Topic 1 Introduction of Park2020 PDF

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 Identifythe definition and terms used in Park
Planning & Design.
 Overview of Park Development from local
perspective according to ‘Garis Panduan
Perancang Bandar & Desa’ for 2003 and 2010
 Park or public park is a part of open space
component from overall development area.
 In Malaysia, government allocated 10% open
space for every new development area (park
is part from the 10%)
 The increasing number of Malaysian
population encourage the government to
provide suitable recreation space for people.
 Guideline for park planning is needed to full
fill recreation need and demand.
 Guidelines used in park development in
1. ‘Garis Panduan Perancangan Tanah Lapang &
Rekreasi’ by Jabatan Perancancang Bandar &
2. ‘Garis Panduan Perancangan & Pembangunan
Taman Awam & Taman Awam Bertema’ by
Jabatan Perancancang Bandar & Desa
3. ‘Garis Panduan Landskap Negara’ by Jabatan
Landskap Negara
4. ‘Panduan Rekabentuk Sejagat (Universal
Design) Kemudahan Rekreasi Taman Awam’ by
Jabatan Landskap Negara.
 According to JLN, Public Park development in
Malaysia manage by Jabatan Landskap
Negara (JLN) and Kementerian Perumahan &
Kerajaan Tempatan. Scope of work by JLN
covered in the aspect of:
1. Site suitability assessment
2. Public park design
3. Specification preparation
4. Development implementation of Public Park
5. Maintenance monitoring
 Park frequently used to describe as open
spaces and recreation. Many definitions were
identified to express the meaning of park.
 There are three important terms; Open Space
& Recreation, Public Park and Theme Public
 According to ‘Jabatan Perancang Bandar &
Desa’ open space can be define ‘land gazetted
for a specified wholly or partly as a public
garden, sports fields and recreation areas,
holiday area, pathway or a public place.
Open space and recreation is interrelated.
This because recreational activities held on
any land used for open space and recreation.
 Park or Public Park refer to Gold (1980)
cited by JBPD 2003, as a public or private
lands that are planned for recreational
activities, cultural, educational and aesthetic
 The park was defined by Frederick Law
Olmstead (Cited by Abu Bakar, J 2002) as ‘a
place where the urban inhabitants can, to
the fullest extent, extent, obtain genuine
recreation coming from the peaceful
enjoyment of an idealised landscape in rest
giving contrast to their usual existence
during the city’s turmoil’
 Encyclopedia of American Architecture has define
park as a piece of provision land for enjoyment
and public recreation in town or nearly.

Park also can be defined as

“Park is a protected area , in its natural or semi-
natural, or planted and set aside of human
recreation activity and enjoyment or for the
protection of wildlife or natural habitats. Usually
it consist of rocks, soil, water, flora and fauna,
grass area. Most of the park whether local or
international are legally protected by related
 Referringto JPBD, Themed Public Park can
be defined as a amusement parks and
recreational where design is based on a
concept or a combination of several concepts
such as culture, entertainment and
education with the primary objective to play,
have fun and give knowledge in a controlled
 Promenade / Riverfront & Waterfront -
 pedestrian avenues pleasingly landscaped or
commanding a view, often located along
waterfronts and in parks. Vehicular traffic may or
may not be restricted.
 an area near to water body and function as
recreation area for leisure activities.
Sources: Jabatan Landskap Negara
 Greenbelts, Greenways, & Urban Woodland –
an area that has been developed for balancing
urban ecology. It is a policy for controlling
urban growth.
Sources: Jabatan Landskap Negara
 Pocket Parks – “also known as mini park or
vest-pocket park, are urban space at the very
small scale. It serve the immediately local
population” by Alisson Blake
 Pocket Parks
 Pockets of peace in the urban jungle
 Open Space
 Space that is clearly intended to be usable,
publicly accessible, and a visual amenity, but
not including parking lots or useless
landscaped areas left over after the
placement of buildings and parking on a zone
lot. Publicly accessible open space may be
publicly or privately owned, managed, or
 Linear Park
 A linear park is a park in an urban or
suburban setting that is substantially longer
than it is wide
Taman Jajar Sri Nibong
Taman Jajar Sungai Ara (Linear River Park Penang)
 According to JPBD, any new housing
development, industrial, business, tourism or
any related development need to provide at
least 10% area for an open space development.
 This land will be gazette by State Authority
(PBN=Pihak Berkuasa Negeri) after get an
approval from local authority. Any other
development are not allowed.
 However from the 10%, only 7% are functional
area. Another 3% covered other facilities and
utilities. (but not include road space)
 Theobjectives need to be achieve from open
space & recreation development:
1. To ensure the development of open spaces &
recreation will be plan and develop follow the
hierarchy, total of space and community
population. Examples; 1) Urban Park 2)
Neighborhood Park and etc.
2. To ensure all the open space will be developed
meet with the demand of all categories of
visitors. (Visitor categories refer to human
behavior subject)
3. To ensure the location of open space
development are suitable, good quality facility
equipment and variety, in a good maintenance
and have a safety aspect.
 Strategic location, fully equipped with utilities and
4. Encourage the preservation of natural
environment characteristic and increase
aesthetical value, specific neighborhood parks,
urban parks and regional parks.
5. Increase the living quality of local community
and physical environment for development
According to JPBD guidelines 2003, park
functions can be classify into five (5):

