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Proof in the Process

Jack Wilson
Answering your burning question...
I know a lot of you are probably wondering,
● “Why should I trust this guy? I haven’t even seen his abs yet!”
● “Does he even have the flat stomach to backup his course?”
● “Sure he’s trained everyone from special forces and college
athletes to new mom’s and grandmothers, but what does he have
to show for it?
How Shredded Trainers Really Are
I understand that how your trainer looks is a huge part of building your trust with
me. Let me give you a little break down of trainers in LA...
● 5-10% of the trainers you find in LA are completely ripped with flat, carved
abs, look like bodybuilders, and are photo shoot ready. I would say they
are in the top 1% of the entire population for leanness and low body fat.
● 70% are in good-great physical shape. They are athletic, muscular, and
usually have some kind of background in sports or athletic training.
● The rest are out of shape. The amazing thing about this population is that
they still manage to make $60-$100k A YEAR and don’t even practice
what they preach.
Where do I stand?
Statistically, I’ll be perfectly honest with you. I stay between the bottom of the
most ripped 5-10% and the tip-top of the 70% of athletic build trainers. Reason
being, I cycle my diet and exercise program seasonally. I go through periods of
gaining mass and strength, followed by periods of trimming fat and getting

I do this so that I never get bored with my diet and the way that I workout. It
helps to keep my body from stagnating, and it keeps my workouts and meals
exciting! I typically stay between 8%-12% body fat

Anyway, I put together this quick slide show for you to show you a couple
different stages of where I am now...
This is close to my worst...
This is me at nearly 50 pounds overweight...

The reason that I want to help you the most is

because I’m not and have never been genetically
inclined to be naturally lean. We have friends who
have six packs and eat burgers, fries, and sweets all
day long, but I’ve never had that luxury.

I have had to work like crazy to get where I am today

and I want to let you know that if I can do this, anyone
Spring 2014
My Results: Spring 2014
● I was working out 10+ hours per week because I was
training classes in which I had to workout with my class.
● We did tons of sprints, circuits, and strength training
while keeping my heart rate elevated.
● I had a blast, but I lost a ton of weight and got super
My Results: Winter 2014 - Spring 2015

● This picture is of my results using intermittent fasting

(IF) for 6 months.
● I was using the diet from this course!
● I was fasting 16-20 hours per day, Eating 1-2 times per
● I lifted weights 4 days per week, and ran sprints after
my workouts or on my off days.
● I was working out only 4-5 hours per week, and that’s
probably the best my abs have ever looked.

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