Advisory Report (Megha)

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Name of the Advisor : Megha N(Asst. Prof.)

Name of the Department : Horticulture
Batch : 2017
ID No’s : NAA/17-01 to NAA/17-15
Means of Communication : Regular contact through Whatsapp group
chat, Zoom meeting and also phone calls once in a week (Sunday)
18/4/2020 Students had raised network issue.
They asked to reduce the timing of class hours as they
are facing mobile charging and heating issues.
26/4/2020 Students had raised network issue.
03/05/202 Few students had poor network facilities as they are
0 staying in rural areas.
17/05/202 They asked about the practical classes
24/05/202 As the syllabus of many courses is about to complete,
0 they requested to reduce the number of classes for
those courses.
01/06/202 As the syllabus of many courses is about to complete,
0 they requested to reduce the number of classes for
those courses.
10/06/202 Students raised doubts regarding pattern and Month of
examinations that will be held after lockdown period.
24/6/2020 Students raised doubts regarding pattern and Month of
examinations that will be held after lockdown period.
31/06/202 Syllabus is about to complete, they requested to
0 reduce the number of hours of those classes
07/07/202 Few students informed about facing network issues
0 due to lockdown effect in their areas
21/07/202 Students requested about the Examinations after
0 lockdown period. As the syllabus of some of the
courses is completed, they requested to reduce the
number of classes for those courses.
28/07/202 Informed about the network issues still facing in
0 online classes.

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