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Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Background and Applications
Dissemination of information for training
18-20 February 2008, Brussels

Eurocode 4
Serviceability limit states of
composite beams

Univ. - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Hanswille

Institute for Steel and Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Contents Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Global analysis for serviceability limit states
Part 3: Crack width control
Part 4: Deformations
Part 5: Limitation of stresses
Part 6: Vibrations

G. Hanswille
Serviceability limit states Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Serviceability limit states

Limitation of stresses

Limitation of deflections

crack width control


web breathing
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Serviceability limit states Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

characteristic combination: {
Ed = E ∑ Gk, j + Pk + Qk,1 + ∑ ψ 0,i Qk,i }

frequent combination: {
Ed = E ∑ Gk, j + Pk + ψ1,1 Qk,1 + ∑ ψ 2,i Qk,i }

quasi-permanent combination: {
Ed = E ∑ Gk, j + Pk + ∑ ψ 2,i Qk,i }
serviceability limit states
Ed ≤ Cd:

- deformation
- crack width
- excessive compressive stresses in concrete
Cd= - excessive slip in the interface between steel
and concrete
- excessive creep deformation
- web breathing
- vibrations
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Part 2:
Global analysis for serviceability limit states

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Global analysis - General Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Calculation of internal forces, deformations and stresses at

serviceability limit state shall take into account the following

ƒ shear lag;
ƒ creep and shrinkage of concrete;
ƒ cracking of concrete and tension stiffening of concrete;
ƒ sequence of construction;
ƒ increased flexibility resulting from significant incomplete
interaction due to slip of shear connection;
ƒ inelastic behaviour of steel and reinforcement, if any;
ƒ torsional and distorsional warping, if any.

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Shear lag- effective width Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

shear lag bei

bei < 0,2
σ max
real stress distribution
σ(y) ⎡ y⎤
σ( y ) = σmax ⎢1− b ⎥
σ max σmax ⎣ i⎦

5 bei
be stresses taking into
account the effective
width bi

≥ 0,2
The flexibility of steel or σmax σR bi
concrete flanges affected by σ(y)
shear in their plane (shear ⎡b ⎤
σR = 1,25 ⎢ ei − 0,2⎥ σmax
lag) shall be used either by ⎣ bi ⎦
rigorous analysis, or by using 4
⎡ y⎤
an effective width be
y σ( y ) = σR + [σmax − σR ] ⎢1− ⎥
⎣ bi ⎦
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Effective width of concrete flanges Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Le=0,25 (L1 + L2) for beff,2 be,1 bo be,2

Le=2L3 for beff,2

Le=0,85 L1 for beff,1 Le=0,70 L2 for beff,1

b1 bo b2

L1 L2

L1/4 L1/2 L1/4 L2/4 L2/2 L2/4

midspan regions and

beff,0 beff,2 internal supports:
beff,1 beff,2 beff,1
beff = b0 + be,1+be,2
be,i= Le/8
end supports: beff = b0 + β1 be,1+β2 be,2
Le – equivalent length
βi = (0,55+0,025 Le/bi) ≤ 1,0
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Effects of creep of concrete Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

redistribution of the sectional

primary effects Initial sectional
forces due to creep

Mc,o -Mc,r

-Nc,o Nc,r
ast ML
zi,st Mst,o Mst,r

Nst,o -Nst,r

The effects of shrinkage and creep of concrete and non-uniform changes of

temperature result in internal forces in cross sections, and curvatures and
longitudinal strains in members; the effects that occur in statically determinate
structures, and in statically indeterminate structures when compatibility of the
deformations is not considered, shall be classified as primary effects.
G. Hanswille
Effects of creep and shrinkage of concrete Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Types of loading and action effects:

In the following the different types of loading and action effects are distinguished by a
subscript L :
L=P for permanent action effects not changing with time
L=PT time-dependent action effects developing affine to the creep coefficient
L=S action effects caused by shrinkage of concrete
L=D action effects due to prestressing by imposed deformations (e.g. jacking of

action effects caused by

time dependent action prestressing due to imposed
MPT(t) effects ML=MPT: deformation ML=MD:
MPT (t=∞)


MPT(ti) δ
ϕ(t,to) ML=MD
ϕ(ti,to) ϕ(t∞,to) +
G. Hanswille
Modular ratios taking into account Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
effects of creep Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

centroidal axis of the concrete section

zis,L -zic,L zc
centroidal axis of the transformed
zi,L composite section
centroidal axis of the steel section
zst (structural steel and reinforcement)

nL = no [ 1+ ψL ϕ( t, t o ) ]
Modular ratios: no =

action creep multiplier

short term loading Ψ=0
permanent action not changing in time ΨP=1,10
shrinkage ΨS=0,55
prestressing by controlled imposed deformations ΨD=1,50
time-dependent action effects ΨPT=0,55
Elastic cross-section properties of the G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
composite section taking into account creep Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
effects University of Wuppertal-Germany

Modular ratio taking into

centroidal axis of the
concrete section account creep effect:
-zis,L zc
-zic,L nL =n0 (1+ ψL ϕ( t, t 0 ) )
centroidal axis of the
composite section
ast zist,L zi,L
centroidal axis of the no =
zst steel section Ecm ( t o )

