quilts.

Variable Section Creates a volume region based on the variable section

Sweep Tool sweep of a surface from the trajectories of points on the
swept surface. *

Swept Blend Tool Creates a volume region based on a swept blend from
sections at different points on the trajectory of sweep. *

Helical Sweep Create a volume region based on a sweep along the

Tool trajectory defined by profile and pitch.

* The user interface and the creation method is the same as in

Pro/ENGINEER but the Solid , Surface , and Remove Material
icons are not available.

Procedure: Creating Volume Regions

Create an extruded volume region.

VolumeRegions volume_region.prt

Task 1. Open Mechanica and create an Extruded Volume Region, save the
model, and erase if from memory.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

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2. Click Extrude Tool from the volume region flyout menu at the bottom of the
Mechanica feature toolbar.

3. Right-click and select Define Internal Sketch....

4. Select the top surface as shown as the sketching plane reference.

5. Click Sketch to accept the defaults and start Sketch mode.

6. Sketch a rectangle similar to the one shown in the figure.

7. Click Done Section to exit Sketcher mode.

8. Type 40.0 in the depth value field and press ENTER.

9. Press CTRL + D to orient to the standard orientation.

10. Click Complete Feature .

11. Cursor over the area shown in the figure and note that the newly created
volume region can be selected.

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It may be necessary to use Query Select or the Pick From List from
the right-click asynchronous menu to highlight the volume region.

12. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications >


13. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

14. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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Check Your Knowledge

1. Which statement best describes the analysis method used by Pro/MECHANICA


A - A very simple and quick calculation is possible, as it uses boundary

element methods, and thus does not require any meshing.

B - It uses the P element version of the Finite Element Method, and

enhances its own accuracy by automatically adjusting the degrees of the
polynomial shape functions until convergence is achieved.

C - It uses the H element version of the Finite Element Method, and

enhances its own accuracy by meshing in smaller meshes.

D - It uses the R element version of the Finite Element Method. It enhances

its own accuracy by concentrating the mesh in the location in which the highest
stress concentrations are found, and thus there will be little extra time required for
calculation due to mesh density.

2. Mesh refinement can be achieved by...

A - creating datum points in the area of concern.

B - creating a surface region in the area of concern.

C - reducing the maximum aspect ratio.

D - All of the above.

E - Only B and C.

3. If the AutoGEM setting value for the maximum allowable aspect ratio is
changed from 30 to 15, would you expect the number of elements in the model to
increase or decrease?

A - Increase.

B - Decrease.

4. Which statement is CORRECT regarding the standard measures defined by

default in Pro/MECHANICA?

A - Standard Measures are evaluated over the entire model.

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B - Standard Measures can be evaluated at particular, selected locations

on the model.

C - Standard Measures can be evaluated over the entire model OR at

particular, selected locations on the model.

D - Standard Measures only concern information about CPU time, system

time, and memory usage.

5. What is required in order to place a constraint on a limited portion of a surface

on a solid model?

A - A Pro/ENGINEER surface feature must be created on the existing solid


B - A Pro/MECHANICA Surface Region must be created on the solid


C - A Pro/MECHANICA Datum Curve must be created on the solid surface.

D - A very thin protrusion should be created on the solid surface before

transferring the model to MECHANICA.

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Module 3


Module Overview

After you define your analysis and run it, you can create results and interpret them.
In this module, you learn how to create and configure results windows. You also
learn how to query a results window using various tools.

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3.1 Understanding Results Files

Mechanica Analysis Files

When an analysis is run, several files are created in the working directory for the
model. Assume an analysis is run on a model called mill_bearing, and that it is a
static analysis called mill_static.

The directory mill_static is created when running the analysis. In this directory, the
following files, among others, are saved:

 mill_bearing.prt – This file is kept here for future reference.

 mill_static.rpt – This is a text file containing the model and analysis summary.
 mill_static.pas – This file contains a time log of various analysis and file
 mill_static.err – This file records any error
messages occurring during the run.
 mill_static – This is a subdirectory
containing the solution files.
 mill_static.tmp – This is a temporary
directory that is created when running
the analysis. This directory contains
temporary files (typically the stiffness
matrix) and is deleted upon analysis

Mechanica Results Files

Results are displayed in Mechanica by clicking

Analysis > Results command to display the
results of an analysis or design study. Also, results mode can be accessed with or
without a model open, by clicking Applications > Mechanica Results. You view
results by defining and displaying one or more result windows.

The system uses the files created during the analysis run as the foundation for the
results displayed.

There are two file types that you might create when defining result windows:

*.rwd – Result window definition files store the data associated with the result
window. The type of results (Fringe, Graph, and so on) and any non-default
settings are stored in this file. The file can be opened at any time to review your

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*.rwt – Result window template files are used as generic starting points for defining
new windows. You can create a result window with specific settings, then store it
as a template. When defining new windows, you can start with the template, then
customize any additional settings you require.

3.2 Results Interface

Typical Results Window

When reviewing analysis results, a separate window opens to display and

manipulate the results. This window has its own set of menus and toolbars, as well
as a message area and main graphics area. A legend also displays in the graphics

The message area appears above the graphics area, as do the menus and
toolbars. By default, the window takes on the color scheme of the main
Pro/ENGINEER window, but there are several predefined schemes to select from,
which are specific to the result window.

To change the result window scheme, click Format > Result Window, and select
the background color from the Format Result Window dialog box.

3.3 Results File Operations

Basic File Operations

There are several basic file functions found in the File menu. These are:

 New – Starts a new results session.

 Open – Opens an existing set of result definitions and view the associated
 Exit Results – Closes the results session.

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Each of the above options clear the contents of the current results window, and
you are prompted to save the current result window. If you choose to save the
results, the Save Result Windows dialog appears and enables you to select a
directory and type a name.

The Save Result Windows Dialog Box

Note that the .rwd extension is automatically added to the file name
you type.

Saving Results

You can save your results set when prompted after taking one of the above
actions, or you can manually save a results set. The options for saving a results set

 Save – Saves the current result definitions and associated views in a single
.rwd file. If you save a result set for the first time, the system uses the name
Untitled.rwd. If you open an existing named results set and then saved it, the
system uses the original name.
 Save As – Saves the current result definitions and associated views as a
named .rwd file. The Save Result Windows dialog box is again used to used
to select the folder and enter the file name.

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3.4 Inserting Results

After entering results mode, you can insert results by clicking Result Window .
You select the analysis you wish to use, then define the result window from the
Result Window Definition dialog box.

Each definition requires a name and should include a meaningful title, since you
can display multiple definitions at the same time for comparison purposes.

There is also a provision for you to select the design study you wish to show results
for. The current study is selected by default, but a different design study can be
specified if desired.

The options available in the Result Window Definition dialog box differ depending
on the type of analysis that was run and the type of display you select.

Procedure: Inserting Results

Insert multiple result sets into the results window.

inserting inserting.prt

Task 1. Create a result window definition.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Result Window .

 Click Working Directory from the Common Folders list if inserting_modal is

not shown in the Design Study for Result Window dialog box.

3. Select inserting_modal in the dialog box and click Open.

The Result Window Definition dialog box appears, where you can
enter the specifics of what you want to display in the window.

Task 2. Complete the result window.

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1. Type mode_1 as the Name.

2. Type First Modal Frequency as the Title.

3. Select the Display Options tab.

4. Enable Continuous Tone.

5. Click OK and Show.

The result window should appear as shown. Note that the blended
background was turned off in this image for clarity.

Task 3. Exit the result window and save it.

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1. Click File > Exit Results

2. Click Yes to save the result window.

3. Type inserting.rwd as the File Name and click OK.

This completes the procedure.

3.5 Formatting Results

Format Result Window Dialog Box

The Format Result Window dialog box is accessed by clicking Format > Result
Window. The options found in the Format Result Window dialog box depend on the
display type for your result window.

The Format Result Window dialog box contains the following options:

 Background Color – Predefined color schemes including:

o ProE (default)
o Black
o Blue
o White
 Title – Displays a title at the bottom of the result window.
 Label – Displays a result description in the upper-left corner of the result
window. The contents of this area depend on the type of analysis and result
 Coordinate System – Displays the view coordinate system (VCS) of the
 Legend – Displays the result window legend.
 Contour Labels – Displays the contour labels for contour result displays.
 Loads – Displays load icons where they are present.
 Constraints – Displays constraints icons where they are present.
 Annotations – Displays annotations you define.

You can format multiple windows by first selecting the windows while
holding down the SHIFT key.

The View Menu

You can use the View menu to apply an overlay and to shade the display.

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Depending on the type of analysis you have, you can animate the display of the
mode. When you apply an overlay, you superimpose the outline of the model in its
undeformed state over the animation.

You can also use the View menu to toggle the shading of the model on and off for
fringe, contour, and vector result windows. In general, the shaded view will
improve the appearance of the result window, but not in those circumstances
where you are observing a model with flat surfaces that are parallel to the screen
as shown below.

Shading On Shading Off

Procedure: Formatting Results

Control the format of a results window.

formatting formatting.prt

Task 1. Open an existing results window.

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1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Open Results .

3. Select formatting_static.rwd and click OK.

Notice that an outline remains in place as the model deforms during

the animation.

Task 2. Disable the overlay and review the effects of shading the model.

1. Click View > Overlay to disable it.

2. Click Saved View List and select TOP.

 Notice the excessive reflection.

3. Click View > Shade to disable it.

4. Click Reorient View to return to the default orientation.

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Task 3. Customize the window format.

1. Click Format > Result Window.

2. If necessary, select ProE as the Background Color.

Consider experimenting with the different background colors to

explore their effects.

3. Disable the Coordinate System.

4. Disable the Loads.

5. Disable the Constraints and click OK.

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6. Exit the result window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

3.6 Performing Basic View Operations

Basic View Operations

The model displayed in a results window can be manipulated in much the same
way as models in a standard Pro/ENGINEER window. The spin, pan, and zoom
operations are conducted using the appropriate keyboard and middle mouse
button combinations.

In addition, the View menu provides tools for further manipulating the view.

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If you select Spin/Pan/Zoom from the View menu, the Orientation dialog box

The Orientation dialog box provides access to several predefined views such as
Isometric, Front, Left, and so on. You can also use it to Pan, Zoom, and Spin the
model using sliders. The sliders provide the following controls:

 Pan horizontally and vertically

 Zoom
 Spin about the horizontal, vertical, or center axis of the screen (default)
 Spin about the X, Y, or Z axis of the spin center

The Dynamic update option will reorient the model as you move the sliders within
the dialog box. Alternatively, you can turn this option off, and the display will not
update until a slider is released.

The standard views can be selected directly from the Orientation dialog box, or
from the Saved Views list, as shown in the slide.

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Procedure: Performing Basic View Operations

Manipulate the display of a model in the results window.

view_operations view.prt

Task 1. Open an existing results set.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Open Results .

3. Select vonMises.rwd and click OK.

Task 2. Reorient the model using standard mouse controls.

1. Use the standard spin, pan, and zoom capabilities to focus on an area of
interest, as shown.

2. Click Reorient View to return to the default orientation.

Task 3. Use the Orientation dialog box to reorient the model.

1. Click View > Spin/Pan/Zoom.

2. Click Front and notice how the model reorients.

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3. Click Trimetric to return to the default orientation.

4. Drag the horizontal (H) Pan slider all the way to the right so the model moves off
the screen.

5. Click Refit to return to its original position.

6. Zoom out on the model by entering -30 for the Zoom factor.

7. Drag the vertical (V) Pan slider all the way to the right so the model moves off
the screen.

8. Click Center to return the model to the center of the screen.

9. Click Refit.

Notice the difference between Refit and Center. Refit resizes the
model display to fit within the window while Center simply returns the
model to the center of the screen without resizing it.

Task 4. Investigate the Spin options in the Orientation dialog box.

1. Orient the model as shown using the Spin section of the dialog box.

 Drag the H slider to approximately 55.

 Drag the V slider to approximately -10.
 Drag the Center (C) slider to approximately -80.

Notice that the model updates in real time as you drag the sliders.

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2. Disable Dynamic update and observe the effects.

 Clear the Dynamic update check box.

 Drag the C slider all the way to the right.

Notice that the model display did not update until after the slider
was released.

3. Click OK in the Orientation dialog box.

4. Click File > Exit Results > No.

This completes the procedure.

3.7 Hiding and Unhiding Results

Displaying Multiple Windows

Multiple results windows can be displayed simultaneously. Click Show Definitions

from the main toolbar to open the Display Result Window dialog box.

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This dialog box enables you to:

 Select individual windows.

 Click Select All to add all existing result windows to the display.
 Click Unselect All to remove any selected result windows from the display.

The main result window will be broken into panes to display each result window
selected from this dialog. The individual panes have independent displays,
enabling you to spin, pan, and zoom the model in each pane without affecting
the display in the other panes.

In addition, the format for each pane is also independent.

Hiding Windows
Result widows can be hidden from display as well, by clicking Hide Definitions .
This will hide the windows one at a time, starting with the active window. If you

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want to close several windows at once, select them while holding in the SHIFT key,
then click Hide Definitions .

Procedure: Hiding and Unhiding Results

Display and hide multiple result windows.

hiding hiding.prt

Task 1. Open an existing results set.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Open Results .

3. Select four_modes.rwd and click OK.

Task 2. Show all result windows defined.

1. Click Show Definitions .

2. Click Select All and OK in the Display Result Window dialog box.

Note that the appearance of your windows might differ slightly from
the images shown here due to the scale of the results window used.

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Task 3. Hide several windows from display.

1. Select the windows to hide.

 Click in the Mode 4 window pane.

 Press and hold the SHIFT key.
 Click in the Mode 2 window.
 Click in the Mode 3 window.

2. Click Hide Definitions .

3. Hide the Mode 1 window.

 Click in the Mode 1 window.

 Click Hide Definitions .

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Task 4. Display only the Mode 2 and Mode 3 window.

1. Click Show Definitions .

2. Click AllModes to deselect it.

3. Click mode2 and mode 3 to select them.

4. Click OK.

You can hide results by deselecting them in the Display Result

Window dialog box.

5. Exit the result window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

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3.8 Editing, Copying, Deleting, Swapping, and Reordering

Results Windows
Editing Result Windows

Once a result window has been defined, you are free to edit any of the
characteristics of the window. You click Edit Selected Definition or Edit > Result
Window and the system will open the Result Window Definition dialog box. Here
you can change any of the settings used to originally create the window.

Copying Result Windows

Result windows can be copied using Copy or Edit > Copy. When you copy a
result window, the system again displays the Result Window Definition dialog box
with all of the same settings as the original, with the exception of the window
name. The new name will default to Window1, which you can change.

You can keep all of the same settings as the original window definition, or you can
edit any of the available options and values.

To display the new window, just click OK and Show in the Result Window Definition
dialog box, which will show the copy along with any other result windows currently
open. Alternatively, you can use Show Definitions from the main toolbar, and
select the window or windows you want to display.

Deleting Result Windows

You can use Delete Selected Definition or Edit > Delete to remove any result
windows from the current definition. Note that this function deletes the active
window, so be certain to select in the appropriate window before deleting.

Window Menu Options

You can use the window menu to do the following:

 Full Screen: Causes the currently selected result window to occupy the
entire results window. You select this from the window menu to go back to
the original display.
 Swap: Enables you to change the placement of one results window with
another. For instance, if you had 4 results windows showing, you could
make the 2nd window change places with the 4th window.
 Reorder: Enables you to change which results window is first, second, third,
and so on. It is only available for a results session where you have displayed
3 or more results windows.

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Procedure: Editing, Copying, Deleting, Swapping, and Reordering Results Windows

Use the copy, edit, and delete options to manipulate result windows.

editing editing.prt

Task 1. Open a results set.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Open Results .

3. Select editing_results.rwd and click OK.

Task 2. Copy the result window definition.

1. Click Copy .

2. Type all_modes for the name.

3. Edit the title to Editing_Results_Copy.

4. Select all of the modes to include them.

 The Result Window Definition dialog box should appear as shown.

5. Click OK and Show.

Notice that the copied window has the standard Pro/ENGINEER

Wildfire background, not the white background. To display the white
background, you have to use the Format option.

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Task 3. Edit the copied window.

1. Click in the copied window.

2. Click Format > Result Window.

3. Select White from the Background Color drop down list and click OK.

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4. Click Edit Selected Definition .

5. Select the Quantity tab in the Result Window Definition dialog box.

6. Select Stress as the quantity.

7. Select Max Principal from the Component drop down list.

8. Click OK and Show.

Task 4. Delete the original result window and exit results mode.

1. Select in the original window.

2. Click Delete Selected Definition .

Note that the original window is now deleted and you are unable to
show it.

3. Exit the result window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

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3.9 Using Results Templates

Results Templates

Results template files enable you to quickly create results windows using settings
that you commonly use. For example, if you find yourself creating multiple results
windows to check for von Mises stress on part files, you can create a template to
minimize the amount of time it takes you to configure the results window.

Creating Results Templates

To create a results window template, you need to complete the following steps:

 Create a results window – in this step, you need to create the results window
that you wish to make into a template. For example, you need to create a
results window that illustrates von Mises stress in a part with display type,
quantity, display location, and display options configured.
 Save the results window as a template – in this step, you need to save the
window as a *.rwt file. When naming the template, you should create a
name that clearly indicates the template’s purpose such as von_Mises.rwt
or von_Mises_part.rwt.

Using Results Templates to Display Results

Now that you have created a template, you can use that template to configure
new results windows. To create a results window from a template, you need to
complete the following steps:

 Insert a new results window from template – you select this option from the
drop-down menus to open a dialog box to define a new results window
from template. By locating the design study and the template, you can
show the results.
 Edit the new results window – after showing the results, you can redefine the
results window to change the name and title of the window. You can also
modify any other configuration to change the display type, quantity,
display location, and display options.
 Show the results window – after making any edits to the window, you can
show the window.

