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Question 1:

Question 2

Question Answer
How the quality earning issue would be The earning quality issues would be identified
identified? through the income statement with the
supports from balance sheet and cash flow
statement. For instance, if the cash flow from
operation is less than its net income, the
investor might suspects about the earnings
quality of the company. The
unexpected/massive increases in the net
income and company' asset account are the
good evidences for earning quality issues. In
addition, the Footnotes for each items in
balance sheet might disclose important
information to track the quality issues of
company's earnings
Indicate whether U.S. Steel has any In three years from 2016 to 2018, USS
earnings quality issues in any of the three included the earning from investees and gain
years ended December 31, 2018 and on equity investee transaction into its
indicated whether you would include or Operating Expense to reduce its net operating
exclude the amount(s) when evaluating expense and boost its operating income
profitability. Discuss all possible earnings leading to higher operating profitability.
quality issues and please explain your Personally, all the income/gain or losses from
reasoning investee should be included in the Non-
Operating section rather than Operating
section. In 2018, the Net Income is bigger
than Net Operating Cash Flow due to the
huge rise in Change in Account Receivable
meaning the rise in net sales of USS company
is due to the rise of credit sales which could
rise an issues related to bad debt expense and
the rise of Allowance and Doubtful Account
Definition of big bath The action of manipulating the earnings of the
company by writing off some of the assets of
the company in order to make the current
performance, financial position , profitability
of the company looking worse than they truly
are, so that the next quarterly performance
will appear better than they truly are.
When the manger taking big bath When he/she know the company is
performance badly and couldn't meet the
profitability expectation. However, the
manager still want to get bonuses and earn the
recognition of his/her ability to boost the
performance of the company for the end-of
year performance, thus he/she will conduct
"Big Bath" strategy.
How big bath affect current/ future Since big bath is the action of writing-off
financial performance assessment? assets to make the current performance look
bad and the following performance look good
even though there is no improvement in
company performance. If the investor
suspects the company has taken a big bath,
he/she will think the financial position of
company should be better with higher asset,
and the future profitability will be adjusted to
be worse.
Question 4
Question 6

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