Transformed cross-section properties of Distance between the centroidal axes of

the concrete section: the concrete and the composite section:

A c,L = A c / nL Jc,L = Jc / nL zic,L =− A st ast /A i,L

Transformed cross-section area of the Second moment of area of the

composite section: composite section:

A i,L =A St +A c,L J i,L = Jst + Jc,L + A st A c,L a2st / A i,L

G. Hanswille
Effects of cracking of concrete and tension Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
stiffening of concrete between cracks Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Ns mean strain εsm=εs,2- βΔεs,r fct,eff
Δε s = β
ρs E s σc(x)
Nsy β = 0,4 σs(x) σs,2

Δε s = β Δε s,r ρs = A s / A c
Ns,cr fully
section Ns Ns
Δε s,r
σ s2
εsr,1 εsr,2 εsm,y εsy ε ε s,2 =
εsm β Δε s,r
stage A: uncracked section Ec εc(x) x
stage B: initial crack formation
stage C: stabilised crack formation
G. Hanswille
Influence of tension stiffening of concrete on Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
stresses in reinforcement Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Ms≈0 M Ma = M − Ns a
Ma εa Na = − Ns

za Na

εsm = εa + κ a
mean strain in the concrete slab:
Ns Ns a2 M a
εsm + + =
Ea A a Ea A a Ea Ja

Δεs=β Δεs,r
εs,2 mean strain in the concrete
εs,m slab:
Ns fct,eff
ε sm = ε s2 − β Δε sr = −β
εc Es A s ρs Es

G. Hanswille
Redistribution of sectional forces due to tension Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
stiffening Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

fully cracked section tension stiffening

Ns,2 ΔNts Ns

-zst,s -Ms,2 -Ms

a + = -MEd
zst,a ΔNts a
z2=zst -Ma,2 -Ma

-Na,2 -ΔNts -Na

A J f A Sectional forces: Jst = J2

Ns α st = st st ΔNts = β ct,eff s
A a Ja ρs α st
A s z st,s
Ns = Ns2 + ΔNts = MEd + ΔNts
ΔNts Jst
Ms = MEd
Ns Jst
Ns,2 A a z st,a
Na = Na2 − ΔNts = MEd − ΔNts
Nsε Jst
M Ja
Ma = Ma2 + ΔNts a = MEd + ΔNts a
MEd Jst 15
G. Hanswille
Stresses taking into account tension stiffening of Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
concrete Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

fully cracked tension stiffening

Ns,2 ΔNts
-Ms,2 -Ms
a + = -MEd
zst zst,a ΔNts a
-Ma,2 -Ma
-Na,2 -ΔNts
za -Na

reinforcement: structural steel:

A st Jst
f ΔNts ΔNts a α st =
σ s = σ s,2 + β ctm σa = σa,2 − + za A a Ja
ρs α st Aa Ja

fctm A s
M f M ΔNts ΔNts a ΔNts = β
σ s = Ed z st,s + β ctm σa = Ed z st − + za ρs α st
Jst ρs α st Jst Aa Ja

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Influence of tension stiffening on flexural stiffness Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Ns εsm Curvature:

M Ma M − Ns a
κ= = =
-Ms -M Est I2,ts Est Ja Est Ja
zst κ
-Ma Effective flexural
εa stiffness:
Ea Ja
Est J2,ts =
M EJ (N − Ns,ε ) a
1− s
Est J1

Est J2,ts EstJ1 uncracked section

EstJ2 EstJ2 fully cracked section
EstJ2,ts EstJ2
EstJ2,ts effective flexural
EstJ1 stiffness taking into
κ account tension
MR MRn stiffening of concrete

G. Hanswille
Effects of cracking of concrete - General Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and

method according to EN 1994-1-1 Composite Structures

University of Wuppertal-Germany

EaJ1 – un-cracked flexural stiffness • Determination of internal forces by un-

EaJ2 – cracked flexural stiffness cracked analysis for the characteristic

• Determination of the cracked regions

L1 L2 with the extreme fibre concrete tensile
L1,cr L2,cr
stress σc,max= 2,0 fct,m.

• Reduction of flexural stiffness to EaJ2 in

EaJ1 EaJ1 the cracked regions.
• New structural analysis for the new
distribution of flexural stiffness.

ΔM Redistribution of
bending moments due to
cracking of concrete
un-cracked analysis
cracked analysis

G. Hanswille
Effects of cracking of concrete – Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
simplified method Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

For continuous composite beams with

the concrete flanges above the steel
L1 L2
0,15 L1 section and not pre-stressed, including
0,15 L2
beams in frames that resist horizontal
forces by bracing, a simplified method
EaJ1 EaJ2 may be used. Where all the ratios of
the length of adjacent continuous
ΔMII spans (shorter/longer) between
supports are at least 0,6, the effect of
cracking may be taken into account by
using the flexural stiffness Ea J2 over
Lmin / Lmax ≥ 0,6 15% of the span on each side of each
internal support, and as the un-
cracked values Ea J1 elsewhere.

