Positioning Greythr (How To Sell)

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Positioning greytHR (How to sell)


What is a 'Value Proposition?'

A value proposition is a business or marketing statement that a company uses to summarize why a
consumer should buy a product or use a service. This statement convinces a potential consumer that one
particular product or service will add more value or better solve a problem than other similar offerings.
Companies use this statement to target customers who will benefit most from using the company's
products, and this helps maintain an economic moat.

Activities: The Facilitator asks the participants to list out 5 various products they use
and what’s the value proposition of the same
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)

Example: Zen Payroll

Activities: The Facilitator asks the participants to find out the value proposition of Zen Payroll
after seeing the picture

This site gets straight to the point and lays everything out in a short 7 word statement; “The easiest way
to pay your employees.” The simplicity of it works for what they are advertising.

Their UVP states their intent to provide payroll services. Their unique value is in simplification; they
make it easy. They communicate their service, as well as the key benefit to their customers, an easier
way of doing payroll.
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)

greytHR Value Propositions

`- maintaining company's policies and
- changes in company policy and notify
employees `- various type of employee info
- collect & store employee information recording screens
(personal, edu qualification, previous - employee documents manager
experience etc) - letter generation module
- maintaining employee documents - automated configurable email
- maintaining resigned employees data alerts
- reminding managers on their team - bulletin board for mass
new joinee and their confirmation communication
- company announcements to - preconfigured MIS reports
employees Products & - powerful ad-hoc report building
- wising employees on their birthday, Services - List tool (Query Builder)
anniversary etc of features / - exclusive section for company
- preparing letters on employees functionalities policies and forms
Customer Jobs - What request around which - integrated employee info module
customers are trying to get - preparing MIS reports and ad-hoc our Value with others like leave, attendance
done on a day to day basis reports Prop is built and payroll
Pains - bad outcomes, risks, `- maintain employee info as hard copy Pain Relievers `- can store all employee
obstacles related to customer or excel is very difficult with growing - How the information in a single repository
jobs records features will and eliminate excel/hard copy
- policy changes to be taken as hard alleviate or practise
copy and placed in notice board remove the - document manager can store
- maintaining employee docs like their pains employee records as soft copy
id proofs, edu certificates, previous attached with respective employee
experience etc as hard copy needs and can retrive at any time
exclusive file for each employee - - bulk excel import feature made
complex and difficult to manage mass data update easier
- the same needs to be maintained for - letter generation feature helps HR
resigned employees too to generate bulk letters in few clicks
- whenever there is a new joinee, HR - Query builder helps HR to
needs to intimate respective manager generate ad-hoc reports and quick
and other stackholder via email decision making
- HR needs to remember or maintain - automated email alerts reminds
seperate record regarding employees necessary stockholders to their
confirmation due and missing the event actions
may create employee dissatisfaction - employee information reaches
- publishing company information in payroll automatically and eliminates
notice board or email to all employees duplicate of entry
will be tedious in case of frequent
- may miss to wish employee events
- preparing letters manually prepare
employee letters like salary revision,
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
address proof etc will be time
- any MIS reports or ad-hoc reports
preparation will be tedious and time
consuming in excel
`- easy storing, updating employee
information (including resigned
employees) and retreive it whenever
- systematic way to manage employee `- cloud application allows all the
documents and eliminate hard copies users to access the application from
- automated alerts for various events Gain Creators anywhere / anytime and perform
and reminders to respective - Descrcibe their actions
stackholders how the - automates & simplifies entire
- quick and simple employee letters adoption of employee database management
generation greytHR will - one common place to store &
- common place to make company create retreive entire employees info
Gains - Expected benefits the announcements and reaching all customer - mobile app emable employees to
customers are seeking employees easily gains view their info on the go

Positioning greytHR (How to sell)

Positioning greytHR (How to sell)

"Features tell, but benefits sell." The top marketers know "Benefits" tap into emotions and ultimately
motivate people into action
Activities: The Facilitator asks the participants to list out FAB for five products they use
Features, Advantages and Benefits It's helpful to think of your product as made up of three
distinct parts:
• Features
• Advantages
• Benefits
A feature is what a product is or does
Example: “This car has ultrasonic sensors
fitted to each bumper and electronic
powersteering” [FEATURE].
A benefit is what it will do for your
Example: “It can help you park in tight
spaces without risk of damage”. [BENEFIT]
Develop every product feature into a tangible benefit, an end result that satisfies a customer problem or
need. Features are merely descriptions of what you do or what you offer. For example, a feature is a
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
diamond tipped 10mm drill bit... ... the advantage is "it makes holes in seconds." BUT the benefit is
that it saves you TIME.