Procedure: Using Results Templates

Create a results template and use the template to display results.

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templates templates.prt

Task 1. Open a results window that has already been defined.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Open Results .

3. Select template.rwd and click OK from the Load Result Windows dialog box.

Task 2. Create a results window template.

1. Click File > Save As Template.

 Click Open .
 Type von_Mises.rwt as the file name.
 Click OK > OK.

Task 3. Create results windows using the results template for the second modal

1. Click Insert > Results Window from Template.

 Select the modal results and click Open.

 Ensure that von_Mises.rwt is listed as the Template Selection.
 Click the check next to Mode1 to disable it.
 Click the check next to Mode2 to enable it.
 Click OK and Show to finish the definition and display the results window.

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2. Click Hide Definitions in the results window toolbar to hide the Mode 1

Only Window1 should be displayed now.

3. Select the results window and click Edit Selected Definition .

 Type Mode_2 as the name of the window.

 Type Second Modal Frequency as the title.
 Click OK and Show to finish the definition and display the results window.

Task 4. Create results windows using the results template for the third modal

1. Click Insert > Results Window from Template.

 Select the modal results and click Open.

 Ensure that von_Mises.rwt is listed as the Template Selection.
 Click the check next to Mode1 to disable it.
 Click the check next to Mode3 to enable it.
 Click OK and Show to finish the definition and display the results window.

2. Click Hide Definitions in the results window toolbar to hide the Mode_02

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Only Window1 should be displayed now.

3. Select the results window and click Edit Selected Definition .

 Type Mode_3 as the name of the window.

 Type Third Modal Frequency as the title.
 Click OK and Show to finish the definition and display the results window.

4. Click File > Exit Results and click No to exit results mode.

This completes the procedure.

3.10 Using Annotations

Inserting Annotations

Annotations are used to create notes or point out specific areas of interest on your
model. Annotations are inserting by clicking Insert > Annotation, which opens the
Note dialog box.

You use the note dialog box to enter the note, add a leader, and draw circles,
squares, and lines. The Note dialog box has the following sections and options:

 Text – Change the font selection, font size, and color.

 Note Location – Select the position to display the note.

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 Leader – Create one or more leaders. The arrow will be drawn from the
note to the point selected on the model. If you reorient the model, the
arrow will move as well to maintain its position on the model.
 Display Leader Arrow – Display an arrow at the end of the leader.
 Mouse Sketch – Sketch circles, squares, or lines.
 Style – Access the Note Style dialog box.

You can use the Preview button to display your annotation before finalizing it.

Once you have added some text, you can click Style to open the Note Style
dialog box, which you can use to control the following:

 Font color, style, and height

 Text Box border, background fill, and background fill color
 Leader line thickness and color
 Arrow style
 Mouse sketch line thickness and color

Note that if you rotate or resize the model in the result window, the leader arrow
will continue to point to the location selected on the model. However, the other
annotations, such as notes and circles will remain fixed on screen and may have
to be recreated. It is a good idea to orient the model as you need it to be
displayed before adding annotations.

After an annotation is placed, you can change it by clicking Edit > Annotation and
use the Note dialog to make changes.

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Procedure: Using Annotations

Add annotations to a result window.

annotations annotations.prt

Task 1. Open a results set.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Open Results .

3. Select annotation.rwd and click OK.

Task 2. Create an annotation.

1. Click Insert > Annotation.

2. Type Need to check this displacement in the Text area of the Note dialog box.

3. Click Note Location and select the location near the model shown.

4. Click Draw Leader and select the location on the model as shown.

5. Click Sketch a Circle .

 Click the same point as you did for the leader.

 Cursor over the area and click when the circle appears as shown.

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Task 3. Customize the style of the elements used in the annotation.

1. Click Style.

2. Select isofont.ndx from the Style drop down list.

3. Select Solid from the Color Fill Type drop down list, then click the color swatch
next to it.

 Set the color to match that shown.

 Click Close.
 Click OK.

4. Click OK from the Note dialog box.

 The model should appear approximately as shown.

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Task 4. Edit the annotation.

1. Click Edit > Annotation.

2. Click Note Location and select the location near the model shown.

3. Click OK.

4. Exit the result window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

3.11 Creating Fringe Results

The Fringe Display Type

The Fringe display is used to display results as a series of filled color regions on the
model. The different colors represent different ranges of values for whatever
quantity you are viewing. For example, you might want to review the maximum
von Mises stress of the model, as shown in the figure above.

Display Options Tab

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To create a fringe plot, you select Fringe from the Display Type drop down list. To
control the display, you use the Display Options tab. Depending on the design
study and quantity you are using, the Display options tab has some or all of the
following options available:

 Continuous Tone – Displays fringes in continuous color tones, which

establishes a smooth transition between colors.
 Averaged – Displays quantities as values that are averaged where two
elements meet. This is the default option, and can only be cleared for flux
and temperature gradient.
 Legend Levels – Sets the number of different color ranges to display on the
model (minimum of 2, maximum of
 Contour – Displays the model with
contour lines or isosurfaces. This
option cannot be used in
conjunction with continuous tone.
 Deformed – Displays the model in its
deformed state.
 Show Element Edges – Displays the
edges of the elements in the
model. The edges are not displayed
by default.
 Show Loads – Displays the load
icons on the model.
 Show Constraints – Displays the constraint icons on the model.
 Show Bonding Elements – Displays the bonding elements on the model.
 Animate – Animates the results in the result window.

Best Practices

If you have a large number of elements in your model, look at your results on a
contour plot before reviewing a fringe plot. You will save time if you use a contour
plot to view results data because drawing fringe plots for large models can be
time consuming.

If you want to display fringe and contour result windows with matching legends,
enter one less number of contour levels than fringe levels.

Procedure: Creating Fringe Results

Display a Fringe Result Window.

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fringe rod_fringe.prt

Task 1. Select a design study for use in the result window.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Results .

3. Click Result Window .

4. Select rod_static and click Open.

 Click Working Directory from the Common Folders list if rod_static is not
shown in the Design Study for Result Window dialog box.

Task 2. Define a result window.

1. Type rod_max as the window name.

2. Type Maximum von Mises Stress as the title.

3. Ensure the Display type is set to Fringe.

4. Ensure the Quantity is set to Stress.

5. Select the Display Options tab.

 Click Continuous Tone.

6. Click OK and Show.

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Task 3. Create a second window to display an animation of the displacement of

the model.

1. Click Copy to copy the result window.

2. Type rod_disp as the name of the window.

3. Type Rod Displacement as the title.

4. Select the Quantity tab.

5. Set the quantity to display Displacement.

 Ensure the Component to display is Magnitude.

6. Select the Display Options tab and select the Deformed check box.

7. Select the Overlay Undeformed check box.

8. Select the Animate option to enable it and set the Frames to 16.

 Ensure that the Auto Start and Repeat options are enabled.

9. Click OK and Show to finish the definition and display the result window.

10. Click File > Exit Results > No to close the result window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

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3.12 Creating Vector Results

The Vector Display Type

The Vector display type is used to display results as a vector plot. The Vector
display type displays the directional behavior of a quantity as colored arrows that
are superimposed over a transparent display of the model.

The model can be displayed in its deformed or undeformed state.

The color and relative length of the vector arrows indicate the magnitude of the
directional force. The arrows are displayed in 3D by default, but you can view the
arrows as 2D by setting the configuration option sim_pp_vector_plot_arrow_2d to

Display Options Tab

To create a vector plot, you select Vectors from the Display Type drop down list. To
control the display, you use the Display Options tab. Depending on the design
study and quantity you are using, the Display options tab has some or all of the
following options available:

 Wireframe Vectors – Displays vectors as wireframe entities.

 Shaded Vectors – Displays vectors as shaded polygon entities.
 Legend Levels – Sets the number of different color ranges to display on the
model (minimum of 2, maximum of 16).

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 Max Length – Sets the maximum relative length of the vectors. This must be
a positive number. The default is 5.
 Deformed – Displays the model in its deformed state.
 Show Element Edges – Displays the edges of the elements in the model. The
edges are not displayed by default.
 Show Loads – Displays the load icons on the model.
 Show Constraints – Displays the constraint icons on the model.
 Show Bonding Elements – Displays the bonding elements on the model.
 Animate – Animates the results in the result window.

Procedure: Creating Vector Results

Create a Vector result window.

vector rod_vector.prt

Task 1. Select a design study for use in the result window.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Results .

3. Click Result Window .

4. Click Working Directory from the Common Folders list

5. Select rod_static and click Open.

Task 2. Define a vector result window.

1. Type stress_vectors as the window name.

2. Type Rod Stress Vectors as the title.

3. Ensure the Display type is set to Vectors.

 Ensure the Quantity is set to Stress.

 Ensure the Component is set to Max Principal.

4. Select the Display Options tab.

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 Select Shaded Vectors.

 If necessary, set the Max Length to 5%.

5. Click OK and Show.

6. Zoom in on the model as shown.

Note the shaded vectors in the display.

Task 3. Change the vector component to All Principals.

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1. Click Edit Selected Definition .

2. Select the Quantity tab.

3. Select All Principals from the Component drop-down menu.

4. Click OK and Show.

Task 4. Change the vector settings.

1. Click Edit Selected Definition .

2. Select the Display Options tab.

3. Select Wireframe Vectors.

4. Click OK and Show.

5. Click Reorient View .

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6. Click Edit Selected Definition .

7. Click Deformed to enable it.

8. Select the Overlay Undeformed check box.

9. Click Animate and Repeat if necessary.

10. Set the Frames to 16.

11. Click OK and Show.

12. Click File > Exit Results > No to close the result window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

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3.13 Creating Graph Results

Graph Results

You use the Graph display type to display graphs of your selected quantity.

You can create graphs for:

 Most quantities along one or more curves or beams.

 Predefined or user-defined measures. In this case, the graph shows the result
quantity as a function of:
o The p-loop pass iteration number in a multi-pass analysis.
o The optimization pass number in an optimization design study.
o The value of a design variable in a global or local design study.
o Time or frequency in a dynamic analysis.
 Shear and moment on a curve or beam.

Defining a Graph Result Window

When you select Graph from the Display Type option menu, the Display Options
tab and the Display Location tab become unavailable. You select the quantities
(for the X and Y axes) you want to graph from the Quantity tab. When graphing a
Measure, the system displays the Measures dialog box from which you can select
predefined or user-defined measures.

Select an option from the Graph Location drop down list. After you click OK or OK
And Show, you can control the appearance of your graph from the Results user

Controlling the Graphs Appearance

When you click Format > Graph, the system displays the Graph Window Options
dialog box.

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The Graph Window Options dialog box enables you to control the Y and X Axes
display, the Data Series display, and the main graph display, which includes the
label text and background color.

Procedure: Creating Graph Results

Create a graph result window to review a model parameter versus a result
measurement for a sensitivity study.

graph rod_graph.prt

Task 1. Select a design study for use in the result window.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Results .

3. Click Result Window .

 If rod_ls is not listed, select Working Directory from the Common Folders list.

4. Select rod_ls and click Open.

Task 2. Define a graph result window.

1. Type thickness_stress as the window name.

2. Type Rod Thickness Stress as the title.

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3. Ensure the Display type is set to Graph.

4. Ensure the Quantity is set to Measure.

5. Click Define Measure to display the Measures dialog box.

 Select max_stress_vm and click OK.

The measure and design variable were established in the design


6. Select rod_thickness:ROD_GRAPH from the list of parameters from the second

drop-down menu in the Graph Location section of the dialog box.

7. Click OK and Show.

1. Task 3. Format the graph window.

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1. Click Format > Graph.

2. Format the Y-Axis.

 Select the Y Axis tab if necessary.

 Edit the Axis Label to read Maximum von Mises.
 Type 20 for the Y Axis Maximum Range.
 Type 19.75 for the Y Axis Minimum Range.

3. Format the X-Axis.

 Select the X Axis tab.

 Edit the Axis Label to read Rod Thickness.
 Leave the X Axis Maximum Range as 1.01.
 Type .98 for the X Axis Minimum Range to make the start point more clearly

4. Format the data series.

 Select the Data Series tab.

 Select Rectangle Filled from the Point Display drop down list.

5. Click OK.

As you can see, you have a great deal of control over how the result
window appears.

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6. Click File > Exit Results > No to close the result window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

3.14 Creating A Graph Preference File

Graph Preference Files

The preferred settings for the graph results window can be set each time the results
are brought into session or set permanently in a file. Because changing the
background color will require the color of individual labels and legends to change
as well, it is preferable that you take the time to save the preferences to a file and
configure Pro/ENGINEER to load them in future sessions.

You create a text file, add the configuration option bmgr_pref_file, and point it to
your text file. Once you have customized the graph display, you click Set default in
the Graph Window Options dialog box, and the system writes the information to
the text file you created. After that, any graph windows that you create will be
displayed with the settings you saved.

Procedure: Creating A Graph Preference File

Create a Graph Preferences file.

graph_prefs No Part File Required

Task 1. Create a Graph Preferences file.

1. Navigate to your working directory for this exercise using the operating system.

2. Create a new text file and name it graph_pref.txt.

3. In Pro/ENGINEER, click Tools > Options.

 Type bmgr_pref_file in the option field then click in the value field.
 Click Browse and select graph_pref.txt. Click Open.
 Click Add/Change and then click OK to apply the changes and close the

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4. Select Applications > Mechanica Results.

5. Select File > Open and select the graph.rwd file.

6. The results window will display the graph with all the default options, as shown.

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7. Click Format > Graph to open the graph preferences window.

For the purpose of this example, only the style of the curve will
change, but the preferences for any option can be saved in the
same way.

8. In the Data Series tab, change the point display from Circle to Triangle and
increase the thickness setting by one step.

9. Click Set Default to save this setting to your graph preferences file.

 Click OK to close the format window.

10. Click File > Exit Results > No.

11. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

12. Click File > Open and open graph.rwd again.

13. The graph displays again, only this time the curve is thicker, and the triangles
have replaced the circles.

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This same technique can be used for the background color, the
legends and labels, and so on. After adjusting each setting, click Set
Default and it will save it to the preferences file.

14. Click File > Exit Results > No to exit the result window without saving it.

15. Browse to your working directory for this exercise using the operating system.
Delete the graph_pref.txt file you created.

Deleting the file will enable Mechanica to create graphs using its
default settings for other exercises in this course.

This completes the procedure.

3.15 Creating Model Results

Model Result Display

The Model display type is used for:

 Displaying the original model with all loads, constraints, and other model
 Displaying the FEM model's geometry in its original form.
 Displaying and animating the model's structural deformation.
 Displaying the optimized shape of the model.

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 Displaying the Linearized stresses of the model.

 Displaying an undeformed model as a rendering of the analysis model.

Model Result Display Options

To create a Model result window, you select Model from the Display Type drop-
down list. To control the display, you use the Display Options tab. Depending on
the design study and quantity you are using, the Display options tab has some or
all of the following options available:

 Shade Surfaces – Displays the model as light-source shaded frames. If this

option is not selected, animations will appear as a series of wireframe
 Deformed – Displays the model in its deformed state.
 Show Element Edges – Displays the edges of the elements in the model. The
edges are not displayed by default.
 Show Loads – Displays the load icons on the model.
 Show Constraints – Displays the constraint icons on the model.
 Show Bonding Elements – Displays the bonding elements on the model.
 Animate – Animates the results in the result window.

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Procedure: Creating Model Results

Create a Model type result window.

model rod_model.prt

Task 1. Select a design study for use in the result window.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Results .

3. Click Result Window .

4. Click Working Directory from the Common Folders list.

5. Select rod_static and click Open.

Task 2. Define a model result window.

1. Type linear_stress as the window name.

2. Type Rod Linearized Stress as the title.

3. Select Model as the Display type.

 Ensure the Quantity is set to Stress.

 Ensure the Component is set to Linearized.

4. Click OK and Show.

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Task 3. Edit the window and change it to display the magnitude of the

1. Click Edit Selected Definition .

2. Select Displacement as the Quantity.

 Ensure the Component is Magnitude.

3. Select the Display Options tab.

4. Select the Shade Surfaces check box.

5. Select the Deformed check box.

6. Click OK and Show.

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Task 4. Edit the window again to enable the display of element edges.

1. Click Edit Selected Definition .

2. Select the Display Options tab, if necessary.

3. Clear the Deformed check box.

4. Select the Show Element Edges check box.

5. Click OK and Show.

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6. Click File > Exit Results > No to close the result window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

3.16 Using Cutting and Capping Surfaces

Cutting Surface

A cutting surface enables you to make an intersecting cut and view results on the
cutting surface only. The cutting surface is defined in the XY, XZ, or YZ planes, which
are defined by any of the following:

 Three Points
 Screen
 Isosurface
The image on the slide displays a cutting surface in the XY plane, in which it cuts
50% of the way through the model. The image on the right displays the same
model with the cutting surface in the XZ plane.

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You can change from a percentage depth

to an absolute depth by de-selecting the %
option. The percentage is measured along
the axis normal to the reference plane, with
the exact position determined by the
distance between the widest portion of
your model along that axis normal. Also, by
selecting Dynamic, you can drag the
cutting plane to a location of interest.

Capping Surface
A capping surface enables you to make an intersecting cut and view results on
remaining exterior surfaces. You must select the portion of the model to display,
which can be either above or below the capping surfac

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Editing and Deleting Cutting/Capping Surfaces

Cutting and capping surfaces can be edited or deleted using the Edit menu in the
results window.

Procedure: Using Cutting and Capping Surfaces

Create a cutting surface and a capping surface.

cutting_capping cutting_capping.prt

Task 1. Start the Results application and open a results set.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Result Window .

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3. Click Working Directory from the Common Folders area of the Design Study for
Results dialog box, if necessary.

4. Select cutting_capping_static and click Open.

5. Click OK and Show.

Task 2. Create a cutting surface through the XY plane.