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Part 3:
Limitation of crack width

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Control of cracking Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

General considerations

minimum reinforcement
If crack width control is required, a minimum amount of bonded
reinforcement is required to control cracking in areas where tension due to
restraint and or direct loading is expected. The amount may be estimated
from equilibrium between the tensile force in concrete just before cracking
and the tensile force in the reinforcement at yielding or at a lower stress if
necessary to limit the crack width. According to Eurocode 4-1-1 the
minimum reinforcement should be placed, where under the characteristic
combination of actions, stresses in concrete are tensile.
control of cracking due to direct loading

Where at least the minimum reinforcement is provided, the limitation of

crack width for direct loading may generally be achieved by limiting bar
spacing or bar diameters. Maximum bar spacing and maximum bar
diameter depend on the stress σs in the reinforcement and the design
crack width.
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Recommended values for wmax Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

reinforced members, prestressed

members with unbonded tendons prestressed members with
Exposure and members prestressed by bonded tendons
class controlled imposed deformations
quasi - permanent
frequent load combination
load combination
XO, XC1 0,4 mm (1) 0,2 mm

XC2, XC3,XC4 0,2 mm (2)

0,3 mm

(1) For XO and XC1 exposure classes, crack width has no influence on
durability and this limit is set to guarantee acceptable appearance. In
absence of appearance conditions this limit may be relaxed.
(2) For these exposure classes, in addition, decompression should be
checked under the quasi-permanent combination of loads.

G. Hanswille
Exposure classes according to EN 1992-1-1 Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
(risk of corrosion of reinforcement) Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Class Description of environment Examples

no risk of corrosion or attack
XO for concrete without reinforcement, for concrete inside buildings with very low air humidity
concrete with reinforcement : very dry
Corrosion induced by carbonation
XC1 dry or permanently wet concrete inside buildings with low air humidity

XC2 wet, rarely dry concrete surfaces subjected to long term water contact, foundations

XC3 moderate humidity external concrete sheltered from rain

XC4 cyclic wet and dry concrete surfaces subject to water contact not within class XC2

Corrosion induced by chlorides

XD1 moderate humidity concrete surfaces exposed to airborne chlorides

XD2 wet, rarely dry swimming pools, members exposed to industrial waters containing

XD3 cyclic wet and dry car park slabs, pavements, parts of bridges exposed to spray containing

Corrosion induced by chlorides from sea water

XS1 exposed to airborne salt structures near to or on the coast

XS2 permanently submerged parts of marine structures

XS3 tidal, splash and spray zones parts of marine structures

G. Hanswille
Cracking of concrete (initial crack formation) Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Ns Equilibrium in longitudinal direction:
σs A s = σs,1 A s + σc,1 A c
ε εs Compatibility at the end of the introduction
εc length:
σ σ
ε s,1 = εc,1 ⇒ s,1 = c,1
Es Ec
Les Les ⎡ ρs no ⎤ =
σ σs,1 = σs ⎢ ⎥
n o
Δσs ⎣ 1+ ρs no ⎦
σs Change of stresses in reinforcement
σc,1 σs,1 due to cracking:
Δσ s = σ s − σ s,1 =
Les Les 1+ ρ s no
σc,1 Ns,r = fctm A c (1+ ρs no )

σs,1 As cross-section area of reinforcement

ρs =
As ρs reinforcement ratio
Ac fctm mean value of tensile strength of concrete
Les 24
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Cracking of concrete – introduction length Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Ns Change of stresses in reinforcement
Ns due to cracking:
Δσs = σs − σs,1 =
ε εs 1+ ρs no
εc Equilibrium in longitudinal direction
L es Us τsm = Δσs A s
π d2s
Les Les L es π ds τsm = Δσs
σ 4
Δσs ρs =
introduction length LEs Ac
σc,1 σs,1
σ d Es
1 no =
L es = s s Ec
4 τsm 1+ no ρs
Les Les
σc,1 crack width
τsm σs,2 Us -perimeter of the bar
As -cross-section area
ρs -reinforcement ratio w = 2 L es (εsm − εcm )
τsm -mean bond strength
Les 25
Determination of the mean strains of G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
reinforcement and concrete in the stage of initial Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
crack formation University of Wuppertal-Germany

Mean bond strength:
Ns Ns
1 LEs
τs,m = ∫ τs ( x ) dx ≈ 1,8 fctm
Les o

ε εs,m εs(x) Δεs,cr Mean stress in the reinforcement:

σ s − Δσ sm
εc,m εc(x) εcr σ s,m = σ s − β Δσ s ⇒ β =
Δσ s

Les Les 1 Les 4 x

Δσsm = ∫ Δσs( x) dx Δσs ( x ) = ∫ τs ( x ) dx
Les 0 Us 0
Mean strains in reinforcement and concrete:
σs,m βΔσs Δσs

σs σs,1 ε s,m = ε s,2 − β Δε s,cr

Les Les εc,m = β εcr

x 26
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Determination of initial crack width Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Ns Ns crack width

εs,2 w = 2 L es (εsm − εcm )

