Functional Balance Assessment With Pediatric.17

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Functional Balance Assessment

With Pediatric Balance Scale in Girls
With Visual Impairment
Justyna Żyłka, MS, PT; Urszula Lach, MS, PT; Izabela Rutkowska, PhD, PT
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center (Ms Zylka), Konstancin, Poland; Rehabilitation Department (Ms Lach), Educational
Center for Blind Children, Laski, Poland; Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education for People with
Disabilities (Dr Rutkowska), Faculty of Rehabilitation, Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland.

Purpose: To examine functional balance abilities in girls with visual impairment (VI) and to investi-
gate the correlation between stabilography and clinical balance assessment using the Pediatric Balance
Scale (PBS) in girls with VI. Methods: The PBS and stabilography were administered to 26 girls with VI
aged 10 to 15 years. The association between PBS scores and sway parameters was examined using the
Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: The range of PBS scores was 47 to 56. Balance difficulties ap-
peared in single-leg stance, tandem stance, and reaching forward. The PBS scores correlated with all but
2 sway parameters, with r values ranging from −0.18 to −0.58. Conclusions: Girls with VI present difficulties
in upright stance when the size of the base of support is narrowed and in situations where the center of
gravity approaches the edge of the base of support. There is a need to provide interventions to improve
balance abilities in girls with VI. (Pediatr Phys Ther 2013;25:460–466) Key words: adolescent, child, female,
functional assessment, human, postural balance, visual impairment, validity

INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE ment (VI) have been reported to have deficient balance
Balance refers to the dynamics of body posture aimed compared with individuals without VI.3-12
at preventing falls and is a requisite for execution of move- Some earlier studies indicate that the lack of visual
ment and successful completion of functional activities.1 information can be partially compensated by the increased
As the postural control system requires information from use of residual sensory systems to maintain balance in in-
the visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems, a lack dividuals with vision loss.3,7 In a study by Ribadi et al,3
or insufficiency of visual input influences the ability to adolescents with congenital blindness outperformed their
maintain balance.1,2 Therefore, people with visual impair- blindfolded peers without VI in dynamic balance tasks. An-
other study revealed that in adolescents with total blind-
ness, postural control is better than in subjects who are
legally blind and individuals who are blindfolded but with-
out VI, which may indicate that people with total blindness
Pediatric Physical Therapy develop superior proprioceptive and vestibular reactions.7
Copyright C 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams &
However, in other research, the outcomes of individuals
Wilkins and Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
without VI being blindfolded during balance tasks did not
differ from that of subjects with VI or were even better
Correspondence: Izabela Rutkowska, PhD, PT, Department of than that in people with vision loss.5,6,8,11,12
Theory and Methodology of Physical Education for People with People with blindness and low vision use different
Disabilities, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Józef Piłsudski University strategies to stabilize the body in space than those used
of Physical Education, Marymoncka 34, 01-813 Warsaw, Poland
( by individuals without VI. However, it remains unclear
The first author was a student in the Master of Physical Therapy degree whether those behaviors are related to an adaptive compen-
program of the Faculty of Rehabilitation of Józef Piłsudski University of satory strategy or inefficiency of movements increasing the
Physical Education in Warsaw at the time this work was undertaken.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. risk of fall in subjects with blindness and low vision.8,11,13
DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0b013e31829ddbc8 For example, Schmid et al8 noted significantly larger body
displacement with a stronger coupling between segments

