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Relevant information for the current release - FOXCHARTS 1.




This version uses the latest version of GdiPlusX - 1.20

FoxCharts needs it for the latest improvements

So, if you already have a System.App version installed, make sure to update it
replacing with this new one, since FoxCharts / GdiPlusX could make some confusions
locating the correct version.
It is safe to use the new version, don't be afraid to replace your production
version - but anyway, keep a copy of your old version just in case some issues
related to this new version appear.

Project manager: Cesar

Cesar Ch
Bo Durban
Jim Nelson

Colaborators - people that have been providing very valuable support and feedback:
Grego Kandirys
Paulo Henrique
Thiago Takehana
Peter Wagner
Luis Maria Guayan
Alex Yudin
Carlos Alloatti
Augusto Minari
Christof Wollenhaupt
Klaus Hentschel
Emerson Reed
Borislav Borissov
Leandro Walfrans
Ricardo Soares
A. Roy Chowdhurry
Yousfi Benameur
Matt Weinbender
Koen Piller
Bernard Bout
Harry Lode
Karl Schierman

Special thanks to Bo Durban, for his continuous and great support, providing new
possibilities for this class.
Jim Nelson and Alex Yudin also have been providing very important help and
suggestions. Lots of things of this new version have their participation.
This version also contains several fixes and new features, as shown below

FEATURES since version 1.00 RC

New property - "OldStyleProperties"
*** IMPORTANT NOTE: Property "oldstyleproperties" indicates whether you are using
the original way (.FieldValue1). However, the default for this variable is .F., so
charts created with original way will fail until this property is set.

! Restored Enumeration types for "3D Bars" and "Stacked Area", according to Version
So, now 3D Bars have the enumeration 11, while Stacked Area goes back to 10.
That would be a problem for existing applications that use 10 as the value, and
Version 0.40 has already more than 1400 downloads.

New property for animation, when a slice of Pie or Dougnut is detached

"PieDetachAnimationSteps" - Integer

Info for version 1.00.3 RC

Several fixes
Tooltips positions
Fixes for pgFrames

Info for version 1.00.4 RC

We're developing a CHM help file. This is still very crude, but contains already
some very basic information that you may find useful.

New propety - "Debug"

Creates the file "FoxCharts.log" that will contain relevant information about
errors generated by FoxCharts.
If you find some errors, please do generate this file, setting the property "Debug"
to .T. - TRUE, and recreate the bug.
Please send the log file to

New public array property: "aCoord"

Array that stores information about the object that is under the mouse, like X, Y,
Width, Height, Value, Legend, Start, Sweep, ChartIndex, RECNO(), ObjType. See HELP
for detailed information about the available info.

Supports more than one line of text in the Axis2 text

Info for version 1.00.7 RC

Now when an empty cursor is passed , only the background and titles will be drawn -
no error raised
Fixed "GetAdJustedAngle", by CWollenhaupt - Pie and Doughnut charts were been drawn
only on the right side
"FieldAxis2" supports Date values
Fixed samples
New samples included

Info for version 1.00.9 RC

New event "ShapeToolTips"
Improved property stuff
New sample ChartSample_Tooltips

Info for version 1.00.10 RC

New property "BackGroundAlpha" - Numeric, determines the Alpha for the background
color (0-255)
Tweaks on the Tooltips, compensating the position if the tooltips need to go
outside the chart boundaries

Info for version 1.00.11 RC

Fix on angle calculation for the correct mouse detection at the 1st quadrant for
Pie / doughnut charts
Tweaked YAxis legend drawing, now using the Canvas' Graphics object, in order to
keep quality in EMF output

Info for version 1.00.12 RC

New property "ScaleDivider"
Numeric, the value that the scales must be divided. Useful when the scale values
are very big.
Useful when the values are very big, and scales could be reduced, eg. Supposing you
have the maximum value of 790,000.
For this case it would be recommended to divide the scale values by 1000, for a
better exibition.
You need also to remind your user that the values were divided, setting the
YAxis.Caption to eg. "values in thousands"

Fixed the scale calculation. A wrong chart was generated when a�� the values were
equal, or when a single column of
data was used

