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Educational History Role of Teacher Role of Curriculum

I believe the role of the teacher is to The role of the curriculum is to help the
encourage children to actively children get the most of what they are
participate in their learning and help learn. It should be within the zone of
them develop a disposition for learning. proximal development so that they
They should allow the children the child can be instructed and shown
ability for exploration as they develop how/what to do and then be able to do
and help the children feel comfortable it on their own or with little assistance.
I am from Corona, California where I The role of the curriculum should also
attended Promenade Elementary in the classroom. The teacher should
have a good communication with their be to help educate the whole child.
School, Villegas Middle School, and La
Sierra High School. Education was students and the parents to help their
always emphasized in my family, so I children get the most out of their
always put forth my best effort in educational experience.
school. I got straight A's in middle
school and took the available honors "Children are like tiny flowers:
classes. In high school, I was on my They are varied and need care,
school's tennis team, got A's and B's, but each is beautiful alone and
took AP classes, and graduated in 2015 glorious when seen in the
as a valedictorian. community of peers." - Friedrich
Professional goals Frobel
Appropriate classroom
After I graduate from Brigham Young environment
University – Idaho with my bachelor's Role of Student The classroom should be set up in a
degree in child development, I hope to I believe the role of the student is to way that allows children to be
start working with children. I am learn. The student should learn about interested but not overstimulated.
uncertain now of what I want to do themselves so that they can know how Their art should be set up at their eye
with my degree exactly, but I have been they learn best and what they want to level and they should have different
considering becoming a child life learn and when they are ready to learn areas to learn and play. Loud areas,
specialist and working in hospitals to it. They should be actively like a dramatic play area, should be
help children cope with their illness or participating within their environment separate from a quiet area, like a
with the illness of their parent(s). so they can grow and develop. reading area. The classroom should
also be an environment where the
“Children are not a distraction “If you can't read, it's going to be hard children are comfortable to be
from more important work. to realize dreams” -Booker T. themselves, talk to the teacher, interact
They are the most important Washington with their fellow students, and share
work.” -C.S. Lewis their thoughts and feelings.
My methodology/ Religious Ties to
Pedagogy Education
Today, the Church is still encouraging
I believe that my educational education as it did during Christ's time.
philosophy is a mixture of the beliefs of As a young woman, I remember many
many of the educational greats. I lessons about being educated and the
believe, like John Dewey, that we importance of it. We young women are
should teach an integrated curriculum
so that children can learn the
importance of things in more than one
told that although we may hope to be
blessed with the responsibility of
motherhood someday, we should get an
way or subject. I also believe, that we education and get a degree so that we
should educate the whole child through can help our family and be prepared in
head, heart, and hand like Johann case the worst were to happen.
Pestalozzi and Booker T. Washington, In Doctrine and Covenants 6:7 it
and that each child is different and
requires different care and methods for
teaching, like Friedrich Froebel. I
states, “Seek not for riches but for
wisdom, and behold, the mysteries of
God shall be unfolded unto you, and
believe, like Maria Montessort, that then shall you be made rich. Behold, he
children should be educated in that hath eternal life is rich.” The Lord
preparation for life. I believe, like has placed great importance on
Thomas Jefferson, that everybody education and encourages us to get as
should be educated and be able to much of a secular education as we can
receive an education. and to get the best education possible,
We need to let children be children, and to also be educated in the word of
and not pressure them into formal God. When Christ was on the earth, He
learning if they are not ready because was always teaching and trying to
they learn from exploration, from their educate His followers, and the Lauren Fry
peers/ those who they socialize with, Pharisees. ED202
and from experience.

“The spontaneous power of the

child, his demand for self-
expression, can not by any
possibility be suppressed.” -John

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