460 Żyłka et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
during dynamic posturography in adults with blindness. Identification of functional problems enables physi-
The larger body displacement may be a means of getting cal therapists and specialists in adapted physical education
stronger vestibular input for balance control or a sign of in- to concentrate on the areas of particular need and to im-
creased postural anxiety as a consequence of poor balance. plement adequate interventions. Thus, understanding the
In other studies, Horvat et al13 and Ray et al11 reported level of functioning of children and adolescents with VI
an increased use of the hip strategy in subjects with VI, may lead to more effective physical therapy and physical
possibly related to difficulties in anticipatory balance ad- education programs. Although the major problems affect-
justments, ankle muscles weakness, or simply cautiousness ing everyday life of children and adolescents with VI, espe-
in their movements. cially locomotor activities, are spatial orientation, locating
Because studies reveal that the balance ability in peo- objects in space, and anticipation of danger, we suggest
ple with VI is generally worse than that in subjects with- that poor balance abilities may increase difficulties in in-
out visual deficits and apparently experience alone cannot dependent mobility in this population. Moreover, identi-
fully compensate for the lack or insufficiency of vi- fying the effects of VI on functional activities may give
sual information,3-12 appropriate interventions may con- some insight into treatment approaches for children and
tribute to the improvement of balance abilities in subjects adolescents with multiple disabilities. Since most children
with VI.14 and adolescents with VI have additional motor, sensory, or
In the pediatric population, VI acts as a constraint on cognitive impairments, they are commonly seen in physi-
overall development, affecting indirectly the acquisition of cal therapy practice. Working with children with VI poses
gross motor skills because of reduced incentive and op- a unique challenge; therefore, physical therapists should
portunities for movement, difficulties in learning through be aware of problems related to the lack or insufficiency of
imitation, as well as fear. Thus, children and adolescents visual information. The purpose of this study was to exam-
with VI often experience delays in various aspects of motor ine functional balance abilities of girls with VI. Since there
development and are at risk for postural abnormalities.4 are no specific tools to evaluate functional balance abilities
Therefore, the physical therapist is commonly a mem- in children and adolescents with VI, the study also aimed
ber of the educational team for children and adolescents to compare the results of clinical balance assessment and
with VI. quantitative measurement of balance with stabilography.
In childhood, VI leads to different motor problems,
and according to some authors, balance is most affected
in gross motor skills.4 Therefore, children and adolescents METHODS
with VI were reported to have worse performance in both Participants
static and dynamic balance tasks than their peers without Twenty-six girls with VI aged 10 to 15 years (mean =
VI.3,4,6,7,9,10 Those findings were based on laboratory bal- 12.7, SD = 1.8) participated in this study. Following the
ance measurements3,7 and norm-referenced tests of motor World Health Organization definition of VI, the inclusion
proficiency, such as the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Mo- criterion was a best corrected visual acuity of less then
tor Proficiency4 and the Movement Assessment Battery for 0.3 or 20/60, which means that the eye with better vi-
Children (MABC),9,10 or commonly used clinical balance sual acuity provides vision from a distance of 20 ft that
tests (Flamingo Balance Test).6 However, the functional is equal to what an individual without VI can see at 200
relevance of those measures is not directly interpretable. ft. For the World Health Organization International Clas-
Although comparative studies reveal that balance abilities sification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, classification of VI,
in children and adolescents with blindness and low vision see Table 1.15 The degree of VI of each participant with
are inferior to that of their peers with typical development, respect to the World Health Organization International
the studies do not reveal whether those findings imply
functional limitations. To our best knowledge, the only
attempt to relate the results of balance assessment in chil- TABLE 1
WHO Categories of Visual Impairment15
dren with VI to their performance of daily activities was
made by Engel-Yeger.9 In that study, the parents of chil- Visual Acuity
dren with unilaterally reduced vision (aged 4-7 years) were
WHO Category of VI Worse Than Equal or Better Than
asked to rate the frequency of everyday situations that re-
flect the children’s balance and posture abilities as well as 0 (mild or no VI) 0.3 (20/70)
intolerance or hypersensitivity to movement on a 5-point 1 (moderate VI) 0.3 (20/70) 0.1 (20/200)
2 (severe VI) 0.1 (20/200) 0.05 (20/400)
Likert scale. Significant correlations were found between
3 (blindness) 0.05 (20/400) 0.02 (20/1200)
some items on a parent’s questionnaire composed for the 4 (blindness) 0.02 (20/1200) Light perception
study and mean balance scores of children on the MABC 5 (blindness) No light
and between mean score of items that evaluate static bal- perception
ance in the parent’s questionnaire and mean score of MABC 9 Undetermined or
static balance items.9 Nevertheless, on the basis of previous
studies, the effect of balance deficits in subjects with VI on Abbreviations: VI, visual impairment; WHO, World Health Organiza-
carrying out activities of daily living cannot be determined. tion.