Info for version 1.00.14 RC

Fixed mouse relative position calculation. Now tooltips appear correctly being
FoxCharts in any kind of object: Form, Container or PageFrame
Added new assert's in order to provide more accurate error messages

New property - "Shadow" - Logical, determines if a shadow will be drawn instead of

the 3d - depth efect. Works for Bars, Pie and Doughnut types

Improved Gradient effects - now you can specify the locations where the gradient
destination color will be in the shape
New Properties

"GradientPosition" - Numeric, a value from 0 through 1 that specifies where, along

any radial from the center of the path to the path's boundary, the center color
will be at its highest intensity. A value of 1 (the default) places the highest
intensity at the center of the path.

"GradientType" - Integer,
0 = SigmaBell - gradient brush that changes color starting from the center of
the path outward to the path's boundary. The transition from one color to another
is based on a bell-shaped curve.
1 = Triangular - gradient with a center color and a linear falloff to each
surrounding color.

"GradientInvertColors" - Logical, determines if the gradient start and destination

colors will be inverted.

The center point of the gradient color of an ellipse can be easilly changed too.
This brings the possibility to control exactly where the gradient will get the
destination color. Just setting the 2 new properties below:
"PieGradCenterAngle" - Numeric, the angle that the desired Center Point for the
gradient brush will be applied (0-360). Use together with "PieGradCenterDistance"
"PieGradCenterDistance" - Numeric, the distance from the center that the desired
Center Point for the gradient brush will be applied (-2, +2). Use together
with "PieGradCenterAngle"

The sample "ChartsSample_New" was adapted to use these new properties.

Select the colors tab, and play with the spinners

Info for version 1.00.15 RC

New property
"ShapeMousePointer" - Numeric, Specifies the shape of the mouse pointer when the
mouse is over a shape of the chart at run time
"GradientShapeDirection" - Integer, (0-3) determines the gradient direction for
gradient brush charts: 0 - horizontal; 1 - vertical; 2 - diagonal1 ; 3 - diagonal 2
Improved "ChartsSample_New.scx" in order to show the new properties working, and
also allowing to change colors interactively

Info for version 1.00.16 RC

Properties "aColors" and "SingleData" have been renamed in order to become for
public use.
"aColors" - ReadOnly, Array that contains information about the current colors for
the chart. Useful when working with random colors.
"SimgleData" - Logical, ReadOnly, tells if the current chart is based on single
data, eg. Pie, Doughnut, Single Bars

Info for version 1.00.17 RC

New "SaveToFile" method

tcFile - character, the destination file name. Make sure to add the extension,
otherwise the chart will be saved in PNG format.
tnQuality - numeric, determines the image quality to be used when a JPEG file is
saved. From 0 (low quality) to 100 (best quality).

Saves the current chart to a file in the image format compatible with Gdi+: Bmp,
Png, Jpeg, Gif, Tiff and Emf.
Just send the file name as a parameter, and FoxCharts will save the current chart
based on the file extension.
Thisform.FoxCharts1.SaveToFile("c:\MyChart.Png") && Png image file
Thisform.FoxCharts1.SaveToFile("c:\MyChart.Jpg", 50) && 50% quality Jpg.

For full control while saving, or for using some specific encoders, you can access
the "oBmp" property of FoxCharts and use the GdiPlusX commands available for the
bitmap object.

See Also: oBmp

Info for version 1.00.18 RC

Improved the Error LOG file generation
Fixed bugs related to GdiPlusX versions
Fixed for SET COMPATIBLE ON - Not using named colors any more
Fixed MouseMove event

Info for version 1.00.19 RC

Adjusted samples in order to work with the new features available
Fixed Scale size when the property "ScaleDivider" is used.
Updated the _Spelling of the new properties added since 1.00RC

Info for version 1.00.20b RC

ToolTips now reside in the parent form (originally stayed in the FoxCharts
This will allow the tooltips to be shown when FoxCharts stays inside other objects,
such as as scrollable container.

New property in the Fields() Collection: "ShowValuesOnShape"

Logical, determines if values will be drawn in the determined shape.
Useful when you don't want to call the attention to a specific line.

