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JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131



Associate Professor in Commerce ,
Vivekanandha College of Arts and sciences for Women,Elayampalayam

** Mrs.V.Kalaivani,
Ph.D Research Scholar,
Vivekanandha College of Arts and sciences for Women,

Satisfaction from the activity, life and work involved by one’s is very important for every
human. The maximum time spend by the person in their working apart from any economic activity is
main source of surviving. Every employee wants to get higher level of satisfaction from his job for
their betterment. Job satisfaction is a psychological concept and it is mostly depend upon the internal
feeling of employees. There are a lot of independent variables on which job satisfaction is depending.
The factors like educational qualifications, nature of work, pay, job security, promotional
opportunities and family & work life balance. The employee’s satisfaction will improve the
productivity and profitability for the employer also. This paper is to explain the factor affecting job
satisfaction and their significant relationship with all factors. The main purpose of the study is to
identify the levels of job satisfaction among employees of SBI in Salem district.

I Introduction

Human resource is an important asset of every organization. In this era of competitive world,
success of any organization depends on its human resource. Banks are no exception to this. The
employees of the Bank are valuable assets to the organization. If they are highly satisfied with the job
they produce more which is profitable for the organization. So in this competitive environment, the
essential thing is to know the views of employees toward their job and to measure the level of
satisfaction with various aspects of job satisfaction. Efficient human resource management and
maintaining higher job satisfaction level in Banks determine not only the performance of the Bank
but affect the growth and performance of the entire economy. The success of banking is to manage
human resource effectively and to find whether its employees are satisfied or not is very important.

Volume 5, Issue 11, November/2018 Page No:2001

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

The objective of our study is to measure the level of satisfaction of employees of SBI Bank in Salem

II Review Literature

Job satisfaction is a complex and multifaceted concept with can mean different things to
different people. Job satisfaction is usually linked with motivation, but the nature of this relationship
is not clear. Satisfaction is not the same as motivation. Job satisfaction is more of an attitude, an
internal state. It could, for example, be associated with a personal feeling of achievement, either
quantitative or kualitative (Mullins, 2005).The term job satisfactions refer to the attitude and feelings
people have about their work. Positive and favorable attitudes towards the job indicate job
satisfaction. Negative and unfavorable attitudes towards the job indicate job dissatisfaction
(Armstrong, 2006).Job satisfaction is the collection of feeling and beliefs that people have about their
current job. People’s levels of degrees of job satisfaction can range from extreme satisfaction to
extreme dissatisfaction. In addition to the attitudes about their jobs as a whole, People also can have
attitudes about various aspects of their jobs such as the kind of work they do, their coworkers,
supervisors or subordinates and their pay (George et al., 2008).Maximum time of Man’s life spend at
work place so a man satisfy his life if he satisfy from his job. Five components affect the job
satisfaction; work, pay promotion, salary and recognition (Khalid Salman &Irshad Muhammad,
2011).Alam (2013) conducted a research on the Job satisfaction of female workers in different
garment factories in Dhaka city and concluded the level of satisfaction is positively correlated with
level of wages they get. Zeal, Anwar and Nazrul (2012) in their study on comparative Job satisfaction
of senior male and female executives in Bangladesh, showed that there are insignificant differences
between male and female executives regarding satisfaction in different facets of job. The direction of
all these studies on job satisfaction tends to be consistent to the self-reporting state of individual is
very much related to the job itself and one’s experience.


The primary objectives of this research are to study on SBI employee job satisfaction level in Salem

The Secondary Objective was:

 To know the present level of job satisfaction of employees.

Volume 5, Issue 11, November/2018 Page No:2002

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

 To know the factors affecting job satisfaction among employees.

 To find out the employees feeling about the improvement and betterment of development in
banking sector.

IV Research Methodology

The study has been used primary data with convenience sampling. The primary data has been
collected from different grades of employees. A structured questionnaire was designed and collected
from the employees of different banks at Salem Zone. Totally 75 respondents were selected by using
convenient sampling Method. The statistical tools were used in this study are Percentage analysis and
Chi-Square. For this purpose of investigation, this study considered only ten banks in Salem district
has been selected. Job satisfaction has been taken as dependent variable. Independent variables are
educational qualifications, nature of work, pay, job security, promotional opportunities and no. of
depended persons & work life balance. The main purpose of the study is to identify the levels of job
satisfaction among employees of private and public sector bank and the factors contributing to job
satisfaction. Bank employees in this study refer to clerks, officers, and managers.