1. Click Insert > Cutting/Capping Surfs from the main menu.

2. Click Apply.

3. Edit the Depth to 100 mm.

 Type 100 in the Depth box.

 De-select the % option.
 Click Apply.

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Task 3. Create a capping surface through the XZ plane.

1. Select Capping Surface from the Type list in the Results Surface Definition dialog

 Select XZ.
 Click Apply.

2. Dynamically drag the capping surface location.

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 Click Dynamic.
 Select the model and drag the capping surface approximately to the
position shown.
 Middle-click to finish dragging.
 Click OK.

3. Click File > Exit Results.

4. Click No when prompted to save the current results window.

This completes the procedure.

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3.17 Using Results Mode Info/Query

Displaying Maximum and Minimum Values

You can display the maximum and minimum values of the solution based on either
the view orientation or the model. These values are based on the specific quantity(s)
that you configured.

Click Info > View Max or Info > View Min to display the maximum or minimum value
that exists for the current model view. Note that if you rotate your model, move it, or
change its size, you need to select the View Max or View Min command again.

You can also view the maximum and minimum quantities for the model as a whole.
Note that if Mechanica does not display a value, you need to rotate your model to
determine where the value lies.

Using Dynamic Query

Additionally, you can query specific values in the results window by performing a
dynamic query. By dynamically querying your result, you can simply cursor over the
areas of interest and note how the value changes in the dialog box.

If you click the model, the a query tag is displayed, indicating the value at that point.

Measures and Annotations of Measures

You can use Info > Measures to view the measure values of a model that is currently
active in the result window. The Measures dialog box appears after you select the
Measures command. You can then select one or more measures and click Create
Annotation. An annotation will appear for each selected measure with a leader line

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attached to the model at the point where the value of each measure occurred.

Note that this command is only available for the model, fringe, and
vector plots, and you can only view the measures of a single load set.

Procedure: Using Results Mode Info/Query

Query a model to determine the von Mises stresses at different points of interest.

query query.prt

Task 1. Open a results set.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Open Results .

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3. Select query.rwd and click OK.

Task 2. Determine the position of the model's maximum and minimum von Mises

1. Click Info > Model Max.

2. Click Info > Model Min.

 These values should match those displayed in the results window legend.

Task 3. Determine the position of the maximum and minimum von Mises stresses for
a specific model orientation.

1. Click Saved View List and select QUERY from the list.

2. Click Info > View Max.

3. Click Info > View Min.

Notice that the position of these stresses is specific to the model's

orientation. The values you see on the screen may differ slightly from
these images, if your Pro/ENGINEER window is set to a different size or
you have zoomed in or out on the model.

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Task 4. Use Dynamic Query to interrogate the model.

1. Click Reorient View to return to default orientation.

 Notice that the view max/min values are removed from display.

2. Click Info > Dynamic Query.

3. Select several locations on the model to determine the stress.

 Notice that the Query dialog box dynamically displays values as you move
the mouse over the model.

4. Click Close in the query dialog box.

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Task 5. Add the location to the Query dialog box.

1. Click Info > Clear All Query Tags > Yes.

2. Click Info > Location in Dynamic Query.

3. Click Info > Dynamic Query.

4. Cursor over the model and notice that the Query dialog box has added the

Task 6. Add an annotation containing the values of the max_stress_prin measure.

1. Click Close in the query dialog box.

2. Click Info > Measures.

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3. Select max_stress_prin from the list of measures and click Create Annotation >

4. Close the results window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

3.18 Tying And Untying Results

You can use the Utilities > Tie option to tie the scale of one result window to one or
more other result windows. This can make comparisons of different results easier to

The options available in the Tie menu depend upon which type of result window
you have defined. For fringe, contour, and vector plots, you have access to the
Legend option.

The following applies to tying result windows:

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 The result windows must be of the same type. The legends for fringe, vector,
and contour plots can be tied together, but you cannot tie a graph to a
fringe, contour, or vector plot.
 There are no values for unfringed animations or model result windows, so
you cannot tie them together.
 The quantities displayed in the result windows must be in the same general
category if you wish to tie the results together. For example, you can tie a
von Mises stress fringe plot to a maximum principal stress fringe plot, but not
to a displacement fringe plot.

Tying Graph Results

The options available in the Tie menu for graph results are:

 Graph Quantity – Ties the quantity data on the Y axes of each graph.
 Graph Location – Ties the location X axes data on each graph.
 Graph Both – Ties both Y and X axes or each graph.

When working with graphs, there are a number of special guidelines to keep in

 The scales of graph plots can be tied to each other

 Both graphs must have the same location category for the X axis and the
same quantity category for the Y axis, regardless of which command you
 If two graphs use different types of values on either axis, in other words if
one is linear and one is logarithmic, you cannot tie them.

Procedure: Tying And Untying Results

Compare multiple result windows by tying them together.

tying tying.prt

Task 1. Open a results set.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Open Results .

3. Select tying.rwd and click OK.

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Notice that the legends are of different scales.

Task 2. Tie the legends together to compare the first and second modal

1. Select the Second Modal Frequency window.

2. Click Utilities > Tie > Legend.

3. Select the First Modal Frequency window.

The legends are now set to the same scale, so the gradient
displayed on the model changes to reflect it.

4. Click Utilities > Untie.

 Notice that the legend and model return to the previous display.

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Task 3. Display two graph windows and scale the stress magnitudes (Y Axes) to

1. Click Show Definitions .

2. Click First_Mode and Second_Mode to deselect them.

3. Select graph_01 and graph_02 and click OK.

Notice that the Mode 1 graph has a maximum magnitude of

approximately 120, while the Mode 2 graph has a maximum
magnitude of approximately 300. Scale the lower magnitude graph
to the higher.

4. Select the Mode 2 window.

5. Click Utilities > Tie > Graph Quantity.

6. Select the Mode 1 window.

The scale of the Y axis (von Mises Stress) changes to match the other

7. Close the results window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

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3.19 Controlling Animations

Animating Results

When you define a result window, you have the option of animating the results. In
the Result Window Definition dialog box, select the Display Options tab. Several of
the options pertain to animation:

 Animate – Turns animation on.

 Auto Start – Starts animating as soon as the result window is opened.
 Repeat – The model animates from zero to the maximum deformation in
equal, linear steps.
 Reverse – The model animates from zero to the maximum deformation,
then back to zero in equal, linear steps.
 Alternate – The model animates from zero to the maximum deformation,
then back to zero, then to the negative maximum deformation, then back
to zero in unequal steps.
 Frames – Adjust the number of frames displayed in a single animation cycle
(must be a multiple of four).

Note that when you select the Animate option, the Deformed option
is automatically selected. The deformed option will bend the model
during animation. You can use the Overlay Undeformed option to
position an undeformed wireframe model over the deformed model.

Controlling the Animation

You can control the animation through the View menu or the toolbar. You can use
the following options:

 Play – Start the animation.

 Stop – Stop the animation.
 Step Backwards – Step back in the animation by one frame.
 Step Forwards – Step forward in the animation by one frame.
 Speed Slider (Toolbar Only) – Control the speed with which the animation
moves from frame to frame.

As the animation plays, you can use these options to control it. Note that you are
free to pan, spin and zoom the model as the animation runs.

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Procedure: Controlling Animations

Turn on an animation and control it using several different options.

controlling controlling.prt

Task 1. Open a results set.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Open Results .

3. Select controlling.rwd and click OK.

Task 2. Edit the result window to turn on animation.

1. Click Edit Selected Definition .

2. If necessary, select the Display Options tab.

3. Select the Animate check box.

4. Click OK and Show.

Note how quickly the animation moves. It is difficult to follow the


Task 3. Use the animation controls to help investigate the model.

1. Drag the slider in the main toolbar all the way to the Slow position and release it.

It is now easier to see that the deformation runs from zero to its
maximum, then back to zero. Observe the model through several

2. Click Stop from the main toolbar.

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3. Click Step Forwards until the display reaches the maximum deformation as

4. Click Play .

Task 4. Edit the result window to change the number of frames in the animation,
display an overlay, and set the animation to alternate between maximum and
minimum deformation.

1. Click Edit Selected Definition .

2. Select the Display Options tab.

3. Select the Overlay Undeformed check box.

4. Click Alternate .

5. Click the up arrow next to the number of frames until it reads 20.

6. Click OK and Show.

7. Drag the speed slide to approximately one quarter speed.

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8. Click Stop from the main toolbar.

9. Click Step Backwards or Step Forwards until the display is on frame 16.

The overlay remains fixed as the model moves through its

deformation range.

10. Exit the results window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

3.20 Exporting Animations

You can export an animation to an MPEG or AVI movie for use in presentations or
for collaborating with others who may not have access to Mechanica. To export
an animation, click File > Export > Movie, and the system opens the Movie Export
dialog box.

In the Movie Export dialog box, click Open , select the type of file you want to
create, either TLBMPEG (*.mpg) or AVI (*.avi), then enter a file name.

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Note that if you change the file type you will have to reenter the

There are five output settings to choose from:

 NTSC Web (default) – 30 Frames Per Second (FPS), 192 Pixels Wide by 144
Pixels High
 NTSC CDROM – 30 FPS, 352 Pixels Wide by 240 Pixels High
 PAL Web – 25 FPS, 192 Pixels Wide by 144 Pixels High
 PAL CDROM – 25 FPS, 352 Pixels Wide by 240 Pixels High
 Custom – Manually set FPS and dimensions

If you want to control the frames per second or the height or width, you must use
the Custom option. Note that the higher the number of frames per second, the
smoother your animation will be, but the resulting file will also be larger, so there is a
trade off.

The Compression option enables you to control the quality of the resulting movie.
The higher the compression value, the higher the quality of the movie.

The last item to define is the Duration. You can define the duration by using the
total number of frames or total number of seconds.

Procedure: Exporting Animations

Export an animation as an MPG file then play it in your media player.

export_ani export_ani.prt

Task 1. Open a results set.

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1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results.

2. Click Open Results .

3. Select export_ani.rwd and click OK.

Task 2. Setup the export as an MPG file.

1. Click File > Export > Movie.

2. Click Open .

3. Select TLBMPEG (*.mpg) from the Type drop down list.

4. Type export.mpg for the File name.

5. Click Save.

Task 3. Setup the remaining options for the export.

1. Select Custom from the Output Settings drop down list.

Notice that the frames per second (FPS) and Image Size settings are
now available.

2. Type 15 for the FPS.

When the frames per second are changed, the total number of
Seconds will also change.

3. Type 480 for the height.

4. Type 720 for the width.

5. Drag the Compression slider to High so the Movie Export dialog box appears as

6. Click Export.

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The export process will take a moment to complete. The Movie

Export dialog box will close when the export is complete.

Task 4. Open the video to view the result.

1. Minimize the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 window.

2. Double-click My Computer.

3. Navigate to export_ani.

4. Double-click export.mpg to view it in your system's default media player.

5. Close the media player.

6. Display the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0 window.

7. Close the results window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

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Check Your Knowledge

1. Where can you find the results of a user-defined measure after an analysis has
been run?

A - In the summary file.

B - They can be plotted in a results window.

C - Both A and B are correct.

2. When you run an analysis, the results are automatically saved to a new
directory. The name of this directory is based on ...

A - the name of the selected constraint set.

B - the name of the selected load set.

C - the name of the analysis.

D - the name of the model be analyzed.

3. True or False? In the results environment, it is possible to display results windows

based on ANY set of results, regardless of the model you are currently working on.

A - True

B - False

4. A(n) _________ must be created on a fringe plot in order to view the results
"inside" of a model.

A - x-ray machine

B - animation

C - cutting plane

D - capped animation

5. Why would you create Results Template files?

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A - You can use Results Template files to display a common result type for
many different Design Studies without having to make all of the menu picks each

B - You must create a Results Template file to show any kind of result in a
Results mode Result window.

C - Results Templates allow Preprocessing of Design Study results.

D - Results Templates do not exist.

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Module 4

Materials and Material Properties

Module Overview

Before running any Mechanica analysis, a thorough understanding of some basic

mechanics of materials is helpful. Understanding material properties such as
density, Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, and the Coefficient of Thermal
Expansion and what they do is necessary before materials can be created or
assigned to an analysis component.

Additionally, care must be taken when creating materials such that the numerical
values entered for material properties match the engineering units used by the
Mechanica model.

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4.1 Understanding Material Properties

Typical material Stress versus Strain curves

The stress/strain curve for a typical material is shown here. It starts out with a linear
relationship between stress and strain, and if the yield stress of the material is not
exceeded, it will return to its original shape if the stress is removed from the
material. However, once the yielding stress is exceeded, the slope graph of the
stress/strain curve changes and the graph becomes non-linear as the material
plastically deforms during yielding.

The Mechanica linear material model

Most of the materials used in this course are assumed to be linear materials. While
Mechanica can analyze nonlinear materials, they are beyond the scope of this
concept and not covered here. When analyzing linear materials, Mechanica
assumes that the linear relationship between stress and strain continues infinitely.
For this reason, when using linear materials in Mechanica analyses, it is important to
keep peak stresses in the linear region for the material. For most materials, this
means maintaining peak stress values that are below the yield stress for the

4.2 Using Materials

Using Materials in Pro/Mechanica

You can use materials in Pro/Mechanica in the following ways:

 Create new materials: When creating a material, different properties will

need to be defined depending on whether the model will be analyzed
Structurally or Thermally. There are fields for Name, Description (which is

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optional), and Density that are identical for both mode. For Structural
materials, there are fields for Poisson's Ratio, Young's Modulus, Coefficient of
Thermal Expansion, Failure Criterion, and Fatigue modeling. For Thermal
materials, there are fields for Specific Heat Capacity and Thermal
Conductivity. In addition to the Structure and Thermal properties, there are
also provisions for Appearance, User Defined parameters, Surface hardness
properties, Sheetmetal bend properties, and cross hatching assignments.
 Assign materials: Assigning materials is covered in detail below on this slide.
 Edit/Copy/Delete Materials: You can edit, copy, and delete materials from a
Mechanica model or library.
 Manage material libraries: Managing material libraries is covered in detail
below on this slide.

Material Stress-Strain Response Types

There are three basic stress-strain response material models available in

Mechanica: Linear, Hyperelastic, and Plastoelastic.

 Linear Materials: Pro/Mechanica can simulate several different types of

linear materials:
o Isotropic: An isotropic has the same mechanical properties in all
directions. Each value is entered as a single value.
o Orthotropic: Orthotropic materials have symmetry relative to three
orthogonal planes. Each property values (Young's Modulus, Poisson's
Ratio, Shear Modulus, and the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) is
entered as three different values.
o Transversely isotropic: Transversely isotropic materials have symmetry
about a rotational axis. Because the property values are all equal in
the plane of isotropy, two values must be entered for each of the
properties, (again, Young's Modulus, Poisson's Ratio, Shear Modulus,
and the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) one for the plane of
isotropy and another for the remaining principal material direction
(the axial direction).

The material type can be set for Structural properties and Thermal
properties are definable and independent of each other. In other
words, a material could be defined as structurally Orthotropic and
thermally Isotropic.

 Hyperelastic Materials: Hyperelastic materials are beyond the scope of this

module and will not be covered here.
 Plastoelastic Materials: Plastoelastic materials are beyond the scope of this
module and will not be covered here.

Assigning Materials

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Materials can be assigned to entire models and/or volume regions in part mode,
components and/or volumes in assemblies, beam idealizations, shell idealizations,
and spot weld connections. In addition to the assignment of a material to the
above entities, if the material is Orthotropic or Transversely isotropic, the orientation
of the material must be specified relative to a user-defined coordinate system.

Managing Material Libraries

Pro/Engineer Wildfire has a basic library installed with the main installation of the
software that contains some common material types. The properties in the library
included with Pro/ENGINEER are taken from standard references and textbooks
and may not exactly match the properties of the material you intend to use. You
should review all material properties to ensure that their values are accurate for
your material.

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire also has provisions for a user or corporate level material
library that can be located with the pro_material_dir configuration option. This
configuration option simply establishes the path to where the user (or corporation)
stores and retrieves materials specific for their work. These materials (stored as .mtl
files) can be used in Pro/ENGINEER as well as in Mechanica.

4.3 Understanding Failure Criteria

Available Criteria

When using Isotropic or Transversely Isotropic material, Mechanica enables the

specification of failure criteria. Simply stated, failure criteria defines when a
material will fail due to static loading. Depending on the material type, the
following failure criteria are available in Mechanica:

 Isotropic
o Modified Mohr: Useful for materials that behave significantly different
in compression than in tension.
o Maximum Shear Stress (Tresca) & Distortion Energy (von Mises): Both
behave quite similarly, with Maximium Shear Stress returning more
conservative (failure occurs at lower stresses) than Distortion Energy.
A plot of these two similar criteria is shown for two dimensional stress.
 For Transversely Isotropic
o Tsai-Wu: Useful for laminates
o Maximum Stress and Maximum Strain

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Failure Index Results

When an analysis is run on a component that has a specified failure criteria, the
Failure Index is available as a result quantity. Material that has exactly met the
failure criteria has a value of one; thus a value higher than one indicates how
much the failure index has been exceeded. It is often useful to edit the legend's
maximum value for Failure Index fringe plots to a value of one. If default colors are
used, making this legend change enables simple identification of the area where
the Failure Index has been exceeded: they will appear as red on the fringe plot.
An example of a Failure Index fringe plot with the unedited legend is shown on the
lower left of this slide. The figure on the lower right side of this slide has had its
maximum legend value set to 1. As such, all of the areas shown in red are
exceeding the failure criteria on this figure.