Usage: .Fields(3).ShowValuesOnShape = .F.

Info for version 1.00.21 RC

Fixed - Values on shapes no longer appear as "zero" when a NULL value is passed
Fixed - Background color generation sometimes failed, when the color was passed as
an expression.

Info for version 1.00.25 RC

New property:
LegendPosition - Numeric (0-10)
0 - Vertical Top Left
1 - Vertical Bottom Left
2 - Vertical Top Right
3 - Vertical Bottom Right
4 - Horiz Top Left
5 - Horiz Top Center
6 - Horiz Top Right
7 - Horiz Bottom Left
8 - Horiz Bottom Center
9 - Horiz Bottom Right

Info for version 1.00.26 RC

Fixed margins for new legend positions from previous version

Info for version 1.00.27 RC

Fixed Slice detachment from legends
ToolTips will not be shown if the current form is not active

Info for version 1.00.28 RC

Fixed Scale automatic formatting
Info for version 1.00.29 RC
Fixed Scale automatic formatting
New property "ScaleAutoFormat" - logical, automatically determines the the
ScaleLegend.Format property

Info for version 1.00.30 RC

Fixed when chart contains only one column in horizontal bar charts

Info for version 1.00.31 RC

Fixed Pie / Doughnut slice detection when the last slice was detached, when the 1st
slice angle was bigger than 450 degrees
Fixed DrawReport method - now preserves the latest Chart slice detachments. Also
works twice faster after new optimizations

Info for version 1.00.34 RC

Fixed Pie / Doughnut slice drawing when only one slice is available
Fixed Scales measurements

Info for version 1.00.35 RC

Fixed Scales for negative values in Bar Charts

Info for version 1.00.36 RC

Fix - Point, Lines and Area Charts cannot be drawn when we have only one record of

Info for version 1.10.00 RC

Fixes - Horizontal Bars now work as desired with "MinValue" property

Info for version 1.10.1 RC

Fix - Tooltips in "InScreen" forms are now showing as desired.

Info for version 1.10.2 RC

Fix - by Christof Wollenhaupt - See WorkItem #20978
Tooltips were not disappearing automatically
Fixed bug in detection of current ActiveForm to show the tooltips

Info for version 1.10.3 RC

Fixed bug in "MultiCharts" - Bar legend was showing twice

Info for version 1.10.4 RC

Fixed bug in Tooltips - in certain situations the tooltip label width insisted
having zero width
Tooltips in legends will not be shown by default

Info for version 1.10.5 RC

Fixed bug in Tooltips - when mouse over a hidden slice

Info for version 1.10.6 RC

New property:
Numeric, the direction from the legend that stays inside the bars shapes.<br>
0 - Horizontal (default)
1 - Vertical

New enumeration for LegendPosition property

Property LegendPosition
Numeric, Determines the position where the side legend wiil be drawn in the canvas.
0 - No Legend
1 - Vertical Top Left
2 - Vertical Bottom Left
3 - Vertical Top Right
4 - Vertical Bottom Right
5 - Horiz Top Left
6 - Horiz Top Center
7 - Horiz Top Right
8 - Horiz Bottom Left
9 - Horiz Bottom Center
10 - Horiz Bottom Right

Info for version 1.10.6 RC

New properties:

Quality Compositing: Specifies the quality level to use during compositing.

0=Default; 1=HighSpeed; 2=HighQuality; 3=GammaCorrected; 4=AssumeLinear

QualitySmoothing: Specifies whether smoothing (antialiasing) is applied to lines

and curves and the edges of filled areas. 0=Default; 1=HighSpeed Specifies no
antialiasing; 2=HighQuality; 3=None Specifies no antialiasing; 4=AntiAlias

QualityTextRenderingHint: Specifies the quality of text rendering. 0=SystemDefault;

1=SingleBitPerPixelGridFit; 2=SingleBitPerPixel; 3=AntiAliasGridFit; 4=AntiAlias;

GetChartProperties - fixed the indentation
Legends in Cylinder shapes were correctly centered
Samples improved using all the new properties - See new "Quality"tab in
MultipleBars chart accepts MinValue