The questionnaire using 5-Scale Likert (1 Strongly satisfied, 2 Satisfied, 3 Neutral 4 Strongly
dissatisfied 5 Dissatisfied ) design to test the impact of all the variables. For this study the
questionnaire is divided into 2 sections demographic variables and facets of job satisfaction. The
questionnaire cover all the variables such as educational qualifications, nature of work, pay, job
security, promotional opportunities and no. of depended & work environment

Limitations of the study

As it is the obligation of the bankers to maintain secrecy of their jobs, it is very difficult to fetch
sufficient information for the research. Because of legal formalities, certain banks refused to provide
certain information. Only eighteen (18) branches were selected for this study. The banks were
included in this study are:

Volume 5, Issue 11, November/2018 Page No:2003

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

Selection of Banks included in the Study

1 Komarapalayam 10 Nangavalli
2 Konganapuram 11 Salem New Bus StandSalem
3 Mettur Dam 12 Ammapettai Salem
4 Five Roads Salem 13 Idappadi
5 Gorimedu 14 Hasthampatti
6 Omalur 15 Gorimedu
7 Nethimedu 16 Jalakandapuram
8 Saradha college road 17 Illampillai
9 Sivathapuram 18 Tharamankalam

V Data Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1-Job Satisfaction according to gender


1 34.6
Strongly satisfied 19 7 26
2 Satisfied 12 5 17 22.6
3 Neutral 2 3 5 6.66
4 Dissatisfied 10 4 14 18.66
5 Strongly Dissatisfied 7 6 13 17.33
Total 50 25 75 100
  2 = 2.2049 D.F.= 4

The majority of 34.6% of the respondents were strongly satisfied. At 5% level of significance the calculated
value of 2 is 2.2049 and the table value of 2 is 9.48773.The calculated value is less than the table value hence
there is no significant relationship between gender and job satisfaction.
Table- 2 Job Satisfaction according to No. of depends

S. Satisfaction Level 1-2 Depended 3-4 Depended More Than 4 Total

No. Depended %
1 Strongly satisfied 7 15 5 27 36
2 Satisfied 3 10 2 15 20
3 Neutral 3 4 3 10 13.33
4 Dissatisfied 3 5 3 11 14.66
5 Strongly Dissatisfied 2 7 3 12 16
Total 18 41 16 75 100
   2 =3.4049 D.F.= 8
The majority of 36% of the respondents were strongly satisfied. At 5% level of significance the calculated
value of 2 is 3.4049 and the table value of 2 is 15.5.731. The calculated value is less than the table value
hence there is no significant relationship between number of dependents and job satisfaction.
Table-3 Job Satisfaction according to marital status

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JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

S.NO SATISFACTION LEVEL Married Unmarried Total %

1 36
Strongly satisfied 20 7 27
2 Satisfied 15 5 20 26.66
3 Neutral 5 2 7 9.3
4 Dissatisfied 10 5 15 20
5 Strongly Dissatisfied 3 3 6 8
Total 53 22 75 100
  2 = 5.07910 D.F.= 4

The majority of 36% of the respondents were strongly satisfied. At 5% level of significance the calculated
value of 2 is 5.07910 and the table value of 2 is 9.48773.The calculated value is less than the table value
hence there is no significant relationship between number of marital status and job satisfaction.
Table- 4 Job Satisfaction according to educational level
1 29 38.66
Strongly satisfied 6 13 10
2 Satisfied 5 7 9 21 28
3 Neutral 2 2 2 6 8
4 Dissatisfied 4 5 3 12 16
5 Strongly Dissatisfied 3 2 2 7 9.33
Total 20 29 26 75 100
  2 =7.5236 D.F.= 8

The majority of 38.66% of the respondents were strongly satisfied. At 5% level of significance the calculated
value of 2 is 7.5236 and the table value of 2 is 15.50731.The calculated value is less than the table value
hence there is no significant relationship between number of educational level and job satisfaction.
Table: 5 Job Satisfaction according to Age

S.NO SATISFACTION LEVEL 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-above Total %

1 Strongly satisfied 3 7 7 5 22 29.33
2 5 7 19 25.33
Satisfied 2 5
3 2 7 9.33
Neutral 2 2 1
4 2 12 16
Dissatisfied 3 3 4
5 20
Strongly Dissatisfied 5 3 5 2 15
Total 100
15 20 22 18 75
  2 = 22.33 D.F.= 12

The majority of 29.33% of the respondents were strongly satisfied. At 5% level of significance the calculated
value of 2 is 22.33 and the table value of 2 is 21.02607.The calculated value is less than the table value
hence there is no significant relationship between number of age and job satisfaction
Table: 6 Job Satisfaction according to Experience

S.NO SATISFACTION LEVEL 1-5 year 6-10 year 11-15 year 16-20 year Above 20 Total %
1 8 52 33.33
Strongly satisfied 3 3 6 25
2 4 6 2 17 22.66
Satisfied 2 3
3 2 1 9 12
Neutral 2 2 2
4 2 1 11 14.66
Dissatisfied 3 3 2
5 13 17.33
Strongly Dissatisfied 3 3 3 3 1
Total 75 100
13 14 17 21 10
2 = 31.03 D.F.= 16

Volume 5, Issue 11, November/2018 Page No:2005

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

The majority of 31.03% of the respondents were strongly satisfied. At 5% level of significance the calculated
value of 2 is 31.03 and the table value of 2 is 26.29623.The calculated value is less than the table value hence
there is no significant relationship between number of experience and job satisfaction.