Best Practices
 Set the maximum legend value to 1 when viewing Failure Index results so all
areas exceeding the failure criteria display in a single color.
 Be cautious when using Failure Index results—recall that they apply to
statically loaded members. Members exposed to cyclic stress will typically
fail due to fatigue at much lower stress values.
4.4 Creating Materials

Basic Material Properties

If a material does not exist, it can be created and added to the part and/or the
Material Library. When creating isotropic materials the following attributes and
properties can be defined:

 Generic: Name, Description, Density

 Structural: Material Type, Poisson's Ratio, Young's Modulus, Coefficient of

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Thermal Expansion (CTE), Failure Criterion, Fatigue characteristics

Each of these properties can be set to a user entered numerical value

or an existing parameter.

 Thermal: Specific Heat Capacity, Thermal Conductivity

 Miscellaneous: Sheetmetal Properties, Surface Properties, Detailing cross
 Appearance: Appearances specific to the material (color, highlights, bump
maps, transparency, and so on)
 User Defined: User defined material level parameters

For non-isotropic material types, the direction specific Poisson's Ratio, Young's
Modulus, CTE, Shear Modulus, and Thermal Conductivity are definable.

Functionally Dependent Properties

For Isotropic materials, in addition to being able to set values equal to parameters or
numerical values, the values of Poisson's Ratio, Young's Modulus, and the CTE can be
made functionally dependent on temperature if desired. Temperature dependent
material properties can be defined symbolically or by using a table.

 Symbolically Driven: With a symbolically driven function, any mathematical

symbol recognized by Pro/ENGINEER (such as sin, abs, sqrt, and so on) can be
used. Logic statements can also be employed in defining the function.
 Table Driven: With a table driven function, the values in the table can either
be entered manually or imported from a text file.

Advanced Material Properties

In addition to basic material properties, more advanced material properties can be

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defined for materials. These advanced properties include non-linear Stress-Strain

responses, Failure Criterion, and Fatigue characteristics. These advanced properties
are beyond the scope of this topic and will not be covered here.

Procedure: Creating Materials

Create a new material and store it in a model.

CreatingMaterials create_mat.prt

Task 1. Change the application to Mechanica, and begin creating a new


1. Click Applications > Mechanica > OK.

2. Click Materials to open the Materials dialog box.

3. Click New material to open the Material Definition dialog box.

Task 2. Populate the Structural and Thermal material property fields.

1. If prompted with the Changing Parameter Units dialog box, click Interpret Value
> In the future, do not show this dialog > OK. This dialog appears when you enter
numerical values before changing the units for those values.

2. Select the Structural tab if necessary, and enter the following values:

Property Value Units

Name AL7075–T6 N/A

Density 2.81 g/cm^3

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Symmetry Isotropic N/A

Stress-Strain Response Linear N/A

Poisson's Ratio 0.33 N/A

Young's Modulus 71.7 GPa

Coeff. of Thermal Expansion 2.36e-05 /C

Failure Criterion Distortion Energy N/A

Tensile Yield Stress 503 MPa

Note that the fields for Mechanisms Damping, Tensile Ultimate Stress,
and Compressive Ultimate Stress are left empty.

3. Select the Thermal tab and type the following values:

Property Value Units

Symmetry Isotropic N/A

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Specific Heat Capacity 960 m^2/(sec^2 K)

Thermal Conductivity 130 N/(sec C)

4. Verify that the Structural and Thermal tabs appear as shown in the figures below.

Task 3. Save the material to the model only, save the model, and erase it from

1. In the Material Definition dialog box, click Save to Model.

Note that the material exists only in the create_mat part and not in
the Library.

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2. Click OK to close the Materials dialog box.

3. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

4. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

5. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

4.5 Using Material Libraries

Default Material Library

As installed, Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire provides a default library of materials. They are

stored in the Pro/ENGINEER loadpoint\text\materials-library path and are
provided mainly as a template for the creation of custom material libraries.

Saving New Materials

If a material does not exist, it can be created by the user and stored in one of two

 The current model: A material stored with the Save To Model option will be
stored only in the current model and cannot be used in other models.
 A material library: A material stored with the Save To Library... option will be
stored in a user specified directory. Often the directory specified is a
corporate or division level materials directory. The default is the current
working directory.

Custom Material Libraries

By default, Pro/Engineer will always look in the Pro/ENGINEER
loadpoint\text\materials-library path for materials. However, Pro/ENGINEER can
be directed to look elsewhere for materials by using the pro_material_dir
configuration option to specify a different path.

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4.6 Assigning Materials

Assigning Materials

Before a material can be assigned to an analysis entity, it must be included in of

the analysis part or assembly. This requires retrieving it from a library or creating a
new material. In either case, it must be added to the Materials in Model field of the
Materials dialog box (as shown in the lower left figure on the above slide) before it
can be used on anything in the analysis model. There are three basic techniques
that can be used to get a material ready to be assigned:

 Material already added to materials in the model.

 Add Material to materials in the model and assign material to analysis entity
(one step).
 Add Material to materials in the model, then assign material to analysis
entity (two steps).

Once a material had been added to a model, it can then be assigned to any of
the following:

 Component: Any component in an assembly or the entire part in part

 Volume: Any volume in any component.
 Surface: 2D plain strain and axisymmetric models.
 Shell: Shell idealizations, 2D plain stress models.

Material Orientation

In the case of Orthotropic or Transversely Isotropic materials, the orientation of the

material must be taken into consideration. When applying a material orientation
the user can create a new orientation or
reuse a material orientation that has
already been created. Material orientation
for 2D and 3D entities are stored in
separate lists.

3D Material Orientation

Best Practices
 Material orientation is associated
with an entity not with a material.
 If no material orientation is specified when assigning Transversely Isotropic
and Orthotropic materials on a 3D model, Mechanica orients the principal

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material directions relative to the World Coordinate System (WCS) and

issues a warning.
 If no material orientation is specified when assigning Transversely Isotropic
and Orthotropic materials on a 2D model, Mechanica orients the principal
material directions as follows and issues a warning.
o Material direction 1 is parallel to the first parametric curve of the
o Material direction 2 is set perpendicular to directions 1 and 3.
o Material direction 3 is perpendicular to the surface and aligned with
the surface normal.

Procedure: Assigning Materials

Assign materials to parts in an assembly.

AssigningMaterials assign_mat.asm

Task 1. Apply the BRASS material that has already been added to the assembly to
the assign_mat1.prt.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Materials in the model tree to expand the section.

Note BRASS is already added to the assembly materials.

3. Click Material Assignment from the Mechanica tool bar and select the
ASSIGN_MAT1.PRT component from the model tree.

4. Verify that the Material field is set to BRASS and click OK to assign the material
and close the Material Assignment dialog box.

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Task 2. Assign a material by adding it to the assembly from the material library and
then, as a separate step, assign it to the assign_mat2.prt component.

1. Click Materials to open the Materials library dialog box.

2. Select tipure.mtl, click Add Material to add it to the Materials in Model field,
and click OK to close the Materials dialog box.

3. Click Material Assignment from the Mechanica tool bar and select the
ASSIGN_MAT2.PRT component from the model tree.

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4. Select TIPURE from the Material drop-down menu and click OK to assign the
material and close the Material Assignment dialog box.

Task 3. Assign a material by adding it to the assembly from the material library and
assigning it to the assign_mat3.prt component all as one step, then save the
model, and erase it from memory.

1. Click Material Assignment from the Mechanica tool bar and select the
ASSIGN_MAT3.PRT component from the model tree or the display area.

2. Click More... next to the Material field drop-down menu.

3. Select al6061.mtl from the list of materials in the library and click Add Material
to add it to the Materials in Model field.

4. Click OK to close the Materials dialog box.

5. Verify that the Material field is set to AL6061 and click OK to assign the material
and close the Material Assignment dialog box.

6. The model should appear as shown in the figure below.

Note the presence of a Material Assignment icon on each

component of the assembly.

7. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

8. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

9. Click File > Erase > Current > Select All > OK to erase the models from

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This completes the procedure.

4.7 Using 3D Material Orientations

Material Orientations

Material orientations are used to define the principal material directions for
orthotropic or transversely isotropic materials being assigned to entities. The
material directions 1, 2, and 3 (as defined by the material orientation) correspond
to the directions in the Material Definition dialog box entered for orthotropic or
transversely isotropic material properties. Also, some
results (stress, displacement, flux, and so on) can be
considered relative to the material orientation.
Material orientations can be defined for 3D or 2D

 3D entities (components, volumes, solids): The

following fields are definable when creating a
3D material orientation:
o Referenced coordinate system: The
referenced coordinate system sets up
the three base orthogonal coordinate
vectors, whether in Cartesian (X,Y,Z),
Cylindrical (R,θ,Z), or Spherical (R,θ,φ)
coordinate systems.
o Material Grid: Relates material
coordinate directions 1,2, and 3 with base orthogonal vectors of the
referenced coordinate system. The material grid displays near the
bottom of the Material Orientation Definition dialog box shown in the
figure on upper-right side of this slide.
 Additionally, the Rotate About field can be used to rotate the material
orientation out of coincidence with the defined orthogonal entity directions
(such as X, Y, and Z). This rotation can occur around any of the three
orthogonal axes for 3D applications.

Default Material Orientation

If an orthotropic or transversely isotropic material is assigned in a model and a

material orientation is not specified, Mechanica issues a warning and uses the
following defaults for 3D solid materials:

 Principal material directions are aligned with the World Coordinate System
(WCS) base vectors

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Best Practices
 Remember that orientations are assigned to entities, not to a material itself.

Procedure: Using 3D Material Orientations

Apply a transversely isotropic material with a material orientation to an entire

Creating3DMatlOrient wood.prt

Task 1. Enter the Mechanica application and examine the REDWOOD material
that is already a material in the model.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Materials , right-click REDWOOD, and select Properties....

Note that REDWOOD is a transversely isotropic material and that

Young's modulus is much greater in direction 1 than it is in directions 2
and 3. Direction 1 is the direction parallel to the wood grain wherein
wood products demonstrate much greater strength than across the

3. Click OK > OK to close the dialog boxes.

Task 2. Create a material orientation and apply it with a material to the wood.prt
component, save the model, and erase it from memory.

1. Click Material Assignment and verify that REDWOOD is in the Material Field.

2. Click More... next to the Material Orientation field.

3. Click New to open the Material Orientation Definition dialog box.

4. Type Wood_Grain in the Name field.

5. Enter a description in the Description field similar to the figure shown.

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6. Click Select Reference and select PRT_CSYS_DEF from the model tree.

7. In the Material Direction grid, click Z so that direction 1 will be the Z direction
relative to the PRT_CSYS_DEF coordinate system.

Recall that direction 1 from the material definition is in the direction

parallel to the wood grain. Therefore, you are declaring the Z
direction to be parallel to the wood grain.

8. Click OK > OK to close the dialog boxes.

9. Verify that the Material Orientation field is set to Wood_Grain and click OK to
assign the material and material orientation to the component.

10. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications >


11. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

12. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

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This completes the procedure.

4.8 Using 2D Material Orientations

Material orientations are used to define the principal material directions for
orthotropic or transversely isotropic materials being assigned to entities. The
material directions 1, 2, and 3 (as defined by the material orientation) correspond
to the directions in the Material Definition dialog box entered for orthotropic or
transversely isotropic material properties. Also, some results (stress, displacement,
flux, and so on) can be considered relative to the material orientation. Material
orientations can be defined for 3D or 2D entities:

 2D entities (shells, 2D surfaces for 2D axisymmetric, and 2D plane strain

analysis models): When applying a materials Orientation to a 2D entity, the
orientation can be made relative to one of the following:
o Referenced Coordinate System: Current coordinate system is used to
specify material directions.
o First Parametric Direction: Direction 1 is defined as the first parametric
direction of the surface (the U direction in a U, V parametric system
on a surface). Direction 3 is always in the direction of the surface
normal, and direction 2 is normal to directions 1 and 3. A principal
coordinate system for a surface using this option is shown in the
lower-left figure.
o Second Parametric Direction: Direction 1 is defined as the second
parametric direction of the surface (the V direction in a U, V

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parametric system on a surface). A principal coordinate system for a

surface using this option is shown in the lower-right figure.
o Projected Vector
 Additionally, the Rotate About field can be used to rotate the material
orientation out of coincidence with the defined orthogonal entity directions
(such as X, Y, and Z). This rotation can occur around the surface normal for
2D applications.

Default Material Orientation

If an orthotropic or transversely isotropic material is assigned in a model and a

material orientation is not specified, Mechanica issues a warning and uses the
following defaults for shells and 2D elements:

 Direction 1: Aligned to first parametric curve direction

 Direction 2: Normal to directions 1 and 3
 Direction 3: Aligned to surface normal

Best Practices
 Remember that orientations are assigned to entities, not to a material itself.
 Material orientations assigned to entities that get compressed to a surface
(as is the case with mid-surface shells) will be changed from one defined
over a part to one defined over a surface. This material orientation will be
applied to all the surfaces that Mechanica creates when compressing the

Procedure: Using 2D Material Orientations

Apply a transversely isotropic material with a material orientation to a shell model.

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Creating2DMatlOrient tube.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica application and examine the CARBON_COMP

material that is already a material in the model.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Materials , right-click CARBON_COMP and select Properties.... If

necessary, select the Structural tab.

Note that CARBON_COMP is a transversely isotropic material and

that Young's modulus is much greater in direction 1 than it is in
directions 2 and 3. Direction 1 is the direction parallel to the carbon
fibers (where carbon fiber composites exhibit their greatest strength)
and directions 2 and 3 are directions perpendicular to the fibers.

3. Click OK > OK to close the dialog boxes.

Task 2. Create a shell with a material orientation that matches the fiber wrapping
direction, save the model, and erase it from memory.

1. Click Shell and select Advanced from the Type field.

2. Select the cylinder as shown in the figure.

3. Click More... next to the Shell Property field. Click New... and type 3 in the
Thickness field. Click OK > OK to complete the definition of the shell property and
return to the Shell Definition dialog box.

4. Click More... next to the Material field and verify that CARBON_COMP is
selected. Click OK to select the material and return to the Shell Definition dialog

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5. Click More... next to the Material Orientation field. Click New and type
Fiber_Wrap_45 in the Name field.

6. Enter a description in the Description field similar to the figure shown.

7. Verify the Relative To Field is set to First Parametric Direction.

8. Click Named View List and select TOP.

9. Click Preview and select the cylindrical surface again and click OK.

The datum curves on the surface of the cylinder represent the angle
that the carbon fibers are wrapped around the cylinder. Notice that
the 1,2,3 coordinate frame does not currently align to these datum

10. Select the Rotate about... check box and type 45 in the Material Direction
Normal to Surface field.

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11. Click Preview and select the cylindrical surface again and click OK.

Note that direction 1 is now aligned with the fiber wrap direction.

12. Click OK > OK > OK to close the dialog boxes and complete the shell definition.

13. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications >


14. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

15. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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Check Your Knowledge

1. True or False? Pro/MECHANICA can analyze material yielding.

A - True

B - False

2. Pro/MECHANICA always assumes a _______ relationship between stress and


A - non-linear

B - inverse

C - linear

3. Material properties for a model are selected from ...

A - the Pro/MECHANICA material library .

B - values input by the user.

C - A or B are correct.

4. Which type of materials can be handled by Pro/MECHANICA Structure?

A - Isotropic materials only

B - Isotropic and transversely isotropic materials

C - Isotropic, transversely isotropic, and orthotropic materials.

D - You can use any of the isotropic, transversely isotropic, and orthotropic
materials, but only when the element type is solid.

5. Material that has exactly met its failure criteria has a Failure Index of ...

A - -1

B- 0


D - none of the above.

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Module 5


Module Overview

In this module, you will begin learning about the many different types of
Idealizations that can be applied to Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica analysis models.

Idealizations are certain workflow concepts, Pro/ENGINEER functionality and

features specific to Mechanica that you can use to reduce the resources (time,
memory, disk space, and so on) required to analyze a model.

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5.1 Model Type Overview

Mechanica Model Setup

The Mechanica Model Setup dialog box is one of the first dialog boxes you will see. In this
dialog box, you can specify five major categories that influence how Mechanica behaves.

 Capability Mode: Selecting the Mechanica Lite check box invokes a limited version
of Mechanica for simple parts and assemblies. Mechanica Lite can complete
simple integrated structural analysis and visualization of those results, and will run
with just a Pro/ENGINEER license — no Mechanica license is required.
 Product: The product selection determines whether Mechanica performs one of two
types of analysis:
o Structure: focuses on the structural characteristics (stress, strain,
displacement, and so on) of the model.
o Thermal: focuses on the heat-transfer characteristics (temperature, heat flux,
and so on) of the model.
 Mode:
o Native: Native mode enables the use of Mechanica's P-code solver. Native
mode enables analysis models creation, P element meshing, and the use of
built in adaptive solvers.
o FEM: FEM mode enables the creation of a mathematical model based on a
Pro/ENGINEER part or assembly that is then analyzed in any of several third
party solvers such as NASTRAN, ANSYS, and so on.

FEM mode will not be covered in this course.

 Model Type:
o 3D: The 3D model is used when none of the other idealized model types can
be used. It consists of three dimensional elements and represents the most
complex type of model type available.
o 2D Plane Stress: The 2D Plane Stress model is a two dimensional idealized
model that is very thin in one coordinate direction as compared to the other
two coordinate directions. For Mechanica analyses, it is considered infinitely
o 2D Plane Strain: The 2D Plane Strain model is a 2 dimensional idealized model
that is very thick in one coordinate direction as compared to the other two
coordinate directions. In Structural analyses, the model is considered infinitely
thick; in Thermal analyses, the results are relative to the unit depth of the
o 2D Axisymmetric: The 2D Axisymmetric model can be used for models that
are symmetric about an axis.
 Default Interface: The default interface dictates what happens to coincident

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surfaces or components in an assembly model:

o Bonded: Connects components or surfaces that are touching each other.
During meshing, Mechanica merges the coincident nodes.
o Free (structure): Components or surface that are touching each other are left
o Adiabatic (thermal): Similar to free in structural analyses, heat does not
transfer between the components connected by Adiabatic interface.
Essentially they are left ―free‖ thermally.
o Contact (structure): The contact interface enables components to remain
separate from each other, but to transfer forces between them when they
touch each other. A number of parameters and settings (such as separation
distances and angles, and friction characteristics) can be defined for default
contact interfaces.
o Thermal Resistance (thermal): The thermal resistance interface enables an
imperfect thermal bond in a model to be represented. The Heat Transfer
coefficient can be defined for default thermally resistant surfaces.
5.2 Using 3D Models

3D models are the most flexible, but most complex (and computationally
intensive) model type. If a model could be analyzed with either a 2D or 3D model
type, the 3D model type requires many more resources: memory, disk storage,
elements, computation time, and so on. The 3D model type must be used
whenever anything in the model lies outside of a coordinate defined XY plane—
this includes not just geometry, but also idealizations, loads, and displacements.