NOTE: It is only a benefit if you are a Handy-man A feature might be "in-

dash GPS", but the benefit is "never ask for directions again."

The benefit of sheets woven with “600 thread count 100%

Cotton Satten" is "sleep in the softest sheets ever made -- and
never feel those sheet bumps again.

So what? WIIFM? The Advantage Trap Put yourself in your customer's shoes and ask 'What's In It
for Me?' (WIIFM?). So what if the laptop you're trying to sell me
has an 867MHz processor, 256MB memory, a 38 cm display and
built in Bluetooth? What's In It For Me? And don't fall into the
common trap of merely developing your features into advantages –
how a product or service MIGHT be used or MIGHT help a
prospective customer, or how it compares with your competitors.
What does it mean for the customer? What will he or she be able to
do as a result? Benefits are only really benefits if they deal directly
with a customer need. Take a new mover with the feature: 'Power
driven Quantum 15 horse-power engine'. 'It's the quickest mower on
the market' isn't a benefit – it's an advantage. The benefit is that you can mow your lawn in half the
time, allowing you more time to enjoy your garden. So don't fall into the trap of getting
overenthusiastic about your product and its new, unique and revolutionary features. Don't focus on
the bells and whistles. All your buyer cares about is WIIFM? However, all this will be lost on a
person who has no lawn to mow – KNOW your customer!

Think FAB – Features, Advantages, Benefits The secret of coming up with genuine benefits is to be
customer-oriented. The benefit you give is much more powerful if it fits a specific, explicit customer
need. Review your existing sales and marketing literature, and rethink your sales pitches. How can you
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
turn features and advantages into benefits? The following are some magazine ads. Look at how ads (3)
give tangible benefits, whilst (1) and (2) just give features and advantages –

(1) Magazine ad for “INDIA TODAY“ Video Media Messaging/ Games/

Downloads/ Music/ Sport/ Entertainment [ALL FEATURES] Get into INDIA
TODAY Active.

Newspaper ad for Philips 'Philishave' Shaver Each of the three rotary-action

shaving heads has 90 omnidirectional slots [FEATURE] to catch all the hairs,
irrespective of length and angle to the skin [ADVANTAGE]. The shaving heads
also float independently to ensure they follow every contour of your face
[ADVANTAGE]. The double action cutters [FEATURE] lift each hair to achieve
a closer shave [ADVANTAGE] and there is also a pop-out trimmer for sideburns

3) Magazine ad for Mercedes-Benz SBC is the world's

first brake- bywire system [FEATURE]. When it's raining, SBC
even helps keep the brake discs dry by clearing water from the surface
of the disc [FEATURE]. All measures which combine to reduce
your stopping distance by more than 3% [ADVANTAGE]. . . SBC:
only a split second quicker than normal braking. But then
accidents can happen in a split second [BENEFIT].

Neil Rackham, author of SPIN Selling, argues that the higher the value of the sale, the less effective
advantages become, and the more effective benefits become. The more you relate your message to an
explicit customer need (e.g. Avoid accidents, Shave as quickly as you want without mistakes) the
better. How do you get to your customer's needs? Ask questions: probe the effects, consequences and
implications of your customer's problems. What benefits are they looking for? Do what we what we
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
should do – get close to your customers. Deeper benefits The deeper and more personalized the benefit
you can use to appeal to your customer, the more powerful your sales pitch. John Forde of the
Copywriter's Roundtable explains
'When a local gym selling memberships talks about the
equipment they have upstairs, that's a list of features When they
tell you how that equipment can get you slimmer and stronger
than equipment they have at other gyms, that's a translation
from feature to advantage to benefit. But when they start
flashing you photos of lithe-looking members in gym gear...
chatting confidently... flashing big smiles and toned
flesh...show medical reports on lower bloodpressure and
cholesterol well... That's approaching the deeper benefits.' The
more benefits and deeper benefits you can stack up in favour of your product, the more chance you
have of your sales pitch outweighing the price the customer has to pay.

FABulous Life Life insurance is a valuable financial tool because of the many benefits a life cover
policy offers beyond a death benefit. Depending on which policy you choose, living benefits can be
added to life insurance, which can be used in a variety of ways. Life insurance is the only investment
option that offers specific products tailor made for different life stages. It thus ensures that the benefits
offered to the client reflect the needs of the client at that particular life stage, and hence ensures that the
financial goals of that life stage are met.

