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Christian Leadership

Sem 1 - 2020

Assignment 04
5 Reflections on Christian Leadership

Due date: Friday 7 Aug, 11:59pm

Submission method: Email Word document to Lecturer
Percentage of overall grade: 5 short essays @ 5% each = 25%

When it comes to the end of a course, it is important to reflect on what you are learning. As we revise
and review our course material, our understanding will grow, and we will also learn what we do not
understand. A wise person knows what they do not understand.


Length: 1,500 words (+/- 10%)

Format: Microsoft Word or equivalent. Do not send as a pdf file. Write in 1.5 spacing with 12pt Times
Roman font.

File name: Save your document with a clear file name that follows this format. Name_Ass4_CL.docx. For
example, I would save the document with this file name – John_Buchanan_Ass4_CL.docx. Then your
teacher can easily identify each file that is sent to him.

This final assignment has five questions for students to answer, each in a short essay of about 300 words
A list of 10 possible questions will be emailed to students at least 10 days before the due date of Friday
7 August.
The actual questions to be answered will be emailed to students two days before the due date (that is,
on the evening of Wednesday 5 August, along with an answer sheet. This assignment focuses on students’
understanding of concepts and practical applications of leadership.

Assessment will follow the guidelines below (see next page).

Criteria F to C+ B- to B+ A- to A+

Not in logical order,

Order and connection is
Quality of sentences not connected, Very clear and to the point,
OK, simple and
writing errors and incomplete grammatically correct

Good understanding of
Little evidence that Full understanding of
Mastery of relevant concepts,
concepts are understood, concepts shown,
concepts description not entirely
description often incorrect description correct

List of points or statements Good explanation of most Points and statements fully
Amount of
without explanation, not statements, usually linked explained, well linked to
explanation and
linked to practice, not with practice, good practice, excellent
illustrated by examples examples provided examples provided

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