εs,m εs(x) Δεs,cr
εc(x) εs,m − εcm = (1 − β) εs,2
εc,m εcr
σs ds 1
Les Les L es =
4 τsm 1+ no ρs
τsm ≈ 1,8 fctm
σs,m βΔσs Δσs
(1 − β) σ2s ds 1
σs w=
2 τsm Es 1+ no ρs
Les Les with β= 0,6 for short term loading und
β= 0,4 for long term loading
x 27
G. Hanswille
Maximum bar diameters acc. to EC4 Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

∗ Crack width w:
σs maximum bar diameterds for
[N/mm2] (1 − β) σ 2s ds 1 σ 2s ds
wk= 0,4 wk= 0,3 wk= 0,2 w= ≈
2 τsm E s 1+ no ρs 6 fct,m E s
160 40 32 25
Maximum bar diameter for a
200 32 25 16
required crack width w:
240 20 16 12
2 τsm Es ( 1+ no ρs )
280 16 12 8 ds = w
σ2s (1 − β)
320 12 10 6
With τsm= 1,8 fct,mo and the reference
360 10 8 5 value for the mean tensile strength of
400 8 6 4 concrete fctm,o= 2,9 N/mm2 follows:

450 6 5 - 3,6 fctm,o E s ( 1+ no ρs )

d*s = w k
σ 2s (1 − β)
β= 0,4 for long term loading and w k fctm,o E s
repeated loading d*s ≈ 6
σ 2s
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Crack width for stabilised crack formation Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

w Crack width for high bond bars

Ns w = sr,max (ε sm − ε cm )
Mean strain of reinforcement and
ε σ s2 concrete:
ε s,2 =
εs,m = εs,2 − β Δ εs
εs(x) A f f
fct εs(x)- εc(x) εs,m = εs,2 − β c ctm = εs,2 − β ctm
Es A s E s ρs
εc(x) f
εcm = β ctm
sr,max= 2 Les sr,min= Les
σs f
β= 0,6 for short term loading εsm − εcm = − β ctm (1 + no ρs )
Es Es ρs
β= 0,4 for long term loading and
repeated loading

G. Hanswille
Crack width for stabilised crack formation Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Ns The maximum crack spacing sr,max in the
stage of stabilised crack formation is twice
the introduction length Les.
ε σ
εs,2 = s w = sr,max (ε sm − εcm )

εs(x)- εc(x) fctm A c fctm ds
fct Les = =
Ec Us τsm ρs 4 τsm
maximum crack width for sr= sr,max
sr,max= 2 Les sr,min= Les

fctm ds ⎛ σs fctm ⎞
β= 0,6 for short term loading w= ⎜⎜ −β (1 + no ρs ) ⎟⎟
2 τsm ρs ⎝ Es ρs E s ⎠
β= 0,4 for long term loading and
repeated loading

G. Hanswille
Crack width and crack spacing according Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Eurocode 2 Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

w = sr,max (ε sm − εcm )
Crack width
σ fctm σs
εsm − εcm = s − β (1 + no ρs ) ≥ 0,6
Es Es ρs Es
β= 0,6 for short term loading
β= 0,4 for long term loading and repeated loading

Crack spacing In Eurocode 2 for the maximum crack spacing a semi-

empirical equation based on test results is given
ds ds-diameter of the bar
sr,max = 3,4 c + k1 ⋅ k 2 ⋅ 0,425
c- concrete cover

k1 coefficient taking into account bond properties of

the reinforcement with k1=o,8 for high bond bars
k2 coefficient which takes into account the distribution
of strains (1,0 for pur tension and 0,5 for bending)
Determination of the cracking moment Mcr and G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
the normal force of the concrete slab in the Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
stage of initial cracking University of Wuppertal-Germany

cracking moment Mcr:

cracking moment Mcr
σc + σc,ε = fct,eff = k1 fctm
Mc+s σc
[ ]z
no Jio
Mcr = fct,eff − σc,ε
hc Mcr o + hc / 2
zo Nc+s
[ ]z
ast no Jio
Mcr = fct,eff − σc,ε
zio zi,st ic,o (1+ hc /( 2 z o )

sectional normal force of the concrete

primary effects due to shrinkage
A co z o + A s zis
Mc,ε Ncr = Mcr + Nc + s,ε
σcε Jio
Nc,ε A c ( fct,eff − σc,ε ) (1+ ρs no )
Ncr = + Nc + s,ε
1+ hc /( 2 z o )

kc,ε≈ 0,3
⎡ kc A c σc,ε (1+ ρs no ) ⎤
⎢ Nc + s,ε − ⎥
1 1+ hc /( 2 z o ) ⎥
Ncr = A c fct,eff (1 + ρ s n0 ) ⎢ +
⎢ 1 + hc /(2 z o ) A c fct,eff (1 + ρs n0 ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ ⎦ 32
G. Hanswille
Simplified solution for the cracking moment Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
and the normal force in the concrete slab Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

cracking moment Mcr simplified solution for the normal

Mc+s σc force in the concrete slab:
hc Mcr
zo Nc+s
Ncr ≈ A c fctm k s ⋅ k ⋅ k c

k = 0,8 coefficient taking into account the effect of

non-uniform self-equilibrating stresses
primary effects due to shrinkage ks= 0,9 coefficient taking into account the slip
effects of shear connection

kc = + 0,3 ≤ 1,0
Nc+s,ε 1+ c
2 zo

cracking moment shrinkage

G. Hanswille
Determination of minimum reinforcement Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Mc Mc,ε
hc Nc,ε
zo Nc Mcr
cracking shrinkage
zi,o Ma,ε