Info for version 1.10.8 RC

Fix in ShapeLegends alignment
The property "ChartsCount" now allows to be changed after the class was
instantiated - by Matt Weinberder

When Click and DblClick events are fired, 4 new properties are populated, in order
to inform about the current chart and the shape that was clicked:

CurrValue - the value of the shape

CurrLegend - the associated legend
CurrIndex - the index number to be used in the aCoord() index to obtain more info
about the current shape
CurrObjType - the type of object - Pie, Rect or Legend

Sample of usage, codes that you may put in your DblClick event:

LOCAL lnValue, lcLegend, lnCoordIndex, lcObjType

lnValue = This.CurrValue
lcLegend = This.CurrLegend
lnCoordIndex = This.CurrIndex
lcObjType = This.CurrObjType
MESSAGEBOX("Value : " + TRANSFORM(lnValue) + CHR(13) + ;
"Legend : " + TRANSFORM(lcLegend) + CHR(13) + ;
"Object type : " + lcObjType ;
, 64, [Code in the "DblClick" event of FoxCharts])

Info for version 1.10.9 RC

New property:
MultiChartMargin - Logical, determines if there will be a margin at the beginning
at the end of the chart. To be used when a Bar chart is not present, in order to
a better effect.

New Feature:
You may pass Image files to the Fields(n).Shape property, to be drawn in the
points charts

New Sample:
ChartsSample_MultiStacked - shows a workaround to create multiple stacked bars

Various tweaks in many samples
Fixed shape position for points charts

Restored full backwaards compatibility with the ALPHA version. All the old codes
should now
work normally.

Info for version 1.15 RC

New properties:

CurrRecNo, CurrColumn - in order to provide full possibilities to identify the

shape that was clicked
All mouse related events were updated in order to populate these properties.
Samples updated

Info for version 1.15.3 RC

New properties:
RotationCenter - determines the rotation that will be applied at the center of the
BarLegendDirection - new value - 2 draws text on the vertical from bottom to top

Optimized Memberdata usage for custom scripts - left some free space for memberdata
for other customizations, like setting some Favoriyes properties

ShapeLegend alignment
Info for version 1.16 RC
New properties:



logical, for Pie and Doughnut charts, determines if the shape will be a circle with
the same width and height.

New GaugeSample

Info for version 1.17 RC

Improved Gauge sample
New preliminar predefine color palettes using the property ColorType, values 4-26

Info for version 1.17b RC

Fixed Pageframe wrong mouse positioning when not using top tabs
Single column data in Points and line charts allowed (when depth = 0)
Fixed SideLegend tooltip was wrongly appearing on line charts

Info for version 1.17c RC

Modified the SurroundColors assignment to use direct API calls to GdiPlus.dll in
to ensure full compatibility with all GdiPlusX versions

Info for version 1.17e RC

Fixed relative position calculation when FoxCharts is outside a form.
Many small tweaks in samples
Fixed paths in samples
Fixed tooltip width was not getting the correct size
Fixed shape mapping for tooltips

Info for version 1.18 RC

New Properties:
Numeric (0-2), the distance in percentage starting from the center of the pie or
doughnut. 0=Center of the pie; 1=external border of the pie.

Logical, determines if the legend axis (axis2) will show tic marks on each legend.

Integer, the length in pixels of the tic marks used in the scales and in the legend

ShapeLegendExpression: Character,
Specifies an expression that replaces the default ShapeLegend text.
There you'll be able to put any expression to fully customize the text to be
"drawn" inside the chart shapes.
Use the "Curr" properties in order to obtain detailed info about the current shape
and build your expression.

transform(This.CurrValue) + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + This.CurrLegend



See Also:
CurrValue, CurrLegend, CurrIndex, CurrObjType, CurrRecNo, CurrColumn

Changed the Initialization of FoxCharts, now users can place code safely in INIT()
event of FoxCharts if they desire so.

Tweaked property descriptions to take benefit from the new cool PEM editor

Fixed Shapes mapping - Thanks to A. Roy CHowdhurry

Fixed BarSpaceBetween - When big values caused some calculation errors

Removed _Memberdata scripts

Tweaked property descriptions in order to use new PEM Editor's scripts for getting
colors and enumerated property values.

