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 The constitutional recognition of transgender people must be established.

 Alike the seat designated for the women candidates, 5 seats should be reserved in the
parliament for the Hijra members.
 Slots in public / private forms or paper, such as banks, insurance companies, hospitals,
passport, etc. separate box for the third sex / house could be arranged.
 Transgender community will have access to free medical services in government
hospitals / clinics with cessation of harassment.
 Organized accommodations for transgender people; allotted shares of property should be
prioritized to the elderly transgender people.
 To include property and inheritance laws for the transgender individuals. Proper
implementation of laws and policies must be ensured.
 Textbooks, scientific databases should have the right information with justification from
science about transgender individuals, about their identity, existence, cultures and
 The image of the transgender community is distorted by media, by a comical and
insulting representation which must be stopped and highlight the positive aspects.
Therefore, more promotional activities are needed for better social acceptance.
 Creating new employment opportunities for the transgender individuals is necessary.
Suitable employment and developing effective strategies needs to be formulated.
 Introduction of quotas for hermaphrodites to get admitted to educational institutions.
More job opportunities and reserved quota for the transgender group should be in set.

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