Pediatric Physical Therapy Balance in Girls With Visual Impairment 461

Copyright © 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, classification is abilities in the context of everyday tasks and requires only
reported in Table 2. The visual status ranged from severe minimal use of specialized equipment. The scale is com-
VI to total blindness. The cause of VI included retinopa- posed of 14 items that are scored on a criterion-based
thy of prematurity, optic nerve abnormalities, congenital 0 to 4 scale (see Table 3). The range of scores in the
cataract, anophthalmia, and retinoblastoma. Visual impair- PBS is 0 to 56. The test-retest and interrater reliability
ment was congenital or acquired (see Table 2). Children of the PBS was found to be high (intraclass correlation co-
and adolescents with physical and/or intellectual disabil- efficient = 0.998 and 0.997, respectively) in school-aged
ity were excluded from this study. Data concerning visual children with mild to moderate motor impairment.16 As,
status were extracted from medical records. to our knowledge, the PBS has not yet been used to assess
The study protocol was approved by the local
bioethics committee. Written informed consent was ob- TABLE 3
tained from each participant’s parent or guardian before Pediatric Balance Scale16
data collection. Pediatric Balance Scale Items

1 Sitting to standing
Measures 2 Standing to sitting
3 Transfers
The Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS), which is a modi- 4 Standing unsupported
fication of Berg Balance Scale (BBS) designed for children 5 Sitting unsupported
and adolescents aged 5 to 15 years, was chosen to assess 6 Standing with eyes closed
7 Standing with feet together
functional balance abilities in girls with VI. The PBS exam-
8 Standing with one foot in front
ines various activities that a child must perform to safely 9 Standing on one foot
and independently function at home, at school, and in the 10 Turning 360◦
community. The scale was developed to assess both static 11 Turning to look behind
and dynamic balance, including tasks requiring anticipa- 12 Retrieving object from floor
13 Placing alternate foot on stool
tory balance and self-induced challenge to limits of stand-
14 Reaching forward with outstretched arm
ing stability.16,17 The PBS enables an assessment of balance

Characteristics of the Study Sample and Pediatric Balance Scale Total Test Scores

Degree of PBS
VI (WHO Total Test
Subject Age, y Categorya ) Cause of VI Onset Score

1 10.0 5 ROP Con 54

2 10.0 5 Optic nerve dysplasia Con 53
3 10.1 5 Anophthalmia Con 47
4 10.2 5 Cataract Con 51
5 10.5 5 Optic nerve hipoplasia Con 51
6 10.5 5 Retinoblastoma Aq 56
7 10.6 5 ROP Con 49
8 10.9 2 optic nerve atrophy Aq 53
9 11.6 5 ROP Con 51
10 12.2 5 ROP Con 50
11 12.2 5 ROP Con 54
12 12.9 4 Optic nerve atrophy Con 53
13 13.1 4 Optic nerve hipoplasia Con 52
14 13.1 5 Optic nerve hipoplasia Con 51
15 13.4 4 Optic nerve atrophy Aq 56
16 13.8 2 Optic nerve atrophy Aq 53
17 14.0 5 ROP Con 52
18 14.0 5 ROP Con 54
19 14.1 4 ROP Con 52
20 14.2 5 Optic nerve atrophy Con 55
21 14.3 5 ROP Con 54
22 14.5 4 ROP Con 52
23 14.9 4 Optic nerve atrophy Con 50
24 15.0 4 ROP Con 53
25 15.1 3 Optic nerve atrophy Aq 56
26 15.2 5 ROP Con 55

Abbreviations: Aq, acquired; Con, congenital; PBS, Pediatric Balance Scale; ROP, retinopathy of prematurity; VI, visual impairment; WHO, World
Health Organization.
a For WHO International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, categories of visual impairment, see Table 1.