The table below gives a general guide to the plans that are appropriate for different life stages.
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)

Our product, Life Plan Plus is available as a term or whole of life Policy [FEATURE]. Life Plan Plus
term insurance allows you to select the term based on your age and need [ADVANTAGE]. You will
also receive a generous maturity value at the end of the term. [ADVANTAGE]. This maturity value is
tax-free in your hands [BENEFIT] and you can now use this capital as extra retirement funding
[BENEFIT]. What do you think are the Features, Advantages and Benefits of the whole life option?

FAB’s Our savings product, Cash Plan Plus, allows you to make “cash withdrawals” from the sixth
policy year. Cash Plan Plus is extremely flexible. You decide how much you need and when you need
it. With our product, you can save up to 40% in premiums in the 1st year of your policy. What are the
FAB‟s of the above? Use the table below to plot the Features, Advantages and Benefits.

To be successful, and to help you convert features into more powerful

benefits one may ask:
• What's in it for my prospect?
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
• This [product or service] helps my prospect [Benefit goes here]
• What this means to my prospect is [Benefit goes here]
• [Feature] so that [Benefit] For example, this knife set is razor sharp... so that I can paper slice even
squishy tomatoes..."
So, before attempting to sell anything new or old for that matter, do this simple exercise. Fold a sheet
of paper as you would a letter into three sections. In the first column, list the half-dozen major features
of your offering. In the second column, list several advantages for each feature.
And in the third column, list the possible benefits of each advantage for the different types of prospects
you plan to call on. No matter what you're offering, your presentations will flow naturally and logically
across the page, making it easier for prospects to justify buying. Benefits sell products. They are
derived not from the product, but from the customer’s environment and mind set which may change at
any given moment.

The features are what good things the product offers, Advantages are what this product provides that
has an edge over the competition. The benefits would be what the consumer will be able to do or what
they will get from buying this particular product.

Finally and for further success the “M” in FAB

Now that you understand FAB marketing – Features, Advantages and Benefits.
We need to look at the M - motives
Quick recap:
FEATURES – Are what your products and services have
ADVANTAGES - Are what your features do
BENEFITS – What the features mean to the buyer

Pretty straight forward, but they are mainly LOGICIAL stuff to enable the sale. Remember
that sales are made mainly through emotion and are BACKED UP with logic.
So we need to remember to also add MOTIVES to the mix.
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
MOTIVES - are what the features and benefits will satisfy with the buyer.
What feeling will it give them?
What are the emotions associated with your prospects and clients having your products
and services?

“Sean, this baby car seat has a dual locking system on each of the straps…”
“The advantage of this system is that it will take you a double click to fasten it or
to release it instead of just one click on most models…”
BENEFITS “That means that Holly will be secure in her seat and if
she manages to prize open one of the locks then there is still the back-up of the
other one…”
MOTIVES “Sean, you‟ll have the peace of mind of the safest car seat on the market and also the fact
that Holly will not be able to open the straps and harness herself”

Remember, FAB is awesome, but FABM is even better!