A c fct,eff 1 f
As ≥ k k s kc kc = + 0,3 ≤ 1,0 ds = d∗s ct,eff fcto= 2,9 N/mm2
σs 1+ hc z o fct,o

k = 0,8 Influence of non linear residual stresses due to shrinkage and temperature effects
ks = 0,9 flexibility of shear connection
kc Influence of distribution of tensile stresses in concrete immediately prior to
d∗s maximum bar diameter
ds modified bar diameter for other concrete strength classes
σs stress in reinforcement acc. to Table 1
fct,eff effective concrete tensile strength
G. Hanswille
Control of cracking due to direct loading – Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Verification by limiting bar spacing or bar diameter Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

fully cracked tension stiffening

Ac Ns
Ns,2 ΔNts
As -Ms,2 -Ms
a + = -MEd
zst zst,a -Ma,2 ΔNts a
-Na,2 -ΔNts
za -Na

stresses in reinforcement σ = σ
s,2 + Δσ ts
The calculation of stresses is taking into account tension s
based on the mean strain in the MEd fct,eff
stiffening for the bending
concrete slab. The factor β σs = z st,s + β
results from the mean value of
moment MEd of the quasi J2 ρs α st
crack spacing. With srm≈ 2/3 permanent combination:
sr,max results β ≈ 2/3 ·0,6 = 0,4 As A 2 J2
ρs = β = 0,4 α st =
Ac A a Ja

The bar diameter or the bar spacing has to be limited

G. Hanswille
Maximum bar diameters and maximum bar Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
spacing for high bond bars acc. to EC4 Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Table 1: Maximum bar diameter Table 2: Maximum bar spacing

σs maximum bar diameterds for σs maximum bar spacing in [mm]
[N/mm2] [N/mm2] for
wk= 0,4 wk= 0,3 wk= 0,2
wk= 0,4 wk= 0,3 wk= 0,2
160 40 32 25
160 300 300 200
200 32 25 16
200 300 250 150
240 20 16 12
240 250 200 100
280 16 12 8
280 200 150 50
320 12 10 6
320 150 100 -
360 10 8 5
360 100 50 -
400 8 6 4
450 6 5 -

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Direct calculation of crack width w for Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
composite sections based on EN 1992-2 University of Wuppertal-Germany

As -Ms
Ns σs,

-Ma MEd

crack width for high bond bars:

w = sr,max (ε sm − εcm )
MEd fct,eff
σs = zst,s + β
Jst ρs α st σ fctm σs
εsm − εcm = s − β (1 + no ρs ) ≥ 0,6
Es Es ρs Es
A st Jst As
α st = ρs = β = 0,4
A a Ja Ac d
sr,max = 3,4 c + 0,34 s
c - concrete cover of reinforcement
G. Hanswille
Stresses in reinforcement in case of bonded Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
tendons – initial crack formation Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Ap, dp Equilibrium at the crack:

As, ds
σs A s + Δσp A p = N = fct,eff A c ( 1 + no ρ tot )
Equilibrium in longitudinal direction:

σ s A s = π ds τsm L e,s

σp Δσp A p = π dp τpm L ep

N Compatibility at the crack:

σ s − σ s1 Δσp − Δσp1
σp=σpo+σp1+Δσp δ s = δp ⇒ L es = L ep
Es Ep
With Es≈Ep and σs1=Δσp1=0 results:
Δσp1 ξ1 N
Les σs = Δσp =
A s + ξ1 A p A s + ξ1 A p
τpm τsm τpm ds
ξ1 =
τsm dv
G. Hanswille
Stresses in reinforcement for final crack Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
formation Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Ap, dp
Equilibrium at the crack:
As, ds N − Po = σs2 A s + Δ σp2 A p
Maximum crack spacing:
fct A c =
τsm ns ds π + τpm np dp π ]
ds fct,eff A c
sr,max =
2 τsm ( A s + ξ2 A p )

σs2 Equilibrium in longitudinal direction:

Δσp2 sr,max Us sr,max Up

σs2 − σs1 = τsm σp2 − σp1 = τpm
2 As 2 Ap
Compatibility at the crack:
x σ s2 − β (σs2 − σs1) Δσp,2 − β( Δσp2 − Δσp1)
σc=fct,eff δ s = δp = =
σc Es Ep

mean crack spacing: sr,m≈2/3 sr,max

G. Hanswille
Determination of stresses in composite Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
sections with bonded tendons Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Ap As
σs,σp Stresses σ*s in reinforcement
at the crack location
neglecting different bond
-zst,s behaviour of reinforcement
MEd and tendons:
zst MEd f
σ*s = z st,s + β ctm
Jst ρ tot α st
A st Jst
α st = β = 0,4
A a Ja
Stresses in reinforcement taking into account the
different bond behaviour:

⎡ Ac Ac ⎤ ⎡ 1 1 ⎤ A s + Ap
σ s = σ *s + 0,4 fct,eff ⎢ − ⎥ = σ *s + 0,4 fct,eff ⎢ − ⎥ ρ tot =
⎢ A s + ξ12 A p A s + A p ⎥ ⎣ ρeff ρ tot ⎦ Ac
⎣ ⎦
⎡ A ⎤ A s + ξ12 A p
ξ12 A c ⎡ 1 ξ12 ⎤ ρeff =
Δσp = σ *s − 0,4 fct,eff ⎢ c − ⎥ = σ *s − 0,4 fct,eff ⎢ − ⎥ Ac
⎢ A s + A p A s + ξ12 A p ⎥ ⎢
⎣ ρ ρ ⎥⎦
⎣ ⎦ tot eff

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Part 4:

G. Hanswille
Deflections Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Effects of cracking of concrete

L1 L2
0,15 L1 0,15 L2 Deflections due to loading applied to the
composite member should be calculated
using elastic analysis taking into account
effects from
ΔM - cracking of concrete,
- creep and shrinkage,
- sequence of construction,
Sequence of construction - influence of local yielding of
gc structural steel at internal supports,
- influence of incomplete interaction.
F steel member
F composite member

G. Hanswille
Deformations and pre-cambering Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

combination limitation
general quasi - δ1 deflection of the steel girder
permanent δmax ≤ L / 250
δc deflection of the composite
risk of damage of adjacent quasi – girder
parts of the structure (e.g. permanent
finish or service work) δ w ≤ L / 500 Pre-cambering of the steel
(better frequent)
δp = δ1+ δ2+ δ3 +ψ2 δ4
δ1 δ1
δ2 δmax maximum deflection
δ3 δc δw δw effective deflection for finish
and service work
δ4 δmax

δ1 – self weight of the structure

δ2 – loads from finish and service work
δ3 – creep and shrinkage
δ4 – variable loads and temperature effects
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Effects of local yielding on deflections Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

For the calculation of deflection of un-propped beams, account may

be taken of the influence of local yielding of structural steel over a
For beams with critical sections in Classes 1 and 2 the effect may be
taken into account by multiplying the bending moment at the support
with an additional reduction factor f2 and corresponding increases are
made to the bending moments in adjacent spans.
f2 = 0,5 if fy is reached before the concrete slab has
f2 = 0,7 if fy is reached after concrete has hardened.
This applies for the determination of the maximum deflection but not
for pre-camber.

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
More accurate method for the determination of Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
the effects of local yielding on deflections University of Wuppertal-Germany

L1 L2
lcr lcr +
z2 -
- Mel,Rk
σa=fyk fyk
EaJ1 EaJ2

EaJeff EaJ2

Mel,Rk MEd Mpl,Rk

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Effects of incomplete interaction on deformations Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

The effects of incomplete interaction may be ignored

provided that:
ƒ The design of the shear connection is in accordance
with clause 6.6 of Eurocode 4,
ƒ either not less shear connectors are used than half
the number for full shear connection, or the forces
resulting from an elastic behaviour and which act on
the shear connectors in the serviceability limit state
P do not exceed PRd and

PRd ƒ in case of a ribbed slab with ribs transverse to the

beam, the height of the ribs does not exceed 80 mm.

s s
G. Hanswille
Differential equations in case of incomplete Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
interaction Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Mc Vc+dVc
Ec, Ac, Jc Vc Mc+ dMc
vL uc , u′c = ε c
ac N Nc+dNc
a zc vL
aa Ma
Ea, Aa, Ja Ma+ dMa
ua , u′a = ε a
za (w) Na Na+dNa
Slip: sv = ua − uc + w ′ a
Ec A c u′c′ + c s (ua − uc + w ′ a ) = 0
Ea A a u′c′ − c s (ua − uc + w ′ a) = 0
(Ec Jc + Ea Ja ) w ′′′′ − c s a (u′a − u′c + w ′′ a) = q

Nc = E c A c u′c Mc = − Ec Jc w′′ Vc = − E c Jc w ′′′ ≈ 0

Na = E a A a u′a Ma = − Ea Ja w ′′ Va = − Ea Ja w ′′′
G. Hanswille
Deflection in case of incomplete interaction for Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
single span beams Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

concrete section
F composite section
Aco=Ac/no, Jco= Jc/no
Aio, Jio
L steel section no=Ea/Ec
Aa, Ja

sinh 2 ( λ )⎤
3 ⎢ 12 48 ⎥
FL 2
w= 1+ −
48 E a Ii,o ⎢⎢ α λ2 α λ3 sinh( λ ) ⎥⎥
⎣ ⎦ 1+ α
λ2 =
q αβ