462 Żyłka et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
balance in children with sensory impairments, we used sta- study are presented in Table 2. The mean height in study
bilography to examine concurrent validity of the scale for sample was 151.8 cm (SD = 11.7 cm) and the mean weight
assessment of balance abilities in children and adolescents 45.3 kg (SD = 11.9 kg). The range of point scores on the
with VI. Postural stability was measured during 30-second PBS was 47 to 56 (mean = 52.6, SD = 2.2). Although
quiet stance in a natural posture on a force platform (80 all participants (n = 26) demonstrated mastery in 9 of 14
cm × 80 cm). The force platform was linked to a personal PBS items, the maximal score on the scale was achieved
computer via a 4-channel amplifier with a 12-bit analog- only by 11.5% (n = 3) of the study sample. As seen in
to-digital converter. The signals from the load cells were Table 4, the greatest difficulties in maintaining balance
amplified and converted from analog to digital form and appeared in single-limb stance; 88.5% of participants (n =
then recorded on the computer using a software program 23) were not able to hold the position for 10 seconds or
that calculated the center-of-pressure trajectory in relation more, and in 46.2% of participants (n = 12), single-limb
to the platform coordinates. Data were sampled at 20 Hz. stance time was less than 3 seconds. Fifteen (57.7%) of the
The calculated parameters were sway path and average subjects demonstrated difficulty in reaching forward with
sway velocity, as well as mediolateral and anterioposterior an outstretched arm in standing, and 53.8% of participants
sway path, average sway amplitude, and velocity. (n = 14) could not maintain tandem stance for 30 seconds.
In 2 cases (7.7%), some difficulties occurred in dynamic
balance tasks such as turning 360◦ and alternately placing
Procedures a foot on a step stool while standing unsupported.
At the beginning of the test session, height and The results of stabilography are presented in Table 5,
weight were measured and recorded for each participant. whereas Table 6 provides Spearman rank correlation co-
Stabilography and the PBS were performed by each subject efficients between total point scores in the PBS and sway
in random order during a single test session that lasted ap- parameters. There was a statistically significant correlation
proximately 30 minutes. The PBS was administered to each (P < .05) between PBS total point scores and sway path,
girl individually, using a protocol and scoring described average sway velocity, sway path in the anterioposterior
by Franjoine et al.16 Although the scale was developed for direction, as well as average sway velocity in the mediolat-
children with motor impairment, the items clearly relate to eral direction, with r values ranging from −0.44 to −0.48.
activities of daily life and the examiner is authorized to use The strongest relationship was found between PBS scores
verbal and physical prompts to clarify tasks, so adaptations and sway path in the mediolateral direction (r = −0.58,
were not needed for children and adolescents with VI. P < .005), as well as average sway amplitude in the medi-
Moreover, each girl was allowed to feel the test materials olateral direction (r = −0.57, P < .005). The correlation
before the test was administered. The stabilometric mea- between PBS scores and stabilographic parameters in the
surement was performed during 30 seconds of quiet stance anterioposterior direction, such as average sway amplitude
with feet hip-width apart and arms freely hanging on both and velocity, was weak and not significant.
sides. Assistance was given to enable each child to achieve
a proper position in the center of the force platform.
The participant was asked to stand as still as possible.
Data recording started once the subject was stable in the re- DISCUSSION
quired posture and stated that she was ready. All data were In previous studies, balance abilities of children and
collected in a quiet room free from external distractions at adolescents with VI were compared with those of their
the Educational Center for Blind Children in Laski. peers with no impairments. The main finding was that
children and adolescents with VI perform worse than their
peers with typical development on both static and dynamic
Data Analysis balance tasks.3,4,6,7,9,10 However, those deficits have not
To describe the study group, means and standard de- been analyzed in the context of activities of daily living.
viations were calculated for age, height, and weight. The Therefore, the difference compared to the groups without
mean, standard deviation, and range of the PBS total test VI may not imply that this discrepancy affects everyday
scores, as well as the percentage of participants attaining functioning of children and adolescents with VI.
scores from 0 to 4 in each PBS item were reported. Spear- Although all participants aged 10 to 15 years demon-
man rank correlation analyses were performed to deter- strated mastery in 9 of 14 items of the PBS, only 11.5% of
mine the associations between PBS total test scores and all the group achieved the maximal score on the scale. Results
of the sway parameters. The α level was set at .05. The sta- of previous studies indicate that the PBS reflects develop-
tistical analyses were performed using Statistica software ment of balance control in children with typical develop-
(version 9.0). ment and that they achieve the maximal score by the age of
9 years.18 According to Franjoine et al,17 30.3% of children
without impairments achieve the maximal point score on
RESULTS the PBS by the age of 5 years, and in children and adoles-
The age, degree, cause, and onset of VI, as well as PBS cents aged 7 to 13 years, this percentage reaches 69.1%.
total point scores for all of 26 girls who participated in this Thus, the present study seems to provide further evidence