All idealizations are available in 3D models as opposed to 2D model types. This

means shells, connections, beams, and spot welds are available to both Structural
and Thermal 3D models. Additionally, mass and spring idealizations are available
for 3D structural models.

Loads, constraints, and other model features can be defined in six degrees of
freedom. These are comprised of 3 translational and 3 rotational degrees of
freedom that are relative to the coordinate system.

For solids, only the three translational degrees of freedom are


Procedure: Using 3D Models

Examine the Mechanica Model Setup dialog box.

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Using3DModels 3d_rod.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica Application.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

Task 2. Explore and set the different options in the Mechanica Model Setup dialog

1. In the Mechanica Model Setup dialog box, click Advanced>>.

2. Ensure that the Type is set to 3D.

The default model type is 3D. If you click OK without opening the
Advanced section of the dialog box, Mechanica defaults to the 3D

3. Examine the options.

 Select Structure from the Model Type drop down list, if

 Select Bonded from the Default Interface drop down
list, if necessary.

4. Click OK to close the dialog box and enter Mechanica


Task 3. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking

Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the

3. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from

This completes the procedure.

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5.3 Using 2D Plane Stress Models

The 2D Plane Stress model type

2D Plane Stress model types can be useful when analyzing thin parts. If we assume
that the ―thin‖ direction is the Z direction, then the assumption for Plane Stress
analyses is that out of plane normal stresses (σz) and out of plane shear stresses (τxz
and τyz) are all equal to zero. This assumption is acceptable in cases in which all
constraints and loads are applied ―in Plane‖ (which is perpendicular to the thin

For all 2D model types (including 2D Plane Stress), a Cartesian coordinate system
must be specified as a reference. The geometry on which the analysis is going to
take place must also be specified and must lie in the referenced coordinate
system's XY plane. However, loads, constraints, and other model attributes do not
have to be specified relative to the referenced Cartesian coordinate system.

Mechanica will mesh 2D Plane Stress mode types with 2D Plate Elements. 2D Plate
elements are very thin in the Z direction, but they do have an associated material
thickness. In addition to specifying the 2D Plane Stress model type, coordinate
system, and geometry, a shell model (simple or advanced) must be defined for
the geometry included in the analysis.

Furthermore, mass and spring idealizations can be created for Structural 2D Plane
Stress Model types, but not for Thermal 2D Plane Stress Model types.

Best Practices
Be sure all important loads, constraints, and model attributes lie in a Cartesian
coordinate system's XY plane before selecting the 2D Plane Stress model type. If
they do not, you must either create such a coordinate system or use the 3D model

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Procedure: Setting up 2D Plane Stress Models

Setup a 2D Plane Stress Mechanica model.

Using2DPlaneStressModels gear.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica Application.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

Task 2. Set the Mechanica Model Type to 2D Plane Stress.

1. Click Advanced>> to open the Type section of the dialog box and select 2D
Plane Stress (Thin Plate).

2. Select the PRT_CSYS_DEF coordinate systems from the model tree.

3. Select the front surface of the model as shown in the figure.

4. Click OK and read the resulting error dialog box.

The dialog box states that the geometry that you selected does not
lie in the XY plane of the coordinate system you selected. The next
task addresses this issue.

5. Click OK to close the error dialog box.

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Task 3. Select an appropriate coordinate system.

1. Click Named View List from the main toolbar and select TOP.

Note that the XY plane of the CS0 coordinate system lies in the plane
of the surface selected as a geometric reference.

2. Right-click the Coordinate System field and select Remove as shown in the

3. Select the CS0 coordinate system from the model tree.

4. Click OK in the Mechanica Model Setup dialog box.

5. Click Confirm to complete the model setup.

Note that the CS0 coordinate system is appended with (WCS)

indicating that CS0 has become the world coordinate system for the
2D Plane Stress model.

6. Click Named View List from the main toolbar and select Default Orientation.

Note that the surface selected to be part of the 2D Plane Stress

model is outlined in purple as shown in the figure.

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Task 4. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

5.4 Using 2D Plane Strain Models

2D Plane Strain model types can be useful when you are analyzing prismatic parts;
in other words, parts that have the same cross-section in a single direction. A plane
strain model type makes the assumption that there is only strain in the XY plane
and none in the Z direction. It makes no claim about stress in the Z direction which
indeed may be nonzero. The mathematical assumption for a 2D Plane Strain
model is that out of plane normal strain (εz) and out of plane shear strain (γxz and
γyz) all are equal to zero. Common examples of this type of loading occur in long
members that are only loaded in the X and Y directions such as pipes, dams, and
cylinders exposed to pressure differences between their internal and external
sides. In all cases, there must be no change in loads or constraints along the Z
direction—they must be a function of X and Y only.

For all 2D models types (including 2D Plane Strain), a Cartesian coordinate system
must be specified as a reference. The geometry on which the analysis is going to
take place must also be specified and must lie in the referenced coordinate
system's XY plane. However, loads, constraints, and other model attributes do not
have to be specified relative to the referenced Cartesian coordinate system.

2D Plane Strain model types can be composed of solids, shells, or a hybrid

combination of both. Plane Strain solid elements result when surfaces lying in the
XY plane are selected whereas Plane Strain shell elements result when curves or
edges lying in the XY plane are selected. When creating a 2D Plane Strain model
type with shell elements, you must also specify a shell idealization (simple or
advanced) for the edges and curves selected.

As a final point, all 2D plane strain models represent a unit thickness slice of the
actual 3D model.

Best Practices
Be sure all loads, constraints, and model attributes do not vary along the Z
direction before selecting the 2D Plane Strain model type. If they do, you must use
the 3D model type.

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Procedure: Setting up 2D Plane Strain Models

Setup a new 2D Plane Strain Mechanica model.

2DPlaneStrainModels beam.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica Application.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

Task 2. Set the Mechanica Model Type to 2D Plane Strain.

1. Click Advanced>> to open the Type section of the dialog box and select 2D
Plane Strain (Infinitely Thick).

2. Click Named View List from the main toolbar and select Default Orientation.

3. Select the PRT_CSYS_DEF coordinate systems from the model tree.

4. Select the front surface of the model as shown in the figure.

Task 3. Change the Model Type from Structural to Thermal.

1. Select Thermal from the Model Type drop-down menu as shown in the figure.

Note that 2D Plane Strain (Infinitely Thick) changes to 2D Plane Strain

(Unit Depth) when the Model Type is changed to Thermal.

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2. Select Structure from the Model Type drop-down menu to change the model
type back to Structure.

3. Click OK in the Mechanica Model Setup dialog box.

4. Click Confirm to complete the model setup.

Task 4. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

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This completes the procedure.

5.5 Using 2D Axisymmetric Models

2D Axisymmetric models types can be useful when analyzing parts that are
symmetrical about an axis. Common examples include tanks, flanges, and
cylindrical or conical structures. 2D axisymmetric models represent a slice of the
actual 3D model that if revolved around the Y axis of the referenced coordinate
system would appear to be the same as the original 3D model. As long as loads,
constraints, displacements, and other model attributes do not vary radially, the 2D
Axisymmetric model type can be used.

For all 2D models types (including 2D Axisymmetric), a Cartesian coordinate

system must be specified as a reference. The geometry on which the analysis is
going to take place must also be specified and must lie in the referenced
coordinate system's XY plane. Since it is assumed that the axis of revolution for the
model is the Y axis of the referenced
coordinate system, all of the geometry
must also lie in the X≥0 section of the XY
plane. However, loads, constraints, and
other model attributes do not have to be
specified relative to the referenced
Cartesian coordinate system.

2D Axisymmetric model types can be

composed of solids, shells, or a hybrid
combination of both. Axisymmetric solid
elements results when surfaces lying in the
XY plane are selected while Axisymmetric
shell elements result when curves or edges lying in the XY plane are selected.
When creating a 2D Axisymmetric model type with shell elements, you must also
specify a shell idealization (simple or advanced) for the edges and curves

Furthermore, mass and spring idealizations can be created for Structural 2D

Axisymmetric model types, but not for Thermal 2D Axisymmetric model types.

Best Practices
Be sure all loads, constraints, and model attributes do not vary along the radial
direction before selecting the 2D Axisymmetric model type. If they do you must
use the 3D model type.

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Procedure: Setting Up 2D Axisymmetric Models

Set up a 2D Axisymmetric Mechanica model.

Using2DAxiSymModels hub.prt

Task 1. Resume a cut feature to expose a cross-sectional geometry in the XY plane

of coordinate system PRT_CSYS_DEF.

Note that the geometry is axisymmetric around the Y axis of the

coordinate system.

1. 1. Click Edit > Resume > Resume All to resume the Extrude 1 feature. The
part should now appear as shown in the bottom figure.

Note the cross-sectional geometry lying in the XY plane of

coordinate system PRT_CSYS_DEF.


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Task 2. Open the Mechanica Application and set up a 2D axisymmetric model.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Advanced>> to open the Type section of the dialog box and select 2D

3. Select PRT_CSYS_DEF from the model tree as the Coordinate System reference.

4. Select the front surface as shown in the figure as the Geometry reference.

5. Click OK > Confirm to finish the Mechanica model definition.

Task 3. Save the model and erase it from memory.

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1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

5.6 Understanding Beam Idealizations

A beam is a one-dimensional idealization where 2D cross-sectional properties are

applied to a curve in space; the curve to which it is applied can transition through
three dimensional space. You create a beam by specifying the cross-section
shape and position, orientation, material, the degrees of freedom at the beam
ends, and the location of the beam with respect to the axis where Mechanica
applies the beam load. A beam is considered to have a constant cross section
along its entire length with no twisting.

 Beam Sections: Beam Section can be created as needed or stored and

retrieved from a library. There are three basic types of sections that you can
o Standard: You can use standard Mechanica cross section shapes
and simply specify the dimensions. Mechanica automatically
calculates all of the necessary cross-sectional properties based on
the geometry. Standard shapes include:
 Solid and Hollow: Square, rectangular, circular, and elliptical
 Solid only: Channel, I-Beam, L-section, and diamond
o General: To create a general beam section you must provide
properties of the cross-section instead of the shape. These properties
include Area, 2D Moment's of Interia (Iyy, Iyz, Izz), torsional stiffness (J),
shear parameters, and stress grids.

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o Sketched: You can sketch the shape of a beam cross-section if

desired. Mechanica calculates all of the necessary parameters
based on the geometry you create. If you wish to have a shear
center that is not located at the centroid of the cross-section, you
must specify its offset from the centroid by specifying DY and DZ with
a Beam Orientation when you later apply the section to a beam
idealization. These sketched cross sections can be one of two types:
 Solid: With this type of cross section, you use sketch mode to
sketch and dimension the cross-sectional shape of the beam.
 Thin: With this type of cross section, in addition to sketching the
cross-sectional shape of the beam, you must also specify the
thickness of the beam section associated with each entity you
sketched. The thickness you specify is applied symmetrically to
each entity.
 Position: Where a sketched section is located, relative to the sketcher
coordinate system, can have an impact on the behavior of the analysis
 Orientation: The X vector for a beam is parallel to the reference or
references that you specify when creating the beam idealization. The
direction of the X vector is dependent on the direction of the arrow on the
beam reference when you select it. The Y direction can then be specified
relative to the World Coordinate System (WCS), a point, or an axis. The
definition of the X and Y vectors in turn sets the direction of the Z vector.
 Material: Any material currently associated with the model can be applied
to a beam idealization.
 Beam Release: A beam release enables you to specify the degrees of
freedom (DOF) at the ends of a beam idealization. These DOF are specified
relative to the Beam Action Coordinate System (BACS). Refer to the
Mechanica help system for more information about this coordinate system.
 Location with respect to load: There are three coordinate systems (BSCS,
BACS, and BCPCS) that govern the way Mechanica defines and analyzes
beams. Refer to the Mechanica help system for more information on how to
manipulate these coordinate system and when you might need to do so.

Best Practices
 In order to use beam idealizations, the beam should be much longer than it
is wide. Consider using the ratio of 10:1 (length along the beam as
compared to the other two dimensions) as a guideline.
 Use particular care when considering beam releases so your analysis model
will be as realistic as possible.
 Mechanica assumes that the shear center of the beam element lies on the
neutral bending axis, which is true in general only for symmetric cross
sections. If the beam cross section you are modeling is not symmetric about
one or both principal bending axes, the displacement or stress results

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reported by Mechanica may not be correct. Refer to the Mechanica help

system for more information.

5.7 Creating and Using Beam Sections

Beam Sections define the area properties of a Beam Idealization. You can specify
the cross-section shape from a Mechanica library of common beam cross-section
types or you can create the cross-section in sketcher mode. In either of these
cases, Mechanica calculates the 2-D properties of the sections based on
geometry. As a third option you can specify the 2-D properties of the area directly
using the General section type.

Beam sections can be created on the fly as needed, or stored and retrieved from
a library of cross-sections. For more information on managing beam section
libraries, see the Mechanica help files.

Standard Beam Section

To use a Standard Beam Section, you select the cross-sectional shape and specify
its dimensions. Standard shapes include: Square, Rectangle, Hollow Rectangle,
Channel, I-Beam, L-Section, Diamond, Solid Circle, Hollow Circle, Solid Ellipse, and
Hollow Ellipse.

Sketched Beam Sections

You can sketch the shape of a beam cross-section if necessary for your analysis.
After you create the geometry, Mechanica calculates the area's parameters
based on the geometry you sketched. You can sketch two different types of cross-

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 Solid: With the solid sketched beam section, you use sketch mode to sketch
and dimension the cross-sectional shape of the beam. In cases in which the
geometry is not symmetric about the Sketcher coordinate system, there are
provisions for you to be able to specify how far away the shear center is
from the Sketcher coordinate system (DY and DZ) after the sketch is
 Thin: With the thin sketched beam section, you sketch the centerline of thin
geometry in sketch mode. You then must use the Sketch > Feature Tools >
Thickness command to specify the thickness of the cross-section around
each entity you created in the sketch. This thickness specification can be
applied to any of the entities individually, entities in a chain, or a global
definition of thickness can be made for all of the entities in the sketch. The
thickness is applied symmetrically about each entity.

General Beam Sections

For general Beam Sections, instead of selecting or sketching the cross-sectional

shape and having Mechanica calculate its geometric properties, you provide the
mathematical properties of the cross-section directly. These properties include
Area, 2D Moment's of Inertia (Iyy, Iyz, Izz), torsional stiffness (J), shear form factors,
shear center displacements from the parameters, and stress grids.

Stress Grids

In order to retrieve meaningful results, the specific locations inside of a beam cross-
section where you wish to recover stress measurements must be specified. These
points are known as beam stress recovery points. Standard sections have the
locations of these points already specified in their definitions. For sketched beam
sections, you must manually create a sketcher point in each location where you
wish to recover stress measurements for the analysis results. For General beam
sections, there are provisions to specify where these points lie in relation to the
Beam Shape Coordinate System.

Best Practices
When using Sketched Thin Beam Sections, the overall characteristic dimension of
the sketch should be 20:1 or greater as compared to the thickness of the entities.

Procedure: Creating and Using Beam Sections

Create Beam Idealizations for a welded frame analysis model.

BeamSections frame_beam.prt

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Task 1. Enter the Mechanica Application and create Beam Idealizations.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Beam from the Mechanica toolbar.

3. Press CTRL and select the nine curves references shown.

The yellow direction arrows are not shown in this figure for clarity.
Additionally, they do not matter for this example due to the
symmetric nature of the beam sections you will be using.

4. Click More... next to the Material field. Select steel.mtl from the list of materials
and click Add Material > OK to add steel.mtl to the part and assign it to the

1. Task 2. Create two Beam Sections.

1. Click More... next to the Beam Section field to open the Beam Sections dialog

2. Click New... to open the Beam Section Definition dialog box.

3. Type OD50_ID46 in the Name field.

4. Select Hollow Circle from the Type drop-down menu.

5. Type 25 in the R field and type 23 in the Ri field. The dialog box should now
appear as shown in the figure.

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6. Click OK to close the Beam Section Definition dialog box.

7. Click New... to open the Beam Section Definition dialog box.

8. Type OD25_ID21 in the Name field.

9. Select Hollow Circle from the Type drop-down menu.

10. Type 12.5 in the R field and type 10.5 in the Ri field.

11. Click OK to close the Beam Section Definition dialog box. Click OK to close the
Beam Sections dialog box.

12. Select OD50_ID46 from the Beam Section drop-down list and click OK to
complete the beam definition.

Note the addition of a depiction of the beam section to each of the

curves you selected.

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1. Task 3. Create another Beam Idealization, save the model, and erase it from

1. Click Beam from the Mechanica toolbar.

2. Select STEEL from the Material drop-down menu

3. Verify OD25_ID21 is selected in the Beam Section field.

4. Select the five remaining curve references from the left side of the model as
shown in the figure.

5. Click OK to complete the beam definition.

6. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

7. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

8. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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5.8 Using Beam Orientations

Beam Coordinate Systems

In order to be able to understand how to position beam sections, you must first
understand three types of coordinate systems that are associated with beams.