Info for version 1.19 RC


1 - Structure modifications
Removed class FoxCharts_Base - there was no more need to use a separate class to be
able to
use more _Memberdada, since new PEM Editor 4 optimized FoxCHarts Memberdata to use
less than half the
original size

2 - Fixes
Fix in "MouseLeave()" event was firing wrongly when ChangeColorOnMouse was .T.
Fix in Fields(n).ShowValuesOnShape was not working as expected when property
"OldStylePoperties" was .T.
Fix in API call declaration, to use the GdiPlusX original ALIAS for the GDI+
functions: GdipSetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount and
Tweak to avoid Windows7 bug that does not work with PictureVal in VFP9 prior to
SP2. In that case, the rendering will be forced to the disk (using RenderMode=0)

3 - Property descriptions and PEM Editor 4

Added new DOPEs in properties
All the property descriptions have been revised, and from now on, the usage of PEM
Editor 4 is strongly and enthusiastically recommended in order to provide the best
user experience for FoxCharts, allowing the developer to better visualize what each
property does, as well as the possible values accepted for each property.

4 - Getting chart properties enhancements

Jim Nelson tweaked some methods as well, in order to provide new possibilities for
saving properties,
and a fix for Scales calculation.
GetChartProperties now takes another parameter to indicate whether property
descriptions should be included. (This only works from within the IDE, not in APP
or EXE). In my pageframe, I've added a checkbox for this on the 'Properties' tab.
SaveChartProperties now takes a parameter that allows you to skip saving altogether
if already saved.

5 - Scale calculation tweaks

For calculating scale values, the method _CalculateScale was fixed. It corrects two
problems encountered
The problems had to do with some instances where the scales were set odd, and also
problems when setting the minimum value to something other than zero.

6 - Tooltips
Tooltips will obbey their parent configuration, allowing to have different tooltips
formatting when having more than one FoxCHarts object available in the current
Tooltips will be shown even if the form does not have the focus

7 - Samples
Tweaks in "ChartsSample_Builder"
- Send2MSWord - fix to check if the clipboard is empty before drawing the chart
image in the .DOC (by Koen Piller)
- Tweaked Data grid behavior; grid will adjust its size according to the current
chart specifications.
- Fixed background gradient behavior; now the original secondary color for
background is being saved, and will be restored to original chanfing the Gradient
Level spinner

Info for version 1.19a RC


- When using DrawReport(), the legends on shapes were not appearing correctly
- Legends on Shapes were not appearing correctly on Bars in MultiChart mode (KH)
- Fix in ChartsSample_Builder DoughnutRatio spinner settings tweaked (KP)
Info for version 1.19b RC

Fix in "DrawReport()" was causing loss of information of the "aCoord" array

Info for version 1.19g RC

Fix in Monochromatic charts when using singledata types (Pie, doughnut, simple
bars) - Churrucks

Fix in Detachment of slices when for some reason the user had to change the
selected alias - Churrucks

Fix in Tics alignment for Cylinder and Triangle bars

Fix: ShapeLegends and Tooltips values will show decimals according to the source
values (IS)

Fix: Allow Legend to be of any type, not just character (IS)

Fix: SideLegend Misalignment when horizontal(IS)

Fix: Mouse events are better called in Area charts - fixed the mapping of shapes.

New sample:

New improvements in ChartsSample_Builder:

- Generate fully working script to reproduce the current chart (in Properties tab)
- Add or remove rows of data
- Add or remove columns of data (fields), allowing to change the ChartsCount
- Added column in 2nd grid to allow showing / hiding legends in shapes for the
current row

New ChartTypes allowing Full-Stacked charts

3 - Vertical Full-Stacked Bars
15 - Horizontal Full-Stacked Bars
16 - Horizontal Full-Stacked Area

These new charts are also called the 100% Stacked charts.
They are useful for comparing the percent values of several series for the same
points arguments.
The labels in shapes can specify whether real values are shown for each point
label, or the representative percentage;
and also change the visibility of point labels.