Pediatric Physical Therapy Balance in Girls With Visual Impairment 463

Copyright © 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Percentage of Participants Attaining Scores From 0 to 4 in 5 Pediatric Balance Scale Items (n = 26)

Point Score

PBS Item 4 3 2 1 0

8 Standing with one foot in front 46.2% (n = 12) 53.8% (n = 14) ... ... ...
9 Standing on one foot 11.5% (n = 3) 26.9% (n = 7) 15.4% (n = 4) 46.2% (n = 12) ...
10 Turning 360◦ 92.3% (n = 24) 7.7% (n = 2) ... ... ...
13 Placing alternate foot on stool 92.3% (n = 24) 3.8% (n = 1) 3.8% (n = 1) ... ...
14 Reaching forward with outstretched arm 42.3% (n = 11) 42.3% (n = 11) 11.5% (n = 3) 3.8% (n = 1) ...

Abbreviation: PBS, Pediatric Balance Scale.

TABLE 5 Thus, results of correlation analysis between the PBS and

Descriptive Statistics for Sway Parameters Recorded During 30-Second stabilography seem to provide some evidence of concurrent
Quiet Stance (n = 26) validity of the PBS in balance assessment of girls with VI.
Parameter Mean SD Range However, the relationship between PBS total point score
and sway parameters in the anterioposterior direction such
Sway path, mm 311.23 129.85 200.00-804.00
as average sway amplitude and velocity was not significant.
Average sway velocity, 10.40 4.33 6.70-26.80
mm/s Since, to our best knowledge, there were no studies that
ML sway path, mm 176.92 83.07 108.00-475.00 compared results of the PBS with that of stabilography in
AP sway path, mm 224.65 92.05 138.00-559.00 children with typical development, it is not clear whether
ML average sway 5.52 3.22 2.64-16.80 those results are specific for the population of the children
velocity, mm/s
and adolescents with VI or are because of the construction
AP average sway 7.22 3.33 4.05-19.10
velocity, mm/s of the scale itself, which may be more sensitive in identify-
ML average sway 4.66 2.00 2.04-9.80 ing balance deficits in the frontal plane. However, the com-
amplitude, mm parisons of static posturography and the BBS, which was
AP average sway 6.60 2.17 3.97-14.20 a basis for development of the PBS, revealed that the BBS
amplitude, mm
correlates better with anterioposterior parameters and the
Abbreviations: AP, anterioposterior; ML, mediolateral. speed of anterioposterior sway differentiates among sub-
jects walking with and without aids.19 Thus, the fact that in
the present study, the correlation between PBS scores and
TABLE 6 most of the stabilographic parameters in the sagittal plane
Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients Between Pediatric Balance was not observed may be attributed to the characteristics
Scale Total Test Scores and Sway Parameters
of the sample, which was relatively homogenous with re-
PBS Total Test Scores (n = 26) spect to balance abilities, being composed of subjects who
walked independently.
Sway path −0.45a
Average sway velocity −0.46a
Another finding was that functional balance abilities
ML sway path −0.58b in girls with VI correlate most with stabilographic param-
AP sway path −0.44a eters in the frontal plane, such as mediolateral sway path
ML average sway velocity −0.48a and average sway amplitude. Some evidence in the liter-
AP average sway velocity −0.35 ature indicates that postural control in the frontal plane
ML average sway amplitude −0.57b
AP average sway amplitude −0.18
depends more on proprioceptive information, whereas in
the sagittal plane, we rely more on visual cues.2,12 More-
Abbreviations: AP, anterioposterior; ML, mediolateral; PBS, Pediatric over, mediolateral stability in blind athletes was found to
Balance Scale. be better than in people with blindness who were not in-
a P < .05.
b P < .005. volved in sports activities.5 Therefore, we can hypothesize
that appropriate interventions could contribute to the im-
provement of functional balance abilities in children and
that children and adolescents with VI have deficits in bal- adolescents with VI. Nevertheless, results of the present
ance control compared with their peers with no VI. study should be interpreted with caution, given the small
In this study, a moderate negative correlation (corre- sample size that may not be representative of children and
lation coefficients between −0.4 and −0.6) was found be- adolescents with VI.
tween the PBS total point scores of girls with VI and most The study highlights functional problems of children
of the stabilographic parameters. Correlation between sta- and adolescents with VI by using the PBS to examine the
bilographic and clinical measurement of balance with the abilities that are crucial to safely and independently meet
BBS, considered as the reference standard for functional the demands of everyday tasks, that is, changing positions,
balance assessment in adults, with an average value of maintaining position within a decreasing base of support,
−0.55,19 is similar to that obtained in the present study. and reaching beyond one’s base of support. Moreover, this