 Beam Action Coordinate System (BACS)

 Beam Shape Coordinate System (BSCS)
 Beam Centroidal Principal Coordinate System (BCPCS)

Beam Action Coordinate System (BACS)

Forces and moments applied to beams act through a coordinate system known
as the beam action coordinate system (BACS).
The BACS is always located on the curve that
Mechanica draws as a blue line when you create
the beam; the X axis of the BACS is parallel to this
curve and the Y and Z axes of the BACS are
controlled by setting the Y direction on the Beam
Definition dialog box.

Beam Shape Coordinate System (BSCS)

A beam cross-section's shape is defined relative

to the beam shape coordinate system (BSCS). The
X axis for a beam is always along the length of the
beam. The positive direction of the X axis is
defined by the direction that the arrow points
when you select each beam segment. (You can
change the direction of any beam X axis defining
arrow by clicking on it). For standard beam
section types, the software defines the Y and Z axes by the crosshairs (+) on the
graphical depiction of the section in the Beam Section Definition dialog box. The Y
axis goes upward whereas the Z axis goes to the right from the crosshairs. For
sketched beam sections, the orientation of the Y and Z axes for the BSCS
correspond to the Y and X axes (respectively) of the sketched coordinate system.
For a general cross section, the software determines the BCPCS based on your
specifications, and the BSCS is essentially the same as the BCPCS for this cross-
section type.

Mechanica depicts the BSCS with a Y-shape at the tip of the Y axis and an arrow
at the tip of the Z axis.

The BSCS can be placed relative to the BACS by entering values for DY and DZ on
the Beam Orientation Definition dialog box. Rotation of the BSCS about the beam

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X axis can be achieved by entering an Orientation Angle in the Beam Orientation

Definition dialog box. Additionally, you can position the shear center of the beam
section relative to the BACS by clicking the Shear Center radio button.

Beam Centroidal Principal Coordinate System (BCPCS)

The beam centroidal principal coordinate system (BCPCS) is located at the
section's centroid. Its Y and Z axes are the principal axes that pass through the
centroid of the section and define the axes of maximum and minimum moments
of inertia. The location and orientation of the BCPCS relative to the BSCS is a
function of the shape of the beam's section only. For general sections and all
standard sections except channel and L, the BSCS is coincident with the BCPCS.
For sketched, channel, and L sections Mechanica determines the BCPCS
automatically. The BCPCS is sometimes referred to as the principal coordinate
system. Many of the values returned during a beam section review are calculated
relative to the BCPCS.

Procedure: Using Beam Orientations

Use a Beam Orientation Definition to correctly orient a beam for an overhead

BeamOrientaions door_guide.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica Application and begin creating a beam idealization.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Beam from the Mechanica toolbar.

3. Select the curve on the left side of the model, as shown in the figure.

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4. Select STEEL from the Material field drop-down menu.

5. Type 1 for X, 0 for Y, and 0 for Z in the Y Direction fields.

Task 2. Review the previously created Door_guide Beam Section.

1. Click More... next to the Beam Section field.

2. Click Edit... from the Beam Sections dialog box.

3. Click Sketch > OK > Confirm > Section > Done to review the sketched section.

4. When you have completed reviewing the section, click Done Section > OK >
OK to return to the Beam Definition dialog box.

Task 3. Complete the creation of the Beam Definition and correct its orientation.

1. Click OK to complete the definition of the Beam.

2. Zoom in on the beam icons that have been added and note that the
orientation is not correct for our design.

3. Select the Beam Idealization, right-click and select Edit Definition.

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4. Click any one of the yellow directional arrows to flip its direction as shown in the

5. Click More... next to the Beam Orientation field.

6. Click New... in the Beam Orientations dialog box.

7. Type 270_degrees in the Name field.

8. Type 270 in the Orientation Angle field.

9. Click OK to close the Beam Orientation Definition dialog box.

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10. Click OK > OK to close the dialog boxes and complete the beam definition.
The beam should now be correctly oriented as shown in the figure.

Task 4. [Optional] Repeat the same process for the beam on the right side of the

1. Orient the beam so it is the mirror image of the beam you just created.

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You will need to create a new 90 degree Beam Orientation in order

to orient this beam section correctly.

This completes the procedure.

5.9 Using Beam Releases

Beam Releases enable you to specify the degrees of freedom you want to release
at the ends of a beam. If you do not explicitly specify a beam release, the
Mechanica default fixes all degrees of freedom. Beam releases can be defined
for both straight and curved beams.

Multiple beam releases can be created and stored in a given model, but there is
no library or method of passing beam releases from one model to another.

Mechanica uses the Beam Action Coordinate System (BACS) for orientation when
specifying beam releases. The following degrees of freedom can be released:

 Translation: Dx, Dy, Dz

 Rotation: Rx, Ry, Rz

Beam Release Icons

Beam releases are displayed with a graphical icon on the beam, positioned
toward the end to which the release is applied. Each leg of the triad represents
the X, Y, and Z directions in the BACS. The X direction is aligned with the positive X
direction of the beam, and the Y direction with the positive Y direction. When a
degree of freedom is released in any direction, Mechanica adds the appropriate
indicator to the icon. An arrow head represents the release of the corresponding
translational degree of freedom, while a ring represents the release of the

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corresponding rotational degree of freedom. The icon shown in the figure

represents a beam release where all degrees of freedom have been released.

5.10 Understanding Shell Idealizations

Shell Idealizations can be employed to model thin areas of a model as a surface with
an associated thickness instead of using fully solid element. Since surface elements (Tri
and Quad) require less computational resource than solid elements (Tetra, Wedge, and
Brick), shells can be computationally more efficient.

During Meshing, Mechanica will display a solid element in blue, a shell

element in green, and a link in purple.

For a given model, the number of shell elements necessary to adequately represent the
model is typically much less than (often by orders of magnitude) the number of solid
elements necessary. A good example of this is shown in the figures on the bottom of this
slide: the same model uses over 40 times more solid elements.

You can create two basic types of shells:

 Standard Shells: A Standard Shell is created by selecting a surface reference

from a model and associating a material and thickness with it.
 Midsurface Shells: Midsurface shells are created by selecting surface pairs from
your model that Mechanica compresses into a single midsurface.

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You can create shells for use in three different ways:

 You can create a Midsurface shell based directly on surface pairs from your part.
The thickness and material of the shell are based on the geometry and material
assigned to the solid model.
 You can create a Midsurface Shell based on surface pairs from your part, but
you can edit the thickness type, material, orientation, and other characteristics
of each surface pair.
 You can create a Standard shell as a layer on a solid. Each surface you create a
Standard Shell for can be composed of composite layers, or specified materials,
thicknesses, and orientations.

Standard Shells

You can create Standard Shells using the Simple or Advanced options:

 Simple Standard Shells enable you to assign a single thickness and material to a
surface. You can only assign isotropic material to Simple Standard Shells.
 Advanced Standard Shells enable you to assign Shell Properties and Material
Orientations to a surface. Shell properties enable you to define a homogenous
shell or shells with laminate properties. For homogenous shells, you simply specify
a thickness. Shells with laminate properties can be defined in terms of a laminate
layup where you define each ply individually, or with overall laminate stiffness

Midsurface Shells

Midsurface Shells: Midsurface shells are created by selecting surface pairs from your

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model. Mechanica then creates a surface by compressing the two original surfaces
into a single midsurface halfway in between them.

During meshing, wherever you have created a Midsurface Shell, Mechanica

automatically creates surface elements (instead of solid elements) on the compressed
midsurface and associates a thickness for each element that comes from the distance
between the original pair of surfaces.

Mixed Models

It is possible to create analysis models for use in Mechanica that are composed of both
solid and shell elements. A good example of this is shown in the figure on the upper right
side of this slide. The stiffening ribs for this part are modelled as shell elements (shown in
green) instead of solids, while the rest of the model consists of solid elements. The partial
use of shell elements reduces the computational overhead required for this model while
not appreciably affecting the overall accuracy of the solution.

Best Practices
 When creating Standard Shells, the shell thickness you assign to an individual
surface overrides any other thickness that might be assigned to that surface as
part of a different shell definition.
 Be sure to create Regions you may need in a model before creating Shell
Idealizations. Adding a region to a surface will invalidate any shell idealizations
that have already been created for it.

5.11 Creating Midsurface Shell Idealizations

You create Midsurface Shells by clicking Insert > Midsurface or by clicking Shell Pair
from the Mechanica toolbar. When creating Midsurface Shells, the Shell Pair
Definition dialog box appears with the following options:

 Name — Specifying a unique name for each shell pair can help in
identifying it at a glance.
 Type — This option can be set to Constant or Multi-Constant. The Constant
option assumes all shells in a selected shell pair have the same thickness,
while Multi-constant enables each set of references for the shell pairs to
have its own defined thickness.
 References — By default, you can select one surface and Mechanica will
attempt to select the opposing surface because the Auto Select Opposing
Surfaces option is selected. If this option is cleared, you then must select top
and bottom surface reference independently from one another.
 Pair Placement — The resulting shell elements are placed on the midsurface
between each set of references by default, but they can also be forced to

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the top surface reference, the bottom surface reference, or to a user-

defined surface.
 Material Properties — By default, the material properties for the shell
idealization take on the material properties of the part that contains the
references. However, you can override this default and assign the shell any
material property that exists in your model or material library.

Auto Detect Shell Pairs

You can have Mechanica automatically detect and create shell pairs for your
part or assembly model by using the Auto Detect Shell Pairs functionality. It is
accessed by clicking Insert > Midsurface > Auto Detect Shell Pairs from the main

From this dialog box, you can specify which components you wish to include for
automatic shell pair detection (assemblies only). You can also specify a
characteristic thickness. Mechanica will not look for shell pairs where the distance
between the shell pair surfaces is greater than this characteristic thickness.

Mechanica will always attempt to identify shell pairs by first analyzing certain
Pro/ENGINEER feature types that have shell pairs implicitly due to their geometry.
These feature types include shells, ribs, ears, thin protrusions, sheetmetal models,
and plastic ribs. Additionally, there is the Use Geometry Analysis option. When
selected, in addition to searching for shell pairs by feature type, this option causes
Mechanica to search for shell pairs using algorithms that analyze the geometry
independent of its feature type.

Best Practices
AutoGEM's default settings are optimized for Solid Element creation. Consider using
the following limits when creating shell elements: Edge Max and Face Max= 165;
Edge Min and Face Min= 15; Max Aspect Ratio= 5; Max Edge Turn= 85.

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Procedure: Creating Midsurface Shell Idealizations

Create a midsurface shell in a model using both Auto Detect and manual surface

MidsurfaceShells access_port.prt

Task 1. Start the Mechanica Application and create a midsurface shell.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

Note that the material has already been assigned to this part.

2. Click Insert > Midsurface > Auto Detect Shell Pairs from the main menu.

3. Type 83.0 in the Characteristic Thickness field and verify that the units field is set
to mm. Click Start.

Note the message in the message area that states ―4 Shell Pairs have
been created and placed at midsurface in ACCESS_PORT‖. Also
note the addition of the Shell Pairs Idealizations in the model tree.

Task 2. Verify the accuracy of the midsurface shell.

1. Click AutoGEM > Review Geometry from the main menu.

2. Click Apply from the Simulation Geometry dialog box.

3. When you have finished reviewing the geometry, click Close from the Simulation
Geometry dialog box to close it.

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Task 3. Modify the AutoGEM limits for shells and mesh the model, save the
model, and erase it from memory.

1. Click AutoGEM > Settings from the main toolbar. Select the Limits tab. Type the
following values in the dialog box:

Property Value

Edge Max 165

Face Max 165

Edge Min 15

Face Min 15

Max Aspect Ratio 5

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Max Edge Turn 85

2. Click OK from the AutoGEM settings dialog box. Click OK after reading the
Information dialog box.

3. Click Create from the main toolbar. Click Create in the AutoGEM dialog box
to create the mesh.

Note the creation of shell elements instead of solid elements. Also

note that the shell elements were created midway between the

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original solid geometry surfaces.

4. After you have reviewed the mesh, click Close > Close > No.

5. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

6. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

7. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

5.12 Creating Standard Shell Idealizations

Standard Shells

To create a standard shell, you must specify the following items:

 Name: The text you type in the Name field is useful information for a shell;
this prevents you from having to examine it more closely.
 Type: You can select Simple or Advanced for this field.

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 References: You can select the surfaces for inclusion in the shell definition
Individually, with component boundaries, or with surface sets. Surface sets
enable selection by Loop, Seed/Boundary, or All Solid surfaces.
 Properties: The fields present in the Properties section depend on your Type
o Simple: Thickness and Material are available for Simple Standard
o Advanced: Shell Property, Material, and Material Orientation are
available for Advanced Standard Shells. Shell Property enables you
to define one of three types of shells: Homogenous, Laminate Layup,
or Laminate Stiffness. For more information on Shell Properties, refer to
the Mechanica help system.

Best Practices
AutoGEM's default settings are optimized for Solid Element creation. Consider using
the following limits when creating shell elements: Edge Max and Face Max= 165;
Edge Min and Face Min= 15; Max Aspect Ratio= 5; Max Edge Turn= 85.

Procedure: Creating Standard Shell Idealizations

Create a Standard Shell and mesh it.

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CreateStdShells door_outer_right.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica Application and create a Standard Shell.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Shell from the Mechanica toolbar.

3. Verify that Type is set to Simple and select Quilt in the References field.

4. Select the surface shown in the figure.

5. Enter 2.0 for the Thickness. Select More... next to the Material field.

6. In the Materials dialog box, select steel.mtl > Add Material > OK.

7. The dialog box should appear as shown. Click OK to finish creating the Standard
Shell and close the dialog box.

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Task 2. Modify the AutoGEM limits for shells and mesh the model, save the model,
and erase it from memory.

1. Click AutoGEM > Settings from the main toolbar. Select the Limits tab. Enter the
following values in the dialog box:

Property Value

Edge Max 165

Face Max 165

Edge Min 15

Face Min 15

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Max Aspect Ratio 5

Max Edge Turn 85

2. Click OK from the AutoGEM settings dialog box. Click OK after reading the
Information dialog box.

3. Click Create from the main toolbar. Click Create in the AutoGEM dialog box
to create the mesh.

4. After you have reviewed the mesh, click Close > Close > No.

5. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

6. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

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7. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

5.13 Understanding Mass Idealizations

Mass Idealizations

Mass Idealizations enable you to represent a mass concentrated at a point

without having to model geometry. A Mass Idealization placed on a model tends
to cause that area of the model to resist translation and rotation. Mass
Idealizations are extremely useful when you are interested in predicting the way a
model will behave due to an object at a point in your model, but are not ideal for
predicting what happens specifically to the
object itself.

Mass Idealizations are created either by

clicking Insert > Mass... from the Main menu or
clicking Mass from the Mechanica toolbar.

Mass Idealization Definition

To create a Mass Idealization, you must specify

the following items:

 Name: The text you enter in the Name field can provide useful information
about the Mass Idealization without having to edit its definition to examine it
more closely.
 Type: You can select Simple, Advanced, or Component At Point
(Assemblies only) for this field. The Properties section of the dialog box will
change depending on what Type you select.

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 References: You can select one point, multiple individual points, all of the
points in a feature, or all of the points in a pattern.
 Properties: The Properties section depends upon what you set as the model
o Simple: If Type is set to Simple, you can specify the Distribution as
Total Mass or the Mass per Point to be distributed over all of the
points you selected. Additionally, you must specify the mass of the
o Advanced: If Type is set to Advanced, you are restricted to the Mass
per Point setting. Unlike the Simple type, for the Advanced type you
specify Mass Properties and the Coordinate system that the Mass
Properties are relative to. Mass Properties enable you to specify not
only the Mass, but also the Moments of Inertia.
o Component At Point: If Type is set to Component At Point, the Mass
Properties of the component you select are applied to the Mass

Procedure: Understanding Mass Idealizations

In this procedure, you will create a Mass Idealization to simulate a rider on a
bicycle frame.

UsingMassIdeal frame.prt

Task 1. Enter the Mechanica Application and create a Mass Idealization.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Mass from the Mechanica toolbar.

3. Type Cyclist in the Name field.

4. Verify that Type is set to Simple.

5. Select the RIDER point from the display area as the Reference.

6. Verify that Distribution is set to Total Mass.

7. Type 80 in the Mass field. The dialog should appear as shown in the figure.

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8. Click OK to close the dialog box and create the mass idealization. The model
should appear with a Mass Idealization icon as shown in the figure.

Task 2. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

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This completes the procedure.

5.14 Understanding Spring Idealizations

A Spring Idealization adds translational or torsional resistance between two points in a
Mechanica analysis model. It can connect two points on your model or a point on your
model to ground. Only linear spring rates with no damping are supported.

Spring Idealizations are created either by clicking Insert > Spring... from the Main menu or
clicking Spring from the Mechanica toolbar.

Spring Idealization Definition

To create a Spring Idealization, you must specify the following items:

 Name: The text you enter in the Name field can provide useful information about
the Spring Idealization without having to edit its definition to examine it more
 Type: You can select Simple, Advanced, or To Ground for this field. The Properties
section of the dialog box will change depending on what Type you select.
 References: As a Reference, you can select a single point/vertex, a point feature
(which can included one or more points), or a pattern of point features. You can

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create a spring using the options in the following list:

o Point-Point: Using the Point-Point option you can create a spring between
two points or two vertices.
o Point-Surface: Using the Point-Surface option you can create a spring
between a point and a surface, or a vertex and a surface. The spot on the
surface that is closest to the Point will be selected.
o Point-Edge: Using the Point-Edge option you can create a spring between
a point and an edge, or a vertex and an edge. The spot on the edge that is
closest to the Point will be selected.
o Point-Point Pairs: Using the Point-Point Pairs option you can create multiple
point-to-point springs with the same characteristics.

