Chess Test 1 (Basic) : "Loose Like A Champion" - Swapnil Bansode

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“Loose like a champion”

- Swapnil Bansode


Q1) How many squares are there in a chess board?

Ans: -
Q2) How many pieces are there on each side in starting?
Ans: - White: -
Black: -
Q3) What is horizontal and vertical lines called in a chess board?
Ans: - Horizontal: - Vertical: -
Q4) Which are the major and minor pieces?
Ans: - Major: -
Minor: -
Q5) Which piece can only move one step at a time and can be
Ans: -
Q6) Which piece moves diagonally and cannot move horizontally and
Ans: -
Q7) Which piece can jump and moves 2 and half squares/ in L
Ans: -
Q8) Which piece can move two squares in starting and then it only
moves one square at a time?
Ans: -
Q9) Which piece moves in a plus pattern / in a specific file or rank?
Ans: -

Copyright is not allowed as per act 1957

“Loose like a champion”
- Swapnil Bansode

Q10) Which piece moves like a bishop as well as a rook but cannot
jump as a knight?
Ans: -
Q11) Who was the first world champion in chess?
Ans: -
Q12) When king has no place to go anywhere means all the squares
are blocked by opponent’s pieces without any check and the player
does not have any piece left on the board then what it is called?
Ans: -
Q13) Write down chess notations for every piece?
Ans: -

Q14) Write down marks/points for each piece?

Ans: -

Q15) Which are the three stages in chess?

Ans: -

Q16) In the starting White and black king is placed where (mention
file and rank).
Ans: -

Copyright is not allowed as per act 1957

“Loose like a champion”
- Swapnil Bansode

Q17) When does the match get draw? (mention all ways)

Q18) When the white pawn is on 5th rank and black pawn is on 4th
rank travelled directly two steps and white pawn captures sideways
then what it is called?
Ans: -
Q19) When the king moves only two steps and rook moves two steps
then what it is called? (also mention notation).
Ans: -
20) When the king moves only two steps and rook moves three steps
then what it is called? (also mention notation).
Ans: -
21) Draw a chess board and denote files and ranks and also mention
Ans: -

Copyright is not allowed as per act 1957

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