L E a A c,o A a
A i,o c s L ²

⎡ λ ⎤ 1
4 cosh( ) − 1 α=
5 q L ⎢ 48 1 384 1 2 ⎥
w= ⎢1 + − ⎥ Ji,o
384 E a Ji,o ⎢ 5 α λ2 5 α λ4 cosh( λ ) ⎥ −1
⎣ 2 ⎦ Ja + Jc,o
G. Hanswille
Mean values of stiffness of headed studs Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

spring constant per stud:
CD =
spring constant of the shear C n
cs = D t
connection: eL

P type of shear connection CD [kN / cm]

PRd headed stud ∅ 19mm 2500
in solid slabs
P P headed stud ∅ 22mm 3000
in solid slabs
cD headed studs ∅ 25mm 3500
s in solid slab
headed stud ∅ 19mm 1250
with Holorib-sheeting and
one stud per rib
headed stud ∅ 22mm 1500
with Holorib-sheeting and
eL nt=2 one stud per rib
G. Hanswille
Simplified solution for the calculation of Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
deflections in case of incomplete interaction Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

q(ξ ) = q sin πξ
The influence of the flexibility of the shear connection is
taken into account by a reduced value for the modular

L L4 1 L4 1
wo = q =q
x π4 βo Ecm A c Ea A a π 4 Ea Jio,eff
ξ= EcmJc + Ea Ja + a2
L Ea A a + βo Ecm A c

Ec, Ac, Jc Mc A c,eff A a 2

εc Jio,eff = Jc,o + Ja + a
Nc A c,eff + A a
zc A
a A c,eff = c
Ma no,eff

za Ea, Aa, Ja εa Na effective modular ratio for the

concrete slab

π2 Ecm A c
no,eff = no ( 1 + βs ) βs =
L2 c s
G. Hanswille
Comparison of the exact method with the Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
simplified method Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

q w/wc
cD = 1000 KN/cm

w 1,2
1,1 η=0,8
Ecm = 3350 KN/cm² L [m]
99 1,0
5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0
exact solution
simplified solution with no,eff
450 mm w/wc
cD = 2000 KN/cm
1,15 η=0,4
wo- deflection in case of
neglecting effects from slip 1,1
of shear connection 1,05 η=0,8
L [m]
η degree of shear connection 1,0
5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0
G. Hanswille
Deflection in case of incomplete interaction- Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
comparison with test results Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

load case 1
1875 1875
load case 2 F/2 F/2

F [kN] Deflection at

1875 3750 1875

load case 2

load case 1

IPE 270 δ
20 40 60 [mm]
G. Hanswille
Deflection in case of incomplete interaction- Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Comparison with test results Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

160 push-out test
s 780

10 20 30 40
125 50
second moment Load case 1 Load case 2
of area F= 60 kN F=145 kN
cm4 Deflection at midspan in mm

Test - 11,0 (100%) 20,0 (100 %)

Theoretical value, neglecting flexibility Jio= 32.387,0 7,8 (71%) 12,9 (65%)
of shear connection
Theoretical value, taking into account Jio,eff= 21.486,0 11,7 (106%) 19,4 (97%)
flexibility of shear connection
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Part 5:
Limitation of stresses

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Limitation of Stresses Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

σc MEd
Stress limitation is not required for beams if
in the ultimate limit state,
- + - no+ verification of fatigue is required and
- no prestressing by tendons and /or
+ - - no prestressing by controlled imposed
deformations is provided.

combination stress limit recommended
values ki
structural steel characteristic σEd ≤ ka fyk ka = 1,00

reinforcement characteristic σEd ≤ ks fsk ks = 0,80

concrete characteristic σEd ≤ kc fck kc= 0,60

headed studs characteristic PEd ≤ ks PRd ks = 0,75

G. Hanswille
Local effects of concentrated longitudinal Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
shear forces Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

composite section steel section bc


x y
z Ac,eff
MEd +
Concentrated longitudinal shear force at
sudden change of cross-section
VEd(x) VEd - 2 MEd A c,eff zio
+ v L,Ed,max =
Ea / Ec Jio b eff
longitudinal shear forces Nc


G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Local effects of concentrated longitudinal Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
shear forces University of Wuppertal-Germany


L = 40 m

cross-section bc=10 m
300 shear connectors
y P
CD = 3000 kN/cm
per stud
z δ
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Ultimate limit state - longitudinal shear forces Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

EN 1994-2

x [cm]

P FE-Model:


L = 40 m
cD s
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Serviceability limit state - longitudinal Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
shear forces University of Wuppertal-Germany

SLS EN 1994-2
x [cm]
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
P FE-Model:
-1500 s

-2500 FE-Model
-3000 P
L = 40 m
-3500 cD s
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Part 6:

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Vibration- General Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

EN 1994-1-1: The dynamic properties of floor beams should satisfy

the criteria in EN 1990,A.1.4.4
EN 1990, A1.4.4: To achieve satisfactory vibration behaviour of
buildings and their structural members under
serviceability conditions, the following aspects,
among others, should be considered:
the comfort of the user
the functioning of the structure or its structural
Other aspects should be considered for each project
and agreed with the client

G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Vibration - General Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

EN 1990-A1.4.4:
For serviceability limit state of a structure or a structural member not to
be exceeded when subjected to vibrations, the natural frequency of
vibrations of the structure or structural member should be kept
above appropriate values which depend upon the function of the
building and the source of the vibration, and agreed with the client
and/or the relevant authority.
Possible sources of vibration that should be considered include walking,
synchronised movements of people, machinery, ground borne vibrations
from traffic and wind actions. These, and other sources, should be
specified for each project and agreed with the client.
Note in EN 1990-A.1.4.4: Further information is given in ISO 10137.

