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English For midwifery


 Nama:Nursyifa sofianti (314119030)

Devia mustika apriani (314119019)
Muthyara Azahra Aps (------)
Poppy karisma (314119027)
Make Dialog about Vital Sign

Midwifery: Good morning Mrs poppy

Patient: Good morning ,sus

Midwifery : now I will check your vital signs its purpose for know your
blood pleasure,your body temperature and your pulse are you willing?

Patient : sure

Midwifery : its time for me to check your blood preasure

Patient : sure

Midwifery : did you sleep well last night?

Patient : not really,cause I still got a problem with my headache

Midwifery : you got problem with your headache ?now,please roll

your sleeve up

Patient: sure

Midwifery: (checking the blood pleasure) your blood pleasure is 120/80

mmHg .now I can have check your body temperature

Patient : What is my blood pleasure,sus?

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Midwery : it is still normal range

Pasien : oke sus

Midwifery : and I will check your body temperature puts thermometer

in your armpit

Patient :Is there anything to worry about ?

Midwifery : no,no everything’s fine,

Patient : yes,I’m so glad everything went well

Midwifery : your body temperature it is still normal 36,5 C

Patient: yes ..alhamdulilah

Midwifery : and last it is time for check your pulse allow asking 2
minutes ( checking pulse rate)

Patient : sus is there a problem?

Midwifery : no ,everything’s well your pulse it is still normal 60x/ mnt

okey everything has finished and all is normal alhamdulilah

Patient :okay thankyou somuch sus alhamdulilah I’m so glad

Midwifery : okay your welcome

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