1. Active Recreation / Sports

 Parks has been used actively as an area to
develop skills, physical strength, and to
create creative and dynamic sportsman.
Active recreation can be explain as
challenging and adventure activity such as
trekking, cycling, camping and etc.
2. Knowledge
 Part of parks functional is giving an education
or knowledge to the visitor especially
teenagers and children. They can gain the
knowledge through their experience during
activities involvement in the park.
 Examples activities; interpretations,
3. Culture & Social
 According to JPBD, any park planning in
certain area, local social and culture aspect
will be cater and influence the park
 The purpose is to promote and shows local
culture to local and international community.
 Examples; Culture Park
4. Entertainment & Recreation
 Parks as an area for site seeing, release
tension and emotional and as area to find
 Various categories come to the park to
entertain themselves with interesting
 Parks has been fully provided with facilities
and utilities for park user to fulfill their
enjoyable activities.
 Example; picnic, walking, concert and etc.
5. Health
 Healthy mental and physical can be get
through recreation activities. Developed
spacious has been design with privacy
surrounding and far away from busy and noisy.
 Its involved direct involvement between
human being and surrounding through five
1. Any development of public park or
recreation area should follow the
requirement that stated in ‘Rancangan
Struktur Negeri, Rancangan Tempatan
Daerah, Rancangan Pembangunan Daerah’
dan ‘Rancangan Pusat Pertumbuhan Desa’.
 ‘Rancangan Pembangunan Daerah’ usually are
detail information of ‘Rancangan Struktur
• Federal Level
• Is a country space and land planning as a strategic
RANCANGAN FIZIKAL guideline in development direction, pattern, land use and
NEGARA (RFN) land conservation
• Time period : 15 – 20 years

•State level
RANCANGAN •Summaries the policy and general proposal of Pihak Berkuasa Negeri
STRUKTUR NEGERI (PBN) in related to development and land use in the state including;
to beautify the live environment from physical aspect, to beautify
(RSN) networking and accessibility, to enhance socio-economic and
sustainable development

RANCANGAN •Local level

TEMPATAN DAERAH •Consist of maps and written statement supported by development
guideline. Its detail explanation on all proposals of Local Authority
(RTD) / RANCANGAN (PBT) for land development and land used. Its also explain and detail
up strategic policy in RS
2. The Development should follow the
guideline that has been produced and
provided by JPBD
 Planning Guideline of Theme Park
 Planning Standard of Open Space and
 Guideline and Standard of Open Space
Planning & Recreation
3. Land use activity of public park should not
contradict with the definition of open
space according to Town and Regional
Planning Act 1976, Act 172. Minimum size
of public park should referring to park
hierarchy requirement.
4. The public park development and
recreation as a purpose to increase the
existing park functions and new public park
5. In new planning development, public park
and recreation area should be justify during
the open space allocation. Justification
should be made by local authority.
6. Local authority or Jabatan Landskap Negara
should ensure the developer will provide
minimum rules follow the standard
7. State Authority will issue the term and
condition that inclusive maintenance work
will be manage by developer before hand
over to local authority
8. State authority should gazette the public
and theme recreation area as an open
space that has been get an approval in
‘Rancangan Pemajuan’ follow the law
under section 62 and 240D, Kanun Tanah
Negara (KTN)
9. ‘Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan
Tempatan’ should provide suitable
allocation for public park development and
maintenance through suitable agencies.
 Localauthority or any agencies that involve
in social program will use the public park and
recreation area for recreation activities
Thank You!

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