Table: 7 Job Satisfaction according to Leave facilities

S.NO PL CL Total
1 47
Strongly satisfied 20 17 10
2 40
Satisfied 16 15 9
3 29
Neutral 7 10 12
4 50
Dissatisfied 12 18 20
Strongly Dissatisfied 20 15 24 59
75 75 75 225

Table: 8 Job Satisfaction according to other basic requirement/ other facilities

S.NO Total
SATISFACTION LEVEL A/C Water Computer Electricity
1 Strongly satisfied 15 18 13 15 61
2 10 58
Satisfied 13 20 15
3 7 29
Neutral 10 7 5
4 18 68
Dissatisfied 20 13 17
5 84
Strongly Dissatisfied 17 17 25 25
Total 300
75 75 75 75

  2 =21.4213 D.F.= 12

At 5% level of significance the calculated value of 2 is 21.4213 and the table value of 2 is 21.02607.The
calculated value is less than the table value hence there is no significant relationship between number of other
facilities and job satisfaction.
Table: 9 Job Satisfaction according to working hours

S.NO Total
SATISFACTION LEVEL 6-8 hours More than 8 hours
Strongly satisfied 22 4 26
Satisfied 25 3 23
Neutral 11 3 14
Dissatisfied 5 2 7
Strongly Dissatisfied 3 2 5
61 14 75
  2 =11.7378 D.F.= 4

At 5% level of significance the calculated value of 2 is 11.7378 and the table value of 2 is 9.48773.The
calculated value is higher than the table value hence there is a significant relationship between working hours
and job satisfaction.

Volume 5, Issue 11, November/2018 Page No:2006

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

Table:10 Satisfaction according to Package

S.NO Above 4 lakh Total

SATISFACTION LEVEL 1-2 lakh 2-3 lakh 3-4 lakh
1 2 26
Strongly satisfied 2 10 12
2 1 23
Satisfied 3 9 10
3 2 7
Neutral 1 3 1
4 1 11
Dissatisfied 1 4 5
5 3 8
Strongly Dissatisfied 2 2 1
Total 9 75
9 28 29
  2 =23.0522 D.F.= 12

At 5% level of significance the calculated value of 2 is 23.0522 and the table value of 2 is 21.02607.The
calculated value is higher than the table value hence there is a significant relationship between package and job

V. Suggestion &Conclusions

Job Satisfaction is the buzz word in today’s corporate era. Since the transformation of personnel into
HR, and its inception in the industry, new concepts related to human capital has been emerging day
by day. The concept of job satisfaction has emerged and now there are several factors contributing to
it which are monetary and non-monetary. The basic purpose of this type of system is to motivate the
employees to work more effectively and efficiently in order to attain the organizational goals. To
attain high profitability, the banks try to satisfy customers which can only be attained if the
employees are satisfied and they work wholly and solely for the banks. The differences in terms of
compensation, growth opportunities, working conditions, personal factors, social environment,
benefits and job security play a significant role in influencing employees' perceptions of work
motivation and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has been one of the most extensively researched
concepts in work and organizational psychology. Job satisfaction is believed to reflect an individual’s
affective and/or cognitive assessment of his or her working conditions and job attributes. It has been
traditionally used to confirm the effectiveness of job redesign and motivational conditions at work. 1)
To encourage competitive culture in public sector banks, seniority based promotion policies should
be revised. 2) The public sector bank needs to increase employees' pay satisfaction by introducing a
differential pay system based on one's merit and effort. To maintain satisfied and dedicated work
force, performance based compensation package should be introduced in SBI banks. 3) Money alone
is not enough to motivate employees in today’s workforce. Besides financial motivations, other ways
are to be adopted to motivate employees such as involving them in decision making – process,

Volume 5, Issue 11, November/2018 Page No:2007

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

autonomy in work which ensures a healthy environment. Employees should be encouraged to commit
themselves to create a dedicated workforce for banking institution.


 Mullins, J.L. (2005). Management and organizational behavior, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education Limited,
Essex, p. 700
 Armstrong, M. (2006). A Handbook of Human resource Management Practice, Tenth Edition, Kogan Page
Publishing, London, , p. 264
 George, J.M. and Jones, G.R. (2008). Understanding and Managing Organizational behavior, Fifth Edition,
Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Yersey, p. 7
 Alam (2013) “ Wages and Employees Satisfaction” Management and LabourStidies. 23(3), pp. 421-427.
 Khalid Salman &Irshad Muhammad,( 2011) “ Factor Affecting Job Satisfaction” Journal of Management
Research, 6(2), 84– 101.
 Zeal, Anwar and Nazrul (2012. “Work Experience and relationship with Job Satisfaction”. Journal of
Psychology, Vol.132

Volume 5, Issue 11, November/2018 Page No:2008

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