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1 Diclofenac with rash ; Intersitial Nephritis, ATN

2 HOCM Bisoprolol
3 Bilateral 6 th nerve palsy ; Meningitis
4 L5 root involved not common peroneal nerve
5 Central line ; Pleural canula
6 Central line ; Haemothorax
7 Eye pain attended eye clinic ; Glaucoma
8 Dysarthria with deviation of tongue
9 Pain hip previously relieved by Diclofenac
10 Gene for HOCM
11 Angioedema ; c1 esterase
12 Pain in hand and unable to hold things
14 Multiple sclerosis
15on steroids ; Avascular necrosis head of femur
16 Foudaparinux
17 Flumazenil
18 Nalaxone
19 ventricullar fibrillation
20 Pericarditis ; ST elevation in all chest leads
21 Liver Abcess with bovis ; colonoscopy
22Dapsone ; Metheamoglobulinemia
23Rhematoid arthritis ; Episleritis
24 Paracetamol overdose; Factor determining prognosis
25 Cauda Equina
26 Anterior Spinal artery Syndrome
27 Stab wound chest ; 3 cms lateral to lower sterna border left side.
28 Complete heart block ; Heart Sounds
31 Alcoholic ; Chlordiaze epoxide or lorazepam
32 HIV Antibody
33 Normal pressure hydrocephalus
34 Recurrence of gonorrhea
35 Retnal detachment
36 Pitutary prolactinome with effects surgert
37 Prolactinoma 9 mm, normal in size after 1 year
38 osteoarthritis
39 AF 75 Y year old
40 Thyroiditis
41 Nurse with hypoglycemia ; sulfonylureas
42 Supra nuclear palsy
43 Post stent altered KFT ; Fat embolism
44 Clue cells ; Metronidazole
45 20 weeks pregnant with hypoglycemia
46 low wells score ; next investigation
47 Minimal change kidney disease
48 UTI ; Empirical theraphy
50 Prolonged PR interval ; Indication for surgery
51 coccain intoxication
52 Demeylenation : Rapid correction of Hyponatremia
53 Risk of Suicide : Don’t discharge
54 Idiopathic GTCS
55 Lentogo Maligna
56 ADH action
58 Pleural effusion : PH
59 Hyperventilation
60 CD4 count more than 200, consolidation lung
Recurrent gonococcal-fitz hug curtis syn or infertility?
patient with genetic fragile bone- mutation in cola?
eczema herpeticum rx-iv aciclovir?
oral allergy syn-currect ans pollen.
Lymhadenopathy after taking a pet kitten-amoxicillin?
Recurrent hip pain but on different side,relieved by diclofen,young male
Diabetic pt with hand pain and unable to streighten hand- dm
Addisons with decreased libido-dehydrotestosterone
Itchy lesion in wrist and feet with oral involvement-lichen planus?
Tense blister-pemphigoid.
Itp pt with h/o nose bleed fr half an hour 2 days back,platelet count 12
thou-prednisolone? Or platelet transfusion?
Drug causing acute pancreatitis?
Abd pain and guarding with per rectal bleeding after cocaine abuse-
ischaemic colitis?
Skin lesion with rolled margin in temple in elderly-basal cell carcinoma?

Painful papule in leg,cervical lymph node, next inv?

Psoriasis trigger- beta bloker
Prominent a wave in jvp,soft p2-pulmonary stenosis
Complete heart block-variable 1st heart sound
Pt searches for rat again and again and anxious about it-ocd
the pt with pco2 22 and hco3 5 ---> dka
the pt how claimed that he poisoned himself --> ATN ( hyperchlorimic
metabolic acidosis)
the oxygen flow delivered through nasal canula with rate 2l/ min ---> 28
Loss of pinprick in little finger and medial side of palm upto wrist-c8?
Night blindness with peripheral visual field defect fundoscopic finding-
black bone specule
Itu patient blurring of vision,whitish lesion in fundus-which organism?
Pt admitted with unconsciousness with rbs 45,after improvement
blurring of vision-lens refrective index or what??
elderly pt with blurring of vision,yellow spot-macular degeneration
Pt with h/o excess alcohol ingesion came with abd pain and passage of
bulky stool fr long duration-pancreatin
H.pylori eradication-urea breath test
Haemochromatosis screening-transferrin saturation
Codon composed of ??
Pt with coeliac disease needs vaccination,why-hyposplenism?
Hiv pt with fever and resp distress,lung clear,hb low,bone marrow-
erythroid aplasia--parvo b19?
Elderly pt with fatigue,h/o major accident in childhood,blood film shows
howel jolly body,siderocyte-hyposplenism?
Pt with family h/o duchene muscular dys,two brother affected contains
mutated gene but mother doesnt have that mutation-cause??
Pt with profuse bleeding after dental extration-coagulation factor
deficiency other than 8,9,von willbrnd--??
Pt wit recurrent chest infection-common variable immunodeficiency?
Barter syn-hypokalaemia
Pt with low testosterone,low fsh,lh-kallman syn
diff between research and audit?
Transfusion in pt who asks about transmission of vcjd,what to tell her??
NF1-mutation in chromosome 17
Pt with perkinsons plus vertical gaze impairment-progressive supra
neuclear palsy
Weakness in thumb to count finger-opponens pollicis weakness
Pt with long h/o dementia after an illness develops visual hallucination-
lewy body dementia?
c1 inhibitor deficiency-c4 check
After anaphylaxis check-mast cell tryptase??
Young pt with 6 mons h/o recurrent gtcs with tongue bite-myoclonic ?
Pkd association-mitral valve prolapse?
Coarctation of aorta association-bicuspid aortic valve
PKD....answer mitral regurg
Codon answer nucleic acid
down syndrome ... auneploidy
mitosis answer metaphase
atheroma answer macrophage
ciclosporin answer IL2
HOCM answer autosomal dominant
Addisons answer DHEA
pyloric stenosis... hypocholermic alkalosis
cocaine answer ischemic heart
achalasia... monometry
cocaine with abdomen pain... colitis
gonnorhea answer infertility
hirsutism with raised fsh answer PCOS
conns answer serum aldosterone and Renin
upward gaze answer supranuclear nerve palsy
ischemic heart with parkinsons answer amantadine
Af on warfarin answer bisoprolol
h/o young boy with bleeding after dental extraction answer is
haemophilia factor 11..
platelets transfusion answer sepsis bacterial contamination
Increase afterload left ventrical- endothelin
Rechearch vs audit -explicit standard
Myaesthenia got worst after mi- bb blocker but I did amiodaron
Women bilateral 6 th nerve palsy-ibh
Morpin60 mg bd and twice daily 20 mg morphin subcutaneous morphin
Infective ending caditis poor prognosis-aortic valve/prosthetic
valve/splinter hge/streptococcus/staphycoccus
I/ v drug user renal failure- hep c infection
Toxoplasma vs cryptococcus hiv infection
Pyloric stenosis-hyperchloremic alkalosis
Tongue deviation and dyaryhia
Pt with painful nodules on the legs "erythemanodosum" +
lymphadenopathy= next investigation CXR ( DDx Sarcoidosis)
Preg Lady in 30th GA with SOB-> PE.
Most common anomaly with coarctation of the aorta -> bicuspid Aorta
Anterion spinal syndrome
Pt with liver abscess, culture revealed strep bovis -> coloscopy " he
mentioned in the Q Echo but TEE is the appropriate investigation hence
depicting IE"
Q scenario about osteogenesis imperfecta " s girl with hx of multiple
fracture, white sclera the father had Osteigenises imperfecta"-> AR ( OI
has 4 classes, class I AD with blue sclera)
the Q about thrombocytopenia I'm not sure about it but the guidelines
highlighted the platelets < 15000 indication for Platelets Tx,
Pt with metallic AV , bleeding received prothrombin concentrate -> low
does Vit K as INR > 6 + bleeding ( NICE)