The Point-Point Pairs option is not available while editing a spring definition.

 Properties: The Properties section depends upon what you set as the model Type:
o Simple: With the Simple type Spring Idealization, you specify extensional
stiffness and torsional stiffness values or a Pro/ENGINEER parameter. They
apply in the vector direction formed between the ends of the spring.
o Advanced: With the Advanced type Spring Idealization, you specify a
Spring Property and the orientation for the Spring Property. The orientation is
specified by using any of the following to set the Y direction: Point, Axis,
Vector in the World Coordinate System, or Coordinate System.

The X direction is always set in the same direction as the spring (from start to
end is the positive X direction). After the Y direction as been set with one of
the above references, the Z direction can be positioned as necessary
through the Additional Rotation field in the dialog box.

o To Ground: With the To Ground type Spring Idealization you specify a Spring
Property and a coordinate system that it is relative to.

Spring Properties

Spring Properties enable you to specify the extensional and torsional stiffness of a Spring
Idealization in directions other than those directly in line with the spring's starting and
ending points. They must be defined for Advanced or To Ground springs. They enable
you to specify the Extensional (Kxx, Kyy, Kzz) and Torsional (Txx, Tyy, Tzz) stiffness for a
Spring Idealization. Additionally, you can have Mechanica compute the coupling
between the Extension and Torsion stiffnesses, or you can manually enter all of the ―off-
diagonal‖ terms in the Extensional and Torsional matrices and as well as all of the terms in

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the Coupling matrix.

Best Practices
 Spring Idealizations must always be attached to at least one point in your model.
You can use the datum point creation functionality to create additional points you
might need for a Spring Idealization. You can also select a vertex as a point
 A spring can act as a constraint in your model, and in some instances may be the
only constraint that you need.

Be aware that while a spring can remove degrees of freedom in one

direction, it can enable freedom of movement in other directions.

 If you plan to place springs on a shell model, be sure you understand what will
happen to the end of the idealization applied to a point on a compressed entity.

Procedure: Understanding Spring Idealizations

Create Spring Idealizations on a simple assembly.

SpringIdeal sprung_crucible.asm

1. Open the Mechanica Application and create a Spring Idealization.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Spring from the Mechanica toolbar.

3. Verify that the Type field is set to Simple.

4. Verify that the References field is set to Point-Point.

5. Select Pattern above the first Reference field.

6. Select any one of the TOP Points from RING.PRT as the first reference.

7. Select Pattern above the second Reference field.

8. Select any one of the BOT Points from CRUCIBLE.PRT as the second reference.

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9. Type 10.2 in the Extensional Stiffness field.

10. Type 3.4 in the Torsional Stiffness field. The dialog box should now appear as shown in
the figure.

11. Click OK to complete the Spring Idealization Definition and close the dialog box. The
model should now appear as shown in the figure.

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1. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Close Window.

4. Click File > Erase > Not Displayed > OK to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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Check Your Knowledge

1. Which statement about shell elements is true?

A - Shell elements can typically be used on all models.

B - Shell Elements typically increase the total element count necessary for
an analysis.

C - Shell Elements typically increase result accuracies.

D - Shell Elements typically reduce the total element count necessary for
an analysis.

2. If your geometry is axially symmetric, is the model type 2D axi-symmetric always


A – Yes

B - No

3. A beam's local x-axis is automatically defined in which direction?

A - In any direction defined by the user.

B - Relative to the x-axis of the WCS

C - Normal to the beam cross-section.

4. Shell theory always assumes that the shell element is at the _____ of the actual

A - mid-plane.

B - bottom.

C - top.

D - left

5. True or False? Beam releases are always required when defining beam

A - True

B - False

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Module 6

Structural Loads

Module Overview

You use Structural Loads in your Mechanica analysis models to simulate the real-
world environment you expect your model to encounter.

There are many different load types, distribution options and spatial variation
methods you can use when defining Structural Loads.

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6.1 Understanding Structural Loads

Structural Loads

Structural Loads are forces and moments that cause stress or deformation in the
model. Loads can be applied to surfaces, edges, and points. The loads applied
are intended to simulate what the model would be subjected to during its
operation. These loads can be defined using a number of different options:

 Force/Moment Loads: This load requires the user to specify the Force or
Moment vector acting on an entity.
 Bearing Loads: Simulates the load on a hole or pin when the force is only
acting on one half of the circular surface or edge.
 Centrifugal Loads: The user specifies an axis of rotation, angular velocity
and/or angular acceleration. Mechanica will then use the model’s mass
properties to determine what radial force or axial torque needs to be
applied to all entities in the model.
 Gravity Loads: Can be used to simulate how a model will deform under
gravity. Users will specify the value and direction of gravitational
acceleration. Mechanica will use the model’s mass properties to apply the
appropriate force over the entire model.
 Pressure Loads: Applying this load type will create a distributed force per
unit area across a surface. Mechanica will guarantee the load is always
normal to the surface.
 Temperature Loads: User can specify a uniform global temperature or
import a temperature field. Mechanica will use the coefficient of thermal
expansion specified in the model’s materials to calculate the resulting
deformation and stresses.
 Mechanism Loads: Import forces calculated using Pro/ENGINEER’s
Mechanism Dynamics Option.

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Best Practices

Correct application of loads is one of the key factors in obtaining correct results.
When applying loads, take the time to scrutinize the load dialog and confirm that
the load is correct for the units being used. In addition, the load set and
distribution options would also need to be confirmed. The analysis summary will
include the global load resultant on the model, and users can also calculate
resultants by clicking Info > Review Total Load.

The latter option cannot be used for body forces however. For body forces such as
Gravity, Centrifugal, and Temperature Loads, the calculated load will be
dependent on the material properties defined for the model.

6.2 Creating Force/Moment Loads

Force/Moment loads are the most frequently used of the Mechanica load types.
These loads are applied to geometric entities such as surfaces, edges, and points.
Each load has to have a load vector and distribution option specified. The vector
specified in the dialog determines which direction the load is acting in and what is
the magnitude of the load. The distribution option determines how Mechanica will
distribute the load over all the entities specified.

Force/Moment Vector definition

 Components: Specify the Force/Moment by expressing it in terms of three

Force components and three Moment components. So if the
Force/Moment is being specified in a Cartesian coordinate system, the user
specifies Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz.
 Direction Vector and Magnitude: Specify a direction vector that is aligned
with the desired direction and a magnitude value for the Force/Moment.

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 Direction Points and Magnitude: Select two datum points to define the
direction of the Force/Moment (from one point to another point) and then
specify the magnitude of the load.


 Total Load: This distribution type indicates that the user is applying the total
load for this Force/Moment. The load will be distributed over multiple
entities, but if summed up, would be equal to the load specified.
 Force Per Unit Type: This distribution type applies a distributed load over the
entities specified. Depending on the simulation model type, the Type of unit
can be length, area, or volume. This type of load is different from a pressure
load in that the direction of the vector will not change, whereas a pressure
load will always be normal to the surface.
 Total Load at Point: This distribution type implies that the total load applied
will have a resultant equal to what is input in the dialog, at the point
specified by the user. The load is still applied on the selected entity, and not
the point. The point is purely a calculation reference.
 Total Bearing Load at Point: This distribution type is used to represent the
force and moment that one cylindrically shaped part exerts on another. It is
an advanced bearing load distribution on cylindrical surfaces or along
circular edges/curves that is defined by a resultant force and moment at
any selected point in the model. It is different from a regular bearing load
because the regular bearing load can only have a resultant force, through
the center of the reference cylinder or edge and perpendicular to its axis.
This distribution type can be off-center and non-perpendicular.

Spatial Variation

 Uniform: The distribution of the load will be uniform over the entities
 Function of Coordinates: User can specify an equation or table that governs
how the load varies with respect to the selected coordinate system.

Best Practices

Just like solid elements cannot be constrained in the rotational directions, they
cannot accept moments as load input. For this reason, moments applied to solid
models must use the ―Total Load at Point‖ or Total Bearing Load at Point
distribution options. If any other option is used, the moment will be disregarded by
the analysis. If the load is purely a moment load, then the location of the point
selected is irrelevant.

Force/Moments will attempt to deform the model along the entities they are
applied to. To avoid singular stresses, loads should only be applied to surfaces in

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solid models, and to edges and surfaces in shell models. Only beam models should
have loads on points. There are exceptions to these recommendations, but they
are limited to specific scenarios where the user is seeking to reproduce results from
a carefully constructed theoretical example.

Use of the ―Function of Coordinates‖ option in a non-Cartesian coordinate system

needs to be done with care. Click Info > Review Total Load after applying the load
to verify the resultant and confirm that the load was applied correctly.

Procedure: Creating Force/Moment Loads

Create different Force/Moment Loads.

ForceMomentLoads t_bracket_hole.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica application and create Uniform Force on a Surface.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica > OK.

2. Click Force/ Moment Load from the Mechanica toolbar.

3. Verify that the References type to set to Surfaces.

4. Select the top surface of the part as shown in the figure.

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5. Type 300 as the Y component for force.

6. Click Preview to preview the load.

7. Click OK to create the force and close the dialog box.

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Task 2. Create a Uniform Moment on Surface.

1. Click Force/ Moment Load from the Mechanica toolbar.

2. Select the surface of the hole as shown in the figure as a reference for load.

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3. Click Advanced and select Total Load at Point from the Distribution field drop-
down menu.

4. For the point field, select PNT0.

5. Type 300 as the Y component for moment.

6. Click Preview to preview the load.

7. Click OK to create the force and close the dialog box.

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Task 3. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

6.3 Creating Bearing Loads

Axles, bolts, pins, rivets, and shafts, create stresses in the members they connect,
along the bearing surface or surface of contact. A load of this type is often not
uniformly distributed across the surface of the pin or hole, but varies according to
the equation provided. A Bearing Load in Mechanica is a built in load function
that simulates this load type.

Bearing Load Definition

 References: The references selected for bearing loads must be circular

surfaces or edges. No other references are valid.
 Components: Specify the Force by expressing it in terms of three Force
components. So the user specifies Fx, Fy, Fz.
 Direction Vector and Magnitude: Specify a direction vector that is aligned
with the desired direction and a magnitude value for the force.

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 Direction Points and Magnitude: Select two datum points to define the
direction of the force (from one point to another point) and then specify
the magnitude of the load.

Best Practices
 Bearing loads by their very nature act in the direction normal to the hole’s
axis. If the user specifies a load vector that is parallel to the axis, Mechanica
will not accept it. If the load has a component that is parallel to the axis
and another component normal to it, then only the normal component will
be used for calculating the load.
 Use the preview function before creating the load to make sure the load is
acting in the correct direction and that the correct half of the hole is being

Procedure: Creating Bearing Loads

Create a Bearing Load.

BearingLoads bracket.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica application and create a Bearing Load.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Bearing Load from the Mechanica toolbar.

3. Verify Reference type is set to Surfaces and select the surface shown in the

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4. Type 800 for the X component of the Force as shown in the figure.

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5. Click Preview to preview the load.

6. Click OK to create the Bearing Load and close the dialog box.

Task 2. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

6.4 Creating Centrifugal Loads

Many engineering applications involve rotating machinery. Bodies that rotate can
experience two types of centrifugal loads; a force and a moment. A centrifugal
force is a force that pushes matter away from the center of rotation. This can be
felt when making a sharp turn in a vehicle or playing with a sling. The magnitude of
this force is a function of the angular velocity and the distance from the center.
When the rotating component is accelerating, it can also generate an inertial
torque that is a function of the model’s moment of inertia (about the axis of
rotation) and angular acceleration.

This load type is applied to the entire model; it is not specific to any surface or
component. Mechanica will use the model’s material properties (density) and the
data specified in the centrifugal load form (axis of rotation, angular velocity,
angular acceleration) to determine the load on each element.

Centrifugal Load Definition

In order to create a Centrifugal load, the following parameters must be specified:

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 Coordinate System: Designates the coordinate system that the load is being
applied to with respect to the Rotation Origin. The default is the World
Coordinate Systems (WCS).
 Angular Velocity: Specifies the Angular Velocity relative to the referenced
coordinate system.
 Angular Acceleration: Specifies
the Angular Acceleration
relative to the referenced
coordinate system.

The Angular Velocity and Angular

Acceleration are specified using any of
three methods:

 Components: The vector is

expressed using three
components, each representing
the angular
velocity/acceleration relative to
the corresponding axis (X, Y and
Z for Cartesian coordinate
systems). The positive direction of
rotation is determined by the
right-hand rule.
 Direction Points and Magnitude:
Two datum points to define the
direction of the axis of rotation
(from one point to another
point) and then specify the
magnitude of the angular
velocity/acceleration. The
positive direction of rotation is
determined by the right-hand
 Direction Vector and Magnitude: A direction vector is used to specify the
rotation axis and a magnitude is used to specify the angular
velocity/acceleration about the axis of rotation. The positive direction of
rotation is determined by the right-hand rule.

Best Practices
 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration will have the units of radians per
second (rad/s) and radians per second squared (rad/s2). These units are
Mechanica standard and are independent of the system of units you have
assigned for the model. When applying this load type, double check the
values entered.

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 Double check material properties (particularly density) because they will

determine what force or moment is calculated by Mechanica and applied
to the elements in the model.

Procedure: Creating Centrifugal Loads

Create a centrifugal load for a part rotating at 5000 revolutions per minute (rpm).

CentrifugalLoads impeller.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica Application and create a Centrifugal Load.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Centrifugal Load from the Mechanica toolbar.

3. Verify that the Rotation Origin and Coordinate System field is set to WCS.

The specification for this component requires a speed of 5000 rpm.

Since one revolution is 2π radians, and one minute is 60 seconds,
5000 rpm equates to an angular velocity of 523.8 radians per second

4. For the Y field of the Angular Velocity, type 523.8 as shown.

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5. Click OK to create the Centrifugal Load and close the dialog box. The model
should appear as shown below.

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Task 2. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

6.5 Creating Gravity Loads

Gravity is the all encompassing force that affects all structures and components.
While most engineering parts can carry their own weight, there are several
applications where the model has to carry a specific weight.

From a practical perspective, Mechanica simulates the effect of gravity by

applying acceleration to the entire model. The mass of the individual elements will
create a force in the direction of the acceleration specified. This load can be used
to simulate any situation where a part is being subjected to a constant
acceleration value.

Gravity Load Definition

The following must be specified in order to create a Gravity Load:

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 Coordinate System: Specify the coordinate system the load is being applied
with respect to.
 Components: Specify the components of the gravitational acceleration
with respect to the referenced coordinate system.

Best Practices
 Gravity loads are applied in the units of acceleration for the model’s system
of units. Gravitational acceleration would be entered as 9.81 m/s2, 32.2 ft/s2,
or 386.4 in/s2 when using standard Mechanica unit systems.
 Gravitational acceleration is expressed in terms of units of length per unit of
time squared, not in terms of g because g is not a unit in Mechanica.
 The Gravity load can be used to simulate models exposed to accelerative
loads (such as components on a missle).
 The load the model experiences is always a function of the acceleration
value entered and the density of the model.
 The total resultant force will be reported in the summary file.

Procedure: Creating Gravity Loads

Create a 1G Earth Based Gravitational Load.

GravityLoads shelf.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica Application and create a Gravity Load.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

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2. Click Gravity Load from the Mechanica toolbar.

3. Type -9.81 for the Y component in the Acceleration field. Verify that the units file
is set to m / sec^2 as shown.

4. Click OK to create the Gravity Load and close the dialog box. The model should
appear as shown below.

Task 2. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

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2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

6.6 Creating Pressure Loads

Pressure is a distributed load created in fluids by the motion of individual

molecules. With the exception of gravity, it is the most common load encountered
by people everyday. Soda bottles, propane tanks, blood vessels are just a few
examples of cases where a pressure load exists.

Pressure loads in Mechanica apply a distributed force per unit area. They are
different from Force/Moment applications in that the direction of the load at any
point on the surface will always be normal to the surface. Force/Moment loads on
the other hand will always maintain the same vector.

Pressure Load Definition

The following information must be supplied when

defining a Pressure Load:

 References: Specify the surfaces on which

the load will be applied.
 Spatial Variation: Specify whether the
pressure is uniform across the surface,
governed by a function of coordinates or
imported from an external file.
 Value: Specify the magnitude of the

Best Practices
The direction of the pressure load will always be
normal to the surface it is applied on. However, it
is good practice to preview the load prior to application to make sure the pressure
is acting in the correct direction (pressing outward or inward). If it is acting
opposite the desired direction, then change the sign on the value entered (for
example, 50 Pa becomes -50 Pa).

Procedure: Creating Pressure Loads

Create a 200000 Pa Pressure Load inside a pressure vessel.

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PressureLoad pressure_vessel.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica application and create a Pressure Load.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Pressure Load from the Mechanica toolbar.

3. Select the inner cylindrical surface as shown in the figure.

Note that Mechanica has automatically selected the other half of

the cylinder.

4. Type 200000 in the Value field and verify that the units are set to Pa as shown in
the figure.

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5. Click Preview to verify the pressure is pushing the inner wall outward as shown in
the figure.

6. Click OK to complete the Pressure Load definition and close the dialog box.

7. The model should now appear as shown in the figure (load selected for

Task 2. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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6.7 Creating Temperature Loads

Temperature can affect materials in a number of different ways. The coefficient of

thermal expansion is a material property that predicts expansion or contraction of
a material when the temperature changes. In addition, Mechanica enables users
to create materials with temperature-dependent material properties.

Temperature Load Types

There are three different types of Temperature Loads you can apply:

 Global Temperature Load: Specifies a model temperature for the entire

 Mechanica Thermal Temperature Loads: Use the results of a Mechanica
Thermal analysis to apply a temperature field on the model.
 External Temperature Loads: Import a PTC Finite Element Neutral File (FNF)
that contains temperature field information for the model.