464 Żyłka et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
study seems to provide some evidence on the validity of girls with VI have difficulties in balance control in the
the PBS as an assessment tool in this population. However, standing position when the base of support is narrowed
before the scale is recommended for use in screening, as as well as in situations where the center of gravity is ap-
well as in planning and evaluating the effectiveness of in- proaching the edge of base of support. Those deficits in
terventions, other psychometric properties of the PBS in balance control may appear in more complex activities
this population need to be examined. of daily life and in unfamiliar environments, which indi-
Girls with VI aged 10 to 15 years appear to have no cates a need to provide interventions to improve the func-
difficulties in balance control in the sitting position, dur- tional balance abilities of children and adolescents with
ing transfers, and quiet standing. Nevertheless, problems VI. The present findings need to be confirmed by further
occur in the standing position when the size of the base of studies.
support is narrowed, as well as in situations where the cen-
ter of gravity is approaching the edge of the base of support.
This situation occurs in 1 of the items of the PBS consisting
of reaching forward with an outstretched arm. Identifica- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tion of those deficits in an isolated clinical setting, using a The authors thank all the girls who participated in
scale based on everyday tasks, suggests that these may ap- this study and their families.
pear in situations of daily living, when people with VI are
confronted with an environment that is constantly chang-
ing. As vision is a basic and the most accessible source REFERENCES
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Commentary on “Functional Balance Assessment With Pediatric Balance Scale in Girls With Visual

“How should I apply this information?”

Physical therapy for children with visual impairment (VI) is important, as this population experiences gross
motor delays, which can lead to postural difficulties. An understanding of a child’s VI and its effect on functional
activities are factors to consider when establishing a therapy program to promote safe participation in daily roles.
For the sample of girls with VI recruited for this study, difficulties were seen in the dynamic standing activities
of the Pediatric Balance Scale. A significant negative correlation was found between Pediatric Balance Scale scores
and mediolateral sway amplitude and velocity measured using stabilography. Therefore, intervention that focuses
on functional standing tasks and improving stability in the mediolateral plane may be beneficial. The results may
also guide the physical therapist to address balance instability earlier in a child’s life, to possibly minimize or avert
the challenges identified in adolescence.
“What should I be mindful about when applying this information?”
A specific test measure has not been established to assess the functional capabilities of children and adolescents
with VI. While the study found correlations between Pediatric Balance Scale and stabilography, the generalizability
is limited because of the sample studied. The results were derived from a small sample size of adolescent girls
who had varying levels of VI and did not have physical or cognitive impairments. Further research is needed to
establish a broader research base of reference to measure balance for children and adolescents with VI.

Elissa Rynearson, PT, DPT

California Children’s Services, County of Los Angeles
Gardena, California
Stephanie Yu, PT, MSPT, PCS
California Children’s Services, County of Los Angeles
El Monte, California
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0b013e31829de6ec

466 Żyłka et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy
Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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