from FB group mrcp part 1

jan 2016 recalls!!!
1....cauda equina
2...Rheumatoid arthritis....episcleritis
3....cholesterol embolism
5...indictaions of surgery in infective endicarditis....prolonged PR
interval with Diabetes mellitus...hypoglycemia...GLIMEPRIDE
7...ADH...cortical collecting duct
11....H.pylori....urea breath test
12...pancreatitis....amlodipine/ bendroflumethiazude???
14...angioedema...C1 esterase inhibitor
15....pericarditis....prolong PR interval
16...Achlasia....osophageal manometry
17...good prognosis in endocarditis...strep viridans
19....W.encephalopathy....mammilary bodies
21...Atrial fibrillation...bisoprolol
23...metformin...B12 def
23...neutropenic sepsis...amphotericin
24...ITP scenerio...only thrombocytopenia....prednisolone
24...kidney...Decrease 1alpha hydroxylation
25...bullous pemphigoid
26....lichen planus
27....pityriasis versicolor....drug
28...lentigo maligna
29...anaphylaxis...serum tryptase
30..oral allergy syndrome....pollen / latex
31..basal cell carcinoma
32...eczema herpeticum...IVacyclovir
33..nodular lesion in old tattoo....sarcoidosis
34...mucocutaneous leishmania
35...metaanalysis...forest plot
37..myasthenia gravis...beta blocker
38...bilateral 6th nerve plasy...obese pt.....Benign intracranial
40..Alpha1 antitrypsin...ZZ
41...cyclosporin...Inhibit IL2
42..Case of mixed CT...ANTi...RNP
43...hypertension+polyneuropathy+urine blood+....POLYARTERITIS
44...cocaine....chest pain
45...obese pt with derranged LFTs....NASH
46...bartter syndrome...hypokalemia
47...tender diffuse goiter
48...tear drop acanthocytes..howel jolly bodies.....asplenia
49...major bleeding...Vit K
50..celiac disease...hyposplenia... after hip surgery...confusion, visual hallucination....delirium
53...obsessive compulsive discorder
55...Renal tubular acidosia
56...multiple sclerosis../arnold chiari
59...hemochromatosis...transferrin saturation
61...Pleural effusion...PH
62..polycystic kidney...MVP
63..avascular on long term steroid
65...syphillis...aortic root dissection
66...bicuspid aortic valve...coarctation of aorta
68..Age related macular degeneration
69...white fluffy thing on fundoscopy...????
70...diclofenac...Acute interstitial nephritis
71...L5...loss of bug toe dorsiflexion
72...fondapainux...antifactor 10
74...liver absess with strep bovis...Colonoscopy
76...paracetmaol...Prothrombin time...
77...paracetamol....risk of succide
80..metaanalysis...forest plot
81...ischemic colitis
82...anterior spinal artery syndrome
83...complete heart block...variable intensity of S1
84...retinal vein thrombosis
85...nurse with hypoglycemia....sulfonylurea..
88...CD4 count more than 200 consolidation lung
92...minimal change disease
93...normal pressure hydocephalus
94...HIV antibody
95...Hep B surface antibody
96...rheumatoid arthritis
98...low wells inv????
99...pulmonary embolism in pregnant
102....dosulphin overdose ...wide Qrs complex....Iv sodium bicarbonate
103...SIADH...urinary sodium

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