Case Study :
The Tupperware Effect and Why we’re Influenced to Buy Now, many of us at one time or another has
been invited to a Tupperware party or something similar. We all know
what is going to happen; someone is going to sell us something at the
party. And in the end, we come home with more Tupperware even
though our cabinets run over with more plastic goodies than we shall
ever need.
How did we get sold?
Let us recreate a scenario and then let us take a closer look.
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
Your friend Princely calls you and invites you to a Tupperware party he is hosting at his house. You
find it hard to say no and so you agree to be there. You show up and there are other friends and soon to
be new friends at the party snacking samosa and sipping on some wine all the while having polite
Your friend Princely then clinks his wine glass politely with a spoon to get everyone’s attention as she
prepares to introduce the Tupperware representative (a friend of Princely ‟s I’m sure). Introducing
herself, the rep, then courteously asks everyone in the room to introduce themselves so that everyone
can get to know a little more about each other.
The rep then asks how many people already own Tupperware. Many of the guests raise their hands.
The rep then asks each of them to share their experience with their Tupperware
Products and how they use them at home to make their lives more convenient. She then talks about the
new products Tupperware has and then closes by thanking everyone for taking the time and supporting
their friend Princely. Princely then says, “I’m passing out this form for anyone who is interested in
buying any of the items we discussed. And we also have more drinks.”
That is it, no hard sales pitch and no sales pressure to buy.
Next thing you know, you are filling out a form and signing up to buy a few of the Tupperware items
even though you told yourself you wouldn’t.
Sound familiar? What happened? Why did you feel compelled to buy something? What I want to do
now is dissect exactly what happened and why. If you have ever watched one of those crime shows,
you have probably seen the lead detective, after reviewing the crime scene recreate exactly what
happened based on the evidence.
What I want to do is highlight what rules of social dynamics compelled you to buy:
1) When you walked in you were greeted by your friend Princely . Rule of Liking: we are more likely
to be persuaded by people we like, know and trust. We favour buying from people we like, in this case
our friend Princely .
2) You were then offered free hors d'oeuvres and wine. Rule of Reciprocity: when someone gives
you something, you feel a sense of obligation to return the favor in kind…in this case by buying
something after eating Princely ‟s food and drinking her wine
3) The rep than asked the willing to share their experience with their Tupperware products. Rule of
Social Proof: when we see others doing something, we take our social cues from others and we are
inclined to do the same. When the rep asks those who have bought in the past to share their
experiences, what she is doing is providing you the buyer with „proof‟ that others love the product and
so should you.
4) And, if you were one of those people that volunteered to share your experience with the group, then
you were influenced by the following rule.
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
Rule of Consistency: if you make a public statement, you will behave in a Princely er that is
consistent with your public statement. By saying that Tupperware is great you‟ve pretty much painted
yourself into a mental buying corner. You will look like a liar if you don‟t buy some of their newer
products after stating how satisfied you are with their products.
Although, there are other subtle dynamics at work in this example, I wanted to highlight the four
major rules at work. Each rule in and of itself may or may not be enough to sway someone to make a
buying decision, but the cumulative effect is powerful and effective.
So here is my question to you, “How can you use one or all four of these rules to improve your sales
closing ratio?”

1. Securing protection should be your primary goal when purchasing a Life Insurance policy. Is this a
Benefit; Advantage or Feature? a. Feature b. Advantage c. Benefit
2. Life Cover (the Death Benefit) on a Life Insurance policy is a benefit. Is this statement True or
False? a. True. This is the reason you take Life Insurance policy b. False. This is a feature of a Life
Insurance Policy
3. Life Insurance can build a cash value which you receive at the end of the term of the contract. Is this
a Benefit; Advantage or Feature? a. Feature b. Advantage c. Benefit
4. A Life Insured can cash in the policy (surrender) or borrow against the policy if they choose. Is this
a Benefit; Advantage or Feature? a. Feature b. Advantage c. Benefit
5. A Life Insurance policy can create wealth for your beneficiaries. Is this a Benefit; Advantage or
Feature? a. Feature b. Advantage c. Benefit
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)

In this advertisement, the features, advantages and benefits are: Features: Fan forced cooking system,
mini turbine, and ring heater element. Advantages: Cooking on up to three levels, hot air forced evenly
through the interior. Benefits: Reduced cooking time, reduced energy consumption, perfectly even
cooking results.
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)

Top Features Advantages Benefits

Eliminates paper
or excel working
which is tedious
All the information are stored in a single place and to preserve for
Maintaing employee information & documents can be retreived easily as and when required longer period
HR no longer need
to track these
action dates and
follow up with
All the actions like employee confirmations, concern
Configurable email notification on various actions birthday wishes etc can happen on time stackholders
Eliminates manual
work of HR
Any number of employee letters like salary revision, preparing this
address proof, relieving certificate etc can be letter and saves
generated in few clicks and maintain it within the lot of time in
system for employees to use it whenever required. distributing it to
Confidentiality is maintained in the complete all employees
Bulk letter generation and disbursement process. confidentially.

No need to continue with traditional emailing or Eliminates manual

HR communications like bulletin board, policy placing hard copies in notice board. Can make time work and saves lot
section etc bound notifications to all employees in a easy way of time of HR
Pre-configured number of reports and custom Eliminates manual
report builder helps management to take decision work and saves lot
MIS reports and ad-hoc report building tool at right time of time of HR
Attendance Module FAB