G. Hanswille
Vibration – Example vertical vibration due Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
to walking persons Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

The pacing rate fs dominates the dynamic

Span effects and the resulting dynamic loads. The
h speed of pedestrian propagation vs is a
F(x,t) function of the pacing rate fs and the stride
length ls.

pacing forward stride

rate speed length
ls fs [Hz] vs = fs ls ls
time t [m/s] [m]
F(x,t) xk
slow walk ∼1,7 1,1 0,6
tk normal walk ∼2,0 1,5 0,75
fast walk ∼2,3 2,2 1,00
slow running ∼2,5 3,3 1,30
ls xk (jog)
x fast running > 3,2 5,5 1,75
G. Hanswille
Vibration –vertical vibrations due to Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
walking of one person Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

During walking, one of the feet is always in

Fi(t) right foot contact with the ground. The load-time function
left foot can be described by a Fourier series taking into
account the 1st, 2nd and 3rd harmonic.

⎡ 3 ⎤
time t ∑
F( t ) = Go ⎢1 + αn sin (2 n π fs t − Φ n )⎥
⎢⎣ n =1 ⎥⎦

F(t) Go weight of the person (800 N)

1. step 2. step 3. step αn coefficient for the load component of n-th harmonic
n number of the n-th harmonic
fs pacing rate
Φn phase angle oh the n-th harmonic

Fourier- α1=0,4-0,5 Φ1=0

both feet
coefficients and α2=0,1-0,25 Φ2=π/2
phase angles:
α3=0,1-0,15 Φ3=π/2
ts=1/fs 64
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Vibration – vertical vibrations due to walking Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
of persons University of Wuppertal-Germany

F(t) acceleration
 ( t ) = k a
Fn π
Mgen δ
sin (2 π fE t ) 1 − e − δ fE t ) t=
maximum acceleration a, vertical deflection w and
w(t) maximum velocity v
c a
w max =
Fn π
Mgen δ
1 − e − fE δ L / v s )
(2 π fE )2
xk a
Fn(t) v max =
2 π fE
fE natural frequency
w(xk,t) Fn load component of n-th harmonic
δ logarithmic damping decrement
L/2 vs forward speed of the person
ka Fn(t) ka factor taking into account the different
positions xk during walking along the beam
w(t) Mgen generated mass of the system
(single span beam: Mgen=0,5 m L)
L 65
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Logarithmic damping decrement Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

results of measurements in buildings For the determination of the maximum

Damping acceleration the damping coefficient ζ or
with finishes
the logarithmic damping decrement δ
ratioξ [%]
without finishes must be determined. Values for composite
beams are given in the literature. The
6 logarithmic damping decrement is a
5 function of the used materials, the
damping of joints and bearings or support
4 conditions and the natural frequency.
For typical composite floor beams in
buildings with natural frequencies
2 between 3 and 6 Hz the following values
for the logarithmic damping decrement
1 δ = 2π ξ can be assumed:
δ=0,10 floor beams without not load-
bearing inner walls
3 6 9 12
δ=0,15 floor beams with not load-
fE [Hz] bearing inner walls
G. Hanswille
Vibration –vertical vibrations due to walking of Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
persons Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

People in office buildings sitting or standing many

3 hours are very sensitive to building vibrations.
F( t ) = Go + ∑ Fn sin (2 n π fs t − Φ n ) Therefore the effects of the second and third
n =1 harmonic of dynamic load-time function should be
considered, especially for structure with small
F(t)/Go mass and damping. In case of walking the pacing
fs=1,5-2,5 Hz rate is in the rage of 1.7 to 2.4 Hz. The verification
can be performed by frequency tuning or by
0,4 limiting the maximum acceleration.
2fs=3,0-5,0 Hz
In case of frequency tuning for composite
structures in office buildings the natural frequency
3fs=4,5-7,5 Hz
normally should exceed 7,5 Hz if the first, second
0,1 and third harmonic of the dynamic load-time
function can cause significant acceleration.
2,0 4,0 6,0 8,0
Otherwise the maximum acceleration or
velocity should be determined and limited to
acceptable values in accordance with
ISO 10137
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Limitation of acceleration-recommended Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
values acc. to ISO 10137 University of Wuppertal-Germany

acceleration [m/s2]

natural frequency of
0,1 typical composite
Multiplying factors Ka for the basic curve

Residential (flats, hospitals) Ka=1,0

0,01 Quiet office Ka=2-4
General office (e. g. schools) Ka=4
0,005 basic curve ao

a ≤ ao K a

1 5 10 50 100
frequency [Hz]
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Thank you very

much for your kind
G. Hanswille
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Institute for Steel and
Composite Structures
University of Wuppertal-Germany

Thank you very

much for your kind


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