Temperature Load Definition

The following information must be supplied when defining Temperature Loads:

 Reference Temperature: All Temperature Load definitions require the

specification of a reference temperature. The reference temperature
represents the zero stress temperature of your model.
 Global Temperature Loads: Global Temperature Loads require the
designation of the desired Model Temperature you wish to bring the model
 Mechanica Thermal Temperature Loads: Mechanica Thermal Temperature
Loads requires the specification of an Design Study (optional), Analysis, and
Load Set(s).
 External Temperature Loads: External Temperature Loads require the
specification of a Coordinate System and a PTC Finite Element Neutral File
(.FNF) to load.

Best Practices

Different materials have different coefficients of thermal expansion. If a model has

different materials, a temperature load could be useful in determining if a rise or
drop in temperature could place additional stress on the model.

The temperature load is applied to the entire model. If it is desired that a specific
assembly component not be affected by temperature, then the material assigned
to it must have a coefficient of thermal expansion equal to zero.

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Procedure: Creating Temperature Loads

Subject a brake component to a 115°C Global Temperature Load.

TempLoad brake_caliper.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica application and create a Global Temperature Load.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Verify that the Model Type is set to Structure and click OK.

3. Click Global Temperature Load from the Mechanica toolbar.

4. Type 115 in the Model Temperature field. Verify that the Reference Temperature
is 0 and both unit fields are set to C.

The above Global Temperature definition will apply a temperature

difference of 115 Celsius to the model.

5. The dialog box should now appear as shown in the figure. Click OK to create the
Global Temperature Load and close the dialog box.

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6. The model should appear with the Global Temperature Load icon as shown in
the figure.

Task 2. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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6.8 Creating Mechanism Loads

Mechanism Dynamics is Pro/ENGINEER’s tool for analyzing motion of rigid bodies.

Mechanism can calculate the acceleration, momentum, and forces acting on
each body in an assembly. However, because it is analyzing rigid bodies, it cannot
estimate deformation or stress.

Mechanism loads in Mechanica Structure enable the user to import the loads
being acted on an assembly component in Pro/ENGINEER. These loads will not
constitute a new load type, but will take the form of gravity loads (to simulate
acceleration), centrifugal loads (to simulate rotation), and Force/Moment loads
from joint reactions.

Mechanism Load Definition

In Mechanism, the user has to define the body and the part that the loads will be
exported for. Loads cannot be exported for the entire assembly. The user will also
specify if the loads should be exported for a specific time index or maximum for
the entire duration of the Mechanism Dynamics analysis.

With the specific part opened, the user will import the loads in Mechanica. Any
Force/Moment loads created will need to be edited so they are associated with a

Best Practices
Mechanism performs dynamic analyses to determine all the forces acting on the
model. As with any assembly that has moving parts, inertia is a significant force. If
there are parts in the assembly that do not have a material property assigned,
they will get a nominal density of 1.0. This will lead to incorrect results. When relying
on values reported by Mechanism, double check all material properties and
densities reported by Pro/ENGINEER because unlike Mechanica, Mechanism will
not stop you when you do not have material properties assigned.

Procedure: Creating Mechanism Loads

Export results from a mechanism analysis, then import the loads in Mechanica.

MechLoad engine.asm

Task 1. Open the Mechanism Application, run a Mechanism Analysis, and export
the results for use in Mechanica.

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1. Click Applications > Mechanism from the Main toolbar.

2. Click + next to Analyses to expand the section. Right-click Dynamic1

(DYNAMICS) and select Run as shown in the figure.

3. From the Main menu, click File > Use in Structure....

4. Select CONNECTING_ROD.PRT from the model tree to select it as the Body


5. Click Select Reference Entity next to the Component field and select
CONNECTING_ROD.PRT from the model tree to select it as the Component

6. Select Max for All Loads from the Evaluate At drop-down menu.

7. The Load Export dialog box should appear as shown in the figure. Click OK to
complete the export and close the dialog box.

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Task 2. Open CONNECTING_ROD.PRT, enter the Mechanica application, and

import its Mechanism Load.

1. Right-click on CONNECTING_ROD.PRT in the model tree and click Open. Click

Yes to confirm the exit from Mechanism without saving results.

2. Click Applications > Mechanica > OK.

3. From the Main menu, click Insert > Mechanism Load....

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4. The dialog box should now appear as shown in the figure.

5. Click OK to create the Load.

6. Click + next to Loads/Constraints to expand the section. Click + next to Load Set
MechanismLoadSet1 to expand this section as well. Examine the 6 Loads that have
been added.

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Note that a Force Load and a Moment Load have been added at
each end of the CONNECTING_ROD.PRT accounting for four loads.
These loads are due to Mechanism reaction forces at each end of
the part. Also note the addition of a Gravity Load (to account for
linear acceleration of the part in the Mechanism) and a Centrifugal
Load (to account for Centrifugal force due to the rotation of the part
in the Mechanism).

Task 3. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. Click File > Close Window > File > Close Window to close all open windows.

4. Click File > Erase > Not Displayed > OK to erase all models from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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Check Your knowledge

1. Which distribution option must be used in order to properly apply a moment

load to a solid element model?

A - Total Load

B - Total Load at Point

C - Force Per Unit Area

D - Any of the above

2. Which coordinate system is a gravity load in reference to?

A - The current coordinate system at the time when the gravity load is

B - The World Coordinate System (WCS), or the current coordinate system if

it is cartesian, or any user specified cartesian coordinate system

C - It does not reference any coordinate system.

D - The Central Universal Coordinate System (CUCS

3. True or False? Loads must be applied to more than one area of a model in order
for Mechanica to perform most types of analyses.

A - True

B - False

4. True or False? Only one load set can be selected or created for an analysis.

A - True

B - False

5. Which statement CORRECTLY describes the entity types on which loads can be
defined on the 3-D Model?

A - Loads must be applied to surfaces.

B - Loads can be applied to surfaces and edges.

C - Loads can be applied to surfaces, edges, and points.

D - Loads can be applied to volumes regions, surfaces, and edges.

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Module 7

Structural Constraints

Module Overview

Structural constraints are used to limit the degrees of freedom, prevent rigid body
motion, and simplify models. This is done through the application of Displacement
Constraints and Symmetry constraints.

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7.1 Understanding Displacement Constraints

Displacement Constraints (sometimes referred to simply as constraints) are used to

limit the degrees of freedom of an analysis model and to prevent rigid body
motion (in most cases). Constraints can be applied to surfaces, edges, and points.
Analyses in Mechanica solve specific equations, and these equations rely on
certain assumptions. For a static problem, it is assumed that the model is in
equilibrium, so the force is proportional to the displacement. In a dynamic or
vibration problem, the sum of the inertial, damping, elastic, and external forces
are also in balance. As such, an insufficiently constrained model can make the
analysis impossible to solve.

From a practical perspective, constraints can also enable an engineer to simplify a

model. Rarely is an engineer able to analyze a single complex system such as an
engine or super-structure in one analysis. For example, consider a book. The book
is sitting on a desk, and the desk sits on the floor. The floor is held up by a building
and the building is anchored into the ground, which belongs to a planet floating in
space. Clearly, if someone wanted to model how the book deformed under its
own weight while sitting on the desk, the model would include only the handbook
with constraints preventing it from moving downwards. Similarly, if you wanted to
model a driveshaft, you can remove the bearings and assign constraints in their
place and perform an analysis on the simplified model. If necessary, an analysis on
the bearings could be done separately.

When a constraint is defined on an entity, each degree of freedom can be

assigned one of three values:

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 Free: This setting designates that the selected entity is free in this degree of
 Fixed: This setting designates that the selected entity cannot move in this
degree of freedom.
 Prescribed: The user specifies a discrete amount of deformation that the
entity will move in. This is used in situations where the user does not know the
magnitude of the external load, but does know the desired deformation.

Any model in space has six degrees of freedom:

 Translational degrees of freedom (3)

1. forward/backward
2. left/right
3. up/down
 Rotational degrees of freedom (3)
1. Yaw
2. Pitch
3. Roll

Because of the way solid elements are created in Mechanica, they only have
three unique degrees of freedom (three translation) because any face on a
tetrahedral cannot rotate without translation in one of the three directions.
Because of this, Mechanica will ignore rotational constraints on solids. However,
rotational constraints can still be used on shell and beam idealizations.

Best Practices

When a model is insufficiently constrained for an analysis, it can manifest itself in

several ways. Most often, the Mechanica solver engine will report that the model is
insufficiently constrained for the analysis. If this occurs, the best way to tackle the
problem is to run a constrained modal analysis with rigid mode search. An
animation of the rigid body motion should expose which component or degree of
freedom is causing the problem.

Constraints in a model will generate a reaction force if there is an attempt to

deform the model in the direction being constrained. For example, a constraint
that limits motion in the X and Y directions will create reaction forces with X and Y
components, but no Z component. In other words, reactions can only be
evaluated where a degree of freedom is being constrained. In a prescribed
displacement constraint, the reaction force reported is the force required to
produce that displacement.

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Procedure: Understanding Displacement Constraints

Create a displacement constraint.

CreateDispCons hb_support.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica application and create two displacement


1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click Displacement Constraint from the Mechanica toolbar.

3. Verify that the World radio button and WCS is selected in the Coordinate System
area of the dialog box.

4. Press CTRL and select the surface regions around the holes as shown.

5. Select Free Translation for the X and Z translational degrees of freedom.

6. Leave the Y translational degree of freedom set to Fixed Translation .

7. Select Free Rotation for the X, Y, and Z rotational degrees of freedom.

8. The dialog box should appear as shown. Click OK to create the Constraint and
close the dialog box.

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9. Click Displacement Constraint from the Mechanica toolbar.

10. Verify that the World radio button and WCS are selected in the Coordinate
System area of the dialog box.

11. Press CTRL and select the inner surfaces of both holes as references as shown.

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12. Select Free Translation for the Y translational degree of freedom.

13. Leave the X and Z translational degrees of freedom set to Fixed Translation .

14. Select Free Rotation for the X, Y, and Z rotational degrees of freedom.

15. The dialog box should appear as shown. Click OK to create the Constraint and
close the dialog box.

16. The model now has icons present for both constraints on each of the holes as

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Task 2. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. From the main menu, click File > Close Window.

4. Click File > Erase > Not Displayed > OK to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

7.2 Planar, Pin, and Ball Constraints

When creating planar, pin, and ball constraints you must first select the type of
constraint from either a fly-out menu on the Mechanica toolbar or directly from
the Insert drop-down menu in the main

 Planar constraints enable the

creation of a constraint that allows
full planar movement, but constrains
off-plane displacement. You can
select only planar surfaces for this
type of constraint.
 Pin constraints enable the creation of
a constraint that controls the
translation or rotation about the axis
of a cylindrical surface in 3D models.
The pin constraint is particularly useful
when you need the surface to move
in one or more directions, but be held
in place in the remaining directions—
for example, a piston that slides
within a cylinder, but stays tight to the
inner cylinder wall and does not
rotate. You can select only cylindrical
surfaces for this type of
constraint.Additionally, the pin

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constraint enables you to specify the Angular degree of freedom as Free or

Fixed, and the Axial degree of freedom as Free or Fixed.
 Ball constraints enable the creation of a constraint that represents a ball
joint in which translation is fixed while rotation is free. You can select only
spherical surfaces for this type of constraint.

Best Practices
Planar, pin and ball constraints are not valid for Large Deformation Analysis (LDA).
If a model with these constraints is used to create or edit an LDA, Mechanica will
display an error message.

Procedure: Planar, Pin, and Ball Constraints

In this exercise you learn how to create pin and ball constraints.

PlanarPinBall linkage.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica application and create a pin constraint.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica.

2. Click the fly-out menu next to Planar Constraint in the Mechanica toolbar to
show its contents. Then click Pin Constraint as shown.

3. Select the surface inside the hole as shown.

4. Verify that the angular rotation and axial translation degrees of freedom are set
to Free as shown.

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5. Click OK from the Pin Constraint dialog box to create the constraint.

Task 2. Create a ball constraint, save the model, and erase it from memory.

1. Click the constraint fly-out menu and click Ball Constraint .

2. Select the spherical surface as shown.

3. Click OK from the Ball Constraint dialog box to create the constraint.

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4. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

5. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

6. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

7.3 Understanding Mirror Symmetry Constraints

When the loads, constraints, and geometry of a model are symmetrical, you can
take advantage of symmetry to analyze a portion of the model instead of the
entire model. Symmetric constraints work by preventing the model from deforming
through the plane(s) of symmetry. There are two types of symmetry constraints that
can be created in Mechanica: Mirror and Cyclic. We will focus on Mirror symmetry
in this topic.

Mirror symmetry is applied when the model, loads and constraints are symmetrical
about a plane. The model is cut in half through the plane, and then the constraint
is applied through the surface (solid model), edge (shell model), or point (beam
model) that lies on the plane of symmetry.

Best Practices
 It should be noted that symmetry can only be used when the model, loads,
and constraints are symmetrical. If only the model is symmetrical, then the
results generated will not be correct, or may be correct for stress but not
displacement, or vice versa. The symmetry requirement for loads and
constraints is often overlooked.

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 Finally, users should note that when taking advantage of symmetry in

models, a modal analysis or buckling analysis will only report the modes that
are symmetrical. As such, not all modes may be captured. For such
analyses it is recommended to not use symmetry.

Procedure: Understanding Mirror Symmetry Constraints

Create a mirror symmetry constraint.

CreateMirrorSymCons hb_support.prt

Task 1. Resume a cut feature and start the Mechanica application.

1. From the main menu, click Edit > Resume > Resume All.

This operation resumed a cut feature that removes all of the

geometry in the model except for the piece to which you are going
to apply the mirror symmetry constraint.

2. Click Applications > Mechanica.

Task 2. Create a mirror symmetry constraint.

1. Click Symmetry Constraint from the Mechanica toolbar.

2. Verify that the Type drop-down menu is set to Mirror.

3. Select the surface on the right side of the model as the reference for the mirror
symmetry constraint as shown.

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4. The dialog box should now appear as shown. Click OK to complete the
symmetry constraint.

5. The models should now appear with the Mirror Symmetry icon as shown.

Task 3. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. From the main menu, click File > Close Window.

4. Click File > Erase > Not Displayed > OK to erase the model from memory.

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This completes the procedure.

7.4 Understanding Cyclic Symmetry Constraints

When the loads, constraints, and geometry of a model are symmetrical, you can
take advantage of symmetry to analyze a portion of the model instead of the
entire model. Symmetric constraints work by preventing the model from deforming
through the plane(s) of symmetry. There are two types of symmetry constraints that
can be created in Mechanica: Mirror and Cyclic. We will focus on Cyclic
symmetry in this topic.

Cyclic symmetry is applied to models that are symmetrical about an axis. This is
different from axisymmetric models in that the model does not have to be a body
of revolution. The model can have patterns of features that are repeated at the
same interval about an axis. Using cyclic symmetry requires that the user create a
cut feature that reduces the model to a single ―slice.‖

Best Practices
 It should be noted that symmetry can only be used when the model, loads,
and constraints are symmetrical. If only the model is symmetrical, then the
results generated will not be correct, or may be correct for stress but not
displacement, or vice versa. The symmetry requirement for loads and
constraints is often overlooked.
 In cyclic symmetry, the angular dimension of the ―slice‖ being used must
return an integer when 360 degrees is divided by the dimension. Therefore
dimensions such as 15, 18, 30, 45, 60 are all valid. In addition, the surfaces
selected for cyclic symmetry must map to one another.
 Finally, users should note that when taking advantage of symmetry in
models, a modal analysis or buckling analysis will only report the modes that
are symmetrical. As such, not all modes may be captured. For such
analyses it is recommended to not use symmetry.

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Procedure: Understanding Cyclic Symmetry Constraints

Create a cyclic symmetry constraint.

CreateCycSymCons impeller.prt

Task 1. Resume a cut feature and open the Mechanica application.

1. From the main menu, click Edit > Resume > Resume All.

This operation resumed a cut feature that removes all of the

geometry in the model except for the piece to which you are going
to apply the cyclic symmetry constraint.

2. Click Applications > Mechanica.

Task 2. Create a cyclic symmetry constraint.

1. Click Symmetry Constraint from the Mechanica toolbar.

2. Select Cyclic from the Type drop-down menu.

3. Query select the hidden surface on the far side of the slice as the first reference
as shown.

4. Right-click anywhere in the display area and select Second Side.

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5. Select the surface on the near side of the slice as the second reference as

6. The dialog box should now appear as shown. Click OK to complete the
symmetry constraint.

7. The models should now appear with the Cyclic Symmetry icon as shown.

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Task 3. Save the model and erase it from memory.

1. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard.

2. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model.

3. From the main menu, click File > Close Window.

4. Click File > Erase > Not Displayed > OK to erase the model from memory.

This completes the procedure.

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Check Your Knowledge

1. What degrees of freedom are relevant in a Solid Element?

A - All translational but NO rotational.

B - All translational and all rotational.

C - All Rotational but NO translational.

2. Constraints (or boundary conditions) are used to simulate the ...

A - stresses and strains applied on the model.

B - interface between the model and the outside world.

C - distribution of strain on the model.

3. Which statement CORRECTLY describes the entity types on which constraints

can be defined on a 3D Model.

A - Constraints must be applied to surfaces.

B - Constraints can be applied to surfaces and edges.

C - Constraints can be applied to surfaces, edges, and points.

D - Constraints can be applied to volumes, surfaces, and edges.

4. Which conditions must be met before symmetry can be used to simplify a


A - Geometry must be symmetric.

B - Loads and Constraints must be symmetric.

C - Material properties must be symmetric.

D - Loads, constraints, geometry, and material must be symmetric.

5. True or False? When applying a cyclic symmetry constraint, the number of times
the material is cyclically repeated must be an integer number.

A - True

B - False

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