New properties:
Integer (0-1), determines the direction that the slices will be drawn in Pie or
Doughnut charts *** 0 = Clockwise, 1 = Anticlockwise

Logical, for full-stacked charts, determines if the default ShapeLegend and Tooltip
text will show as Percentage
instead of values
Valid for the chart types:
* 3 - Full-Stacked Bars
* 7 - Simple Bars
* 8 - Multiple Bars
* 12 - Horiz. Simple Bars
* 13 - Horiz. Multiple Bars
* 15 - Horiz. Full-Stacked Bars
* 16 - Full-Stacked Area

* Not yet introduced *

* CurrPercent - ReadOnly, Numeric (0-100),
* the value in percentage for the current shape object. Valid for chart * types
1,2,3,7,8,11,12,13,15 and 16

Info for version 1.19j RC


Fix: X Axis Legend Captions not taken into account during layout

Fix: Horizontal bars Shape Legend alignment fixed for the case when ShapeLegend
width > Bar width (reported by PH)

Fix: Zero values do not show valuesInShapes in Line or point charts

Info for version 1.19L RC


Fix: FoxCharts: Missing Legend Position Options (IS)
New property values for the property LegendPosition:
LegendPosition - Numeric (0-12)
11 - Vertical Center Left
12 - Vertical Center Right

Fix: Zero values in Stacked charts will not have space for drawing legends so we'll
ignore this case
Fix: Tweaked samples

Info for version 1.19O RC

New ChartType # 17 - Paired horizontal bars
New sample - chartsSample_PairedBars

Info for version 1.19P RC


Small tweaks in ChartType # 17 - Paired horizontal bars

Fix: negative values shown in scale in CHartType #17
Fix: zero values will not be shown in ChartType #9

New sample - chartsSample_ArrowsInLegend.scx

Advanced sample shows how to interact with the chart objects on MouseDown.
Dinamically draws arrows in the side legends when user clicks on a side legend.
Uses various interesting techniques, for mapping the chart objects,
getting their colors and using GdiPlusX for drawing new shapes (lines) on the

Info for version 1.19Q RC

Fixes in ChartType #17

Fix: 1st data series should go from 0 to left and the 2nd series from 0 to right.
Fix: bug in the alignment for Paired bars
Fix: fixed Scale Legend (all Horizontal chart styles were not working)

Info for version 1.19R RC

Fix: Vertical background lines in 3d bars and other few tweaks in vertical
background lines

Info for version 1.20 PRODUCTION

Method GetChartProperties()
- Added new parameter - passing the value 4, will retrieve
a full script, regenerating a cursor, and all required commands to reproduce the
current chart
in a form
-Small tweaks

ChartsSample_Builder now shows the current color palette

Info for version 1.32 BETA

Introduction of the "DOuble Y Axis" chart
More information, with samples and images here:
Info for version 1.33 BETA
Fixes in the DOuble Axis Chart
Fix in the ChartsSample_Builder file

Info for version 1.34 BETA

Removed "RETURNs inside WITH/ENDWITH" for safer code, avoiding C000005 errors.
Thanks to Jim Nelson and ANdrew McNeill, for their magnificent tools THOR and CODE
Full code revision made by THOR, by defining some missing LOCAL variables, and
adding "mDots" for a safer code.

Info for version 1.35 BETA

Few tweaks to allow MultiCharts and 2Y Axes charts
New sample - ChartsSample_2Y_Multichart.scx - Shows how you can combine bar charts
with line charts, having each represented by a different axis
Tweak in "ShapeTooltip" method, to show the correct significant decimal values if
New samples included in the main charts menu form

Info for version 1.36 BETA

Fix in Pie/Doughnut charts when detaching slices, thanks to Enrique Vasquez

Info for version 1.37 BETA

Introduced the new object - "Yaxis2", to allow having captions for the 2nd Axis in
ChartType #18
Slight modifications in the builder samples to better show the charts

* To do list

Update HELP file

- explain PageFrameTabs
- new legend positions
- new chart type
- ShapeLegend expression, etc


FoxCharts is a free and open source project, aiming to offer a charting tool for
Visual FoxPro developers.
It is a part of the VFPX project, from Codeplex, and is under its license.

Please visit the VFPX homepage for more information about this project and license:

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