Top Features Advantages Benefits

Automation of attendance punch
data reaching attendance
software at predefined time Eliminates manual excel export from
Integration with intervals without any manual hardware and import into attendance
attendance hardware work software
Configuring attendance HR no need to manually verify
policy of the company employees in/out with company
and attendance Enforces all employees to follow policy.
processing company’s attendance policy Saves HR time and effort
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
HR/Manager can view their
team members whether they
reach office on time or late in
Realtime in/out and also whether they are inside During emergency time, this info will
employees (Who is in ?) office or outside. help HR to track employees
Employees can view their
Employees/managers attendance info on their portal
viewing their/team itself and no need to check with Reduces employee queries to HR and
attendance info HR for info saves lot of time
Employees are notified (via Most of the actions are happening and
Employees and managers email) when they are absent, so reduces HR work in following up with
notified about their that they can take necessary employees and manager.
attendance status actions (leave or regularization) Saves HR time and manual effort.
Empoyees can raise the
attendance regularization request
from their portal itself without
Employees regularization reaching to HR/manager in Eliminates manual work and saves lot
workflow person. of time for all stockholders
Managers no need to reach out
HR for any changes in shifts at
HR/managers assigning last moment. They can update it Data gets changed immediately and
shifts by themselves. aviods errors in attendance processing
There are many predefined MIS
reports which helps management
MIS reports in taking quick decisions No manual work and saves HR time
No manual work and saves HR time
Automated attendance Accurate attendance inputs Eliminates human error in manual
inputs to payroll reaches payroll automatically work
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)

PayRoLL Module FAB

Top Features Advantages Benefits
Company can introduce
new components or edit
xibility in configuring powerful salary existing components as per
cture their need. No manual excel calculation and saves
100% accuracy and
professional looking pdf
Different templates to No manual excel payslips preparation
slips generation and disbursement choose from No error in computation
ndling all statutory deductions for PF, Compliance with govt No manual work, accurate calculations
, PT & IT automatically regulations saves time
built reports for PF, ESI, PT & IT Compliance with govt On time return filing and avoids any le
utory return filing regulations action/fine
Compliance with govt
regulations and helps Saves lot of time in excel preparation a
itally signed Form-16 generation employees in easy e-filing individual signing
With minimum inputs
y calculations like arrear, loan, keying in, all these No manual work, accurate calculations
lement & reimbursements calculations are handled saves time
Helps management to take
stom report building tools - Payroll quick decisions at right
tement time No manual work and saves time
Bulk payroll inputs update Eliminates manual keying in of each
cel import from external employee entry
Helps HR to verify current
month payroll with any
previous month to identify
roll reconciliation tool the differences Helps in maintaining accuracy in payr
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
Reduces employee queries to HR abou
Most of the salary related salary.
info are available in ESS No need to login via computer, emplo
ployee Self Service portal with mobile and access these data on can access the application via mobile
the go application itself
Employees can do
calculation and then
Provision for employees
to modify every month
without any additional
work to HR Eliminates lots of manual data collecti
Calculator, IT Declaration & proof Submits most of the proof calculation work and saves huge time
mission via system with e-copy Reduction in paper printing work.
Records who logs into
system and their actions
sword security and audit log reports with timings Prevents any unauthorized access

Top Features Advantages Benefits

Configuring complete leave Enforcing all leave requests to
Eliminates manual verification and save time
policy of a company adhere company’s policy
Automates employee leave Eliminates ad hoc manual leave
Saves time and employee satisfaction
requests and approval workflow requests and approvals
Employees can view leave Employees no need to check with
balances and eligibility in their HR regarding their leave balances Reduces HR time spent on query handling
portal and eligibility Dashboard provides
Employees and managers will
be notified about the need for Notifies & reminds concern stack
instant access to key
All requests will be in place and reviewed
actions for leave request and holders to take action employee data using
without fail
Helps management to take quick
insightful graphs and
MIS Reports No manual work and saves time
decisions at right time charts
Eliminates human error in
Accuracy & timely payroll input that saves
Automated payroll inputs preparing inputs and delay in
Experience and domain Superior product
time and effort

HR/Manager can viewensure
leave that architecture ensures
This gives a clear insights of
employees on leave in a calendar Work can be planned based on this data
calendar of the company/team hassle-free
greytHR has relevant view
HR can monitor all leave implementation in as
transaction happening within
Can take necessary review actions All requests are attended and actions are
against long pending transactions taken
the company low as 4 hours
Self service portal mobile Employees can apply leave and No need to login via computer, employees
Excellent customer
application manager can review it on the go can access the application via mobile
Positioning greytHR (How to sell)
application itself

Return on investment, or ROI, is the most common profitability ratio. There are several ways to
determine ROI, but the most frequently used method is to divide net profit by total assets. So if your
net profit is 100,000 and your total assets are 300,000, your ROI would be .33 or 33 percent.
greytHR – ROI

Productivity gains as minimum time spent by HR on maintaining employees information

Centralized repository of all employees information with highest safety and security
Automated reminders/alerts make sure all employee events are attended

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